Chinese translation available for all presentations *Children's Program on Apr 7, Fri, 10am and 2pm

Chinese translation available for all presentations *Children's Program on Apr 7, Fri, 10am and 2pm
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Pastor Dominic Yeo
Chief Editor
Pastor Jeanette Kwek
Pastor Edward Lim, Diana Lim, Karen Ting
Editorial Team
Zoey Tay, Chelsea Chew, Wisely Ong, Priscilla Ong, Sarah Han, Janice Ng, Daniel Pang, Daniel Koh Zhi Guo, Brenda Lee Rui Ting, Julie Teo, Laurel Felicia Lee, Xiang Zhongyue, Rev Dr. Dennis Lum, Pastor Ong Hui En, Lionel Low, Darienne Sim, Brenda Lee, Maryann Goh
Contributing Writers
Pastor Dominic Yeo, Pastor Gerald Tan
Contributing Photographers
Kenneth Ong, Kevin Lim, Kelda Chua, Raymond Loh, IGNYTE Photography Team, Campus Photography Team
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MICA(P) 061/01/2023
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Isaiah 43:18 (ESV)
The year 2023 began with an unprecedented increase into three worship centers! How exciting as we held Watchnight Service at both Trinity@Paya Lebar and Trinity@Adam. And we celebrated with a prophetic act where a team of runners and cyclists carried a light from Trinity@Paya Lebar to Trinity@Adam and Trinity@Choa Chu Kang, which will be completed and ready for use by the end of 2023.
Since the Decade of Expansion (DOE) was declared in 2017, we have planted three local worship centers, three regional worship centers, one Assemblies of God church, as well as launched Trinity Broadcast TV. What a privilege it has been to multiply lighthouses of God in our nation and beyond our borders. God continues to invite us to partner with Him in planting more churches. In the days ahead, there will be more church plants because God has blessed this house to be a blessing.
Part of DOE was to launch the Omega Track where participants give one year of their time to be equipped to minister effectively as a pastor for church planting. Read the first-hand experience of our first Omega Track participant (p70) and sign up if God is stirring your heart to do so.
Since the inception of DOE, our Children’s Ministry has been equipping and empowering our children to be child evangelists. What joy it is to see our young warriors sharing the Gospel with conviction and reaping the harvest at our children’s Christmas event (p18).
This March, Trinity stands at a threshold. God invites us to step over that threshold onto His launching pad, for He’s about to launch Trinity into the greater.
As I hand over the leadership of the church to Pastor Gerald, there are greater moves of God ahead of us and the only way to experience the Unprecedented Increase is to come into alignment by positioning ourselves for the increase (p26).
Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us to “forget the former things” and the “see” the “new thing” that God is doing. As we forge forward with the leadership, let’s do it with incredible unity. Don’t let our past victories and successes shoehorn what God can and will do! God is about to do something fresh so we need to look forward, keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith, the great architect of our lives and destiny. As we cross the threshold into the NEW, I declare God’s Unprecedented Increase of new things in your lives. I declare new breakthroughs, new direction, new openings, new works in the midst of desolation, and new breath of life into that which may have died before.
Signing off my final Lead Pastor’s Message in the Trinitarian Magazine with much love and pride for all of you.
Faith was stirred up amongst Trinitarians as we gathered as a family. From September 16 to 18, guest speaker Pastor Dr. Philip Lyn, Senior Pastor of Skyline SIB, Malaysia, exhorted us with sermons titled, “This One Thing” (Vision Rally), and “When the Miraculous Chooses You” (Vision Weekend).
Trinitarians, who heard the powerful messages preached, were empowered to look with our hearts and not our minds. With faith in our hearts, a grand total of $12,147,164.88 was committed to this year’s Vision Faith Promise.
With a vision of “Building for Generations”, Trinitarians are giving to the building fund,
to build more storehouses for the harvest that God will give to us. When new souls come to know and accept Jesus Christ as Lord, they will fill the new houses in time to come.
We are excited about the soon opening of Trinity@Adam on December 31, and the projected opening of Trinity@Choa Chu Kang in the second half of 2023; and whatever other building opportunities that God will give to us.
As a new joiner of Trinity Family, I was floored. Deeply impacted by the Kingdom culture, I wondered what God has downloaded into the hearts of Trinitarians!
Three trinitarians shared with us how Vision Weekend 2022 left an indelible mark in them.
Capturing photos at the photo booth was a great way to remind us of the wonderful relationships we have forged in Trinity. The photos also reminded us that it was the people who collectively built the church for the ensuing generations.
The building and its structures and equipment within do not make the church. The church is more than these things. Rather, the people make the church. We are responsible for partnering with God to ensure that Trinity leaves a legacy that lasts through generations.
Daniel Pang, Campus Ministry
Vibrant! Trinity is always creative and passionate. The fasting prayer pointers, thoughtful memento where we could put together the prayer card, prayer impressions and faith promise card, and the photo of our physical or spiritual family.
Despite the size of the church, there is always warmth and a sense of belonging.
Shireen Kriplani
Pastor Dr. Philip Lyn emphasized that we ought to look towards the future of what God has planned for us and stay focused on the one main thing –getting souls saved for eternity.
Building for Jesus is about capturing God’s heartbeat for people, running with that purpose, and passing the baton to the next generation.
Shireen's husband
It was exhilarating for me to witness the numbers ascending from five to eight figures on Sunday. Behind the numbers, it was Trinitarians living out their core values (passionate honor, relentless belief, audacious fervor, contagious faith).
A deep desire to see revival and Kingdom expansion was expressed through their abundant offering unto God. Such a Kingdom culture was indeed infectious and unforgettable for me. Especially when the miraculous chose me to serve the Lord in Trinity at a time such as this.
When the comeback of our island-wide Christmas parties was announced in the first week of November, I could feel the excitement of the people dancing and prancing in the (non)-frosty air. Since the ease of social distancing measures and restrictions on household visitors in early 2022, I knew that we were more than prepared to organize and host our friends during Christmas this time around.
For my connect group (CG) party, I felt slightly nervous during the preparation stage when I realized that we were going to have a total of 37 people. But with everyone’s teamwork and ever-ready spirit, we managed to pull it all together to host our new friends.
My CG leader, John Tim, gathered everyone to pray during CG for three weeks in the lead up to the party.
“For this year’s party, we wanted our oikos to feel comfortable to engage and share, so we planned our activities around that. We played Christmas trivia and had a great time with our icebreaker bingo.
“After a round of ‘Don’t forget the lyrics’ caroling, we had a short time of thanksgiving. I heard from my members that our friends enjoyed the party. It was unlike other Christmas parties that they had been to. Some said that the testimony sharing was powerful and relatable.” said John Tim, 28, 1 Cor 12:12 Connect Group.
I was also touched by the testimony of my friend, Zhu Lihui. She had been sharing with us over the past three years on how she had been praying for her family’s salvation. This year, God gave her that Christmas gift through her mum.
“After my mum was connected to Xile@BR713, her CG leader consistently reached out and started inviting my mum to services and the Christmas party. My mum was very keen and she asked me to accompany her. It was her first Christmas party and she enjoyed every part of it. I saw her laughing a lot during the games as well. I have been praying for five years for my
family to receive salvation. God is indeed faithful. She shared that it was the peace and joy of God that she encountered that led her to want to cross the bridge to be beside God. All Glory to God!” said Zhu Lihui, 29.
Others too shared wonderful testimonies of their parties.
“Upon hearing about the return of island-wide parties, we were really excited to use this as a platform to connect. The CG members were enthusiastic and readily volunteered to lead in planning, facilitating, praying, and interceding, believing for salvation and acceptance of invitation. We wanted our guests to be comfortable and well taken care of. More importantly, we prayed that they would experience God's love and to know that He is the true Light and the one who brings Hope. We praise God for our three friends who had come for the Christmas party. They mentioned that they were happy to attend a physical party and enjoyed the fellowship and being part of a godly community. Two guests said that they were open to joining us again,” said Jonathan Tan, 32, Ahava.
Thousands of Trinitarians and their guests attended the Christmas musical-drama called The Light on December 23 and 24, 2022.
With issues such as the impending GST increase, inflation, and global unrest looming in 2023, the presentation brought home the message that Jesus is the true light that gives light to everyone, and was coming into the world (John 1:9).
This was told through the skit involving two families, each riddled with a set of problems that was relatable to many.
Vera and Marcus were in an unhappy marriage and constantly fought over various matters. Marcus would gamble, lose money and return home only to ask Vera for more.
Debtors would come knocking on their door, pestering Vera and not giving her any peace. Amid the tension, Marcus would hurl abuse at Vera which made her so disheartened that she gave up on him.
Christine, a single mother was hiding from her debtors and fearing for her two young children’s safety and well-being. As Christine worried about the debts and their family’s future, she felt helpless and wondered if there was any hope for tomorrow.
Both stories spoke of a real darkness that enshrouds the lives of many people in the world, disputes and disharmony, strained relationships, addictions or financial distress. Yet, the stories both pointed towards a brighter future – a light heralded by our Lord Jesus.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
- John 1:4-5 (NIV)
As John 1:4-5 (NIV) puts it, “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”. Indeed, despite what seems to be doom and gloom, we can all take heart that darkness will not overcome the light.
Jesus is the light, and He has come to illuminate our world, giving life and hope. At the end of the skit, Marcus repented and turned over a new leaf. Vera was initially in disbelief, but was eventually moved by how Jesus worked so miraculously to transform him. This gave her hope to try again, and their marriage was restored.
Christine was able to find a new apartment and furnished it nicely, much to the delight
of her children. In Jesus, Christine and her children found hope and saw a bright future ahead of them.
The musical drama also featured song and dance.
One of the singers, Joash Yeo (27, Area 3), shared candidly how preparations took around three months but rehearsals would always be a joy, seeing everyone practicing so hard. “I have been blessed seeing the heart of service that Trinitarians have, from the costume and makeup teams to the choir and backstage crew. Despite serving in four presentations, they would still have a smile on their face.”
Such is the heart of Trinitarians in wanting to stage a great production that points everyone to the Light, that is our Lord Jesus. And many lives were touched.
Ethan Lit, a first-time visitor, gushed about the uplifting songs and how he felt a vibrant and lively atmosphere. “I am impressed by the quality of the production and how elaborate it was.”
Following the presentation, he visited the recently opened Guest Reception Lounge and was hosted by Shaun Wee, a CG leader from Area 4. When asked how he has been blessed so far, Shaun remarked that God is doing something in our midst and more people should experience the light.
A team of friendly Guest Reception Hosts eagerly welcomed our first-time visitors. Sabrina Ng, a CG leader from Area 3, enthused over seeing the Guest Lounge and Pantry transform into a vibrant gathering. “Everything was well thought through, from the refreshments to the gifts. There was even a special play corner for the little ones where some of our hosts shared the Gospel with them!”
Indeed, The Light is a behemoth effort involving many Trinitarians. Everyone played their part to make it a success impacting lives and redirecting all to the light of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ.
"Don’t miss the gift!" a chorus of cheer erupted from the children as they stared eagerly at contestants Meg and Max, the two neck to neck contestants on a live gameshow. What would their next move be? The crowd waited with great anticipation.If they missed this mysterious gift, the success of completing the challenge becomes significantly lower, or even impossible. The 335 children in the audience knew this, and they cheered endlessly to persuade Max and Meg to accept their gift.
Tick tock, tick tock. They passed one challenge. And then, another one! When would the contestants say “yes” to accepting their gift? No one was sure. Finally, at the last two challenges, the contestants gave the nod of approval to receive their gift. Sighs of relief filled the hall. Hurray! With the help of their special gift, both contestants received additional logistics and the ability to work together to complete the final challenge. The children cheered enthusiastically as the gameshow host presented the contestants with the grand prize.
Beneath the fun games and competitive challenges laid the powerful message of salvation. Through the message from our two Pre-Teens – Krystelle Gwee and Ng Yi Sheng – all DiscoveryLand children and the 90 new friends with them had the opportunity to learn that God’s best gift to us is Jesus.
Krystelle and Yi Sheng proclaimed boldly about Jesus’ power to save us from eternal separation from God, and to help us in our greatest troubles in life. It was a faith-filled moment as we witnessed hands raised all across the halls. At first glance, it was clear that more than half the crowd was making the decision to receive salvation or rededicate their lives back to Christ.
