Tribo ni Bado Newsletter - September 2014 Edition

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Volume 34 Issue 09


September 2014


Thank you GLA! Thank you ACNA for its 12th Biennial Convention held in New York City! But, as ever been said, we don’t count the years, but the moments lived in those years. . . Yes, countless moments have been offered. Countless moments have been lived! It was a good brief gathering at the most recently concluded ACNA Convention. There’s so much to share, indeed! There are lots to be shared this upcoming GMM. More so in other gatherings along the way. [With prior commitment, however (to celebrate my birthday with a brief travel plan over the weekend with my family), I am unable to join you all at the Operation Gratitude and our September General Membership Meeting on the 20th. But I plan to join the fundraising event scheduled the week after, Sept 27th.] We congratulate Brother Aleks Garcia from Dallas Fort Worth AA, as our next ACNA President for 2015-16. Our very own Sis Irma Almazan, as 1st VP, and Brother Thom Pascual, Hawaii AA, as 2nd VP. CONGRATULATIONS to all! Our leaders will have a lot to attend to for a better Alumni Council of North America. Just like you and me, they will need and appreciate your encouragement and support. Our counterpart, The District of Columbia AA has a campaign slogan ‘dollar-a-day’ for DC on September, 2016 ACNA Convention. We encourage you all to plan ahead and be counted. Let us hope for more

attendance and participation in DC in two years time. The time we share with others and the Alpha Phi Omega experience is well worth it. We’ve been through quite a number of these Conventions, not to mention hosting a few times, yet every Convention is different and certainly has its own story to tell. Our very own Brother Lt Col Joel Carbon, US Army, will be DC AA’s president for the next two years. We look forward to another wonderful Convention in DC on September, 2016. As far as we, GLA, are concerned, it is also important for me to mention that I consider it a privilege to be appointed as one of GLA’s voting delegates and whose three hundred dollars ($300) registration fee for each of us, your voting delegates to said ACNA Convention [and past ACNA Conventions] is [and were] paid for by our Association funds. This practice we have done for many years now. I mention this because, every now and then, we need to validate Convention expenses or any other Association expenses for that matter. Be cognizant and knowledgeable of where our funds go. And if I may add, reach out to our comrades in need. Listen to what they are not saying or may never be able to say. We are a group of men and women who share the same principles we all stand for - who, in good faith share the Association’s burdens, its disappointments, its triumphs and its glory. But as Brother Dony says, GLA is not for everyone. We are not into a numbers game. We are in a land called America, where freedom reigns - freedom to be comfortable with the association we choose. Continued on page 6


PRESIDENT’S MESSA MESSAGE GE For October activities, we start with our service project to fight hunger by our participation with “Feeding America” at the LA FOOD Bank on October We are now back 18, 2014 in the morning. On the same day in the from a very evening is the Presentation of the Candidates for 2015 successful ACNA Officers to be held at Bro Rey Posadas’ residence. Convention. The For the candidates, let your voice be heard so be ready high point of the on this day. convention was when we WON all The day of our Election of Officers will happen on the categories in the October 25, 2014 then followed by our annual LFS award. I am Halloween Party. This will be held at the Cerritos proud and very honored to have received the awards Clubhouse. So mark your calendar for a spooky night! in behalf of APOGLA. Winning the Leadership, Friendship and Service awards is a big proof that Even as we wind down with 2014, our activities still our legacy continues after all these years. We are continue. Please support APOGLA with your all part of the very prestigious APOGLA! participation and attendance to our activities. See you Congratulations to our Sis Irma Almazan as she all in these many endeavors. APOGLA lives on…. continue on to be the 1st VP for ACNA for the next 2 years. Likewise, congratulations to our Bro Egay In LFS, Ninofranco for being recognized as one of the ACNA pioneers. Our thanks to the host, APOGNY for a job well done. For everyone who attended, thank you for being there and I know we all had a Jerome Paggao wonderful time. APOGLA President

Grand Slam APOGLA!

Back to the business of APOGLA – our next service project is the Operation Gratitude this Saturday, September 20, 2014. Bro Eric Aralar will chair this event. Good attendance is most appreciated as APOUSA local chapters will join us. In the evening, our GMM is scheduled at Bro Rey Manikad’s residence. Also, this day will start the filing and acceptance of candidacy for our 2015 set of officers. As previously mentioned, our 2nd Pechanga Buscapade fundraiser will happen on September 27, 2014. Another happy time for everyone! Just the trip to the casino and from the casino is lively and engaging, so I hope everyone will support this project again. Bro Ed Romero and Sis Irma Almazan will co-chair this casino trip.

