Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Nation•Business•Sports•Chill Out
Objectives The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), a component of the Global Tobacco Surveillance System (GTSS), is a global standard for systematically monitoring youth tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators. GYTS is a nationally representative school-based survey of students in grades associated with age 13 to 15 years and is designed to produce cross-sectional estimates for each country. GYTS uses a standard core questionnaire, sample design, and data collection protocol. It assists countries in fulfilling their obligations under the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) to generate comparable data within and across countries. WHO has developed MPOWER, a package of selected demand reduction measures contained in the WHO FCTC: (Continued on page 2...)
rogressing the delivery of key pledges in the Qatar National Mental Health Strategy , recently the Supreme Council of Health (SCH) hosted a stakeholder workshop to agree on performance measures for mental health care. The measures will be collectively known as the Mental Health Minimum Data Set (MHMDS), and enable the SCH to understand and compare health outcomes from multiple providers across the whole health system and monitor the successful delivery of mental health priorities. The workshop was led by Kevin Smith, Clinical Projects Manager from South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and associate of Maudsley International, to generate consensus on the clinical data set for mental health with Qatar’s key healthcare organisations, including Primary Health Care Corporation, Hamad Medical Corporation and the National Health Insurance Company. Speaking at the opening of the event, Kevin Smith said: “The MHMDS will support the delivery of Qatar’s National Mental Health Strategy by providing comprehensive national activity data at a patient level, which is anonymised. The MHMDS allows a better understanding of the population’s need for mental health services by generating high grade health intelligence. This in turn will inform research, service planning, service improvement and performance management.” The MHMDS will contain record-lev-
el data about the care of children, adults and older people using mental health services and will help determine the level of mental health care needed in the community. The data set brings together key information from mental health care pathways that have been captured on clinical systems as part of patient care. Critically the data will enable the SCH to understand the outcomes of treatment by people in contact with mental health services and enable Qatar to benchmark those patient outcomes against similar services internationally.
As part of a quality information system, the data will provide a necessary foundation for clinical research and practice by providing access to robust, comprehensive, nationally consistent and comparable information. The MHMDS will promote reflective practice, giving local clinicians and Managers better quality information to facilitate clinical auditing and improve their services. The data will also help ensure evidence collected from mental health research translates into improvements in clinical practice and patient outcomes.
SCH has enhanced the alertness for winter season
hile surveillance of acute respiratory conditions and influenza-like illnesses persists, Public Health Department (PHD) at the Supreme Council of Health (SCH) has enhanced the alertness for winter season where respiratory diseases usually escalate. Surveillance reports, however, did not register any new confirmed case with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (MERS-CoV), apart from the
two Qatari cases reported in last October, where one case has completely recovered and discharged home, while the other is still kept under intensified medical care due to his critical condition. Yet, the two cases have tested negative for the serological investigation during the first week of supportive treatment and isolation, as monitoring of potential contacts of the two patients was actively implemented and recommendations of preventive practices were communicated with the close contacts at the community level as well as the healthcare institutions. Additionally, monitoring of persons arriving from Ebola-affected regions has not revealed any confirmed case of Ebola Virus Disease in Qatar so far. The Health Protection and Communicable Diseases Control Department early preparedness and response package includes
surveillance coupled with monitoring of suspected cases and contacts; laboratory confirmation; case management and isolation of infected cases with ensuring availability of supportive medications and seasonal flu vaccine; infection prevention and control measures, in addition to health education for vulnerable population groups. To this end, SCH emphasises that the seasonal flu vaccine is readily available at the primary healthcare centres for all public and in particular for those at greater risk of severe respiratory illnesses: persons with chronic morbidities like Diabetes Mellitus, heart diseases, renal diseases, or low immunity, in addition to elderly. Further, several training activities are underway to maintain the national alertness and reinforce capacities of leaders and healthcare staff of the institutions involved in early preparedness and response.