In total, 175 children responded to the call. We praise God for the spiritual hunger in every child towards the gospel. We pray that all of them will experience the restorative power and love of Jesus – God’s best gift to us – for them and their families.
Jason (P2)
I learnt that Jesus is the greatest gift in the world. I enjoyed all the games!
Thaddeus Lim (P5)
We enjoyed helping out. I learnt that God could help us whenever we need help, and that God gave His only Son to die on the cross. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. I enjoyed the drama!
Oh, just how important is the Light to all of us! On Christmas Day, Pastor Dominic, using Isaiah 9:1-2 and 6, reminded Trinitarians of our eternal light, Jesus, whose light never burns out, brings joy, freedom, hope and peace into our lives, transforming us as we live in Him.
A timely message for the current climate we’re in, Pastor Dominic broke down the word “light” into: “living in God heralds transformation”. This simply means so long as we live in God, we can experience the transformative power of God over darkness and the negative outlook.
Carrying this word and promise into 2023 are Emmanuel, Lydia and Joash. As Lydia said, this sermon was an extremely good sermon for all of us to end 2022 and cross into the next. Agreeing with her is Emmanuel who was reminded to be Christ ambassadors, the salt and light of the world, and that we are to show the world who God is through the light that shines in and through us. Equally upbeat is Joash, who is looking forward to 2023 and in eager anticipation for the transformation ahead.
For the Chan family, the message was very special and personal for them. Celebrating with them for the first time was their eight-month old baby daughter Isabelle, whose Chinese name also signifies light. For families, incorporating elements of interaction for the children was heartening.
According to Jeremy, it was heart-warming to see that children could also receive the message that Jesus is their light, through a short video and simple interaction. Indeed, every Family Christmas service in Trinity is a precious time where all generations of the Trinity family come together to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The atmosphere in church on Christmas morning was electrifying, joyful and warm. Lydia said she sensed a build-up of excitement just by seeing cars fill up the carpark.
First-time visitors, Standley and Winnie concurred to that. They felt welcomed and a strong presence of God when the message was preached. When asked if they would come back again – they said, “Yes!”
2022 saw us making steps out of the COVID-19 pandemic. And with God as our eternal light, we can be certain that 2023 will indeed be brighter.
1 Church 2 Gather in 3 Centers. This came to life as Trinitarians entered the gates of the newly reopened Trinity@Adam for the first time since 2016 when the center was closed for redevelopment. There was a palpable air of excitement and anticipation as Trinitarians gathered as one church in two locations for a night of thanksgiving as we ushered in the New Year.
To mark this momentous occasion, a 3-Center light up was held to link Trinity’s three centers. At 8pm, Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo lit a torch at Trinity@PL, then it was passed to a team of runners
who covered approximately ten kilometers to Trinity@Adam. At Trinity@Adam, the torch was handed over to Lead Pastor Designate Pastor Gerald who passed it on to the team of cyclists who cycled about 12 kilometers to the construction site of Trinity@Choa Chu Kang.
Seeing all three centers was a testament of God’s faithfulness and favor over Trinity, and a reminder that we are called to be a lighthouse.
Through live streaming between centers, the congregations in the two centers were able to worship as one together. Testimonies shared from local and regional centers truly encouraged and moved us to hear of God’s provision, protection, healing, and transformative work in their lives during the year.
In his exhortation, Pastor Dominic declared the prophetic word for 2023: A Year of Unprecedented Increase. He shared key scriptures of how God is a God of increase and His will and desire is for His people to experience increase in every aspect of life, whether it is spiritual, material or emotional. In closing, he shared ten points urging Trinitarians to seek increase especially in the areas of spiritual growth and development.
This was followed by Pastor Gerald who shared three Rs of positioning oneself for an increase: to return to the reverence of God; to restore divine order; and to be ready. A new year represents a new season, and Pastor Gerald’s charge was to let go of the things of the past and look forward to the things that is to come.
For Stephanie Yeo, this was her first Watchnight Service since she started attending Trinity. She said, “I thank God I was able to attend with my CG and my son. I give thanks to God for restoring my brokenness, and healing me in 2022. I am assured of His will to bring unprecedented increase in my life. God spoke to me through both pastors to be fearless in the year ahead.”
Challenged by Pastor Dominic’s message, Benny Sum shared, “To ready ourselves for increase, we must let go of the past, be it success or failure, and look forward to what God can do in the new year. Being spiritually ready is also important because with God's increase comes an increase in spiritual battles. So we cannot become complacent but to forge ahead with God.”
Trinitarian Christopher Thia, General Manager (Medical Supplies), shared “Pastor Dominic said how we do not see the manifestation of God's increase because we fail to distinguish
between God's blessings of manna and seeds. It is important to know which blessings are for us to enjoy and which are for us to steward for His purposes.”
Attending Watchnight Service at Trinity@Adam was Elijah Tan and Fremond Yau. For Elijah who has been in Trinity since he was a child, worshipping at Trinity@Adam again felt like a whole new season has begun – a season of growth and unprecedented increase for Trinity. For Fremond, stepping into Trinity@Adam for the first time, he felt a sense of homecoming, and gratitude for the previous generations who have sown into the church, paving the way for his current generation. Watchnight Service is indeed a special time for Trinitarians coming together to usher in the new year and a new season. It is also a time for hearts to unite in catching the plans God has for the church, and for minds to unite in commitment towards that. As Trinitarians adopt a posture of obedience and surrender, it will be exciting to see what God will do in the days to come!
God is a God of increase and His will and desire is for His people to experience increase in every aspect of life.
- Pastor Dominic Yeo
Globally, 2022 was a year of doom and gloom. Russia invaded Ukraine, interest rates increased, inflation kicked in, and COVID-19 was still our friend.
Nonetheless, the Word of God to Trinity was Restoration for His Mandate . Testimony after testimony demonstrated the different ways God brought restoration into the lives of Trinitarians.
The restoration of God is about God taking something old and reshaping it to something better. It is about God taking what is broken and mending it beyond its original state. The restoration of God is always about bringing us into a greater and better state.
Building upon that which God has restored, this year, God wants to take us to the next level by bringing us into an Unprecedented Increase.
God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.“
– Genesis 1:22 (NIV, 1984)
May the Lord make you increase, both you and your children.
– Psalm 115:14 (NIV, 1984)
It’s in His DNA. And because God is our Father, as His sons and daughters, we have also been given the DNA of increase. Therefore, we can be certain of His blessings for our lives.
Increase is the Mandate of Heaven. 2 Corinthians 9:10 tells us that heaven’s mandate is to increase your store of seed and enlarge the harvest of our righteousness. God gives us two things in life: seed and bread. The bread is the daily manna that sustains us. The seed is for us to invest – to sow in order fulfil the mandate of heaven of reaping a harvest and increasing our store of seed.
Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land the Lord promised on oath to your ancestors.
– Deuteronomy 8:1 (NIV, 1984)
I will increase the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field, so that you will no longer suffer disgrace among the nations because of famine.
– Ezekiel 36:30 (NIV, 1984)
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness
– 2 Corinthians 9:10 (NIV, 1984)
As we study these scriptures, we discover four things about Increase.
Increase is the DNA of God From the time of Genesis, at the point of creation of living things, God blessed every living thing to “be fruitful and multiply”. He is the giver of increase. This blessing is also for you and your children. There is a passing of the blessing of increase.
The reason why the universal church does not see increase is because we end up eating the seed we are supposed to sow. This prevents the unprecedented increase from happening to them.
To avoid eating the seed, we need to heed God’s voice and press on in following His will for us. As we do so, the God of Increase will bring about the anticipated multiplication and expansion in our lives.
Increase is the Work of God. In Ezekiel 36:30, God says, “I will increase” and 2 Corinthians 9:10 says, “He who supplies...will increase”. God is the one who brings increase. As we are faithful to follow the commands of God, God will bring the increase.
Increase is the Manifestation of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to usher us into different spheres of influence and greater scopes of increase. The Holy Spirit is given to the church to be our Paraclete, who is our advocate and helper. Signs, miracles and wonders are the manifestation of the Spirit!
The will of God has to do with the intent of God – His plans and purposes for us.
God’s will is for the House of Israel to experience the blessing of increase. And because you and I are grafted into the people of Israel (Romans 11), the Lord will also remember and bless us.
God’s intent for unprecedented increase is so that we become His testimony, because when experience increase, people notice. When we increase in spirituality, in anointing, in passion for God, people begin to wonder why.
The will of God also has to do with the desire of God. God loves to bless us, to give us increase. Just like how parents desire to bless their children, God our heavenly Father loves to shower us with that increase. The will of God is also about the purpose of God. These few verses tell us that the blessings of God have nothing to do with status but rather are received by those who fear Him. He has purposed that increase should happen this way.
12 The Lord remembers us and will bless us: He will bless his people Israel, He will bless the house of Aaron,
13 He will bless those who fear the Lord — small and great alike.
14 May the Lord cause you to increase, both you and your children.
– Psalm 115:12-14 (NIV)
In this passage, I want to focus on two words: remember (zâkar) and increase (yâsaph).
God is also mindful of you. “Remembers” in verse 12 in the Hebrew is zâkar. It means to be mindful, to bring to remembrance, and to make mention.
God doesn’t just walk by and then suddenly remembers to bless you. You are already on His mind all the time and He desires to bless you! Isn’t it reassuring to know that God watches over us even in a world of eight billion people?
He’s also continuously talking about you to His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit because He loves you so much. When we really love someone, we talk about them all the time. I talk about my lovely granddaughter Elizabeth all the time. She comes up in all of my conversations.
As God constantly makes mention of us, His desire is for us to increase. He doesn’t talk about us so that He can decrease us. Rather, His will for our lives is exponential increase because He loves us deeply.
Because God is our Father, as His sons and daughters, we have also been given the DNA of increase.
“Increase” In verse 14 in the Hebrew is yâsaph
The definition of yâsaph is not just “to add” –it is “to add to more and more.” It is about God continuing to add.
Another understanding of yâsaph is “yet more and more”. The blessings of God are tremendous, are surpassing what previously was. You may be double blessed, and triple blessed, but God wants to give you quadruple blessings and beyond. He keeps adding and adding!
In this year of unprecedented increase, we’re going to see God adding. There’s an open heaven and we are going to see God pouring and pouring.
When we think of “increase”, we must look at the first time this word was used in the Bible. Biblical scholars call this the ‘law of the first’. We go back to Genesis 1:22. Here, increase had to do with multiplying, abounding, excelling, and enhancing.
When God created humanity, He created us with the “X Factor”, the ability to multiply and have superabundance. This ability was also accompanied by authority, anointing, peace, and joy in the Garden of Eden, among other blessings.
Unfortunately, when Adam and Eve sinned against God, they lost these blessings. The good news for us is that whatever was lost can be restored by God. God is far from done with us. What has been lost, God is going restore and go beyond. He remembers us. He is mindful of what is going to happen to us and will add more and more.
The increase of God is going to be multi-dimensional in nature.
This year, there is going to more…
...knowledge and wisdom
...insight and revelation
...strength and inFLuence
...territories and resources
...love and power
...favor and wholeness
and anointing
and peace
The will of God also has to do with the desire of God. God loves to bless us, to give us increase. Just like how parents desire to bless their children.
When God created humanity, He said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). That makes increase part of our DNA – something that gets passed from generation to generation.
We go back to the “law of firsts”. God commands the earth to “Be fruitful and increase (râbâh) in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase (râbâh) on the earth” (Genesis 1:22). This same commandment is given to humanity in Genesis 1:28.
Increase is in the DNA of God, which is why He wants the earth and humanity to increase. Increase is also about us possessing through our children’s children. We have progeny to increase our bloodline and the blessings of God. There is going to be generational possession because that is part of our increase. God blesses us with seed – the potential for greater increase.
When I walked around during Family Communion, I saw many babies. It was baby galore! COVID-19 came, and so did the babies. That’s why we continuously pray for the children and youths in Trinity. They will be the ones who will carry on the legacy of the church, our families and keep the fire burning for the generations to come.
As I hand over the leadership baton to Pastor Gerald, there are 10 areas in which we need to continuously grow to experience the fullness of God’s unprecedented increase.