“A Legacy of Unity, Strength and Service”

To all APOGLA kapamilya who are sick and suffering from illness, especially Bro. Art Manaig and Evelyn Noche. We are all praying for your speedy recovery.


BO ARD OF DIRECT OR’S CORNER BOARD DIRECTOR’S The 12th Biennial ACNA Convention is now part of history… and it is a cause for celebration for APOGLA. During the presentation of the Leadership, Friendship and Service awards for the over 50-member Alumni Associations, APOGLA snared all three awards, completing an unprecedented sweep of all the categories! All of the members of APOGLA who attended the convention suddenly erupted in wild cheers as the winners of the awards were being announced. And the cheers just grew louder after each award was announced.

of APO Midwest-Chicago for the 2nd VP post, both winning by the same 24-19 vote count.

Earlier that evening, a presentation was made to our very own Bro. Egay Ninofranco, for being one of the visionaries who catalyzed the formation of the Alumni Council of North America (ACNA) back in 1990. Truly, an award well deserved.

And to top it all, the Plenary, which usually will take up the most time, normally because of procedural issues, was brilliantly steered by our very own outgoing ACNA President, Bro. Lito Tarculas, with the whole process finishing within the allotted time frame. All in all, it was a good day to be APOGLA.

Earlier during the day, following on the heels of the last ACNA convention held in Santa Clarita, CA, the conduct of the elections were lauded for being clean, orderly and transparent. Oh yes, Murphy was in the house, when the tabulations had to be stopped temporarily as computer readings did not match with the actual tally of votes. When things can go wrong, expect that they will. That’s Murphy’s law. My sincerest thanks to the other COMELEC members, Bros. Jesse Arteche and Ed Vasquez for their role in keeping the elections smooth and orderly in spite of the glitches. We had to redo the counting manually from the start, but after all was said and done, the victors narrowly beat their opponents. Our very own new APOGLA member, Sis Irma Almazan prevailed over Bro. VinVin Vedar to be re-elected as the 1st VP, and Bro. Thom Pascual won over Sis. Cyndril Palencia

After Convention Get Together @ Bro. Dony Rondilla’s Place

The battle for the next ACNA convention host was even more heated. Sis Cora de Jesus gave a beautiful audio-visual presentation on why APO AA of British Columbia should be the next convention host. After her presentation, it was APO District of Columbia’s turn to convince the electorate. At the outset, Murphy again spoiled APO DC’s presentation, when technical difficulties cut short their audio-visual presentation. Our very own, former APOGLA member, Bro. Joel Carbon, then took over, eloquently explaining to the voters why APO DC was the place to be for the next ACNA convention. His dollar-a-day savings for the next two years and a promise to the Convention participants visits to the White House, the Pentagon and other historical sites won the day, as APO DC won the coveted Host of the 13th ACNA Convention in 2016.

As for me, its officially back to work on September 15 and back to the Chairmanship of the Board. My sincerest thanks to our Past President and current Board member, Sis. Emma Galang, who took over the Chairmanship temporarily last month, so that I could concentrate on the ACNA Elections.

In behalf of the Board, Bro. Eric Serrano

Tribo ni Bado Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Alpha Phi Omega (Philippines) Greater Los Angeles exclusively for its members, families and friends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers, and are not intended to represent APOPGLA. Publisher/Editor Sancho Sy Editorial Staff Dan Nino • Fely Montecillo • Ruth Manalastas Photos/Graphics by Leo Baltazar • Hanigrace Arciga • Noling Uy Bonjie Ingco • Sancho Sy • various FB sources Contributors Jerome Paggao • Fely Montecillo • Eric Serrano Toti Ayo • Bob Cobarrubias • Mar Garchitorena Irma Almazan • Troy Agagon • Dan Nino


