16411 jnsnl magazine nr 7 UK

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The most flexible magazine ever!

Beauty on the Amsterdam Zuidas Reading tip

The success of H2M Snel tells

bor·der·less Flexible outside national borders

JNSNL - No. 7, June 2014

8   713818   000362   >

Snelle contents

CONTENTS Found in this issue...

Snel in pictures

16 18 20 22 24 28 30 34 36 37

UCL Mont-Godinne, Namen (B) Primary school De Bron, Klinge (B) BBrood, Amsterdam-North Total, Antwerp (B) Scala College, Alphen aan den Rijn Foster Wheeler, Antwerp (B) NAM, Den Helder Heerema offices, Zwijndrecht Ferry watchman’s house, Landsmeer Stena Line reception area

Snel dictionary


en·tre·pre· neur·ial


05 Borderless 15 Entrepreneurial 41 Committed

Snel miscellaneous

06 10 12 14 40 42 43 44 46 48 50



Jan Snel Flexibles Jan Snel Transport Jan Snel Staff: Tim The latest developments Exchange of words Cooperation with DDM Silver wedding? The success of H2M Ravel Residence studenthousing New calling card Beelen Amsterdam Out of the box, into the box

Borders and Growth The market for modular construction is on the up. We are thinking about expanding again. This is partly due to our commitment to a number of extraordinary projects. For instance, there is Ravel Residence in Amsterdam-Zuid: a student complex with 800 independent apartments, each with its own kitchen and bathroom. There is also space for catering services, study rooms, a laundrette and bicycle repair shop. It has a total of five storeys with a sports field and vegetable garden on the roof. In terms of appearance and quality, there is little to indicate that this complex is temporary housing, and yet Ravel Residence is only expected to remain in place for 12 years. Such a prestigious project isn’t just exciting to take part in; it is also a calling card. It puts Jan Snel on the map for a whole new target audience and serious talks about comparable, large contracts are already currently underway. Something similar is happening in the offshore industry. A successful project we did for H2M has attracted the attention of the great offshore companies. Other companies saw how quickly we were able to deliver while meeting the strict standards of the gas and oil industry. Now, one order after another is coming in for our accommodation modules. These days, everything revolves around quality and safety, and this is certain to continue into the future. We have transformed site canteens and temporary buildings into high quality modular business spaces that are often more comfortable than conventional buildings. The lines between permanent and temporary buildings are fading. We are also seeing this with our Blast Resist Units, constructed to resist explosions, for use as temporary buildings at industrial plants. We have recently gotten our first contract for this product. Shortly, at the Provada, we will be showing which significant developments our company and our products have undergone. We have survived a hectic time and we have been forced to carry on expanding the range of our capability. Now we are ready for challenges in all areas. Let’s not forget either that our staff in all echelons of the company have worked tirelessly to help Jan Snel through this tough period. That effort deserves a huge compliment!

The most flexible magazine ever!

Beauty on the Amsterdam Zuidas

On the cover:

I hope you all have a great summer with lots of pleasure at work as well as on your

Ravel Residence,

holidays, whether you spend them in this country or across the border.

Reading tip

The success of H2M Snel tells

bor·der·less Flexible outside national borders

student accommodation in Amsterdam

Harry van Zandwijk



Snel in numbers

The figures

Ravel Residence in Amsterdam with its 800 flats is Jan Snel’s largest student housing project to date


Between 2021 and 2025 there will be another 25,000 Students mainly need studios with private facilities and normal housing.

The city with the largest number of full-time students is Amsterdam: more than 100,000 full-time students 67% of students who live away from home in the city live in rooms with shared facilities 11% LIVE IN A STUDIO WITH PRIVATE FACILITIES, AS OPPOSED TO 27% WHO ARE LOOKING FOR A STUDIO WITH PRIVATE FACILITIES.

The remaining 22% live independently in ‘ordinary housing’.



Source: National student housing monitor 2013, Apollo

bor·der·less Flexible outside national borders Although we focus principally on the Dutch market, flexible construction doesn’t stop at the border. Our solutions are also being increasingly popular abroad. We recently acquired a permit to be able to take on work independently in Belgium and we have not ruled out expanding even further. What ‘borderless’ means to us is that we don’t confine ourselves to limitations. We are always trying to stretch the rules and our capabilities by thinking ‘out of the box’ - in our case often literally. This enables us to continue to be active in borderless innovation.

Flexibles At Jan Snel, we love flexibility in all shapes and sizes. For example, there are countless innovative products that are at least as flexible as our solutions. Let us introduce some flexible gadgets that we have spotted.

Snelle flexibles

Flexibles Goodbye lunch box We used to travel to the building site with our lunch box under our luggage straps. They’re ideal for sandwiches, but there was no room for an apple, a pear or carton of fruit juice. What’s more, these days we often like to eat rolls or a baguette. They don’t fit either. Fortunately we now have the Compleat Foodskin. Flexible, hip, trendy, flashy and practical.



Snelle flexibles

Flexibles Simple scale! See, now that’s what we like. A wooden base, a curved sheet of metal, a bowl and a measuring scale go together to form a beautifully finished, traditional product. It’s brilliant in its simplicity. These kitchen scales use the flexibility of the metal support to determine the weight of the bowl’s contents. There are no batteries and it looks elegant too. Hats off to the designer of this gadget.



Snelle flexibles

Flexibles Roaring snake Most snakes hiss or rattle. The Anakonda roars! This flexible speaker from K-Array is 2 meters long and 32 modules can be connected to each other to form a continuous line of sound measuring up to 64 metres. It’s handy for taking sound to ‘dead corners’, for outdoor events or as part of a surround sound system. It is intended for professional applications but we’d quite like to place a couple of them behind the TV, or six of them above the settee!