When I became Lead Pastor in 2005, my prayer was that Trinity Christian Centre would be strong in three ways:
• First, that we would be strong in the Word, that we would be men and women who love the Word and always increase in the knowledge of the Bible.
• Second, that we would be strong in the Spirit. We are not a seeker-sensitive church. We are a church full of the power of the Spirit. May we always be tongue-speaking Pentecostals.
• Third, that we would be strong in relationships. That’s why the Connect Groups are so important!
I thank God for answering my prayer. I thank God to see Trinity grow from strength to strength. And as I hand over the reins to Pastor Gerald, my prayer is that you will continue to increase.
May you increase in passion and courage. Always burn with passion for the Lord. Always be risk-takers. Don’t let apathy, consumerism, and a convenience mentality come into your life.
We thank God for the re-opening of Trinity@Adam this Watchnight and look forward to opening Trinity@Choa Chu Kang later this year.
These facilities represent the place of gathering, and it must increase because corporate gathering is key. Corporate gathering is about encountering the presence of God. It is also about discipleship and character-building. We must not continue the habit of going to online service. Do it if you’re sick or traveling but if you’re in town, come to church!
So, commit to being an active participant in church by serving in a Ministry Expression!
6. Continuous Development
You and I need to be people who keep growing – to increase the capacity of learning so that we can be built up. God is not in the business of recycling. He is in the business of upcycling because restoration is about making us better than our original state.
2022 was a year where we saw so many people make decisions for Jesus. What a powerful testimony of what God is doing in our midst. And that’s what Trinity is all about. Nothing matters more than seeing men, women, and children come to know the Lord, because the Bible tells us that “he who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30, KJV).
Now that Trinity@Adam is open, and Trinity@Choa Chu Kang is on the way, let’s fill every seat with souls!
In the year of unprecedented increase, we must also increase in our serving to the Lord – our spiritual vitality and commitment depends on it.
When we serve, our redemptive gifts are utilized, our redemptive purpose is expressed, and we walk into our God-given destiny. But when you don’t serve, you abandon the gifts upon your life and you stop walking in your destiny.
That’s why I am so proud of our pastors. They may not be leading a church but when they go on Training and Consultation trips, they analyze and speak into churches. It’s powerful to see young minsters speaking into megachurches.
I’m also so proud and blessed by our leaders – Ministry Leaders, Connect Group Leaders, and Spiritual Parents. Day in and day out, they are connecting and discipling of the people under their care.
And their efforts bear so much fruit. As we continue doing that, we will continue to be a global church that impacts the nations.
The prophetic word from the late Kerry Southey was that Trinity is a seed pod that is ready to burst – to be sown into the nations of the world. She continued by saying that there would be no brakes, and that we were not to be weary and wary.
When we meditate upon all the prophetic words that have been released to Trinity, they help us understand what God calls us to do.
It calls us to have apostolic strength and courage, to be bold in the expansion of God’s Kingdom because that’s what it means to be an apostolic church.
8. Stay Committed to New Leadership
Just as many of you have served alongside with me since I became Lead Pastor in 2005, I want to commend to you Pastor Gerald as he steps into the role of Lead Pastor in March 2023. Serve strong with him, and with the new leadership team.
Walking with the leadership will bring the manifestation for miracles. We see this all throughout the Old Testament, and I want to exhort you to follow the example of our spiritual forefathers. Unity is not always easy, but unity is important if we are to step into the God’s promised land for us.
9. Stay focus on our Vision and Mission
The reality is that we are not out of the COVID-19 woods yet. However, we cannot let COVID-19 define our reality, vision, and mission. We have to keep saving souls. We have to keep reaching the nations! Never let reality determine our God vision of where He is leading us into. Trinity would not be where we are today if we made decisions based on what we saw with our physical eyes.
10. Dedicate Yourself and Your Families to the Lord
We must increase in our dedication and the dedication of our families to Him. Dedicating ourselves to the Lord means being set apart, remaining committed for the Lord’s purposes. Let’s model our lives and our families after Joshua 24:15 (NIV) which declares “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
In today’s world, it’s so easy to be distracted. But if we are going to experience an Unprecedented Increase in our generations to come, it starts with a continual dedication of ourselves and our households.
PASTOR DOMINIC YEO is the Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre. In March 2023, he will transition to the role of Ambassador-at-Large when Pastor Gerald Tan is installed as Trinity’s new Lead Pastor. Follow him on social media at PDomYeo
Hear this message and others on the Trinity app.
God is calling us to a Year of Unprecedented Increase. As we receive this prophetic word, let it not just be a good feeling, but a looking forward in anticipation and hope of what God will do.
As we walk into the place of increase, I pray that we will understand what God is saying about the increase, to hear what that increase will look like for us in our lives, our families and our church, to receive a stirring in our hearts as we say, “God, we will take this increase as you pour into our lives!”
How do we embrace this increase? What is needed in our lives for this increase?
1 Then Joshua rose early in the morning and they set out from Shittim. And they came to the Jordan, he and all the people of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.
2 At the end of three days the officers went through the camp 3 and commanded the people, “As soon as you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being carried by the Levitical priests, then you shall set out from your place and follow it.
4 Yet there shall be a distance between you and it, about 2,000 cubits in length. Do not come near it, in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.”
5 Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
6 And Joshua said to the priests, “Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on before the people.” So they took up the ark of the covenant and went before the people.
– Joshua 3:1-6 (ESV)
Joshua 3 tells the story of how the Lord led Joshua and the nation of Israel across the Jordan and into Canaan, the Promised Land – the land of their inheritance, increase, and fulfilment of God was going to do for them.
It was a way they have never gone before. In the year of unprecedented increase, we too will go where we have never gone before.
There are three truths in this passage we can look to in preparing and positioning ourselves for the increase that God is bringing to us.
The first thing we must do is to:
1. Return to the Reverence of God
Joshua and the officers of the army commanded the nation of Israel to :
• Look out for the ark of the covenant ahead of them before setting out
• Keep their eyes on the ark of the covenant when they set out
• Follow the ark of the covenant from a distance as they set out
The ark of the Lord always represents the shekinah, manifest presence of God. With the manifest presence of God comes the holiness of God. With the holiness of God comes the presence and the power of God. And God is drawing us back to the place of His holiness.
In 2022, there has been a renewed hunger and presence of God in all our worship services in Trinity, among adults and children, pastors and leaders alike. There were times of seeking God, crying out to God and desiring for His presence and to see His power. When we had our Power Weekend in October, there was an outpouring of the power of God that was so evident!
Now in the year of 2023, the Lord continues to call us to return to the very reverence of God in everything we do for this is where it begins! When we honor God, when we long and desire for His presence, when we fix our eyes on the ark, on His very manifest presence, His power, His glory and His holiness, we will see the increase manifest in our lives.
Just like Joshua and all the officers commanding the Israelites, we must keep that distance so that we may not lose sight of the ark of God, the reverence of God. We shall not lose the hunger and desire for God’s presence and God’s power!
With an exciting line-up of programs in 2023, I want to remind us that increase is not going to come because of programs. We rejoice as we see eloquent, powerful, and anointed preachers raised in the house and the ministry of God through them. We also look forward to power-packed guest speakers joining us to build the church, to add on and speak into the increase that’s coming to Trinity.
Yet God’s increase is not going to come to us just because of these programs and preachers but because we are hungry and desperate for more of God.
Increase is going to come because we are desiring in our hearts a hunger and desperation for God in our midst, in our church, in our families and in our lives. It is about the desire for Him and His power, for God to visit us, for us to be in His holy presence. Let’s mark our calendar and make time for that place of hunger
and desire to see the manifestation of what God will do among us.
In all of these, God is increasing our appetite for His word, His spirit, His power. And it comes when we return to the simple truth of the very reverence for God’s presence, power and holiness. When we do so, we will see so much of God working in our lives.
How else do we embrace the increase?
The second thing we must do is to:
The Israelites had to keep a distance of 2,000 cubits (914.4 metres) between them and the ark of the covenant. By being specific about the distance, God was establishing a certain order and the clarity of the order. This includes the carrying of the ark by “Levitical priests”.
In the Old Testament, the tribe of Levi was set apart to serve the Lord in the temple and to perform all the duties related to it. Within this tribe, the household of Aaron and his descendants were further set aside as priests and thus “priests” were already Levites by nature. However, the specific instructions for “Levitical priests” were an intentional double emphasis: God was clear about who He set in place and what He desired in terms of His divine order for His increase to happen.
Similarly, God wants to continue to establish divine order in our house and in the church. We will see God’s leading in establishing the very order in which He will bring us forward and grow us from strength to strength.
As God leads and when the Spirit of God moves, there will be suddenlies. We cannot box up the Holy Spirit. God’s increase will come suddenly, because it is not about how much we can do to prepare or pray enough, rather, it is about as God works and when God says, “it is now!”.
In our spirit man, we must always be prepared for the suddenlies. At the same time, in the midst of these suddenlies, there must be a clarity of divine order. This is not necessarily a physical order or regimental order as we may think when we hear the word ‘order’.
But divine order is in terms of what God desires in our lives; a divine order in the way we spend our time with God, in the way we establish how we live our lives in accordance with His will and purposes, and what we need to see in the House as we serve and build His house together.
It would require the strengthening of leaders, discipled and built up and serving in unity, as God brings the increase to our Connect Groups, Ministry Groups and Ministries. The order of God will prepare us to contain the growth that God will bring into our midst.
The third thing we must do is to:
3. Ready Ourselves for Increase
In verse 5, the command of consecration is for Israelites to get ready for the breakthroughs and increase that God was going to do. In the same way, we must consecrate ourselves to get ready for what the Lord will do. Know that for us to experience the increase, there is a Jordan we must cross.
Entering into the new year is a symbolic crossing of the Jordan. Entering into 2023, we are crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land. And God wants us to put behind the old and past, so that we may be ready for the new wine of the Lord and the fresh anointing of the Spirit in this day and hour!
When we honor God, when we long and desire for His presence, when we fix our eyes on the ark, on His very manifest presence, His power, His glory and His holiness, we will see the increase manifest in our lives.
Are we ready to let go of the things of yesterday and look forward to the things of tomorrow?
If the Israelites had continued to hold onto their life in Egypt and the past experiences in wilderness, they would have missed out on the fullness of the inheritance God intended to give to them! God is leading us to greater heights and into greater increase than ever before in 2023. We must embrace a new season.
This means getting ready for new battles. When the Israelites crossed over, the first thing they had to do was to go into battle.
Who likes battles? However, this is not about getting tired, bruised and wounded. Getting ready for new battles simply means that we are going to push back what the enemy is doing and evict him from our land, lives and families. It means being clearer about the spiritual battles we are in and not back down.
My declaration over every Trinitarian is, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, for the Lord will command His angels to watch over you and to give your victory and success. Amen!
This is prophetic for us, as we start having services at all 3 centres at the turn of the year.
Our vision and God’s leading is for every worship center to thrive, have a vibrant atmosphere, and be positioned for increase. Every center and every service will carry such a presence of God, where the young and the old will be drawn into God’s presence and encounter God and see breakthroughs. Every center will be a place of God-encounters, miracles, and destiny!
Positioning for increase means we come back to the reverence of God where the holiness, presence, and power of God will be the forefront of everything that we do.
We gather for meetings and services, not to go through another program, but to seek the presence of God. We will see God’s divine order restored and the church grow as the pastoral team leads in different portfolios, leaders and spiritual parents arise in their ministry as they are discipled, and every Trinitarian
serving and released into the things God has called us to do.
In readying ourselves, we will see the victory of God and that will result in the increase God will bring into this church for His glory!
Hear this message and others on the Trinity app.
What's your favourite part about being a pastor?
The greatest part about being a pastor is knowing that I am serving God with all of my life. Seeing lives transformed, leaders raised up and released in the kingdom of God for His glory – that’s my greatest passion and call in ministry.
How did you become a Christian? Was Trinity your first church? How old were you?
I grew up in a non-Christian but very religious family. I used to go to temples very regularly. In my teenage years, I had a strong desire to become a Christian. I didn’t know why; I just wanted to be a Christian. I went to all my Christian schoolmates, but nobody wanted to take me to church.
