Founders Day

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130 Years of Kindness

The Trident of Tri Delta

kindness Y E AR S OF

Volume 128 Fall 2018 The Trident of Delta Delta Delta

Founders’ Day 2o18



CELEBRATING FOUNDERS’ DAY 2018 Join us in celebrating 130 years of sisterhood by making a gift to the Tri Delta Foundation in honor of a sister who has shown you kindness when you needed it most. Our Founders’ Day Campaign kicks off on World Kindness Day, Tuesday, Nov. 13. Please Join In... Make a gift to the Tri Delta Foundation to support our sisters and receive an exclusive shareable graphic. Visit to donate! Post your graphic on social media acknowledging your kindness and encourage others to do the same! Tag a sister on social media and thank her for her kindness. Sister by sister, Our Kind of Kind will change the world. Planning or attending a Founders’ Day event? Visit for a complete list of events.


Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Acts of Kindness: Shaylyn Smith, Clemson, (above) is pictured with her Tri Delta sisters, Betsy Cunningham and Maya Dixon, both Clemson. Photo, right: Christie Curie Zoba, Southern Methodist, (pictured at right) delivers water filters in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Cover artwork by Brett Styles.

Photo, left: Travis Bell Fall 2018 The Trident


Founders’ Day

“Our kind of kind has

the power to change the world. Our kind of kind seeks truth and is humble. It is genuine, listens to others and celebrates the joy of others. Our kind of kind is patient and gracious and courteous. Similarly, our kind of bold is fearless when it comes to doing what’s right.”

Kimberlee Sullivan Fraternity President


Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity



The Trident Fall 2018

Photo, above: Scogin Mayo

life loyal in this issue from the ceo






life on campus


delta living


alumnae in action


with purpose


in memoriam



Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity


62 Fall 2018 The Trident



while also fixing the negatives. It helped me realize that taking time to serve others for the rest of my life is a life worth living.

Dear Tri Delta Sisters:

Today I moved my 19-year-old daughter into the Tri Delta house at the University of Denver. Most parents walk a line between wanting their college students to be independent, but worrying about them as well. We all want the perfect place for our kids to live and learn, and I knew finding a supportive network would be important if my daughter was going to be happy in college. As I walked through the Gamma Chi chapter house this afternoon, I watched the girls stop by my daughter’s room to welcome her home, I looked at all the thoughtful touches the house corporation has added, I was greeted by the house director, and I was reminded what it means to live in the house—to be surrounded by sisters, a part of something bigger that makes you better. I thought when I had the privilege of taking my daughter through Initiation last year that it was the high point of my affiliation with the sorority, but I think today was even more significant because the house is the heart of the life of any Tri Delta—it is where you first meet the young women who will become your sisters, it is where you learn about the legacy of the organization to which you have committed, and it is where you will always be welcomed. I am so proud that the sorority that was a home for me as a young woman is now one for my daughter as well. Thank you, Tri Delta, for always giving shy young women a place to be loved and accepted. With Fondest Wishes, Selena Reed Paulsen, Colorado

HOW TRI DELTA HAS SHAPED MY FUTURE When a young woman goes through recruitment to find her new home away from home, that young woman has no idea what benefits are coming for her at the time of accepting her bid. I am one of those young women who accepted her bid to Tri Delta in 2015 and has grown immensely ever since. Tri Delta is about living. Living in the moment and understanding that you will never get the present moment you are in back again. It taught me that time is precious. I learned to appreciate every single person around me and take time to notice the positives,

Tri Delta is about learning. Learning about sisterhood and service in our local communities and through our philanthropy has impacted me so much that I am taking my service more global. I learned about how powerful a group of committed women can be and how every single woman in that group contributed to help the children of St. Jude. That inspired me to join the Peace Corps. Tri Delta is about leading. Leading with personal integrity and devotion are huge values that I learned through the positions I held. I gained experiences that I would not get anywhere else in a college environment. Leading with purpose is something I learned from the empowering women who came before me and the empowering women who went through the undergraduate journey with me. I will carry these values with me for the rest of my life so the women after us can become more brave, bold and kind than ever before. Small efforts make a huge impact, and I am going to take everything I learned from my undergraduate years in Tri Delta and apply them to my 27-month service in the Peace Corps, departing in January. This incredible organization made me into the woman I am today, and I hope my story helps inspire other sisters to recognize their purpose in this life we live and to go serve others. Sarah Ida Shaw once said: “the glory of life is to give, not to be given; love, not to be loved; and serve, not to be served.” Let that quote resonate with you to help you find your purpose and go live, learn and lead like the Tri Delta women we are and the values we have. Kathleen Murray, Stockton

LEGACIES Your article in The Trident about legacies in recruitment was excellent. This mother of two Tri Delta legacies feels qualified to agree with you. My older daughter was cut by Tri Delta but became involved in another Panhellenic group. She’s now in her 50s, and her two best friends today are from her college sorority. My younger daughter was a very active Tri Delta. She received an award which had only been given by the chapter once before, and she was awarded by the university for outstanding service to that institution. Both received benefits from being Greek. As a result they are productive, happy women. Mary Ann Bush, Texas Tech


The Trident Fall 2018

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

A little over 30 years ago I joined Tri Delta at the University of Colorado at Boulder (Theta Beta). I wasn’t a freshman, I was shy, and I desperately wanted some place to belong in a big university where it was easy to get lost. Tri Delta took me in, gave me a safe haven, friends and a genuine college experience.


Kiera is in the middle, proudly wearing a pink sash.

Birthday” broke out. She was moved to tears when describing the event to her dad and I. It was an amazingly kind way for the chapter to show support for their sister Amanda, and for her sister, Kiera. We were stunned by the generosity and love they demonstrated and it should go without saying that we will all remember Kiera’s 21st birthday. What a great group of “brave, bold and kind” young women who showed up in kindness to make a lasting impact in the life of another young woman in their community. -Denise Snodgrass, Parent For more “Our Kind of Kind” stories, see our feature on page 30.

Kiera (left) with Amanda (right).

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

“For kindness to prevail it will take all of us. Brave, bold and kind women who have learned how to live and lead with Purpose. Kindness has been woven into the fabric of Tri Delta since our founding. It is part of who we are and now, more than ever, it’s how we are being asked to show up in the world.” These words from Fraternity President, Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan at the 58th Biennial Convention were lived out at the University of Kansas this past September. Sophomore member Amanda Snodgrass’ older sister, Kiera, was approaching her 21st birthday. Kiera, a vibrant, tenacious, hardworking young lady also has Down syndrome, a disability of genetic origin which impacts Kiera’s life in a number of ways. She has a few close friends but over time many of her friends have moved away to pursue college and work. While we had planned to celebrate Kiera’s 21st birthday with family and friends, Amanda felt something was missing. But Tri Delta came to the rescue! Tri Delta members came together to throw Kiera a surprise party. They blew up balloons, painted a banner and collected party horns and hats to don for the special occasion. With lights dimmed and a room packed with Tri Deltas, Kiera entered and was shocked speechless when shouts of “surprise” and a chorus of “Happy Fall 2018 The Trident



Dear Tri Delta Sisters,

When Sarah Ida Shaw founded Tri Delta 1888, it was her dream to create a society that would be “kind alike to all.” Onehundred and thirty years later, more than 233,000 Tri Delta women worldwide are doing exactly that. I can only imagine how proud she’d be! As we reflect on our founding this Thanksgiving Eve, please enjoy this special Founders’ Day edition of The Trident. It is dedicated to all the ways Tri Delta members display kindness across the world. As “Delta Love” is a special kind of steadfast love, “Our Kind of Kind” has the power to transform lives... To improve our communities... To change the world. If that seems far-fetched, read about how two sisters — Topley Edenton, Mississippi, and Christie Curie Zoba, Southern Methodist — showed kindness to their communities in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria last year (p. 24). And, in a piece written by Past President Phyllis Durbin Grissom, Southern Methodist, Phyllis remembers a Tri Delta sister who showed kindness and compassion during their time in the chapter together, and shares how she continues to witness that same sister help those in need more than 25 years later (p. 54).


The Trident Fall 2018

And don’t miss a very special Founders’ Day Proclamation written by Fraternity President Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine (p. 8). Kimberlee discusses the timeliness of Tri Delta’s renewed commitment to kindness, and the power of “Our Kind of Kind.” Finally, a group of women share their own beautiful stories about how their Tri Delta sisters have touched their lives with kindness (p. 30). It is my hope that you’ll also take a moment to remember those sisters who have had an impact on your life, and that you’ll share your story with us. You can do so by making a Founders’ Day gift to the Tri Delta Foundation in honor of a sister. See details on the inside front cover, or visit Or you can simply share your story on social media using the hashtag #DDD130. Wishing you all a happy Founders’ Day and a happy holiday. Loyally,

Karen Hughes White, Georgia CEO Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

This Founders’ Day we are celebrating 130 years of Tri Delta! Can you believe it? One-hundred and thirty years of women embracing truth, self-sacrifice, friendship... And kindness.


The Trident of Tri Delta Fall 2018 Volume 128 Number 1 Editorial Team

CEO Editor-In-Chief Karen Hughes White, Georgia

Managing Editor Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist Art Director Liz Tindall, Texas Content Manager, Writer Amanda Milford, Texas/Arlington Director of Public Relations, Writer Jason Paul Gomez Content Specialist, Writer Lindsay Mackey, Auburn The Trident of Delta Delta Delta (USPS 640380) is published October, March, June and August of each year and is $10 by Delta Delta Delta, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, Texas, and additional mailing offices. MAILING POLICY: The Fraternity respects the privacy of its members. Mailing lists are shared only with vendors of Executive Board-approved Fraternity programs. These vendors sign an agreement prohibiting the sale of the mailing list. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Delta Delta at above address or by email to

reader’sguide The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, the official publication of Delta Delta Delta Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1891. Its mission is to reflect the Tri Delta experience; to bring the Purpose and shared values of Tri Delta to life; to instill and sustain pride in the Fraternity; to educate and entertain the undergraduate members, alumnae, parents and others interested in the Fraternity and to contribute to the historical record of the Fraternity.


Collegiate members receive The Trident through payment of Fraternity dues to their chapters. Individual copies are mailed to each undergraduate member’s permanent address, and four copies are sent to each collegiate chapter president. Alumnae members receive The Trident print edition through payment of Fraternity dues, through an alumnae chapter or through the purchase of an annual subscription ($33). Alumnae members can receive a complimentary subscription by making a onetime $300 Life Loyal donation to the Tri Delta Foundation. Learn more at foundation.


Your daughter’s copy of The Trident is being sent to your address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it too. If your daughter is not in college, or is no longer living at home, please send us her new address.


Log onto, go to My Tri Delta and edit your personal information. You may also call (817) 633-8001 or send mail to Delta Delta Delta, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254.


The Trident, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254 Email: Phone: (817) 633-8001 Fax: (817) 652-0212


We welcome your comments, both positive and negative, about The Trident. Send letters to the editorial team via email or mail. Please include your name, school and initiation year. The Trident reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor. Letters may be edited for space and clarity.

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity


National Panhellenic Conference

All Tri Deltas are encouraged to submit news and stories to The Trident. Tell us about your accomplishments, events and experiences, and please include photographs. Send stories and photos online through My Tri Delta or via email or mail. If submitting photos online or by email, please submit as high-resolution.


Fall: July 1

Winter/Spring: December 1

Summer: March 1

These deadlines are estimates provided for your convenience. One to three issues may appear before a submission is published because of the production schedule of The Trident.

This publication was printed using soy ink. Fall 2018 The Trident


Founders’ Day Proclamation

130 Y EARS

Dear Sarah,

One hundred and thirty years ago, you founded an organization that was built on the ideal of being “kind alike to all.” You envisioned a community and a culture. You created our kind of membership, and you started our kind of sisterhood. With earnestness of purpose, together with your dear friend Eleanor, you became the architects of an experience that you desired for yourselves and for other women seeking something distinctive, something dynamic and something worthy of the best that was in them. You would have no way of knowing just how relevant that would be today - 130 years later. Your vision for Tri Delta came at a time when the world was unkind toward women. Few were educated, many did not have professional careers and their voices went unheard. You led with bravery and boldness, and all you asked was that we bring ourselves. When members’ voices were being shaped in smaller rooms, you dreamed of those voices being projected to the largest spaces. Today, Tri Delta thrives in a world where women matter, and we speak up for ourselves as strong, educated and empowered citizens. The society you and Eleanor created has become a movement, which resonates in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of women who wear the very same Stars and Crescent badge you designed in 1888. It’s as beautiful and meaningful today as ever. And while the world has changed quite a bit since 1888, it can still be very unkind. Our challenge as Tri Deltas is to show the world what kindness and compassion is. For kindness to prevail, it will take all of us making the commitment to be brave and bold as we live kind and lead kind. Kindness has the capacity to overcome our greatest challenges. It is more powerful than hazing. It would eradicate sexual harassment and assault. It is the very essence of inclusion. And it will defeat rising, anti-Greek sentiment.

Inspired by your vision of kindness, your words have brought new life to our passion for serving others. In 1947, our alumnae sisters became champions for the cause to end childhood cancer forever, and our impact since then has changed the way the world


The Trident Fall 2018

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

And you knew it from the beginning.

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine F R AT E R N I T Y P R E S I DE N T

Photo: Scogin Mayo Fall 2018 The Trident


treats and defeats this disease. And when it comes to helping our sisters in every way, Tri Delta boldly leads the way in supporting our members with academic scholarships and in meeting their most urgent needs with benevolent, life-changing grants. And drawing on your powerful words in our Ritual and Oath, we remain committed to our sisters’ growth and development, focusing on the ideals of truth, self-sacrifice and friendship. We promote self-confidence, thoughtful reflection and resiliency. We render willing service to others and continue to spread Tri Delta’s influence abroad. Our sisterhood continues to flourish because of the meaningful relationships and lifelong friendships nurtured through loyalty and fealty to Tri Delta. We challenge each other to respect ourselves and others and their contributions to the world around us. At the heart of Tri Delta is love and “Our Kind of Kind.” Our kind of kind has the power to change the world. Our kind of kind seeks truth and is humble. It is genuine, listens to others and celebrates the joy of others. Our kind of kind is patient and gracious and courteous. Similarly, our kind of bold is fearless when it comes to doing what’s right. And our kind of brave? Our brave cares first about who we are as women and sisters. Understanding that we are stronger together than we could ever be alone, we embrace our individual differences. We have opened our hearts, our eyes and our minds to steadfastly love those who are different from us – because it’s our differences that make us unique and whole. We celebrate the opportunity to “Bring You” and to become the best version of yourself in and through Tri Delta. Sarah, we honor from where we came and what you founded and hope that you would be proud of today’s Tri Delta – an assembly of women who share the values you identified; women who are brave, bold and kind; who are passionate about serving others and committed to becoming our best selves. And in doing so, today we step forward - together - in a moment that is deserving of Our Kind of Kind. In this moment of pure growth and love, we are proud to say that we can help take it from here.

With gratitude and loyalty,


The Trident Fall 2018

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Sarah - once, we came to join. Now, we come to lead... In accordance with our Purpose and your vision for a society that would be, indeed, kind alike to all.

STAY CONNECTED Membership in Tri Delta is for a lifetime, allowing you to be yourself and belong to something bigger – something distinctive, something dynamic and something that is worthy of the best in you. Join an alumnae chapter today to receive unique benefits and continue to share in the treasured friendship and growth that comes from Tri Delta sisterhood.

Sign up:

BENEFITS OF ALUMNAE MEMBERSHIP: • Events with Tri Deltas in your area • Regular updates and communications from Tri Delta’s Executive Office • An annual subscription to The Trident • Philanthropy and service opportunities • Town Hall Webinars with Fraternity President Kimberlee Sullivan

Together we are one of a kind, and stronger than we could ever be alone.

Foundation Scholarships 2018 - 2019 Foundation Scholarship Recipients The Tri Delta Foundation awarded 144 academic scholarships to deserving undergraduate and graduate members for the 2018-19 academic year. These scholarships, totaling over $361,000, are funded by donations from generous Tri Delta members, and recipients include collegiate and alumnae members furthering their education and lifetime learning. Tri Delta remains committed to our Purpose by assisting our members in every possible way through the Foundation’s academic scholarships. Ryleigh Navert, Oklahoma, is a senior working on her bachelor’s degree in political science and accounting. Upon graduating from the University of Oklahoma in May 2019, she hopes to continue her education by earning a Juris Doctor Degree or a Master of Business Administration.