Snel Transport


for safety and efficiency The Forest Metal Group processes non-ferrous materials into directly usable raw materials for the global metal industry. Their relationship with Jan Snel dates back to 2007. Both companies share the same ideas about the efficiency and safety of shipping materials. Mike van ’t Wout, Director/Owner, explains.



Mike: “We are a trading company. We

means we can quickly satisfy customer

process and (on a small scale) smelt

demand. We deliver all over the world and

metals. We buy from scrap metal collec-

our headquarters is Rotterdam.”

tors, processors, industry and traders and supply factories that convert the materials

Covered warehouse

into half-finished and finished products.

“Our yard in Rotterdam is something

Our main products are aluminium, copper,

special”, Mike continues. “Here, we have

copper alloys, bronze, brass, zinc, lead

got 30,000 m2 for the storage of our

and stainless steel. Our strength is that we

metals. 25,000 m2 is indoors so that we

can deliver 24/7. We keep a stock, which

can dry-store all of the goods. We sort,

Snel Transport

It is also safer for our customers to use dry

preoccupied with short-term matters. We

materials as it avoids the risk of explosion

carry on adapting, see it as a challenge and

caused by moisture.”

we are happy to do our utmost to satisfy our business partners. We are consciously

“ Because of the crisis, everyone is more critical, more demanding and much more preoccupied with short-term matters.”

looking for suppliers who think like we do, who are also service oriented and think in terms of possibilities and solutions. As far as that’s concerned, we have found our equal in Jan Snel.” Transhipment Terminal The relationship between Jan Snel and the Forest Metal Group dates back to 2007. Mike: “We always used to work with Van Rijswijk for our transport. Jan Snel took them over on condition that we and a few other companies stayed on as customers. So that’s what we did. I think it is great


to see that together we have continued

The covered warehouse is just one example

to grow. We have both developed as

of the way the Forest Metal Group is fo-

companies.” These days the companies

cused on service. Mike: “The Forest Metal

have become increasingly intertwined.

Group is a nice size. We are small enough

Mike: “I like the fact that we both look

package, standardise and store metals

to be able to adapt to the changing market

to the long term; it is very positive. We

until the moment they are shipped. What

and big enough to continue to invest and

currently have a 24-hour transhipment

is unique about our location is that it

guarantee our services. We move with the

terminal at our site in Rotterdam which is

is almost entirely covered, which has a

market, look for where the opportunities

fully managed by Jan Snel Transport.

number of benefits. It is better for the

are and stand out thanks to our flexibi-

They have access to the hall and manage

environment, because all metals stay dry

lity and service. In this world, things are

the incoming and outgoing flow of

so that nothing can get into the ground-

moving more and more quickly; suppliers

goods. They are doing a fantastic job and I

water. The customer benefits too because

and customers expect increasingly more.

couldn’t be happier. All in all, Jan Snel is a

we are better able to monitor quality and

Because of the crisis, everyone is more

really first class company and we are very

therefore deliver a higher quality product.

critical, more demanding and much more

happy to work with them.



Snel boy

Snel boy One Snel man/woman tells his/her story in each magazine



Tim van Beest Marital status  Married, three daughters Position  Director of Jan Snel Zuid With Jan Snel since  November 2002 Education  Havo (school of higher general secondary education) Hobbies  Music, outdoors

Snel boy

This is Tim A musical Snel guy “Strange things can happen in life.” After high school I started work at a record shop in Sluis, because music is something I’m passionate about. In those days I was studying double bass and classical guitar at the music academy in Eeklo. A few years later I became a lorry driver and worked as an international driver in bulk and container transport. In the end, it turned out not to be what I wanted to do, but it was good learning experience. I went on to work as a salesman at a commercial vehicle garage. I stayed there for eighteen years, got my garage papers and became joint owner. After the company was involved in a compulsory takeover, the time came for me to do something else. Choice

“Jan Snel is a company where hard work is part of the deal, but where you do get opportunities.”

I had the choice out of several jobs, but

to try to resist this; you just have to get on with it and that’s what makes the job so interesting and challenging. Creativity The work is similar to what goes on at a commercial vehicle garage: it’s dynamic, you have to be flexible and no two days are the same. I also see similarities to

I chose Jan Snel and started work as a

but that’s not a bad thing. You can develop

playing music: I love jazz and blues which

coordinator in the commercial office. In

and entrepreneurial spirit is rewarded. It is

also depend largely on innovation. You

terms of short-term career, maybe it wasn’t

transparent and informal and that suits me.

need to be creative to come up with good

a logical choice, but it just felt right. Over

I myself am open and fair, and sometimes a

solutions: that applies to daily life at Jan

the following years, I developed myself and

bit brusque. Perhaps it has something to do

Snel just as much as it does to a great

things went along naturally and gradually.

with my Zeeland roots, but I love clarity. If

rendition of a piece of jazz music.

You see opportunities and take on more

things are going well then that’s fine, but if

responsibility. That was until the moment

things aren’t, then I’ll say something about

Work & home

Harry said: ‘It’s time for you to make the

it. Here in Hulst we have a team of 100

Besides playing in two bands, I enjoy

next move in your career’. Since then, I

hard-working people in a flat organisation.

being busy outside in the garden with my

have been in charge of the Hulst branch

Hulst is a location with approx. 4,500 rental

wife and two dogs. We enjoy eating nice

and together with Patrick Waumans, joint

units. We handle rentals and sales for

food with a glass of good wine. Thanks

business manager of Jan Snel Belgium.

