trevor wellman
p ro t o t y p e a booklet
wood experimentation
p ro t o t y p e
Tr e vo r Wel l m a n
M ARC 520 S tudi o Proto t y p e Bo oklet Glulam Construction Research and Analysis trevr +1.417.213.2475 Pr inted in Misso ur i
“...And man grew ever wiser. Now he knew how to mold the rough tree trunks of the forest into all kinds of beautiful objects. And so he did.” -pentti
haanpää: a half million tree trunks
ood and the production of glulam beams has become the next innovation for architects and engineers around the world. It has not only raised expectations for what structure can do, but has also allowed the architect to become a craftsman for the material of wood. Wood is only limited by what nature has given, it is up to the creator to mold the wood into something beautiful. This short booklet is a research and analysis tool that helps illustrate how a prototype was created and used to create a structural and tectonic system that can be placed virtually anywhere. This study is part of an explorations studio based on the idea of self-examination and adaptation. It is a studio that focuses on personal development for contentment of life. The ideas in this research booklet are supported and inspired by existing
built and conceptual projects by various architects and engineers around the world. Each chapter will help clarify how the ideas of the prototype came to realization. Not only will this booklet explore how wood can be used in innovative ways to create a structure system, but also examines the benefits and disadvantages of using a specific type of wood system, glulam. Along with pictures from various sources, it includes diagrams and physical models that show the explorations the research and analysis of each project has led up to. The booklet will be used as a tool for communication, reference, and future study. Revisions to the overall structure system and modules will be made in preparation for application of the prototype model. Eventually, the system will be placed in a conceptual model for the competition, Timber In The City.
prototype 6
contents 1
case study: ft archery building research and analysis
F T A r chitects
glulam: pros and cons of using for timber construction
Tr e vor Wellman
supporting case studies: delicate
wood systems for mass construction
Penda at Home
c r e at i n g t h e p r o t o t y p e : p h y s i c a l production and analysis
Tr e vor Wellman
c o n c l u d i n g s tat e m e n t s : f e a s i b i l i t y of theoretical thesis prototype
Tr e vor Wellman
case study
archery building w o r d s b y t r e v o r w e l l m a n & p h o t o g r a p h s b y s h i g e o o g awa architecture by ft architects
Timber, a historical material, has now been reanalysed and transformed into a new building material. -ft
he Archery Hall by FT Architects in Japan was part of a larger project Kogakuin University. The architects wanted to redefine the way wood can be used as a structural support system. The restrictions of the project included the need to use locallysourced wood as a low-cost and sustainable solution, make the space column free, and create an inspirational space for students to use and practice in. After many iterations of various structural systems, certain structural prototypes were used for each sport based on proportions of structure to sport. This in conjunction with communication with other architects, engineers, and specialists allowed the firm to arrive at their current solution point. For the precedent this book focuses on, the architects have chosen to use furniture normally only used for furniture. The delicate and fragile appearance of the structure system recalls the history of structure systems. The use of vertical and horizontal lines was a main focus by the architecture firm, creating a lattice system that not only leaves the space open and
column free, but allows the user visual appeal and satisfaction of being in the space. The structure of the hall was meant to be kept as simple and low-tech as possible, with the use of a nut and bolt assembly. This system relies on an extreme attention to detail and a high level of accuracy. While the space below remains empty for use of sport, the wood acts as an elegant backdrop for the user. Not only does the wood structural system improve the overall aesthetics of the space, but it may also help with acoustics with the vertical and horizontal undulations of the structural system. Users will also enjoy the overall lightness and clarity of space. The space opens to a courtyard to offer students of Archery the appropriate needs of the sport. The architect design works both on the structural/architectural level and also a craftsman level. The materials are delicately placed within the space, enticing the eye to travel around the space, experiencing the full grandeur of the hall even more.