“The Leona McKie Muse Scholarship allows me to spend less time in my on-campus job working to pay for school expenses, and more time focusing on developing my skill set, resume and professional network,” says Ryleigh. “The financial assistance extended by the Tri Delta Foundation is just another way in which Tri Delta shows that it cares about its members and wants to help them succeed.”

U N D ERGR A D UAT E S C H O L A R S H I P S Delta Lambda Scholarship Sydney Neglia, Butler

Eastman Memorial Scholarship Alyssa Arndt, Nebraska

Alpha Lambda Chapter Scholarship Julianne Larsson, South Carolina

Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Patricia Calkins, Alabama Claudia Hogan, Alabama Kendall Hudgins, Alabama Rachel Naumann, Alabama Camille Studebaker, Alabama

Edith Scandlyn/Sammie Lynn Scandlyn Puett Memorial Scholarship Magdalene Fruehwald, Tennessee

Amanda Judice Scholarship Kamryn Robinson, Louisiana State Atlanta Alumnae Chapter Achievement Scholarship Evelyn Gould, Furman Avery Bayle Barth Scholarship Britt Jacobson, Southern California Taylor Wilcox, Southern California Barbara Downey Freson Undergraduate Scholarship Namrata Srikanth, William & Mary Cheryl White Pryor Memorial Scholarship Paxton Masengill, Tennessee 12

Delta Omega Chapter Scholarship Lily Fontenot, Louisiana State Delta Omega House Corporation Scholarship Kelly Robertson, Louisiana State Dodge Theta Beta Undergraduate Scholarship Rachel Iliff, Colorado Donna Axum Whitworth Scholarship Katie Gardner, Arkansas Dott Henggeler Memorial Scholarship Ally Thompson, Virginia Tech

The Trident Fall 2018

Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Caelyn Gessler, Jacksonville Jane Folkrod Scholarship Kiera Deal, Iowa

Ellen Gignilliat Arts Scholarship Claire Harvin, Clemson

Jean Wiggin Roach Phi Lambda Scholarship Carly Crossman, Texas Christian

Erin Kumelos Heard Memorial Scholarship Daisy Corona, California/Davis

Jeanne Ryland Collegiate Scholarship Morgan Davis, Auburn

Gamma Eta House Corporation Scholarship Erin Sorady, Richmond

Laura Burckel Peterson Memorial Scholarship Hailey Nichols, Louisiana State

Gamma Iota Chapter Scholarship Amanda McGowan, Purdue

Laura Stenovec Scholarship Amanda Ormonde, California/Davis

Houston Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Jordan Hoye, Stephen F. Austin

Lauren Savoy Olinde Memorial Scholarship Kylie Cronin, Louisiana State Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Reaganne Coile, Georgia Emily Daniels, Arkansas

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Alpha Beta Chapter Scholarship Taylor Meyer, Cornell

Changing Lives Katie Gardner, Arkansas Caelyn Gessler, Jacksonville Andrea Gracia, California/Merced Brady Kaucic, Ohio State Brielle Kolpin, Coe Amanda McGowan, Purdue Ryleigh Navert, Oklahoma Amanda Nelson, Nebraska Alyssa Silvas, Southwestern Katherine Thomas, Texas/Austin Alyson Waite, Toledo Live Learn Lead Scholarship Brooke Bierling, California/Irvine Danielle Bodette, Texas Tech Kali Boydston, Kansas Madison Brandt, Wyoming Amanda Bruchhauser, Adelphi Emily Colvin, Louisiana Tech Beth Cunningham, Southern Mississippi Sarah Eisner, Cincinnati McKenna Ford, Idaho Morgan Forteith, Southwestern Lisa Griffin, Drury Madison Heher, Denison Emily Hines, Millsaps Jill Kleinkauf, Chapman Tiernan Kolpin, Coe Diem-Thi Le, Texas/Dallas Rebecca Leuschen, Simpson Jameson Miller, Millsaps London Moore, Oklahoma Kelsey Morihara, Creighton Ashlyn Parkhurst, Mississippi State Danielle Pham, Creighton Macy Randle, Kentucky Patricia Sanford, Mississippi Sierra Stevens, Florida Gulf Coast Emily Stevenson, Florida Jane Tullis, North Carolina Jessica Waters, Kentucky

Elizabeth Whitlock, Southern Methodist Sarah Wry, Vermont Ally Zamer, Maryland

McKinney Sisters Undergraduate Scholarship Reanna Robinson, Millsaps

Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Sara Chartier, Northern Arizona

Louise Bales Gallagher Scholarship Amber Johnson, Millikin

Melissa Hamman & Molly Hamman Bielamowicz Scholarship Taylor Husman, Texas/Arlington

Rachel Spelman Memorial Scholarship Mary Owens, Texas A&M

Luella Akins Key Scholarship Cara Cattafi, Stockton Margaret McFarlane Alkek Undergraduate Scholarship Katherine Thomas, Texas/Austin Margo Robb & Cindy Robb Lites Scholarship Madeline Foreman, Louisiana State Marguerite Bernice Hunt Brun Scholarship Amanda Carver, Oregon Makayla Herbert, Oregon Sadie Kavalier, Oregon Brittani Lancaster, Oregon

Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter - Alice McNeely Scholarship Madisen Kuppich, North Dakota State Mu Chapter Scholarship Tristan Jensen, Wisconsin Jennifer Podgorski, Wisconsin Bella Works, Wisconsin Lexi Johnson, Wisconsin Nancy Ashley Adams/Ashley Adams Koetje Scholarship Amanda Panchery, Florida State Nu Chapter Scholarship Brady Kaucic, Ohio State

Marjorie Herndon Hines Beta Phi Scholarship Stephanie McClain, Centre

Parker Theta Zeta Scholarship Stephanie Keeling, Texas/Austin

Martha Helen Conner Byrd Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Guinn, Louisiana State

Peg Hart Harrison Memorial Scholarship Kendall Attwood, Central Florida

Martha Sale Ferman Scholarship Evelyn Gould, Furman

Phi Lambda Program Sales Scholarship Fund in Honor of Mary Ruth Robinson Rylie Hayes, Texas Christian Haley Malloy, Texas Christian

Martin Sisters Scholarship Julianne Larsson, South Carolina Mary King Scholarship Faith Bellas, Miami/Florida

Phi Upsilon Chapter Scholarship Carolina Quijada, Oklahoma State

Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Faith Bellas, Miami/Florida Lexi Johnson, Wisconsin Shannon Torrance, Centre Shirley Crawford Leadership Scholarship Savanah Day, Mississippi Greyson Keel, Mississippi Sisterhood Scholarship Heather Roesinger, Pittsburgh Susan E Riley Foundation Scholarship Tatiana Swenson, Oregon State Angela Tran, Oregon State Upsilon Chapter Scholarship Giz Belkaya, Northwestern Virginia Hartfod Saharov Memorial Scholarship Corrin Klapacz, Illinois Brooke Horvatin, Illinois Virginia Stewart Nicklas Scholarship Abigail Kennedy, Michigan Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Amber Johnson, Millikin Greyson Keel, Mississippi

GR AD UAT E S C H O L A R S H I P S During Sisters Scholarship Kelly Church, Washington Founders’ Anniversary FundMary Margaret Hafter Fellowship Margaret Kelly, Transylvania Founders’ Anniversary Fund Margaret Stafford Fellowship Ramsey Schultz, Colorado Gabriel Jackson Renstrom Scholarship Andrea Meagher, California/Berkeley Harriet Erich Graduate Fellowship Holly Adams, Alabama Maxine Walters, Alabama

Hazel D Isbell Foundation Scholarship Mikayla Rowe, Oregon Houston Alumnae Chapter Graduate Scholarship Courtney Favaloro, Texas Christian Katie Cooper & Veronika Weiss Memorial Scholarship Noelle Steele, California/Santa Barbara Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Alexandria Hansen, Coe Rachel Harp, Georgia Darci Lambeth, Oklahoma Caroline Pellegrino, Centre Elizabeth Ruehl, Louisiana/Lafayette

Linda Garrett Whitson Graduate Scholarship Hollie Bowers, Southern California Live Learn Lead Scholarship Breanna Bober, Oklahoma Annalise Castner, Washington Shelby Larson, Drury Allison Malcom, Baylor Sydney Reid, Mississippi Hailey Robles-Holmes, Florida Haley Simard, Florida State Lindsey Templeton, Richmond Shelby Ulrich, Millikin Anissa Zimmerman, Creighton Luella Keys Scholarship Courtney Favaloro, Texas Christian

Reginald Lyle Mack Graduate Scholarship Claire Keaton, Louisiana State Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Allison Brockette, Oklahoma State Lisa Evanoff, Oregon State Madison Hoover, South Carolina Katrina Overton, Virginia Danielle Peach, Southeast Missouri State Second Century Scholarship Erica Forbes, Millikin Mikayla Rowe, Oregon Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Kelsey Baker, Franklin Jeshanah Johnson, Mississippi State

Tri Delta Foundation

Creating a Legacy in Tri Delta KATHRYN (KATHY) MILLER MCKEE, Kansas State, joined

Tri Delta as an upperclassman. She had planned to leave for nursing school after her sophomore year, but wasn’t ready to leave the chapter so quickly. She chose to put off nursing school and get a B.S. in psychology so that she could fully embrace Tri Delta and Theta Iota.

In addition to being a Life Loyal Tri Delta and giving back to Tri Delta in her volunteer roles, Kathy also became a member of the Heritage Society, after making a planned gift to the Tri Delta Foundation. Kathy shared more about what prompted her to give back to Tri Delta and leave a legacy for future generations of sisters. Why is giving to the Foundation important? It has always been important to me to give back to the organizations that have shaped who I am. I want to be able to have even a small part in helping provide that opportunity to those who follow. The Foundation offers so many different ways to provide for Tri Delta and her members. What encouraged you to become a Foundation donor? I started donating to the Foundation as soon as I could after participating in Circle Degree. The vows and promises of all the degrees of Initiation are a part of me. Giving to the Foundation allows me one way to keep those vows always. It has always been the right thing to do. What drew you specifically to planned giving and becoming a member of the Heritage Society? When my husband, Tom, and I revised our estate plans, we wanted to set an example for our children that it is important


The Trident Fall 2018

to leave a legacy to others, as well as to family. We chose to recognize some of the organizations most important to us. While we make regular contributions to each now, this will ensure that we will be able to make a contribution after we are gone. What legacy would you like to leave for future generations of Tri Deltas? I would like to see Tri Delta continue to be a strong influence in the development of women who lead, as well as a place where strong and lasting bonds of friendship are formed. I treasure my Tri Delta friendships! I hope that future members will have that same feeling I have: there’s always more to learn from membership and there’s always more to contribute to our chapters and our sisters. Why would you encourage other Tri Deltas to consider planned giving? It comes back to those vows we all took. We need to assist Tri Delta sisters in every possible way. We can give our time and talents and make regular donations to the Foundation now. Planned giving assures that we will continue to keep those vows long into the future. Among the many ways to support Tri Delta is through planned giving. Members who designate the Foundation in their wills or estate plans are recognized as members of our prestigious Heritage Society. For information on giving to Tri Delta through your will or estate plan, please contact Tawnya Braeutigam at 817.471.1908 or

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

She eventually went on to nursing school and joined the Kansas City, MO/Shawnee Mission, KS Alumnae Chapter. Marriage took her to Starkville, Mississippi, where she became active in the Golden Triangle Alumnae Chapter and served as alumna advisor to Beta Mu Chapter at Mississippi State University. After returning to the Kansas City area, she found a role as a collegiate district officer (1991-1995) for Baker, Kansas State and Wichita State, and she returned to the Kansas City, MO/ Shawnee Mission, KS Alumnae Chapter.

Tri Delta Foundation

Heritage Society

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

More than 150 generous members have remembered Tri Delta in their wills or estate plans. They are recognized as members of our prestigious Heritage Society, sustaining our sisterhood for generations to come. Join us in celebrating these loyal and steadfast sisters. Elizabeth Gowans Ahrens, Michigan State June Rickard Aldridge, William & Mary Mary Estelle Kanning Amberg, Minnesota Gail Anderson, Iowa State Marilyn Muldoon Arendt, New Mexico Gael Salter Baggett, Louisiana State Dorothy Coseboom Baker, Maryland Evalyn Torppa Baker, Idaho Roxanne Barnes, Southwestern Judith Barth, Cornell Erika Loen Beatty, Minnesota Maureen Laffey Bills, Cornell Bethany Blakey, Pittsburgh Mary Gray Bolin, Louisiana State Lynne Cellio Brown, Transylvania Beth Burkes, Wake Forest Harryette Campbell, Missouri Tori Campbell, Wyoming Jeanne Carlson, Oregon Barbara Schutt Castano, Texas/Arlington Camille Clark, Michigan State Marilyn Kotter Clauder, Nevada Gayle Knight Colman, Auburn Joan Meland Dana, Minnesota LuAnn Riegl Daniel, Villanova Kelly Hyde Delattre, Florida State Athina Eslick Dever, Butler Nancy Devine, Minnesota Isabelle Harner Donahey, Ohio State Angela Hackett Driver, California/Berkeley Diana Druley, Texas/El Paso Vivian Wilkinson Dunnaway, Arkansas Susan Pert Earley, Cincinnati Carolyn Mullenax Edwards, Tulsa Molly Maloney Evangelisti, Nevada Roberta Messic Faigle, Syracuse Jan Griffin Farrington, Mississippi Georgianna Schuyler Fernandes, Cornell Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon Angela Ficht, Cal State/Long Beach Leslie Eisen Fort, Colorado State Ellen Quarterman Friedman, Pacific Jan Purdy Futhey, Ohio Wesleyan Jean Hunt Gaines, California/Los Angeles Polly McWherter Gast, Ohio State Mary Bayless Greenlee, Denison Nancy McDonald Griggs, Florida State Emily Bourne Grigsby, Vanderbilt Barbara Bock Guerra, Florida Beverly Nelson Gunsenhouser, Indiana Tricia Halamandaris, California/Berkeley Susanna Currie Harper, Texas Carol Knoche Helmus, Millikin Debbie Wahl Hembree, Georgia Pam Herring Hicks, Franklin

Barbara Snyder Nelson Hinds, Texas Tamara Marinkovic Hines, Southern Methodist Cora Peters Horger, Cal State/Long Beach Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State Andi Hughes, Vanderbilt Nicole Hughes, Washington State Chrys Grafrath Hyde, Coe Rebecca Jackson, Stephen F. Austin Jeanne Jamell, Arkansas Deborah Johnson, Nevada Darlene Dahl Jones, Washington Jennifer Ritter Kelly, Cornell Joyce Gottschalk Koehler, Cincinnati Tasha Kostantacos, Arizona State Sandra Williams Young Krieger, Mississippi Marian Hummel Kurz, Miami/Ohio SueBeth Crockett Lain, Texas Tech Dawnell Dean Lamb, Washington Neilanne Parker Lange, Louisiana State Mary Ann Shriner Lillie, Iowa State Mary White Lott, Oklahoma State Kelly Clarkson Loy, Oklahoma State Sue Malmberg, Simpson Mary Lynn Manning, Kansas State Deborah Daley Martin, Iowa Kathy Salisbury Massie, Minnesota Rhone Moore McCall, Southern Methodist Michele Stephens McGeeney, Texas Tech Kathryn Miller McKee, Kansas State Linda Wolf McLinden, Pittsburgh Mary Haley McWhorter, Tennessee Anne Parsons Michael, Minnesota Milly Bland Miller, Maryland Meredith Nye Moran, Kentucky Yvonne Gardner Newhouse, Ohio State Ginny Nicklas, Michigan Sherry Shrout Norton, West Virginia Linda Glascock O'Bryant, Missouri Joan Kalmanek Overbeek, Illinois Mary Kay Linzell Palmer, Ohio State Karen Metzger Parry, Colorado Peggy Marshall Payne, Miami/Ohio Debbie Lawton Pickens, Florida State Judith McCutcheon Pownall, Toronto Penny Purviance, Mount Union Kathy Ragan, Wyoming Becky Haas Ramsey, Syracuse Cathleen Snider Raymer, Texas Christian Janice Kent Reish, Oregon Eve Woods Riley, Southern Methodist Jane Chaffee Ripp, Wisconsin Jean Wiggin Roach, Texas Christian Patricia Arthur Rouse, Colorado State Susan Abrahamson Routh, North Carolina