Southern Netherlands and Belgium. We are

to these release valves, I don’t find it too

seeing the markets change. Customisation

hard to take my mind off work: when I’m

Music, garages and Jan Snel

is becoming increasingly important and the

at work I go for it, and when I’m at home I

Jan Snel is a company where you get op-

safety procedures and requirements are

am able to relax and enjoy myself as much

portunities. Hard work is part of the deal,

getting stricter all the time. It’s pointless

as possible.



Snel developments

The latest

DEVELOPMENTS Jan Snel is now allowed to operate on almost every ‘yard’ in Belgium!

Belgian license for contractors

Strict rules In Belgium, in order to be able to register for public tenders, you have to be a licenced contractor. Moreover, there are 8 classes in the system. In Class 1 you may register up to a maximum contract value of € 135,000. In Class 8 there is no limit on the contract value anymore.

So far Class 4 Jan Snel Belgium had held the Class 4 licence for years. This enabled us to take on contracts up to a maximum sum of € 900,000. That is a considerable amount, but our level of ambition is somewhat higher. In order not to be dependent on a Belgian conglomerate all the time for the larger contracts, we applied for a higher classification for Jan Snel in Montfoort.

In Belgium, a building site is also known as ‘the yard’. Until a short time ago, for large contracts we were only allowed to go there under the auspices of a Belgian contractor. However, a short while ago we were awarded the official ‘Public Works Contractor Licence Class 6’. What does that mean? Read on quickly!



What are the criteria? There are strict criteria that need to be met before being admitted into Class 6. For one thing, you have to employ enough people. The authorities also look at turnover, equity, proven experience on large-scale construction projects and various other conditions such as the level of education of directors and managers. After thorough examination of our application, we graduated to Class 6 at the end of last year. This means that we are now allowed to register for public tenders up to € 3,225,000. So now we can work on almost any yard!

en·tre·pre·neur·ial A real entrepreneur is flexible An entrepreneur undertakes things. He keeps his eyes and ears open, listens to the market and is at all times alert to opportunities for his enterprise. Above all, a real entrepreneur is flexible. He adapts when the situation demands. When the going gets tough, he doesn’t hang his head but keeps his mind clear and looks for ways of emerging even stronger. Thinking LEAN where possible, changing processes when the market demands. Daring to choose alternative solutions, such as flexible housing. It’s no wonder that Jan Snel has so many enterprising customers.

Making the hospital better

Snel in pictures

UCL Mont-Godinne, Namur (B) UCL Mont-Godinne hospital in Namur (B) wanted to expand, and they were in a hurry to do so. It was for this reason that the client, SIMED International, turned to us. We realized a permanent, flexible building with 1,654 m2 floor space. With extra rooms for the pharmacy and the oncology department on the ground floor, a brand new sterilisation department on the first floor and offices for 25 people, a conference room and changing rooms with showers on the second floor. A technical area with things like the air conditioning units was set up on top. Note also the lovely facade cladding and the way it is so beautifully connected to the existing building. The fact that it was completed within three months made this a successful urgent operation.



“ A project with some special features Werner Scheerens, Project Leader

Building for the future

Snel in pictures

Primary school De Bron, Klinge (B)

“ A rapid job with a permanent character.� Pascal Nevelsteen, Planning Engineer/calculator

The brand new HL4 unit is the big brother of our HL3 units, finished in zinc with PVC windows, a standard fire resistance of 1 hour and outstanding ventilation and insulation. A sound basis for sustainable buildings. The very first HL4 project in Europe is in De Klinge (B), where it took us only four weeks to realize 252 m2 of modular classrooms intended as a permanent solution. We also built a play area roof so that the children could have even more fun building towards their future.



Fresh bread & cash

Snel in pictures

BBrood, Amsterdam-North A fine example of an innovative concept that has actually only came about through flexible construction. Het Fort Onroerend Goed BV wanted a branch of BBrood on the NDSM site in Amsterdam-North, where the ferry docks. Here, commuters can buy freshly baked products to take to work or eat at once, and withdraw cash from the ATM. Het Fort OG wanted an industrial appearance with metal cladding, a spiral stairway and a spacious roof terrace. We erected the building in just four weeks.



Quietly comfortable

Snel in pictures

Regiotram, Nieuwegein Noise pollution is a significant stress factor, whether you’re at home or at work. One of the preconceptions about temporary buildings is that they are noisy. That’s nonsense! They can be even quieter than a conventional office. For the Nieuwegein offices of Regiotram, part of Bestuur Regio Utrecht, we realized a 1,000 m2 two-storey office that meets with high standards in the area of sound transmission. It was for this reason that we chose sound-absorbing floors upstairs and downstairs. What’s more, during assembly we took a lot of care to avoid structure-borne noise. Air conditioning using the Fancoil system ensures additional - and quiet - comfort.



Total control

Snel in pictures

Total, Antwerp (B) At Total’s refinery in Antwerp, they needed 35 office spaces at short notice. In addition there were quite a few special requirements, such as insulation to EBB standards and fire-resistance in compliance with RF60 (60 minutes). Total is also keen to choose sustainable techniques, such as a rainwater recovery system that uses rainwater to flush the toilets. In total they wanted 1,500 m2 .... ready in three weeks, please! No problem for our motivated teams. The project was completed on time and we are already working on phase two which comprises another 82 units!



Cheerfully off to school?

