In Namibia, the Okavango River is still flowing in the same direction. The wind still rustles through the leaves of the tallest jackalberry tree and the elephant still comes down to the water’s edge to quench his thirst. To him the world spins on the same axis and nothing much has changed. It is only our realities that have shifted. Our perception of the universe altered. Where we react through artificial face coverings and our moods are determined by the ebb and flow of ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ statistics on a human-made list, nature goes on and nothing much has changed. There are fewer engines that disrupt the gentle rhythmic pulse of mother earth. There are less tyres on gravel roads, less spews of gas from flying tin cans and less feet on the ground that leave behind a carbon footprint we could never erase no matter how many extra trees we plant. But there are still moments that leave you in awe of a world so beautiful and precious that it is worth fighting for. That is worth learning from and preserving for a generation that will maybe know or maybe not know what it was like
to live in fear of not seeing a spectacular sunrise in the morning... with an elephant silhouette to reiterate the sound knowledge that today I get to start and hopefully end my day in the majesty of Africa’s version of nature... There are so many reasons why Namibia is the perfect destination to travel to, despite the confusing times. Enormous amounts of beautiful and pristine SPACE, a low population density and strong COVID measures in place. We’re getting ready to welcome you back to our wild land of endless horizons. Our government has recently announced a tourism restart plan which will allow visitors from all over the world to travel to Namibia. All you will need is a 72 hour negative PCR test result! We can’t wait to welcome you back. Namibia is ready for you. Elzanne McCulloch