Tribo ni Bado Newsletter - June 2014 Edition

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Volume 34 Issue 06

June 2014


Group picture from Annual Camping 2014 last Memorial Day weekend at Silverwood Lake, Hesperia, CA

AF ATHER’S DILEMN A. A SON’S STR UGGLE FA DILEMNA. STRUGGLE A very relevant article on fatherhood shared by Bro. Toti Ayo. By Stan Lubarski.

Fatherhood implies a nurturing relationship, one which learns as well as teaches, accepts rather than attempts to change to fit the father’s image. Although sports teams at all levels of competition pray before games and clergy are frequently on the sidelines, sporting events hardly seem the places for spiritual experience. However, this past season of hockey for my 13 years old son has been the occasion of a profound change in our relationship and has deepened my understanding of my fatherhood. The season began with great anticipation and excitement. There were try-outs, purchase of equipment, assignment to a team, and the beginning of play. I was looking forward as well to a time of sharing happiness over victories, frustration with losses and failures, and time alone with my son. We would strengthen our relationship and I would teach and learn. The anticipation in October became impatience and anger during the winter months when the games and practices were scheduled at inconvenient hours, the miles between arenas grew longer, and the coldness of the ice rink matched my feelings about the whole experience. I slowly began to realize that my feelings were the result of frustration with my son for not being a better player, even though he was significantly improved from the previous year. Somehow it was not enough. Intellectually I understood that this was simply a sport to be enjoyed for its own sake, and success and failure did not matter. But to me it did. I did not say anything to my son, but he must have sensed my disappointment.

As concern for the team’s place in the standing increased on the part of the coaches, my son was given less playing time in the games. I was angry and hurt for my son’s sake. At one game, his regular coach was not there and another father took over in his absence. This man let my son play very briefly when rotation had been the practice. He was not being given his normal time on the ice. I was infuriated and very hurt for my son; however, I was silent with the coach, the father, and the team manager, but I checked with my son regarding his feelings. He was okay and I decided not to pursue the matter further. I did not want them to play him because of the pressure I would put upon them but because of the issue of fairness. What I expected from the coaches was concern for my son’s growth and self-esteem. But I was no different. I was disappointed in my son for not meeting my standards of performance. I placed greater emphasis on success than on enjoyment and individual development. In my disappointment and confusion I was hurting my son! The realization of this was deeply disturbing. I became very concerned about our relationship, what effect this would have on my son, and specifically, what kind of father I was. The standards by which athletes are judged unfortunately are metaphorical of how we judge one another in other areas. It is a value system lacking in Continued on page 5


THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER Hello! Brothers and Sisters, When we think of the month of June, Father’s Day and summer vacation comes to mind. I hope the Fathers of APOGLA had a good time with their families and now ready for summer activities. Speaking of activity, last month’s Annual family camping was a blast! More so because it was well attended by APOGLA families and friends who enjoyed abundance of food, good time and family activities. A Big thank you to Bro Hero Valentino and his team for one perfect getaway on a Holiday weekend. Our next GMM is scheduled this weekend on June 21 at Brother Roland Paras’ residence. Please find time to attend as the future activities and Board resolution will be discussed to the body. Also, I would like to remind everyone who has not paid their annual dues to please fulfill your obligation to our association. We need this to finance our projects and other activities to keep APOGLA moving forward. For July - Our next family activity will be the 4th of July holiday fireworks. As usual, our host will be no other than Bro Lito and Sis Josie Tarculas, our perennial host for this holiday activity. Next activity will be our 1st Buscapade fund raising project for this year at the Pechanga Resort and Casino scheduled on July 12, 2014. I am encouraging everyone to support this project by joining us and to extend the invitation to your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors. The more, the merrier! Our chairman, Bro Ed Romero is promising lots of fun and satisfaction guaranteed on this trip! A week after the Casino trip, it’s time to Get Physical! Let’s flex and stretch our muscle for our Annual Sportsfest on July 19, 2014. Basketball and volleyball games will be held. Our Sports Committee, Bro Kusay Bundalian and Bro Ferdie Mamaril will update us and details will be sent out very soon. In the late afternoon, July GMM to follow at Bro Tony and Sis Ophel Amon’s residence. For August – Our annual family picnic and GMM will be on August 16, 2014. Chairman and Chairwoman, Sammy and Mylene Zamora, are trying to get a place that has a water park, where our kids including adults will have fun to cool down from the summer heat. So watch out for the update on this family activity. Enjoy the summer time, stay safe and save water for days to come! Bro Jerome Paggao 2014 President

Let’s Get Physical!