Snel in pictures

Scala College, Alphen aan den Rijn Whether students at Scala College in Alphen aan den Rijn will be going to school with a smile on their faces from now on is not something we can be certain of. However, their complaints about the noisy and grimy old prefabs are now past tense. Following a successful bid, we were asked to replace our competitors’ temporary buildings, which after just five years were no longer fit for purpose, with our own units. The ten classrooms, two side rooms, four sanitation facilities, staffroom and assembly hall all comply with modern standards of sound insulation and appearance. That makes learning a lot more comfortable.



Housing the homeless

Snel in pictures

Homeless shelter, Amsterdam From large derelict, rough, boggy site full of puddles and piles of earth to a for a neat, 2,500 m2 building housing 50 residents’ rooms, each with private sanitation, plus offices, technical rooms, a living room and two recycled kitchens in six weeks? Including all the paving? It is possible. The proof is in Amsterdam Elzenhage Zuid: a shelter for the homeless, built at the request of Stichting Volksbond Amsterdam, a homeless foundation. The building is expected to remain in place for at least five years.



Keep it fresh

Snel in pictures

Carmel College, Raalte The Carmel College in Raalte was looking for 2,000 m2 of space across two storeys for 86 weeks. 16 classrooms, two open learning centres, two team rooms and four sanitation facilities. This was a real challenge for our teams because the site was hard to reach and the ground in poor condition. Fortunately, we are not ones to give up at the first hurdle and so we were able to complete the project within the scheduled four weeks. Including the CO2-controlled climate control system that guarantees a fresh learning environment.



Bellissimo edificio!

Snel in pictures

Foster Wheeler, Antwerp (B) Things are going well for Jan Snel in the Antwerp port area. As well as the previously mentioned offices for Total, we were asked to carry out work for Esso/ Exxon Mobile. The job came in via our customer, Foster Wheeler Italiana and involved temporary space for teams of Italian engineers. As they ‘only’ required 576 m2, this building was not quite as impressive as the one we built for Total, but just like its counterpart it complies with the RF60 standard, is wired for data and telephony and fitted with a watersaving rainwater recovery system. Because why would you reinvent the wheel when it’s already turning nicely?



Explosion proof

Snel in pictures

NAM, Den Helder

“ Anyone who thinks this is a temporary solution is wrong.� Joost Kalis, Project Leader

NAM in Den Helder is home to the second largest gas treatment plant in the world, which means there are special requirements for the personnel facilities. The new, permanent changing room and canteen for Shell International staff also complies with the strictest explosion resistance standards. The structure, the walls, the windows including glazing ... everything was built to be blast proof. The permanent, 550 m2 two-storey building can withstand a pressure load of 40 mbar. Using our Movix building system, we took around seven weeks to complete the build.



The best helmsmen...

Snel in pictures

Nautical Control Centre, Terneuzen With its Zeeland Modernisation of Object Control project (“Modernisering Objectbediening Zeeland”), the Department of Waterways and Public Works investigated the possibility of remotely controlling locks and bridges using cameras, sensors and super-fast internet connections. For this purpose, we have built a Temporary Nautical Control Centre and a building site accommodation on the very tip of Terneuzen’s pier. Construction lasted three weeks including equipment and installations, which included a modern kitchen, a fully wired command centre, special sun blinds, extra sound insulation, a stairway with lift for disabled and even a separate smoking room. During the renovation of the existing command centre, this test command centre was in service from August 2012 to March 2014.



Customised bungalow

Snel in pictures

Recreational housing, Mol (B) We usually do work for companies and institutions, but now and then a special project comes our way. This private customer had some quirky ideas about his dream holiday home. Based around our Movix building system, we came up with this extraordinary structure measuring 9 x 4 metres. The building, which is intended to last at least 15 years, is fully tailored to meet the client’s wishes.



Night owls in action

Snel in pictures

Heerema offices, Zwijndrecht Heerema BV in Zwijndrecht specialises in the fabrication of complex structures for the offshore industry, so they know all about quality construction. This made it

“ Nice work for a nice company.� Harry van Zandwijk, CEO

even more of an honour that they asked us to put up a temporary office building. Recently we erected an additional 414 m2 for them. Because there is a lot of activity on the site during the day, including work involving cranes, we had to do the job in the evenings and at night. That was of course not problem for us; we are flexible builders in every respect! This job was completed in three days. It is expected that the building will remain there for 78 weeks.



Unique on the quayside

Snel in pictures

Ferry watchman’s house ‘t Schouw, Landsmeer On the North Holland Canal in Landsmeer (NH) we built a unique, specifically designed ferry watchman’s house, called ‘t Schouw, that has just 13.5 m2 of floor space. It is a permanent building intended to last or at least 40 years, which is a long time when you consider the damp environment. The client, Ballast Nedam, by order of the Province of North Holland, therefore set out tough requirements and the building had to undergo a strict verification process. It passed with flying colours, thanks to the motivated, quality-driven professionals at our factory. Construction: three weeks. Positioning ... two days!



Hello and Goodbye

Snel in pictures

Stena Line reception area, Hoek van Holland The well-known Stena Line ferry service from the Hoek van Holland to England needed a reception area with a check-in and check-out desk for drivers. Zwarts Construction Company granted the assignment to Jan Snel. In 15 days, we put up a 130 m2 building with a large open area for the ticket offices, a porter’s lodge, a kitchen, sanitation for staff plus an especially robust sanitation room for lorry drivers. It is a permanent building with attractive plastic facade cladding by Deceuninck that complies with the current local building directive.



