The circular economy in modular construction

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’If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.’ Henry Ford


Ignoring the sceptics, Henry Ford went his own way. He built the first affordable car by simplifying the manufacturing process.


15 million vehicles were sold.


’If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.’ Henry Ford

0,000 3

Nothing will ever change if we keep doing it the way we always have.

It’s about time we shook things up in the construction sector. To make a real change, you need courage and an open mind.

34 Let’s start with the latter...


But so does:

5+2=7 Which ‘7’ do you prefer?


Which ’7’ do you prefer?


This 7

This 7

has a floor area of

has a floor area of

28,000 m².

28,000 m².

This 7

This 7

has a lifespan of

has a lifespan of

> 40 years.

> 40 years.

? 7

Which ‘7’ do you prefer now?


This 7

This 7

is completed within

is completed within

23 months.

11 months.

This 7

This 7

costs â‚Ź 34 million.

costs â‚Ź 28 million.

? 9

’The way you do things is not always the only way to do them’



Let’s use two real-life examples:


This building:

This building:

Has a floor area of


27,430 m²

28,000 m²

Has a lifespan of


Over 40 years

Over 40 years

Has been built in accordance with


Current Building Code

Current Building Code

Stands on


Piles/concrete foundation

Piles/concrete foundation

Is made from


Steel and prefab concrete

Steel and prefab concrete

Has an EPC of




Has a construction time of


23 months

11 months

Has a building cost of


34 million euro

28 million euro

4 + 3 = 7 but so does: 5 + 2 = 7

When the end result is the same, the road to get there becomes particularly interesting While we may feel comfortable using traditional construction methods, we can’t continue building the way we did 80 years ago. If you objectively compare our modular building system to traditional methods, you’ll be amazed by both the similarities and the differences. Using our system, we can complete a flexible building in half the time and nearly 20% cheaper. A building that complies with the current Building Code, so built to last. But at the same time, it offers far more flexibility for adjustments, or it can even be moved to a different site or removed if need be. In no time, your site will be freed up for a new project.


The same materials, But finished sooner thanks to a smarter app Concrete piles Jan Snel’s flexible buildings aren’t based on new materials, but on an innovative approach to construction itself. For example, our buildings are supported by concrete piles and stand on concrete foundations - the same as any traditional building.

Prefab concrete floors We produce the concrete floors at our own facilities, and include all the necessary conduits and connections. These floors form the base for all the rooms, which are constructed in our plant and delivered as prefab units to the construction site. As are the gallery slabs. The rooms and gallery slabs are built up, layer by layer, and connected together.

Produced under controlled conditions While the building’s foundations are being laid on site, we produce its various components under controlled conditions at our facilities in Montfoort, the Netherlands. So work isn’t delayed by weather conditions like frost or rain, which is good news for both your project lead time and the quality of the manufactured elements.


, the same quality. and at far lower costs proach to construction. Main load-bearing structure per module The main load-bearing structure for our buildings is based on an independent structure for each individual module. The rooms are positioned within this structure and have been carefully dimensioned to enable effective hoisting, transport and stacking. This structure is also stronger and heavier than that used in conventional buildings.

Concrete elements All our stairwells and lift shafts are made from steel, and the stairs and landings are produced in prefab concrete - the same as you would find in a traditional building. We can clad the building’s exterior in the materials of your choice. HPL laminates, wood, composites, brickwork: we’ve worked with all of these materials and would be happy to show you examples.

Fully compliant with the current Building Code Our buildings are constructed according to the specifications of the current Building Code. While our structures may be flexible, they satisfy all the requirements for a permanent building. In other words, they are no different from traditional designs in terms of quality and durability. The key difference is that we can complete the project in half the time and, on average, at around 20% lower costs.



The future belongs to modular construction.


The largest modular building in Europe

A summary of the advantages for you as an investor:

In 2015, Jan Snel realised the largest modular building in Europe: Ravel Residence in Amsterdam. We completed this 28,000 m2 in no more than 11 months. We drove the first pile on Wednesday 9 April 2014, and final acceptance for the project took place on 27 February 2015. For those quick at figures: yes, we’re talking about 324 calendar days.

Equal or even better than traditional construction in terms of quality

Project lead times reduced by nearly 50%, resulting in a quicker ROI

The building comprises 800 student units, a restaurant, a learning area, a dining area, a library and a laundry room. The student

No additional expenses thanks to flexible building method

Completed under controlled conditions, meaning that construction is not influenced by weather conditions

complex, which will be used for at least 12 years, has five storeys. Specially for this project, we developed student units with all mod cons. And shortly after - in August 2015 - we completed a second building for this client, in a period of nine months: the AmstelHome in Amsterdam. This building, with a gross floor area

Building can be re-used (cradle-to-cradle)

Buildings comply with current Building Code

Nearly 20% lower construction costs

No-hassle guarantee!

of approximately 16,000 m², houses a total of 520 student units across five storeys.

This is the dawn of a new age in construction. In terms of quality, our buildings that are equal to or even better than those realised by conventional contractors. The only difference is: we take half as long to build them - at significantly lower costs. Close to 20% lower than traditional projects. When the end result is the same, the road to get there becomes particularly interesting. When will you see the light?

Harry van Zandwijk - CEO of Jan Snel



Realised project AmstelHome


AmstelHome, 520 student units, Amsterdam Total 16,000 m2, across five storeys This project, which was delivered in August 2015, took 9 months to complete. Besides 520 student units, the building also houses a laundry room, a catering establishment and a rooftop basketball court. The student complex will be used for at least 12 years. Each unit comes with its own kitchen and bathroom and has a floor area of some 21 m².



Realised project AMC


Academic Medical Center, outpatients’ clinic/pharmacy and surgeries Total 4,000 m2, across two storeys In a mere 16 weeks, we completed a new building for the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) in Amsterdam that houses offices, a combined outpatients’ clinic/pharmacy, doctor’s surgeries and recovery rooms. AMC had an urgent need for extra space in the short term that satisfied the hospital’s stringent quality requirements.



Realised project University of Amsterdam


University of Amsterdam, lecture hall with reception area Total 450 m2, one storey We completed this lecture hall with reception area at Amsterdam’s Science Park over the 8 week summer holiday period. The new lecture hall, with stepwise ascending seating, can accommodate over 240 students. Besides a lecture hall, the building also houses various associated rooms. It will be used for a minimum of 5 years.



Realised project Damen Shipyards


Damen Shipyards, office space, Gorinchem Total 2,360 m2, across three storeys A luxurious office that is in keeping with the premium quality and style of Damen’s products. We were actually able to complete this building within one month! The exterior has been elegantly finished. The office area is stylishly furnished to ensure that the building has the appropriate luxury look and feel throughout.


Willeskop 94  3417 ME  Montfoort, the Netherlands - PO Box 200  3417 ZL  Montfoort, the Netherlands Tel +31 (0)348 47 37 41 Fax +31 (0)348 47 90 51 Email Website

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