Brooke Pearson Sanders, Arkansas J Kim Scholes, Tennessee Jeri Sedlar, Michigan State Kelly Shacklett, California/Los Angeles Michelle Popp Shimberg, Florida Laura Simic, Oregon Ginger Hicks Smith, Emory Lynn Zoll Smith, Michigan State Robyn Rever Smith, Mississippi State Jean Smith Snodgrass, Southern Methodist Sandie Wood Spain, Mississippi Jane DeWald Spikes, Texas Tech Kathy Hamilton Steinwedell, William & Mary Jackie Thurber Stenger, Puget Sound Laura Stenovec, Denver Judy Hutchison Stevenson, Florida Mary Martha Gibson Stinnett, Southern Methodist Christine Wilson Strom, Ohio State Margaret Sulkowski, Pennsylvania State Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine Ann Michele Shaffer Sweeney, Richmond Shirley Shull Tart, Texas Nancy Teich, DePauw Joyce McEwen Therkildsen, Iowa State Donna Burger Thoelecke, Colorado State Barbara Derr Thomas, Texas A&M Janet Tomlinson, Beloit Laura Shapiro Torrey, Florida Brenda Hester Towe, Oklahoma State Joyce Krogen Ursin, Wisconsin Linda Vedane, Simpson Dr. Nancy Guinn Vitola, Texas Charlene Rulifson Voge, Pennsylvania State Nancie Clouser Waldron, Miami/Ohio Barbara Walters, Stetson Elizabeth Ware, Idaho Sally Watkins Ware, Louisiana/Lafayette Ann Clark Webb, Georgia Rebecca Wynn Weiler, Rhodes Elizabeth Hankins Wendorff, Baker Karen Hughes White, Georgia Dr. Linda Garrett Whitson, Duke Donna Axum Whitworth, Arkansas Karen Williams, Virginia Tech Martha Toler Williams, Texas Kathy Kruger Wilson, Ball State Mary Ann Heyser Wright, William & Mary Lois Cone Wtulich, Syracuse Karla Yale, Northwestern Fall 2018 The Trident


Kicking off a

Photos: Scogin Mayo

Year on the Road

Chapter Development Consultants

Katie Kennedy, South Carolina

Lauren Bedal, Oregon

Lexi Leggs, Millikin

Kirby Fitzpatrick, Centre

Hannah Patterson, South Florida

Dominique Mendoza, California/Irvine

Saara Hassoun, Southern California

Arden Smith, Rhodes

Holly Connor, Iowa

Anna Lee Painter, Oklahoma

Mare Kemp, Towson

Lexi Garcia, Chapman


Led by Volunteers 2018 Volunteer Engagement Survey Results By Content Manager Amanda Milford, Texas/Arlington Tri Delta has been fortunate to have dedicated volunteers give their time, talent and passion to the organization throughout its history. These women have supported members and chapters through difficult times, created vibrant living and learning environments, balanced budgets, facilitated training seminars and built a premier women’s organization over the past 130 years. Today more than 3,000 dedicated volunteers assist Tri Delta members in every possible way by providing experiences that create lifetime friendships, develop unselfish leaders, and cultivate brave, bold and kind women. In 2014, in an effort to better support and engage volunteers, Tri Delta launched a Volunteer Engagement Survey to examine our volunteers’ greatest needs, challenges and to determine how we can offer a more robust volunteer experience.

• • • • •

Collaboration with Executive Office staff Empowerment and recognition Enhanced communication Volunteer recruitment Additional training and resources

Tri Delta’s Executive Board created the Volunteer Innovation Team (2015-17), followed by the Volunteer Task Force (201718), to address the changing face and needs of today’s Tri Delta volunteers. The goal: To provide a premier volunteer experience and a strong, well-trained and satisfied volunteer force. To accomplish this, Tri Delta’s volunteer leadership called for a new and improved regional volunteer structure. The new structure, launched in 2018, now includes 10 smaller regions instead of five large regions, allowing Tri Delta’s volunteers to offer stronger and more focused support to a smaller group of

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Results were collected as a baseline measurement for volunteer engagement, and several areas of improvement emerged

as priorities for our volunteer leadership and staff over the next four years: Fall 2018 The Trident


Volunteer Engagement: By the Numbers In 2014, in an effort to better support and engage volunteers, Tri Delta launched a Volunteer Engagement Survey to examine our volunteers’ greatest needs and challenges and to determine how best to offer a more robust volunteer experience. We repeated the survey again in Spring 2018 to measure our progress. The information below was gathered from both of those surveys.












22-70+ YEARS OLD












AS OF 2018...
















“I get to experience the joy of lifelong

friendships that was promised to me when I joined Tri Delta.


Information presented is based on data from the 2014 and 2018 Volunteer Engagement Surveys.

Creating Wins and Identifying Opportunities Since 2014, volunteerism in Tri Delta has seen tremendous growth in the areas of communication and engagement, resources and training, proficiency in roles, expectations and overall appreciation. This was proven accurate when the 2014 and 2018 survey results were compared.

area collegians and alumnae and allow for regional collaboration between collegiate and alumnae chapters and volunteers.     In spring 2018, the Volunteer Engagement Survey was re-launched. Quantitative and qualitative responses were collected from a diverse pool of our current volunteers to measure how far Tri Delta volunteerism has progressed since 2014. The results were overwhelmingly positive.

Who are our volunteers? One area the 2018 survey explored was the demographics of Tri Delta volunteers today. According to survey responses, on average our volunteers are between ages 26-44 and are juggling many other priorities.

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Many are parents or caretakers to family, have full- or parttime jobs and volunteer one to five hours per week for other organizations in addition to Tri Delta — but none of that stops them from giving back to their sisterhood. They volunteer because they want to be part of the continued success of the Fraternity and its chapters, because they had a positive membership experience and because they get joy from giving back to Tri Delta and our members. Our volunteers are also Foundation and philanthropy donors and are involved in their local alumnae chapters. And, on average, they spend about five hours a week volunteering for Tri Delta. According to the Independent Sector, the value of one volunteer hour is $24.69. That means that in one week, our 3,000 volunteers provide more than $370,000 worth of their time and talent to assist our members in every possible way. That’s more than $19 million per year!

One respondent noted, “Improvements in training and development have been amazing! I feel so much more prepared for my role. The in-person trainings are exceptional!” Moving through 2018 and beyond, Tri Delta will harness the growth seen over the past four years and continue to build upon the vision of our volunteer leadership to create an even better volunteer experience. This will be accomplished through additional trainings, enhanced role expectations, communication and transparency, continuous volunteer feedback and EO staff education. In the coming year, Tri Delta will also focus on enhancing and elevating Volunteer Leadership Conference, creating a comprehensive volunteer on-boarding process and expanding the volunteer recognition plan. Volunteering for Tri Delta gives each individual the opportunity to continue their personal growth and development throughout their lifetime membership. As one survey respondent so beautifully shared, “I get to experience the joy of lifelong friendships that was promised to me when I joined Tri Delta.” The intangibles of friendship, multi-generational connections and service to our sisterhood are inherent to Tri Delta volunteerism. Tri Delta volunteers have front row seats to the accomplishments of our members, as they live, learn and lead for a lifetime. Tri Delta and our members, guided by our Purpose, are truly led and inspired by volunteers. Interested in giving back to Tri Delta? Join us and Bring You to Tri Delta’s volunteer team! Update your volunteer profile on My Tri Delta or email your questions to Fall 2018 The Trident


After completing her Master of Arts degree in philosophy in May, Megan Young-Schlee, Knox, is serving as the George Santayana Edition Research Assistant at the Institute for American Thought (Indiana University School of Liberal Arts). “Partly thanks to my study of philosophy, I have become very invested in everyday life and what it means to live well in this world. I try not to let any part of my experience go unappreciated or un-scrutinized. I care intimately about this world and this life – this includes all people which reflects Sarah Ida Shaw’s quote that Tri Deltas are ‘kind alike to all.’” Megan also believes in the power of women’s organizations – like Tri Delta – to foster and inspire young, passionate women and help them live their most genuine and fulfilling lives. For Megan, being Life Loyal means supporting and empowering young women, inside and outside of Tri Delta. “Part of the Purpose that really speaks to me is the cultivation of a ‘stronger and more womanly character.’ Women, if they are encouraged to be authentic and strong, are powerful beyond measure and it is important to me to help support young women any way I can... Women who are empowered, empower others. I want to be a part of that.” With a donation of $300, Life Loyal donors help support the Tri Delta Foundation’s commitment to helping our members live, learn and lead through scholarships, needs-based assistance and leadership training and development. Life Loyal Tri Deltas receive a subscription to The Trident, an exemption from national alumnae dues, a 10% discount on Tri Delta Shop merchandise and exclusive Life Loyal updates.

caring Megan Young-Schlee, Knox George Santayana Edition Research Assistant at the Institute for American Thought Foundation Graduate Scholarship Committee

To learn more about becoming a Life Loyal Tri Delta, call (855) 713-0655 or go to foundation.

Photo: Harold Lee Miller

tri delta

Thank you to these Life Loyal Tri Deltas who pledged their support to Tri Delta by making an unrestricted gift of $300 or more to the Tri Delta Foundation from July 25, 2018 through Sept. 15, 2018.

Arizona Joan Manes Lane

Creighton Meghan Bullard

South Florida Erin Dye Lastra

Arizona State Barbara Vasos Hallin

Georgia Joanna Cooke Hancock

Southern California Pamela Hillings Tegtmeyer

Jacksonville Tala Farah

Stephen F. Austin Kate Murray Langston

Kansas State Holly Long Devlin

Texas A & M Candace Bayles Walker

Louisiana State Leah Salsbury Duval

Texas Christian Sonya Goeldner Shore

Mississippi Melissa Bruce Gholson

Texas Tech Misty Neely Cable Shelby Guest

Bucknell Molly Reed Carroll Butler Allie Parker California/Davis Lindsey Shrout California/Irvine Teri Fitzgerald Moran Central Florida Kim Harwood Uhing Coe Kayla Musgjerd Cornell Ann DiBiase

Mississippi State Laura Nicholas Wilson Oklahoma Susan Sharp Vaughan Simpson M.J. Wipperman Gibney

Vermont Janice Daley Foss

Topley Edenton (far right) and her brother, Bruce, (far left) are pictured with hotel staff as they present a donation to the Community Foundation of Puerto Rico.


Topley Edenton, Mississippi, has been going to Puerto Rico for most of her life. Her father’s work brought the family to the island in the 1950s, and in 1997, she and her brother built a hotel there. That hotel became a place of refuge for many during the hurricane and in the months following the storm. On Sept. 4, 2017, just days prior to Hurricane Irma, Topley boarded a plane headed to Puerto Rico to prepare the hotel for the approaching storm. “When I got on the plane and started looking around, I thought it was odd that there weren’t a lot of people on the plane,” she recalls. “I hadn’t thought about the fact that we were flying into a hurricane. I was thinking about all the work we had to do when we got there.” Once Topley landed, she set to work, making sure the hotel was prepared and the building secured by the time Irma arrived.


The Trident Fall 2018

On Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017, Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico. Just two weeks later, Hurricane Maria made landfall, devastating the island, destroying homes and leaving all 3.4 million residents without electricity. Over the course of the coming months, two kind Tri Deltas with deep connections to the island would step up to help rebuild their community, demonstrating what it means to passionately serve others. Because Hurricane Irma wasn’t a direct hit, the hotel didn’t experience much damage. Although Topley didn’t realize it at the time, what Hurricane Irma did do was to better prepare her and the hotel staff for what they would experience with Hurricane Maria just two weeks later. “What it did was remind us of what the perfect hurricane response is. We realized we didn’t have a satellite phone, so the first thing we did after Irma was go out and buy one.” They also bought what Topley describes as “a Rolls-Royce of a generator” and had it delivered and installed 24 hours later. They had a fuel truck completely full of fuel parked next to the generator that sat there until Hurricane Maria arrived.

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Kindness Amidst the Storm



We have an incredible team at our hotel, and it makes us proud that we were and are able to serve the good people of Puerto Rico in their time of need.

Topley was back in the States by the time Hurricane Maria made landfall but was able to stay in touch with the hotel’s management team via the satellite phone purchased beforehand. As the storm battered the island, the hotel proved a safe haven for staff members, their families (including pets) and the guests, keeping everyone safe and protected during the storm. The hotel staff even provided entertainment, activities for the kids and hot meals throughout the day.


Christie Curie Zoba, Southern Methodist, has lived in Puerto Rico for 29 years. She moved there only a few years after graduating from college, and her children were born there. Christie and her husband, who is the pastor of the Second Union Church in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, were in Florida visiting her mother when Maria hit. With the San Juan airport shut down and

While the hotel incurred some damage from the hurricane’s forceful Category 5 winds, and most of the exterior landscape was blown away, they didn’t get any flooding in the rooms or public areas.

Christie Curie Zoba (far right) delivers water

While most buildings that had been built to withstand Category 5 storms made it through, the rest of the island—particularly the poorer areas—was devastated.

filters in Naranjito, Puerto Rico, along with Pastor

Immediately, Topley and the hotel management reached out to provide support to staff members whose homes were affected. The hotel provided cash donations, as there were no working ATMs. They also provided staff with the necessities that had become scarce in the aftermath of the storm, including ice, water, flashlights, batteries and canned food. And four hotel staff members who had severe losses from the hurricane received donations to purchase home appliances and make needed repairs. The support went beyond the hotel’s staff to the greater San Juan community. Topley’s hotel provided food to the inner-city homeless, as the homeless shelters were closed after the storm. They also offered complimentary rooms, ice and hot breakfasts for the local San Juan police as well as many first responders who were unable to find lodging.

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

In another effort to help their community, the hotel worked with the Community Foundation of Puerto Rico to give hotel employees $63,065 to donate to their favorite charities. For Topley, witnessing the extraordinary compassion that the hotel staff has shown to each other and to the guests has given her hope for the future of Puerto Rico moving forward after the storm. “We have an incredible team at our hotel, and it makes us proud that we were and are able to serve the good people of Puerto Rico in their time of need.”

Nelly Carmona (center) and Nelly's husband, Rafael. The area of Naranjito did not receive running water until March 2018.

no commercial flights back to Puerto Rico, Christie’s husband had to get a private plane to get back to the island. Christie remained behind, waiting until the airport re-opened, and doing everything she could to help her community from afar. She made the most of her time in Florida, immediately setting up a website, Facebook page and Amazon wish list to request donations for the people of Puerto Rico. She watched the donations pour in: monetary donations exceeded $200,000, and people donated more than 100,000 items from the Amazon wish list, including lanterns and air mattresses. Fall 2018 The Trident



still have people who don't have electricity, and there are still a lot of homes that don't have roofs.


When Christie finally got back to Puerto Rico, she found what she describes as “devastation everywhere.” It was much worse than what she could have imagined. “Maria hit so directly,” she explains. “It went through the complete center of the island and affected so many people. We’ve never had a hurricane like that before. People lost everything.” She describes seeing one home that just had a toilet left standing— all the walls and everything else was gone. “It breaks your heart, and you want to do what you can to help.” For Christie, helping meant distributing items to people who needed it most. Sometimes that included driving to remote areas of the island to reach those who were stranded and in need of supplies. She also helped establish a network of community leaders, including social workers, other churches and agencies, that she and the Second Union Church worked in collaboration with. She reached out to these organizations to let them know she had funding, and they provided her with the names of people who most desperately needed assistance. “We would let the people tell us what they needed, and we would go out and purchase it for them. Every penny we got from donations went 100 percent to people who needed it.” 26

The Trident Fall 2018

Another organization she worked closely with was Samaritan's Purse, who provided 1,000 tarps that the Second Union Church distributed. “They were so responsive and they continue to supply solar generators and small refrigerators to areas that are still without power.”