Jan Snel Belgium builds school

Snel in pictures

Burchtse Weel, Zwijndrecht (B) Newsflash: at the request of Urban Education Antwerp, we are currently working on a beautiful and versatile permanent school building. Besides nine classrooms there are also two common rooms, five offices, five sanitation facilities, a hall and a gym with basketball court in compliance with 2014 EPB standards. A total of 1,125 m2 covered area. This doesn’t include what are literally and figuratively ‘outstanding’ canopies nor the surrounding excavation work because these were carried out by Jan Snel Belgium too. The provisional completion date is set for 16 June 2014.



Snel in conversation

Two people, one theme. In this feature we let two people cast their light over one subject. This time, these are Johny Vink, Facility Planner at Yara and Monique Los, Sales Manager at Jan Snel in Hulst. Together they are discussing service.

Exchange of words Johny Vink

Monique Los

Johny: “Yara is a Norwegian multinational which manufactures chemicals for industrial applications at our factories in Sluiskil. Jan Snel is our partner for large turnarounds - or major maintenance - at our factories. As Facility Planner, my responsibilities include planning temporary space during the shutdowns and planning various other

“We are proud of our collaboration with Yara. Turnarounds are important for large factories so it is up to us to make things as easy as possible for them. What I understand by service is that we engage with the client as much as possible and that we anticipate their needs and act as a team with shared interests.

facility services. There is a lot to consider during a turnaround; the preparation time can run to more than six months. A reliable, serviceoriented partner is therefore essential. Jan Snel has worked for us for around fifteen years and if I have to use one word to describe our collaboration then it is ‘service’. Jan Snel does everything to make sure these turnarounds run as smoothly as


possible. They are our total supplier which entails organising everything to do with buildings. This means that they also take care of things that are outside their own product range (such as a large canteen marquee, the data and air conditioning systems and the catering. This works out fine for us as it gives us a better idea of what’s going on and prevents mistakes. After each project we assess the technical and safety issues. The strength of Jan Snel’s services lies in the way they actively contribute ideas, are proactive and their high work rate. Thanks to our collaboration, the planning and execution of our turnarounds now runs like a finely tuned machine.”



I see it as our duty to monitor the temporary buildings during the preparation and execution stages. Every day that a factory is at a standstill costs money so planning is crucial. Besides planning a good price to quality ratio is important. We are guided by our customer’s budget, always looking critically at how much temporary capacity is really necessary. Service doesn’t mean: supply more units than necessary because there will always be enough. You look beyond this. Is there any space left over in other existing buildings on the site? If so, then less temporary space is required. How much temporary capacity do we need at peak times? Then we match this to the sanitation room capacity. It requires some number crunching and doesn’t always increase our turnover but, in my opinion, only by keeping your customer’s interests in mind, do you give a proper service and invest in a good relationship in the long term. Of course, things have occasionally gone wrong during all those years, but we always learn from them and next time things always go better.”

com路mit路ted Crucial to success Everything is relative but as far as commitment is concerned, we are happy to make an exception as it is absolutely crucial to success. Commitment is a kind of love: love for your profession, love for the customer and love for the quality of your product. A performance without love turns even the most beautiful symphony into a din. To us, commitment means we always focus on quality (measured through the eyes of the customer). We go for it without any reservations whatsoever.

Snel tells

The long-standing relationship between Jan Snel and DDM.

Birds of a feather... The relationship between Jan Snel and Theo Velis of DDM goes back about forty years or so. However, the close business links have luckily not been subject to wear and tear. These days, they still always manage to find each other. DDM is a specialist in demolition, disassembly, the movement of complete industries, transport and asbestos removal. They are also involved in the selection

be that. However, we paid the rent on the

with Jan Snel. In those days they came to

and recruitment of professionals for

button every month and became esta-

load rubble with huge container lorries. I

the offshore industry. Theo Velis, CEO,

blished. Of course, as a business starter,

know Harry van Zandwijk from the time

explains: “I started twenty-four years ago

I’ll never forget what they did for us. It’s

he started in the planning department,

in a 12-meter container at Jan Snel’s site

thanks to this that we’ll always have a

about thirty years ago. The nice thing

along the IJssel at Montfoort. When I

bond with each other.”

about a company like Jan Snel is that you can arrange things with them and build on

started, I couldn’t pay the rent. We were given a year and if things went well, we were to pay and if not, then they’d just put it down to experience and that would



“ The nice thing about Jan Snel is that you can build on them.”

them. We have a warm relationship and


that one sunny Sunday, Harry and I could

The collaboration started a number of

be seen pushing a trailer back out of a

years previously. Theo: “Before I started

French village. The lesson we learned was

for myself, I worked at a demolition com-

that lorry driving is a skill best left to the

pany in Utrecht and we already worked


lots of respect for each other.” On the road together In forty years you go through a lot, of course. Theo: “One Sunday in 1995, Harry (van Zandwijk, Ed.) and I took an HGV to France for a project in Dieppe. Without a great deal of experience driving lorries, we set off together. Owing to roadworks, the road in one village was closed and we had no way out. Neither of us could reverse the lorry. And so it came to pass

Snel tells

Silver Wedding Anniversary? A relationship that lasts 25 years ... that is pretty special in business; and yet it happens. Proof of this is that W.A. Waaier building contractors have been ordering all their site huts and canteen from Jan Snel since they were set up in 1989. So, this year, 2014, we are celebrating our ‘silver wedding anniversary’. How did they managed to keep their relationship going for so long? Wim Waaier explains: “It all boils down to the fact that we

or canteen is not an emotional product.

chose to use Jan Snel’s site huts for our

However, a collaboration is also a question

first ever jobs. Since then we have always

of scratching each other’s back. Helping

been happy with the quality of the huts

each other and making allowances even in

and the service we were given. It is a great

lesser economic times.

product. They aren’t the kind of scruffy, unkempt huts you sometimes see, but

During the lean years, it is important to

smart and tidy buildings which give your

keep pricing low and tighten your belt.

business a proper professional appearance.

