Thesis portfolio draft

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FALL 2013 | ARCH 511 PSU






Thesis Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Zoning Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Zoning Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Case Studies Embryological House . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ONE + mini house . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

FALL 2013

M_House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

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Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24



Instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4




Professor: Clive Knights PSU Professor & Director

Thesis Advisor: Aaron Whelton PSU Assistant Professor

Committee Member: Margarette Leite PSU Assistant Professor


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FALL 2013


This thesis project will be exploring parametric design using the human form to generate accessory dwelling units that can be mass customized for individuals in Portland. As a growing city, East Portland has many un-utilized spaces in single family residential neighborhoods that can be tapped into with ADUs. As people are wanting/ needing these smaller houses, how can people cheaply and efficiently make their own house that is just right for them? Using parametric design, opposed to traditional methods, a designer can create multiple iterations of a project. These dwellings can also have many other layers of controls called parameters to design more specifically so the final product can fit people’s needs better than traditional design practices. These parameters would be set based on a clients needs for the ADU.



How can architecture densify Portland with ADUs while giving people individuality and specificity using parametric design and mass customization?




This project at its most basic aspect will give people an additional op-

tion of a way of life that is growing in popularity around the world. This option is for small houses to be scattered around more suburban areas with space to spare. These small houses have very specific codes on their own that they

need to abide by while, in many cases, holding true to the local style of the neighborhood. The scope of the project will be in less strict neighborhoods that do not overwhelm the project with limitations.

Portland, according to the census bureau, from 2000 to 2010 gained over

50,000 people while only in the two years between 2010 to 2012 the population gained over 20,000 people. The growth of Portland is exponentially rising making it second to New York City in residential housing vacancies at under 7%. The city is growing so fast that soon there will not be enough room for newcomers to live within city limits based on census population numbers. As a city, changes have to be made to zoning and code to accommodate the new arrivals by allowing less strict building code requirements. For people who wanted to expand their homes with ADUs in the past, they needed to pay thousands of dollars to get permits to build on their own land. This amount didn’t even start to consider how much the addition would cost with other fees, materials, and contractor costs. Once more and more people started building these small houses, either to rent out or live in for themselves while renting out the main home, the permitting fees were dropped to encourage construction.

This is why ADUs were chosen to proceed forward with this project instead

of full scale housing. The ADU is a much cheaper alternative to housing type than rebuilding houses or multifamily housing (where permitted by zoning). These additions are becoming more sought after rather than new house construction since it is a much more cost effective means of living, not even considering the benefits of renting part of your own land to supplement income. If these ADUs are built instead of more large scale projects, Portland could successfully densify itself to a

is considered one of the “greenest� cities in the US and this could only add to its environmentally friendly living lifestyle by adding cheaper and more energy efficient homes.

The densification of Portland can come at a cost that this project can aid

with. All of this new construction on ADUs will become costly and will create waiting time for people who are trying to hire contractors to build all of these new


new level that could be used as a future model for other cities to follow. Portland

projects. This thesis projects goal is to bring the materials to the consumer for a ready to build, quick, cheaper, and energy efficient means of housing. The spaces that people are able to build these ADUs is more accessible than the spaces for multi family buildings. The space for ADUs already exists in Portland and is being


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underutilized by people who want or need extra living space.


Zoning Code


• • • •

City of Portland, Oregon, Title 33, Chapter 33.205: Accessory Dwelling Units 333.205.010 Purpose Accessory dwelling units are allowed in certain situations to: Create new housing units while respecting the look and scale of single-dwelling development; • Increase the housing stock of existing neighborhoods in a manner that is less intense than alternatives; Allow more efficient use of existing housing stock and infrastructure; Provide a mix of housing that responds to changing family needs and smaller households; Provide a means for residents, particularly seniors, single parents, and families with grown children, to remain in their homes and neighborhoods, and obtain extra income, security, companionship and services; and Provide a broader range of accessible and more affordable housing.

