Trifecta Magazine Issue 7: Summer 2015

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Summer 2015


Calgary's Well-Being and Mindful Living Magazine


Michael Green 1957 - 2015


achieving optimal results involving three aspects of health: Mind, Body and Soul.


I have suffered from asthma, since a small child, at the age of 58 I an on 2 steroid inhalers and my emergency inhaler used about 3 to 4 times a day. In just three treatments (including having a major chest cold when I started) I have not used any inhalers in two days. I am excited as to what future treatments shall bring as well as what spring shall bring since). I suffer from hay fever as well. Thank you I am very grateful! - Wendy Our 5-year old twin girls love coming to the salt room to play, read a book, or sign kids songs. The end result is that the girls and entire family is healthier. - Yvea My granddaughter didn’t use her inhalers or wheeze and cough the entire week she spends with us in Calgary. I feel we have found a positive solution to the asthma. - Barbara


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I have asthma and chronic cough for the last 6 years. Since I have started the salt therapy I have cut my inhaler use down from every day to once a week. I Have more energy, less tired and my skin looks healthier. - Lori

My son was the one receiving the treatment. For the week that we were in your facility I noticed an increase in energy and easier breathing for him and myself! HE also experienced a clearing of ECZEMA!! We enjoyed our time talking and learning about the treatment. - Claudia, Edmonton After only 4 session my breathing was “easier” and the calming effects are indisputable. - Jan

Summertime means short shorts, crop tops and bathing suits. Before you bare it all, remove that unwanted hair from your legs, underarms and bikini area.

Sizzling Summer Offer - Save $200! Purchase the Brazilian laser hair removal package of 3 for $300 and receive the underarm package of 3 FREE! To receive this special offer, call 403.464.9417 and mention Trifecta. Offer valid until August 31, 2015.

Skin Tightening, Body Contouring and Fat & Cellulite Reduction Skin Rejuvenation

Hair Removal

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

photo by: John Dunn

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Trifecta Magazine focuses on three aspects of health; Mind, Body and Soul. Achieving optimal results in these three areas is considered a perfect balance or trifecta, hence the name of this publication – Trifecta. Inspiring well-being and mindful living through community connection right here in Calgary, Trifecta Magazine provides a channel for community members to both share and learn from each other’s experiences in a solution-based forum of expression. Trifecta Magazine attracts readers, writers and advertisers with a desire for betterment and provides exposure to the many types of therapies, products and practitioners throughout Calgary and surrounding areas that can help people advance on their personal journeys. We hope you enjoy the experience and we look forward to sharing our passion in many issues to come.

For information on advertising opportunities or to contribute to Trifecta Magazine, email or phone 403-589-5060. Trifecta Magazine can be delivered quarterly directly to your home or office for only $24.95 + GST for a one year subscription. Email for more information. Published by Allison Cartwright and Cindy Drummond

By Lana Osborne-Paradis BSc. Kin, CEP, AFLCA Trainer

The Challenge with Being Authentic Are you afraid to show who you really are?

| By Lesli Christianson-Kellow | By Yasina Bhanji The Funeral I Will Never Forget | By Abe Brown You've Got Personality | By Eileen Head

Starting Over Refocusing Your Financial Picture After Divorce By Sylvia McConnell

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Getting vitamin D, the old fashioned way.

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Making a Difference

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By Jami Savage

Healing from Within

The Magical Manifestation Recipe


Side Effects of Travel

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Remembering Michael Green pays homage to a beloved artist, friend and father. A unique individual who made an impression on everyone who crossed his path, both on and off the stage. Losing Michael devastated the national arts community, but as those who knew him best will tell you, this bright star won't soon be forgotten and he lives on in the hearts of each of them.

Why You Struggle with Consistency


By Ramona Remesat

Five Key Ingredients For A Nourished and Fulfilled Life By Bev Janisch

Inch by Inch



By Dr. Joe Klassen, ND

By Aime Hutton

Best Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis By Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor

Productivity Blues?



By Jenny Chanthabouala

By Amara Hamilton

Remembering Michael Green Be Your Absolute Best with Hypnosis


By Cheryle Cote

From Floundering to Flourishing Six Tips to Take Back Control of Your Life


Give some, get some. What does it mean? Garden Trends Heartspeak



By Jodie Hebbard


By Beverly Pollock

By Joanne Dafoe

By Dr. Anne Jensen

We Can Complain Because the Rose Bushes Have Thorns or Rejoice Because Thorn Bushes Have Roses By Deborah Nichol


Are Your Hormones Making You Fat?


Wisdom from the Akashic Records: You Are Beautiful and Loved | By Christy Lowrance

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By Dr. Marnie Wachtler RMT, ND

A New Movement Evolving


By Wendy Olson-Brodeur

The Trip that Brought Me Home


By Nadean Ollech

You Gotta See This

Tapping Into Your Best You! Using EFT to break free of limiting beliefs and emotions.

By Sarah Daloise

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Never Too Late To Say, “I’m Sorry” Search Your Soul



By Annette Stanwick

By Serena Kolodka

Benefits of Wellness Coaching for Children with Mild Anxiety By Marianne Disipio-Vitale, B.Sc. OT

The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of Trifecta Magazine. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking on any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Summer 2015

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Why You Struggle with Consistency By Lana Osborne-Paradis BSc. Kin, CEP, AFLCA Trainer Seeing muscle definition in our arms and feeling great with the fit of our clothes does not happen over night. When we embark on a journey to change our body and improve our health, we can take the fast route of restriction, a diet plan and crazy exercise routine that takes all of our willpower to complete or we can adopt a more sustainable approach. A sustainable approach relies on consistency to be successful. It relies less on willpower and more on creating successful daily habits. You see, once an action becomes a habit, it costs us much less mental energy and conscious effort to harness the willpower to complete each task. While consistency is vital, its implementation is one of the most common struggles we face when it comes to our daily healthy habits. You know what this feels like. You lay out a carefully designed plan for yourself about how you are going to get your veggies in, kick your sugar habit and follow an exercise routine. You start off strong, and after a couple days or weeks, the motivation wanes and old habits of eating potato chips on the couch after work come creeping back. How do we get to the place of consistently completing healthy habits day after day? What about when we are tired? Stressed? Too busy? The answer to this question lies in doing less, but creating more impact. When we can prioritize a few habits that provide results and do not take an entire week’s worth of willpower to perform, we really have hit the consistency jackpot. It is not about being perfect 20% of the time. It is about being consistent, 90% of the time.

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Start By Outlawing Overwhelm Getting caught up with changing too many variables is a common mis-step when creating lifestyle change. We worry about sodium intake, eating a variety of different coloured vegetables and we try to avoid all forms of sugar all while we run to spin class and try to have patience for our children. These factors certainly do matter, but focusing on too many to-do’s leads to decision fatigue. We lose the ability to make healthy choices because there are simply too many factors that require our attention, and there we are, falling off the wagon again. Simple Actions That Create Big Results Consistency occurs when we find the sweet spot of sustainable effort that creates results. Then we focus on doing these actions daily. Let’s define a few daily actions that do not take all of our attention, but still provide the physical change we desire. What you eat creates most of your results, so this is an important area to focus your willpower and energy. While exercise provides amazing health benefits, it does not shift the dial on body composition change as much as the food we consume each day. Place your efforts on the following three areas: • Eat enough lean protein. Protein is a macronutrient that helps us to feel fuller for longer, maintains our lean muscle mass and prevents sugar cravings due to balancing our blood sugar. The Canada Food Guide recommends a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight each day. Active individuals need to consume 1.0-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram. • Choose water as your drink of choice. Water is a commonly overlooked component of a lean and healthy body composition. We snack less, crave less and eat less when we are adequately hydrated so be sure to get at least 2 litres of plain water daily. • Find at least three green veggies you love and eat them everyday. While variety is important, having a few go-to healthy foods helps to automate the process of shopping and cooking. Kale, cabbage, green beans, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, celery, spinach, arugula, and the list goes on. Pick your favourites and eat them regularly. Vegetables are volume foods which mean that they take up a ton of space in our stomach without a high caloric load. They are key to any sustainable eating plan. Give up the All-or-Nothing Mindset Sure it can be tempting to do a complete life overhaul. We can see how this style of behaviour change is attractive to us. "If I change all of these things in my life, something’s gotta give!" The challenge is that this all or nothing approach is the most unsustainable way to see lasting results. The all-or-nothing mindset is characterized by trying to eat perfectly, constantly exercising all-out and subsequently getting to the point where we can no longer maintain our efforts. We then fall off the wagon and wonder where we went wrong.

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When results come slowly, they are much more likely to last. Place your efforts on creating an enjoyable, healthy plan that you can imagine performing day after day. Get clear on your priorities and avoid trying to change too many variables at once. Lana Osborne-Paradis BSc. Kin, CEP, AFLCA Trainer Lana Osborne-Paradis is a Certified Exercise Physiologist who loves strength training, searching for silver linings and red wine. She is an inspirational coach via her company Blast Fitness and can be found dispelling myths and offering constant motivation at Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

The Challenge with Being Authentic: Are you afraid to show who you really are? By Jami Savage

In a world where everyone is quick to judge and slow to support it’s hard to be your authentic self. I’ve struggled with this for a long time, sometimes coming across as cold or arrogant to new people. My own insecurities about feeling the need to defend the decisions around who I am often made me question who I wanted to let inside. And this would probably surprise some people as my persona is one of a very outgoing and confident person, but like everyone, I have a host of insecurities that I worry about. Two years ago, I was introduced through my television and the Jeff Probst Show to Kelly Pollozi. Kelly was diagnosed with stage four cervical cancer and was fighting for her life, even though four specialists had told her there was no point. She was 33. She walked every step of her fight with an infectious spirit and an energy for life you could feel through the TV screen. She was electric, passionate and strong. She was going to win. Kelly lit a fire in me that had been missing for a long time. She gave me the fuel to wake up and put my insecurities aside and start living a life that was more authentic. I started snowboarding again. Starting camping again, and teaching my one year old how to walk through the trees. My four year old and I have shared many splashes in the pool and in the puddles in the rain. I reconnected with friends who shared similar interests. I started defining who I was as a whole and about who my children would like to define their mother as: an outgoing, fun, kind and generous person. I rewrote my bucket list and started tackling things with such ferocity that I knew I was going to tick a few things off my list each year. And I did. I started living again. I started having experiences that reminded me of who I was and of who I wanted to be. I experienced the beautiful environment we are surrounded by every day and brought my babies into the beauty to experience it too. It was an amazing transformational year, even though all I was doing was getting back to my authentic self. Kelly was always in my thoughts for what she had inspired in me, but also in my prayers for her recovery. I wrote on my bucket list that I wanted to meet her when she got all better. Unfortunately that’s not something that I’ll ever be able to do. Kelly ultimately lost her battle, and never saw her 34th birthday. Kelly lived every day to the fullest, a mantra that I have always embraced. Six months ago, after following my passion I realized that I had a bit of a following on social media. People were interested in my story. So I set out to start my own blog. It has been a pure extension of myself featuring solo adventures, family adventures and inspirational stories. I’ve never been so passionate about anything in my life and I think that is the key reason leading to my success. When I first started learning about the power of Passion I was given this excerpt on Passionate Work by Curt Rosengren. It really resonated with me. And 12 years later, it still sits in my desk and reminds me, that when I’m truly passionate about something, that’s where the key to success lies: “Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of YOU into what you do.” It’s the being who you are, and doing what comes naturally. In a way, your Passion Core is the answer to the question, “Who am I?” When you understand that, you can make decisions and look for opportunities that bring you into alignment with that. ”In other words, passion comes from the fact that you are aligned with what really makes you tick. And if you’re living your life according to who you really are, people would look at your Passion Core and say, “Yeah, that sounds like you.” It’s not hidden and personal, it’s a no-brainer look at who you are, which is already obvious because you’re living it.”

Summer 2015

So here’s my questions for you, are you showing who you really are? What relationships are truly supportive of your authentic self? Are you letting others’ perceptions and opinions stop you from pursuing something you’re interested in? What is something that you are really passionate about that you would like to do, but has been on the back burner for a long time? Knowing who we are is one thing, being who we are is another. Being able to embrace who we are can be a challenge, and finally executing a life filled with passion and authenticity… well, it’s a road less traveled. Let’s change that.

Side Effects of Travel By Lesli Christianson-Kellow

Need a fresh perspective? Make time for travel. Whether it’s a trip to Paris or a weekend jaunt to the mountains, simply getting away from every day routines can open your mind and enlighten your perspective. Putting space between yourself and the constraints of your daily grind through travel is practical and beneficial. Practical because you can choose to go away overnight or for 7 nights; you can choose to go low budget or splurge and go fancy; you can take a friend or embrace some me-time. Beneficial because at the very least, travel serves to help us appreciate what we have – family, friends and a place to come home to. Here are a few more fringe benefits:


Putting some distance between you and your everyday life gives you a renewed perspective. Life looks different from another angle. The enormity of your problems will look smaller when you are out in the world. Truly tiny, if you travel to a country where the locals are smiling and enjoying life despite a lower standard of living than your own.


As your problems begin to look smaller, your creativity will begin to grow. Your mind gets lazy doing what it always knows. Expose your mind to what it doesn’t know – a new culture, public transportation in another city, another language – your mind will literally have to work outside its comfort zone. Creativity will begin to flow.


Seeing something you’ve only read about for the first time – like the sparkling Eiffel Tower, or eating scallops just fresh from the ocean, or glimpsing a deer during a mountain hike. These experiences make us take a quick breath and realize that there is so much more out there to see, to taste and to feel. Our everyday life does not define us, there is so much more out there for us to experience.


Pack up your essentials and stuff them into a bag or a suitcase. Suddenly deciding what to wear is easier – and less stressful - when you have only a few outfits to choose from. Finally, you can read a book because you have only one to choose from. The clutter and stuff are left behind. This is a freedom that is best realized while travelling.


Having rich memories help to define who we are, where we’re at, where we’ve been and where we’re going. Travel gives us both good and not so good memories which help us grow. And when we stumble and lose touch with what is important, travel memories remind us of our true selves. And we do it all over again.

Lesli Christianson-Kellow is a freelance writer. You can follow her travels on twitter.

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Healing from Within By Yasina Bhanji

BodyTalk and Reiki are not a cure but assist the body in creating an environment to facilitate healing.

Ever have that moment that you feel pain in your body the minute your emotions change? Did you know that your cells know what to do and where to go but your environment and emotions can cause fluctuations? This is the inability to understand how emotions really function in the body. Emotion is energy that moves through the body to help it reach optimal health. It’s our interpretation and attachments that we place on them that creates dysfunction.

Reiki means Rei= Gods wisdom or Higher power KI = life force energy, so Reiki essentially means spiritually guided life force. It is known as a powerful hands on healing technique which can be used on yourself, others, plants and animals.