Our industry involves a lot of capital and

The fact they look neat and organised on

we are seeing a decline. I read in the

the building site is very important to our

industry magazine, Bouwend Nederland,

image as well helping to motivate our

that of 900 construction companies in


existence in 2008, there are just 412 left. More than half have quit, gone

“ Cooperation means to live and let live. We need to help each other and move forward, despite a crisis in the market.”

It is also important that Jan Snel’s

bankrupt or merged. In such times, you

employees are excellent. They are

need to know who you’re dealing with.

Fortunately, it looks like there are better

committed people who always take into

A good relationship with a supplier that

years ahead. We hope that we will

account what we really need for each

understands you can make the difference

continue to build upon each other for

project and keep their word and stick to

between sinking and swimming.

many years to come. That’s how a proper

the schedule. The right material is always

relationship is supposed to be. For better

delivered at the right time. Look, a site hut

or worse, as they say.”



The success of H2M

What Jan Snel does onshore, H2M does offshore. This company in which Jan Snel is a shareholder, designs lightweight modules for the offshore industry. They are used on platforms and ships for oil and gas production and wind parks. Speaking of wind, H2M has certainly got plenty of it in its sails. With a warm interest in current types, a new type that is ready in the wings and some fabulous projects, this company looks set to conquer the world. Edwin van Zuijlen, Director of Operations, is justly proud.



Snel tells “These days, weight is hugely important

our rental fleet by fifteen units annually,

in the offshore industry”, says Edwin.

starting this year. Our modules are a world

“But just having a light module is not

first: we are the first manufacturer to

enough. The safety requirements are

produce a lightweight steel module. For

extremely tough and the need for comfort

comparison: the competition’s steel 4-man

has increased over the years. So, you can

sleeping module weighs 17,000 kg. Ours

understand the size of the challenge we

weighs 8,700 kg. Our intention is to make

faced to design a module that complies

these steel units standard for our rental

with all safety requirements, offers modern

fleet and that we only manufacture the

standards of comfort, can be deployed all

aluminium version on demand.

over the world on top of being lightweight. At the beginning of 2011 we managed

Playing squash on the platform

it and H2M was able to present the first

H2H currently has an impressive project

prototype of their aluminium offshore

portfolio. “H2M can be found worldwide

module. It was met with unanimously po-

on drilling platforms and construction ves-

sitive reactions. They used all the feedback

sels. For example, Swift Drilling in England

they were given to develop the product

works with our aluminium units and we

further. At the end of 2011, Jan Snel joined

supplied ABB with a complete building,

as third investor and shareholder, which

constructed out of our modules. ABB is a

ensured the necessary knowledge and

big player offshore wind parks off the coast

facilities needed to actually manufacture

of Germany. Our customers see H2M as a

the modules. The first aluminium modules

full service partner. This is something new

were delivered in 2012. We currently have

to the market and has been very positively

a rental fleet of sixteen units, spread across

received. Working together with a partner,

Europe. This might seem to be low number when compared to Jan Snel’s rental fleet, but it is a specialised product with its own price tag. A single module costs five times as much as a standard Jan Snel unit.” World first: lightweight steel unit And yet developments do not stay still for long, so H2M is already working on new products. Edwin: “Since 2013, we

“ At 8,700 kg in its stocking feet, this is going to be the H2M team’s new striker.”

have been working on the development

we have designed a complete squash hall for Total. We are pre-fabricating the sections which will then be transported to Dubai. Finally the whole hall will be assembled there - under the supervision of someone from H2M - and placed offshore. As you can imagine, this is a particularly special project for us.” Enthusiastic It is obvious that H2M is company that

of a lightweight steel construction. This might appear to be a

has no trouble making you enthusiastic. Edwin: “Since January

huge contradiction, but it isn’t. We have managed to design a

2013, I have been Director of Operations, reporting directly to the

lightweight steel module that is half the usual weight. At 8,700 kg

shareholders. I transferred to H2M from Jan Snel together with

in its stocking feet, this is going to be the H2M team’s new striker.

engineer Leon van Vliet. We and the other H2M employees put our

Why steel? It is more robust than aluminium, and that is a terrific

shoulders to the wheel and are very enthusiastic about building the

advantage in the offshore industry. What’s more, it is a cheaper

future of the company. It is fantastic to see that everything is really

material and a steel unit can be installed more easily. Meanwhile,

taking off at the moment. New developments, wonderful projects,

we already have all the Lloyds Register safety approvals: the

growing staff and demand we can barely keep up with ... we are

modules are built in compliance with the DNV 2.7-1, EN12079

all getting a great kick out of it.”

and IMO Solas standards. This means we will be able to put it on the market very soon. We want to use these modules to expand

›› For more information, visit H2M’s new website: www.h-2m.com



Snel tells


on the Amsterdam Zuidas It is the largest project so far in the history of Jan Snel: the realization of Ravel Residence. A student complex for 800 with plenty of space for living and recreation. The building invites interaction with the neighbourhood and what’s more, it looks stunning. Jan Snel spoke to Johan Verweij and Roy Mungra of Verweij Mungra Vastgoed BV, property developers.