33.205.020 Where These Regulations Apply An accessory dwelling unit may be added to a house, attached house, or manufactured home in an R zone, except for attached houses in the R20 through R5 zones that were built using the regulations of 33.110.240.E, Duplexes and Attached Houses on Corners. 33.205.030 Design Standards... C. Requirements for all accessory dwelling units. All accessory dwelling units must meet the following: 1. Creation. An accessory dwelling unit may only be created through the following methods: a. Converting existing living area, attic, basement or garage; b. Adding floor area; c. Constructing a detached accessory dwelling unit on a site with an existing house, attached house, or manufactured home; or d. Constructing a new house, attached house, or manufactured home with an internal or detached accessory dwelling unit. 2. Number of residents. The total number of individuals that reside in both units may not exceed the numberthat is allowed for a household… 3. Other uses. a. An accessory dwelling unit is prohibited on a site with a Type B home occupation. b. An accessory dwelling unit is allowed on a site with an approved Bed and Breakfast facility if the accessory dwelling unit meets the standards of Paragraph 33.815.040.B.1. 4. Location of entrances. Only one entrance may be located on the facade of the house, attached house, or manufactured home facing the street, unless the house, attached house, or manufactured home contained additional entrances before the accessory dwelling unit was created. An exception to this regulation is entrances that do not h ave access from the ground such as entrances from balconies or decks.

6. Maximum size. The size of the accessory dwelling unit may be no more than 33% of the living area of the house, attached house, or manufactured home or 800 square feet, whichever is less‌ D. Additional requirements for detached accessory dwelling units. Detached accessory dwelling units must meet the following. 1.

Setbacks. The accessory dwelling unit must be at least: a. 60 feet from the front lot line; or b. 6 feet behind the house, attached house, or manufactured home.


Height. The maximum height allowed for a detached accessory dwelling unit is 18 feet.


5. Parking. No additional parking is required for the accessory dwelling unit. Existing required parking for the house, attached house, or manufactured home must be maintained or replaced on-site.

3. Bulk limitation. The building coverage for the detached accessory dwelling unit may not be larger than the building coverage of the house, attached house, or manufactured home. The combined building coverage of all detached accessory structures may not exceed 15 percent of the total area of the site‌


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33.205.040 Density In the single-dwelling zones, accessory dwelling units are not included in the minimum or maximum density calculations for a site. In all other zones, accessory dwelling units are included in the minimum density calculations, but are not included in the maximum density calculations.


Zoning Map


This map shows all of the different zoning types in Portland


(low density multi) • townhouses on large sites


(high density multi) • uses FAR


(high density multi) • uses FAR


(high density residential & institutional)




(single dwelling) • max height 35 ft [2]


(single dwelling) • ADUs not included in min ./max . density



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courtesy of portlandmaps .com

(low density multi) • duplexes, townhouses • row houses • 1 lot per 2,500ft2


Zoning Map of Portland

(medium density multi) • 1-4 Stories

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Residential Zoning

ADU Allowable Zoning


Case Studies

THE PARAMETRIC ADU Embryological House Embryological House (1997-2002), is a major work by architect Greg Lynn. The goals for this conceptual work:

• rethink the idea of a house typology beyond the modernist “kit of parts” model to an organic, flexible, genetic/generic prototype from which an infinite number of iterations can be generated; • extend the interplay of “generic” and “variation” implied in this rethinking to notions of product “branding” and the satisfaction of individual desire through consumer-specific, unique versions of the product; • push the capabilities of existing automated manufacturing technologies for the production of non-standard architectural forms. The dynamic forms of the house comprise flowing and vector-based surfaces, sometimes referred to as “blob” architecture, made possible through animation software. Through the Embryological House Lynn re-thinks the notion of the manufactured house, moving from the modernist idea of a form based on modules to a form based on almost unlimited iterations created from a basic form (primitives). His goal is to design and manufacture houses that exhibit variety based on shared regulating principals. Mass customization will allow the mass production of individually unique products. There’s a time for parametrics and theres a time for design. Given the task, one will make more sense than the other. At a certain point, you shift into parametrics either because you know what you want or the task is so vast that you can’t design them. - Greg Lynn



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FALL 2013


Case Studies


The M_House system is intended for the design and fabrication of ecologically friendly homes. It is derived from a reversal of the Butler Building frame. The ‘M’ morphology allows for better lighting control, water capture & snow collection for insulating purposes. It uses an assembly process in which prefabricated panels and ribs are brought together to form modules which are then shipped to the site and joined. The M_House is composed of two basic elements: ribs and panels. The 16” depth of the rib allows the infill panels to be staggered, enabling the appearance of curvilinear form using only flat off the shelf materials. The parametric model enables the rapid reconfiguration of the basic frame component sequence in response to specific climate and programmatic needs. This enables the house to test multiple morphological, performative and programmatic strategies. The linear nature of the system means that later extension is simple, encouraging the design of small, potentially enlargeable dwellings. Panels and ribs are easily disassembled for either relocation or recycling. The M_House is a fitting case study, though different than Greg Lynn’s House, because of its parametric basis and being a system of prefabricated panels that make shipping and construction simple. The project is at a much larger scale, but still is designed using similar parameters of this thesis project like prefabrication and sustainability.