The only one who finally agreed to accompany me was a Catholic, however he stood me up on the day we arranged to meet. When I asked him about it in school on Monday, he said he bailed on me because he thought I was pulling his leg!
Sometime in the Easter of 1988, I found a friend to bring me and another friend to church. At the end of the presentation, nobody asked if I wanted to receive Jesus, and nobody came to talk to me even though I was new in the church. On my way out of the building, I picked up a tract and brought it home to read. Just like that, I gave my life to Jesus. That is how I started attending church.
In that same year during Christmas, my parents received Jesus in Trinity Christian Centre at World Trade Centre. Dad received Jesus first, then one month later, Mom followed. A few months later, I decided to join them in Trinity; I attended the main service and… fell asleep most of the time. Then I attended my first youth camp in June 1989, where I
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, plus my full time-call.
Tell us about the time you decided to come into full time ministry. After I received my full-time call in 1989, I was water baptised in October 1990 on a Sunday afternoon. I remember Pastor Dom asking me what he could pray for me when I was standing in the water. I gave him all kinds of answers, but he persisted. Finally I said, “I think I have a full-time call.” Pastor Dom then exclaimed that he was waiting for me to say that!
When it came to my ’A’ levels, I did badly for my prelims. By badly, I mean, I had straight Es. I prayed to God, telling Him that I didn’t want to come into full-time ministry by default – not having anywhere else to go because of my grades. That was when God asked me, “If I gave you good grades, would you be willing to give them up?”
At that point in time, I kept my guitar and Bible, and went to bed immediately, not wanting to answer God.
Seeing lives transformed, leaders raised up and released in the kingdom of God for His glory –that’s my greatest passion and call in ministry.
Guess what, I did really well for my ’A’ Levels and received multiple scholarship offers. However, the year I was supposed to start my university education, God reminded me of the question He had asked me during my ’A’ Levels. This reminder was the beginning of a six-month long struggle with God. In every service I attended, and every time I read the bible, I could hear God beckoning, “Come into full-time”. It was maddening to worship or read the Bible.
Until one particular service, I found that I was finally able to worship without hearing the same refrain. I sat through the entire sermon somewhat at peace. Even the altar call was not about coming into full-time ministry. I remember different ones responding at the altar as I stood at my seat.
It was then that the Lord spoke in an audible voice, “Gerald, do you love Me?” I immediately broke down. I went to the altar, knelt down and surrendered everything to the Lord. I was so overwhelmed that
I think people who came to pray for me thought there were demons to cast out! That was the time I first surrendered my life and my future to the Lord, choosing to go to Bible college instead of pursuing a secular university degree.
As a 21-year old, I finally made a choice to accept my full-time call and obey God’s call upon my life. During that time, I actually doubted if I heard God correctly. Besides turning down the scholarship offers, every friend I met said my decision was stupid. In addition, in my time where National Service was 2.5 years long, those of us who enlisted in March will “disrupt” in June to go to university. But I had three more months to finish and it turned out to be a challenging and nightmarish time.
So coming into full-time ministry was a very painful decision, a part of journeying in my call. Yet I saw God’s hand in it through it all. I did experience God’s supernatural grace and favour, and honorably completed my National Service.
What was it like growing up in Trinity from your youth days? Any milestones to highlight that were celebrated in Trinity? Since my days in the youth ministry as a laity, I learnt what it means to serve sacrificially and to carry God’s heartbeat to the nations. This is something strong that Trinity embodies. I also learnt to move in the power of the Spirit as a youth.
Some personal milestones for me in Trinity: I was water baptised. I came into full-time ministry. I met my wife in a church camp (This is why you should come for Church Camp 2023: ACTIONATE). I married my wife, Audrey, and we have two kids, Davian and Evanny.
I also witnessed the heritage of faith –the sowing and purchase of property. I saw Trinity move from World Trade Centre to Adam Road to Hoover Theatre.
I was part of the youth group that moved to different locations, and now we see Trinity@Adam redeveloped. It was also a beautiful privilege to see a group of 20 youth in Trinity@Paya Lebar grow to 120-strong within a year.
March 12 is the Change of Command service, where Pastor Dom officially steps down as Lead Pastor of Trinity and hands the baton to you. I understand that this will not be your first stint as the Lead Pastor of a church… but is it different for you? Yes, definitely. Trinity was my home church since 1989. The first time I left Trinity was when I was sent out in 2011 to pastor a local AG church. I never expected that the Lord will bring me back in 2018 to where He had sent me out from.
Trinity is a much bigger church with a larger global ministry, and in a different context. I will be leading a much larger pastoral team and staff, leading a much bigger church with a larger impact in the world.
With such an intentional succession plan, the church feels ready for a transition to the next season. Trinity has been in the Decade of Expansion, and we want to continue to grow our Missions emphasis.
We have been strong in leadership development, something that I am also very passionate about. With certain foundations in place, I look forward to building a strong church together, strengthening evangelism and families, winning souls, discipling the generations.
I look forward to building a strong church together, strengthening evangelism and families, winning souls, discipling the generations.
Nancy Yip from Connect Group (CG), Bukit Panjang 653, of the Chinese Ministry shared a moving testimony of how God provided for her daughter, Wen Ting, in 2022.
Wen Ting suffered from a chronic backache that prevented her from sitting or standing for long periods. In January 2022, when she saw a doctor, the diagnosis was a deformed spine and immediate surgery was required. Any delay in surgery might lead to serious consequences.
After much prayer, Wen Ting decided to proceed with the surgery. It was a costly operation, and upon confirmation by the insurance agent that her medical insurance could cover it, the operation was scheduled for February 24.
However, two weeks before the operation, Wen Ting's two children and her maid were diagnosed with COVID-19. If Wen Ting was also infected, the operation would have to be delayed. Praise the Lord for His hand of
protection over Wen Ting who remained free from COVID, and the surgery was able to proceed as scheduled.
After the operation, Wen Ting recovered well and was discharged from the hospital in early March. The cost of the surgery and postoperative recovery treatment amounted to S$140,000, which the family expected the insurance to cover. They were in for a big shock when Wen Ting received a notice in May that the insurance company had refused to pay for the surgery. Wen Ting was devastated and Nancy was filled with anxiety on how they were going to foot the hospital bill. Immediately, they committed the situation to God, and Nancy rallied her CG members to pray.
While praying, Wen Ting felt led to appeal to the insurance company. However, the first appeal in June was promptly rejected. Without losing hope, they continued to pray, trusting that God would provide the finances to pay the bill, whether it is from the insurance company or otherwise.
Meanwhile, Wen Ting appealed a second time, and was once again rejected. Through God’s leading and guidance, Wen Ting managed to gather additional supporting documents, and with the help of her elder brother-in-law, submitted a third appeal on September 14.
By this time, the hospital was chasing for payment, and on September 27, the hospital sent a final notice. If full payment was not made by the next day (Sep 28),
Wen Ting would have to pay the bill in monthly installment of S$5,000. How were they going to afford this hefty amount every month? Desperate, and not understanding why God was putting them through this, mother and daughter prayed through the night.
The next morning, on September 28, Wen Ting received a reply from the insurance company that all her medical expenses would be paid by the insurance policy! It was a miracle! God had answered their prayers just in time!
This was not the end. God's grace continued to cover Wen Ting’s second operation which was successfully completed on Oct 12 and she was discharged from the hospital on Oct 19. Since then, Wen Ting is recovering well, and the pain in her lower back has drastically reduced. The cost of the second surgery was also covered by the insurance policy!
Indeed, with God, all things are possible even when the obstacles seem insurmountable. He will accomplish His plans and purposes for us in His perfect timing when we trust in Him.
The Great Commission in Matthew 28 reveals to us how Missions is truly God’s Mission. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given” for the purpose of “GO”-ing and “MAKE”-ing disciples of all nations.
All authority – means – the whole resource of heaven and earth has been released for this work. It means, the whole arsenal of heaven is behind the church as we move forward to do missions. When all of God’s authority has been channelled into this command, nothing can stop the work of God. I had the privilege of hearing testimonies of what God is doing inside war torn Ukraine. The church remained and continued to minister to civilians and soldiers. Since the war began, almost 300,000 people opened their hearts and received salvation.
There are wars, famines and diseases –these have been foretold so that the Church will not be caught by surprise but recognize that we have a Mission – to tell people that Jesus is the answer! Jesus has always been
the answer for the World. And He calls us to carry that answer to the ends of the earth.
“Go” is not a suggestion. It’s a command, an instruction. We often say in Trinity to “Pray, Give and Go” toward Missions. Some of us may have taken it as options –to choose either one of the three. But let me clarify – none of them are a suggestion. When God says “Go”, it involves sacrifice. I want to encourage you to Pray, Give AND Go for Missions. Talk is cheap. Going will require a sacrifice of time and resources. We are increasing the number of Missions Trips so that more can GO and MAKE disciples of all nations.
When God says “Go”, it is about obedience and not an obligation. It’s about carrying God’s Passionate Heartbeat and making it ours.
Just as Missions was the Mission of God –will you make it your mission?
When COVID struck the world, pastors and leaders around the world carried a heavier burden of ministering and running church. Many of the churches who adopted our small group model testified that they were able to stay together as strong as a community through relational discipleship and intentional discipleship.
Pastor Eduardo from Bogota, who leads a church of 44,000, adopted our small group model to put in place a culture of discipleship.
As soon as borders opened, Pastor Dom, Pastor Gerald and Pastor Allen traveled to be with the church in person and conducted consultation with their 29 campus pastors and trained 1,600 Spiritual Parents.
Pastor Allen and Pastor David also traveled to Barranquilla Houston to consult with churches as well to consult for the implementation of our small model.
Apart from our small group model, we also continued to conduct Prophetic Training for the Shirahama District of Japan. Many Senior Pastors
who attended the session conducted by Pastor Dominic, Pastor Janice, Pastor Melvin and Pastor Chong Lin were equipped to move in the prophetic and returned to their churches with fresh fervor.
While we continued with MITs online, as various borders reopened, Trinitarians did not hesitate to pack their bags and go. We had a family with a 10-year-old child that went together for MIT to Indonesia;
IGNYTE also sent a team. We resumed our overseas MIT for our AlphaTrack program!
In 2022, we launched the 3-6-9 trips where Trinitarians could serve with our Regional Centers for three, six or nine months. We also launched our Omega Track where Trinitarians are equipped, and trained to pastor and lead in our overseas Regional Centers.
Trinity@Melbourne not only moved from their
location from a home to a hotel, they also launched their Children’s ministry, allowing more families to join them.
Trinity@Bangkok trained their first batch of Connect Group leaders and will be appointing them in early 2023! They experienced open heavens as they were invited to sing Christmas carols in Chamchuri Square – what a way to make their presence known there!
Trinity@Jakarta had an exciting year as they moved into their moved to new home to call their own.
trips locations
As they celebrated their 5th anniversary, God brought them to new levels of impact in their region. They conducted training and consultation in the areas of small groups and worship for the Assemblies of God churches in the Southern District of Indonesia.
When war broke out in March 2022, Pastor Gerald and Pastor Allen went to the borders between Romania and Ukraine to sight and assess the situation and pray with Reverend Gheorghe Ritisan and the team that
was thick in refugee relief work. We also partnered with Pentecostal European Mission to give financially toward the efforts of Romanian churches helping more than 10,000 Ukrainian refugees.
245 destitute children SPONSORED IN INDIA, SPAIN, THAILAND
13 ministries supported
We continued to partner and give toward Project Rescue to build homes for the restoration of rescued girls. COVID gave us the largest number to girls as red-light districts around the World closed. With the increase of work, Trinity Ministry Leaders took time to minister to the different homes monthly online.
A team of 11 youths and three adult leaders from IGNYTE left for a Missions Impact Team (MIT) trip to Bangkok, Thailand, on September 26.
Led by Sis Brenda Lee, the team went through a period of preparation and training to minister to different groups of people, from the youngest to the oldest. They also sought the Lord in prayer for favor and wisdom.
Together with Trinitarians from Trinity@Bangkok and a partner organization, the team went to the slum areas to give out donated clothes and daily necessities. A queue was awaiting them at the first location. As the items were distributed, smiles could be seen on every face. The team also seized the opportunity to share the love of God.