Many of us use modern medicine to help deal and heal. When your brain is functioning it streamlines the health of your body – communication from the brain to the cells and body has no interference. Daily stresses of life can cause fatigue, immune system unbalance, headaches, bruises, scars, insomnia, skin problems, diabetes, fibromyalgia…even cancer.

A Reiki treatment is usually given in a quiet environment with the person receiving the treatment either lying down or sitting down. The person giving Reiki will transmit Reiki energy to the person receiving it by placing their hands either on or over various points on the body. Treatment can last from 30 to 90 minutes with the usual being an hour.

Balancing your mind, body and soul will help you function at your highest and best. Both BodyTalk and Reiki use low levels of energy and frequency emitted from the hands. They balance the energy within the QI or CHI.

Reiki works on all levels of awareness in body, mind, and spirit.

BodyTalk and Reiki: • work without intention – there is no pre-diagnosis, what the body needs it gets • work with the whole body • use innate wisdom – universal wisdom • are suitable for any age • enhance your body’s ability to heal itself and help other healing modalities • unblock the relationship between body and mind • help shift and release our beliefs • offer post-treatment tools so that you can work on yourself • balance energy

The energy of Reiki works by gently opening you up to the understanding that you are the creator of your own reality. That there is no greater power than you. It helps you to aid in the production and achievement of goals, heal past traumas and discover your true path. It provides energy to your body so that your body and cells can regenerate and heal.

A great analogy of Reiki is like having a dead battery in your car. Someone comes along with a strong battery and a set of jumper cables and gives you a boost. Think of the Reiki practitioner as the battery and his/her hands as the jumper cables . Reiki does this irrespective of what is ailing you. It gives you extra energy you need to make yourself better whilst providing you with a deeper understanding of why you made yourself ill in the first place. The five principles of Reiki are: 1. Just for today, I will let go of anger 2. Just for today, I will let go of worry 3. Today, I will count my many blessings 4. Today, I will do my work honestly 5. Today, I will be kind to every living creature BodyTalk uses tapping and light touch to bring your awareness on the areas that need healing or reconnecting. BodyTalk’s most common used technique is CORTICES which is a sequence of hand positions over the brains four main cortices – occipital, parietal, pre-frontal and temporal while tapping alternately on the head and sternum. A BodyTalk practitioner works without intention, being present in the moment with the client and using muscle testing with innate wisdom to find the route of the client’s issues. With BodyTalk you find out what is the target of the symptom by using a chart and innate wisdom to see if its emotional, physical or spiritual environment that is the cause. Remember your body reacts to everything!

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BodyTalk does not diagnose or prescribe, it highlights the areas that may have blocks. Everything in the body is in constant communication with each other, and that disruption in communication can cause dis-ease. Things in the body that do not seem to be related ultimately are. Say you are having shoulder pain and knee pain on the left side, but what comes up is an adhesion in your left hip and then the pain begins to dissipate. Everything in the body is interconnected and all levels such as emotional, physical, environmental and spiritual all affect each other. Once the areas are highlighted, the client and practitioner will put hands on certain areas to create more focus. Then, the practitioner will tap on the head of the client, bringing the client's brain to awareness that these changes need to occur; then the practitioner will tap on the sternum, which helps store the change. Remember Reiki and BodyTalk are not a cure but they both greatly assist the body in creating an environment to facilitate healing. Many have had symptoms that have plagued them for years that lessen or dissolve but only if you are open to heal yourself. Yasina Bhanji Yasina's Light Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

The Funeral I Will Never Forget By Abe Brown

I once went to a funeral that I will never forget. Even though it happened over a decade ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a 23-year old ordained minister, and before getting into my current career as a leadership and executive coach, I spent 12 years as a full-time pastor. In my time as a pastor in two different churches, I offered pastoral leadership and care to thousands of people. I was used to conducting funeral services packed full, often with hundreds in attendance. These funerals became celebrations of the life and contributions of the one who had passed. Though there was sadness, there was also gratitude for the life lived, and its contributions. I will never forget one of them. It was in a smaller community, with decent, kind, and caring people. I was called by one of our local funeral homes to conduct a service for an older gentleman who had passed away. Because I did not know him, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but when I arrived. I was shocked to see an open casket, with just one mourner in attendance. I checked my watch and made sure I wasn’t early. Actually, I was five minutes late. I decided to wait another 10 minutes to see if anyone else would arrive. At 11:15 am, 15 minutes after the funeral was supposed to begin, there was one mourner, an open casket, and myself present to celebrate and remember a life of more than 70 years. I went through the motions of the funeral service, but I was forever shaken by that experience. I couldn’t imagine living 70 years and connecting with so few people and touching so few lives that there would be only one attendee at my funeral, along with a paid minister. That event shook me to my core and I resolved that I wanted to build a life that was full of life, full of love and making a difference. Maya Angelou understood this when she said that, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away”.

Summer 2015

See, true kindness is loving people with abundance and authenticity. I am convinced that when we treat each moment as precious and valuable, and each interaction with another person as unique and distinctive, we are fully living and authentically loving. When we do that, we attract quality people to ourselves and we emanate an energy of health and affirmation. Connecting with people on a surface-level leads to surface-level living, surface-level loving and surface-level results. Part of this is determining to leave a positive footprint on the world. This sort of determination causes us to act like what we do makes a difference, because in reality, it actually does! Pablo Picasso said that, “The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away”. Heartcentred and successful people want to make a difference in the people around them, and end up being remembered and even celebrated. In the end, this is how I believe we will be evaluated: Was I a giver, and not just a taker? Was I person who plants, and not just someone who harvests? Did I seek to serve, and not just to be served? Was gratitude my steady response, or entitlement? And in the end, did my giving and planting and thanking and serving actually do anything that will last beyond this moment? Let’s live in this moment, but aim for an impact beyond just this moment. Since that moment, over a decade ago, I have not lived a perfect life. Far from it. But for me, it’s been pretty simple. Live fully. Love authentically. Serve gratefully. Lead effectively, with or without a title. And, make a difference. I coach my clients to do the same. The funeral I will never forget, more than anything, was a reminder to me that this moment matters. Today matters. Tomorrow matters. And if this moment matters, then I matter. You matter. And when we live like we matter, our impact grows, and our reach expands. Lives are healed, transformed and empowered. We got this. Let’s go do it! Abe Brown is the Coach’s Coach, and is the Founder and President of Momentum Coaching, and the President of the Certified Coaches Federation Momentum Coaching has experienced triple digit growth for several years, and the Certified Coaches Federation has trained and certified over 10,000 Life and Executive Coaches in the last 7 years. Abe is the author of the transformational book, Getting Where You Need To Go, which is selling worldwide, and has developed life and business coaching tools which have been put into use all over North America and the world. If you would like to discover more about becoming a Certified Life or Executive Coach, please reach Abe at

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You've Got Personality

Starting Over

Are you in a relationship where you feel stuck and unloved, or frustrated because you have difficulty understanding the other person? I too, felt this way. I searched for answers in my 35 year marriage. We were two great people with the same values, morals and goals, yet we didn't know how to connect with each other. I constantly asked myself "Why can't I figure us out?"

By Sylvia McConnell

By Eileen Head

We were high school sweethearts. I met him at 16 and we married when I was 18 and he was 21. I thought I had found my Prince Charming. I thought we would share our dreams, raise children and build a life together. In my family of origin, we all seemed different — everyone lived in their own world. As a little girl, I would watch my family to try to understand them and see where I fit in. Our family didn't communicate very well, so I believed when we loved each other, communication would just happen. I spent much of our time together pretending that everything was okay, but I felt lonely. He was my “silent partner” who I couldn’t get to share with me. When I couldn’t engage him in talking or sharing, I would question myself constantly; is it something I am saying?, not saying?, should be saying?, saying too much?. This affected my confidence and self-esteem. I was puzzled watching other couples. I could see they were at ease with one another, laughing together and solving their problems. Their life seemed so much richer. What was the secret?; what was the missing component that I couldn’t seem to find? We were living separate lives together. It felt like we had a business partnership, each focusing on different areas of our life with the priority being our sons. What made it more confusing is that we could easily collaborate, but not connect. I searched for answers, read stacks of self-help books and took many courses. These all helped me grow, but it didn’t give me the relationship answers I sought. I yearned for something more... a deeper understanding of myself, more meaning to my life and a closer connection in my all my relationships, especially with my husband. When I could not find the answers, I came to believe he didn’t love me. As with most people, when we don’t find the answers, we just give up. As I was leaving my marriage, I was introduced to the Enneagram (any-a-gram) Personalities. My A-hah moment happened when I read our Enneagram Personality Profiles. I learned more about him, myself and our relationship in 30 minutes than in the 35 years we lived together. I could see how our two personalities were challenged in the same areas: focusing on other people, people-pleasing and having no awareness of our own needs. We also weren’t aware of what our similarities were, so we could build compatibility. I discovered, too late, a solution to an unhappy and unfulfilling marriage. Now I understand why my husband behaved and reacted the way he did. Suddenly everything became clear. We had personality perspective differences. He didn’t know how to make me happy because I didn’t know what would make me happy or understand my own needs. I didn’t understand him or what he needed either. Discovering that our personalities feel loved, valued and appreciated differently combined with research on our couple combination, helped me figure out what happened with us. I just couldn’t figure us out until I got personality insights using The Enneagram (any-a-gram). As the best selling author of Why Can't I Figure Us Out? How I Discovered Relationship Answers in Enneagram Personalities, I share insights of how I saw our relationship then, how I see the situation and my ex-husband differently now with personality insights, and how The Enneagram has transformed my life experience. Today, I am committed to share what I have learned after becoming a Certified Enneagram Consultant and experiencing the power of understanding personalities for all of your relationships whether they be family, friends or business associates. In my coaching, I am passionate about assisting clients with understanding their personality conflicts and how they can resolve them, personally and professionally. I help couples with their personal struggles and help them understand how each feels loved, appreciated, and valued. For those who are single, I help you recognize which personality will make you the happiest. Most importantly, I bring insights to help you understand your strengths, value and gifts to help you become the person you are meant to be.


Eileen Head Relationship & Personality Expert, Coach; International Best Selling Author; Speaker, Workshop Facilitator; Enneagram Personality Teacher; Hypnotherapist

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Refocusing Your Financial Picture After Divorce

The possibility of separation or divorce should be anticipated when there are severe problems in a relationship. Both parties need to involve themselves in the family finances well in advance of separation by becoming aware of the real costs of running the family home, the overall financial situation, outstanding debts, and current assets. This information should be documented, as it may become difficult to obtain after separation occurs. Men and women who anticipate separation should also be aware of the potential financial implications of splitting assets and covering future spousal and child support payments. These responsibilities may continue for a number of years. In addition, there will be both initial and ongoing costs for separate living arrangements. Both parties should also be aware of the potential financial cost of destructive anger and resentment that almost always follows a separation. If the separating partners can manage to stay level-headed, the process of dividing assets will be easier and less likely to result in lengthy court battles. Approaching issues with revenge in mind will inevitably inflict needless anger, pain and guilt not only on the separating spouses, but on any children involved. Counselling for anger management and to help heal painful emotional damage from the separation may well benefit both parties and may also help children through the trauma of this life-changing event with less damage. Minimizing the damage you do to each other now will make it more likely you’ll be able to deal civilly with each other in the future. Working Out the Finances Two sets of legal rights related to finances arise on the breakdown of a relationship: rights to division of property acquired during marriage, and rights regarding support. You may be required by your provincial laws to make what’s called an “equalization payment” upon dissolution of a relationship (or you may be entitled to receive one). In some cases, partners in common-law relationships may be able to make claims against assets in the name of, or owned by, the other person. The rights afforded to common-law couples are expanding. Your lawyer will be able to explain your position to you. Upon separation, we can help you review and revise beneficiaries for registered investments, insurance, pension, and your will. Do not wait until the formal separation agreement or divorce decree. In many provinces, any gift given in a will to a former spouse is considered null and void on divorce. But if your death should occur prior to a finalized divorce, the provisions in an unrevised Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

will remain applicable: if you had willed everything to your spouse, that’s how the estate will be dispersed. Spousal and Child Support You will likely need a separation agreement to cover the period prior to the formal divorce, than a divorce agreement. You can incorporate both spousal and child support in the separation agreement, and carry it forward into the divorce settlement. Support payments may have tax implications. Ask your lawyer for clarification. Each spouse should have a lawyer. On divorce, a judge may review the support terms, and may revise them. Tax Implications In a separation agreement, tax issues should be taken into consideration with regard to the splitting of assets. For example, a husband may wish to transfer a $10,000 mutual fund, at cost, to the spouse. Interest and dividends are taxable in the recipient’s hands. But if the wife sells the fund before the divorce is finalized and triggers the capital gain, the husband must report and pay tax on that gain unless both jointly agreed, in writing, that she would have the liability. After divorce, the husband would no longer be responsible for the capital gains tax — but tax implications still need to be considered. An asset with an inherent tax liability is worth less in reality than an asset of similar value with no tax liability. Cottages, RRSPs and other investments may be split up, but will a spouse receive the asset with or without tax liability? If a registered asset is split, there will be an underlying tax obligation down the road; a $30,000 car is not a direct trade for a $30,000 RRSP, because the car represents simple cash value and the RRSP will be taxed. Separating couples, even those with seemingly modest assets, would be wise to employ tax accountants who can review separation and divorce agreements to see if any issues have been missed. It is seldom advisable to attempt reaching settlements without expert advice. Even if both parties are dealing amicably, the lawyer, accountant, and financial advisor all offer unique knowledge that can help ensure the divorce agreement works out to maximum benefit and minimum inconvenience for both parties. The cost in fees could be far less than potential costs in taxes or legal stitches dropped that have future implications.

Summer 2015

Cases where divorces do incur high legal fees are almost always directly correlated to the level of rancour between the parties. Anger, resentment, and desires for revenge are extremely expensive and highly destructive. Would you rather incur high legal costs or pay for your son’s university education? Working Through the Emotions Anger, hurt, grief, denial – they’ll all come flooding in just when you’re trying to re-build your life and ensure your children survive with as little pain as possible. For some couples splitting up, focusing on children's needs helps the adults work through the process; if both parents genuinely concern themselves with the best interests of the children they both love, a degree of civility may be achieved. But for most, emotional pain can all too easily manifest itself as destructive responses to the former spouse, or may surface in the form of emotional disturbances like depression. Sometimes, all you need is a trusted friend you can vent to while you get over it. But you may need more support, and self-help groups, counsellors, or therapists can be a great help. Your family doctor can refer you to agencies, organizations, or groups that can help you get through this troubled time. Start there to seek help if you find you’re having too much difficulty coping following the separation. Your lawyer or local social or family services departments may also refer you to groups or therapists who can help. A Final Word on the Value of Family, Friends and Professionals While this could very well be one of the most trying periods in your life, most people are able to look back once the dust has settled and realize they’ve emerged stronger. Many people who’ve gone through a separation find the whole experience has helped them rediscover themselves and develop a new-found sense of confidence. They find they’re able to focus on growth and self-actualization. In this sense, positive change occurs if we allow ourselves the time to heal and look forward. Being patient and drawing upon resources around you – family, friends and professionals – will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sylvia McConnell B.A.H., M.P.A., CFP Regional Director, Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Tel: 403-226-5531

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The Magical Manifestation Recipe By Ramona Remesat

Manifesting. That word seems to be everywhere these days and it refers to our ability to draw into our lives anything we desire. Brought to the mainstream world’s attention by Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret, it stems from the Law of Attraction which states most simply that we get what we think about.