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FALL 2013


Case Studies


ONE+ is a modular small house concept from Scandinavia, a cooperation between Denmark and Sweden, choosing the best from both countries. Based on 161 ft.2 and 215 ft.2 modules the system can be linked together with other modules in different ways to create a variety of designs and meeting different needs or the module can be singular for a small house. The system can even include decks and pergolas as well as possibilities to connect other outdoor facilities such as outdoor kitchens, extra verandas etc., all to make the houses feel bigger and erasing the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces. This project is a great example of how a small house can be designed, fabricated, and shipped to a site while costing about twenty to thirty thousand dollars for each unit. There are also many different layouts and plans that assist in customizing the personal space to fit the needs of whom ever would use it or wherever it might end up. This mini house is very similar to where this thesis project is headed. The aspects of customization, prefabrication, shipping and affordability are all aspects that will be strived for. The main difference (that is being assumed) is that the spaces and configurations are designed manually, not parametrically. This difference changes the amount of possibilities from tens of units to hundreds of unique iterations that will better fit the location. This company does offer many different layouts, but they are not site specific and other than materials, isn’t focused on being energy conscious.



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FALL 2013



These previous case studies and analyses will bring me to a phase where a parametric model can be implemented to start creating design models. Once a script is written the parameters can come into play and the mass customization can begin in the design process. Manipulations to parameters such as site dimension, solar orientation, and adjacencies in the script will create tens, hundreds, or even thousands of iterations of these ADUs that I am looking for in each individual site. Initial trials and media explorations will continue throughout the entire project with hand models, fabricated models, and finally parametric digital models to learn from building instead of research alone. By the end of this project, scaled example of multiple iterations will be produced t show how parametric modeling can result in multiple iterations of a building based on different locations or users. The goal of these physical models will not only be a hands on experience for viewers, but a representation of how parametric design can be implemented to aid in the design process and not hinder it. Additional research and practices will need to follow to finalize a parametric technique of fabrication, along with how to insulate the ADU while also being moisture tight. This research will ultimately produce section and digital models of an enclosure system for the structure continued on page 20


Above: this is a media analysis that was done to show how parametrically designing a surface, for example, can be simplified and manipulated easily and quickly using “sliders� to adjust variables like height, length, x values, y values and even transposing NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-spline) onto the surface pattern . The digital grasshopper model was made in less than 30 minutes while recreating them in paper models took ~150 minutes . The digital model can also be rapidly printed with a 3d printer for an even more precise model .



that will show these connections and how even the joints are parametric in nature, being adjustable instead of cut. Additionally, larger scale models will be produced to show how the different parameters affect the design. The initial stages of the project will dictate the weight of different parameters and what questions/ options are useful to a design that can be set as parameters. The use of multiple sites and users is key for showing how peoples input, along with location, dictate a specific design. These parameters will be categorized and made into a questionnaire for the users to answer to gain their wants and needs for the space to be designed. These designs will be altered to fit each location and then compared to show how the iterations changed based on their specific parameters.


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FALL 2013

Above: This is a media analysis that was done to see how members would change if angles were altered. The controls for this analysis were based on pre fabricated panels to see how they changed the unit. The three rows are organized based on the left “roof panel” dimension. These units are (at scale): 8’ (top), 6’ (middle), and 4’ (bottom). The bottom dimension also stayed the same for all, which was 10’. The three columns are based on three angles: 15o (left), 30o (middle), and 45o. While these controls stayed the same, the top angle and right “roof panel” changed drastically. This shows how pre fabricated panels at set sizes can change others in a design. Below: This is the CAD drawings of the “roof panels” that are shown above to help clarify the outcome of the analysis.






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Fall Term 2013

Winter Term 2014





Christmas Break


Timeline Slider


S Fa mal br l S ica ca tio le n

ra Set m ti et ng er s Sc rip tin g

ue D lio fo rt







D en ue ta tio n

Quantity of Work

This timeline shows the breakdown of work over the next eight months including between quarter breaks and holidays .



