Our preschool programs provide a "bridge to school”
School District 197’s preschool programs provide a “bridge to school”. Rich learning experiences in well-equipped classrooms highlight each day, with children thriving in the “real school” environment and follow a schedule typical to kindergarten that includes individual, small and large group activities. You can expect to find caring and quality teachers in our preschool classrooms that are fully credentialed with bachelor’s degrees (or higher!) in early learning.
Our curriculum Provides...
• Interactive activities and the joy of discovery. • Program alignment with the district’s K-4 programs. • Developmentally appropriate instruction that fully prepares your child for Kindergarten. • The foundation for future school success by encouraging personal, social and physical development; language development; pre-reading and pre-writing skills; mathematical and scientific thinking; and enthusiasm for social studies, music and art. • Collaboration with the Minnesota Reading Corps that helps to ensure that all children are reading proficiently by grade 3.
Early Learning Programs Office 1970 Christensen Ave West St. Paul, MN 55118
Nuestro programa Provee...
El año escolar 2016-17 empieza en septiembre y termina en mayo. La primera semana de clases comienza la semana del 12 de septiembre.
Los programas preescolares del Distrito 197 proveen “un puente para la escuela”. Experiencias ricas en aprendizaje en salones bien equipados están presentes todos los días con niños que crecen en un ambiente de una “escuela verdadera.” Y siguen un horario típico de un niño de kínder el que incluye actividades individuales, como grupos pequeños y grandes. Usted va a encontrar a maestras de calidad y comprensivas que tienen todas las credenciales para enseñar a preescolares.
The 2016-17 school year runs from September through May. The first week of classes will begin the week of September 12, 2016.
Nuestros programas preescolares ofrecen “un puente para la escuela”
• Actividades interactivas y la alegría del descubrimiento. • Programas de Kínder a cuarto grado alineados con nuestro distrito. • Instrucción apropiada para el desarrollo para asegurar que su hijos esté completamente preparado para entrar al Kínder. • La fundación para el éxito escolar futuro animando el desarrollo personal, social, y físico; el desarrollo del lenguaje; las habilidades de pre-lectura y pre-escritura; el razonamiento matemático y científico; y el entusiasmo para las ciencias sociales, la música, y el arte. • La colaboración exitosa con el programa de Minnesota Reading Corps el cual asegura que todos los niños lean competentemente para el tercer grado.
West St. Paul-Mendota Heights-Eagan Area Schools
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 2015 Twin Cities, MN
Se e n ew Pres ch o o l o p ti o n s in si d e!
Community Preschool
Located at Pilot Knob School & Early Learning and Family Resource
PreKindergarten (Age 4 or older by September 1, 2016) M,T,W,Th,F 5 full days (Lunch provided) 9:15 am - 3:30 pm M,T,W,Th,F 5 mornings 9:15 am - 11:45 am M,T,W,Th,F 5 afternoons 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm M,W,F 3 mornings 9:15 am - 11:45 am M,W,F 3 afternoons 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm ThreeSchool (Age 3 years by September 1, 2016) M,T,W,Th,F 5 mornings T, Th 2 mornings
9:15 am - 11:45 am 9:15 am - 11:45 am
Monthly Fee $1000.00 $ 320.00 $ 320.00 $ 205.00 $ 205.00 Monthly Fee $ 320.00 $ 143.00
Extended Day options with 5 Day sections AT ELC ONLY We will be offering extended day options for specific sections of 5 day per week preschool. Extended day offers the opportunity for additional activities and learning opportunities. Children may be dropped off any time between 7:15-9:15 and picked up between 3:30-5:30. PreKindergarten Extended Day Mornings Monthly Fee ThreeSchool Extended Day Mornings M,T,W,Th,F (Light breakfast provided) 7:15am – 9:15am $ 20.00 This option is only available with a M-F morning or all day section of PreKindergarten or ThreeSchool. PreKindergarten Extended Day Afternoons Monthly Fee M,T,W,Th,F 3:30pm – 5:30pm $ 20.00 This option is only available with a M-F afternoon or all day section of PreKindergarten. ThreeSchool Extended Day Afternoons Monthly Fee M,T,W,Th,F 11:45am – 5:30 pm $ 700.00 This option is only available with a M-F morning section of Threeschool and will be an extension of the morning program. Children may be picked up any time between 3:30 - 5:30.
PreKindergarten (Age 4 or older by September 1, 2016) Monthly Fee M,W,F 3 mornings 9:15 am - 11:45 am $ 205.00 M,W,F 3 afternoons 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm $ 205.00 ThreeSchool (Age 3 years by September 1, 2016) T, Th 2 mornings
Monthly Fee 9:15 am - 11:45 am $ 143.00
COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL Our preschool classes expose children to a variety of experiences that promote social skills, increase language skills and enhance learning. Children learn and grow in a structured environment that fosters readiness skills to help prepare them for kindergarten. All children must be toilet trained to attend our Community Preschool classes. COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL Spanish Nuestras clases de preescolar exponen a los niños a una variedad de experiencias que promuevan las habilidades sociales, aumentan las habilidades lingüísticas y mejoran el aprendizaje. Los niños aprenden y crecen en un ambiente estructurado que promueven las habilidades de preparación para de el kinder.