Realizing that there might not be enough gifts while on the way to the second location, the team prayed in faith for a multiplication of the items. Even though the crowd was bigger than the previous, the team believed that God would do His miracle so that His love will be shown to every person.
By the end of the distribution, there was more than enough for everyone. There were even much more left. Talk about the miracle of the five loaves and two fishes! More than the giving of items, the team shared the gospel and sang “Jesus loves me” in Thai. God’s presence was very strong during the time of ministry. It left the team with a burden to pray for this nation and to believe for more workers to be sent out so that many more can know the love of God.
The team connected with people in the university, on the streets and even those staying at their hostel and invited them to the youth evangelistic event. More than 20 came and one received the Lord.
A total of 165 lives were reached out to and three decisions were for Christ throughout the trip. This trip exposed the team to the reality beyond Singapore and it birthed a love and burden for God’s people in their hearts. The team learned what it meant to be uncomfortable for God. They stepped out of their comfort zone and challenged their own norms. It goes to show that God can use anyone – no one is too young to be His messenger.
Struggled previously, but I saw success with the Thais after trying, and my conversational skills in sharing the gospel have improved. I am aiming for more impact after my first MIT.
Initially, I believed this trip would require me to give, but I was blessed by our team's collaborative ministry. On the final day, the Lord ministered to me through His Word and Presence.
Vera Leong, Adult Leader of IGNYTEInspired by the team's leadership, I grew in making bold prayers, setting aside emotions for ministry, and serving God's purpose.
Javan Sng, youthI'm grateful to share Christ with kids, despite feeling scared and inadequate. But I learned to trust in God's strength, putting down fears and insecurities, allowing Him to take over.
I serve with a willing heart, knowing He qualifies the called. Thankful for this molding journey.
Despite the pandemic situations in other countries, thank God for technology that allowed Trinitarians to continue our mandate to reach the lost beyond physical borders. Let us continue to pray for the lives that have been touched and decisions made for Christ. May every seed sown be watered and nurtured to fruition.
MAY 9-13
a. To lead the children and youth in understanding their identities in Christ based on who Jesus is
b. To lay down foundations of God’s design of marriage and sexuality for the youth and children
c. To minister to the staff who have experienced burnout & trauma in ministry
d. To minister to the women and lead them to commit their lives and lifestyles to the Lord
Jul 1 -8
a. To catch the heart of mission/evangelism in a cross-cultural context
b. To be exposed to culture-sensitive activities, such as sharing the Gospel
c. To witness what God is doing in Churches and communities around the world
d. To reach out to the lost
Jul 9 – 10
Jul 23–24
To conduct a children’s event
Hearing the kids jumping along with us to the praise song in English was surprising yet energizing, as though your energy level just shot up to 120% in an instant upon hearing that. I feel I have really grown in my reliance on God, as during that period I was going through a massive amount of stress due to the nature of my work, which made it hard to focus as I would be sometimes distracted thinking about my job, but in the course of it I relied on God to give me the energy to sustain me through and not being overwhelmed by my work.
IGNYTER JOSHUA TANGIt turned out more than what I have expected. God’s love definitely has no boundaries whether our programs are recorded or presented life on Zoom. It is still effectively transmitted over to the kids and youth.
a. To inspire the children and youth to be more than a conqueror through living their lives honoring God (i.e. keeping themselves pure before the Lord)
b. To remind them that they can turn to God when they face challenges in life
b. To remind them that God has a plan and a future for each one of them
a. To present the gospel to the children and invitation to personally receive Jesus
b. For the children who are believers to be strengthened in their faith
Many have surrendered and re-dedicated themselves to the Lord during the altar call, seeing them responding by putting up their hands and showing the “hand” icon at Zoom touches my heart
AUG 28
a. To help the girls understand why they need Jesus
b. Evangelism
SEP 25
Outreach & Evangelism
NOV 20
a. Share the good news
b. Encourage them to abide in Jesus
a. Minister to women and girls
in poverty and sex trafficking in Jaipur, India
b. Minister to children from the community in Jaipur, India
Four other eMITs reported in Trinitarian Issue 2/2022 were not featured in this article report:
Pune, India (Apr 25 – 29)
Nagpur, India (May 9 – 13)
Kolkatta, India (Jun 9 – 14)
Sangatta, Indonesia (Jun 10)
We experienced God’s extraordinary provisions and breakthroughs at Vision Faith Promise service where THB1,519,300 was committed to building Trinity@Bangkok. Every Thai baht committed was faith expressed and conviction lived out. On September 17 and November 19, Trinity@Bangkok resumed prayer meetings on-site. We thank God for Trinitarians who gathered in person to pray for the church and the nations.
From September 26 to October 2, we had the opportunity to host the IGNYTE Missions Impact Team (MIT) from Singapore. They spent their time with the children with disabilities from Thanksgiving Foundation; and feeding the homeless through the Food from the Heart program.
They also organized a youth event filled with fun and food and testimonies of God’s goodness. Thirteen first-time visitors joined us and one youth gave his life to Jesus.
The local Thai Trinitarians, who joined the IGNYTE MIT in their outreach activities, were richly blessed by our youths. Although young, 18 to 23 years old, they were bold and courageous to share the gospel. While running the children and youth programs, their used their talents for the glory of God. The Trinity@Bangkok folks learned greatly from these youths.
After our first batch of leaders completed their Connect Group Leaders Training in October and November, we look forward to appointing our first batch of local leaders in 2023.
At our very first live Worship Experience in October, we experienced a deep move of the Holy Spirit. Many who came to soak in God’s presence were touched and drawn closer to God as their Heavenly Father. Four Trinitarians were water baptized at the Water Baptism Service on October 30. Twelve visitors joined us and four made decisions for the Lord. On November 6,
seven new members were received into the church.
In the lead up to Christmas, we had the first opportunity to sing Christmas carols at Kinnie Food Court in Chamchuri Square on Sundays for three weeks. While declaring God’s joy, peace and hope to diners at the food court, we invited them to join us for our local Christmas production Christmas Celebration on December 25.
Meanwhile, two Connect Groups organized Christmas parties to host and share the gospel and joy with their oikos
As we enter 2023, many more exciting events have been lined up. In the second week of January, we will have a special Children’s Day Celebration and New Year Blessing, especially reaching out to families with children.
We are also looking at organizing a series of Life Skills Seminars such as dance and drama classes for children, conversational English classes, and financial planning. Participants can come back again and again and be rooted in our community in Trinity@Bangkok.
In August 2022, Trinity@Jakarta celebrated our 5th anniversary. We were filled with gratitude as we recounted God’s faithfulness over the last five years. Many Trinitarians also shared their testimonies, prayers and dreams on greater things ahead for Trinity Christian Centre in Indonesia. The 5th anniversary celebration service attracted 10 first-time visitors among a total of 81 people in attendance. What a great joy it was!
At our Vision Month in October 2022, we reached a new milestone as our children in DiscoveryLand made their first Vision Faith Promise to build God’s house for generations. We were so encouraged by the simple faith of the young children and their love for God’s house with their faith promise of IDR 11,230,000 (S$965).
Together with the adults, a total of IDR 830,830,000 was committed to building and expanding Trinity Christian Centre in Indonesia. Trinitarians also caught the vision to reach out to more souls in the city of Jakarta for Jesus Christ.
In November 2022, the church took a step of faith to multiply a second service. Many congregants availed themselves to serve in more than one Ministry Expression team so that more Bahasa Indonesian speakers can be connected to our services. Trinitarians expressed their thankfulness that their Bahasa-speaking family members can now better engage and understand the Word of God being preached in Bahasa Indonesian.
This year, God has also opened doors of opportunities for Trinity@Jakarta to be a blessing to the community and to the churches in the city. We were invited by the Assemblies of God (AG) in Jakarta to start two leadership carecells for about 30 pastors and ministers from 20 AG churches in Jakarta, and to demonstrate Trinity’s small group model.
Many pastors shared testimonies that Trinity’s small group model has greatly empowered them to make disciples and raise leaders to build God’s Kingdom. Praise God for the privilege to partner with Assemblies of God in Jakarta Region 1 to expand God’s Kingdom in Jakarta.
In partnership with Missions Impact Teams from Singapore, we also had the opportunity to be a blessing to Bina Bangsa School. Through teachers’ empowerment events and various children’s ministry events, we have impacted about 40 teachers
and 480 students. Many came to the Lord and four families are now attending Trinity@Jakarta regularly.
In December, Trinity@Jakarta held our first Christmas drama production live at our new service venue. Our children and IGNYTErs were part of the cast and crew.
In 2023, our prayer is for God to continue using Trinity@Jakarta to be the salt and light in this city and nation. Our desire is to see every Trinitarian care for and connect with their oikos and bring them to encounter God at our services, connect groups, prayer meetings, Life Skills Seminars, and other events. As travel borders have eased, we are also looking forward to sending out two Missions Impact Teams next year to other parts of Indonesia.
To start a church in COVID-19 seems illogical, but if this is God who calls us to do it, He will do it. Trinity@Melbourne held its services online from August 2020 to January 2022. Then by faith, we started services onsite in a home, before moving into Waverley International Hotel in Glen Waverley, Victoria. Every time we move, we saw a move of God. God made it grow!
We started with a small congregation in 2022, predominantly campus students studying in Monash. One day, the Lord spoke, “You will go into the city very often” and “The city will be an open heavens”.
Over the months, God brought students from Monash University, University of Melbourne and La Trobe University into the young adults connect group (CG). Some students would travel more than one hour by public transport to come to our church service.
Like Abraham, God called some to relocate to Melbourne and drew others to join Trinity@Melbourne.
“When I was a student, God spoke to me that I would come back to Melbourne. 13 years later, true to His Word, God fulfilled his promise. I saw God’s faithfulness and his plans when Trinity@Melbourne was launched,” said Jeremy Tan, who works in Manufacturing Industry, returned with his wife Michelle and their children Kayla and Levi.
“I sensed that God told me to come to Melbourne, but I wasn't really sure. It only became a confirmation for both my wife and me, when God provided a new job for me in Melbourne,” said Lewis Ng, Marketing and Business Insights Lead, who attends with his wife Juliana and children, Joseph and Luke.
“I was searching for a church when I came across Trinity@Melbourne on Facebook.
“I walked into the service and have been here ever since“ said Isaac Chan, Speech Pathologist.
“We have been in Melbourne for 11 years and were actively looking for a Christian community we can call home. One of our key prayer points was a church that was located within close walking distance from our house and was in line with our beliefs. God brought Trinity@Melbourne to our attention and the rest was history. Praise the Lord!“ said married couple, Eugene Lam and Shuyi Chong.
“This Recharged CG will flourish,” God spoke recently. From a handful of matured adults, we saw them reaching out and connecting with others. Every time we gather for connect group, we are fed both physically and spiritually as we are blessed with great cooks.
“We initially came to Trinity@Melbourne just to support our son who is a worship leader with the intention to attend another church but we were moved by the Holy Spirit every time we attended the services. We decided to stay and now we are serving as core leaders in the Recharged CG,” said Charles and Alice.
“The Lord told us to move to Melbourne a few years ago but had not yet revealed His plans. We cried out to the Lord as to
why He called us here. One day, we were invited by friends to attend a Pentecostal church named Trinity@Melbourne near her house. Amazingly, we found out that Pastor Dominic Yeo, who led this new church plant, is a good friend of Pastor Ong Sek Leang, our pastor in Kuala Lumpur! We are so thankful that God led us to be part of this pioneering work here in Trinity@Melbourne.“ said Loke and Mandy.
Who would have thought that a small church in Melbourne would have its own children’s ministry. It is exciting to see the children grow week after week in the knowledge of God and their friendship with one another. This year, we focused on learning from the life of David –from slaying the giants in our lives to building God's Kingdom together!
With four seasons in a year, we can no longer say that there’s nothing to do. We share our lives together and bond together by creating new experiences – visiting cafes, beaches, parks, valleys, trekking, having retreat, road trips, and celebrating birthdays. May God continue to lead to unchartered territories to expand His Kingdom in this Decade of Expansion!
Our pastors went on 16 training and consultation trips to 11 countries (Canada, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America). Read two stories of Trinity's impact on churches from two different countries.