Well it’s the same thing with manifesting. If you don’t follow ALL the steps, or don’t quite implement them correctly, you end up falling short on your expectations. So it’s not that manifesting doesn’t work, it’s just that you aren’t following the recipe. I happened upon this magical combo of ingredients while working on manifesting my own great things like my wonderful dream home, a successful and fulfilling business and even a free drink at Starbucks (you can manifest little things too).

When you talk to people about this topic there seems to be two camps, those who are manifesting to their heart’s desire and those who think it’s a bunch of hooey. It’s not that they don’t WANT to believe it but they claim they’ve tested it out for themselves and have not yet seen their desires materialize.

So let me outline for you what I have come to call "the recipe".

So I’m going to let you in on the secret about The Secret….it doesn’t work unless you do! So many people are saying things like, “I hate my job so I’m just gonna manifest a new one” or “I’m working on manifesting my life partner” and yet these people are essentially putting their feet up and waiting for a Fairy Godmother to wave her wand and deliver what they’ve asked for straight to their front door.

PRAYER: Now don’t let this word turn you off before you even get started. You do NOT need to follow an organized religion or have any religious affiliation whatsoever to use this ingredient. It really just means a call for help. You see, our angels and spiritual helpers are not allowed to interfere in our free will. So if we want them to step in and help us, we have to give them permission first. Prayer is like calling your spiritual team into an ethereal boardroom and telling them what you need help with. Then you turn that situation over to them and allow them to get to work on your behalf right away.

Now I’m a cut to the chase kinda girl so I’m going to tell you like it is. And if that’s your idea of manifesting, you’re gonna be waiting for what you want for a mighty long time. The real secret is that there’s a recipe to manifesting. A recipe means there are specific ingredients that need to be combined together in order for you to achieve your desired outcome, right? If you leave out a couple of key ingredients, or try to substitute them for something else, then more than likely you’re not going to be satisfied with what you get.

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There are only three ingredients in this recipe and they include three very simple, yet EXTREMELY powerful spiritual tools. When used consistently, the results really can be quite magical.

AFFIRMATIONS: Spiritual Entrepreneur and teacher, John Assaraf, calls affirmations a “to be” list and I just love this because that’s exactly how affirmations work. Repeating these positive statements (worded as if we have already achieved them) helps to re-wire our brain and put us on the path to actualizing the exact things we desire. Cool huh? VISUALIZATION: This is a bit misleading because visualization is really much more than just seeing. It’s really about creating a multisensory experience in such vivid detail that it’s like you’re immersed in a scene from a movie. Spending 5-10 minutes every day visualizing what you desire in great detail, really sets the wheels of the universe in motion to help bring it to you. After all, the Law of Attraction, states like attracts like. So the more you can visualize what it is that you want, the more like a magnet you become in drawing it to you. METHOD: It doesn’t matter what order you use these ingredients only that you include ALL of them on a consistent basis. And there you have it, my magic recipe to get what you desire. But don’t take my word for it. I challenge you to put it to the test for yourself. I’ve created a free three-part video series titled The Three Essential Steps to Getting Anything You Want in Life to help you learn much more. Grab it and get cookin’ today at www.ramonaremesat. com. No messy mixing bowls or whisks required. Ramona Remesat is a Spiritual Life Coach and Angel Therapy Practitioner® and has been studying spirituality and metaphysics for over 30 years. Her greatest joy is teaching others how to recognize, and trust, their inner guidance so they can transform from feeling blocked and fearful of change, to getting crystal clear on their goals and taking inspired action steps to reach them. She’s passionate about teaching others how to connect with their angels so they can create a more fulfilled, abundant and happier life and business. With her guidance and support, her clients uncover their purpose and move towards living the life they truly desire. Ramona Remesat, Spiritual Life Coach & Angel Therapy Practitioner® Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Five Key Ingredients For A Nourished and Fulfilled Life By Bev Janisch

Have you ever felt drained, like you’re running on empty, or so busy being concerned about other people’s needs that you have little time and energy for your own? It seems many of us these days spend a great deal of our lives feeling that way and don’t quite know how to change it. I know this was the case for me. I felt like I was caught in a current and was floating down the river, but that it wasn’t my river—it was the river of those around me. I knew I wasn’t floating in my own river when the feelings of discontent and longing became so loud that I couldn’t ignore them anymore. I had become very proficient at ignoring myself and not listening to my inner voice. I had allowed the voice of others to become so loud that they drowned out my own little voice that kept quietly saying, “Please hear me.” It wasn’t until the little voice started screaming at me that I started to tune in. What made it easy for me to not address my discontent was that I attributed the cause of my discontent to those closest to me. I had the “if they would change, then I would be happy” mentality and that I was unhappy because of something that they were either doing or not doing. Combine that with the disease to please and you have the perfect storm for unhappiness. There was a huge shift that happened when I started to shine the light on myself and do my own work. It didn’t happen overnight and at the time I wasn’t even consciously aware that this shift was happening. I just knew that I needed to do some soul searching to get to the route of my unhappiness. It was a very dark time for me when I began peeling away the layers of expectations, beliefs, patterns and behaviors that didn’t serve me. I felt like I was naked and vulnerable, with no clothes on. It was a confusing time for not only me, but for all those around me who couldn’t understand how the person who has “everything” could be so discontent. What I came to realize was that somewhere along the way of being a mother, sister, daughter, wife, friend and nurse, I had lost touch with myself and what I needed to do/be to live a more nourishing life. A life that was true to my own values, beliefs, gifts and talents. You see, that is why I was so discontent and unhappy — I wasn’t listening and acting upon those things that were necessary for me to live my own authentic and fulfilled life.

2. Living in a state of forgiveness. This is one of the hardest things to do and one of the most important things to move towards if we want to live a nourishing life. When anger and resentment build up they become toxic. It becomes toxic for us and for our lives. Forgiveness is a daily practice and one that is just as important for the little things that happen on a day-to-day basis as the bigger things. 3. Practicing self-compassion. This is a big one and one that many of us struggle with. We find it way easier to be compassionate towards others and meet other’s needs at the expense of our own. When we do that we lose our hopes, our dreams and ourselves. Most of us don’t even know what it looks like and feels like to be compassionate towards ourselves. When we can honestly hold our inner child with love and kindness, we know we’re on the right track. 4. Being aware of our thoughts and feelings. A consistent practice of becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings and being honest about what they are is vital to being nourished. So many of us stuff our feelings down and try and either deny them, ignore them or tuck them away to be dealt with another day. What we resist persists and we must become experts at recognizing and embracing our full range of emotions and feelings. 5. Committing to soul nourishing activities. Spending time every day in spiritual practice that works for you is a key ingredient. Even if you don’t view yourself as a spiritual person it’s all about connecting with yourself. It may be meditation, journaling, prayer, reflection time or spiritual reading. We are programed to think, feel and act in certain ways and we need to rewrite these programs if we are to be happier and more fulfilled. Living a life of purpose, contentment and authenticity doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by choice. You make the decision to move in the direction of making nourishing decisions for yourself and then you take baby steps every day to bring them to life. Bev Janisch, Founder The Compassionate Mind

So out of my darkness there were a few things that enabled me to get back on track and find that spark that signifies we’re on the path we’re meant to be on. These five things are crucial if you want to live a life that feels more nourishing: 1. Listening to your inner voice. One of my favorite poems is The Voice: There is a voice inside of you That whispers all day long, I feel this is right for me, I know that this is wrong. No teacher, preacher, parent, friend Or wise man can decide What's right for you--just listen to The voice that speaks inside. – Shel Silverstein Our inner voice that we call gut feeling, intuition, dream, the silent knowing all come from a deep place within each of us. When we don’t listen to that voice and let the voice of other people or our perception of their voice run our lives, we will suffer.

Summer 2015

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Getting vitamin D, the old fashioned way. By Dr. Joe Klassen, ND Questions about the value of sun exposure seem to come up at the start of every summer after we experience the warmth of the sun on our skin. We know that low levels of vitamin D have been associated with various cancers, depressive symptoms, cardiovascular disease, muscle pain, fatigue and anxiety, which helps explain why there’s such interest in maintaining healthy levels. However, even regular supplementation with vitamin D is no guarantee you will achieve adequate levels. Relying on supplements to meet all your vitamin D needs may leave you vulnerable to deficiency if you are not effectively absorbing. There are many factors that affect how much vitamin D we get from the sun, but the most important factor is you actually need to get out in the sun! There are so many health benefits to getting physical activity in the fresh air. It is great for the cardiovascular system, improves mood, helps to burn a few calories and allows you to connect with the elements. Do keep in mind that the sun needs to hit “unprotected” skin, because the use of protective clothing and sunblock prevents vitamin D from being made in the skin. Having sunlight hit your skin is a good thing, but as with most things, moderation is key. There is some interesting research regarding sun exposure and vitamin D, and as you might expect, it shows improved vitamin D levels in those who get out in the sunlight. One particular study focused on elderly persons who cycle or garden (presumably not both at once) and sure enough, it shows that those activities increase vitamin D levels and reduce the likelihood of deficiency. A good feature of this study is that it focused on realistic leisure-time activities that offer other social and physical benefits for participants. Another paper studied vitamin D levels in chickens, where researchers can control for diet, sun exposure and other factors that are hard to control in large numbers of human subjects. German researchers looked at three groups of chickens: those raised exclusively indoors, those raised exclusively free-range outdoors, and those with mixed

25-OH-vitamin D3

accommodations. The group that was raised outdoors exclusively had eggs with more than 3 times the amount of vitamin D than those raised exclusively indoors. So we can conclude several things from this study: first, that free-range farming does indeed provide a more nutritious food product; second, that healthy lifestyles naturally include exposure to sunlight; and last, it offers insight as to why vitamin D deficiency is increasing compared to previous generations, when eggs most likely came from chickens raised exclusively outdoors. The benefits of having adequate vitamin D levels are clear, but many variables including sunlight exposure, latitude, sunscreen usage, clothing coverage, dietary intake and supplementation can affect those levels. By testing your vitamin D levels at the beginning and end of the summer season, you can use that information as motivation to get out in the sun during the summer months and to adjust your vitamin D supplementation when the sun goes down in the fall. The Importance of Dose, Frequency and Duration of Vitamin D Supplementation for Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D.Chao Y-S, Brunel L, Faris P, Veugelers PJ.. Nutrients. 2013; 5(10):4067-4078 Vitamin D deficiency and leisure time activities in the elderly: are all pastimes the same? De Rui M, Toffanello ED, Veronese N, Zambon S, Bolzetta F, Sartori L, Musacchio E, Corti MC, Baggio G, Crepaldi G, Perissinotto E, Manzato E, Sergi G. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 10;9(4):e94805. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094805. eCollection 2014. Free-range farming: a natural alternative to produce vitamin D-enriched eggs. Kühn J1, Schutkowski A1, Kluge H1, Hirche F1, Stangl GI2. Nutrition. 2014 Apr;30(4):481-4. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2013.10.002. Epub 2013 Oct 14. Dr. Joe Klassen, ND is the founder of Fish Creek Naturopathic Medicine and a Clinician Support Specialist for Rocky Mountain Analytical, a Calgary medical laboratory. He enjoys outdoor activities and encourages patients to also enjoy the great outdoors, be active and eat healthy whole foods.

essential for good health

Test kits now available at participating Calgary Safeway Pharmacies Low vitamin D has been linked to:  Anxiety

 High blood pressure

 Autoimmune disease (Lupus)

 Multiple sclerosis

 Cancers

 Muscle pain and fatigue

 Depression

 Osteoporosis

 Diabetes - Type I and Type II

 Poor immune response

 Heart disease 7 out of 10 Canadians do not meet the suggested minimum vitamin D level for optimal health. Statistics Canada, Health Reports. Vol. 21, no. 1, March 2010.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Inch by Inch By Aime Hutton In August of 2014, I went to Dallas for eWomen Network International Conference. The speakers were amazing and the connections I made were fantastic. One of the speakers, Sean Smith, spoke about attitude and the masks or coats we wear after something happens that hurts our hearts. The most important thing that I took away from his talk was about not being afraid to try something or to take a chance. Many people want to do something, yet are afraid. Perhaps something happened to them in their past that is preventing them from moving forward. Sean Smith talked about, being teased, hurt, or experiencing a death in the family as examples of reasons for being stuck, but we can rise, take off that coat and open our hearts again. As for me, I at one point wore many coats or masks. I didn’t want to get hurt again by others. I stayed quiet, didn’t rock the boat, or dance to the beat of my own drum. I suffered verbal bullying for six years by my peers in school, and being told that I would never write well by my teachers in grade school was a hard pill to swallow. There was a time when I was in an abusive relationship in university with a boy. I was so afraid to get my heart hurt again that I did not date for many years after. The fear of being hurt was not just in my heart, but my spirit, soul, and body also. After many years of working on myself and healing my wounds, I was eventually able to date again. It took a lot of time and trust before I could let my heart be seen by a man, or open myself up again to being in a relationship. Grade 8, dancing the lead in the ballet. It’s interesting to me that I am not smiling. In many of the photos of me from elementary school, I am not smiling.

