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The artistic process pairs with the work through additional displays in the exhibit — like the artist studio setup during Gladys Swan’s early 2019 exhibition or the thoughtful placards providing context for the work, detailing the artist’s background and intention for the display. A participatory show in 2018, What Does Art Do?, invited guests to ask themselves that question as they entered and exited
the space. The responses created an evolving, collaborative piece that was on display for the duration of the show. Gray’s emphasis on education means guests can get a glimpse into the artist’s thought process as they explore their body of work and the exhibit’s concept. “Art isn’t just a painting hanging on a wall,” Gray said. “It’s about process. It’s a creative process.”
Artwork by spotlight artist Matthew Ballou is seen at the Montminy Gallery at the Boone County Historical Society on Friday, April 12, 2019. [HUNTER DYKE/TRIBUNE]