ANNU AL SPOR TSFEST ANNUAL SPORTSFEST July 19, 2014 Basketball and Volleyball Games Venue TBA Sports Committee Bro. Kusay Bundalian Bro. Ferdie Mamaril

Tribo ni Bado Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Alpha Phi Omega (Philippines) Greater Los Angeles exclusively for its members, families and friends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers, and are not intended to represent APOPGLA. Publisher/Editor Sancho Sy Editorial Staff Dan Nino, Fely Montecillo • Ruth Manalastas Photos by Mylene Zamora • Precy Marte • Florence Paggao Contributors Dan Nino • Jerome Paggao • Fely Montecillo • Toti Ayo Troy Agagon • Bob Cobarrubias • Eric Serrano Florence Paggao


BO ARD OF DIRECT OR’S CORNER BOARD DIRECTOR’S HARD CHOICES… Every day, we are faced with instances when we have to make hard choices. Incidentally, this is also the title of the new book released by our APO-USA Sis. Hillary Rodham-Clinton (Alpha Beta Chi). If you were asked, “What would be the worst thing that happened in your life?” The most common reply would be death, sickness, loss of a job, rejection, failure. In all these events, one deals with some form of a Separation. Conversely, the opposite: optimum health, a good job, a promotion, marriage or reuniting with long-lost loved one, would probably be some of the best things that can happen to us as individuals. Invariably, these events lead us to some form of a Connection. The choices we make in life are based on what we deem are important for us and for those who matter to us, whether we choose to connect or to separate. We make these choices based on our individual priorities. Our Organization is no different. All of us are connected to each other one way or another because of our singular mission and vision, the advancement of APO-GLA. If we are to achieve our mission and realize our vision, then all of us must, by all means, work together, remain united and continue to forge ahead. We can never achieve this if we are splintered as a group.

So in this Father’s Day weekend, we urge everyone to make the hard choice of connecting. Those who for one reason or another, have chosen to separate or keep their distance, we implore you to return to the fold. If we are to continue to move forward, then we need each and every one to participate. We cannot be complacent. The future of APO-GLA depends on each and every one. Allow me to take this opportunity to greet a Happy Father’s Day to my late father, Jaime C. Serrano, who passed away more than two years ago. Happy Father’s Day too, to all the fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers and those who stand as fathers. May you remain as pillars of your respective families and continue to be the role-models for your children, foster children and grandchildren. And may the Almighty continue to bless each and every one of us and our beloved APO-GLA.

In behalf of the Board, Bro. Eric Serrano


From the VP’ s Vie w VP’s iew

LET’S UPD ATE OUR APOGLA DIRECT OR Y UPDA DIRECTOR ORY By Bro. Dan E. Nino, VP-Membership Although, it’s not within the purview of the Membership Committee, it is the collective sense of the committee that General Membership Meeting should not take place during camping as attendees are scattered all over the campsite and are not focused on listening to the pros and cons of several resolutions as brought forth by the Board of Directors and read by Acting Board Chair Sis Ophel Amon. Well-meaning resolutions to be incorporated into the Constitution & By-Laws are too serious and important to be discussed in a setting where campers and revelers are too engrossed in enjoying the various activities put up by the Camping Committee like parlor games for children, sports activities, fellowship, outdoor activities, etc. The intention was good because there were more brethren in attendance but the venue is not suited for such an exercise. Perhaps, we can devise a better alternative to have a GMM in May other than hold it in the camping site. This observation is also based on the comments and reactions of the campers who participated in the May GMM. BTW, kudos to Bro. Hero for doing a good job chairing this year’s camping. You are indeed a hero to all of us. No pun intended. *************** The Membership Committee composed of Brethren Bong Ansula, Rene Calvario, Bob Cobarrubias, Betta David, Christian David and myself, plan to update our APOGLA Membership Directory to be distributed to all paid members on Dec. 13, 2014, coinciding with our Induction Ball. In case, Bro. Christian requests you to update your info during our meetings, please extend to him the utmost courtesy. You can e-mail Bro. Christian and cc Bro. Bob who has our data base and myself. Our e-mail addresses are:; and We just need your full name, home address, email address, spouse’ name, kids’ name, home phone, cell phone and work phone numbers. It’s that simple. Our current directory is outdated. A case in point: I picked up Bro. Ruben Querubin in the city of Walnut on my way to the camping site last Memorial Day weekend. I was flabbergasted. I knocked on the wrong house. I’m glad the house owner is a Fil-Am who knows Bro. Ruben very well. He directed me to drive up to the cul de sac where Brod Ruben’s house is located. ***************