Todos los niños deben ir al baño solos para asistir a nuestras clases de Comunidad Preescolar.
2016-2017 REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fee: Monthly Fees:
(per student; nonrefundable) PreKindergarten (5 full days) PreKindergarten (5 half days) Three School (5 mornings) Three School (2 mornings)
$45 $1000 $320 $320 $143
Extended day Monthly Fees: PreKindergarten & ThreeSchool (5 mornings) $20 PreKindergarten & ThreeSchool (5 afternoons) $20 ThreeSchool (5 day program 11:45-5:30) $700 Registration fee of $45 and first months tuition for each section/option selected will be required upon approval of your registration. Refunds are not given after Monday, May 2nd. Remaining fees are due on or before the first of the month October through May.
Please log on to our website at www.tridistrictce.org to search classes, create a family account, register and pay for classes. Once you have a family account, you will be able to register for Community Preschool as well as a variety of other Community Education classes. If you have previously signed up, this program year, online for Community Education classes, you will be set with a family account and will be able to quickly enter a preschool registration request.
Initial Registration Requests–February 19 - February 21, 2016 Initial preschool registration requests will be accepted on our online site beginning Friday, February 19. While creating your registration request, you will be able to indicate your class preference as well as make an alternate class selection. Payment information will be required during registration, however, your payment will not be processed until your registration request is approved. Class placement will begin the week of Monday, February 22. Approval email notices will be sent by Friday, February 26. Once you receive an email notification that your registration request is approved, your payment will then be processed. Registrations after February 21 2016 Following the initial registration and class placement, requests will be accepted until all classes are filled.
You can expect to receive a welcome packet with class information and forms to be completed prior to the start of school in September. The packets will be mailed home during the summer.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE may be available to families that qualify. Please note that for financial assistance, certain eligibility requirements apply and families must provide proof of income. Please call 651-403-8353 if you would like to receive information or visit our website at www.tridistrictce.org and click on the Early Learning tab. HAY AYUDA FINANCIERA DISPONIBLE a familias que califican. Existen ciertos requisitos y las familias deben proveer prueba de ingresos. Por favor llame al teléfono 651-403-8366 si desea recibir mayor información, o visite la página www.tridistrictce.org marque en “Early Learning.”
Teacher requests will be accepted during registration and although we will do our best to honor these requests, we will not be able to guarantee a specific teacher request.
Online registration will provide you with the most efficient processing of your registration, therefore, the Early Learning programs will now only accept online registration requests. If you do not have access online, you may contact our office at 651-403-8353 to register. Please note that phone-in registrations will be placed the same week as online registration and offer no advantage to preschool placement.
Please be aware that Minnesota has an immunization law. This law requires that all children entering child care, early childhood programs, and elementary or secondary schools (public or private), will be required to have up-to-date immunizations on file with the provider. Children enrolled in ISD 197 Early Learning programs will be required to provide a copy of an immunization record or a conscientious objection signed by a parent/guardian (objection must also be notarized) for each child enrolled prior to the child attending the program.You are required to provide your child’s immunization on or before the first day of preschool class. The school district will be following up on each child enrolled as required by law. You may use the print out from your physician’s office or the form provided online at www.tridistrictce.org/immunizations/ to record your child’s immunizations. Please contact the early learning health office at 651-403-8376 if you have questions regarding immunizations.
Por favor sepan que Minnesota tiene una ley para las inmunizaciones. Esta ley requiere que todos los estudiantes que entren a un jardín infantil o cuidado de niños, programas de infantiles, y escuelas elementales o secundarias (públicas o privadas), tendrán que tener sus inmunizaciones actualizadas en su expediente con el proveedor de salud (o clínica). Los niños matriculados en los programas de Aprendizaje Infantil del Distrito 197 tendrán que proveer una copia de la cartilla de inmunizaciones o una objeción de conciencia firmada por un padre/guardián (esta objeción también debe ser notariada) para cada niño matriculado antes de asistir al programa. Los padres deben traer una copia de las inmunizaciones d sus hijos antes de o el primer día de cualquiera clase de Aprendizaje Infantil o de pre kínder. El distrito verificará que cada niño cumpla con este requisito, de acuerdo con la ley. Pueden usar la forma provista por su clínica o usar la que está en el sitio del Internet www.tridistrictce.org/immunizations/ para registrar las vacunas de sus hijos. Cualquier niño que no tenga sus inmunizaciones al día el primer día de clase no podrá asistir a la escuela. Esperamos pasar un excelente año con su hijo. Si tienen preguntas por favor llamen al 651-403-8366.