prototype 9
case study
As you can see on the following pages, the structural system draws the eye around the space and allows it to notice all the small details. The prototype works well on both structural and tectonic levels, maximizing the overall potential of the hall. The accuracy and preciseness of the wood connections helps build the overall spacial quality of the hall, enlightening the senses and making the space feel light and delicate. This feeling appropriates with the sport, picking up on the thin and wispy queues of the bow and arrow of Archery. If thought about too much, one might say the vertical pieces closely resemble the bow and the horizontal, more delicate pieces, resemble the arrows. A disadvantage to this system, however, is
that due to the delicacy and fragility of the wood members, the system can only be used in small applications. The Archery Hall works so well because the space is smaller than most structural system would have to support. Plus, if the system is enlarged too much, the system may become too busy and become an eye sore rather than something people want to look at. Another disadvantage includes the lack of ability to place additional floors on top of this system. While the system works really well for the gable-like space it provides, additional levels will require the need for columns within the space. For the purpose of the project, however, the project succeeds with its intentions and raises questions to what other systems can be used similar to this.
view outward to the archery area. reminiscent of bow and arrow.
p r o t o t y p e 11
case study
detail pictures of the delicate and fragile structure system.
prototype 12
case study
associate of firm screws modular system together.
diagram provided by the architect to show how modular fits together.
prototype 13
case study
self experimentation of angular rotation of modular system
These two pages reflect on the prototyping and modular nature of the structural design. As mentioned before, the pieces had to be meticulously put together to make sure everything was at a perfect 90 degree angle. This was helped achieved by placing notches under the smaller horizontal support for use of the larger cross-section brace. Notches were added to keep the same width gap between all four pieces of the main wood. This creates a layered look, adding to the overall complexity of the structure system. Even though the main intention of the building was to respect the Japanese history of building with verticals and horizontals. Let us just say for experimentation’s sake we turn this system on a diagonal. While the larger of the diagonal columns will be supported, there would only be one small
beam holding up the other diagonal. According to physics requirements and laws of gravity, the counteracting support beam should be the same as the original. On their original intent, the system works perfectly for now; but experimentation in future projects can lead to some new prototyping methods. If use this way as a system for building structure on a much larger scale, the floor joists simply would not have enough strength as it would need. Another hinder to doing something like this is that the floor plates would also be at a 45 degree angle. The placement of all the floor joists and diagonal support beams would become confusing, limiting the location of floor heights and overall flexibility of program placement within the building.
prototype 14
glulam construction m o s t i n f o r m at i o n f r o m m a n u f a c t u r e r w e b s i t e in united kingdom
“While Glulam is often first choice for environmental and aesthetic reasons, it’s also popular for its versatility.� -glulam
benefits of glulam construction v e r s at i l e
Glulam can be used for almost any kind of structural system and cut to fit into any system. s t r e n g t h Because Glulam beams are made from many layers of wood laminate, the
beams become very strong in comparison to their timber counterparts.
l i g h t Glulam is one-third the weight of a reinforced concrete beam, and only two
thirds of steel.
e c o n o m i c a l The lighter weight of the material leads to a decreased cost for
transportation, foundations, and overall weight of the building.
f i r e r e s i s ta n t With proper coatings, glulam can become virtually fire resistant for a
certain period of time. The glue within the product also helps with this.
d u r a b l e Glulam remains very durable with standard coatings, preservatives, and
pressure-applied coatings that allow the wood to last a lot longer than regular timber construction. e n e r g y c o n s e r v i n g Not only is glulam a renewable resource, but it also only uses
one-tenth the energy it would take to make a comparable steel beam.
t e c h n o l o g i c a l a d va n c e m e n t The continual creation of new mechanical and
technological systems help produce glulam at a very rapid, accurate rate. This reduces the overall construction time, and reduces the overall cost of the project. prototype 15
d i s a d v a n ta g e s o f g l u l a m c o n s t r u c t i o n cost
Due to the newness of technology, Glulam beams are usually considerably more expensive than their timber counterparts. q u e s t i o n a b l e s ta n d a r d s Like many manufacturing places, some just are not up
to par. Some use “dark� wood that can become unglued over time, reducing the stability of the building. u n n at u r a l Filled in a society of plastics and other manufactured materials, glulam
fits right in, but some may be discouraged by its unnatural look.
