This is the first anthology of World Gogyoshi Society.
What is World Gogyoshi Society? I founded it in facebook with about 150 poets all over the world on July 1,2018. Then I made five rules of World Gogyoshi Society. But we changed it a little like this.
1.We call our group “ World Gogyoshi Society”
2.We agree with five rules of World Gogyoshi.
3.We write minimum 1 Gogyoshi every week.
4.We belong to one of World Gogyoshi Asia,Africa, America, Europe, Oceania.
5.Founder of World Gogyoshi Society is Taro Aizu. (December 2,2018)
What is “five rules of World Gogyoshi”? I made it with some admins of Gogyoshi sites like this on July 1, 2018. But we changed it into five rules so that many poets can understand Gogyoshi and write it more easily.
Five rules of World Gogyoshi
1. World Gogyoshi is based on penta stich.
2. World Gogyoshi has a title.
3. World Gogyoshi is written in only five lines.
4. Line breaks of World Gogyoshi is free.
5. The theme of Gogyoshi is World Peace.