When was the last time you did something that scared you? When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I am reminded of the motto from the Special Olympics: “Let me win. Yet if I do not win, let me be brave in the attempt.” The Special Olympics are for adults who live with a developmental disability. During the day, I work with adults who live with developmental disabilities. A few of them participate in the Special Olympics. They win every day at life. They keep going no matter what. Many times they are my inspiration to keep going in my own life. They are willing to do their best, to try new things, to make new friends, to be themselves. How are you being brave? You deserve to live and be brave in your life. You may be wondering how I am being brave. By living, by stepping outside of my box, by compiling a book about children overcoming adversity. Allowing myself to be seen and heard by a global audience. I’ll admit it, it is scary at times. Yet I keep going inch by inch, and I will achieve my goals and dreams. Hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada Aime is a true survivor. Being born 3 months early was just the start of her struggles she has overcome in her lifetime. Aime is now an Empowerment Leader helping tween and teen girls believe in themselves when they think no one does. She is also a 3 time International Best Selling Author/Compiler, and Canadian Ambassador for the Freedom & Empowerment Campaign, a global campaign dealing with domestic abuse/dating violence. Where she won the International Ambassador of the Year for 2013. Summer 2015

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Headaches • Back Pain • Vertigo • Fatigue • Nutrition • Weight Loss

Best Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis By Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor

Plantar fascia is the layer of tissue that covers the muscles, tendons and ligaments from your heel to the ball of your foot. When extra stress is placed on this tissue, or if it is stretched in an irregular manner, the plantar fascia can become inflamed and cause pain in your feet. Luckily, plantar fasciitis does not have to become a chronic condition and can be managed with extra care and specific exercises. People who have flat feet, high arches, and those who have feet that roll inward when walking (over-pronation), are at greater risk of developing plantar fasciitis than those with healthy functioning feet. Instability in your feet can extend upwards affecting the ankles, knees, hips, lower back and neck. Tight Achilles tendons may limit flexing your foot freely, putting undue strain on the plantar fascia. Short and tight calf muscles, standing for long periods of time, particularly in improper footwear, and being overweight, may also cause undue strain in the soles of your feet. The plantar fascia itself should be stretched gently on a regular basis to control inflammation and pain. Since these tendons often tighten overnight, you may experience sharp pain in the soles of your feet first thing in the morning when you step out of bed and take a few steps. Here are some simple exercises you can do to help treat plantar fasciitis: • Sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, loop a towel or belt around the ball of your foot and pull back slowly until you feel a good pull in your calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Repeat with your other leg.

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• Stand facing a wall at about arm’s length and lunge forward with one leg while keeping the other behind you with your heel flat on the floor. You should feel the stretch in the calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch to your other leg. Repeat the sequence a few times a day. • To stretch the plantar fascia, use a wall or stair to press the bottom of your toes against so that they extend upward, while the ball of your foot remains touching the floor. Hold for 45-60 seconds on each foot and repeat twice. Do this twice a day. • Massaging the plantar fascia by rolling your foot slowly back and forth over a rolling pin or drink can for a few minutes each day can also help to relieve plantar fasciitis. Since plantar fasciitis is a condition of stretching the ligaments, any high impact repetitive movements should be avoided while nursing the condition back to health. Unfortunately for some this means no running or jogging. Finally proper diagnosis is half the cure. Computer gait scan technology uses thousands of sensors on a footplate to measure how you distribute your weight while standing and walking. The data can help diagnose if you need custom orthotic supports to correct your foot problems. Orthotics work like braces on teeth, they support and realign the foot bones to improve how you stand and walk. Semirigid supports also serve to exercise your foot muscles so they don’t become lazy over time. For those interested in getting to the root cause of your symptoms, mention this article and receive a free computer gait scan evaluation ($50 savings!) Most insurance companies have coverage for custom orthotic therapy. Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor Chiropractic Wellness Clinic

The beginnings of Evolution YYC started out as many new events do – as a blueprint with an unknown future. I was approached for the spoken word artist feature, and also the last artist to join the roster. In our first meeting, I met many kindred souls that were as motivated and dedicated to making changes in the community as I was. Andrew Phan, co-owner of Café Blanca, Francis Bui, courageous emcee, and Ismail Bynoe, co-owner of Riverfront Wines & Spirits, were the masterminds behind the idea that was Evolution YYC, they all believed in the power of the arts and how we could give back to the community.

accepting arts scene. We wanted to add proof that Calgary deserves to be an addition to the ever-growing list of “art cities”. However, what differentiated Evolution YYC from other art and hip hop shows, was the fact that we wanted to create a movement that constructed art projects that gave back to the community. We chose to start a food drive to help gather food for the Calgary Food Bank; our goal was to raise food and funds to aid those in need. The turnout for the event was beyond what any of us imagined. We sold out the show with over 100 attendees (maxing out the capacity at Café Blanca). I put together a silent auction with the help of local businesses and the EvoYYC crew was able to raise $1000 for the Calgary Food Bank, plus bags full of donated cans and non-perishable food items.

The EvoYYC crew was comprised of young, driven individuals: Alex Brown (Aleckay), Brandon Brown (Crocodile Grillz), Colton Stankowski (Stankowski), Richard Tata (King Rich), Anthony Gustaffe (Anthony Almighty), Erica Vidallo and The Band consisting of talented young men, Francis Bui (Franky Shorts), Joash Charles (Kaizoku) and me, Jenny Chanthabouala.

We didn't realize the impact we were about to make when we spent a day at No Frills buying $500 worth of non-perishable food items. It hadn't quite dawned on us how a bunch of young artists truly can make a difference in the community until we went to the Calgary Food Bank and donated 412 lbs of food, $500 in cash and saw the looks of appreciation that we realized this is what we are meant to be doing.

By Jenny Chanthabouala

Evolution YYC was one of the greatest experiences for all of us! We loved that we were able to showcase who we are and what we do as artists, all the while doing it for a purpose of change and impact. One of the best things about it was to connect with other young like-minded artists and know that we are part of a generation that is hungry for transformation and diversity.

The whole idea behind Evolution YYC was to showcase how the art scene in Calgary had evolved remarkably from a traditional corporate-culture to a budding creative city with a hidden and | |


Although Evolution YYC has come to an end, it is just the beginning of something bigger than all of us. We will be back in the summer with a new name and a new venue, with the same purpose. Our goal is to create something bigger and better than our first show and continue to expand our artistry and the amount of impact we can make in our community.

Jenny Chanthabouala Spoken Word Artist & Hip Hop Enthusiast Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Productivity Blues? By Amara Hamilton

Do you feel overwhelmed with the productivity blues? Yet Again? Still? I can relate. Most of us fall prey to the blues at one time or another and it not only affects every aspect of our life, but also impacts the way we value ourselves. Do you recognize yourself in one of these scenarios? A. You’re getting ready to do your work and then you get distracted by a call or a quick check into your email which takes you to Facebook and in turn wanting to share something yourself. Perhaps you walk around your home and notice that the plants urgently need watering, or it would be helpful to have a cup of tea or a little snack before you settle into your task… B. You have great intentions and your day is planned. Waking up, you notice that it takes forever to get out of bed. The day moves on with little getting accomplished. In the evening, you exhaustedly plunk onto the couch and can’t get up again. Chores accumulate, stuff piles up and just the thought of managing it all is overwhelming. If you answered “yes”, how do you feel about it? Do you beat yourself up for not getting things done in the way you expected? Does it send you in a downward spiral of hopelessness and blame? The thing is, many factors affect your productivity and I bet you are familiar with most of them: 1. Your Body: The type, quality and quantity of food you eat as well as your exercise regime. The quality of your overall health: If you’re in pain, it’s difficult to concentrate. When you eat foods that aren’t supportive, you may feel tired or hyper. 2. Your Mindset: What you believe to be true about yourself, your work and your life. Your mindset is influenced by your experiences, failures and the stories that run on autopilot through your mind, from waking until you fall asleep. 3. Your Physical Environment: How’s your workspace or home environment set up? Is it functional, easy to access, organized and inviting? 4. Your Energetic Environment: Do you feel invited into your space? When you sit down for a task, can you envision getting it done? Do you live in patterns set by people who previously worked or lived in that space? Do you get restful sleeps? The problem is… Most people focus on their mindset to deal with their productivity issues. They focus on clearing limiting beliefs and look for better techniques to get more done. While that helped me to a degree, I discovered that the energetic pattern in your space influences your productivity powerfully, and so it holds a lot of potential for making quick changes. Your physical environment contains a combination of energy patterns. It includes fault lines and underground water, people’s energies, and present and past electromagnetic frequencies. All of these create a Summer 2015

unique energetic signature for your space, much like a personality. Your own personality interacts with the personality of the space, and these interactions can be supportive, neutral or stressful for you. So when you want to change something in life, like your productivity, you have to not only change the belief patterns that hold the issue in place, but also the energetic patterns of your environment at the same time. Changing only one type of pattern at a time allows the remaining pattern to push you back into the status quo. Remember how challenging it is to keep ‘New Year’s’ resolutions? Now you know why. This means, if you want an easier and long-term solution to clear those productivity blues blocks, start by making changes in your environment first. While you may not know how to do Energy Clearing, you can begin to shift the energy by following these suggestions: Notice Stand by the front door, close your eyes and notice how you feel. Move to another spot, 10-12 feet away, and compare how you feel there. Is it different? Most of the time it will be. Your body is registering an energetic pattern and reacts in a positive, neutral or negative way. This translates into a feeling, which, in turn, is interpreted by your mind. Standing above a fault line pattern may make you feel anxious or unbalanced, with your mind interpreting this information as “There’s something wrong with me.” Standing in a different spot, the message changes. This means, you can’t trust the stories in your mind, but need to look to your body for accurate information. Noticing is the first step to empowerment and understanding where your best places to work and sleep are. Rearrange: Clear the pathways In your office or bedroom, stand in the door, close your eyes and notice if you want to enter. Open your eyes and look around: Is the space inviting and functional? Can you easily get behind your desk or into bed? If not, start looking at how you can clean up the pathways and organize clutter one small pile (1/2 shoebox size) at a time. Find your best place to sit and work. You’re sensitive to positioning in a room, and so it’s important to try out different places, to understand and feel, where you work best. Sit at your desk and notice if you can clearly envision getting your next project done. If you can’t, then how are you going to achieve it sitting in that place? You just waste time. Move your chair into different positions in the room. Become aware which location feel most supportive and clear. Work in that new position for a few days to test before rearranging your furniture. Your best feeling location has priority over a view or a more practical arrangement. You want to be efficient, effective and have more quality time for what you love. Allow yourself to play with these ideas. It’s time to move from Productivity Blues to Productivity Hip Hop! Amara Hamilton, Creator of Productivity at Work, Harmony at Home™ Amara Hamilton is the go-to coach and workshop facilitator for amazing, talented and spiritually minded women who are ready to move to the next level in their lives. She is passionate about helping clients create productive workspaces and harmonious home environments, and supports them in a real and practical ways to create the relationships, impact and income they desire and deserve. Amara has 12 years of experience as a Feng Shui and Energy Clearing expert and is a Level 2 certified teacher for The Art of Feminine Presence™. She has worked her magic in Canada, the US and Europe.

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"I first met Michael in Gary Stromsmoe’s Western Canada High drama class in 1974, and it was immediately apparent that he was a unique, creative and engaged individual‌ and passionate about everything he did! After 40 years, I can truly say that each and every encounter I had with a man I was proud to call my friend was a joyous and heart-warming celebration of life and the parallel and occasionally intersecting lives we both lived as proud Calgarians. Michael was not only a life-long friend, but a pillar of the community who enriched our city immensely and who truly made everyone he met feel special! For those qualities and encounters, I am truly grateful to have known him, and saddened by his untimely passing. May the performance continue amongst the angels Dear Friend!" ~ Richard Gotfried "Michael Green was a truly interesting cat and I loved collaborating with him for over 15 years.

Michael may have been forgotten that night, but he is remembered by every one of us every time we see something yellow or creative on the streets of Calgary. He was an amazing human with many talents and I will miss him every time I am backstage having a chuckle."

photo by: Arnell Tailfeathers

~ Jim Button

photo by: Trudi Lee

Still my favourite moment was standing behind the big red curtain at the Jubilee waiting for Ed McNalley to call us up to the podium. He had an idea that he wanted to present both Michael and me with a momento to say thanks for the many years we co-produced the Big Rock Eddies. Well, Ed got deep into his speech and became distracted by something - after a pause he walked off the stage leaving a lonely microphone and his show co-producers scrambling behind stage to get someone to the podium. We both looked at each other, had a deep belly laugh, slapped each other on the back and that was that.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

"When I joined the fold of One Yellow Rabbit, I thought I was ready, but from the moment I met artistic director Michael Green at a Korean BBQ restaurant in Chinatown in the early 2000’s to talk about joining their team, my life became a whirlwind of strange and beautiful people, edgy performance art, crazy parties and general mayhem. For the next four years, I assisted Michael in all things High Performance Rodeo. Bestowed upon me as well, was the opportunity to produce my own mini festival under the High Performance umbrella; The Midway and Grandstand, which brought together Calgary’s young and emerging performance artists. At the time I had no idea why me. I was still a somewhat green artist myself, with hints of Saskatchewan farm girl peppered throughout my being; a musician more prone to drunken stage antics in the dank dive bars of Calgary than a cultured curator of the arts. But as I think many people my age experienced at the time, when Michael Green said he believed in you, you believed in him. One of my most vivid memories of Michael was introducing him to my father Cecil. It was to be my last year working on the Rodeo and I had thought it time to invite my eccentric and (I’m told) charismatic father to join me for a festival weekend. I had warned Michael that my father was….a bit of a handful. Cecil had a penchant for walking around with a metal pail filled to the brim with various produce he had grown in his garden back on the farm in Saskatchewan, along with pickled herring, strong cheese, cognac and various other accouterments to accompany a most excellent party that he would hand out to people he met and liked. I remember Michael saying sagely “difficult people are always the best people,” most likely acknowledging that there was that same difficulty in all of us.

"I worked with Michael for 14 years, and called him friend and brother for almost 20. What I learned? Create the city you want to live in. The true nature of Calgary is curiosity and openness to the new. Always put the audience and its enjoyment first. The best approach to work is play. The more people included, the richer the community, and the more fun. Live your fascinations. Age means little; be yourself and you will always be interested and interesting. I always knew Michael inspired and connected a prodigious number of people; but the true extent of it surprised even those closest to him when it came to the astounding public outpouring in celebration of his life. A whole community was intensely drawn together. How fitting that the effect of his passing should be so consistent with what he did in life.

photo by: Kelly Hofer

But the absence I feel most is not Michael the community figure, it’s Michael the guy. Michael my friend. The one who loaned me his favourite science fiction books. Who came first and stayed latest at my 40th birthday party. Who invited me for Thanksgiving dinner, where we drank beer with his dad and listened to the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine all night. That's who I miss most."

photo by: Arnell Tailfeathers

~ Steve Schroeder

To my admitted dismay, that year Cecil decided to bring a pail of large sweet onions to hand out as tokens of appreciation to the various people of merit he met while at the Rodeo. I will embarrassingly admit I was mortified more times than not when he would with theatrical flourish, place into an amused and confused hand, a large onion making some rather flowery statement on the importance of artistic expression and the glory of the onion. At some point, I could delay it no longer and brought Michael to meet my father. I recall seeing Michael’s moppish head of dark hair enter the bar that my father had decided to set up in and knew I could no longer postpone the inevitable. I remember vividly my father standing up and placing in Michael’s hand the largest onion of them all and stating for the entire bar to hear; “I now welcome you into the Official Space Cowboys Club. Here is your onion in thanks of a job well done.” I don’t think I’d ever seen Michael more excited to receive an award as long as I had known him and my father had never been so pleased to bequeath such an award. I turned my head and the next moment I was alone. The two of them had disappeared on some adventure, returning later, evading any questions I posed to either of them on where they had went, what they did, or what they talked about. It was another turn of my head when I realized they were both gone from this world. My father died unexpectedly in the fall of 2014 and Michael a few months later. It’s like they had decided without anyone else’s input that they were onto their next celestial adventure; cowboys wreaking havoc on some cosmic highway, driving too fast, smoking, drinking and throwing bottles at signs." ~ Kenna Burima

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Be Your Absolute Best with Hypnosis By Cheryle Cote

Oc tober 23 – 25

, 2015

Join us at the 4th annual WOW! in Canmore at the luxurious Solara Resort for a weekend full of fun and empowerment for women who are looking to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones.

