Trevor Wellman Portfolio

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portfolio t r e v o r w e l l m a n 2016 Arc hitecture + Gr aphic Design P ublis h ed in Febr uar y

Por tf o lio Tre vor Wel lman Š Copy r ig h t 2 0 1 6 A l l p ro j ec t s c laimed by Tre vo r Wel lman . Moc ku ps from var io u s sources us ed in t h e makin g. t wel lm an 0 1 @ dr ur y.ed u +1 417 2 1 3 2 4 7 5 Designed in M is s o ur i

trevor wellman Arc h i te ctu r a l Int er n + G r a ph i c D e signer

contents 01



senior thesis research


joplin butterfly garden + overlook


mosque design




houston , missouri community studio

Work experience and skill set

Water-conscious California development research study

Design/build studio after the 2011 tornado

Springfield, Missouri mosque cultural facility


city analysis

Wooden glulam construction and analysis data

Collaborative community design development

c o n ta c t i n f o r m at i o n :

t we l l m a n 0 2 @ g m ai tre v r wel + 1 4 1 7 2 13 2475

trevor wellman Arc hitectur al Inter n + Gr aphic Designer


I was bo r n in S an t a B a r b a r a , C a l i f o r ni a a nd w i l l s o on be gr adu at ing from D r ur y U n ivers i t y i n S p r i nge l d , Mi sso u r i . U p on gr adu at ion I wil l rec eive an ac red i tte d M a ste r s i n Arc h i te ctu re and a Bac hel ors in Gr aph ic Des ig n . I e nj oy P u gs , C o r gi s , Fre nc h i es, Minimal ism, an d Cu pc ak es . I n t h e ne x t f e w m onth s, w i l l b e m o v ing t o S ant a B ar bar a t o en j oy t h e r i c h cu l tu re a nd a rc h i te ctu re w it h my fu t u re P u g.

c o n ta c t i n f o r m at i o n :

t we l l m a n 0 2 @ g m ai tre v r wel + 1 4 1 7 2 13 2475

education drury university springfield, missouri

2011 - m ay 2016 | 3.67 GPA

Mast ers of Arc hit ecture Bac hel o rs o f Gr aphics quincy notre dame hs quincy, illinois

2007 - m ay 2011 | 3.85 GPA

work experience

| S p r i ng fi e l d , M i sso u r i Architectural Intern | Jan 2016 - Present pa r a g o n a r c h i t e c t u r e

S emes t er in t er n s h i p. G r a ph i c d e s i gn a nd a rc hit ect u r al based tas k s t o prepare f o r l i f e a f te r co l l e ge. | S an ta B a r b a r a , C a l i f o r ni a Architectural Intern | May 2015 - August 2015 csa architects

S ummer in t er n s h i p. Wo rk e d m o s tl y i n Au to Cad and Re v it f or d et ail wo rk and cons tr u cti on d o cu m e nts . Up dat ed Det ail Libr ar y. | C h i c a go, I l l i no i s Architectural Intern | Spring Break 2015 wheeler kearns architects

S p r in g b reak in t e r ns h i p. Wo rk e d on phy s i c a l mo del s, Re v it , Au t o C ad, an d us e o f l a se r cu tte r to p ro d u ce c ont o u rs.

awards + achievements - Tau S ig ma Delt a Arc h i te ctu re Na ti ona l H ono r S ociet y - D r ur y C h apt er M o r ta r B o a rd Na ti ona l H ono r S ociet y - Dean’s L is t f o r m o s t o f co l l e ge c a re e r - HSA L ib r ar ium Nom i ne e - D e si gn/ B u i l d S tu d io - A r t E xh ib it ion J u ro r S e l e cte d , D r u r y U ni ve r s it y, Oct 2015 - For mer A r t Feed s C a m p u s R e p re se nta ti ve - B es t - I n - S h ow ph o to gr a phy, J oh n Wo o d C om mu nit y Col l ege - A IAS M emb er s in ce 2 0 1 3

Dip l oma Received Mo st Ar t ist ic

software knowledge Au t oCad Re v it Rhinocero u s S ket c hu p PC W indow s Mac OSX Adobe Creat ive S u it e Microsof t S u it e Go ogl e Docu ment s

attractive qualities T ime Management Val u abl e Team Member Fast L ear ning Cu r ve At t ent ion t o Det ail E xcel l ent Cr af t smanship V isu al Commu nic at ions

other qualities Op t imist

Resp onsibl e O rganiz ed

Team P l ayer E mp at het ic

Wel l E du c at ed

senior t h e si s bo ok

senior thesis book

Fall 2015 was a very editorial design heavy semester. It all started with my senior thesis book, The Golden State. The book looks at the history of the current drought and new technologies that can be implemented in new construction I am currently continuing my study of the drought in Southern California, but focusing on Santa Barbara. It is a paradise in the desert which has resorted to desalination. I am working on a site near the Funk Zone. Its location near El Estero makes it a great experimentation site for new water technologies.