FALL 2013



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ta Fina tio l n





D Fin es al ign Fa br Mo ica d tio el n





es Mar ch

Summer Break

Spring Break


Spring Term 2014



Literature Review

The following section is a review of the texts that are used to gain research, real world data, and case studies from three different facets of thinking and design. The order is based on their citations not their topics which are found at the end of the literature review. These topics include; parametric design, mass customization, prefabrication, and ADUs along with small houses.


Title: Prefab Prototypes Author: Mark & Peter Anderson Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press Citation: Anderson, Mark, and Peter Anderson. Prefab prototypes: site-specific design for offsite construction. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007. Mark and Peter Anderson break prefab architecture down into six systems from most flexible to most complicated: panelized wood framing, sandwich paneling, steel framing, timber framing, concrete systems, and modular systems. Each chapter explains the benefits and drawbacks of its method. They also include many detailed plans, sections, details, systems, and photos of each project. These projects will help with creating structural components that will make the future design possible. The material breakdown will also help narrow a design language to a specific material group.


Citation: Beorkrem, Christopher. Material strategies in digital fabrication. Charlotte, NC: Routledge, 2012.

Citation: Burry, Jane, and Mark Burry. The new mathematics of architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, 2010.0.

This book shows how material performance drives the digital fabrication process and determines the technique used in the project. The book is divided unto five parts by material: wood, metal, concrete, hybrids, and recycled materials to help reference construction techniques for fabrication. This book introduces a different mode of formal analysis that acknowledges a new form of design intelligence. The techniques and catagoration of the book will simplify the material choices and design process in this thesis project.

This book references 46 projects that are either built, not built, or not possible to build. These projects are broken into 6 groups: Mathematical surfaces and seriality, chaos complexity emergence, packing and tiling, optimization, topology and finally datascapes and multi- dimensionality. Other than this books amount of knowledge of these projects, it has a very easy to understand breakdown of the main topics and how they create these groups in architecture. The book also has a very useful glossary with long descriptions and diagrams and sketches of a lot of digital architectural terms.

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Title: The new mathematics of architecture Author: Jane & Mark Burry Publisher: Thames & Hudson


Title: Material Strategies in Digital Fabrication Author: Christopher Beorkrem Publisher: Routledge

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Title: Prefab Houses Author: Arnt Cobbers & Oliver Jahn Publisher: Taschen

Title: Digital fabrication in architecture Author: Nick Dunn Publisher: Laurence King Publishing

Citation: Cobbers, Arnt, and Oliver Jahn. Prefab Citation: Dunn, Nick. Digital fabrication in archihouses. KoĂŒË†ln: Taschen, 2010. tecture. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2012. This book covers prefabrications houses from the US, Europe, Asia, and Africa. It gives insight into many industrially prefabricated components, the difficulties of delivery to building site, and the intricacies of assembly and completion. These houses range from modernism to industrialization that evolved to produce the latest prefabricated designs. These include the most successful houses for modern living. The methods and successes can be used to enhance any design for this thesis project.

This book focuses on the possibilities for architecture that can be achieved with all the different technologies and techniques available for making complete designs or their components. With the development of CAD technology and advanced modeling software, the variety of design processes that inform the fabrication of architecture is now greater than ever. This book explores architectural possibilities offered by processes such as CAD/CAM, CNC milling, rapid prototyping, and robotics. It also includes case studies, examples of influential architects work, step-by-step instructions, and techniques and practical design tips.


Citation: Duran, Sergi, and Julio Herrero. The sourcebook of contemporary green architecture. New York: Collins Design ;, 2010.

Citation: Friedman, Avi. Narrow houses: new directions in efficient design. New York, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010.

This sourcebook features design from the most “provocative” architects in the field today and showcases their projects from prefab houses to public work. It includes today’s most noteworthy environmentally friendly architectural projects. This book helps to understand what it takes to envision, create, and develop an environmentally conscious master plan, building or landscape design. This sourcebook is essentially an encyclopedia of many current projects that show eco design.

Narrow houses presents a thorough overview of the practical considerations of designing a narrow front home, including siting, floor arrangements, building footprint, and interior and ext. finishes. This book covers twenty eight examples of narrow houses from around the world. These case studies include project data, floor plans, and tons of interior and exterior photographs. This book also shows the flexibility of the program to fit these homes to the constraints of site, climate, budget, family site, and other needs. These aspects will aid in a future design for this project.