The Communications Department at Chicago Tabernacle was deeply impacted by Trinity's visit and impartation. During their visit from October 10 to 11, 2022, they shared with us how they communicate the theme of the year every new year.
Since their visit, we have begun to prepare and plan for our own church's theme for the new year. Their impartation supported us as we strategically planned to infuse the theme into every aspect of our church. We anticipate this year's theme to be incredibly impactful due to the visionary and strategic planning that was directly influenced and impacted by TCC's visit. We are so grateful for their time, energy, wisdom, and impartation.
Our next generation team was blown away by the team and especially Pastor Loh Wai Ling who sat down with our team and walked
us through how they equip their people to grow!
The thing that impacted us the most was the strategic training that they had for their people online. This inspired us to raise our vision and since then, we have done a parent training night as well as putting out videos to help parents intentionally disciple their children. The inspiration came from the video library that Trinity created to invest in and train their people. Thank you so much for showing us a better way. Your investment is changing generations!
In April of 2022, I had the opportunity to visit Trinity Christian Centre and meet with key members of the Leadership Team. My primary goal was to glean wisdom into several key initiatives that take place throughout the year, such as the Commanders Summit, Comms Summit, and Leadership Team meeting structure and cadence.
During my time with the Leadership Team, I was overwhelmed by the generosity and commitment of Trinity’s leaders to spend time explaining, demonstrating, and providing essential insight into Trinity's leadership vision and philosophies. While I was only there for four days, I learned and experienced numerous things that impacted me deeply and altered my perspective on what is possible here in Chicago.
As I think back on the key lessons I learned at Trinity, the primary word that comes to my mind is CULTURE. Trinity’s culture permeates throughout the entire organization and everyone I encountered embodied the culture with excellence. From the volunteers, students, staff, and ultimately the leaders I met with throughout the week, all were on the same page and focused on the same goal.
I have learned over the years, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, and that is precisely what I experienced at Trinity – Kingdom culture at its best.
The culture was not a slogan or mission statement on a wall, it was embedded by the people and transferred to everyone they encountered.
Here is what I have come to believe is the bedrock of Trinity’s culture of spiritual leadership, excellence, and Kingdom expansion:
• Honor – Honor God and honor for the leaders
• Vision – Clear and bold direction embraced by all
• Discipleship – Constant growth and development at every level
These core principles are the foundation of Trinity's success at building an amazing culture which produces strong and healthy spiritual leaders which continually push the Kingdom of God forward throughout the world. It is my belief that any organization that is focused on these fundamental core principles will be building a culture that is able to accomplish much in the Kingdom of God, sustain its impact in any environment, and rapidly adapt to an ever-evolving climate.
As the Chief of Staff and one of the Executive Pastors at our church,
I am more energized today to take the lessons I learned at Trinity and apply them with faith and expectation for God to do expediently more than we can ask or believe in Chicago. I see the possibilities and the opportunities that God has put before us and I.
I desire to implement the lessons I learned at Trinity into practice immediately. When I returned to Chicago, I gathered the staff for an “All hands” meeting. At this meeting, I was able to share with our team the observations and experiences I had at Trinity with passion and faith.
As I communicated with them, I could see their hearts were filled with excitement and enthusiasm to immediately implement these core principles into our culture. I exhorted and empowered the team to begin discipling people that God has brought into their sphere of influence.
I would like to formally thank the Trinity staff for their generosity, transparency, kindness, and wisdom. Trinity’s labor of love and service to others is truly making a massive difference throughout the globe and especially to us! May the Lord continue to bless Trinity by increasing your impact throughout the world!
Following its launch in August 2022, Trinity Academy International Music School in Jakarta conducted its first class to enable students to play the keyboard effectively for praise and worship in their personal worship, small group meetings, and local church.
The course was conducted on-site at Trinity@Jakarta in Lippo Kuningan from August 4 to October 20. Seventeen signed up, most of whom were Lead Pastors from AG Indonesia, some have a musical background, some without. As many churches did not have musicians, the pastors often had to take up the role.
Trinity Academy International Music School taught them the essential keyboard skills to lead praise and worship, as well as free worship. The students learnt to play up to nine worship songs and improved their musical skills.
“Worship is important in ministry. I am glad I have learnt new skills, especially music in praise and worship,” said Pastor Marshel Torondek, GSJA Ebenhaezer – Pulo Gebang, Jakarta Timur.
“I attended the class so that I can mentor others in my church. I also want to compose songs for the congregation to sing during worship at my church service,” said Pastor Yusak Hutabarat, GSJA Pondok Daud, Cakung.
“I do not have music background but when I attended the class, I learnt the new philosophy for music in praise and worship. It’s about the importance of music in ploughing the heart of the congregation before the sermon. As a beginner, I have already memorized six basic chords through the instructor who taught us patiently,” said Pastor Herry Aleng, GSJA Ebenhaezer Ministries – Pasar Baru, Jakarta Barat.
“Learning in Trinity Academy International Music School is important for my ministry in the future because music is an important element. I am thankful to Trinity for providing me with this training. My ministry needs musicians, and this will help me as a Senior Pastor to be able to have basic knowledge of the music skills to be able to equip the musicians in my church,” said Pastor Ahgnes Ogotan, GSJA Kemuliaan Pinus Elok, Jakarta Timur.
Why did you decide to go for this six-month mission?
I felt that I had to respond to God and not let Him down. I did that with peace in my heart.
What are the highlights of your ministry?
For this mission, I sought the Lord’s leading as I walked and prayed along the surrounding districts and lanes. In a new land and a new community, I distributed tracts and flyers.
I sat at gyms, salons, cafés, and even a tailor. I tried to start conversations with the owner and the patrons to befriend them and shared the gospel in simple Thai and English whenever possible.
In church, I reached out to people who disappeared after having visited a couple of times. I would contact them and try to connect with them over coffee or dinner.
I also grew and sharpened my skills in operating audio-visual equipment and served in the worship ministry. I got to assist the pastors in conducting classes and even organizing of special events such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Honor Pastors’ Month.
What have been memorable interactions with people?
As I had to learn the ropes in ministry, Pastor Kenny taught and guided me throughout the six months. I was also very inspired by Trinitarian and regular preacher at Trinity@Bangkok, Dr Anan, the Dean of Theological Pentecostal Seminary, who was passionate in motivating students to be a voice to the nation.
What adjustments did you need to make in Bangkok?
The comforts of home were greatly missed. I had to manage my own meals and laundry amid a busy schedule. You see, I was pampered by my wife in Singapore. I also had to make sure I was ready to meet people in any situation. I felt lonely sometimes. Although I interacted with many people, without my family around, the loneliness was magnified. The noise from the traffic was also something I had to get used to.
What preparations did you have to make before going to Bangkok?
I am in the marine sector, the operations of which can be quite unique. It took some time for me to completely hand over the business to my sons and employees. The most difficult part was preparing my wife for it. We have never been separated in all our married life, so it was quite hard for us. I told her that it was her mission as much as it was mine. She finally felt the peace of God when we committed this decision to Him.
How did your family and friends respond when you shared about going on this mission?
My family was shocked when I told them the mission was going to take six months, and understandably so as they had many concerns. I didn’t have all the answers to their questions so we brought them before God. We prayed as a family along with my sons and my daughter-in-law. After many
conversations and prayers, they became supportive of my decision and I left for Bangkok with their blessing.
What are some of the challenges you faced during the mission?
How did you overcome them?
Language is definitely a major challenge. I only knew a couple of greeting words in Thai. To enable me to be more effective, I enrolled myself in a 12-week online class in Singapore prior to the mission trip, which helped me understand simple Thai.
Another challenge is culture. The Thais grow up deeply entrenched in their religion of doing good works. I decided that it was best to befriend them first before reaching out.
What is your plan moving forward?
I have no immediate plans for a similar mission, but I continue to be open to mission work. In the meantime, I will resume my duties in Pastoral Care back in Singapore with Trinity.
Short-Term Foreign Missions is a program specially crafted for Trinitarians who are available to serve in our overseas regional centers for a span of 3 to 12 months.
How did God lead you to take up Omega Track?
Before coming to Singapore, I had a thriving online business. In order to take care of my father, I stayed and accompanied him for five months. Unexpectedly, the stay was extended due to his unstable medical condition. As a result, my online business was put on hold. It would become difficult to start from scratch again upon returning. Meanwhile, I was seeking God for the next steps for my life in 2022.
During that period, I was regularly attending church services at Trinity@Paya Lebar. One of the sermons was by Pastor Wendy Ong on pleasing God. Guest Speaker Pastor Al Toledo’s preaching also began to prepare my heart. The sermon reaffirmed the need to act on what God has put in my heart
a long time ago. At the same time, I also had a chance to meet Pastor Alana Mah during her visit to Singapore. She prompted me a few times to consider God’s call upon my life. On my last day in Singapore, I decided to join the Omega Track.
When did you receive the confirmation of your call from God?
Initially, I hesitated to answer God's call to join Omega Track due to a prior unpleasant ministry experience. I was not ready to commit. Despite feeling uneasy, the Holy Spirit nudged me at various times and brought it to my attention during prayers. Having experienced God's faithfulness, I made up my mind to join Omega Track.
How do you feel about being sent out to do church planting?
I am excited about the new things ahead and looking forward to what God is going to do through me for the communities all around Indonesia, and the team in Trinity@Jakarta.
What is one big lesson that you’ve learnt during Omega Track training in the past year?
A big lesson on is the moulding of my character and values. One memorable event happened when I was leading my first hosting segment. I was uncomfortable speaking on the stage. But God has helped me overcome my limitations in the past year.
How did your family or friends respond to your decision?
Being the only child, my family had a hard time at first because they were afraid that the ministry would take my time away from them. Pastor Alana and Pastor Budi continued to walk with me through this journey and my parents slowly accepted my calling and mission.
What are the highs and lows of Omega Track?
The highlights are seeing people being touched and blessed by my ministry.The lows are witnessing people move away from the call of God or even from serving Him.
What would you say to others who are considering Omega Track?
If you are unsure of God’s calling upon your life, even if there is only a 10 percent possibility, join Omega Track and let this one-year journey allow you to gain clarity about your calling. Let this be an unforgettable experience and personal journey between you and God. I believe that the program will help you grow and build a strong biblical foundation before stepping into a full-time call.
Omega Track is Trinity Christian Centre’s training program for church planting and for raising pastors in our regional centers. It is a one-year full-time program designed to equip leaders with a full-time call of God, to minister effectively as a Pastor in a church planting context.
• A commitment, made in faith, between you and God.
• A time to ask the Lord how much He wants you to give towards a specific area of His Kingdom-work (e.g., Trinity’s Missions).
• An opportunity for God to provide for others through you.
A Faith Promise is not based on the finances you already have.
A Faith Promise is based on the figure God has impressed upon your heart and with continued faith to believe that He will provide the amount in the year.
Every fulfilled Missions Faith Promise goes into the Missions Fund, a Restricted Fund that was established for the following purposes.
(a) To fulfil the Church’s vision for missions through the provision of financial support to organizations and individuals, for ministry, church and community development.
(b) To finance and support charitable purposes, humanitarian and disaster relief works.
(c) To provide financial aid to needy people.
(d) To finance and support the education, training and development of church ministers and leaders.
• Come to Missions Weekend! Collect a Faith Promise Card from one of our Celebration Hosts. When instructed, complete the Faith Promise Card and return the upper portion to our Celebration Host.
• If you can’t make it for Missions Weekend Collect and return your Faith Promise Card at our Information Counters. Or SMS to 79777.
One Time Giving: EV<space>FP<space>
Amount (e.g. EV FP 12000)
Monthly Giving: EV<space>FPM<space>
Amount (E.g. EV FPM 1000)
Note: SMS EV code is only active from the Saturday of Missions Weekend onwards for about 1 month.
• Tap Community > Trinity
• Select account and key in amount to proceed
• Log in to DBS/POSB Internet Banking
> Payment Services > Bill Payment
• Select payee
“Trinity Christian Centre – Missions Fund”
• Enter amount and date of payment to proceed
If this is your first time, you may have to add Trinity as a new Billing Arrangement
• Fill up the fields on the offering envelope (available from Celebration Hosts or Information Counter)
• Put your offering in and drop your envelope in the offering bags as it passes
* Make check payable to “Trinity Christian Centre”
Beneficiary Name:
Arthorn Chumchon Foundation
Kasikorn Bank Chamchuri Square Branch (069-2-80682-4) – Missions
Make checks payable to ”Arthorn Chumchon Foundation”
*Note that the banking details for each center are only for local transfers within each country.