senior t h e si s bo ok


joplin butterfly garden

jopl i n b u t t er f ly gar den + ov er l o ok



Third year, I participated in a design/build studio. Soon after the tornado in 2011, many new projects were concevied to help Joplin recover. Some of my professors teamed with Cornell College and the TKF Foundation to offer the city of Joplin a new healing garden to one of their most coveted parks. It took nearly two years for everything to fall into place, but the school received a grant to go ahead with the project. They offered an opportunity for students to design five elements and construct them on site. My classmates and I worked together to create beautiful finishing pieces for the garden including Information Storyboards, Fountains, Benches, and a Pavilion.

03 *All site images by professional photographer. I claim no ownership of images.

St. John’s Regional Medical Center Past, Present, and Future Perspectives

Hospital Board


Memorial Board


Joplin Tornado Lost Victims’ Memorial Volunteer Tribute / Children’s Memorial


Standardized Board



29’- 6”

To keep the park cohesive, ideas from the waterwall were used. It’s dynamic motion exemplified natural qualities of a butterfly. To take this approach into the storyboards, I worked with a “single” unit design that focused on using one sheet of metal. After working through numerous study models, this solution was developed. The idea of a dynamic support system also came into play as a way retain motion while still adding the much needed support.

The idea of the notchagain concides with the waterwall. It marks when the tornado hit Cunningham Park. As seemed appropriate, the notches in the storyboards point in the direction to a landmark or memorial dedicated to what was lost during the tornado. The storyboards are located in the first space of the park, “Accepting the Reality of a Loss”. Not only does it remind people of what happened, but also educates future generations to come. Personal accounts are included to pay tribute to those who experienced the tornado.















Site Plan

9’-0” 59’-6”







mo sq ue de sig n

mosque design


The second semester of my fourth year was called “comprehensive� studio. In this studio, we learned how to apply MEP systems to our designed buildings. The beginning started with a research study of some local Christian churches, but quickly transferred to the study of a new religious facility to be placed near campus in Springfield, Missouri. I chose a Mosque because the prayer and worship processes were very intriguing to me. This iteration includes window shading panels that respond to sun and wind patterns. It was a great project to increase my Revit skills.



city analysis

pr o to t y pe + c i t y analy si s

Fall 2015 was a semester packed with a variety of editorial design projects. Prototype and City Analysis was part of a series of three booklets illustrating the progress of my architectural studio project. The semester required us to work with Glulam wooden construction. Prototype was the first step towards this process, researching and experimenting what can be done with wooden construction. It required us to think critically about how the pieces would connect and if the system was feasible. We drew conclusions through precedents, case studies, and computer and physical models.




city analysis

pr o to t y pe + c i t y analy si s 05

City Analysis was the third book in the series, focusing on research of the city + site and developing concepts. The information was included on “Midcrit” boards, but the teacher wanted an easy way to see everything. The book started with a general overview of the site and its surrounding context. Pictures site visits were used to generate a conceptual characteristic diagram. The program was given, but I created several small diagrams that illustrated my thought process for the project. The last image includes one of the “conceptual” massing models I created for this stage of the project. Similar colors were kept throughout for cohesion.



city analysis

pr o to t y pe + c i t y analy si s 05

The final to the series of wooden glulam beam construction prototyping. A final product still in a conceptual form was to be produced. I was able to illustrate the general feel I was going for through perspectives and sections. The main concept for the project was to create a main shopping corridor in a rather commerce-deprived area. A big part of the project included direct connection to the Metro and creating a new layer of pedestrian traffic. Local and brand name shops are offered to add variety and attract more people. I used black and white imagery because they allowed the viewer to pay more attention to the detailing of the wooden construction than the color. Ample people are placed in each image to add life and realism to the render.

houston , missouri community studio

ho u ston, m i sso ur i c om muni t y studio

Small homes to attract Millenials

Community studio is both the most revered studio, and the most horrifying. The studio required us to work in teams and meet with a preselected small town. Each month we would have town meetings, introducing new information and ideas. We would take the resulting data create new iterations until the end of the semester. In the process, we offered them a full “branding� package including a project logo, nametags at meetings, a new Facebook social media page, a redesigned/simplified website, and a book that included all the work from the semester.

06 Pocket neighborhood suggestion for new development

Remodeling their coveted theatre may bring new life to their small town

New website to improve their community identity and social networking

Po r tf o l io Tre vo r We l l m a n © Co py r ig h t 2 0 1 6

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