501c3 Na Naman . . . P ar Par artt 2


By Bro. Mar Garchitorena

APOPGLA is a registered nonprofit corporation in the State of California. However, unlike most corporations, we do not have any product to sell or services to offer. We rely solely from donations and solicitations from members and other sources for our revenue. This makes us as a public nonprofit organization. This only means that donors can deduct their donations to us as qualified tax deductions. So without saying, it is a must that we have to come up with a comprehensive marketing campaign and solicitation strategy if we want to grow and prosper. First and foremost, we have to change our mindset and operate like a legitimate nonprofit business. We need to define ourselves as to what we want to become and what we really want for APOPGLA to achieve. Our projects and activities should embody and represent whatever mission we stated in the Article of Incorporation. Our projects should be something that we can call our very own and must have a little bit of originality. Although, I do believe that helping and joining other organizations with their projects makes us all feel good because “service� is in our DNA, the advancement of the name APOPGLA and spreading the mission should be our primary goal. We should not just be contented with riding the coattails of others. This does not mean we should stop extending our help and assistance to other organizations however, APOPGLA should be an acknowledged partner if ever we get involve with other groups rather than just be a pawn in advancing their own agenda and mission. Our primary objective should be to spread the mission and principles of our own beloved organization and not theirs. Secondly, we need to establish a structural organization that will do the task. We can start by having a permanent address and somebody to answer the phones. Maybe an answering service will do in the meantime. Our present setup is a little bit conflicting. The executive branch is doing their own fundraising activities while the Board of Trustee is being relied upon to also do fundraising for our organization. Let me again remind you that APOPGLA and its’ nonprofit status cannot be apportioned into 2 separate units. The same holds true with our fundraising activities. It cannot be divided and separated. It should be all in one because we are only one organization. All of our actions especially our fundraising activities should only be done and directed by one department or committee because being a registered nonprofit org, we are subject to rules of State & IRS. All incomes are reportable and should relate to the fulfilment and realization of our set mission. So a comprehensive marketing campaign and solicitation strategy should be designed and put into motion. Most of these successful nonprofit organizations have their business structure designed for marketing people to do marketing day in and day out. They are solely responsible in generating the needed revenue for whatever advocacies and activities their organization is undertaking. Maybe the same guidelines could be applied with APOPGLA wherein the Board of Trustees will be responsible for all of our fundraising activities and solicitations. There are some members in our group that has some idle time in their hands. We can use them and make their time more productive. Maybe a compensation or incentive scheme can be arrange to make it beneficial to both APOPGLA and the members who want to be involved.

Now, as a public nonprofit organization, we can solicit from individuals, groups, corporations, governmental institutions and other nonprofit organization. Have you heard of FASGI? It is also a nonprofit organization like ours that operates in the Filipino community. As far as I know, they now own a couple of properties. They have been funded by numerous governmental agencies, Foundations and business corporations aside from individual donations. Among them to name a few are: 1) HUD 2) Dept. of community Services and Development 3) County of Los AngelesDMH 4) LA County of Area Agency of Aging 5) California endowment 6) Ca Consumer Protective Agencies 7) Southern Cal Edison 8) Kaiser Permanente 9) Wells Fargo Bank 10) Asian Pacific Community Foundations 11) James Irvine Foundations 12) Weingart Foundation 13) California Wellness Foundation 14) Silver Lake Medical Hospital 15) American Red Cross 16)TFC 17) The IRS & 18) United Way. SIPA is another Filipino base non profit org. According to its executive director, Joel Jacinto, they raise $1 Million Dollars annually for their operation. I believe we can also do this. In all cases, we need to build a database that would include list of individuals, organizations, foundations, corporations and governmental agencies that are compatible and aligned with our mission. We need to write and send grant letters stating our mission and explaining our activities. A website that depicts our mission and shows our activities related to our mission is a must. We should also have presence in Social media like Facebook, Yelp and other online sites. A portfolio and/or brochure should be created and included in the grant packet. Then we need to follow up with people that we sent out our letters to and if possible have a face to face meeting with prospects so that they can know us on a more personal level. APOPGLA is unique because unlike other organizations that rely on volunteers and their staff, we have an abundance of manpower resource within our group. Nonprofit organizations are one of the biggest sources of funding for smaller nonprofits. They normally fund organization with similar missions and/or advocacies as theirs. It is important that you are in their system because once you are in funding would just keep on coming. Governmental agencies can be categorized into Federal, State, County, City and Municipal grants. There are certain advocacies that the government wants to do and they course some of their actions through nonprofit organizations. The most important thing is to find that government agencies and build relations with the government representatives that can possibly assist us in this matter. Almost all large companies and even small ones have their own foundations and charitable giving. This requires research and continuous communication with the companies. Most of them have also their own advocacies and a department within the company is normally in charge. So we need to find who are responsible for their charitable advocacies. Individuals and group donations can be solicited either directly or through fundraising projects. A comprehensive fundraising and individual solicitation campaign should be planed so we can tap individuals for donations. Most successful nonprofit organization, marketing and solicitation are a full time job. So it is important that we have the proper mindset, organizational structure, logistics and a comprehensive campaign strategy before we embark on our solicitation campaign. Can we do it? Remember, persistence is the name of the game.