ONE YEAR LATER... September 2018 marked one

year after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, and there is still much work to do to help the people there. “We still have people who don’t have electricity, and there are still a lot of homes that don’t have roofs,” says Christie. “You look around and see blue tarps everywhere.” Today, Christie remains hard at work providing much-needed materials to residents around the island. Not only is she helping those with blue tarps to build new roofs, but now as electricity is restored, many families are in need of new appliances, which she goes out and buys for them. “Today I spent time at a hardware store buying materials and spending time with a family, taking measurements to get them new doors and windows.” “It’s been a lot of work, but it has been very rewarding,” she says. Christie believes showing kindness and helping those in need is the most natural thing for a person to do. “It comes from my love for the people here. I read something that said we’re hardwired to be generous and to want to help others…that’s how God made us. We want to reach out and help.”

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Much of it came from people in the United States and from previous members of the Second Union Church. “They wanted to support what we were doing and were so anxious to find some place to send money.”

Tri Delta Shop is owned and operated by DDD with all purchases benefiting the Fraternity and our members. | 1-877-746-7333 |

R O O T E D in K I N D N E S S




The Trident Fall 2018

Photo: UIdaho Photographic Services

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

One-hundred and thirty years ago, Tri Delta was founded as a society that would be “kind alike to all.” As we prepare to celebrate 130 years of kindness this Founders’ Day, we are asking Tri Deltas to share how their sisters have touched their lives with kindness. Six brave and bold Tri Deltas share their stories on the following pages.

Reagan Rockholm, Idaho

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

It took just three days for me to understand that sisterhood was more than a label ­— it was a promise. My sister was diagnosed with cancer the summer that I went through recruitment at the University of Idaho and I was looking for a support system. I hadn’t even been given a bid yet when a Tri Delta member showed me complete compassion and was a shoulder for me to cry on, more than friends from home that I had known since the second grade. Three days after Bid Day, I was astonished when a $1,500 donation hit the GoFundMe set up to support my sister’s treatment. These women who I called my Tri Delta sisters, without understanding what that meant, chose to take on my burden as their own. The support I got went beyond money. They were the ones to celebrate the victories of my sister's successful treatments and hold me during her re-diagnosis. It was texts sent on the mornings of surgeries, flowers sent to hospital rooms and comfort given to my parents in knowing that I was being taken care of when their focus was centered on my sister. Tri Delta held me together for over a year, not because of the label of sisterhood, but because of the promise of unconditional love and self-sacrifice that sisterhood means to our members. Fall 2018 The Trident


Kristi Anderson Horner, Denison It was May 30, 2014, the day my life was changed forever. The day my brother died by suicide. It was just four weeks until Tri Delta’s Convention, and I knew my Tri Delta friends were going to try to talk me out of attending. Here is an excerpt from the email I immediately sent to my Tri Delta colleagues and friends: “You all know me pretty well by now, I don't 'hide' much, if anything. Tri Delta has also offered me much in the way of strength and support, love and kindness. While I imagine that everyone will want to allow me time and space to heal ... please allow me this 'normalcy' that my DDD volunteer work provides in the face of difficult days ahead. I promise to ask for help when I need it (like now!), and I promise to not take on too much or more than I can handle, and I promise to fill you in on what I can and cannot do/handle. But, allow me the opportunity to do what I can, as this little bit of 'normal' may be all that I have to get through some rough days. Convention will provide me a nice distraction (and bright light) amidst the chaos. Seeing each of you will bring me great comfort and joy. I'll need joy.”


The Trident Fall 2018

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What followed were moments, weeks, months and years of unconditional love, support and kindness on levels I never thought possible. From meals to texts, calls, notes and hugs, I’ve been buoyed on days I didn’t think I had it in me to carry on. I absolutely would not have gotten to this point (you don’t ever ‘get over’ losing someone you love to suicide) without my Tri Delta sisters.

Photos: Keith Berr; opposite page: Travis Bell

Shaylyn Smith, Clemson Clemson was my dream school, and when I was with Tri Delta during recruitment, it felt like my dream home. I was so nervous that I was not going to get Tri Delta, but my favorite moment was when I found out that I got Tri Delta. I was in shock because I didn’t know if they were going to choose me to be in their sorority, but when they did, I was really happy. I love hanging out with my sisters and have enjoyed getting to meet everyone. They have invited me over to hang out with them, get dinner with them, and get to know each other. I never had a sister before. I only have brothers, and I have always dreamed of having sisters. The best part about having sisters is they are always there for me.

Beth Applebaum, Texas Christian That day in March 1991 had begun before dawn with a chilling blow. My pediatrician called us at 6 a.m. to inform us that our 7-year-old son had been diagnosed with leukemia. Our doctor then set up an appointment for us to meet with oncologists at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas that morning to start treatment. While we were sitting in the crowded waiting area at Children’s trying to keep our son occupied, I was surprised to see my Tri Delta little sister walk up to the checkin desk. It had been nearly 14 years since we had seen each other, but she looked the same and greeted me warmly. She was there with her daughter who had just completed her final checkup after treatment for leukemia, and we sincerely appreciated her words of empathy and encouragement at the time. I have never forgotten her kindness and the reassuring example she gave us on an extremely dark day.

Photos: Scogin Mayo, opposite page: Marc Oliver le Blanc

Brittany Bustos, Pacific Spring 2016 was a wonderful, yet difficult, time in my life. I had just joined Tri Delta the semester before, was living in the house, and began dating my now boyfriend. But, his mother fell ill that semester and he had to drive home five hours, weekend after weekend, to stay with her in the hospital. His entire family was spending day and night taking care of her. They were also spending countless dollars on hospital bills, often being left with not much money to pay for food, toiletries and other necessities. I wanted to help as much as I could, but it was difficult being 300 miles away while enrolled in school. So, I told my sisters about my situation. There was an outpouring of support from women who donated food, offered to put a care package together, and who paid money out of their pocket to provide for someone they had never met or knew. But their kind hearts and support reassured me that these were the women I would be lifelong friends with. Even now as an alumna, it is a memory I will never forget and will always cherish.Â

Kate Davis Shasha, Wake Forest When my company offered me the opportunity to take a new job in Hong Kong, I was overjoyed – and overwhelmed. I had never lived outside the United States before, let alone tried to figure out how I was going to pack up my life in New York and start a new chapter in Asia. I shouldn’t have worried. At the time, I was serving on Tri Delta’s Leadership Development Committee, and its chair, Michelle, reassured me that she saw no reason I couldn’t continue in the volunteer role that I loved. Dawn, another sister, handles employee relocations for a living, and reviewed my employment contract so that I could strengthen my negotiating position. My friend Stacey shared stories of her own family’s travels to Hong Kong and helped me feel excited (rather than nervous) about the adventures ahead. My closest friends from my collegiate chapter flew around the world to come visit – and gave me some of my fondest memories from my three years in Asia.

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It was one more reaffirmation of what I’ve felt since the day I joined: that whether the venture is big or small, Tri Delta always will be a safety net, a network of support, and an unfailing source of kindness.


The Trident Fall 2018

Photo:Vicki Sharp

Thank You Tri Delta! Tri Delta raised $7.8 million for St. Jude Children’s Research HospitalŽ in 2017-2018. This money could provide:

113,043 platelet count tests, or

15,116 hours of physical therapy, or

Treatment for 27 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, or

1,783 outpatient visits, or

5,045 days of chemotherapy


St. Jude patient Azalea


who you are, and participating in campus organizations and other fraternity and sorority philanthropy events. Theta Nu Chapter strongly believes that kindness is not just something that is sometimes used, but rather it is a way of life. With Washington State University and the city of Pullman being a tight knit community, it was not surprising that Theta Nu decided to give back to a city that has given them so much. The chapter recently hosted a food drive for the Community Action Center in Pullman, Washington, and had the opportunity to volunteer in the organization’s food bank after the food drive. The purpose of this food drive was to collect more food for the Pullman community, as the chapter had noticed that the shelves in the food bank were running particularly low.

By Content Specialist Lindsay Mackey, Auburn FOR 130 YEARS, kindness has been a major part of who we are as

Tri Deltas. It guides how we live, how we lead and how we show up in the world. And today, it is spread widely and generously by our collegiate members.

Washington State University Each day our members work tirelessly to share Our Kind of Kind on their campuses and in their communities. For Theta Nu members at Washington State University, kindness means including, accepting and supporting others, being comfortable with


The Trident Fall 2018

Stockton University For Gamma Omega Chapter at Stockton University, spreading kindness within the chapter is an important aspect of their collegiate membership experience. Each member brings their authentic selves, and chooses to create real, pure and honest connections that form unbreakable bonds. “To our chapter, kindness is more than just your actions; it’s your intention, your interactions, your perception,” said Gamma Omega Collegiate Chapter President Amber Davies. “Being kind to one another is such a simple task that sometimes can be easily forgotten or overlooked, but we try our hardest to be kind to ourselves, our chapter and all members of our community.” Being kind to their community was evident in the chapter’s decision to donate leftover supplies from their TriHop philanthropy event to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. The rescue mission meets the physical, emotional and other basic needs of the poor and those struggling with addictive lifestyles in Atlantic City and the surrounding communities. In addition to donating TriHop supplies, the chapter constructed Easter baskets for the children who live at the

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Spreading Kindness from Campus to Community

The members of Theta Nu saw a need in their community and they worked hard to meet it. “After we completed the food drive, we participated in a reflection to show our members the impact we were all making,” said Collegiate Chapter President Delaney Bartlett, Washington State. “We also showed statistics on hunger and homelessness in our community as it is something that is not discussed often. These opportunities truly put things into perspective, and show just how important and helpful our service work is.”

“To our chapter, kindness is more than just your actions; it’s your intention, your interactions, your perception.” -Amber Davies, Stockton rescue mission, as well as donated toiletry bags for the residents with the help of other Greek organizations on campus. “We, as Tri Delta women, are proud to support the philanthropic efforts and goals of others,” said Amber. “I think that’s something pretty special. Being kind alike to all doesn’t only stay within our chapter, but it is something that we try and spread across our campus and community.”

University of Kentucky At the University of Kentucky, Delta Rho Chapter created a new event to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital that emphasized kindness not only on the university’s campus, but throughout the rest of the Lexington community. The chapter called it Kentucky’s Got Talent, a campus-wide talent show that promoted an inclusive environment for individuals regardless of ability.

Photos, clockwise from opposite page: Gamma Omega Chapter at Stockton University; Theta Nu Chapter at Washington State; Brack Duncan (right), a member of FarmHouse Fraternity at the University of Kentucky, is pictured with his friend, Josh Banks.

Delta Rho Philanthropy Chair Jessica Malatia was contacted by a participant in Kentucky’s Got Talent a few weeks before the event. Brack Duncan, a member of FarmHouse Fraternity, asked if his dear friend, Josh Banks, who has Down syndrome, could participate in the talent show with him. “When Jessica told me that Brack asked me if Josh could join, I instantly saw it as the two of them wanting to dance together to help Tri Delta and St. Jude put an end to childhood cancer,” said Delta Rho Collegiate Chapter President Jessica Waters. “They both wanted to be a part of something bigger than themselves, and I think that speaks volumes.”

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After their memorable clogging performance for Kentucky’s Got Talent, a local news station, KY 19 LEX, shared the performance video on their website. A local Lexington boutique, Shop Local, also posted the talent show video on their Facebook page and promised that for every share the video received, $1 would be donated toward Down Syndrome Research. In total, $5,000 was donated. The chapter was thrilled for Josh when he became a brother of FarmHouse Fraternity and a “little brother” to Brack. They are thankful for the time and talent the two put into the talent show, and the efforts they had in helping the chapter make it a successful event. “The addition of this event not only developed a giant support system within our chapter and community, but it also created a contagious, kind energy that our members will continue to spread in their everyday lives,” said Jessica. “I am inspired by our members for their dedication to living and leading with kindness.” Fall 2018 The Trident


Members of Beta Tau Chapter at Baylor University. (Photo Credit: Alison Plueckhahn, Baylor)

Delta Mu – University of Alabama

Delta Mu Chapter at the University of Alabama received the award for the Most Outstanding Sorority at the Order of Omega Banquet in April. Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of fraternity and sorority organizations. It recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the fraternity/sorority, campus and local community. Members are selected from the top three percent of students, and Delta Mu Chapter is proud to have 14 members initiated into this honor society.

Phi Theta – Auburn University

Phi Theta Chapter at Auburn University partnered with the Lutzie 43 Foundation to host its Tri Delta Lutzie 5K philanthropy event. Chapter members held this 5K in April during Parents Weekend to share a cause near and dear to


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their hearts with their families. The Lutzie 43 Foundation was established in memory of an Auburn football player who shared a passion for community service, leadership and service to others. The Foundation aims to develop the character of young people and their influencers by focusing on leadership, charity, compassion, mentorship, hard work, honesty and faith through education and real world application. The event was a huge success with more than 120 runners and 50 volunteers who made sure the event ran smoothly.

California Beta Beta – California State University, Northridge

Congratulations to the members of Beta Beta Chapter at California State University, Northridge for receiving the Outstanding Fundraiser Award from the university’s Matador Involvement Center. The chapter received this award for raising more than $14,300 for the Tri Delta

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LIFE ON CAMPUS lifeoncampus

Kathleen Bleys, Kylar Bailey, and Ana-Maria Frampton, all Texas/Dallas; Members of Delaware’s Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at the New Member Retreat; Kathryn Wylie and Kathleen Griffith, both South Carolina.

Greek Week at Adelphi University; Emily Ganshaw, Adelphi, accepts Alpha Alpha Chapter’s 5 Star Award, the highest level of recognition an organization can receive on Adelphi’s campus.

Alpha Rho’s Mom’s Weekend at the University of Georgia; Sisters from the University of Southern California’s Theta Xi Chapter; Members of Phi Lambda Chapter at Texas Christian University participate in the chapter’s Delta Dunkfest philanthropy event.

lifeoncampus Oklahoma Theta Upsilon – University of Tulsa

Theta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Tulsa received the Circle of Excellence for Philanthropy from the university. The chapter also had two members receive individual awards. Kaitlyn Graham received Panhellenic’s Outstanding Senior Award and Emma Hug won Order of Omega’s Greek Woman of the Year.

South Carolina Gamma Xi – Furman University

In April, Gamma Xi Chapter at Furman University received 12 awards at the Furman Greek Awards, including Highest GPA and Sorority of the Year awards. In August, chapter member Laurin Bixby was chosen as a Furman Fellow for the class of 2019. The Furman Fellowships are awarded annually to only five members of the senior class who have shown unique leadership skills and an ability to make a difference in the lives of others.

Gamma Psi – Wofford College

Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital during its Murder Mystery Night. This mystery night took members back in time to the 1920s with an interactive mystery show, appetizers and desserts. There was even a silent auction with Tiffany jewelry, “Hamilton” tickets, and a cruise for two to Mexico, the Bahamas or the Caribbean. This night helped the chapter surpass its annual fundraising goal of $25,000.

New York Alpha Alpha – Adelphi University

Alpha Alpha Chapter at Adelphi University was recognized as a five-star organization – the highest level of recognition an organization can receive on Adelphi’s campus. The chapter was also recognized for its connection to fellow Greek community members with the Excellence in Interfraternal Relations Award. Congratulations to Alpha Alpha Chapter!


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Texas Beta Tau – Baylor University

Congratulations to the members of Beta Tau Chapter at Baylor University for being named the top fundraising chapter overall for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for 2017-18. The chapter raised $270,285 for the patients, families and ongoing research at St. Jude, breaking the record for the highest collegiate chapter fundraising total ever! “Before events, we remind our chapter not of the money we hope to raise but the precious families we are working to serve through St. Jude,” said Beta Tau Collegiate Chapter President Elaine Renberg. “In this way, our love for other people grounds our purpose in fundraising as we work with other Tri Delta chapters to support St. Jude.”

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Brenau’s Alpha Epsilon Chapter

In April, new members of Gamma Psi Chapter at Wofford College organized a philanthropy event as part of their new member education. They worked closely together to choose an idea and divided into teams based on their strengths to manage the event. They created a PR team to promote the event and create graphics, and they organized a team to work out the logistics. After successful collaboration, the new members collected clothes at various locations across campus and donated them to Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Members of Eta Chapter at the University of Vermont’s Fraternity Sorority Life Awards.

Phi Lambda – Texas Christian University Phi Lambda Chapter at Texas Christian University is passionate about serving the patients of Cook Children’s in Fort Worth, Texas. Each year the chapter fundraises for Camp Sanguinity – a summer camp experience for children being treated at Cook Children’s for cancer and blood disorders.