The Membership Committee’s third meeting at the home of Bro. Bob Cobarrubias in Walnut. From left: Bro. Bong Ansula, Bro. Dan E. Nino, Sis Betta David, Bro. Christian David and Bro. Rene Calvario. – Photo by Bro. Raul David

Our MC is also toying up with the idea of drafting APOGLA’s code of conduct which is more specific in scope in the light of recent developments — separate from the code of ethics which is more a generalized narrative. We will print the final version of the code in our TNB after finalizing its content — for your feedback. We will give this printed code together with other printed materials like CBL, code of ethics among others to new members. So when an issue arises, we have something to refer by when a member’s conduct comes to the fore for arbitration. *************** As Vice President also in charge of our December 2014 affair, I plan to put up a program with a theme “Blast To The Past” choreographed line dancing with a dance craze of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. I know that my era is the 60s and the dance craze then were twist, rock & roll, limbo rock, mash potato, watusi, etc. The 50s dancing genre were boogie, cha-cha and tango. The 70s popular party dance were disco beat while the 80s were Manila swing. Am I correct? If there are brods and sis who can execute these dances of yore and who can choreographed them for us, please, let me know. Please volunteer. Call me at my home phone at 562921-5116. We’ll have a blast to the past. *************** So far, we have about 30 scholarship applications from public high schools around Los Angeles who are vying for our flagship project: Search for THE OUTSTANDING FILIPINO-AMERICAN SENIOR STUDENTS (TOFASS). Five judges will screen them before the end of the month. What we need now are funds to implement this project APOGLA. Now, we need the Board of Trustees more than ever to be more aggressive in its fund-raising efforts. *************** For those who have not paid yet their membership fees for 2014, this is a friendly reminder to please mail or hand in your our treasurer Bro. Troy Agagon.


SCENES FR 1ST GENERAL MEMBERSHIP FROM A F ather’ sOM Dilemna. A Son ’s Str ug gMEETING le Fa ther’s Son’ Strug ugg depth and spirituality. Doing is more important than being. Performance and success are the benchmarks by which an individual’s personhood is measured. One’s personal growth is of concern only if it affects others, the team. A father cannot judge and act in this manner. Each child, not only my son, is unique. There is a need to understand the child’s complexity and desires. Fatherhood implies a nurturing relationship, one which learns as well as teaches, accepts rather than attempts to change to fit the father’s image. A father is like a gardener who provides the soil and the water and places the plant in the sunlight but does not cause the growth, only nourishes it. There is pain in this. The pain of unfulfilled ambitions. But the father’s dreams cannot be the dreams of the son. He has his own dreams. He was born to live apart and from birth the process of separation was begun. As I reflected on my relationship with my son I realized

the many ways I was attempting to control his development. His approach to school, his friendships, even the routinized activities of daily life had become areas of contention. The more he was attempting to express his individuality, the greater were my attempts to control. I have come to realize more clearly that my son has a right to expect me to love him as he is, to celebrate his accomplishments but not make our relationship contingent on them. He should never experience the pain of my rejection because of who he is. Nor should he feel compelled to direct his life efforts toward pleasing me. He is not my possession. I want to treat him in childhood with acceptance so that as an adult, he will be content with himself, with others, and with all Creation. My own spiritual journey very much includes my fatherhood. It is part of the definition of my being. Reality in its essence is relationship. My relationship with my son is so critical in describing each of us and both of us. But the ultimate gift, the gift of justice is to allow and encourage individual freedom even when I don’t understand or agree with the process. My only task is to love and build the relationships between all my children and me.

Stan Lubarski is the training coordinator of the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago, IL. He is an adjunct associate professor at Lewis University. Stan is married and the father of three children.

