Thursday, October 30, 2014
Nation•Business•Sports•Chill Out
Mr. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Qahtani HE the Minister of Public Health
he State of Qatar participated in the 61st. Session of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (RCEM) that took place in Tunisia during the period 19 – 22 Oct. 2014. HE the Minister of Public Health, Mr. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Qahtani chaired the Qatari delegation. The meeting reviewed a number of essential health issues and concerns, the annual report of the Regional Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), which highlights aspects of cooperation between the Regional Office and member States, the remarkable achievements accomplished during 2013 as well as the challenges facing the member States of the Region. The meetings, also, reviewed many other issues such as: eradication of poliomyelitis, tobacco combat, achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) associated with health concerns and Global Health Objectives (GHOs) beyond 2015, the regional strategy to challenge and defy Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the window 2011 – 2015, Save the Children Initiative and design health future in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In addition, the meetings tackled the strategies of controlling and prevention of non-communicable diseases, preparedness for and response to emergencies and health threats considering them as a health priority concern in the region. The RCEM also reviewed a technical paper under the title: “Progress and Prospects 2012 – 2016”. The gathering, also, discussed the major challenges facing Health Information Systems’ support and enhancement at the national level, develop work plans between RCEM and the member States to establish a consistent cooperative work and identify the essential requirements of the member States.
30th PCSI Conference Held In Doha THE 30TH PCSI CONFERENCE
PATIENT CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL After many discussions about the value of a collaborative association, including meetings in Paris in 1984 and Dublin in 1986, Patient Classifications Systems Europe (PCSE) was initially founded in 1987 in Lisbon. The organisation created a network of researchers and users of the case mix concept from health administration, government agencies, and academia. From an initial focus on Diagnosis Related Group (DRGs), the association’s goals have expanded to include a broader interest in clustering and grouping techniques of clinical and administrative data for health care management and financing. The association has stimulated
HE Dr. Siniša Varga Minister of Health, Republic of Croatia
the use and refinement of the science of “grouping patients” within different levels of the health system. Expansion of the organisation throughout the world brought a name change from PCSE to Patient Classification Systems International (PCSI). It is the only worldwide organisation addressing case-mix issues. In the last years the annual international conference has brought together a growing number of active participants from all over the world. From a group of six “idealists” from Western Europe and the United States, the organisation has now grown to hundreds of members from 5 continents. The organisation puts on one annual conference and offers educational opportunities through our summer and winter School programs. PCSI is governed by an elected Executive Committee.
Ibrahim Muhanna
Muhanna Foundation, Lebanon
Julian Pettengill
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, USA
PCSI hosts an annual conference attended by 250 to 300 members from academia, health ministries, non-government organisations and hospitals. PCSI also offers two annual week-long educational courses to members on the topics of case-mix classifications and applications. The annual conference is held in a different country each year, and organised jointly between PCSI and a local organisation (a government or other organisation involved in healthcare and case-mix). Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Public Health Abdulla bin Khalid Al-Qahtani, the Patient Classification Systems International (PCSI) 2014 was held in Doha, Qatar from 20 to 23 of October 2014. The theme of the PCSI 2014 conference was “Patient Information for Better Choice. The event took place in the stylish environs of the Hilton Hotel Doha, located on the cooling shores of the Arabian Gulf. The PCSI 2014 is the first PCSI Conference to be held in the Middle East Region. It presented a unique opportunity to learn more about this fast growing and complex region, engage in networking and participate in several social activities. In keeping with tradition, the 30th PCSI Conference gathered the work and experience of worldwide experts in case-mix and wider areas of healthcare provision, with a strong presence from the region. Key note speakers included HE Dr. Siniša Varga- Minister of Health, Republic of Croatia, Professor Elias Mossialos- London School of Economics, UK, Professor Dr. med. Reinhard Busse-Berlin University of Technology, Germany, Julian Pettengill- Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, USA, and Ibrahim Muhanna- Muhanna Foundation, Lebanon.
Prof. Dr. Med. Reinhard Prof. Elias Mossialos London School of Busse Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Economics, UK