Phi Lambda Chapter has supported Camp Sanguinity for 19 years and has raised more than $680,969. One event the chapter hosts annually for Camp Sanguinity is Delta Dunkfest – a one-day, three-on-three basketball tournament for TCU students. This year, the chapter had 70 teams sign up with four players each for a total of 280 players. During the 2017-18 academic year alone, the chapter raised $54,000 for the camp.

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Virginia Alpha Mu – College of William & Mary

Alpha Mu Chapter at the College of William & Mary made a pledge in 2014 to raise $150,000 in four years for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In July 2018, the chapter announced that it surpassed its goal and raised $154,256. During the spring semester alone, the chapter raised $34,000 of its $40,000 for St. Jude during its Sincerely Yours letterwriting campaign.

Also during the spring semester, the chapter members supported their sister, Hannah Caffacus, as she prepared to bike across the country for the 4K For Cancer program. This program is part of the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, a nonprofit organization that changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults and their loved ones impacted by cancer. The chapter encouraged the campus and community to register as bone marrow donors for the cause.

Congratulations to the 2018 Tri Psi Scholarship Recipients! Psi Psi Psi (Tri Psi), the only Greek letter mothers’ sorority, created by Sarah Ida Shaw exclusively for mothers of Tri Deltas, takes great pleasure in presenting $1,000 scholarships to Tri Delta members each year. Congratulations to the following recipients: Anna Aragon, Nebraska

Josiah Pierce, Arizona

Ashley Bell, Texas Tech

Carleigh Powers, Texas/Dallas

Audrey France, Arkansas Jill Kleinkauf, Chapman

Tristen Rand, Drury

Sarah Lawson, Millsaps

Sarah James (Jamie) Sproles, Mississippi

Mary O’Brien, Missouri

Sarah Thomas, Texas

Any mothers of Tri Delta members are eligible to join Tri Psi. Visit for more information. Fall 2018 The Trident



delta desserts TRI DELTA provides a home away from home for our members. In our chapter houses, fond memories are formed over shared experiences — watching a favorite TV show, getting ready together and, of course, the food. We asked our members to tell us their favorite Tri Delta recipes from their collegiate years, and responses poured in. Each chapter has its own unique meal traditions and dessert recipes that are popular among members, and here are three that shared theirs! Kanetta’s Cake Mix Cookies for Chicken Finger Friday – Arkansas, Delta Iota

1. 2. 3. 4.

Heat oven to 350 degrees Mix all ingredients vigorously in large bowl Drop dough by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet Bake for 10 minutes

As Elizabeth McAlpine Haley, Arkansas, explains, “Kanetta was the name of our cook in the late 90s/early 2000s, and she would make these cookies every Friday for what we called Chicken Finger Friday (CFF). It was a once-a-week lunch where you could invite all your non-Tri Delta friends (say the whole football team!) to the house to eat. CFF has now grown into a huge production at the University of Arkansas where every sorority hosts their own lunch on Friday and sometimes even hires bands to play.”


The Trident Fall 2018

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Ingredients: 1 box cake mix (yellow, white, chocolate “sweet rewards”) ½ cup cooking oil 2 eggs or equivalent egg substitute

Peanut Butter Balls – Southern Methodist, Theta Kappa

Theta Dessert – Minnesota, Theta

Ingredients: 2 cups peanut butter 1 stick melted butter 1 lb. powdered sugar 24 ounce bag of chocolate chips

Bottom Layer: 1 pound (box) crushed graham crackers (reserve 1 ½ c. of the crushed crackers for the topping) Put crumbs on the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan

1. Mix peanut butter, powdered sugar and melted butter into a smooth consistency. I mix with my hands. If consistency is too dry, add more melted butter. If consistency is too wet, add more powdered sugar. 2. Roll mixture into 1” balls and briefly refrigerate. 3. While peanut butter balls refrigerate, melt chocolate. I use semi-sweet chocolate chips and melt in the microwave in a glass bowl, heating and mixing in 20 second increments. (You can also use melting chocolate over a stove.) 4. Once chocolate is melted, place each peanut butter ball into the chocolate with a spoon and cover with chocolate. 5. Place peanut butter balls onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. 6. Once complete, place in refrigerator for the chocolate to set. Remove 10 minutes before serving. 7. Enjoy! For Kelly Barnett Talbott, Southern Methodist, these peanut butter balls bring back wonderful memories of living in the Theta Kappa chapter house. “This dessert was never on the menu but would make a surprise appearance in the kitchen and word would spread! We would all run into the kitchen to snag this sweet treat to enjoy in between classes. It was a favorite in the house and would certainly put a smile on our faces!” During her senior year, she knew she couldn’t move out of the house without the recipe, so she asked the chef for it. “I found out it was made with a lot of sugar, butter and love! It’s been a joy to make these for my sorority sisters whether it be a baby shower or birthday. It takes us back to the days of living in the SMU Tri Delta house where we created lifelong friendships, learned and grew in leadership, and lived in the comfort of our home away from home.”

Middle Layer: Cream: Mix with spoon or electric mixer on low speed: 1 cup butter 3 cups powdered sugar Top Layer: 3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted Separate 4 eggs – add one yolk at a time to chocolate mixture, mix well. Blend in 1 tsp vanilla and a dash of salt. In a separate bowl, beat the 4 egg whites, then add to the chocolate mixture. Pour this chocolate mixture onto the crust and freeze the pan for 2 hours. Soften 1 quart of vanilla ice cream and spread on the top of the pan. Sprinkle with remaining graham cracker crumbs and freeze again. Theta Dessert was a special tradition at the University of Minnesota. Erika Loen Beatty, Minnesota, recalls the dessert being served after Initiation every year. “Our alumnae came and made this for us to help us celebrate our new members moving into full membership. After the Initiation ceremony was complete, we all sat in our big and little sister families huddled together eating and giggling. It was a lovely kickoff to the informal traditions of our overnight where even our “townie” or commuter members stayed overnight singing, making up skits, and having those great fireside chats where we found out so much about our sisters.” Even more special was the fact that members were given the recipe when they went through Circle Degree. “I think that is why it always comes up as a great treat to share during Pansy Brunch,” says Erika. “The smell and taste is so specific. It transports me right back to the chapter house and brings that same special feeling of togetherness.”


A Pebble in a Pond Denver Alumnae Chapter’s generous support of Children’s Colorado’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders

By Genie Davis Sherman, Arizona for the Denver Alumnae Chapter met to recruit new officers. After asking Susan Cross Bays McDermott, Colorado State, to chair the West Area Group, she replied “I wish I could, but I can’t.” That very day, her 5-year-old daughter, Lisa, had been diagnosed with leukemia at Children’s Hospital Colorado Cancer Center. The members asked, “What can we do to help?” As it turned out, there was a lot they could do.

At that time, there were no events benefitting Children’s Colorado’s Cancer Center, and the hospital needed safe, reliable, volunteer blood donors. This little legacy and her plight became the focus of the Denver Alumnae Chapter, whose philanthropy became Children’s Colorado’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders (CCBD). Immediately, the chapter teamed up with


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the American Cancer Society and held three statewide volunteer blood donor recruitment campaigns in five years. As a result, all Colorado hospitals solely utilize volunteer donors. Denver Tri Delta members volunteered not only as blood donors, but also worked in Children’s Colorado’s Blood Donor Center, scheduling and interviewing donors for many years. The first fundraising event ­— a luncheon/fashion show titled “It’s A Child’s World” ­— was held in the spring of 1973. It quickly grew to become the largest event benefitting Children’s Colorado’s CCBD. Funds raised during the 42-year run of “It’s A Child’s World” created a directed endowment at Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation. With subsequent successful events, the Endowment grew to $2 million in 2015, and has continued to touch thousands of lives!

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ON A COLD WINTER NIGHT in 1972, the nominating committee

“Lisa’s life was like a pebble thrown into a pond, and the ripples continue to spread and get larger.” At Tri Delta’s 1974 Convention, the Denver Alumnae Chapter became one of the originators of Tri Delta’s philanthropic focus on children’s cancer. Lisa’s mother, Susan, said, “Lisa’s life was like a pebble thrown into a pond, and the ripples continue to spread and get larger.” Lisa lost her battle with leukemia on Jan. 25, 1976, eight days before her 9th birthday. The mission of Denver’s Tri Delta Endowment is to ensure the perpetuation of training, treatment, research, fellowships and program development at Children’s Colorado’s CCBD. Today, annual projected distributions of $100,000 are used for clinical care, Wellness Team programs, teen-young adult activities and patient/family support services. Children’s Colorado has been a national leader in cancer treatment and research since the late 1960’s. Each year, 2,200+ cancer patients from birth to age 25 receive care and medical treatment there. Children’s Colorado’s CCBD is the only facility in the six-state Rocky Mountain region offering a complete range of pediatric oncology medical services and research programs and is rated a top 10 U.S. pediatric cancer center by U.S News and World Report.

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Children’s Colorado counts families as part of the patient’s care team. This approach is designed to support kids, not only medically but physically and emotionally through programs that Tri Delta’s fundraising makes possible. The CCBD “Siblings Video” is one of those programs. This “Siblings Video” depicts the challenges that siblings of pediatric cancer patients encounter and has led to national presentations and education. Children’s Colorado’s CCBD Wellness Program Director Robert Casey, Ph.D. wrote, “The Denver Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter has been one of the most dedicated and longstanding supporters of psychosocial services in the CCBD. Their generosity, along with their ability to understand a problem and willingness to find a solution, resulted in the development of the ‘Siblings Video,’ an

intervention for siblings of pediatric cancer patients that has been disseminated internationally.” Today, funds from the Tri Delta Children’s Endowment also support the CCBD’s social workers. Dr. Casey believes, “Children diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as cancer face a range of physical and psychosocial problems throughout the course of their treatment. Denver Tri Delta funds support a social work staff tasked with assessing and treating the emotional challenges faced by so many of our CCBD patients and families. Given that social work services are not reimbursed, the Tri Delta endowment is vital to the work that is done each and every day.” Denver’s Spring 2018 philanthropy event, “Toast with Tri Delta,” was filled with wine tasting, wine making tours, music and a large silent auction. Proceeds from the event, with memorial and patron donations, raised $18,400 for the Denver Alumnae Chapter’s Children’s Cancer Endowment. The event’s special speaker was Children’s 10-year-old CCBD Ambassador, Maya. Maya’s blood disorder (HLH) is so rare and unique, doctors are charting a new course of treatment. Her case is like no other in the world, and her story will write the book on her disease. Another event highlight was the remembrance of Mary Welch Mahoney and her life. She was celebrated by her dear Theta Lambda sisters from the class of 1979 at Colorado State University. According to Children’s Colorado Foundation’s former Director of Finance, Tony Troxell, “Over the years, the Tri Deltas have been wonderful partners and supporters of Children’s Colorado. Their foresight in establishing The Tri Delta Children’s Cancer Endowment and continual focus on raising money for it has been amazing to watch. They truly exemplify how a group of volunteers dedicated to a cause can make a significant, immeasurable impact in the lives of children and families now and for generations to come.”

NOT FAR FROM Denver, Colorado, is the Colorado Springs Alumnae Chapter who generously supports the growth of expert pediatric care in southern Colorado. In August, nine Tri Deltas received a special, VIP construction hard hat tour of the new Children’s Hospital Colorado currently under construction in Colorado Springs and set to open in May 2019. Pictured are: Judy Wilhelm, Colorado State; Suzanne Stahlbuhk, Texas Christian; Joyce Busby, Colorado State; Cherri Disque, Georgia; B.J. Evans, Colorado; Nancy Brummett, Tennessee; Sally Creely, Wyoming; Carol Simerville, Oregon State; and Ann Ringler, DePauw. Fall 2018 The Trident


Eight members of Theta Omega’s 1968 pledge class gathered in San Diego, California, for a week of fun, laughter and memories.


Theta Xi Chapter alumnae from the University of Southern California gathered in April at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis


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Club for a delightful Sunday brunch reunion. The alumnae classes from 1973-1977 were represented. The plans for the reunion started at the USC Homecoming in November 2017 when many of these alumnae members got together for a tour of the chapter house, followed by dinner at an alumna’s home and then the football game. Everyone had such a great time that plans blossomed from there to get together yearly, if not more. Laughter and smiles filled the room as the women shared stories and memories and made plans for another reunion in the not so distant future. It was a magical day, filled with friendship and Delta Love. On May 19, Gamma Theta alumnae from the University of California, Santa Barbara gathered to host a fundraiser for Everytown for Gun Safety in honor of Katie Cooper and Veronika Weiss, both Gamma Theta collegiate members who tragically passed in a mass shooting in Isla Vista, California, in 2014. Alumnae and guests met at Gunwhale Brewery in Costa Mesa, California, to fundraise over drinks and dinner. Donations totaled $2,151. Everytown for Gun Safety is a partnership between Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,

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On June 9, the Southern California Sleighbell Committee hosted its first “Summer Sleighbell” a charitable movie screening of “Ocean’s 8” to benefit oncology and hematology research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Seventy people, many of whom have supported Sleighbell fundraising for decades, attended the event. Every dollar raised by the Sleighbell Committee goes directly toward finding a cure for pediatric cancer. The new Summer Sleighbell event will be hosted in addition to the annual Sleighbell movie premiere. Summer Sleighbell is unique in engagement directly with collegiate members, to educate them about the history and importance of supporting Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The following collegiate chapters were represented by active members: Epsilon Nu at Chapman University, Beta Beta at Cal State/Northridge, Beta Upsilon at UC/Irvine, Phi Kappa at Cal State/Long Beach and Epsilon Zeta at Loyola Marymount University. The Sleighbell Committee is excited to continue this partnership with the collegiate chapters in Southern California this year.

alumnaeinaction Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and other survivors of gun violence. Everytown educates the public about common sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership, while advocating for strengthened background checks and safety regulations.

Florida The presentation of a silver tea service was a highlight at this year’s Pansy Breakfast held by the Space Coast Alumnae Chapter of Tri Delta. The gift from the Tri Deltas of Alpha Chi Chapter at the University of Miami, was presented to the members of the newly established Epsilon Pi Chapter at Louisiana Tech. Mary King and Susan Chapman, Alpha Chi members during the ‘70s and now Space Coast alumnae members, presented the tea service to Katherine Hammond, a member of Epsilon Pi. Other highlights of the Space Coast Pansy Breakfast included a Golden Circle ceremony honoring Ginny Lupton, William & Mary. Jackie Pantello, an Alpha Chi member who served as chapter president as a collegian, received a long-lost president’s plaque.

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Alumnae members of Alpha Delta Chapter at Stetson University joined together to support their sister Jamie Parrish Doehne and her family. Jamie’s fouryear-old daughter, Avery Kate, was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in April for heart failure and is on a list for a new heart. When Jamie’s Tri Delta sisters heard this news, they quickly raised over $500 to send Avery an amazing birthday box, as well as gifts for her two older brothers. The women also organized a meal train, collected money for a cleaning service, set up an account at the grocery store, and sent gift cards for the family to use at local restaurants and coffee shops while they stayed at the hospital. In May, the women had #brAVERY Day for Avery. A friend of Jamie’s created a shirt as part of the fundraiser, and asked all who purchased a shirt to wear it and post a picture with the following hashtags: #brAVERY, #heartforAVERY, #donatelife, #waitingonaheart, #tobaltimorewithlove. Jamie’s Tri Delta sisters care deeply for her, her husband Jeff, Avery and their two sons. This situation has been a reminder to all of the amazing commitment to each other and the unwavering support from this sisterhood.

Phi Rho alumnae enjoying their 12th reunion at Pebble Beach, California: Margaret Merwin-Tabor, Nancy Stojanovich Williams, Patti Carpenter Muñoz and Pam Grover Anderson, all Pacific.