AMAZING APOKIDS! Gerard Rivera, PharmD Last month, a very good news arrived at Brother Larry and Margo Rivera’s family. Their oldest son, Gerard, was honored at Loma Linda University. Gerard, finish his B.S. Pharmacy degree at UC Irvine in 2009 and continued to complete his Doctorate in Pharmacy at Loma Linda University in 2011. After finishing his doctorate degree in Pharmacy, he was appointed in August 2012 as Pharmacy in Charge at Newport Lido Pharmacy, an independent member of the Pacific Pharmacy Group. As a result of his leadership and outstanding professional contributions, he was named Director of Pharmacy for this group in November 2013. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to his profession and in acknowledgement of the values he reflects, Loma Linda University, School of Pharmacy named Dr. Gerard Rivera - Alumnus of the Year! It is indeed a prestigious honor most notably since he became the First Alumnus bestowed with this award. Congratulations, Dr. Gerard Rivera and to Brother Larry and Margo Rivera and family! Hurray to an amazing APOGLA kid!

Hannah and Helena Marte Bro. Rocky Marte’s daughters shine. Two daughters of Bro. Rocky Marte and wife Priscilla participated as ambassadors of goodwill during the 116th Philippine Independence Day celebration in the city of Cerritos on June 14. From left: Suzanne Perez and Helena Marte, candidates for Miss Young Philippines-USA and Hannah Marte, candidate for Miss Philippines-USA Beauty Pageant. On extreme right is Eddie C. Ferrer, president of Pangasinan Brotherhood-USA. – Photo by Rocky Marte






GOINGS ON by Sis. Fely Montecillo

It’s June and it’s the marry-est month of the year! It is also the month with the longest daylight of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest daylight hours of the Southern Hemisphere. The month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, the goddess of marriage and the wife of the supreme deity, Jupiter. Plutarch, the Greek historian, biographer and essayist, believed that the entire month of June was more favorable for weddings than May. This month is Gay Pride Month, Rose Month and National Fresh Fruit Month.June 23 is National Columnists’ Day, the 24th is Manila Day, the 26th is Forgiveness Day and the 30th is Meteor Day. *************** Fathers’ Day has come and gone but we all know a father’s work is never done. It is a role a man accepts till the day he takes his last breath. He is the leader , the breadwinner and the protector of his family. Through this column, we let our dads in the APOGLA family know you are greatly appreciated and cherished. May the good Lord bless all of you! *************** Here’s a bit of good news for the Alphans and all those interested in wildlife. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines, conservation efforts for wild tamaraw population have been effective based on a new population count. The wild tamaraw population has risen in Mindoro and jumped to 345 in April 2013. The dwarf buffalo is found only in the Philippines and their number is making a significant advance. The tamaraw, of course, is the mascot of good ole FEU. And speaking of Alphans, we are also informing our dear readers that ACAI will have its Operation Gratitude Service scheduled for Sunday,June 22. They will prepare the packages for individually named troops deployed overseas. *************** A little tweetie bird informed me that Brod Tony Gomez , Theta 77A, and his charming wife, Ella, will be leaving for an Asian tour come July 16 to Aug. 4. They will be in Seoul, Korea from July 16th to the 20th. Next in their Asian sojourn will be Japan where they will visit the cities of Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo up to July 27 . APO Chapters in the places mentioned are eagerly waiting for APOGLA’s PP and likewise, Brod Tony is excited to have fellowship with our brethren now residing in these Asian cities. Brod Tony and Ella will be back with us after Aug. 4. We wish you two lovebirds a happy trip on your umpteenth honeymoon!