Ravel Residence was designed by Verweij

area for city farming (for growing vegetables

Mungra Vastgoed BV. They will run the

etc.). The building really allows students to

building themselves under the name of

live with one another as well as having a

Student Experience, for which there are

function in the neighbourhood. People living

several reasons. Johan tells us: “Ravel

around Ravel Residence are welcome to use

Residence is more than just student housing.

the catering facilities or the gardens that

It is a brand that holds emotional appeal.

surround the complex. Students are able to

In addition, Ravel Residence is the first, and

work in their own catering facilities and a

certainly not the last, building that we want

job agency is represented in the complex to

to supply. We want to roll out the concept

help graduates find a job in the area.”

to other places and in other countries. It is going to set a new standard in student housing. By remaining in charge of running the operation, we will ensure that the concept stays intact and that the costs remain manageable.” Rooted in the neighbourhood Roy explains the concept: “Student Experience, and thus Ravel Residence too, is about offering a full service concept to students. The key words here are safety, meeting and relaxation. All the rooms have their own bathroom and kitchen. There are extensive communal facilities, such as private dining rooms where you can eat with

“ We want Ravel Residence to set a new standard in student housing.”

“The municipality wants to create space for living and recreation on the Zuidas where Ravel Residence is being built. There are lots of office buildings and there was a need for variety. Soon there will be a combination effect in the neighbourhood. If all goes to plan, Ravel will attract other functions and we will be actively involved in improving the quality of life in the area.” Hard and soft side The building was designed by OeverZaaijer architecture and town planning and it is mainly causing a sensation because

a number of other people; there is study

Raising the quality of life

of its distinctive plastic facade. Jan Snel

room, a bar, a laundrette, a garden and on

The process started with a tender from the

got involved one-and-a-half-years ago.

the roof there is a basketball court and an

Municipality of Amsterdam. Johan:

Roy: “The collaboration is very pleasant



and constructive. At Jan Snel they keep

will make a success of Ravel Residence!”

their word and we share the same goal.

see that Ravel Residence is taking shape. The building will open its doors at the

Together, we have put a lot of time in

A lot of interest

beginning of 2015.” The idea is that this

both the hard side and the soft side of the

The interest among students in getting

will be marked by a big party for students

development. In other words, we haven’t

a place in Ravel Residence is enormous.

and local residents, although agreement

merely looked at the design of the rooms

Johan: “We have an online application

has not yet been reached about what

and the building, we have looked at all the

system, but we will be talking to the first

kind of party it will be. Johan: “Roy

conditions and supplementary facilities. By

800 students in person. We want to know

thinks there should be a performance

doing so we were able to submit a plan

their needs and how we can further refine

of Ravel’s Bolero. I think we need to do

that was nice and comprehensive. We

our concept. The first students are also

something a bit more contemporary and I

both have huge interests in this project:

important to us in that they are our future

suspect the students may share my view.

we want Ravel Residence to set a new


That’s just a small detail, though. What

standard in student housing. What is

matters is that we will soon hand over a

important to Jan Snel is the scale of the

Ravel meets Tiësto

magnificent building in which students

architecture. It is with this that Jan Snel

At the moment, construction has just got

will be able to live very well whilst they

is setting a new company standard for

underway. Roy: “We have already come

are at university.”

temporary accommodation. Together we

a long way together, so now it’s great to



New calling card

for Beelen Amsterdam 48


Snel tells At Beelen, a key player in the waste dis-

quickly and energetically. We often

posal market, ‘waste is a clean business’.

received details of our discussions by email

They are the fastest growing recyclers

in the same afternoon.”

(recycling percentage of no less than 99%) and the largest demolition company

Sustainable and high quality

in the Netherlands. Beelen also remove

Talking about the new building, Richard

asbestos and is specialised in industrial

says: “The building comprises a lot of

waste. Richard: “Owing to the expansion

customised solutions and it includes

of our activities, it was time for new

offices, a large and small canteen, toilet

business premises. A major consideration

areas and a waiting room. It has been

was flexibility. We are growing very quickly

finished to a high quality level with lots of

so it must be possible for the building to

windows, lowered ceilings a kitchen and

be extended in the future by the addition

bar and an outstanding climate control

of a storey. This is why we chose to have

system. Since we are very conscious of

concrete floors, which allow the possibility

sustainability at Beelen, it is also nice to

for extension. It is also very user-friendly.”

know that the building is fully recyclable.


Calling Card on the water

Richard continues: “We already had one

What is special, is the finish on the outside

of Jan Snel’s temporary accommodations

of the building. Richard tells us: “We paid

on our site. When the time came to

a great deal of attention to how the buil-

extend again, it didn’t take long to choose

ding should be finished. The aluminium

Jan Snel. The schedule was pretty tight,

plating gives it an industrial look. Once the

we really wanted to move within seven

company name had been placed on the

weeks, but we made it. We selected

roof, along with an attractive lighting strip

a turnkey solution which involved Jan

along the roof, it will look fantastic. This

Snel organising everything for us. The

building will then really be our new calling

collaboration went perfectly. Even though

card. It is located in a beautiful spot: we

you know exactly what you want, there

are on the North Sea Canal and lots of our

are always surprises during this kind of

customers’ ships sail by. It was a textbook

project, but Peter-Paul Naaijkens, the

collaboration that resulted in a building to

Project Leader, resolved everything

be proud of!”

If your company is located in a place with a beautiful view in the heart of the western port area of Amsterdam, it deserves an eye-catcher. That is what the directors of Beelen Amsterdam thought too, and that is why a splendid semi-permanent accommodation from Jan Snel was erected within seven weeks. Richard Heimering, Director of Beelen Amsterdam, explains.



Snel innovation

Out of the box, into As a specialist in ‘portable’ buildings, we can get quite enthusiastic about so-called container homes. Sea containers converted into holiday homes, permanent homes or living space and workspace within an existing building. Inspiring solutions that demonstrate that out-of-the-box thinking can sometimes lead to in-the-box living. Inspiration for innovation.