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Title: Narrow houses: new directions in efficient design Author: Avi Friedman Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press


Title: The sourcebook of contemporary green architecture Author: Sergi Duran & Julio Herrero Publisher: Collins Design

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Title: The diagrams of architecture Author: Mark Garcia Publisher: Wiley

Title: The modular home Author: Andrew Gianino Publisher: Storey Pub.

Citation: Garcia, Mark. The diagrams of architec- Citation: Gianino, Andrew. The modular home. ture. Chichester: Wiley, 2010. North Adams, Mass.: Storey Pub., 2005. This book describes and illuminates the use of diagrams to illustrate architectural ideas. There are over three hundred diagrams of projects with twenty five new or previously published essays from different architectural disciplines. This is in an effort to show the history and relevancy of diagrams since the twentieth century. These texts investigate a central concept of the diagram ranging from sociocultural studies, science, philosophy, technology, CAD/ CAM, computing and cyberspace and digital design methodology, environmental sustainability.

This comprehensive handbook covers everything you need to know, from choosing a distributor and working with a general contractor to selecting floor plans, choosing customized details and even planning the landscaping. The emphasis is on top-quality materials and cost-effective practices to ensure the best results. This book is laid out in a step by step category system so it is easy to follow and make the right decisions for the job. This book will assist with giving a starting point for future designs and siting for ADU’s.


Citation: Hemmerling, Marco, and Anke Tiggemann. Digital design manual. Berlin: DOM Publ., 2011.

Citation: Iwamoto, Lisa. Digital fabrications: architectural and material techniques. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.

This manual introduces different digital tools and includes tutorials based on everyday practice. It helps to use digital technology in the design phase and planning process with application examples of the projects. This book describes how these digital methods are emerging in architectural offices and why they are important to the practice of architecture. This book is simply laid out to follow through different design methods and techniques.

The book shows how digital fabrication techniques are advancing with new methods to create digital and physical forms. This book is sectioned into five techniques: sectioning, tessellating, folding, contouring and forming. A unique aspect of this book is that not only does it show many case studies for each of the five categories of digital fabrication, but it shows some of their design process, fabrication, and their final product. This helps by giving many different construction methods that may be implemented in the thesis final model / product.

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Title: Digital fabrications: architectural and material techniques Author: Lisa Iwamoto Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press


Title: Digital design manual Author: Marco Hemmerling & Anke Tiggemann Publisher: DOM Publ.

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Title: Folding techniques for designers: from sheet to form Author: Paul Jackson Publisher: Laurence King Pub.

Title: Prefab green Author: Michelle Kaufmann & Catherine Remick Publisher: Gibbs Smith

Citation: Jackson, Paul. Folding techniques for designers: from sheet to form. London: Laurence King Pub., 2011.

Citation: Kaufmann, Michelle, and Catherine Remick. Prefab green. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2009.

This unique book explains the key techniques of folding: such as: pleated surfaces, carved folding and crumpling. This handbook covers over seventy techniques which are explained by step-by-step drawings, crease-pattern drawing, and photographs. These folding techniques can translate into three dimensional forms that can be made from plastic, metal, and many other materials. These procedures might come in handy for scale models or even overall designs. This book was chosen to inspire with handmade objects that can be incorporated into designs.

Architect Michelle Kaufmann shares her vision of creating thoughtful, sustainable design for everyone. This book shows how her architecture firm provides these aspects to their clients in a “prepackaged” green solution to home design. The book has five “eco-principals” that are used in her firm which are: smart design, eco-materials, energy efficiency, water conservation, and a healthy environment and how they work together to create homes that make a difference. This book also contains many case studies that show these eco-principals in practice.

This book covers hundreds of digitally designed and fabricated projects that are described by the actual designers. They present the projects and techniques used for all the different types of projects. These projects are broken up into: fabrication, scripting, responding, and poetics. Each section has an extensive array of projects that fit with each topic. These are possible because of the access to CNC technologies, parametric design, the use of algorithms and simulations as morphogenic strategies. These techniques will be invaluable when design comes into this thesis.

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The authors argue that the time has come to re-evaluate and update the basic design and construction methods that have continued the building industry throughout its history. They compare architecture to automobile, shipbuilding, and aerospace industries to tell how the production of structures happens. This book states an argument for moving architecture from a “part-by-part� linear approach to and integrated one that brings together technology, materials, and production methods. They also reference mass customization and how different companies and fields use it to better production and their products.