COUNTLESS MOMENTS THERE HA VE BEEN . . . Li ve it, Shar e it! HAVE Liv Share Continued from page 1

Enjoy the meaningful moments and cherish those around you. They are here with us for a reason. Be a leader. Be a friend. Be of service to all. Be the brother/sister we all want to be and we all want to see. . . That’s the strong foundation that we, APOGLA, are talking about. That’s what a healthy organization is all about. Let’s continue to keep our Alumni Association, GLA, as strong and as healthy as ever. We owe it to ourselves and to our families. Once again, on behalf of your voting delegates to the most recent ACNA Convention, I thank you! I enjoin everyone to plan and join our future Conventions. It’s worth it.

Awards & Recognitions: APOGLA received the Plaque of Appreciation and bag 3 awards (Best in Leadership, Friendship & Service in big group category). Bro. Egay Ninofranco given recognition as one of three presidents of the 3 AAs who initiated the founding of ACNA. He was president of APOGLA in 1988.

The year 2014 is almost over. As always when we are having fun, time flies. We can only wish we gave more and can give more time to cultivate more friendships. They are nourishing to the soul. Our relationships lead us to so many and to so much that we do and can do, personally and/or as an organization - far and beyond the boundaries of this Association. History will speak for itself. Let us all be part of that history. Everyone has something to share, a story to tell, to inspire, to enthuse others, and have something to bring to the proverbial dinner table. Regardless, the time we give is certainly most appreciated! In Randy Pausch The Last Lecture, he said: “Time is all we have and you may find one day you have less than you think.” For our GLA, it is time once again to reach out to those who are willing and able to lead and serve. Let us encourage more of our leaders to step up and assure them of our support. We urge those who can give of their time, talent, effort and provisions to guide us and lead the way. Yes, it’s time to elect a new set of Officers for 2015. While many of our yearly activities are customary and long-established, effective leadership is necessary to keep them meaningful and relevant especially as the Alpha Phi Omega landscape changes through the years. But the principles remain as ever so true. Many organizations that don’t keep up with the changing times die of attrition. Constant brainstorming to bring heads together is a necessity to keep ourselves as relevant not only to ourselves as GLA, but to the bigger picture of The Alpha Phi Omega and its lasting legacy for the generations to come. To many among us, we are in the age of wisdom. That we must live by. That we must share. Maraming salamat po! TA091414

Top: APOGLA’s official delegates to the ACNA-NYC 2014 Convention. Middle: APOGLA delegation headed by Pres. Jerome Paggao and PP Sis. Melody Ang-Gayon receiving the LFS awards. Bottom: 30+ APOGLA delegation attended events of the ACNA-NYC 2014 and the Gala Night.


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From the VP’s View

APOGLA MEMBERS’ FIRST RESPONSIBILITY IS TO P AY THEIR DUES PA By Bro. Dan E. Nino, VP-Membership By the time you read this column, I’m already on my pilgrimage to Jordan (Amman and Petra) and the Holy Land. This historic journey has been conceived for half a year and now it’s coming to fruition. It’s a dream come true for me and my wife Myrna. Finally, we will be visiting the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem and Nazareth where he grew up and started His ministry as well as other biblical places. I’ll be back on Sept. 20, 4:30 p.m. at LAX just in the nick of time for our April 2014 GMM. While in Holy Land, I’ll insert a prayer note into the Wailing Wall for our APOGLA and pray for world peace and prosperity for mankind especially to our impoverished people in the Philippines. Before I depart on Sept. 10, I thought of writing some insights in our Membership Committee’s deliberations. Hopefully, this will set the record straight and guide us into the future. First, the payment of our membership fees. Majority or the collective sense of the committee is that members who are already 65 years of age or above who are gainfully employed or retired but receiving retirement pensions and social security benefits shall pay their membership dues annually for $50. These fees sustain our organization’s activities and projects. Although this provision or practice is not yet grandfathered in our By-Laws, it is incumbent upon us to pay our share. If members are hesitant to pay their dues because of the age factor, they should apply or simply write a letter to the Membership Committee or BOD regarding their circumstances of hardship so we can consider their petitions. In fact, there might be some Good Samaritans out there who can chip in or donate for the membership fees on behalf