ACN A UPD ATE CNA UPDA Book your flights early for the 12th ACNA Biennial Convention Aug. 29 - Sept. 1, 2014 Hosted by APOGNY Venue: Courtyard by Marriot New York LaGuardia Airport 90-10 Ditmars Boulevard East Elmhurst, NY 11369 Tel# 718-446-4800 Website: ask for ms. Giselle Ortega Registration Fee: $300.00 voting delegates $250.00 non-voting delegates Fees includes : convention kits, program folder, t-shirt, official name tag,tag holder, wrist band, admission to Gala night, bus trip to Lafayette College, fellowship night and food during the convention. * Note: For visiting non-registered brod/sis who wants to attend the Gala night will cost $ 120.00 while the bus trip to Lafayette College is $ 60.00


TREASURER’S REPOR T REPORT as reported by Bro. Troy Agagon as of JUNE12, 2014

1. Advicula, Robert 2. Agagon, Troy 3. Almadrones, Malou 4. Almazan, Alex 5. Almazan, Irma 6. Amon, Ophel 7. Amon, Tony 8. Ang-Gayon, Melody 9. Ansula, Bong 10. Aquino, Fidel 11. Arabit, Edwin 12. Arabit, Jeff 13. Aralar, Eric 14. Arciga, Grace 15. Argonza, Vinz 16. Arroyo, Geoffrey 17. Ayo, Toti 18. Bautista, Jimmy 19. Baxal, Joel 20. Bayani, JR 21. Calvario, Rene 22. Clarete, Sam 23. David, Betta 24. David, Christian 25. Emperado, Rudy 26. Flores, Rudy 27. Franco, Rolly 28. Ganzon, Ely 29. Garrovillas, Ernie 30. Gomez, Tony 31. Imperial, Gloria 32. Ingco, Bonjie 33. Javierto, Mandy 34. Junio, Virgil 35. Linsangan, Jun 36. Madrigal, Jun

37. Madrigal, Tess 38. Mamaril, Ferdie 39. Manalastas, Ruth 40. Mansilla, Beeboy 41. Martinez, Romeo 42. Mejia, Francis 43. Mendez-Yazon, Daemma 44. Mendoza, Armand 45. Montecillo, Fely 46. Morallos, Oscar 47. Nino, Dan 48. Ninofranco, Egay 49. Paggao, Jerome 50. Pangilinan, Angel 51. Paras, Roland 52. Paredes, Vic 53. Pastores, Alex 54. Peneza, Bobet 55. Petrasanta, Rene 56. Posadas, Rey 57. Querubin, Ruben 58. Romero, Ed 59. Rondilla, Dony 60. Rubina-Galang, Emma 61. Salvador, Buddy 62. Serrano, Eric 63. Somera, Herman 64. Sy, Sancho 65. Tarculas, Josie 66. Tarculas, Lito 67. Valentino, Hero 68. Ventura, Beth 69. Vinluan, Jehiel 70. Yambot, Ferdie 71. Zamora, Sammie

Please send your $50.00 Membership Dues to: TROY AGAGON 27447 Elder View Drive Valencia CA 91354 All checks must be made payable to - APOGLA

BIR THD AY BIRTHD THDA CALEND AR CALENDAR JUNE 20 14 2014 June 01 - Jimmy Magsino 02 - Erna Villanueva 03 - Henry Valdecantos 04 - Francis Mejia 08 - Tony Alejan 09 - Jesus Castro - George Ludovico 10 - Jun Sacro - JJ Castro 11 - Tony Mendoza 13 - Toots Pagdanganan 14 - Rocky Marte 15 - Roehl Reyes 16 - Marylou Almadrones - Sancho Sy - Boy Valdecantos - Nelson Jusay 25 - Abe Pangilinan - Melvin Villaver 28 - Jerome Paggao 30- Shirley Jove SPOUSE: June 06 - Rosanne Bacalia 09 - Norma Castro 14 - Meg Ilagan 19 - Evelyn Noche 20 - Jeannie Garcia 21 - Jocelyn Ludovico 24 - Marinette David APO Kids: June 02 - Louie King Caldoza 05 - Leonardo Caldoza Jr. 06 - Lesley Rosales 09 - Zenith Villanueva Josef Madrigal 12 - Katrina Lichauco 18 - Pamela Amon Blake Atienza 20 - Harris Chicano 24 - Lea Barcelona 26 - Kristel Aquino 28 - Christoff Yenko - Emily Ayo Brandon Atienza

6TH GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2014 - GMM starts promptly @ 4pm


WHERE: Bro. Roland and Gie Paras’ Place 12818 Spindlewood Dr. La Mirada, CA 90638 Los Angeles,CA 90041 CONTACT PERSON: Bro. Jerome Paggao - (818) 472-7049 Bro. Roland Paras - (562) 895-9529

Jerome Paggao 29938 North CambridgeAve. Castaic, CA 91384

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