Summer house and garden shed

Design Shop Showrooms

Architect  Poteet Architects, San Antonio (USA)

Architect  Studio MK2, São Paulo (BR)

About this project  Originally intended to be an art studio but also a

About this project  The trendy shop, Decameron, rented an

perfect space for guests to stay. What’s more, part of it has been set

empty site at the end of a residential boulevard. How do you turn

aside for garden stuff. Striking are the cooling roof garden and the

something like that into a trendy shop? Why, with second hand

beautiful terrace with insulating vinyl slabs. They are nice and cool to

containers, of course! With their bright colours and glass ‘facades’

walk on, which is not an unnecessary luxury in the hot Texan summers.

they form a chic pop-up shop in an industrial-looking hangar. Wow.



Snel innovation

the box

Office and guest room

Fold-out bungalow

Architect  Jeff Wardell and Claudia Sagan, San Francisco (USA)

Architect  Bonnefait & Giesen, New-Plymouth (NZ)

About this project  The owners of a former 300 m2 factory hall in

About this project  When it is closed and folded up, this portable

San Francisco used two second hand sea containers to create a

all-in-one, four-person holiday home is an ordinary sea container

guest room and a home office. It was a great way of separating

and can be transported as such. However, when everything is open

what was always a messy office corner from the rest of the living

it becomes a delightful holiday home with terrace, two-person

space. Functional, original and ingenious.

bedroom, two bunk beds, kitchen, changing room and bathroom.



Snel internal

Ravel Residence,

from start to finish How does such a beautiful temporary building come into being? That’s a question we are regularly asked. So, in this section we will take you through all the various construction phases that a building goes through and you will get a good impression of all the ins Jan Snel, e action: th f o e n Sce ion hall , product Montfoort ng ent housi ent: stud am rd e Assignm st m A udents in st 0 0 8 r fo

and outs.

01   The

floors are manufactured

at our location in Montfoort using steel moulds we designed ourselves.

02   The

next step is the

application of the reinforcement in the moulds.

03   On

each production day,

04   After

the floors

between 2.30 p.m. and 4.00 p.m.

have been poured,

5 floors are poured.

steel frames are mounted around them.



Snel internal

Watch the current situation live! During the Provada on 3, 4 and 5 June, make use of the special Jan Snel shuttle bus service to the Ravel production site in Amsterdam!

08   The

complete unit is prepared

for shipment to the site. The rate of production for this project is running at 25 flats per week.

07   Then

it is the turn of the aluminium

window frames, the doors, the kitchen and the paintwork. The assembly of the installations is also completed.

06   In

the assembly hall the walls are fitted,

the roof put into position, the sanitation cabin installed and the wallpapering is done and installations are put in.

05   After

mounting the steel

frames the cage is moved to the assembly hall.



PROVADA HALL 11 stand 11-34

we’re doing it! Jan Snel We can prove that we are doing it by carrying out instructions to build the magnificent Ravel Residence; Europe’s largest modular building ever. This doesn’t mean we are getting big-headed about it, however it does symbolise the way Jan Snel operates: stop yakking and get cracking! At the Provada we will be showing how we do that, not only at the RAI, but also live, 2 minutes from where the construction of Ravel Residence started. With a VIP bus ticket you can make use of our shuttle service for free so you can share the ‘we’re doing it’ experience. We look forward to seeing you this coming 3, 4, and 5 June!

Snel discovery

Better quality through process management

Looking after each other The Schoonhoven Care Farm offers meaningful therapy

Enterprising means extending

to people with learning dif-

your borders and taking risks. It is

ficulties or mental health

unavoidable. However, because we

problems who find it difficult

have a deep dislike of mistakes and we

to function properly in

want to achieve a better, more flexible

‘normal’ society. The clients

and cost-effective way of running the

help with the cultivation

operation, we have moved over to

of fruit and vegetables,

a web-based (quality) management

look after the animals and

system called Comm’ant. This system

maintain the buildings on

makes our processes more transparent

the site.

and more manageable which, at the end of the day, benefits you.

Collaboration with Jan Snel The amount of work for all the clients depends on the time of year. The people running

Knowledge is

the care farm therefore asked us whether we had any work to offer them. We thought


this was a wonderful idea. Now, to everyone’s satisfaction, a small team at Schoonhoven

We have insight

works on cleaning the steel plates and bolts we use to connect our units to each other.

and an overview

Ready for re-use.

of our business processes and process chains. The result brings all our operations and organisation of all documents used together to form a coherent whole. In order to further raise the quality of our operation, everyone is able to comment on all of our business activities. This makes taking decisions regarding changes in ways of working both understandable and transparent for everyone. Comm’ant is also used for communicating news and informal information to our employees.

Colophon JNSNL is a Jan Snel publication that appears twice a year with a

No part of this publication may be quoted or reproduced without

circulation of 5,000 copies.

the express permission of the publisher, nor without citation of the source. While the greatest possible care has been taken with

Concept, design and realisation

this magazine, the publisher can in no way whatsoever be held

Trend advertising & consultants Oud-Beijerland, in collaboration

responsible for possible unforeseen consequences occasioned by

with Jan Snel. Various photographs: Jos Drop

errors in the magazine.

Willeskop 94  3417 ME Montfoort P.O. Box 200  3417 ZL Montfoort The Netherlands Tel +31 (0)348 47 37 41 Fax +31 (0)348 47 90 51 Mail info@jansnel.com Web www.jansnel.com

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