Illinois Senior members of Epsilon Beta Chapter from Lake Forest College and members of Upsilon Chapter from Northwestern University gathered at the home of Kathleen Reidy, DePauw, on a chilly day in April for Pansy Brunch, hosted by the Northshore Glenbrook Alumnae Chapter. The farewell to the seniors gave each chapter an opportunity to get to know one another a bit better before graduation and realize the efforts of alumnae to enjoy the “perpetual bonds of friendship.” “We share in their excitement regarding new careers, locations and challenges,” said Donna Fitzgerald, alumnae chapter president. In March 2018, the Chicago SW Suburban Alumnae Chapter gathered at the Hinsdale home of Chris Fisher Minnella, Florida State, for a locally catered around-the-world dinner to celebrate International Women’s Day. Chris and April Fenton, Michigan, presented former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s book “Read My Pins” relating what her pins symbolized and why she wore them to specific meetings, “visually expressing her high hopes, determination, impatience or warm feelings” all with much humor. Afterwards, circling around the living room, members showed Fall 2018 The Trident


alumnaeinaction Maryland The Baltimore, Maryland, Alumnae Chapter is excited to recognize member Sara Frances Shay, Maryland, who will celebrate her 100th birthday on Dec. 26, 2018. Sara is a regular part of the chapter’s “Lunch Bunch” group that meets every two months and always hosts the chapter’s fall get-together in her home. Happy Birthday, Sara!

Ohio Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society celebrated their Centennial in August at the National Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Tri Delta leaders in attendance included Charlotte Hearne Davis, Wyoming, Jan Griffin Farrington, Mississippi, Bridget Williams Golden, Purdue, Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana, and Laura Simic, Oregon. Charlotte Hearne Davis was the recipient of the Distinguished Lifetime Member Award. Jan Griffin Farrington was recognized with the Alumni Achievement Award. Gail Harrison Corvette is president-elect of the Mortar Board National Council. Laura Simic is a Mortar Board National Foundation trustee. Bridget Williams Golden serves as Alumni Engagement Director for Mortar Board.

Kansas Randi Cramer, Jan Johnson, Louise Ewing Poehlman, Kay Kronsnoble Serafini, Stephany Harrison Clothier, Judy Rosen Johnson, Linda Olson Morgandale and Margaret Mykland, all alumnae members of Theta Omega Chapter at the University of Kansas, gathered in San Diego, California, for a week of fun, laughter and memories. They recreated the sorority atmosphere in Jan Johnson’s home, sharing rooms, bathrooms and the fun of group living. There was endless talent in the kitchen, led by Margaret Mykland, with skilled assistance from her eager trainees. The fun was endless, and they reflected back on their incredible good fortune to be a part of Tri Delta. Soon, they will all receive their Golden Circle pins, and they will continue to appreciate the circle of friendship along the way that has been a priceless gift. Top: Tri Delta mother and daughter, Natalie Primavera Beavers, Stetson, and Patricia Rucker Primavera, Florida State, are pictured in Cornelia, Italy. Right: Members of the Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter.


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Oklahoma Ten alumnae members of the Phi Upsilon class of 1981 and 1982 from Oklahoma State University reunited in Las Vegas in June to celebrate their continued sisterhood. More importantly, they organized this trip to spend time with their sister, Dr. Angela McKesson Rose, who has systemic lupus and is their

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and shared the meaning of their favorite pins. That is, second favorite. It goes without saying that the Stars & Crescent badge always comes in first.

lupus warrior. The women support her fundraising for lupus awareness and some plan to walk a 5K for lupus fundraiser with her in New York City. The women loved celebrating and talking about their love for Tri Delta and how thankful they are that it brought all of them together all those years ago.

Tennessee The Nashville Alumnae Chapter presented the 48th annual Eve of Janus Ball on July 21 at The Country Music Hall of Fame. This event recognized more than 150 college-age adults, both men and women, who have shown exceptional characteristics in being the future leaders of Nashville. The Eve of Janus Ball is the oldest fundraising event for Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Through this event, the alumnae chapter has raised $4.5 million in the fight against childhood cancer, funding the Tri Delta Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Clinic at the hospital in support of the program’s vital contribution in research, education and patient care. In 2011, the Eve of Janus established the Tri Delta Pediatric Cancer Endowed Research Fund.


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In 1976, Dr. Otto Willbanks put together a team from Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, for a medical missionary trip to Haiti. An eye clinic was soon built in Petit Goave and work proceeded with great results until 2010. In 2010, a 7.0 earthquake struck the island and the roof of the eye clinic collapsed. Dr. Willbanks’ daughters, Susan Brooks, Southern Methodist, and her sister Caroline Hazlett stepped in to lead the project of rebuilding the clinic. In May 2018, Susan and Caroline were awarded the Georgia Bates Award for leading the initiative to reopen the Haiti clinic in 2014 and strengthening it by their involvement. It now includes an eye clinic and surgery, pediatrics, general medicine, dermatology, dental care and women's care. The two sisters have an emotional tie to the Haiti mission because of their dad’s unwavering passion for it when it was started over 40 years ago.

On July 19-21, 47 Tri Delta house directors gathered in Dallas, Texas, for House Director Conference where they received training on providing Tri Delta’s collegiate members with a premier place to live, learn and lead.

When Karen Barcelo Robertson, Stephen F. Austin, reached out to her fellow alumnae sisters to help with the chapter’s Pansy Breakfast, her sisters responded. Dr. Julie Shannon, Stephen F. Austin, recounts the special weekend reunion with her fellow Beta Xi alumnae as they not only host Pansy Breakfast for the current graduating seniors but have the opportunity to show them what lifetime sisterhood looks like. Julie wrote: “Karen reached out to Beta Xi Tri Delta alumnae asking us to return to town, celebrate our graduating sisters, individually sponsor a senior for the lunch, and participate in the Circle Degree ceremony. ‘Come back and show these girls our lasting sisterhood,’ became the rallying cry. Our sisters responded. Thirty-four alumnae offered to sponsor lunch and write letters to the graduates; 26 alums gathered in person for the ceremony and celebration. Women coming together to see one another, to honor and serve our younger sisters.” After the Circle Degree ceremony, Julie recalled: “The atmosphere radiates celebration and a new level of sisterhood. We sing Tri Delta Grace and gather together over luncheon fare and fellowship. Older alumnae who sponsored and wrote welcome letters sit with the newly welcomed alumnae. What a delightful time of conversation. Investing time with these young women talking about their college experience and getting

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volunteerspotlight Hillary Husband, Louisiana Tech Epsilon Pi Chapter Membership Experience Advisor Ruston Alumnae Chapter Social Media Chair

Why did you decide to join Tri Delta?

I finished treatment three years later and went to college to study chemistry – my eye on going into the pharmaceutical industry one way or another after more-or-less growing up at St. Jude. I chose a small private college that did not offer Greek life, and I thought my chance of ever becoming a Tri Delta was gone. Nevertheless, I continued to admire the organization for their incredible charity. Within two months of starting college in 2011, I was diagnosed with a second cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and began another three-year protocol at St. Jude. After finishing the initial few months of treatment, I returned to college on maintenance chemotherapy, still hoping to finish my degree and work in the medical field. Unfortunately, in March 2013, bloodwork showed that I had again relapsed – this time with a more aggressive form of leukemia. I had a bone marrow transplant at St. Jude that summer, on the very floor that Tri Delta helped to fund. I returned to college in January and graduated with my BS in chemistry in spring 2016. During my second time around at St. Jude, I met this amazing woman named Karen Hughes White. She was working as Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships with ALSAC, and I was one of the patient speakers. I loved to tell my story and how St. Jude gave me a second and third chance at life. It was a nice break from the monotony of appointments day-in and day-out, and it was the only way I could give back at the time. I always admired Karen – her confidence in speaking, her genuine and compassionate spirit, and her incredible presence. As a teenager, it blew me away that she took the time to get to know me. We formed a unique bond that turned into a friendship as I grew into my 20s at St. Jude. I was heartbroken when Karen moved on to her position at Tri Delta, but I was happy for her because I knew it was what she wanted. She teased that I would always be an “honorary Delta sister” to her. Fast forward to Fall 2016, I started at Louisiana Tech to pursue my doctorate in the engineering program. Within my first month or two, ladies around campus were handing out fliers about an informational meeting for a new sorority coming to campus – Tri Delta! I was excited but also a little sad, knowing I was past the point in my life to go through recruitment. I messaged Karen to let her know how excited I was that Tri Delta was 52

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colonizing where I was in graduate school. Karen called me a few weeks later and asked if I would like to be honor initiated. I almost could not believe it. In February 2017, Karen stood sponsor for my honor initiation at Collegiate Leadership Conference. I always felt that I was a Tri Delta at heart, but now I could finally wear the letters of the organization I grew up admiring.

What made you want to volunteer with Tri Delta?

I was new to Ruston and having a difficult time finding my niche. The graduate programs at Louisiana Tech are small, which was a selling point for me, but in a male-dominated field, I missed having a solid group of women, or any women at all, who shared similar interests. As with any transition, it was uncomfortable, and I often felt out of place. After being honor initiated, I could not wait to jump into everything Tri Delta. The Ruston Alumnae Chapter welcomed me with open arms, and the rest was history. The alumnae chapter gave me a home away from home and helped me get plugged into the community. The alumnae in our chapter are amazing women, and I am thankful to them for welcoming me into their sisterhood. I look up to each of them for their unique abilities and remarkable character, and they have taught me so much about being a compassionate leader. I quickly moved into the member experience advisor position, and all the work has been so worthwhile. Becoming a volunteer gave me the community I needed, and volunteering gave me the purpose I was looking for.

What advice would you offer to someone who’s interested in volunteering with Tri Delta?

The best advice I can think of is to just dive in. Being a volunteer just means bringing yourself – all your experiences, skills and time – and investing them in something bigger than yourself. If you feel like you will be overstepping or that you aren’t qualified, you have it all wrong. In speaking to our college women from chapters across the country, so many of them tell me they wish they had alumnae to look up to and get to know. You are wanted and needed, and so many chapters and women are missing out on you. I can guarantee you will get more out of it than you ever put in – in relationships you form with alumnae sisters and other volunteers and the sweet relationships you will form with the college women. Take the opportunity to invest in a young woman’s life and invest in our organization.

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My journey to Tri Delta was somewhat unconventional. In 2008, I was diagnosed with leukemia and became a patient of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. I have since survived cancer three times, in true Tri Delta fashion, of course. I was a freshman in high school at the time, and I remember seeing Deltas (both letters and ladies) all around the hospital. I loved when the Tri Delta tour groups would come through. When I realized the overwhelming passion Tri Delta has for St. Jude and pediatric cancer research, I knew I had to be a part of it someday. There was nothing I wanted, and still want, more than to see an end to childhood cancer.

alumnaeinaction to know more about their future plans. We share our college memories and genuinely bond over new and old, memories and current events, shared bonds and songs. Much laughter and many pictures later we begin our farewells. We say goodbye to the seniors and wish them well. As we begin clean up and the dismantling of the table decor we reflect on fun conversations and amazing young women and the bright future ahead of them. Side conversations begin on how we will continue our reconnections together. An afternoon of sightseeing around the town leads to shopping and then to a late-afternoon hotel poolside gathering. Later we head to dinner and then a post-dinner recap at a bed and breakfast. During our evening out one of the moms kept us updated on the senior activities. We even ran into them a few times and made new connections talking and laughing over end-of-year events. They seem surprised to see us out having fun together. Another reminder that we continue to model friendship and sisterhood, no matter where we gather together.� Top: Alumnae from Coe College's Delta Eta Chapter gathered for a four-day reunion in Chicago. Bottom: Pictured at the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence Gala are: Ginger Hicks Smith, Emory; Kathy Wilson, Ball State; Carol Knoche Helmus, Millikin; Janell Kleberg, Texas Tech; Stacey Dickenson Cox, Southern Methodist; Laura Hamilton Cole, Valparaiso; Emily Musser, Millikin; and Beth Burkes, Wake Forest.

2019 Chapter Birthdays Collegiate Chapters

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

25 years Gamma Xi Furman 3/13/1994 50 years Beta Epsilon University of Texas/Arlington 9/6/1969 Beta Eta Boise State 5/6/1969

Alumnae Chapters

75 years Alpha Tau Carnegie Mellon 4/15/1944

25 years Northshore, Louisiana 2/16/1994

Phi Alpha Toledo 11/18/1944

Fort Bend County, Texas 4/1/1994

100 years Oklahoma City Edmond, Oklahoma 6/1/1919

125 Years Iota Michigan 11/1/1894

50 years Hot Springs, Arkansas 5/21/1969

Kappa Nebraska 11/30/1894

Morristown, Tennessee 5/1/1969 Fall 2018 The Trident



A Masterclass in Kindness By Past President Phyllis Durbin Grissom, Southern Methodist

“I need your help for a dear friend. I feel pretty lost and helpless today, and I’m desperate for connections and expertise and generosity and anything else you might want to offer.” IT WAS A PICTURE PERFECT spring day. I was in the grocery

store checkout line. I was (NOT) minding my own business. I was mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. Renee’s plea appeared and I clicked on Continue Reading… “I met a dear woman about 5-6 years ago at Super Target. Over the past however-many years, we’ve become friends. We’ve gotten to know each other’s families, we’ve prayed for each other in hard times, and she envelopes me in the most precious hugs every time I see her in the snack bar to get my Diet Coke.

I paid for my groceries, loaded my car, climbed into the front seat and continued to read about Renee and Ms. V. Her friends urged her to set up a GoFundMe account and offered to donate. Certainly a GoFundMe account would be a part of the plan but I could tell that Renee had something else in mind. She was preparing to offer a masterclass in kindness with unforgettable lessons in self-


The Trident Fall 2018

sacrifice, generosity, modesty, purity, friendship and love. And I was about to learn something from her, again. Renee and I don’t see each other regularly and we were not especially close friends when we were in college…she is a couple of years older than me and we each had our own friend groups. Yet her account of Ms. V’s struggle brought

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My sweet friend, Ms. V, was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago... Ductal Carcinoma. It’s very treatable, and she’s only in Stage 1, but she doesn’t have health insurance and is putting two beautiful, hard-working kids through college. She’s the most “others first” person I’ve ever met, and although she has so little, she’s always thinking of ways to be a light in someone’s life.”

back vivid memories of the influence she had on my life. In 1990 I was elected to be the sophomore representative to the standards committee. Renee was the social development chairman so she was also a member of the standards committee. Each week we assembled in the library of the chapter house to visit with members who owed money and members who were struggling to make grades. From time to time we met with someone who needed a warning that her behavior was unbecoming of a member. This was an awakening for me. The sisters of Tri Delta were human, with flaws and weaknesses? How could they possibly deserve to be in this chapter? How was I going to achieve my goal of becoming a perfect Tri Delta when so many around me were falling short? Maybe this whole thing was a huge mistake?

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

But each week I watched Renee. She was a calm and compassionate leader. She was grounded in her faith and she showed love and concern to the sisters who needed to visit with us…no matter what their reason. In one memorable meeting we learned that a sister was facing a major challenge to her health and well-being. When I learned about some of the trouble she was in, I thought for certain that she would be kicked out of Tri Delta. But as the committee carefully deliberated about what we should do Renee said, “Let’s take her out for pizza and find out what is going on.” She invited me and another committee member to come along and to my amazement our shared dinner set a plan in motion that would connect our overwhelmed sister to the critical help she needed. Renee did not write her off, she invested her with kindness, compassion and love and it worked! Reading Renee’s stories about Ms. V has been a little like watching an episode of the hit TV show “This is Us” where the past, the present all mix together and connect in unexpected ways. Renee has continued to share updates on Facebook and there have been both ups and downs in Ms. V’s journey. There was an unkind financial counselor who delivered news that Ms. V did not qualify for any assistance, there was a friend of Renee’s who knew about a clinic in Ms. V’s neighborhood and there was a doctor who embraced Ms. V and declared, “Get ready to live!” There was a cancelled surgery, a successful surgery and a promising prognosis.

Photo, opposite page: Renee is pictured at right with a sister at the 1991 Theta Kappa Spring Formal. Top: Theta Kappa Bid Day 1989. Renee is pictured bottom left.

Renee was present for all these moments walking alongside Ms. V, crying with her, praying with her, taking selfies and making jokes to lighten the mood. The story of Ms. V’s and Renee’s journey is remarkable no doubt and Renee’s influence may have very well saved Ms. V’s life. For me it has been a powerful reminder of the lessons that our sisters can teach us even when we don’t know them or see them every day. These are the perpetual bonds of friendship…the bonds that ever increase and grow stronger. P.S.: Since I wrote this, Renee has continued to inspire others even as she faces her own challenges. Stay tuned for more about Renee in a future issue of The Trident… I think Renee will inspire you too. Fall 2018 The Trident


trideltalibrary Virtual Grandma By Alison Hillhouse, Virginia CULTURE AND TRENDS

researcher Alison Hillhouse presents a fun new guide to using video-chat applications to become a “virtual grandma.” Whether you want to connect with your grandchildren or other little ones far away, you'll discover a wide range of virtual activities and other special ways to interact and engage. Alison structures her guide based on the age of your loved one. She provides tips on how to connect with babies, toddlers and preschoolers, as each age group responds differently to virtual communication.