This year’s sessions include: Bev Janisch Forgiveness and the Art of Happiness • Carrie Hucal JUICE PLUS – Your Food and You • Christina Read Ignite Your Inner Light • Claudette Stiven Face it – There’s More to Social Media Than Facebook • Donna Reid Dreaming Your Life Away • Deborah Nichol The Hidden Power of Your Life Story • Fern Hodson What We Resist... Persists • Gabriela Ostendorfer Everything I Need to Know, I Learned In Las Vegas • Gemma Stone The Art and Science of Living a Life You Love • Jen MacFarlane Dream Job Activation • Joyce Sunada Taking Care of YOU • Kelly Hipkin From Chaos to Calm • Natalie Blais The Divine Sensual Woman • Rachel Joy Olsen Real Food, Real Results • Sandi Melnychuk Energy Medicine Treatments • Suzanne Presinal Zumba It’s good for the Soul • Ramona Remesat Signs from Above – What Your Angels Are Trying to Tell You • Lisa Bara Storey Acupuncture for Women’s Health: Ancient Healing in a Modern World • Dr. Alma Nenshi Women’s Brain Balance, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Hormones • Breakfast Keynote: Yvonne Thompson Spiritually Aligned Leadership: Becoming SELF Centered • Keynote Speaker: Annette Stanwick Be All You Can Be • Keynote Speaker: Kelly Falardeau You’re More Than Enough • Special Guest Julia Lynx mond@ n! dydrum o Email cinr more informati fo

Hypnosis can be used to help a wide variety of issues. Something that many people don't realize is that hypnosis is not only used in relation to "problems" but that it can also be used to enhance talents that you already have, such as creativity, sports performance or academic achievement. Hypnosis works well for people of all ages including children. I have had great success working with shy children, children lacking confidence and children’s sports performance. Hypnosis is particularly effective in working with teens and their special sets of issues such as confidence, peer pressure, and academic achievement. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I realize that each client is a complex individual and that there is no one program which can address everyone's needs. This is why I make sure to get to know a person and their particular style of communication before beginning their program. I also use other modalities outside of hypnosis such as Nutrition, BodyTalk, EFT, Psych-K, and NLP. If you've suffered from fears or phobias which leads to avoidance, then you could benefit from phobia hypnosis sessions. This is gentle and does not force you to face your fear until you are ready and we aim only for the goals that you set. A three session package can break the smoking habit now and forever. A number of different techniques can be employed to suit the individual: Traditional Habit Breaking, Aversion, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and others. Whatever your motivation is, I have a technique that can help. Hypnosis for weight control is usually a longer term program, with two or three sessions in the first month to get you started and then ongoing support at regular intervals until you achieve your goal. I will teach you the skills to help you control your eating, to enjoy healthier foods and help find the time and motivation to exercise. As with all good weight control programs, I will not only give you the ability to attain your target weight, I also aim to give you the skills to maintain that weight. There are many ways in which hypnosis can help you to become more confident, assertive and gain a greater self-esteem. Through mental rehearsal of 'difficult' situations, ego boosting techniques and other methods, it is possible to change old behaviours and thought patterns to more positive ones. Hypnosis for confidence has been used to help sales staff, trainers, customer service staff, nurses, CEO’s and many others, as well as being valuable in everyday life. Hypnosis for motivation for whatever purpose: success at your business, success in all endeavors, no matter how small or large, can help clarify goals and help you achieve them. We will discuss what you wish to achieve, the options for achieving your goals and help to set those goals within the hypnosis framework. I can also help you tackle any specific limiting beliefs or problems which are getting in the way of your achievement. Everyone has great potential and I can help you achieve yours. Hypnosis can help performance anxiety. We all encounter situations which worry us: examinations, tests and public speaking, to name a few common examples. The stress we feel is a perfectly normal reaction to a situation. It is our body's way of preparing us for this situation. There is usually a release of adrenaline, which allows the body and brain to work more effectively. Occasionally, however, these reactions are inappropriate to the situation or they are too strong. This is where hypnosis can help. Through the use of visualizations, suggestions and your own undiscovered inner resources, we can help you to use the stress energy to enhance your performance without it becoming a problem, keeping the good energy and releasing the bad stress. Cheryle Cote, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Practitioner & Life Coach Owner of Celestial Healing Therapies

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

From Floundering to Flourishing: Six Tips to Take Back Control of Your Life By Jodie Hebbard

I will never forget the day that I committed to finally changing my life. I was reading the latest blog post from one of my mentors and spiritual coach, and the quote that was pasted within the post read “A year from now, you’ll wish you started today.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as if my future self was screaming at me “What are you waiting for? It’s time for change!” Up until then, I had been living my life by default. Everything was happening to me and I was just another game piece, moving from square to square with no real control over anything. That day I realized that it was all a choice, and I decided to step off that hamster wheel to take back control over my life and my decisions and stop waiting for life to happen to me. I wouldn’t have classified myself as depressed or even unhappy. I was just stuck, unfulfilled and I lacked direction and clarity. So I made it my mission to get unstuck and find inspiration and motivation, which has opened up a whole other world of possibilities for me now.

By opening your mind to other possibilities and recognizing that every thought you have is a choice to accept or reject, opens up to a whole new level of being and control over your choices and reactions. 4. Turn off the critic Do you recognize that voice that is talking to you in your head all of the time? That one, you can probably hear it right now. Now that you are able to recognize it and differentiate the true you from the voice, keep a close eye on that voice when it pops up in the future and identify, is this real, or is this my inner critic talking? Usually when you hear that voice questioning whether you are good enough, smart enough, or talented enough, it’s important to recognize that it is just the ego talking. I quickly learned through my journey that I was far from perfect, and I didn’t have all of the answers, but no one does and we are all evolving and learning and growing as we go. Some may be further ahead in the game then others, but we all have to start somewhere and we can support one another as we go. That inner critic isn’t supporting anyone or anything, so it’s best to just let it go.

During this transformational time in my life, I learned so much about myself and what helps people thrive and flourish and ways to help get them back in the driver’s seat of life.

5. Breathing Breath work was the biggest pillar for my personal growth and allowing me to stay centered and balanced. It may seem so simple and insignificant, but the impact it can have is monumental.

Here are five of the key elements that I have uncovered to help you start to flourish in your own life.

Breathe in for a count of five and out for a count of five and take the air all the way into your belly.

1. Reconnect with you Take time out to distance yourself and really connect back to who you are at your core. Life experiences are what shape and mold us, but underneath that all, lies an exquisite and authentic being just waiting to be unveiled. Get back in touch with who that person is and what their desires and aspirations are.

Breathing helps add fuel to every cell of your body, and by taking longer deep breaths and regulating your body, you start to get control over yourself and can have extreme calming and rejuvenating results.

I found that through meditation I was able to put space between my thoughts and allowed me to listen to my intuition. I had all of the answers that I needed, but I needed assistance in tuning in to them and being able to shut down the internal clutter to really listen. 2. Choose who you spend your time with We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so choose wisely. I learned quickly who was brought to my life to inspire me and I found myself gravitate towards them. Suddenly I showed less of an interest in spending time with friends that I had for many years, but that were no longer on the same path as me. As time grew, new friendships started developing and new people were showing up in my life that lit me up in new ways, which was a sign that I was on the right path. Build your tribe wisely and choose to spend your precious free time with like-minded people that uplift and inspire you. 3. Change your perceptions When I found myself in a certain mindset or paradigm, I would ask myself if the exact opposite could be true. Consider this statement “My boss doesn’t respect me.” In this case ask yourself if it’s possible that you boss really does respect you. The answer to this is most likely yes. It is possible that your boss respects you. Summer 2015

Physically I noticed the benefits of breath work very quickly. Whenever I felt anxious, frustrated, or even lost, allowing myself a few minutes of focused breath work helped me to regain composure and ground myself again. 6. Gratitude Being in a state of gratitude has powerful immediate and positive effects on us and goes far above basic manners or appreciating actions and people. There is also an energy shift around us when we go into a sense of graciousness, and as we all know, like attracts like, and so that energy attracts more to be grateful for. One of the most powerful ways I found to form the habit of gratitude, was through a gratitude journal where I would list five things that I was grateful for from each day. It quickly became such a habit, that I have now turned that into 10 things, and I practice my list twice per day, in the morning and in the evening. By practicing in all of these areas regularly, I quickly noticed my level of consciousness increase, and life just started to flow with much more ease. I didn’t feel like I was running tirelessly on the hamster wheel anymore, and I felt like I was finally, exactly where I was supposed to be. Jodie Hebbard is a certified life coach and career fulfillment coach. She works with clients from all over the world to help them get clear on their life purpose and break free from the golden handcuffs to start creating a life that they love by doing what they love. After taking a spiritual sabbatical she decided to make some major life changes and start living life by her own rules. She left her successful career in business management and human resources after 11 years to pursue her passion and live her true calling in helping others live their dream. Jodie is based in Calgary, Canada and is a travel enthusiast, animal lover, vegetarian and mom to her amazing rescue dog and travel companion, Chai. Connect with her and view her signature life coaching programs at or on Facebook

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Give some, get some. What does it mean? By Beverly Pollock

When I was 21, I went on my first international travel volunteer trip. It changed everything about how I viewed this beautiful world we live in. I knew that if I was going to drop school for a semester and travel, I needed to do so with purpose. I started to research different volunteer opportunities abroad, and found a one month work term at an orphanage in Costa Rica. We worked five days out of every week with children who had either lost their parents to death or to poverty. The hardest part: watching the combination of children who had no parents coming to visit, alongside the children who believed with all of their hearts that their parents would come to visit, and didn’t. The most beautiful part: the smiles on their faces that showed just how grateful they were for the little things: every single word they learned in English; every braid we put in their hair; every time we pushed them on a swing. These children taught me that although we may face hardships, the invaluable lesson to learn is the importance in being grateful for the simple things. I gave a little of my time, and I got so much more than I could have imagined back. Then, there was Let Live Travel. Three years ago, I was presented with the opportunity to get involved with the non-profit start up, Let Live Travel. Let Live Travel’s first order of business: a ‘voluntourism’ trip to northern India. This organization was started with the intention “to better the world by changing the way we travel”. Why? Because we believe in experiencing all that the world has to offer, taking it all in, and giving some back along the way. Let Live Travel is about implementing “sustainable travel”. Sustainability - a buzz word, I know. I mean, who wouldn’t want to live a trendy,-awesome-sustainable lifestyle? Let Live Travel defines sustainable travel as “to travel with the intention of not just fulfilling your needs and desires, but also being mindful of the host country’s well-being. It is to give back to the communities you visit. It is finding that balance between getting and giving” ( Having a sustainable impact on the towns that we visit means that we ‘give’ in a way that allows our partner organizations to maintain and/or improve the quality and impact of their work. Partnerships with local non-profit organizations are carefully chosen and implemented so that we can ensure that the help that we give will support the already-developed organization. Even better, LLT sees the importance in helping in a variety of ways. The organization works with partner non-profits in four different areas: animal conservation, environmental conservation, working with adults, and working with children. LLT recognizes that every single person on every tour has something different to offer and something different to gain. There’s more: LLT offers a unique combination between volunteering and adventure travel. It’s not all work - there is definitely some play involved. Listening to local music while you sip who-really-knowswhere-this-came-from cider, white water rafting down the Ganges river, attending local religious ceremonies, visiting the abandoned ashram where the Beatles wrote the White Album… these are only a few of the adventure days that the tour has to offer. After my time at the orphanage in Costa Rica, I knew that without a doubt, for me, the best way to travel and the best way to truly get to know a culture and its people was to spend time volunteering and being alongside the native citizens.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Finally, came my opportunity to travel on Let Live Travel’s trial tour to Northern India. Best. Month. Ever. India, as a country, boasts a land that stimulates each and every one of your senses. The food is delectable (even for someone who doesn’t love spicy food). The scenery and landscape are extraordinary. The culture, incorporating a deep grasp of tradition and religion, teaches you something new on every turn you take. The best part about the country: the people. The people that we met while wandering the streets and while engaging in different volunteer projects, they are who showed us what true Indian culture is all about. I learned that for many locals, life is simple, and life is beautiful. Tradition is important. People are important. We felt genuinely valued at each project that we had the honour of experiencing. We worked with a local non-profit that aims to reduce (and eventually eliminate) the amount of waste on the streets in India. We went to numerous schools and orphanages to learn about what locals are doing about eliminating child homelessness, poverty, hunger, and trafficking. There were other volunteer outings, but these are the two that stood out to me. Why? Because I got to see what local people are willing to do to protect their own community, all while promoting its vitality. It inspired me not only to live with my best possible intentions, but also that the choices and actions that I make can have a direct (or indirect) effect on others around me, near or far.

We also did all the fun stuff. Traveling in itself is an amazing experience, but the chance to volunteer and work alongside local non-profits who are giving all that they’ve got to improve the quality of life of their fellow citizens: not a chance to be missed. Building personal and human connection with people who I would have otherwise never had the chance to encounter reminded me of the possibility of global interconnectedness. It reminded me that as great and as big as this world we live in is, it is our responsibility to support our neighbours, near or far. It is also our responsibility to respect them and to learn from them. Lucky for us, we can look at this selfishly as a way to grow, to find our best selves.

Summer 2015

My time traveling and volunteering abroad alongside getting involved with LLT has launched me into the lifelong process of finding my best self. It has allowed me to understand how valuable it is to my own development to not only see the world and its vast array of cultures, but also experience the lives lived elsewhere and how I can make a difference. Giving my time and my energy to others, in all honestly, feels amazing. Quite possibly, the most selfless selfish action out there. That’s what “give some, get some” means to me. Beverly Pollock , VP of the Board of Directors, Let Live Travel Let Live Travel will take off on its second tour to India in January, 2016. Spots are still available. Visit for more details.