Citation: Krauel, Jacobo, Jay Noden, and William George. Contemporary digital architecture: design & techniques. Barcelona: Links, 2010.


Citation: Kieran, Stephen, and James Timberlake. Refabricating architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Title: Contemporary digital architecture: design & techniques Author: Jacobo Krauel, Jay Noden, & William George Publisher: Links

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Title: Refabricating Architecture Author: Stephen Kieran & James Timberlake Publisher: McGraw-Hill







Title: Digital tectonics Author: Neil Leach Publisher: Wiley-Academy Citation: Leach, Neil. Digital tectonics. Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2004. As simple as it sounds, this book is combining the emerging digital realm of architecture to the already existing tectonics world of construction and materiality. This shift is progressing exponentially because of the “collapse” of the opposition. The digital realm is also growing in popularity around the world because of its combination with tectonics. This begins with architects wanting to better engineer their structure and building systems, instead of using computers to just manipulate their “surface effects”. This process is termed as Building Information Modeling (BIM) which is further changing the way architects design. This book also offers many different projects that emphasize this merging of digital tectonics.


Title: Opportunistic Architecture Author: Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, & David J. Lewis. Publisher: Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts Citation: Lewis, Paul, Marc Tsurumaki, and David J. Lewis. Lewis.Tsurumaki. Lewis: opportunistic architecture. Chicago: Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts ;, 2008. This book describes a design philosophy that transforms the “typically restrictive” conditions of architectural practice of small budgets, awkward spaces, strict zoning into generators of architectural innovation”. The book shows a selection of built and unbuilt projects ranging from small installations to larger buildings. The book also contains man of the firms work on urban and sub urbanism which is intended to inspire more creative and interesting architecture.


Citation: Lynn, Greg. Animate form. New York: Citation: Litchfield, Michael W.. In-laws, outlaws, Princeton Architectural Press, 1999. and granny flats: your guide to turning one house into two homes. Newtown, CT: Taunton, 2011. The first section describes Greg Lynns research and theories of animation in architec This book is full of very practical tips, ture. This is not motion but evolution of a form great advice, and lots of built case studies. It exand the forces that shape it. This animate form plains in detail how to turn one house on a lot refers to three fundamental properties of cominto two houses by adding an ADU). The first puter organization which are: topology, time four chapters deal with the specifics of assessand parameters. These topology forms raise the ing your needs, selecting an appropriate design. relationship of time and shape that are given Choosing space and energy saving appliances parameters to create forms. and getting the plans approved. The rest of the book is basically a set of case studies with There are multiple research projects descriptions from the owners of their design filling the rest of the book that relate these decisions and how and why they built these principles to architecture. These projects help structures. This book will give you insight on show how such different digital techniques help zoning, permitting, and construction methods create form that is unique to the process. that will aid in future designs for this project.

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Title: Animate form Author: Greg Lynn Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press

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Title: In-laws, outlaws, and granny flats: your guide to turning one house into two homes Author: Michael Litchfield Publisher: Taunton






Title: Intricacy: a project by Greg Lynn FORM Author: Greg Lynn, & Claudia Gould Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Citation: Lynn, Greg, and Claudia Gould. Intricacy: a project by Greg Lynn FORM. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2003. This book is basically a couple of works by artists, designers, and architects that reflect an “emerging sensibility” characterized by “highly complex compositions” of an almost organic intricacy . These projects show a design process, with a final production, of how different people create art and architecture using these diverse methods . This book has huge foldouts with images that show this design method . These projects are great representatives of current works that are influencing architecture while giving this thesis project clarity on final work .


Title: Composites, surfaces, and software: high performance architecture Author: Greg Lynn & Mark Gage Publisher: Yale School of Architecture Citation: Lynn, Greg, and Mark Gage. Composites, surfaces, and software: high performance architecture. New Haven, Conn.:Yale School of Architecture ;, 2010. This book is Greg Lynns and Mark Foster Gages interpretation of composites, surfaces, and software . These two architects are leading the world in digital design and research . There are many case studies for each section in the book that are: composites, surfaces and software . Each of these sections are written by different influential architects that practice in these methods . These projects will assist in design aspects of the thesis project while giving examples of possible building techniques .

Citation: Reiser, Jesse, and Nanako Umemoto. Atlas of novel tectonics. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.

Citation: Richardson, Phyllis. Nano house: innovations for small dwellings. London: Thames & Hudson, Inc., 2011.