LULU SAAD doesn't need your advice, thank you very much. She's got her three best friends and nothing can stop her from conquering the known world. Sure, for half a minute she thought she’d nearly drowned a cute guy at a party, but he was totally faking it. And fine, yes, she caused a scene during Ramadan. It's all under control. Ish.

Except maybe this time she’s done a little more damage than she realizes. And if Lulu can't find her way out of this mess soon, she'll have to do more than repair friendships, family alliances, and wet clothing. She'll have to go looking for herself. Aminah Mae Safi is a writer who explores art, fiction, feminism and film. She loves Sofia Coppola movies, Bollywood endings, and has seen all of the Fast and Furious franchise. She lives in Los Angeles, California, with her partner and a cat bent on world domination (and another cat that is just here for the snacks). Her 2016 We Need Diverse Books winning story will appear in the forthcoming anthology, “FRESH INK” (Crown Books for Young Readers, 2018). “Not The Girls You’re Looking For” is her first novel.


The Trident Fall 2018

Deep Green: Minimize your Footprint; Maximize your Time, Wealth, and Happiness By Jenny Nazak, William & Mary GREEN IS A HOT TOPIC nowa-

days. People care about the environment and truly want to do their part. But there’s a popular belief that it has to involve self-sacrifice and deprivation. Nothing could be further from the truth. “Deep Green” is a concise, highly readable book that shows you how to align your green efforts with your personal goals and aspirations. Using the information in this book, you can do more to help the environment than you ever thought possible, while putting a surprising amount of money

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Not The Girls You’re Looking For By Aminah Mae Safi, Southern California

Alison was inspired by her mother, “Gaga,” whom she connects with daily even though they live far away, to write this simple guide. Gaga is amazing at keeping the little ones’ attention, and is creative online and in person. Alison uses Gaga’s adventures in technology with grandson Charlie to share practical and tested ideas, also crowdsourcing from grandparents, aunts and uncles across the country. She helps you tailor your interactions to truly connect with the little ones in your life. Alison was a member of Beta Sigma Chapter at the University of Virginia, and now works as a millennial generation researcher for Viacom (MTV) in New York City.

in your pocket, freeing up time to focus on the things that are most important to you, and, last but not least, gaining peace of mind. The author calls her lifestyle “low-footprint living large!” Jenny Nazak is an alumna of Alpha Mu Chapter at the College of William & Mary. She grew up traveling widely and visiting national parks with her family. After graduating from William & Mary with a B.A. in English literature and minor in sociology, Jenny went on to earn a certificate in permaculture design, a nature-based approach to designing human living environments. As a green lifestyle educator, she communicates the benefits of low-footprint living via multiple channels, including her blog, her YouTube channel, consulting, workshops, public talks and guest spots on local community radio. “Deep Green” is her first book.

Butterfly Colors By Michelle Varner, Southern Mississippi A POOR YOUNG GIRL yearns

for a beautiful party dress to wear to the ballet. A magical butterfly generously gives the girl his vibrant colors which turn her drab dress into one fit for a princess, while he is left with gray wings. Michelle P. Varner loved to listen to her father’s imaginative stories as a child. The most vivid story she remembers is based on “Butterfly Colors.” Although her father died when she was 12, he impressed upon her the lesson that we should always look at the heart – not the outward appearance of others. She hopes to always live true to that life lesson. Michelle is an active member of the Metro Jackson/Central Mississippi Alumnae Chapter. She lives in Jackson, Mississippi, with her family and enjoys volunteering in her community and church.

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An Embryo of Time By Mym Tuma, Northwestern IN THE 1960S, artist Mym Tuma discovered T.S. Eliot’s quote: “I construct something upon which to rejoice.” It became one of her personal mantras which she integrated into her artwork with the concept of freeing visual forms from confining frameworks.

A significant aspect of Mym’s career was her relationship with Georgia O’Keeffe, who became her mentor and took her under her wing. From that point, Mym flourished and learned to spread her own wings, a story which is recounted in this memoir.

Mym Tuma, an artist, poet and environmentalist has lived on the East End of Long Island for 27 years. Born and bred in Illinois, she is a graduate of Northwestern University with an M.A. from Stanford. Her passion as an artist is to free visual forms of empowerment from grids or confining frames, issues feminist artists struggled to accommodate. Her ideas about art germinated from the premise that we are born out of the rhythms of nature, and she finds the contemporary mediums of cloth, paper, paint, epoxy and fiberglass compelling. Mym has had several solo exhibitions in the 1980s and '90s, including at the Georgia O'Keeffe centennial sponsored by the Eden's Gallery of Columbia College in South Carolina, and at the Clayton and Liberatore Gallery in Bridgehampton. Her work is in numerous museums, including the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Foundation Museum in Washington, D.C., the Georgia O'Keeffe Estate in Abiquiu, New Mexico, as well as several private collections.

FYI – An Unintended Consequence By Patricia E. Gitt, Vermont FAKE NEWS terrorizes Taryn Cooper Walsh, managing partner of 4G investments. Each mysterious mailing contains increasingly vicious lies all suggesting that Taryn is running a highly unethical firm. Supported by her husband, business partners and friends, Taryn searches for the source of these fallacious clippings before they are leaked and destroy her reputation along with the trust of investors in her firm.

Patricia E. Gitt is the author of novels featuring women, mystery, crime and success. As a former executive in public relations, she worked with many outstanding women executives in finance, healthcare, fashion and pharmaceutical industries. She earned her B.S. from the University of Vermont, and her MBA from Fordham. During her career in public relations, she served as Chapter President of American Women in Radio and Television, and was listed in editions of “Who’s Who of American Women,” “Who’s Who in Finance and Industry,” and “Who’s Who in Professional and Executive Women.” Fall 2018 The Trident



The South is often misunderstood on the national stage, characterized by its struggles with poverty, education and racism, yet the region has yielded an abundance of undeniably great literature. In “Southern Writers on Writing,” Susan Cushman collects 26 writers from across the South whose work celebrates southern culture and shapes the landscape of contemporary southern literature. Contributors hail from Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Florida. Susan is author of “Tangles and Plaques: A Mother and Daughter Face Alzheimer’s.” She was co-director of the 2013 and 2010 Creative Nonfiction Conferences in Oxford, Mississippi, and director of the 2011 Memphis Creative Nonfiction Workshop. Her novel, “Cherry Bomb,” was published in October 2017.

The Harrow Legacy By Dianne Kowal Kirtley, Beloit Set against the backdrop of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina, the cultural venues of Paris, and the Midwestern scenes and influence of Chicago, the secrets of a privileged family are bared through the voices of its five members in “The Harrow Legacy.” Greyson, the father, was content to be the second son until a tragedy jarred him into reality. Elise, his wife, used her beauty as a door to escape poverty. Arden, the oldest daughter, buried herself in her work to avoid emotion. Kate, the middle daughter, the beauty queen, learned that advantages do not lessen vulnerability. Skye, the youngest daughter, devoted herself to achieving academically and fighting for causes only to learn that nothing in life is ever what it seems.


The Trident Fall 2018

Dianne Kowal Kirtley was a high school English teacher, department chair and public relations coordinator for a coed, college prep high school in the Chicago suburbs. During her 25 years as a teacher, she taught all levels of English and English electives including creative writing and journalism. She was also the advisor for the school’s newspaper for 20 years and a presenter at the Columbia Scholastic Press Conference in New York on three occasions. She has lived in Chicago and its suburbs for most of her life.

Journeys with Horses By Leslie McDonald, DePauw “Journeys with Horses” is an entertaining read that will touch the hearts of horse lovers from all disciplines. It launched on Amazon as a #1 Best Seller as well as receiving the label “Hot New Release.” It resonates with anyone who has experienced the dreams, passions, challenges and rewards of a life with horses. The book takes readers on a memorable journey down the barn aisle through a series of short stories that tell the tale of sight, scent and sensations of life in the stable. From novice to competitive riders, grooms to breeders, professional trainers to “horse husbands” and war heroes to childhood dreamers, “Journeys with Horses” will captivate, entertain and warm your heart. In creating the fascinating characters in “Journeys with Horses,” Leslie McDonald draws from over 45 professional years in the horse industry as a trainer, instructor and competitor. Over the years, her deep love for the sport has spanned many disciplines ranging from dressage to eventing, hunters and jumpers to steeple chasing and foxhunting. A USDF Gold Medalist, she lives at Full Cry Farm in southern Ohio where she teaches dressage and writes books. She is the author of four previously published books, including “Down the Aisle,” “Musings of a Horse Farm Corgi,” “Tic-Tac” and “Making Magic.” Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

Southern Writers on Writing By Susan Cushman, Mississippi

inmemoriam Passion and Drive Theta Zeta Chapter Remembers Emily Stephens In April, just three months after Emily’s passing, the chapter organized a threeday bone marrow drive through Be the Match, which manages the largest bone marrow registry in the world. Bone marrow transplants help treat life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. The chapter set up a Facebook page and invited other sororities, fraternities and spirit groups on campus to participate.

On Jan. 23, 2018, Theta Zeta Chapter at the University of Texas lost a beloved sister. Emily Stephens passed away after a lifelong battle with brain cancer. She was being treated at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where she had been a patient since her relapse with cancer in 2013 during her sophomore year in college.

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Emily joined Tri Delta as a member of Theta Zeta in 2012. During her time at the University of Texas, Emily’s strong will and determination enabled her to graduate with highest honors and hold officer positions in Tri Delta, all while doing chemotherapy. After graduating from the McCombs School of Business in 2016, she moved to Dallas, where she worked as a marketing analyst for Frito-Lay. While the members of Theta Zeta Chapter have always raised money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as part of Tri Delta’s national philanthropic partnership, having Emily as part of their lives made their philanthropy work so much more personal.

“It was a way for our chapter to share something we’re passionate about with the UT community,” says Claire Kurio, Texas, who helped organize the event. Leading up to the bone marrow drive, Theta Zeta invited two speakers to the house to talk about the ins and outs of bone marrow donation. One speaker was Mike Thompson, a four-time cancer survivor and two-time bone marrow recipient who talked about his journey. The other speaker was Samuel Hillhouse, a community engagement representative for Be the Match, and a bone marrow donor himself. The result was more than 360 people registering as bone marrow donors with Be the Match. “We raise a lot of money every year for St. Jude,” says Claire. “But this was a way for us to really take action to support cancer patients. It was our chapter’s way of physically being a part of this journey with them.” It was also a way for the chapter to honor Emily’s memory. “I think we were successful because we were focused on doing this in memory of her. We realize that there are people just like us and

just like Emily who are out there looking for a match,” says Claire. And it didn’t stop with a bone marrow drive. Emily’s spirit is a part of all Theta Zeta’s philanthropy activities now. “We want to do everyone who loved her justice by giving our all when we do our fundraising activities,” says Emily Knapp, philanthropy chair. “We’re doing what we’ve always done, but it’s with a much stronger passion and much more drive.” When Theta Zeta held its Sincerely Yours letter-writing campaign, chapter members included an insert with their letters that told Emily’s story—it was one of their most successful campaigns. This summer, chapter members put together a video campaign to raise money for St. Jude. Sisters who were traveling across the globe for the summer each submitted a clip or photo of themselves sharing awareness about St. Jude. In just two days, the chapter had raised $8,000. At the St. Jude Tri Delta Celebration in July, Theta Zeta Chapter was named the Chapter of the Year in the green category (chapters with 185+ members) for their support of St. Jude. It was the perfect way to continue to honor their sister. “We loved her so much,” says Emily Knapp. “We want her memory to live on and be a fuel to the fire of everything we’re doing for our philanthropy.” Fall 2018 The Trident


inmemoriam ALABAMA Cribbs, Gayle Plunkett '61 d. 12/17 Crute, Winifred Murphree '45 d. 02/18 Danley, Fran Aldridge '66 d. 04/18 Taylor, Leah Oldacre '77 d. 10/17 ARKANSAS Dunnigan, Helen Ferrill '61 d. 02/18 Fletcher, Vicki Mitchell '75 d. 04/18 Kennedy, Catherine Cox '51 d. 05/17 King, Mary Jane Naylor '47 d. 01/18 AUBURN Brown, Linda Word '63 d. 06/14 Samples, Marsha Jones '63 d. 01/18 BAKER Bonebrake, Marion McMillen '44 d. 03/18 Lawson, Jean Clarridge '42 d. 03/18 BELOIT Forbes, Gwendolyn Mackenzie '50 d. 01/17 Kennedy, Elaine Hagstrom '51 d. 01/18 Roob, Joan Grinde ’45 d. 12/17 Scholl, Joan '53 d. 03/18

COLORADO Baldwin, Barbara Becker '55 d. 02/18 Lola, Patricia Meyer '51 d. 03/18 Ohl, Carolyn Robertson '49 d. 03/18 CORNELL Gottling, Barbara Johnson ’52 d. 1/18 DENISON Andrews, Betty Vogel '63 d. 12/16 Gowans, Jean Cassidy '48 d. 05/17 Harrison, Sylvia Rhodes '47 d. 03/17 Hopwood, Dorothy Roe '42 d. 11/16 Johnson, Martha Downing '44 d. 02/18 Moshier, Elizabeth Osmond '36 d. 12/16 Quam, Renee Kroenke '43 d. 02/18 DEPAUW Guthier, Monica Kelly '42 d. 05/03 Judy, Betty McDonald '42 d. 02/11 Lee, Betty-Jane Yuncker '39 d. 03/18 DUKE Dameron, Nancy Henry '46 d. 03/18 Pohler, Louise Gracely '37 d. 07/09 FLORIDA STATE Dixon, Susan Fehlberg '57 d. 10/17 Gilbert, Carolyn Adams '59 d. 01/18 Russell, Linda Sherman '57 d. 02/18

BRENAU Lord, Doris McAmis '51 d. 06/18 Thomas, Mary Dozier '34 d. 08/11

FRANKLIN Spiker, Nancy Drake '66 d. 06/18 Van Antwerp, Mary Ellis '44 d. 08/17

BUCKNELL List, Elizabeth Hoile '45 d. 08/17

GEORGIA Budd, Virginia Moore '44 d. 06/18 Cobb, Anna Pryor '42 d. 07/18 Jones, Mary Youngblood '52 d. 07/18 Watson, Joan Syfan '48 d. 03/18

BUTLER Coats, Sally Snyder '54 d. 03/18 McCardle, Martha Bolte '53 d. 08/17 Rushing, Judy Obenhouse '75 d. 11/17 CALIFORNIA/BERKELEY Kenfield, Nancy Hudson '46 d. 02/18 CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES Canon, Marion Dodson '55 d. 02/17 CARNEGIE MELLON Padden, Rose Lang '45 d. 02/18 Weisenbacher, Jane Gunsaulus '68 d. 02/15 CHAPMAN Casner, Myna '14 d. 06/18 CINCINNATI Cors, Audrey Fink '51 d. 04/18 Klinedinst, Elizabeth Broeman '37 d. 12/17 COE Stary, Anogene Faris '38 d. 05/18 COLBY Ludwig, Margaret Grant '53 d. 12/17


The Trident Fall 2018

IDAHO Bowlby, Mildred Ryan '37 d. 07/13 Davis, Marian Stillinger '45 d. 10/12 Hill, Ida Collett '51 d. 04/18 Kroll, Peggy Bobbitt '67 d. 09/17 Thomson, Arline Durkoop '43 d. 08/13 Vosberg, Ruth Buchanan '52 d. 05/18 Wood, Katherine Horn '59 d. 05/18 ILLINOIS Beitzel, Marguerite Buchanan '57 d. 10/17 Cole, Sally Trott '65 d. 09/16 Estes, Jeanne Miner '39 d. 03/18 Parro, Helen Devine ’57 d. 11/17 Worrell, Nancy Helme '47 d. 02/18 Yakel, Mary Ann Mayne '50 d. 02/18 INDIANA Fiscus, Shannon Wampler '74 d. 03/17 Welch, Phyllis Hiatt '49 d. 08/15 IOWA Blaser, Andrea Adams '51 d. 06/18 Fulton, Patricia Hull '47 d. 04/18 Girsch, Molly Pitcher '74 d. 07/12 Goplerud, Eileen Ehred '45 d. 05/18