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garden trends

The Perfect Landscape It’s more than just great grass… We all dream big this time of year, visualizing how our outdoor spaces can look, but dreams are stalled when we get overwhelmed with how to get things started. As a Landscape Designer, I dream of ways to create useful and unique spaces every day. Let’s break it down!

The goal of the front yard is to create curb appeal, but what does that mean? The keys to a fabulous front yard are: 1.

Simple shrub and perennial beds that add to, and soften, the look of the house foundation. Often, these beds are too small and out of scale with the house. A 3’ wide bed on a two-story home is insignificant and virtually add no curb appeal. Pull out your garden hose and lay it to form a curved line that is at least 5’ out from the foundation. The grass you lose will never be missed, and the lush plantings will have proper room to grow.


Add a sitting area out front – even if you will never use it! It is incredibly appealing to the viewer to have an inviting space to sit. Something as simple as a bench, or two Adirondack chairs will add curb appeal and perceived value to your home.


Edge a clean perimeter around your trees and shrubs. Next to weeding, this is the quickest upgrade to a drab, perhaps overgrown yard. My favorite garden tool is shaped like a half moon and is the ultimate edger. For an added touch, install paving stones at ground level to form the border!

The backyard is all about creating useable space. What activities are most important to you and your family? Eating/growing food? Entertaining? Think of this area as an extension of your home. Do you wish you had more eating space or extra entertaining space? Take it outdoors! 1.

Often, the back deck is so small, it is almost unusable. When planning (or redesigning) a deck, think about your ideal furniture. A typical dining table, for instance, is 4’ wide. Adding chairs will add 4’ on either side in order to sit and slide. Taking that into consideration, a deck needs to be a minimum of 12’ wide. I recommend a 16’ wide deck (minimum) – you will never miss the extra 4’ of grass!


The #1 request from my clients is space to grow food. I love raised beds, generally measuring 4’W x 4’L x 1’D. The boxes should be made from cedar (never pressure treated wood), and filled with soil conducive to growing. My raised beds contain 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat or coco moss and 1/3 vermiculite. Since the soil is above ground, it warms up faster, and the mixture is the perfect medium to grow all of your vegetables.


Backyard patios that I design are generally constructed from paving stones. These man-made stones can be found at all home improvement stores and are relatively easy to install. They can be laid to form flowing curves, they blend with all home colors and they form attractive outdoor flooring. From traditional to uber-modern homes, paving stones add a professional touch.

When it comes to planting material, I have three rules: • Keep it manageable. How much upkeep are you willing/able to do? • Do your homework. How big do those trees and shrubs really get? • Strive for year-round interest. A garden should have excitement every month of the year Well-constructed landscapes can increase your home’s value by more than 10%. Plan carefully by adding curb appeal, developing useable space and keeping it simple. Most importantly, create space that invites you and others outside! Joanne Dafoe, Horticulturist and Landscape Designer 20 |

HeartSpeak By Dr. Anne Jensen

Do you ever wish you could feel better or that your life was easier? Or do you wonder why you (or others) react the way they do? Does it seem sometimes that you’re stuck – and unable to get unstuck? Then HeartSpeak might be just what you’re looking for. What IS HeartSpeak? HeartSpeak is a new, innovative emotional healing tool that gets things flowing again. It uses the paradigm that there are two minds at work: the Logical Mind and the Emotional Mind [1-3]. While the Logical Mind thinks, rationalizes and explains, the Emotional Mind simply feels. In HeartSpeak, you put your Logical Mind aside and mainly engage your Emotional Mind while you feel your way free of debilitating stresses. The result is a sense of freedom, ease and lightness! Perhaps it is the separation of the Logical and Emotional Minds that is the key to HeartSpeak’s clinical success. There is a strong body of research showing that talking about emotions is less effective at changing emotional centers in the brain than sensory-based processes (i.e. feeling them) [4, 5]. HeartSpeak applies this idea by using very little dialog, and instead, HeartSpeak encourages the full experience of feelings – until resolution is achieved. Also, in HeartSpeak it is recognized that emotional reactions rarely consist of just one feeling. Rather, true emotional reactions contain combinations, permutations and blends of feelings. Some of these feelings can be identified as belonging to an emotional family such as the anger, fear, or sad families of emotions. Other feelings seem to be part of a fight or flight response. And still other feelings do not seem to fit into any recognized classification system. This fluid arrangement sits better with the Emotional Mind, since strict categorizations – constructs of the Logical Mind – are quite irrelevant to the Emotional Mind! More about the Emotional Mind Everyone has an Emotional Mind. In fact, it is the Emotional Mind that mainly drives behavior and is largely in control – even in those who are predominantly logically-minded! What is the Emotional Mind like? The Emotional Mind is like a typical 2-yearold. It does not think or reason, it has tantrums, it is a drama-queen and it reacts before it has all the information. It also has a simplified way of looking at things, talks in superlatives (“They ALWAYS...!” and “You NEVER...!”) and thinks categorically – black or white, right or wrong, yes or no. Also, the Emotional Mind is imprecise, it connects similar things, and it thinks close is close enough. Understandably, it may be upsetting to realize that the 2-year-old in you is in control! But thankfully, HeartSpeak provides you an opportunity, firstly, to get to know your Emotional Mind, and secondly, to learn how to work with it – so you can start living authentically from your heart again. HeartSpeak gives you back control. What can HeartSpeak help? HeartSpeak is useful for reducing stress. And since stress is known to be related to all kinds of symptoms – physical, mental / emotional, behavioral and social – HeartSpeak can be used for almost any symptom. For example, HeartSpeak has proven to be effective for many physical symptoms such as chronic pain, skin rashes, and digestive disorders, and also for behavior issues, anxiousness and depressed mood, low self-esteem, self-sabotaging, and not reaching your full potential. The applications of HeartSpeak are truly limitless. Who needs HeartSpeak? HeartSpeak is for everyone who wants to make changes in their lives. It is for everyone who feels that things are just “not right.” And since HeartSpeak raises your Emotional Awareness, it is for everyone who wants to know themselves more deeply, more fully and more authentically. On the other hand, HeartSpeak is not for everyone. For instance, since the Logical Mind is not engaged during HeartSpeak, it may not be suited for those who are predominantly logically-minded – you know who you are! Even still, if you are willing to feel during the HeartSpeak process – while disengaging your Logical Mind – HeartSpeak still might be for you! Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

What happens during a HeartSpeak session? During a HeartSpeak session, you systematically uncover and clear layers of detrimental emotions, feelings, reactions and sensations. Because you are now experiencing these feelings in a safe environment, you are better able to allow them to be fully expressed. This promotes complete extinction – providing less chance for relapse. HeartSpeak sessions are very private, personal, physical and empowering experiences. You do not divulge your innermost secrets or talk about your “issues,” nor are you asked to relay your story – you simply feel your way through a session. In fact, speaking and explaining during a HeartSpeak session detract from your experience and impede your healing. Yes, this may contradict what is currently thought or done. However, you just might find that not having to speak or explain is extremely liberating! “Thoughts are filed in the memory bank according to the various shades of feelings associated with those thoughts. Therefore, when we relinquish or let go of a feeling, we are freeing ourselves from all of the associated thoughts.” - David R. Hawkins, Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender How is HeartSpeak different from other emotional release techniques? These past 30+ years especially have seen tremendous progress in the field of affective science and the holistic management of emotional stress. Alternative techniques that address mental / emotional health are increasingly popular, and they include EMDR, Psych-K, Neuro Emotional Technique, The Emotion Code, and EFT / Tapping, among others [6]. Because of their widespread use, there is little doubt that these methods are extremely useful for many people and for many conditions. Yet despite these advances, the prevalence of anxiety and depression and stress-related illnesses continues to climb. Clearly, not everyone is being reached, leaving room in the field for further exploration. HeartSpeak could be considered a “second generation” of emotional release techniques, as it seems to be an evolution forward from its “first generation” predecessors. While it uses some similar concepts and theories as the first, it has a distinctly different feel. “My direct experience with HeartSpeak was truly amazing. Being familiar with other emotional release techniques did not prepare me for my experience with HeartSpeak. So deep, so elegant, and so simple! HeartSpeak truly is the next generation in emotional release techniques. Go for it!” - Michael J. Kudlas, D.C., F.A.A.I.M., Executive Board Member, American Association of Integrative Medicine, Advisor, American Association of Holistic Health One of the distinct advantages of HeartSpeak is that it is a very private and personal experience – which from the patient’s point of view is much more palatable. Plus, this approach is more comfortable from a practitioner’s perspective as well! Also, because it is a personal experience, the patient feels more in control of a session. HeartSpeak is not “done to” a patient – but rather a practitioner guides the session with the patient. Because yes, we are all ultimately responsible for our own healing. Another difference between HeartSpeak and some of the other emotional release techniques is that it is easy to learn to do it to yourself! And in fact, you indeed are encouraged to do HeartSpeak on yourself – whenever you sense that something is not quite right. Over the years, we have observed the various emotional release techniques evolve and grow, as practitioners evolve and grow. No system is static. Another advantage that HeartSpeak affords is that it encourages this evolution – in us all. You and you alone are responsible for your health, your wellbeing and your happiness. Isn’t it time you took back control? Check out HeartSpeak today. There will be a HeartSpeak Level 1 course in Calgary 12-13-14 June 2015. For more information, see the HeartSpeak website:, email, or phone 323-744-7374. HeartSpeak... Unwind your mind and set your heart free!

References 1. MacLean, P.D., The triune brain in evolution. 1990, New York: Plenum Press. 2. LeDoux, J.E., The emotional brain: The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. 1996, New York: Touchstone. 3. Goleman, D., Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. 1995, New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell. 4. Öhman, A. and S. Mineka, Fears, phobias, and preparedness: Toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning. Psychological Review, 2001. 108(3): p. 483-522. 5. Holmes, E.A., et al., The causal effect of mental imagery on emotion assessed using picture-word cues. Emotion, 2008. 8(3): p. 395-409. 6. Ferrari. Holistic Techniques for Emotional & Mental Health. Ron Paul Forums 2015 20 February 2015)]; Available from

Summer 2015

“We can complain because the rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses” - Abraham Lincoln What kind of family did you grow up in, one that looked at the roses first or the thorns? The glass half empty or half full? Our families taught us how to look at life, they were foundational in shaping our self-concept and despite their best intentions they taught us to be limited in our thinking and living, and thus our self-concept was limited to who they wanted us to become. As we grow into who we are we can break free of these limiting beliefs and expand our conscious thinking. Let’s see where you are currently in your thinking, and if it is not where you want to be, you can make a conscious choice to change it. 1. Am I a complainer? Is it my first instinct to complain? 2. How often do I complain? 10 times a day? 3. Do I complain and then look for a solution? Or do I just keep complaining? 4. When I complain about something for an extended period of time do I take time to look deeper into the issue? 5. Who is always the common denominator in each situation I complain about? 6. What could I do differently, instead of complaining? 7. How much of my day is spent in annoyance? With others? or with myself? 8. Do I see the glass half empty or half full? Why? We all have times in our life when we complain, and that’s ok. It becomes a problem when we keep complaining; it adds fuel and more drama to a situation that is already a problem. What would happen if you decide to only complain to one person and only one person, about the situation? Then after that you can still retell the story but you have to tell it from a solution oriented point of view, or find the humour in whatever happened. You see when we keep our energy vibrating at a low level, it keeps us there, and then we look around and find lots of half empty glasses, and the more we look the more we see. However, the same is true the other way, when things are going well, everything goes well. When we are happy people we see happiness, when we laugh, we see others laughing, the list goes on and on. We attract to us what we are feeling, but the beauty of that is we have the choice of how we react. We might be having an off day, nothing is going right, and then all of a sudden you think it just cannot get any worse, and then it does. In that moment we can take a deep breath and decide to change how things are going to go, by finding one thing that is good in that moment. That one nugget that will turn around your day, and if we do this every day, we start to turn our life into everything we want. Choosing to live your life consciously is hard work but it will bring you the joy, freedom and peace you are looking for. Whether your life is currently full of all the joy the world offers or full of despair. There is no way to understand the human condition without an act of faith. The faith has to start with ourselves and it is our free choice to live a life of the glass half empty or half full. Deborah Nichol, Theta Healer & Life Coach Healing Heart Wellness

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Are Your Hormones Making You Fat? By Dr. Marnie Wachtler RMT, ND

Do you notice subtle changes in your skin? Is your mind wandering more often or is your energy lower? This can all be due to hormone changes in your body. No matter what age, the changes in hormones can be the reason for so many bodily symptoms. You can explore the benefits of testing salivary hormones and treating them naturally. Hormones are very small but powerful chemical messengers of the body. They can create a symphony of outcomes in the human body. They can make us feel well and make us feel sick. Produced mostly by the Adrenal glands, ovaries and testes, it can be vital to know their levels. The benefits of surveying hormones in the saliva allow us to see the hormones that are actually absorbed from the blood into the tissue. This is important because we want to know what the influence of the hormones have on the organs and glands. For example, the uterus might be showing signs of excess estrogen developing fibroids; where blood tests can show normal ranges. Why should we test?

Using symptoms alone to treat hormonal imbalances can be a shot in the dark. Over the years I have seen that saliva testing can help us see a clearer picture of the imbalances. Testing is important to identify the hormone that is high or low and treat accordingly. We identify normal ranges and compare the results to that of a “normal” person. The hormones are dynamic and change throughout life. In our 20s and 30s, hormones are much higher than in our 50s and 60s. So it is very important to know age, symptoms and body mass index when interpreting the result. Salivary hormone testing can: • identify hormone imbalances prior to the appearance of symptoms or disease • identify hormone imbalances associated with symptoms • establish hormone baselines prior to surgery or beginning treatments • monitor hormone levels while supplementing, allowing for individualized dosing • track patient symptoms and hormone levels over periods of time, pre-menopause, andropause (male hormone changes) post menopause, preconception, fertility and post conception There are benefits of having just the right amount of hormones. E2 - Estradiol can be found in saliva know to be the bad guy, but not all estrogens are bad. In excess, it can create weight gain, tumours, fibroids, breast tenderness, excessive bleeding or clotting and bone density problems. Hot flashes, rapid aging skin, foggy thinking, reduced muscle mass can all be as a result of low levels of estradiol. Support to optimize estrogens can be found in: Cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, Indole 3 carbinol, flax and soy. PG - Progesterones focus is mainly with fertility management. It needs to be balanced well with Estradiol in order to correct ovulation problems, short menses, lack of pregnancy despite efforts or multiple miscarriages. It is neuroprotective and anti- inflammatory.