Beneficiary Name: GSJA Trinity Jakarta
BCA Account No.: 692-077791-9
Beneficiary Bank details:
Bank Name: BCA KCP Duri Raya
Bank Address: Jalan Duri Raya No.37B, RT.5/ RW.2, Duri Sel., Kec. Tambora, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11270
Bank’s telephone: +62 21 6327671
Swift Code: CENAIDJA
Beneficiary Name: Trinity Christian Centre Australia
Account No.: 640886575
Bank State Branch No. (BSB): 013542
Beneficiary Bank details:
Bank Name: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ)
Bank Address: 92 High St, Berwick, VIC 3806
Bank’s telephone: +61 386 996 906
Rupiah BCA Account: 6920777919
Make checks payable^ to “GSJA Trinity Jakarta”
^ IDR denominated, please write your name and contact number on the reverse side.
BSB: 013542
Account No.: 640886575
Make checks payable to “Trinity Christian Centre Australia”
*Note that the banking details for each center are only for local transfers within each country.
Growing up witnessing my missionary parents stationed in Kyrgyzstan has inspired me to become a missionary like them to win the lost for Christ.
Seeing my zeal and passion, the leadership of China Galilee Mission Group, overseeing the missionary work, recommended me to TCA College. By faith, I applied and here I am, receiving my first formal theological education in Singapore.
I chose to enroll in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program because of its strong focus on theology and pastoral ministry.
Through the MDiv program, I have matured in my understanding of Christian churches and why each church is different in their expressions of faith and their theological concepts. I have not only grown in my biblical and theoretical knowledge, but the personal sharing of and interaction with each TCA faculty member has helped me to grow spiritually, inspiring me to emulate them in my own faith journey.
The conducive learning environment has allowed me to build godly relationships and receive the necessary training in ministry. When I first arrived at the college, every student was diligently studying and serving in their church at the same time. That has brought encouragement to me, and I see them as my role models.
As a full-time student, I participate actively in the small groups and college activities. Through the encouragement and support of small group members, I have also learned to be more open in my interaction with others and have grown in confidence expressing myself, be it in conversations, discussions or encouraging others.
I see the college as a godly and loving fellowship. In small groups, we eat together, go for outings together, and discuss questions about our faith. I found that life in college was not lonely at all, but exciting and full of vibrancy.
The College also organizes student events such as chapels, orientations, graduation, Cohesion Day, and Cultural Night
Through all the planning and execution of events, I saw that every student got involved, whether they are experienced
seniors or freshmen. The activities have definitely enriched my campus life.
After I graduate, I plan to move into missionary work in another country. I give thanks to God for the sponsorship that was awarded to me, making it possible for me to receive theological training that would be very helpful in my future ministry.
The valuable friendships I have gained in these college days will be a source of spiritual support as I move into the frontline for God.
A former primary school educator, Nelly Lim, was diagnosed with dementia in 2015. As her memory was failing, she often felt confused and it made her frustrated at her loss of independence. In May 2017, her son, Gary Ho, was recommended by by a trained medical personnel to enrol his mother at CareLibrary so that the trained dementia care staff there could engage with her to work on her cognitive functions.
“Initially, my mother was resistant to joining CareLibrary as she was sceptical about how the program could help her. She was already resigned to her fate that dementia was her new normal,” shared Gary. After her son’s constant encouragement, Nelly eventually agreed to attend CareLibrary.
In the four years of regularly attending the program, Gary witnessed a marked improvement in his mother’s mood and behavior, “My mother was willing to try new activities. Most importantly, she was always in a better mood after coming home from the sessions.”
It is no wonder why, as Nelly enjoyed the times of music therapy, be it singing with her friends or learning to play a variety of musical instruments. During her time at CareLibrary, Nelly actually publicly performed English and Mandarin medleys using the djembe, handbells, rainstick, and tambourine.
Gary shared his gratitude and appreciation of CareLibrary’s dedicated care and concern for his mother, the regular updates the staff provide, as well as the passion they exhibit in their work. In his words, “CareLibrary brought a lot of joy to my mother and at that age, all we really wanted was for her to be happy.”
CareLibrary is a cognitive wellness programme methodologically designed for seniors with or at risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.
*The late Nelly Lim was 77 years old when she passed away in 2022. She had been with CareLibrary for five years.
For more information, visit: www.ccsscares.sg/carelibrary/
CareLibrary extends Cognitive Intervention Programme to low to middle income families.
For mild to moderate dementia clients, our programme aims to:
Improve cognitive and physical wellness of persons with dementia
Maintain functional skills to perform daily activities
Provide enriching social interactions for enhanced well-being
Foster a heightened sense of purpose towards living Support caregivers by reducing and managing challenging behaviour in dementia
Scan to learn more or connect with a CareLibrary staff
CCSS is partnering Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) to provide CIP, a programme funded by the Tote Board Community Health Fund
Christmas in November may sound like a little early but Thai Ministry had to hold its Christmas evangelistic event a month earlier because many of its members would be back in Thailand in December.
The aptly-named “Christmas in November” outreach event was held on November 20. During the event, congregants sang Thai songs, such as “Christmas Is A Time To Love“, before Pastor Margaret Tay delivered a Christmas message. In one of the activities, participants had lots of fun drawing “what does love look like” to them on paper and sharing what they drew.
At lunch, members and visitors came together to have a hearty lunch over a sumptuous spread. Praise God for seven first-time visitors and one salvation.
As we enter a new season of “1 Church 2 Gather in 3 Centers” in 2023, Thai Ministry looks forward to expanding and having more English-to-Thai interpreters and laity leaders rising up.
Our Chinese Ministry organized three evangelistic events on Father’s Day and May Day.
On Father’s Day, celebrity couple Darren Lim and Evelyn Tan were invited to share about the love of God at our 爱要怎么说 (How Can Love Be Expressed?) event in Trinity@Paya Lebar. At Trinity@Bukit Batok, local actor Rayson Tan talked about the hope of God, at 新生命新希望 (New Life, New Hope) Father’s Day event from June 18/19 and 26, 2022. (Refer to full story of this event on page 104 of Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2022).
卡乐福 (Colorful) was a play day for young adults that took place on May Day. The outreach event provided an ideal platform to invite and bring their friends. The committee creatively planned the games based on sharing the Gospel using colors. Each game station had a learning point. The young adults enjoyed the games. Other than fun, the fellowship time after the games enabled us to share testimonies and Jesus with our friends.
The three events attracted 66 new friends, with six receiving the Lord as their Savior and three rededicating their lives to the Lord. We believe that for those who have yet to make a decision, a seed has been planted in their hearts. We pray that they will accept Jesus one day.
In 2023, evangelistic events are planned for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, including one for young adults.
2022 was a year of restoration for the community life of the Indonesian Ministry. We were finally able to resume our weekly community lunch and outreach activities at the Rooftop. After receiving spiritual food from service, everyone looked forward to eating physical food and having fellowship with their carecells and the entire ministry.
First-time visitors (FTVs) were immediately assimilated into the carecells as they joined us for lunch and carecell. After carecell meetings, those who have signed up for a Trinity Academy course would go for their class. This is a typical Sunday for Indonesian Ministry.
This year, God prompted us to start our prayer meeting on every first Sunday of the month at 3pm. Instead of heading to City Plaza or Singapore Post as many other Indonesians would do, Trinitarians stayed on after service to press into the presence of God.
They were not disappointed when they did so. One member testified that God showed her a vision of her father who was ill while being prompted to pray for restoration of health for friends and family members who were sick. Later when she returned home, her family members updated her that her father was healed that same day.
In December, we also had our first prayer walk. Every carecell participated and went to the vicinity of City Plaza and Singapore Post to release blessings to the Indonesian community who gathers there every Sunday. This brought about a greater revelation of the spiritual needs of the community who gathers there and a greater urgency to reach out to them.
We also launched a Guest Reception where we witnessed greater connections and lives were ministered to immediately after the service.
We praise God for successfully holding three major evangelistic events – Easter, Independence Day Celebrations and Christmas. A total of 88 FTVs came, with 21 decisions made for Jesus.
Imagine being healed thousands of miles away while attending an online church service. That is what happened to the sister of a leader in Japanese Ministry.
After receiving the Lord as her Savior over Zoom in February, Naomi Fukui joined the English Power Weekend service online on October 15 to pray for healing from a thyroid growth (which was likely cancerous) and chronic pain on her left collarbone. And the Lord answered the prayer the next day as she was healed while attending our Japanese service.
“Lately it has been painful to swallow saliva but that pain has gone away. Also, the pain in my left collarbone, which used to hurt when I touched it, was gone when I touched it just now,” recalled Fukui.
That is not all. Another member in Japanese Ministry also received complete healing from COVID-19. She had been having breathing difficulties and without sense of smell since she recovered in September.
In another breakthrough, Yoshihiro Tobita shared about his addiction to smoking for 25 years. “My wife had been encouraging me to quit smoking, but after all these years,
I could not stop. In 2018, my wife met a Trinitarian who impressed her with Christ’s love. We attended Trinity’s Christmas service that same year and my wife accepted Christ. We were then invited to attend Japanese Ministry’s New Year Party in January 2019. There, I received Christ also,” he said.
“After I received Christ and started praying to God, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, ‘Stop smoking for 10 years.’ The Holy Spirit gave me a challenge that motivated me –I was up for it! Thereafter whenever I felt the urge to smoke again, I prayed. The Holy Spirit helped me and even told me, ‘Start jogging.’ I listened,” he added.
Tobita has not smoked for one-and-a-half years. “Instead of a relationship with smoking, I now have a relationship with Jesus. Jesus has blessed my family tremendously, and now my wife and daughter are also preparing to get baptized,” he said.
These breakthroughs are amazing. Japanese Ministry plans to continue to grow and disciple the congregation in 2023. It will be launching SP1 class in English with Japanese interpretation and holding evangelistic events.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Everyone enjoyed the fellowship over food, games, and dancing. Pastor Michelle Dolendo touched on the importance of strengthening the bond between employers and employees at home and how this impacts not just lives but society.
Rejoice! In 2022, the theme for the Filipino Ministry’s annual Employer Appreciation Sunday, on November 6, at level 4 Summit hall, fittingly declares the joyous celebration of meaningful relationships between employers and employees.
About 230 people, including 86 employers and first-time visitors, joined the celebration on November 6. One of the event's highlights was the “Showcase of talents,” where Trinitarians, together with their employers, sent entries showcasing talents such as baking, singing, and dancing that they enjoyed doing together.
Many of the employers who had joined the event from previous years have testified that they are thankful for and had been impacted by the lives and testimonies of their Trinitarian employees.
One of the employers had come to know and accept Jesus into her life through her Trinitarian employee. She was invited to a church service where she felt the peace, comfort, and love of God. She also brought her two kids to church, and they had since joined Trinity.
We rejoice and celebrate that as we serve the Lord through the different platforms and ministry events, people, especially those we love and interact with daily, have come to know Jesus.
Filipino Ministry’s Life Skills Courses held its graduation day on December 4, 2022, at Theatrette 2. About 50 students completed their courses in basic dressmaking, basic computer literacy, guitar, cosmetology, and home business craft.
Family and friends, including 13 FTVs, witnessed how the students showcased the skills they have learnt over the past six months.
One student, Hezel, shared how Trinity’s Filipino Ministry Life Skills Course has changed her life since she joined the course. “I joined the dressmaking class as I want to learn how to use the sewing machine and make my own dresses. In the past six months, I was surprised to learn a lot, such as making a dress pattern and sewing my own dress. I did not just learn skills to help in my future but I also learned about God’s love for me and His wonderful
promises for my life. I learned that Jesus is the Son of God who forgives me of my sins and gives me hope and direction in life.
“I also gained new friends who encourage me to remain faithful to God in spite of the challenges and hardships in life.
I am glad to find a loving community in Trinity’s Filipino Ministry Life Skills Courses. I did not regret spending my off days in church.”
