Trinity-Pawling School - The Middle School

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Trinity-Pawling School



brotherhood starts here.

You’re on the verge of something big. Jump in to find out. We’re going to let you in on a secret: you don’t have to wait until you’re older to discover who you are. You can start now, at Trinity-Pawling. We don’t believe in labels. You can be book smart and athletic. You can star gaze and be a star on stage. You can be a leader and a team player. At Trinity-Pawling, you’ll get to dabble in just about everything to find out where your passions lie, from playing sports to painting a landscape. Yes, you will be challenged to take risks and be better than you thought you could be. The biggest takeaway: you’ll emerge knowing your potential, and you’ll be ready to achieve greatness.

Discover the YOU on your journey. With just 30 students in our Middle School, our small classes allow teachers to get to know the real you. And they will guide you on a journey of self-discovery to uncover who you’ll become. Our Middle School curriculum is built on five themes that will help you gain a deeper understanding of your self-awareness, creativity, character and honor, and your place in an ever-changing world. Our teachers know how boys learn best, so our classrooms are active and collaborative—you might build a model car, use physics to design a bridge, or act out Greek mythology. You’ll have access to all of our Upper School’s facilities, including our Arts Center, our Center for Learning Achievement, and our athletic fields. You’ll fine-tune your tech skills by using Chromebooks and taking classes on applied technology and robotics. A focus on study skills like note taking, time management, and test preparation will get you ready for success in the Upper School and beyond. And guess what? You’ll have a blast, and you’ll discover your journey is also one of life-long learning.

When boys leave our Middle School, they’re more confident and self-aware. They have a trust in us, and they’ve seen how we teach works. When they reach the Upper School, they’re ready to soar. D E B B I E C OR AT T I , M I DDLE S C HOOL C OO RD INATO R

Your character is EVERYTHING. What kind of man will you become? Yes, you’ll learn advanced algebra. You’ll also learn how to carry yourself with honor and integrity. You’ll polish these traits in a community that asks you to ponder tough questions, like: Are you a man of your word? You’ll understand that being accomplished is about being thoughtful, caring, and empathetic.

Trinity-Pawling School 700 Route 22, Pawling, NY 12564 : 845.855.4825 :

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