diagram provided by manufacturer of glulam production process.
prototype 16
supporting case studies words by trevor wellman & photographs by penda architecture by penda
“Impelled by our love for nature and its materials, we try to connect people to our natural environment through our designs and seek opportunities to create spaces with the ability to nurture life.” -penda
hese supporting case studies were mainly chosen for their structure systems. They are two works both done by the same architecture firm. Even though they are both conceptual, they offer valid structural systems that can help create a prototyping system for the Timber In The City Project. The first and main project I chose is called “Austria. Naturally. Yours.” and is a conceptual piece made in 2013 for the 2015 Expo in Milan. Because the overall theme for the expo was food, Penda decided to design a building that offered both indoor and outdoor climates to its users. The building also offers users education in the overall circle lifespan of plants and vegetation. The main part that drew me to this building was the innovative layering of wood to create the structure and facade. I loved how it had the fragility and lightness of the other project I was looking at, but this one could also stand up to how I wanted the structure system to lie. Another great aspect about this project is that the building is set
into a semi-structured grid system, but the grid can easily be broken up or added to for necessary components such as ramps or potted plants. The structure system remains exposed to the elements while other parts of the building are covered in its own secondary structure to offer users a more comfortable, livable environment. It’s this combination of exterior and interior spaces that help make the precedent so feasible in the real world. As structure systems go, this one would possibly be a little far fetched for how small the members appear to be, but a little beefing up and changed to a glulam material can make all the difference in the world. Considering Austria’s “home grown” vibe, locally-sourced wood is almost a necessity. If this were to be produced, like all world fairs, some may question the use of the building afterwards. Overall, though, the building works well structurally ass a system and tectonically as a prototyping system.
prototype 17
renders by penda explaining the presence and interaction of the building.
The second example from the Penda architecture firm I chose is called “Timisoara’s Highseat”. This is a theoretical project as well to be placed in a park. In a way, this prototype is much to what we are trying to design, a system that can be placed anywhere. The prototype works very strongly toward diagonal aspirations and draws the eye up the building in a very abstract way. The structure on this is done in a layering way as well, making smaller, individual pieces stronger. This one helps itself with strength by adding more triangular bracing in the bottom of the model, then slowly dissipating as it reaches the top. A large column-like support beam coming off of the entrance of the structure helps add weight to an otherwise light and questionable
structure. With the way the wood is designed, the wood column acts as one of the main support systems to add a counter balance with the front of the structure. The interlacing of different pieces not only adds dynamics to the structure, but also adds extra support. The more extra weaving that occurs, the more support structure this structure system will have. This addition of extra supports does take away from the light and airy feeling the structure could have. Perhaps this is to increase the comfort level of the users inside, but it tends to close off the structure more than help it out. Tectonically this building works really well with individual connections, but overall could use a little bit more help with the main structural system.
prototype 19
While the structural modular system in this case study works well for support, it tends to make the building feel heavier and more closed off than it should be. Usually when people work with wood, they use it as a benefit for working lighter and more flexibly. The design shows the architect’s desire for a flexible structure system, but loses out on the sense of openness and letting light into the space. I do like the experimentation with variations of structure placement. It adds dynamics to the structure that make the user want to experience it. It is a great starting point for the creation of a prototype that uses wood in a playful way, but still offers the light qualities of what wood has to offer.
computer model by penda of the structure’s main entrance.
prototype 20
c r e at i n g t h e p r o t o t y p e words, physical models, diagrams and pictures by trevor wellman
I combined the main underlying principals in all of the case studied to create something that was different yet similar at the same time.