This book begins to breakdown tectonics into three categories: geometry, matter, and operating. It also gives references to common errors that people make and the overall world of tectonics. It addresses material science, the lessons of architecture on culture. The authors describe architectural designs as a series of problem situations and each chapter is an argument devoted to a specific condition of architecture.

This book contains forty examples of advanced homes that each are smaller than six hundred and fifty square feet. Digital design tools, sustainable materials, and prefabrication technologies have led to a rise in unique ideas for designing domestic spaces, especially in tight spaces. The chosen case studies were picked to show a diverse climate, context, building method, and spatial innovations. This book was intended to inspire designers and builders to maximize living space while being environmental conscience.


Title: Nano house: innovations for small dwellings Author: Phyllis Richardson Publisher: Thames & Hudson


Title: Atlas of novel Tectonics Author: Jesse Reiser & Umemoto Nanako Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press

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Title: From control to design: parametric/algorithmic architecture Author: Tomoko Sakamoto & Ferrel Albert Publisher: Actar-D


Title: Little House on a small planet: simple homes, cozy retreats, and energy efficient possibilities Author: Shay Salomon & Valdez Nigel Publisher: Lyons Press

Citation: Sakamoto, Tomoko, and Albert FerreĂŒ Citation: Salomon, Shay, and Nigel Valdez. Little house on a small planet: simple homes, cozy . From control to design: parametric/algorithmic retreats, and energy efficient possibilities. Guilford, architecture. Barcelona: Actar-D, 2008. Conn.: Lyons Press, 2006. This is a guide book to planning, build This book begins to show how paramet- ric and algorithmic design aids in modern archi- ing, renovating, and inhabiting an eco-friendly

small house. The book describes the process of designing and constructing using floor plans, photographs, advice, and anecdotes. This process shows how to choose the most appropriate materials for a job while being energy and affordably conscience. The book describes These practices help show the possibili- this through three sections that help clarify the ties and projects that digital design offers using content. These are: reduce, which helps deterparameters and algorithms as a design language. mine needs and desires of new homes, rethink, which describes remodeling and how to live better without modification, and relax, which describes what shapes a space or design. tecture. The book follows 6 different practices and how they are using digital design techniques to conceive new forms and digital processes. These techniques are shaping these architecture firms in different ways and new directions.

This is a handbook for designers who know Rhinoceros’ three dimensional modeling software and want to learn more about the plug-in called Grasshopper. Grasshopper offers to the designer the ability to create parametric models that can be highly complex. The handbook introduces the main parametric modeling techniques based on algorithms, showing Grasshopper’s practical applications and its potentialities in architecture, design and fabrication. This book has tons of tutorials and techniques on using Grasshopper that will be invaluable to this thesis project.


Prefab Architecture is a guide to off site construction, shoing the opportunities and cjhallenges that go with designing and building with components, panels, and modules. It descibes the drawbacks of building on site and demonstrates why fabrication is the smarter choice for better integration of products and processes, more efficient delivery, and getting more value in a projects life cycle.

Citation: Tedeschi, Arturo. Parametric architecture with Grasshopper®: primer. Brienza, Italy: Le Penseur, 2011.


Citation: Smith, Ryan E.. Prefab architecture a guide to modular design and construction. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Title: Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper Author: Arturo Tedeschi Publisher: Le Penseur

ARCH 511

Title: Prefab Architecture a guide to modular design and construction Author: Ryan Smith Publisher: John Wiley & Sons