of brethren who have financial issues. This is the first responsibility of a member to be considered in good standing so they can vote during elections or avail of benefits of being an APOGLA member. Lots of issues and questions crossed our minds during our Membership Committee deliberations. I haven’t read all the updated by-laws and procedures. Mea culpa. But questions were raised if it’s the job of the Membership Committee or the Area Coordinators to contact Dick and Harry to pay their membership dues. Has there been a established rule if they are supposed to follow-up on our brethren to pay their membership dues other than to drive them to our meetings? Many of us may soon reach the age of 65 sooner or later. If all the 65-year-olds waived their obligations to pay their membership dues, then our finances will dwindle in due time. I also would like to reiterate our members to update their info so we can include them in our directory, hopefully to be distributed during our December affair. Call or e-mail me or Bro Christian. See you all soon.

AMAZING APOKID! Timothy H. Almazan, MD the only child of ACNA 1st VP Irma H. Almazan and Alex Almazan (a Theta initiate and Alpha affiliate) has been certified by the Medical Board of California to practice medicine in the State of California. He is currently working with Healthcare Partners in Montebello Urgent Care Clinic. Besides being a Physician, he is also pursuing postdoctoral research in the field of Dermatology at UCLA Harbor. Timothy has been active in helping in anyway he can to all the Alpha Phi Omega activities of his parents. A graduate of University of California San Diego School of Medicine with Honors in 2011, he completed his residency in Internal Medicine at UCLA - Olive View Medical Center. His undergraduate studies at University of California Los Angeles earned him a degree of B.A. in English; he graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2007. The first two years at UCLA were spent studying science, particularly MIMG (Microbiology Immunology and Molecular Genetics). He co-authored and published a paper “Uncovering the mechanism of galectin-1 induced dendritic cell maturation.” This research was funded by the National Institute of Health. The last two years was studying his other area of interest, which is writing. During his UCLA years he was in the Football Marching Band playing Alto Saxophone. He was also in the Varsity Team in Tae Kwon Do which he is a 3rd degree black belt. Representing the school, he won several medals in the competitions. Aside from academics and athletics, he is also a professionally trained vocalist. He started his formal voice lessons when he was just 7 years old under the tutelage of Ms. Marcia Shippam, the classmate of the internationally acclaimed soprano Renee Flemming. Tim’s forte is classical music. He won several awards in classical voice competitions in Southern California. The highlight of his musical career was when he was casted as the lead role Javert in the musical presentation of Les Miserables produced by Biola Youth of Biola University. Figure Ice Skating was also one of his many passions. He was a member of Disney Ice Youth Team until he is in high school. Playing the piano is one way to reduce stress from his hectic schedules. He started playing when he was 5 years old, tutored by 2 outstanding teachers. He continued his formal lessons till he graduated from Whitney High School in Cerritos. For sure Dr. Timothy H. Almazan is a man with many talents and a very compassionate Physician. We in the Alpha Phi Omega family are all proud to have him as our son of APO.