Kosel, Patricia Dillon '49 d. 10/17 Neilsen, Marilyn Lane '45 d. 08/17 Pechacek, Jill '87 d. 01/18 Riede, Sally Lachner '48 d. 12/16 Zavala, Dr Catherine '73 d. 05/18

IOWA STATE Apt, Denise Coleman '48 d. 11/14 Dolson, Ella Ronneberg '44 d. 03/18 Frevert, Alice Fletcher '40 d. 02/18 Ingvoldstad, Helen Baschen '41 d. 02/18 Johnson, Joyce Obye '39 d. 02/18 KENTUCKY Blazer, Nancy Shropshire '42 d. 11/17 Gray, Jane Rothenburger '34 d. 02/13 Parker, Frances Fowler '62 d. 02/16 Stewart, Barbara Walton '43 d. 10/16 KNOX Arnold, Kathryn Bennett '33 d. 07/09 Johnson, Jane Nelson '51 d. 08/16 LOUISIANA/LAFAYETTE Autin, Joanie Domengeaux '72 d. 06/15 MAINE Di Bonaventura, Lila Applebee '46 d. 03/12 MIAMI/OHIO Harris, Amy Bricker '55 d. 02/18 McLaren, Adele Lammers '39 d. 12/14 Roesler, Barbara Duffey '61 d. 01/18 MICHIGAN Collins, Martha Frey '42 d. 02/18 Eustice, Turryann Welden '48 d. 12/17 Grey, Mary Ann Barr '45 d. 09/17 Mayhew, Mary Hill '46 d. 12/17 Stanton, Betsy '47 d. 07/18 MICHIGAN STATE Kiefhaber, Nancy Pleune '53 d. 11/16 Meador, Dawn Ziegler '68 d. 07/17 MILLIKIN Blount, Helen McEvoy '47 d. 01/16 Henriquez, Whitney Minor '05 d. 02/18 Nelson, Lucy Johnson '53 d. 01/18 MINNESOTA Buetow, Evelyn Storberg '41 d. 02/18 Fish, Virginia Thomas '42 d. 04/17 MISSISSIPPI Paris, Sally '77 d. 02/18 Weston, Ella White '48 d. 03/18 Worley, Dot Mancill '43 d. 04/18 MISSOURI Hogan, Bonnie Webb '48 d. 01/18 Kutey, Rebecca Ingram '84 d. 02/18 McKellar, Terry Ullery '55 d. 12/17 Sweeney, Margaret Bellenger '39 d. 12/15

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ADELPHI Donlon, Natalie '41 d. 04/18

MONTANA Emerson, Marian Bell ’47 d. 2/16 Golder, Violet Degolier ’45 d. 2/12 Peabody, Penelope Wagner '58 d. 10/17 Restad, Irene Cara ’42 d. 6/17 Ricci, Charlene Henderson '63 d. 05/17 Schott, Dorothy Trzcinski ’50 d. 1/16 Swanson, Janet McGuire ’50 d. 4/15 Wolfe, Marion Hagler '56 d. 09/17

Roeder, Constance Canavan '48 d. 03/18 Smithey, Dorothy Turner '39 d. 03/13

RHODES Baker, Marcia Swett '68 d. 03/13

TEXAS/EL PASO O'Donnell, Nonette Elkins '68 d. 04/18 Ross, Donnie Measday '50 d. 02/18

MOUNT UNION Koblentz, Kathryn Anderson '66 d. 10/17 Miller, Ruth Wagner '40 d. 11/12

SAINT LAWRENCE Ready, Katherine '58 d. 03/18

TOLEDO Durrant, Monalee Murlin '44 d. 09/14

SIMPSON Weinman, Mabel Smith '46 d. 06/18

TULSA Diehl, Claire Foster '53 d. 04/18 Glueckert, Susan Luedeking '70 d. 05/13

SOUTH CAROLINA Howell, Harriott Barnwell '48 d. 06/11 Moore, MaryAnne Grayson '63 d. 03/18

UTAH Heath, Phyllis Fisher '37 d. 02/18

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bates, Barbara Haberfelde '55 d. 01/18 Billings, Elizabeth McCarrier '45 d. 01/18 D'Assalenaux, Helen Blakely '44 d. 03/18 Jennett, Jeanne Oneill '50 d. 05/18

VANDERBILT Belmont, Susan Exton '79 d. 06/16 Dawson, Lucy Buford '51 d. 04/18 Foy, Martha Overall '47 d. 02/18 Jones, Miriam Conner '48 d. 06/18 Marquis, Carmen Park '16 d. 06/17

SOUTHERN METHODIST Henderson, Katherine Jones '06 d. 06/18 Olds, Gail Daugherty '53 d. 03/18 Waggoner, Patsy Jones '47 d. 04/17

VERMONT Griskivich, Anne Edlund '52 d. 05/17 Roy, Corinne Hemphill '58 d. 02/17 Stewart, Karen '85 d. 08/17

NEBRASKA Blevins, Shari Lewis ’56 d. 2/18 Hamilton, Rachel Lock ’41 d. 1/18 Sullivan, Nedine Fagg ’52 d. 1/18 Winter, Mary Kobes '42 d. 07/17 NEVADA Albright, Barbara Carruth '49 d. 02/18 Bowser, Sandra Thompson '58 d. 05/18 Brown, Estella Hicks '44 d. 02/18 Crew, Jeanne Rule '48 d. 10/17 McKinnon, Stephanie Maas '59 d. 05/17 Watne, Neva Gardner '45 d. 11/17 NEW MEXICO Croson, Mary Hunter '52 d. 04/18 Knorr, Donalyn Burke '70 d. 06/18 Lancaster, Sue Westfall '66 d. 01/18 NORTH CAROLINA Carlsen, Carole Adams '63 d. 01/18 NORTH DAKOTA Erickson, Myke Winter '48 d. 02/18 Fazio, Shirley Sunderland '47 d. 12/15 NORTHWESTERN Klingman, Marilyn Anderson '53 d. 04/18 OHIO STATE Reynolds, Catherine Konold '41 d. 03/17

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity

OHIO WESLEYAN Cain, Lynn Ryder '66 d. 04/18 Cloney, Mary Shepston '65 d. 06/18 Doody, Anne Goetz '53 d. 04/18 McNamara, Catherine Wilson '46 d. 04/18 Ross, Suzanne Luethi '41 d. 06/18 OKLAHOMA Gilbert, Betty Gafford ’44 d. 1/18 Nevitt, Elaine Suttie '50 d. 04/18 Richard, Sara Wallace ’37 d. 1/18 Wilson, Maurine Shields '38 d. 01/18 PENNSYLVANIA Michener, Nancy Smith '56 d. 11/17 Smith, Mary Cummins '64 d. 06/18 PENNSYLVANIA STATE Taylor, Cynthia Loesel '50 d. 03/18

RHODE ISLAND Smith, Mary Dyer '61 d. 01/15

SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Hartfield, Sherry Pierce '66 d. 08/17 Johnson, Margaret Moseley '51 d. 09/17 Rodkin, Marsha Williams '73 d. 03/17 SOUTHWESTERN Fuller, Melissa Northern '65 d. 11/16 Godbey, Bobbye Wendland '43 d. 01/14 STETSON Freeze, Jeanne Gailbreath '51 d. 02/18 SYRACUSE Booth, Elizabeth Rood '39 d. 05/18 Brown, Sarah Muther '69 d. 07/17 Hirschel, Denise '68 d. 11/16 Parsons, Evelyn Kolbe '56 d. 01/18 Woods, Barbara Benedict '46 d. 02/18 TENNESSEE Alexander, Kathleen Reade '45 d. 03/18 Andresen, Sarah Brier '44 d. 10/15 Hamilton, Jane Peters '46 d. 05/18 Treadwell, Jo Ann Barr '51 d. 11/16 TEXAS Stephens, Emily '12 d. 01/18 Blount, Eva Finch '45 d. 09/17 Boswell, Mary Wilkirson '42 d. 06/18 Burgess, Lynne Mann '62 d. 03/18 Davis, Peggy Tomlinson '45 d. 02/18 Harrison, Martha Parr '37 d. 11/17 Roth, Jo Mays '52 d. 04/17 Scheele, Carolyn Tobin '53 d. 03/18 Smith, Nancy Rogers '53 d. 01/16

TEXAS CHRISTIAN Cross, Melinda Cato '78 d. 02/17 TEXAS TECH Cathey, Catherine Dillard '54 d. 02/17

WASHINGTON Detwiler, Karen Evans '70 d. 08/17 Gaiser, Carol Landon '55 d. 11/17 McEwen, Scotty Amende '41 d. 09/12 WASHINGTON STATE Garceau, Celia Rains '39 d. 12/17 McKown, Jacqueline Lynch '47 d. 05/14 WASHINGTON/ST. LOUIS Vindett, Betty Broderick '43 d. 03/13 WEST VIRGINIA Culliss, Julia Sprouse '60 d. 06/18 WHITMAN Devore, Janet Freimuth '44 d. 11/17 Simpson, Julia '84 d. 10/16 WICHITA STATE Damon, Connie Henderson '68 d. 03/18 WILLIAM & MARY Bruechert, Anna Roper '37 d. 04/18 WISCONSIN Benkert, Delphine Heston '34 d. 06/15 Connor, Janet Tyler '54 d. 03/18 This list represents deceased members reported to Executive Office from March 8, 2018 through July 31, 2018. To report a deceased member, send name, date deceased, chapter, married name and name and address of closest living relative to The Trident at Executive Office. See contact information on page 5.

RANDOLPH-MACON Matthews, Margaret '50 d. 02/18 Fall 2018 The Trident



Tri Delta’s archives rests a slightly battered brown scrapbook. Despite its unassuming appearance, the content between its covers chronicles the remarkable journey of the Fraternity’s first visiting delegate, R. Louise Fitch, Knox. The unidentified photos give us a glimpse of chapter life in the early 1900s.

A Visit from Miss Fitch

Tri Delta’s First Traveling Consultant

The Visiting Delegate In its infancy, the Fraternity focused on the mechanics of operating the new and rapidly growing organization. Details such as organizational structure, Rituals, official jewelry, member education and the creation of The Trident were the principal subjects for consideration at the earliest Conventions. By the turn of the century, the Fraternity began to concentrate on the “care and feeding” of its collegiate chapters. At the 1902 Convention, it was R. Louise who moved “that a visiting delegate be appointed by the Grand Council to visit each chapter once in two years.” The concept was temporarily tabled while a committee looked at the costs associated with the new and different methods of funding it. The 1904 Convention body voted to have a visiting delegate who would “be appointed by the Grand President if she herself was unable to do the job.” At the same time, a per capita fee of $.50 on both active and alliance members was levied to pay for the program. As logistics for the program were laid out, it became apparent that the inspections would be of greater value if the same person performed all of the viits. Elizabeth Tumbleson Luetscher, Grand President, appointed R. Louise to the position in addition to her post as Editor of The Trident. R. Louise served as visiting delegate a second time 10 years later. Her 1912


The Trident Fall 2018

this time the Fraternity had designated several regional areas or provinces. To better work with chapters, province deputies were assigned as visiting delegates for their areas. When the provinces were further broken into districts, district presidents were initially given the responsibility to visit the chapters. By 1939, the district presidents were assisted by the first traveling secretary, whose role was to “gain a composite picture of all chapters able to offer impartial advice to district presidents and the Executive Board.” The traveling secretary program grew and expanded to become today’s chapter development consultants.

A Visit from Miss Fitch During her first term as visiting delegate, R. Louise inspected 22 active chapters and was present for a chapter installation. The first visit was to Upsilon Chapter at Northwestern in May 1905; the last was the newly installed Alpha Xi at RandolphMacon that she concluded on May 25, 1906. She described her visits in her report to the 1906 Convention:

By Fraternity Archivist Beth Dees Applebaum, Texas Christian report was a comprehensive comparison of her two visits to each chapter 10 years apart and an invaluable look at growth and change in collegiate chapters across the country. As Tri Delta grew, it became evident that one visiting delegate could not give the chapters the attention they deserved. By

“As far as possible, four days were spent with each chapter. In that time, at each school, some social affair, tea, reception, card party or something of the kind was given at which I was enabled to meet the members of all Sororities in the institution. Dinners, drives, theatres, dances, receptions, chafing dish spreads, luncheons some or all were given at each chapter to enable me to meet all active members and alumnae, and in some cases gentlemen friends of each chapter, socially. During each visit, a regular chapter meeting and also a regular Alliance [alumnae chapter] meeting were held and regular business conducted in the ordinary way. Every chapter book was examined, plans and policy of chapter, characteristics, and strengths of [other sororities on campus],

Copyright 2018 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity


Pictured are several photos from R. Louise Fitch’s scrapbook. Most were taken between 1905 and 1906 during her first term as visiting delegate, when she traveled by train to chapters across the country. R. Louise is pictured in the middle left photo, being lifted by chapter members.

A colleague later wrote of her, “Many chapters were at first intimidated by her arrival, often spending the preceding weeks in a flurry of cleaning and organizing in anticipation of her visit. After she arrived, her shrewd eyes saw far more than the chapter realized and she developed a warm relationship with each one she visited, even those she had to discipline. She left the chapters showered with hugs and kisses, and along with her notes, a magazine or two and a box of chocolates under her arm, gifts to ‘Our Louise.’” In addition to visiting the collegiate chapters, R. Louise met with a number of local Panhellenic groups where she shared “what ideas I had gathered regarding rules and condition in other schools.” She also met the Dean of Women at each school “where such an official exists at her request and talked over conditions among the college, the college women and how the sororities might be of service to college authorities in bettering conditions.” R. Louise encouraged each chapter to build strong relationships on campus,


The Trident Fall 2018

particularly with other sororities. She found that “in every instance, rival fraternities were delightfully cordial and hospitable. At Madison, Kappa Kappa Gamma, at Lincoln, Kappa Alpha Theta, and at Berkeley, Kappa Alpha Theta sent an invitation to dinner at the chapter house, each of which was happily accepted.” She also writes, “a number of Grand Officers of Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma, and Chi Omega were met and the little exchange of experiences was exceedingly enjoyable.” The photos in her scrapbook reflect the warm relationship she developed with each chapter she visited. There are formally posed group shots, picnics at local lakes and beaches, and informal shots of members clowning around with their visiting delegate. Dance cards, place cards, and dinner menus are mementos of the social occasions R. Louise shared with the chapters. Her experiences with the chapters carried over in new features she included in The Trident that provided a closer look at chapter life, or as she put it, “enabling Tri Delta to become acquainted with itself.” Her closing thoughts in her 1906 report

likely resonate with today’s chapter development consultants: “The task of visiting the chapters is not a light one. The social side alone is wearing, though pleasant, and the energy necessary to judge quickly and fairly, ferret out true conditions, be ready with solutions for any kind of problem, to go with but little or no sleep, catch trains at any hour of day or night, etc. — this energy is incalculable. But if, as is hoped, the greater possibilities of usefulness for fraternity members is realized, if system and order prevail, if more enthusiasm is aroused and interest increased, then the first visiting delegate will feel that the discomfiture and hard work are more than repaid.” R. Louise Fitch did not identify any of the chapters in her scrapbook, but we would love to know who they are. Can you identify any of the chapters in these photos? If so, please contact Beth Applebaum at bapplebaum@

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house finances and methods of meeting bills for house or room…were discussed.”

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B. A.*







A.* Star and Crescent Badge, 10K | B. Single Pearl Trident Stickpin, #1113 10K $70 | C. Scholarship Pearl Dangle, #0041 GP $11 D. Forever Ring, #001BS SS $253 10K, 10KW $407 | E. Eve Ring, #002BS SS $171 10K, 10KW $325 F. Chapter President Ring, #0455S SS $133 10K, 10KW $307 14K, 14KW $430 | G. Belle Bracelet, #BELLE SS $59 H. Lyanna Multi-chain Necklace, #LYANNA GP $50 *Badges must be ordered through Delta Delta Delta Executive Office: 817.633.8001

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