This sample test shows the normal daily fluctuation of cortisol, sampled 4 times per day. This shows the person (black dot) with high morning cortisol levels in comparison to the normal curves. Traditionally in the medical doctor's office they will not rely on cortisol to asses adrenal function. With imbalances in cortisol there may be increased infection, hypothyroidism, bone loss, and low sex drive. On the other hand, lower cortisol levels can cause decreased attention, fatigue, and blood sugar imbalances. Since both high and low cortisol levels are associated with multiple symptoms, cortisol testing often provides the answers to complicated health situations. Treatments for Hormonal Imbalances At my clinic, I offer numerous remedies to treat hormone imbalances. Treatments can range from vitamin and herbal support to dietary influences. Common remedies for natural progesterone and estrogen production include: • Chaste Tree fruit (Vitex agnes-castus) • Wild Yam root and rhizome (Disocorea Villosa) • Shatavari root (Asparagus racemosus) • Sage herb (Salvia Officinalis) • Black Coshosh root (Cimifuga racemosa) • Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng) • Indole-3 carbinol (cauliflower extract) Adrenal support in plant extracts can either assist in production of cortisol, decrease overproduction of cortisol and regulate the production of the adrenal gland. Great results come from the following herbs, vitamins, minerals and glandulars: • Ashwagandha (1.5%) • Theanine • Phosphatidylserine • Magnesium • Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) • Black Licorice Root ( NOT the candy!!! Glycyrrhiza glabra) • Withania Somnifera • Adrenal Extract • Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) • Zinc • Vitamins B5 & B6 Foods to optimize Hormonal balance: Hormone




Indole 3 Carbinol, Broccoli

Flax, Soy, Tumeric, Vitamin D


Omega 3 Fats, Decrease Sugar and Alcohol Intake

Avocado, Nuts & Seeds (Sunflower, Oats & Walnuts), Plant Sterols, Spinach, Kale


Chia, Psyllium, Oat Bran

Pumpkin Seeds, Brazil Nuts, Coconut Oil

Testosterone - In high levels can cause ovarian cysts, excess hair growth (in unwanted places!) and high blood sugar levels. Low testosterone can show reasons for bone loss, low sex drive, low muscle mass and depression. There is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in low testosterone levels.

Dr. Marnie, a mother of two kids and entrepreneur has been practicing for 10 years specializing in Women's health. She knows the importance and understanding of the core cause of imbalances in the body. She focuses on hormonal imbalances, pain management, sports medicine, gastro-intestinal health, food sensitivities and nutrition. She includes injections therapies (neural & prolotherapy) for injury recovery and treating scar tissue, weight loss, Salivary hormone testing, fertility treatments, pre & post-natal care in her daily visits.

DHEA - DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), this is the youthful hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Levels generally reflect adrenal gland function. It is a precursor for the production of estrogens and testosterone, and is very important in feeding and normalizing the imbalances of testosterone and estrogens. High DHEA can cause symptoms such as oily skin, hair growth, insulin resistance, high immune system, lower HDL, and liver problems.

Starting in biological sciences at Mount Royal University and the University of Calgary, and as a past Registered Massage therapist she integrates handson treatments, as well as laboratory testing to each visit. To see Dr Marnie for a free 15 minute consult in order to find out if Hormone testing is right for you, call 403-475-2120, or go to

Cortisol - This is an indicator of the adrenal function, part of your sex hormone production will come from the adrenals. It is important to assess stressors for low and high adrenal cortisol output to treat fatigue, blood sugar regulation and anxiety. High levels of cortisol can increase the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, impaired thyroid hormones, chronic inflammation, abdominal spare tire and high blood sugar.

Dr Marnie Wachtler ND RMT graduated from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine receiving a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (N.D.) degree in 2006. Memberships: College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA), Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)

22 |

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Wisdom from the Akashic Records: You Are Beautiful and Loved By Christy Lowrance We are the Masters in the Akashic Realm, and we would like to give you a warm welcome. Please understand that we are here to help you, as always, and want you to know why you should love yourself. First, you are loved by many. You may not know, or you may be very in tune with this. Regardless, you are loved by so many beyond your human knowledge it will comfort you to know that. You have a special place in this universe and you have a special gift that no one else here has. We all vibrate at our own unique harmonies, and without yours the world would be missing your love. It is very important that you know without your vibration, the world would be a little bit sadder and a little less fulfilled. You bring to Earth and the Universe your ability to heal with love whether you think, believe or know it or not. We are telling you this because we want you to remember this every time you are feeling down, upset or defeated. You are not alone. You have within you a gift. It lies in the centre of your heart. It is the most special thing about you, always. This gift enables you to be powerful beyond your imagination, even if you had the wildest imagination in the world. This gift is part of Source or what you might know as God/Life Force/Chi. YOU are part of Source. It is very important for you to remember that so you can live the meaningful life you were meant to. If you take away anything from this article that is what we want you to remember. If you don’t believe it, ponder it. This gift inside you is pure, unconditional love. How can this help you? How can this make you powerful in this sometimes mean and nasty world you live in? It is the antidote to all things that bring you down. It is the antidote to ALL things negative. This power is limitless and yes, you can change your world with it. In fact, you can change the WHOLE world with it. Your vibration spreads across time and space and you actually DO change others and the energy around you. If you connect with that special Source in your heart, there is nothing more powerful you could possibly send out to your world. As you are reading this article we are sending it to you now. It is not difficult at all. In fact it is quite simple, one must simply focus on it and it is done.

balanced, and understanding? Has your life turned a new direction and are you in a new place you never would have been otherwise, and it is a place you could never see yourself living apart from now? Many of you have a difficult time with forgiveness, but we ask you to please consider how everyone in your life, good or bad, has helped you in ways you might not have seen before. Please also know that you have helped them in ways that you were meant to, and therefore do you not deserve beautiful forgiveness too? Nothing is a mistake. Nothing ever happens by accident and it is important for you to move forward in your life knowing that. Wherever you are is where you are meant to be. You do not have to ever question that. If you are exactly where you would like to be we are happy and joyous for you. If you are not even close to where you thought you would be right now, we are just as happy and joyous for you because we know that you will be embarking on a beautiful journey of self-reflection, self-healing and learning self-love that will never be unlearned. You will always be facing new challenges. The world is always evolving - that is the point - so please take these words and move forward with them. Do not fight the changes as they are what you have chosen, and to stay the same and never change is boring anyway. It would defeat the whole purpose of feeling and growing and loving. We want you to know you are never alone. You simply have to ask for help and it is given. Please open yourself and allow yourself to receive the help as well. As we said before, you are loved by many entities that you may not be aware of, but you are also loved by everyone here on this Earth. Christy Lowrance Certified Akashic Record Reader

So if it is that simple, why do you not do it all the time and live in a much more loving world? The answer is because you have chosen to experience a series of challenges in your life that will bring you back to Source Love time after time. You are here to experience soul growth and evolution. In order to do that, you must face these challenges that have been predetermined by your soul. You have chosen the people in your life - from your family, to that person at work who angers you, and even that nice clerk that helped you today at the store. In a very big picture sense, you are all connected and have agreed to play certain roles for each other in order to challenge or teach you something. Soul growth and evolution happens when you come to have unconditional love and compassion for everyone including yourself, and perhaps especially for those who challenge you the most. On a soul level you are likely very in touch with those who challenge you, for they are doing you the biggest favour of all. Yes, we understand it is very difficult to see it that way. We understand that you cannot see fully the friendship in the enemy at first. But please, ask yourself in what ways have you grown and learned from them. Have you learned to be more patient, Summer 2015

“What’s your Soul’s story?” Akashic Record Readings Angel Card Readings | Reiki Healing

Readings can be done in person or via Skype or phone.

Christy Lowrance p: 587.888.9788

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| 23

A New Movement Evolving Separation and divorce can certainly bring out the worse in people. What if instead we could bring out the best so that all involved can move on in a fair, respectful way? What if divorce stayed out of court in the best interest of the family? There is much new evidence surrounding the topic of divorce and the lasting effect it has on everyone involved especially children. There is what I call a movement a foot. The “Collaborative” approach. Its main objective is to have people with their team of lawyers, Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists, mental health professionals etc. work together with the end goal of creating an agreement that is in the interest of both parties and that everyone agrees up front that the matter will not be taken to court. Each party hires a specially trained, registered Collaborative Family Lawyer, and other Collaborative professionals as needed, and all work together in a cooperative, non-adversarial process. A key component of a successful Collaborative Process is the four-way meeting in a structured setting in which all parties communicate and negotiate directly with one another. Just recently there was an article written where in the US state of Minnesota, that they are considering taking divorce out of the courts completely. www.transformativemediation. org/2015/03/12/minnesota-considers-moving-divorce-out-of-court/ They believe; “Empowerment arises most readily when the parties are able to make their own decisions about how they handle the conflict.” “Doherty’s point (that turning immediately to legal authority is disempowering and leads to a vicious cycle) is consistent with the transformative approach’s preference for keeping as many decisions as possible in the hands of the parties. Doherty’s proposed legislation includes resources to provide couples optional help with financial planning, parenting advice, and mediation. But he believes that the best way to help couples stay out of destructive conflict is to provide couples a path that is totally outside of the court system.” Collaborative approach is not the same as Mediation. Mediation is another great approach to solving and creating agreements outside the court. You should always get Independent Legal Advice, but using a Collaborative lawyer to do this will also help keep the adversial nature of some lawyers out of the equation. So what if you could be the best you and work in the best interest of everyone, so you are able to move to the next chapter of life with your mind, body and soul in tact. Just think about how that would feel. Wendy Olson-Brodeur CFP, CFDS Certified Financial Planner &Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist Collaborative Professional & Mediator

Free your mind, body and soul let us save you stress, time and money! A Financial Divorce Specialist can: • educate you on your options. • assist you in complicated processes such as True Income, Back support, etc. • analyze your past, present and future values. • prepare your proposals for support and division of assets. A Mediator can • help you negotiate a fair deal based on educated financial decisions. A Certified Financial Planner can: • Offer you Financial Planning for your future • Provide Insurance quotes to cover support interruption such as death, disability, critical illness, accident etc. 403-873-0292 •

24 | Centre 70, Box 133 Suite 120, 7015 Macleod Trail SW

The Trip that Brought Me Home By Nadean Ollech

A pilgrimage is defined as a journey or long search made for exalted or sentimental reasons. When I left Canada in October 2013, I believed that I would be moving to Croatia to start a new life. The world had other plans— good plans. I travelled the world seeing the USA, Belize, Thailand, Tanzania East Africa and finally to Europe. I had been searching for most of my life for something. I had no idea what it was until I stumbled on it, in Ireland during a solitary seven day walking journey through the Irish country side: peace, home, my whole self. This Pilgrimage from Canada to Croatia, to Montenegro, to Italy, to France, to Ireland and then the United Kingdom, gave me the time and freedom I needed to let go of my fears and let the real me show up. It was not easy. My first week in Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia, was filled with little sleep, sickness and paralyzing fear. Let me take you back to the moment. I was sick again, engulfed in fear and alone in the potty. I said to myself "you have to either let go of the fear or you have to pack up and head back to Canada because you cannot move forward if this continues." Even though it took me more than 20 years to get here, I refuse to live with guilt for wasted years and choices made from fear. I promise myself to live the many years I still have in this life, the best way I can. Living in trust, peace, happiness and love. I deserve it and will be grateful for it. After nine months of trusting my angel guidance (even when it did not make sense, I just went ahead and did it), living a fearless existence and finally finding what I had been searching for, I realized my journey was not over. My next step? Heading back to my home country. I had always wanted to road trip across Canada. My last travel desire. Accomplishing every destination/trip I have dreamed of. It is not lost on me that this final trip commenced in 2014 marking 10 years from my first trip, Hawaii 2004. It feels fitting to close out my travel life with a trip across my birth country. I am aware that my travels have not really been to see new places, meet new people and try new things, although that did happen, my travels were a travel for a transformation journey. Now that the transformation has occurred, travel is no longer my main priority. I feel at peace with this idea.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

I am really ready to start a new chapter in my life. I am proud for having made these dreams come true. Having a dream, no matter what it is, is wonderful in my opinion. I, however, stand guard of judging that dream against anything thing or anyone else. Making a dream come true can be so life changing and it does not matter if your dream is to touch a snake for a whole minute, travel for 100 days, or move permanently to Croatia. Even if the dream changes and new wonderful things come for you, this is still to be celebrated.

you gotta see this

Sometimes dreams are just a way to get you moving, so you can be where you need to be to find a more personal journey. Many people don’t even try for their dreams and never know the wondrous moment of the first step. When I left Canada I really thought I was in Croatia to start a new life, but as it turned out, this was just the start of a personal growth journey that helped get me to a place that would allow me to live the full, whole life I dream of. That dream for me is bigger than the location I live in. Having taken the time in my life to travel and find my peace, happiness and self. I have moved farther along my path in living my best life. I am now noticing a side effect I did not expect. No judgement at all but I am seeing that people I care about and love are having a hard time with me living my best life. It is almost funny that some either don’t know how to relate to me or are struggling with feelings they most likely did not expect upon learning of the changes that occurred during my travels across Europe. I take full responsibility for this, after all I am the one who changed without telling them. There was no preparation that I would see them again and not have the same habits and mindset that they were used to. I mean how do you relate to a woman who eats completely different and has little interest in dinning out when that is the set pattern of your friendship? How do you deal with a woman who is radiating happiness if you are struggling in your life situation? How do you share in new found joy if you feel like you are drowning in despair? How do you continue to be friends when one cannot relate to the others’ transformation? How do you find things to talk about when the usual topics of the past are no longer the language of one of the members of the pair? It saddens me but I want my new found gifts more then I want people who are not able to understand and be supportive of them. I wish all those who are leaving my life many blessing and I dearly hope that they understand that my changes were personal and hard won and have nothing to do with hurting anyone, including them.

Summer 2015

I am convinced that, though often unseen, beauty always resides all around us. Whispering to us, calling us to halt our frantic pace and to pay real attention to this wonderful gift called life. I admit that I easily run past moment of perfection in my haste to be what I feel I need to be. But still, even amidst all of the daily demands my soul still does pause to see; and it sees something miraculous in the life and the souls all around me - and sometime I try to reveal what I see in an image." – Duits

Visit the Motion Gallery in Eau Claire Market to experience the work by local artist, Gary Duits.

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Tapping Into Your Best You!