GOINGS ON by Sis. Fely Montecillo Convention time is bonding time. We learned that some AAs held mini-reunions while in New York and simply enjoyed the company of their ka-chapters. It was fun meeting the members of different chapters from different cities conglomerate in the Big Apple. It makes one realize how big an organization we have really grown! **************** Here in my humble column, I would like to congratulate the newly-elected ACNA President Brod Aleks Garcia and VP Sis Irma Almazan in whom ACAI members are all proud of. We also thank the other officers who made our stay in New York a wonderful and memorable one! We would like to let you know we just had a fantastic time! **************** We will never tire of thanking Sis Mila Lagman, Alpha ' 63, for her hospitality in showing us the wonders of New York. Sis Mila has been a researcher of Cornell University for over three decades and really knows the ins and outs of this great city. Without her, our stay in the Big Apple wouldn't have been as exciting. She brought the Alpha group around for its gastronomic delights and for its art. Sis Bing Mercado and Brod Peter Bayle, both residents of the Big Apple, made our mini-reunion a great success. Our New Yorker brods and Sisters donated one "lechon" for our party and many of the Alpha New Yorkers made it a point to be there to meet us. Again, thanks Sis Bing and Brod Peter.It was so much fun meeting new faces from the same AA. **************** Wanting for more adventure, we proceeded to Maryland, Baltimore with Sis Yoyie Hijada who took us into her abode and showed us the historic sites of Washington D.C. There, we received an invitation for dinner from DC Brods Bennie Domingo,Di Aquino, Rudy Magsalin, Dennis Gawat, Ding Gomez and Lou Carbon, Brod Joel's better half. The specialty of the restaurant was crabs and lobsters which delighted us no end. Brod Joel could not join us as he was sent to an assignment but we had a short sharing with him before that. He looks good and (ahem!) as handsome as ever! It's an open secret in DC that he will probably run as President of DC AA. The following night Brod Bennie opened his home to us and feted us with his homemade cooking of pakbet , sinigang and other Ilocano dishes which made the Sisters gain a few pounds. So, in DC the bonding was great, the food atrociously delicious and filling . Thank you guys for the wonderful time! We look forward to visiting you again in 2016! **************** Here's wishing all the September-born a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you continue to receive blessings of good health, success in everything you do and PEACE! Love you all. **************** As of press time, theAPOGLA Sisters are planning to have their night out at Sis Emma Galang's place. Since this is being led by Sisters Emma and Melody Ang-Gayon, I wonder what naughty ideas they have in store for the night? Behave girls ok?

ACN A UPD ATES CNA UPDA Congratulations to the Incoming Officers and Hosts of ACNA for 2015-2016: President: Bro. Aleks Garcia, Lambda, from APO Dallas-Fort Worth AA 1st VP: Sis. Irma Almazan, Alpha, from APO Greater Los Angeles 2nd VP: Bro. Thom Pascual, Beta Lambda, from APO Hawaii 2015 Spring Meeting: APOAA of Midwest-Chicago 2015 Fall Meeting: APOAA of Florida 2016 Spring Meeting: APOAA of Arizona 13th ACNA Biennial Convention Host (Sept. 2016): APO District of Columbia AA

UPCOMING EVENTS September 27 - Pechanga Buscapade Part 2 - chaired by Sis. Irma Almazan and Bro. Ed Romero.

October 18 - Feeding America Service Project chaired by Brothers, Eric Aralar and Roehl Reyes October 18 - GMM/Presentation of Candidates at Bro. Rey Posadas’ Place October 25 - Election/Halloween Party at Bro. Alex and Sis. Irma Almazan’s club house. November 9 - APOGLA Golf Tournament chaired by Bros. Vinz Argonza, Jimmy Magsino and Angel Pangilinan November 22 - Thanksgiving Party (TBA) December 13 - Christmas Party - Long Beach Marriott Hotel, chaired by Bro. Dan Nino