reating a prototype from my research and analysis was a challenge considering all the ways the architects had used simple wood systems to create something beautiful and very elegant. I wanted to stick with the delicacy and fragility examined in the main case study, but make it more dynamic and supportive like in the last two case studies. To do this, I combined the main underlying principals in all of the case studied to create something that was different yet similar at the same time. This prototype works both structurally and tectonically as a whole system that can be used in a mid to highrise building. This structural system uses a delicately interlaced diagonal structures with four glulam columns on each side of the system, creating eight main structural support columns per each diagonal. These lose density of placement as the elevation of the building increases, placing the larger load on the ground rather than a large load on the lower parts of the building. The system would be put together in a semi low-tech way like in the main case study
with glue and bolt connections, but it will also have some sort of steel or concrete connection at the base to keep it firmly planted into the ground. Over time, the would should keep its shape and become stronger as it continues to oxidize and turn into material stronger than concrete. The prototype will not have a set grid system, but rely on mathematical proportioning sequences and corresponding locations to work along with the other facades and inner beam systems to create one, unified building structure.With this system, the building will become more dynamic on the exterior and interior, while still remaining a solid support structure. The wood structure prototype still has flaws and disadvantages, but has great potential to become a system that can be used in a conceptual building for the competition. It will definitely be worth taking the time to smooth out deficiencies in the system and learn how to solve the mathematical equations and sequences to create a unified wood building structure system that remains delicate and light.
prototype 21
structure system design experiment.
The main design of the structure system came from the experimentation of drawing 45 degree lines on a piece of paper. The intersecting lines on multiple levels create a dynamic nature that I was going for the overall look of the building. The actual creation of the design would stem from mathematical sequences based on a certain portion scale. The diagonals for the wall systems would occur on multiple
layers throughout the building consisting of sets of eight ten inch square diagonal columns interlaced with each other to form a stronger bond. The columns would be bolted together on site and secured to the ground using steel and concrete.
prototype 22
connection details of how the structure can be arranged together.
model of portion of building structure. floor joists work in similar pattern.
prototype 23
small, diagrammatic physical model studies of how the elements might come
together. shows the delicacy desired in structure system. the top two images are of the main structure and the bottom image illustrates the floor system.
prototype 24
c o n c l u d i n g s tat e m e n t s words and diagrams by trevor wellman
Just like any up and coming architect or engineer, one must work on the system of trial and error. A great idea is not going to come oout of nothing.
he past few weeks has gone by really fast, but has been a great learning experience for my classmates and I. It’s pretty amazing what modern technology can do to open doors to create new, interesting structures out of wood, timber, and glulam. While some techniques may still only be conceptual, there are new ways people can build tall with wood without having the same, boring structure system. Just like any up and coming architect or engineer, one must work on the system of trial and error. A great idea is not going to come out of nothing. This research and analysis project was a great way to further learn about the creative process. Too many times I have just jumped into a project barely knowing any true meaning behind precedents, but now I understand the importance of diving into a case study, examining its parts, and learning from the advantages and disadvantages. The overall process is time-consuming, but well worth the time and dedication. As architects, most of us are visual learners, what we see is what we learn and what
we end up doing. Diving further into this model, examining the small parts and details of what makes the building or case study so great results in a better understanding of how a project can come together. While there is still much research and analysis left to do, this was a great start to get back into the mindset of school and learning. This is also great practice to becoming more independent in ways of researching, finding a problem, and trying to find an answer. This is an aspect that will be carried out through the rest of my architecture career. Overall, the prototype and supporting case studies are feasible for real-life production. They may need refining, but are definitely fixable with the right technology and other advancements available today. The smoothing over and continual work on this prototyping system will lead to a system that can work seamlessly as a true building system, and will be a wonderful conceptual design project for the remained of this fall semester.
prototype 25
photo and resource credit: case study
http :// www . archdaily . com / 444857 / timber - structure - archery - hall - and - boxing club - ft - architects
glulam construction
http :// glulambeams . co . uk / about - glulam / benefits - of - glulam http :// www . timberhouses . lt / glued _ laminated _ timber _ house
supporting case studies
http :// www . home - of - penda . com
overall magazine layout inspiration kinfolk magazine
prototype 28
p ro t o t y p e
wood prototyping
Looking through the possibilities of wood construction has opened my eyes to new technologies and techniques. This is a small booklet explaining my
experimentations with wood. Creating adaptable prototyping modules that can be placed anywhere is a great exercise for anyone in the f ield of architecture.
trevor wellman fa l l 2015