Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Nation•Business•Sports•Chill Out
Health Minister’s Statement on ‘Organ Transplant Law’
he new law promotes the State’s persistent exerted efforts to organize the process of human organs transplant to be in compliance with the most stringent rules and regulations and the application of the highest medical and ethical standards which constitute a firm guarantee against human organs trafficking practices” said HE the Minister, adding: “the law comprises severe penalties against any breaches of its provisions as well as clear-cut mechanisms to ensure effective control and supervision. HE the Minister further underlined that the law shall be followed by a package of executive decisions specifying the terms and procedures to be secured by the hospitals seeking license to perform organs, tissues or cells transplant and the formation of medical ethics committees at the licensed hospitals, identify the material, insurance and therapeutic benefits granted to donors and their families and establish bio-banks for the storage and conservation of tissues and cells at both public and private hospitals. HE the Minister pointed out that as stated by the provisions of the law the current decisions shall continue to be effective, until the issue of these decisions, provided that they should not be in contradiction with the provisions of the new law. HE the Minister confirmed that Qatar is in the lead and plays a pioneering role in the provision of advanced, comprehensive and high quality services in the field of organ transplant applying the latest and high standard criteria in this regard. HE the Minister finally expressed his thanks and appreciation for all nationals and expatriates who took the initiative and register in the National Registry for Organ Donation and support the efforts exerted to reach self-sufficiency in this field confirming that all legislations and agreements enforced in this regard are fully respected in letter and spirit.
s many Muslims are traveling to Saudi Arabia to against seasonal flu. Individuals who are at an increased perform Hajj in fulfilment of their religious acts of risk of severe influenza diseases, particularly pregnant worship during this period, the Supreme Council women, children under five years, the elderly and individuals with underlying health conof Health (SCH) and Hamad Mediditions such as human immunodecal Corporation (HMC) are remindficiency virus, asthma, chronic heart ing pilgrims to take the necessary DR. SAAD AL NUAIMI, or lung diseases, are urged to take steps to ensure they are safeguarded SENIOR CONSULTANT the annual seasonal flu vaccine this against infectious diseases while on IN EMERGENCY year,” he explained. the holy pilgrimage. MEDICINE AT HMC, Dr. Al-Romaihi added that pneuAccording to the SCH, three immococcal vaccination is recomSTRESSED THAT portant vaccines are recommended mended for high risk people aged for those going on Hajj during this PILGRIMS MUST TAKE between two and 64 years with year. The vaccines are meningoHEALTH PRECAUTIONS chronic medical conditions like coccal meningitis, seasonal flu and sickle cell anemia, splenectomy and PRIOR TO TRAVEL, pneumococcal. The SCH recomrenal failure; healthy adults aged DURING THEIR mends that pilgrims should comfrom 18 – 64 years with unknown or plete these vaccinations at least 10 JOURNEY, AND AT THE incomplete pneumococcal vaccine days before their departure to Saudi END OF THEIR TRIP series in childhood; and healthy Arabia. adults aged 50 – 64 years with no “It is mandatory for all adults and pneumococcal vaccine after 18 children over two years to receive meningococcal vacyears. All high risk individuals are also advised to protect cine at least 10 days before traveling to Saudi Arabia. themselves by receiving the flu vaccine. Meningococcal vaccine may be used with caution in Dr. Saad Al Nuaimi, Senior Consultant in Emergenpregnancy. However, it is not mandatory for pregnant cy Medicine at HMC, stressed that pilgrims must take women going for Hajj,” said Dr Hamad Eid Al-Romaihi, health precautions prior to travel, during their journey, Manager of Health Protection and Communicable Disand at the end of their trip. ease Control at SCH. (Continued on page 2...) “Furthermore, all pilgrims should be vaccinated