September 15, 2014


Advicula, Robert

34. Flores, Rudy

67. Morallos, Oscar


Agagon, Troy

35. Ford, Rebecca

68. Nino, Dan

Almadrones, Malou

36. Franco, Rolly

69. Ninofranco, Egay


Almazan, Alex

37. Franco, Francis

70. Oscar, Angeles


Almazan, Irma

38. Ganzon, Ely

71. Paggao, Jerome


Amon, Ophel

39. Gapido, Bodjie

72. Pangilinan, Angel

Amon, Tony

40. Garrovillas, Ernie

73. Paras, Roland


Ang-Gayon, Melody

41. Gomez, Tony

74. Parayno, Julius


Ansula, Bong

42. Imperial, Gloria

75. Paredes, Vic

10. Aquino, Fidel

43. Ingco, Bonjie

76. Pascual, Winston

11. Arabit, Edwin

44. Javierto, Mandy

77. Pastores, Alex

12. Arabit, Jeff

45. Jove, Nelson

78. Peneza, Bobet

13. Aralar, Eric

46. Jove, Shirley

79. Petrasanta, Rene

14. Arciga, Grace

47. Junio, Virgil

80. Posadas, Rey

15. Argonza, Vinz

48. Jusay, Nelson

81. Querubin, Ruben

16. Arnaldo, Manuel

49. Lara, Bobet

82. Reyes, Roehl

17. Arroyo, Geoffrey

50. Lautchang, Wilson

83. Romero, Ed

18. Ayo, Toti

51. Linsangan, Jun

84. Rondilla, Dony

19. Bautista, Jimmy

52. Madrigal, Jun

85. Rubina Galang, Emma

20. Baxal, Joel

53. Madrigal, Tess

86. Salvador, Buddy

21. Bayani, JR

54. Magsino, Jimmy

87. Serrano, Eric

22. Bayanos Jr, Felipe

55. Mamaril, Ferdie

88. Somera, Herman

23. Bundalian, Mark

56. Manalastas, Ruth

89. Sy, Sancho

24. Calvario, Rene

57. Mansilla, Beeboy

90. Tarculas, Josie

25. Carrasco, Danny

58. Marte, Rocky

91. Tarculas, Lito

26. Clarete, Sam

59. Martinez, Romeo

92. Tecson, Raul

27. Cobarrubias, Bob

60. Medina, Boy

93. Valentino, Hero

28. David, Betta

61. Medina, Raul

94. Ventura, Beth

29. David, Christian

62. Mejia, Francis

95. Villanueva, Erna

30. David, Ramon

63. Mendez-Yazon, Daemma 96. Vinluan, Jehiel

31. De Guzman, Renato

64. Mendoza, Armand

97. Yambot, Ferdie

32. Emperado, Rudy

65. Miranda, Shane

98. Yenko, Rene

33. Fisico, Ted

66. Montecillo, Fely

99. Zamora, Sammie



Please send your $50.00 Membership Dues to: TROY AGAGON 27447 Elder View Drive Valencia CA 91354 All checks must be made payable to: APOGLA


Mel Adriano Teodoro Fisico Rebecca "bicbic" Ford Bong Ansula Bob Advincula Alex Pastores Alex Aquino, Manolo Arnaldo Rene Naval, Diosdado Duldulao Hanigrace Arciga Rudy Emperado, Honey Boy Fajota Toti Ayo, Raul Medina Nelson Ramirez, Emma Villaver Jimmy Venturina, Victor Paras Rene Calvario Meldien Lagasca

SPOUSES: 01- Grace Lara 03- Gaby Pastores 04- Oyet Mejia 08- Gie Rivera, Naty Javierto, Nini Tunque 10- Joceyn Maghari 13- Lelita Luciano, Rudy Yazon 15- Cathy Pascua 16- Aida Junio 17- Mike Alvar 18- Anna Navales 22- Elizabeth Serrano 24- Lucy Manaig 25- Emmie Talabis 29- Aida Antonio, Bella Dimatulac APO KIDS: 02- Christopher Atangan 03- Carl Milano Jr. 04- Dominique Estrada 06- Pia Ansula, Jacque Maddela, Mark Alvin Nonato 07- Gene Aure Jr., Jacob Miles Pablo 09- Erika Ramos, Marvin Matthew Marasigan 10- Darrel Dre Yazon, Lauren Calvario 11- Erika Aure, Vianne Ingco 12- Christain Atangan, Reynaldo Apura Jr. 14- Glenn Junio 16- Oliver David, Jerelle Medina 17- Christine Dianne Robles 20- Danielle Estrada 22- Sheryle Flores 23- Angeline Gapido, Patty Somera 24- Beverly Junio 25- Jason Carrasco 26- Valerie Linsangan, Colin Valdecantos 27- Kenneth Apura 28- Lovely Kimberky Apura 29- Maralla Matihan Marasigan

9TH GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING WHEN: Saturday, September 20 - GMM starts at 6pm WHERE: Bro. Rey Manikad’s Place 8712 Herrick Avenue Sun Valley, CA 91352


Take the 5-Fwy to Sn Fernando Valley From North: Exit Penrose turn RIGHT Turn RIGHT on Norris Ave Take 1st LEFT to Dora St. Take 1st RIGHT to Herrick Ave. From South: Exit Sunland Blvd, turn RIGHT Turn LEFT on Vinedale St. Vinedale turns slightly right and becomes Herrick Ave.

CONTACT PERSONS: Bro. Jerome Paggao - (818) 472-7049 Bro. Rey Manikad - (818) 768-1911

Jerome Paggao 29938 North CambridgeAve. Castaic, CA 91384

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