THE PARAMETRIC ADU This is the source list for the entire project. The left page is all internet articles and references with icons while the right page is a list of books only from earlier. 1. 11, alternative11. “Wood and Modern Technology.” http://alternative11. (accessed October 10, 2013). 2. “Between Teeth Bistro | Rafal Otl‚og, Aleksandra Konstanciak -” Arch2O. com - Design & Art Environment. (accessed October 10, 2013). 3. Bojovic, Marija. “ Parametric Undulating Structure For The Indigo Deli / Sameep Padora And Associates - eVolo | Architecture Magazine.” eVolo | Architecture Magazine. http:// (accessed October 10, 2013). 4. Crocker, Justin. “Parametric Seating | Parametrics.” Parametrics | Pratt Institute Interior Design 659 class blog. (accessed October 10, 2013). 5. “Eames Collector.” Eames Collector. (accessed October 23, 2013). 6. “Embryological House.” CCA. index.html (accessed October 23, 2013). 7. “Embryological House.” Future House(s):Genealogy. http://future-house-genealogy. (accessed October 23, 2013). 8. “Embryological House, Greg Lynn.” DOCAM. (accessed October 22, 2013). 9. “Furniture.” The Eames Office is committed to communicating, preserving, and extending the legacy and work of Charles and Ray Eames.. (accessed October 23, 2013). 10. “Greg Lynn: Embryological House.” CCA. (accessed October 22, 2013). 11. “Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.” Charles Eames: DCW side chair (1984.556). http:// (accessed October 23, 2013). 12. “Le Corbusier – Modernist of the Month.” THE MODERNIST. http://www.themodernist. (accessed October 23, 2013). 13. “METROPOL PARASOL.” J. MAYER H. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN RESEARCH. http:// (accessed October 10, 2013). 14. Wikimedia Foundation. “Modulor.” Wikipedia. (accessed October 23, 2013). 15. “SketchChair by Diatom Studio.” SketchChair by Diatom Studio. download.php (accessed October 10, 2013). 16. “The 101: Eames Chairs.” Hypebeast. (accessed October 23, 2013). 17. “The Work of Charles and Ray Eames: A Legacy of InventionFurniture.” Furniture. http:// (accessed October 23, 2013). 18. Wikimedia Foundation. “Vitruvian Man.” Wikipedia. Man (accessed October 23, 2013).


1. Anderson, Mark, and Peter Anderson. Prefab prototypes: site-specific design for offsite construction. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007. 2. Beorkrem, Christopher. Material strategies in digital fabrication. Charlotte, NC: Routledge, 2012. 3. Burry, Jane, and Mark Burry. The new mathematics of architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, 2010. 4. Cobbers, Arnt, and Oliver Jahn. Prefab houses. Köln: Taschen, 2010. 5. Dunn, Nick. Digital fabrication in architecture. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2012. 6. Duran, Sergi, and Julio Herrero. The sourcebook of contemporary green architecture. New York: Collins Design ;, 2010. 7. Friedman, Avi. Narrow houses: new directions in efficient design. New York, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. 8. Garcia, Mark. The diagrams of architecture. Chichester: Wiley, 2010. 9. Gianino, Andrew. The modular home. North Adams, Mass.: Storey Pub., 2005. 10. Hemmerling, Marco, and Anke Tiggemann. Digital design manual. Berlin: DOM Publ., 2011. 11. Iwamoto, Lisa. Digital fabrications: architectural and material techniques. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 12. Jackson, Paul. Folding techniques for designers: from sheet to form. London: Laurence King Pub., 2011. 13. Kaufmann, Michelle, and Catherine Remick. Prefab green. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2009. 14. Kieran, Stephen, and James Timberlake. Refabricating architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. 15. Krauel, Jacobo, Jay Noden, and William George. Contemporary digital architecture: design & techniques. Barcelona: Links, 2010. 16. Leach, Neil. Digital tectonics. Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2004. 17. Lewis, Paul, Marc Tsurumaki, and David J. Lewis. Lewis.Tsurumaki. Lewis: opportunistic architecture. Chicago: Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts ;, 2008. 18. Litchfield, Michael W.. In-laws, outlaws, and granny flats: your guide to turning one house into two homes. Newtown, CT: Taunton, 2011. 19. Lynn, Greg. Animate form. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999. 20. Lynn, Greg, and Claudia Gould. Intricacy: a project by Greg Lynn FORM. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2003. 21. Lynn, Greg, and Mark Gage. Composites, surfaces, and software: high performance architecture. New Haven, Conn.:Yale School of Architecture ;, 2010. 22. Reiser, Jesse, and Nanako Umemoto. Atlas of novel tectonics. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006. 23. Richardson, Phyllis. Nano house: innovations for small dwellings. London: Thames & Hudson, Inc., 2011. 24. Sakamoto, Tomoko, and Albert FerreÌ . From control to design: parametric/algorithmic architecture. Barcelona: Actar-D, 2008. 25. Salomon, Shay, and Nigel Valdez. Little house on a small planet: simple homes, cozy retreats, and energy efficient possibilities. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2006. 26. Smith, Ryan E.. Prefab architecture a guide to modular design and construction. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 27. Tedeschi, Arturo. Parametric architecture with Grasshopper®: primer. Brienza, Italy: Le Penseur, 2011.



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