Transformation Coaching Magazine April 2020

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• Practice gratitude and give thanks for the good parts of your life. At the same time, move toward the greatest life you have envisioned. • Remember that golden opportunities for growth and service always accompany difficulty and suffering. (see article #10, Handling Life’s Biggest Changes and Challenges, and #29 Suffering at • Shield yourself from emotional sappers and zappers, especially if you are sensitive or empathic (see article #23) • Nourish loving relationships with significant others, family, friends, and pets. • Follow your heart-felt callings, even if just part-time (see article #21 Identify and Fulfill Your Soul’s Missions.)

6. NATURAL CARE • Avoid drug and surgical approaches whenever possible. Why? The New England Journal of Medicine reported that over 750,000 Americans die each year from prescription drug reactions, hospital-borne infections, outright mistakes and complications from unnecessary surgeries. The potentially serious or fatal risks of these disease-care treatments may be necessary for emergency conditions; however, those risks are clearly not warranted for many common and non-crisis maladies that often respond very well to natural healing methods. • Assemble a natural health care team to provide healthy healing including specific chiropractic and cranial adjusting, acupuncture, deep massage and essential oil therapy. • If you are depressed or suicidal, seek help from a crisis support team, psychological and/or pastoral counseling, integrative medical doctor and natural health care providers ( articles #5 and # 26.) • Remember the 3 L’s for babies: Leboyer (optimal care just after birth), La Leche (breast-feeding) and Lamaze ­(natural childbirth). Also provide a real food diet for infants. These optimal starts early in life set the stage for a healthy teen and adult. • Educate yourself about the potential short- and long-term dangers, as well as questionable effectiveness, of most vaccinations. To learn more, visit the National Vaccine Information Center at; Children’s Medical

Safety Research Institute at; Vaccine Papers: An Objective Look at Vaccine Dangers at http://www.; and

7. TRANSCENDENCE • Know thyself. You are a being of energy, awareness, spirit and consciousness. • Understand that you are a special and beloved being who came here with special gifts to share and lessons to learn (article #21 Identify and Fulfill Your Soul’s Missions.) • Much evidence indicates that you will see your postmaterial loved ones and pets again and likely can sense them now (articles #9 Visiting with “Departed” Loved Ones Now; #28 After-Death Communications; #35 The SoulPhone.) • Although you may wish for some things to stay the same, remember change is good for growth, freshness and learning. • When pondering “Why is there so much suffering?” be aware of what you are focusing on. Are you mainly thinking and talking about your old wounds, losses and disappointments? Or are you paying more attention to the magnificence and richness of life, and how you can serve others? (article # 29 Suffering) • Nurture a relationship with your Higher Power: ask, converse with daily prayer, sense responses via meditation, spend time in nature, serve others and use centering practices that quiet the brain. The first letter of each key above spells the word ­RADIANT. That’s what you really are: a radiant being of light, energy and awareness who is temporarily visiting this planet for meaningful reasons.

As an old Japanese saying cou nseled: "The best time to p lant a tree is twenty year s ago. The second-best time is today." I hope you ap p ly that w isdom and begin to holistically vitalize you r self today. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Fereshteh Azadi

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.


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