Using EFT to break free of limiting beliefs and emotions. By Sarah Daloise MY FIRST SESSION I will admit, it sounded a little peculiar to me at first; tapping my face to get rid of my frustration about my job? It felt like a title for an episode of ‘Weird, Wacky or What?’ As it turns out EFT actually has a very interesting scientific basis. Having a nursing background, I'm always intrigued by the science that is behind these types of techniques and modalities. This became especially so with EFT, as after only one session, I had significant breakthroughs related to traumatic events long held in my mind. Anger, resentment and frustration around specific childhood memories were finally able to be fully processed and released. This was a powerful and freeing feeling to say the least, and it was truly an amazing experience for me. Despite doing daily work on personal growth, I likely would have never made the conscious correlation of the emotions in my present life, to actual events of long ago. Within weeks of my first session I found myself registered to take EFT training. It was THAT good. WHAT IT IS EFT is a fascinating study of just how deeply connected the mind and body truly are! EFT is considered an energy therapy that disconnects destructive and unhealthy emotions from the thoughts, beliefs, memories or events that trigger them. Current EFT practice draws on the science of psychology, applied kinesiology and the eastern teachings of energy meridians. Similar to acupuncture points, EFT incorporates physical tapping of specific areas along the body while at the same time experiencing a triggered emotion from a specific situation, be it a memory, event or thought. The tapping is thought to create interference or distancing between these two aspects.

Many experts agree that our subconscious mind is actually responsible for up to 90% of our automatic behaviours and houses all of our memories and thought/belief systems. Our emotions help us to more vividly remember our life experiences, and are strongly connected with these thought/belief systems and memories whether we are consciously aware of it or not. It was interesting to learn that in this regard, our emotions are said to represent the language of our subconscious mind! WHAT IT CAN DO What I have discovered through EFT, is that many of our failed attempts at ‘change’ can actually be due to deeper blocks at this subconscious level. Take losing weight for example. You want to lose weight. You even know how to lose weight. You know calorie counts, workout routines, food groups and where the gym pass is... yet you still cannot seem to lose the weight! Maybe you consistently sabotage your own efforts three weeks into the plan and then feel familiar emotions of frustration or anger. Perhaps you keep it off awhile, but then slide back to old habits. Maybe an argument with a spouse triggers something in you and you find yourself putting the weight back on. It is possible that there is an underlying thought pattern or belief that is affecting your permanent success with weight loss. It is also very likely that your weight issue actually has nothing to do with the weight itself. Ikes! I understand that this sounds a bit daunting at first! How can we even begin to know our own subconscious beliefs? How can we know what we don’t know so that we can create lasting change? EFT is an excellent technique for resolving these unfulfilled expectations for the simple fact that it uses our emotions to uncover the underlying core beliefs that feed our thoughts and behaviours. An EFT session around weight loss would look at every area of this scenario, and the emotions that come up for you at each step. Each emotionally charged situation would be addressed and tapped out. When beliefs are no longer supported by high intensity emotions, they can (and do) disappear very quickly. It is amazing to see the belief systems surface and to realize what has really been blocking your success. The list of life challenges that can be alleviated or resolved with EFT is long. One area that resonates for me is anxiety. Having experienced it myself, I understand how much the thoughts and beliefs we hold can affect our state of mind and body. Once learned, tapping can be used anytime and anywhere to alleviate debilitating anxiety. Other areas where people use EFT are with addictions, phobias, depression and pain relief. Tapping can vastly enhance coping skills around traumatic events such as divorce, grief, bullying and violent acts. Broader issues around regret, resentment, self worth, self esteem and relationships are also common session topics. Authors and EFT gurus such as Margaret Lynch have even highlighted the effectiveness of EFT in removing blocks to abundance and creating financial wealth. In this area alone, I was dumbfounded at how many beliefs systems we all have around money! FREEDOM! An EFT session works wonders in countless situations because it allows us to discover and break the unhealthy emotion-thought/ belief patterns so we can see situations from a new perspective. With this shift, it becomes easier to respond to life rather than react to it. Mental clarity, peace of mind and self awareness are all benefits of an EFT session. It has never been easier to experience emotional freedom and tap into your Best You! Sarah Daloise, BScN, Level III EFT Practitioner

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Never Too Late To Say, “I’m Sorry” By Annette Stanwick

Are you hanging on to “unfinished business” in a relationship? Are you holding on to regrets of the past that you wish would go away? It’s really never too late to say, “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you.” When our oldest daughter was born in the late 60s, there were very few parenting books. If there were, I didn’t know about them. We had such a deep love for our daughter, and she really was a very precious child. In our innocence, inexperience and naiveté, along with imitating the parenting skills we had learned from watching and experiencing our own parents, our parenting abilities weren’t always what they should have been. Even though our parents did the very best they could, unfortunately some of their parental role modeling wasn’t the best, but that’s all we knew. Being the perfectionist that I am, and wanting to prevent our daughter from experiencing the pain and difficulties I had experienced as a child, along with wanting her to be a model youngster, I was very organized, precise, exacting and almost demanding at times. I know that I lashed out at her in my times of frustration, just like my mother did with my brothers and me, not realizing that her young mind and heart didn’t understand what was happening, why I would get upset when things didn’t go well, or even what was expected of her. More than 25 years later, with a deep interest in human behavior, selfesteem and how self-esteem is developed, I began reading parenting books. Even though our daughters were adults by then, and were very wonderful young women, I literally devoured those parenting books, but in doing so I began to realize many of the mistakes I’d made in my efforts as a mother. I began to feel deep sorrow and regret for my blunders, hurtful actions and well- intentioned mistakes. My mother heart became convinced I needed to apologize to her. Terrified by the thought of what I needed to say after all these years, and how she might respond, I prayed for courage, wisdom and love and then placed an unrehearsed call of apology. I told her how sorry I was for the times I had hurt her tender heart and for the times I had said and done things that I can never take back, but that in spite of what I had done and said, I had always loved her more deeply than she could ever possibly know. I know she was shocked by the call, but together we wept on the phone. There were long distance hugs, love and forgiveness and I’ll never forget her comment, “I love you Mom, I know you were doing your best at the time, and I forgive you. Let’s just start over!” Wow, what a precious healing moment!! Friends, if there are some things you need to do to heal the past, DO IT and do it now! - even if it seems too long overdue. In telling that story to an audience of hundreds of women, I added, “It’s never too late to say I’m sorry or I forgive you”. I’ll never forget one courageous woman in the audience who jumped to her feet and shouted out, “I too was convinced I needed to apologize to my daughter, but I put it off! I was making plans to apologize to her in person when she came home for Christmas, because I didn’t want to apologize over the phone. I will forever regret that I didn’t have the opportunity to say all the things that were on my heart, because she was killed in an accident on the way home! Please, please don’t put it off your apology any longer. It just MAY be too late!” Friends, don’t put off your overdue apology or your much-needed act of forgiveness. You cannot guarantee how the other person will respond, or if they will acknowledge or accept your comments, but apology and forgiveness always brings healing – even if it is only to your own heart! Annette Stanwick, BScN© International Speaker, Best-selling & Award-winning author Freedom Facilitator, Coach & Health Care Professional FORGIVENESS: THE MYSTERY AND MIRACLE Summer 2015

Search Your Soul What do you do if current or past events cause disruptions or blockages in your energetic self? We protect our bodies from harm; eat healthy, go to the gym, run from charging bulls. We shield our hearts; break up with our cheater, keep criticism constructive, accept and give compliments. But how do we cleanse our spirit from harmful attachments? For most people, it is easier to determine effect rather than cause. The effect may be that you have “unexplainable” headaches or claustrophobia. Doctors can test for reasons you may have pain, but who can help when your doctor finds no medical cause? As an Angelic Healing Practitioner, I often see cords and shards in a person’s energetic body. These ‘visual aids’ assist me in helping a client move past pain; physical, emotional, and spiritual. Cords that are attached to old wounds (current or past life), destructive emotions or events, or to less-than-positive people in our lives all need to be severed. Shards are similar artifacts I usually see as embedded pieces of wood; remainders of past traumas that need removal. For me, ArchAngel Michael cuts cords and ArchAngels Uriel and Gabriel remove shards. Inactive cords look like hair or dead roots. They are easily cut and all negative associations are removed. They are attached because we haven’t completely let go of the related emotion, but they are no longer active at the other end. But some cords are active. They are connected to a person, emotion or event that is still maintaining the attachment. Why? When it comes to past life events, the reason is often that we still have lessons to learn. We either died tragically or we intersected with someone whose life purpose affected ours, thereby losing the opportunity to learn our intended life’s lesson. Active cords can be traced back, in an Angelic connection session for example, to the offending event. Once you have knowledge of the event, the cord can be cut. Resolution of soul disruption is instant. I had a client with so many cords attached to their lower legs, they looked like tree roots. I asked the Angels to show me why. I heard the words “Civil War” and then saw a soldier in a blue coat. He had gunshot wounds and was trapped in a swamp from the knees down. He had a wife and children. Struggling, dying, guilt-ridden and alone. Sad. But now the client’s lower legs have no “phantom pains”. Many Lightworkers do emotional clearing regarding past lives. Everything that an Energetic Healer does, and for that matter everything you do, should be for “your best and highest purpose”. If cords and shards were serving you, then Lightworkers wouldn’t be led to remove them. Cords, once severed, do not return unless reattached by a person in your current life. Then they need to be cut again. I am not suggesting that one spend great effort searching for attachments. But, as I have seen, every soul that returns has some surpluses that should be cleared. If you want to be your best, don’t ignore part of your being. Keep every aspect of yourself clean and strong. Search your Soul. Considering Body, Mind and Soul, Serena Kolodka Angelic Healing Practitioner OPEN YOUR HEART

ArchAngel Connection

Connect to and learn from Angels in your home Call Serena at 403.478.7125 or email Personal Sessions or Friend/Family Events | 27

Benefits of Wellness Coaching for Children with Mild Anxiety By Marianne Disipio-Vitale, B.Sc. OT Children with milder forms of anxiety don't always require or qualify for therapy. Even though they may fall into a typical range of functioning, they may still be described as being emotionally sensitive or as having an intense personality. In such cases, participating in Wellness Coaching can be an effective way for them to improve their coping skills in every day life. Wellness Coaching is a goal directed process that guides the client through the changes they want to make in order to improve their quality of life. It can be defined as a supportive and collaborative partnership between the client and the Coach. Wellness Coaching is fully client directed. It is appropriate for people who do not necessarily need therapy, but are seeking to improve any aspect of their wellness, and require some guidance, organization, and motivation to meet their goals. Together, the Wellness Coach, parents, and the child determine priorities, create a wellness plan, and set measurable goals. The number of sessions, length of sessions, frequency of sessions, as well as the structure of sessions, are discussed and pre-planned together. Once in place, the Wellness Coach takes the responsibility of supporting, guiding, motivating, counselling, and enabling the client to address their own wellness goals. The following lists some of the many benefits of Wellness Coaching for children with milder forms of anxiety. Identifying Triggers and Recognizing Symptoms Wellness Coaching can be a gentle way to encourage children to understand their anxiety and educate them on how it can manifest into physical symptoms. Generally speaking, children are “feelers”. It becomes important to help them identify what their body is telling them. In Wellness Coaching, children are encouraged to develop insight into their issues, and adopt healthier responses. The Wellness Coach helps the child go through the following process: 1) feeling sensations in the body 2) linking the feeling to an emotion 3) linking the emotion to an incident 4) identifying components of the incidents that triggered a response 5) choosing a strategy to adapt a response Learning Problem-Solving The very process of coaching includes the creation of a personal wellness plan. Children are encouraged to identify what they perceive as problematic issues in one or a variety of wellness

areas (see diagram). Parents can help with this process. Goals and strategies are discussed, and chosen in a collaborate effort. Children learn how to tackle problems by managing them in steps. A crisis plan is also created. This is as a “go-to” emergency plan when a specific incident or crisis occurs, and things feel overwhelming for the child. A crisis plan becomes helpful when usual coping strategies aren’t as efficient for getting over that hump. In Wellness Coaching, children with anxiety are given the opportunity to problem-solve around managing their issues, in order to identify functional solutions. Developing a sense of control In Wellness Coaching, children are active decision makers. Along with parental input, they get the final word on what issues will be addressed in their sessions, and how their service will be carried out. Coaching sessions can take on many forms. Children can choose from endless possibilities, such as talking things out, to art activities, or even a mediated playdate. There are no restrictions as long as goals are being addressed. This can be a welcomed change from traditional therapy settings. Wellness Coaching also requires that children provide constructive feedback on how they feel intervention is working for them, and if they would like to improve any part of the service. These unique characteristics of Wellness Coaching can help children feel that their opinions are important, and they always have options for finding a solution. Incorporating Effective Strategies in Activities of Daily Living Every child is unique, and requires an individualized approach. Learning how to structure your day, and pace yourself, is an important skill for coping. In Wellness Coaching, children can explore and identify strategies that optimize their functioning Building Self-Confidence It is not uncommon for children with milder forms of anxiety to possess a certain degree of insight and intuition. Depending on their age, they can realize that their parents are worried about them. This realization can lead them to experience negative feelings about themselves. Participating in the creation of a personal wellness plan, and having the responsibility of implementing strategies, can give the child a sense of being able to help him/herself. The impact on self-confidence can be quite transformative, and foster healthier family dynamics. Wellness Coaching can be a great resource for children with mild anxiety as the main approach is to foster a sense of power, and provide concrete tools for coping. Marianne is the director of Cavallo Wellness Services. Besides being a Wellness Coach, she has a background in pediatric therapy. She is also the mom of 3 young girls, including one with special needs. Marianne Disipio-Vitale, B.Sc. OT Wellness Coach, Cavallo Wellness Services 403-828-0242

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from the publisher If you are a regular reader of Trifecta, you likely noticed that this issue’s cover isn’t our typical look. We have always featured a woman on our cover. Sometimes it’s our feature contributor, or other times the photo highlights a beautiful place, face or idea. This issue is different. We choose to pay tribute to Michael Green in this issue. Michael passed away suddenly on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 in a tragic multi vehicle accident that claimed the lives of five people including Michael. We didn’t know Michael well, having met him only a few times, but recognize the loss of Michael leaves an unexpected void in our community. Michael was a visionary. His accomplishments and contributions to the theatre community include work as co-founder of One Yellow Rabbit, writer, director, and actor with the One Yellow Rabbit Ensemble, founder/curator of The High Performance Rodeo, creative director of Calgary 2012 and creative producer of The Making Treaty 7 Project. Making Treaty 7, a major project which began at Calgary 2012, looked at the legacy of events in 1877 at Blackfoot Crossing in what is now Alberta, when several First Nation tribes ceded their rights to their traditional territories in exchange for hunting rights, a reserve to live on and payment by the Crown. It was a project close to Green’s heart, and while in the midst of its creation he was bestowed with the Blackfoot name of Pona Ko’Taksi, or Elk Shadow, by tribal elders. We honour Michael in this issue which seems appropriate as the theme for this publication is Being Your Best You. Michael was a champion, a cheerleader and stated by one of his friends, a revolutionary theater artist of our time. He will be missed dearly, but has left the world a better place. We are thankful to One Yellow Rabbit and High Performance Rodeo for giving us permission to publish photos of Michael in this issue.

With Gratitude, Cindy Drummond

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