There is no better way to end a year than to recount and reflect on the grace and goodness of God in our lives. Families and Connect Groups (CGs) gathered at Trinity@Paya Lebar on December 30 and 31 to partake of holy communion together.
It is a deliberate time set aside to remember what Jesus has done for us. We declare that Jesus is coming back again, and celebrate the unity of believers by partaking in holy communion during Family Communion at the end of the year.
Testimonies of growth and restoration, many shared how God had seen them through the
year. the preparation and positioning of CGs for increase in the coming year.
Coming together as a spiritual family for communion is extremely meaningful and significant for this large CG. Jacky Wong and Marie Lim said it was a time where they remembered the goodness of God and renewed their commitment to the Lord.
The CG saw spiritual growth in the children and restored relationships that strengthened their unity. Moving forward in 2023, CG Leader Ben Chew believed that the spiritual level of the CG would increase as more of them step up to take on the mantle of leadership in preparation for CG multiplication.
Seeded in 2022 as a new CG, Connect Kakis came together for their first family communion. Even as they reflected on God’s blessings, God gave them the word “fruitfulness” for 2023.
Keeping the word in their hearts, they are proclaiming and declaring fruitfulness in every aspect of their lives – character building, personal, family, and CG. They are trusting God to place them strategically and bring forth the fruits in abundance as they step into the new year.
My CG, Kingdom Leaders, saw God’s prophetic word over us come to pass in 2022. We stand in awe of everything he has restored to us as a CG. Indeed, when God restores, He restores to something greater. Not only was our calling, commitment and unity restored, we saw an overflow of this restoration through the salvation of our family and friends. In 2023, we hold onto the word that God will be our sun and shield. Our sun whose light enables us to grow and increase, and our shield who protects us from the enemy.
As we step into the new year, let’s step out in faith and see the increase God will pour into our lives, families and CGs!
On Friday, Jan 6, 2023, Trinitarians eagerly returned to church for the Dedication Service to kickstart the year with a fresh commitment to God. Led by Lead Pastor Designate Gerald Tan, and Director of Pastoral Ministry, Pastor Wendy Chang, Isaiah 54:13-17 was declared over all Trinitarians as a dedication of every aspect of our lives to God.
The finished work of Jesus Christ guarantees that we are established in His righteousness and freed from oppression and fear. When our walk with God is established, our lives, families, studies, careers, businesses, finance and everything we do, will be established. Nothing that comes against us shall succeed.
We declared a hedge of protection around every Trinitarian, that careers and finances will be established, regardless of the bleak economic outlook.
We prayed that every Trinitarian will walk closely with God by being rooted in His Word. We prayed that all of us will find purpose and fulfillment where God has placed us, whether it is at home, at work, in school, or in the neighborhood, and that we will be strong influencers for His Name and His Glory.
Similarly, we declared the Word of God over our children.
Isaiah 54:13 says that as our children are taught by God, they will experience God’s shalom and find completeness and well-being in Him alone. We prayed that they will grow to love God and His ways through the study of His Word.
Finally, we prayed the prophetic word: that we will see an unprecedented increase in Trinity’s ministries and centers. As we enlarge our vision, stretch our faith and extend our reach, we are trusting God to raise more leaders and prepare every Trinitarian to serve.
We specially prayed over our homemakers and retirees, as God has a purpose for each one of them. We prayed for open hearts and open minds to allow God to work in and through their lives to bring His plans for them to fruition.
The message assured me of the favor and blessings that God has for me as I dedicated myself and be ready for His will. After the service, I grew in faith for His unchanging purpose to use me as a blessing!
Esther Lim, semi-retireeSharing how he was impacted by the service, Linden Foo from the Campus Ministry said, “In normal services, the congregation sits and listens to the preaching but during the dedication service, we were actively engaging with what was preached by praying and dedicating ourselves. This was an opportunity to move beyond simply listening to actively partnering with God through prayer.”
He added, “What struck me was when we talked about God establishing us in His righteousness. For me, it was also about me establishing God’s presence in my life.”
Indeed, when we establish God’s presence in our lives through prayer, personal Bible study, and the willingness to step out in obedience to serve, we shall witness and experience His increase in every aspect of our lives and our ministries in the year ahead.
As we enlarge our vision, stretch our faith and extend our reach, we are trusting God to raise more leaders and prepare every Trinitarian to serve.
What sheer joy as Trinitarians gathered for our long-anticipated Open House on Jan 8, 2023 at Trinity@Adam! Balloons adorned our new center’s entrance as Trinitarians and friends posed at photo backdrops, enjoyed drinks and snacks, and basked in the excitement.
Smiles and laughter filled the air as many took to the fun-filled activities, including the crowd-favorite “Dunk Tank”, where intrepid members of our Pastoral Team suspended themselves above a water-filled tank to be “dunked.” (Disclaimer: No pastors were harmed during the fast-throwing, heartthumping and loud-cheering game. We love our pastors, honest!)
Grandparents, parents with their toddlers, youths and kids were freely roaming the new building’s three floors — visiting the two theatrettes, the new DiscoveryLand, and the Sanctuary.
At Theatrette 1, services were held at hourly intervals for all to gather as a church to praise and pray.
A video tracing the development journey of Trinity@Adam was screened at each service. “Behind every building is a vision… a tent of extension,” shared our Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo. More than just an expansion of space, Trinity@Adam is an extension of Trinity Christian Centre’s legacy and heritage of faith in God.
Each worship center serves as a one-stop shop for families, young and old, to build a faith community and extend God’s kingdom purposes. Watching the children leaping joyfully on the Bouncy Castle, and having their faces or hands delightfully painted with bespoke bees and dinosaurs, one was reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:14:
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Amen! Our “little children” of today will inherit our inheritance of faith and lead us as kingdom pioneers of tomorrow!
Seated together at the Sanctuary were husband-and-wife, Robin Soo and Audrey Koh from Area 5. Serving now at Trinity@Bukit Batok(BB), they were among the 150 Trinitarians who responded to the call to be seeded at BB for Trinity’s Decade of Expansion Audrey recalled watching their now-teenage children growing up in Trinity@Adam — from infants in the nursing room, to toddlers at nursery, before joining Discovery Land.
Audrey also shared fond memories she had serving as a Celebration Host (CH). “We [CHs at Adam] knew who usually sat where, and we would usher them to their
seats. If friends of Trinitarians visited, we would know exactly where to take them,” she reminisced. “There were six blocks of seats then, and there are still six but bigger blocks now,” she added. “Every inch of space has been used, and God is going to fill up our centers,” echoed Robin as he looked across the sprawling new Sanctuary. Indeed, God has already done so with Trinity@BB. After launching its first English and Chinese services in Aug 2017, the English congregation grew and multiplied into two services within three weeks.
The first DiscoveryLand service followed, and soon the Chinese congregation multiplied into two services as well. Situated in the western part of Singapore,
“Trinity@BB” as it is affectionately called, grew to three back-to-back English services, with 450 to 500 worshippers every Sunday by the end of 2019.
“In the first year, I would stand at the entrance and welcome people to service,” shared Pastor Melvin Lim, then-Center Pastor at BB. “At first, I could recognize the Trinitarians, but by the second to third year, I was amazed to see so many new faces coming for services, people whom I do not recognize and who were not part of the original 150 Trinitarians.”
Pastor Wan Tat Liong, Chinese Ministry Pastor, chimed in “On average, we saw one First Time Visitor (FTV) during our weekly Chinese services, and it was very heartening to see cell members invite their oikos to service. With the relaxation of COVID Safe Management Measures (SMMs), we have seen the congregation returning in greater numbers.”
The Chinese ministry in BB also hosted several worship services and evangelistic events ( ). Local Mandarin celebrities
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.
such as Moses Lim, Rayson Tan, and Evelyn Tan shared their testimonies at these events.
Our very own Trinity-produced movie, Crossing Over, starring local artistes, Peter Yu and Evelyn Tan, alongside Trinitarians, was also screened at Trinity@BB. The huge turn-outs for these events saw many FTVs and decisions for Christ. The (still) growing congregation at BB, are certainly set and ready to grow when Trinity@Chua Chu Kang (CCK) opens in the second half of 2023!
From the east to the west, Trinity has certainly heeded the call to “enlarge”, “stretch”, “not hold back”, “lengthen” and “strengthen” our expansion of God’s Kingdom. From our nomadic days of renting premises at Hillcrest Road, Ewe Boon Road, Hotel Equatorial, RELC, Singaporean American School, NTUC Conference Hall, World Trade Centre, our temporary “tents”
became permanent with the completion of Trinity@Adam in 1992 at 21 Adam Road.
An extension was built at 23 Adam Road and when it was completed in 1995, we had a 1,000-seat auditorium. Trinity staged the first of many productions the following year with Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames. More than 17,000 people attended the 4-week long production, which saw 4,700 decisions for Christ! One Trinity song that was often sang then was Jesus Come:
You said if we would build it, You will come. You said if we will seek Your face, You’ll be found. So we build unto You, a palace of praise. A throne room of worship for You. In this place we choose to honour Your name. In everything we say and do, let Your glory fill this room.
And more than just sing, Trinitarians sought and sowed. In 2007, the doors of Trinity@Paya Lebar(PL) were opened, and the congregation became 1 Church 2 Centers 3-nitarians.
The 3,000-seat Sanctuary was completed in 2009 and it was filled for the first time during our Family Christmas Service that year.
Over the years, Trinity@PL staged many productions for Easter and Christmas, including Red Brick Road and A C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. Story which featured a 100-strong adult choir and 50-member children’s choir, accompanied by a 40-piece ensemble. But above all, we built a community of faith serving and giving, within and outside the walls of our church. Trinity continued to grow, and we were soon 6,000-strong as one for God’s glory.
In August 2016, 24 years after first moving in, it was time to redevelop Trinity@Adam. A closing service was held to thank God for His faithfulness and favour as Trinitarians made the Big Move to worship at Trinity@Paya Lebar. We were 3-nitarians 2-gether in 1 place.
With the reopening of Trinity@Adam, Trinity is now 1 Church 2 Gather in 3 Centers. Pastor Dominic declared at Watchnight Service 2022, that 2023 would be A Year of Unprecedented Increase.
With Trinity@CCK opening in 2023, other centers in the pipeline, and further growth in our regional centers of Trinity@Bangkok, Trinity@Jakarta and Trinity@Melbourne, Lead Pastor Designate, Pastor Gerald Tan, exhorted us to ready ourselves for the increase!
1-2-3, Go, Go, Go!
he Holy Spirit moved powerfully in the Chapel as waves of children stepped forward in response to the altar call. It may have been the last day of Dinozopia, Children Ministry’s leadership camp, but for many of the 370 children, it was the start of a life dedicated to serving Christ in ways greater than before.
Based on the well-loved theme of dinosaurs, Dinozopia ran from December 5 to 9 –the Lower Primary camp on Days 1 and 2, and the Upper Primary camp on Days 3 to 5. The children played mass games and station games to help a professor recover missing dinosaurs. Energy was high from the get-go, and the children bonded well with new friends in their teams right after the first day. During the preteen camp, the P5s and P6s buddied with the younger P4s and ensured that they moved safely from station to station, and that the P4s understood the game rules.
From “classic” games such as ‘ Lava’ to high-touch, high-tech games like
laser tag, the variety of experiential games kept the children excited and the more competitive ones on their toes. The game with the most laughter was perhaps ‘The Dino Carpet’ where children enthusiastically used materials such as newspaper, masking tape, and straw to creatively transform their adult group leader into a dinosaur.
The anchor verse for the camp was Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” The children learnt that God gives them the ability to do things for His mandate and they can fearlessly make and bring friends to Christ, serve as leaders for God, and answer God’s call to serve in church.
The Holy Spirit’s move in the camp was evident as many Trinitarians and first-time visiting children (there were 11 of them) responded to altar calls and dedicated their Dinozopia has made an impact on the children who attended, and our prayers and hope for these young lives will continue.
Ernest, Michelle and Samantha Loke (P1, P5 & P6)
We learnt that we are different but we are all created by Jesus. We learnt that Barnabas is big hearted, an encourager and that he is also committed to Jesus.
We also learnt more about Barnabas and Paul’s life, and that leaders must work together with their team mates. Things that may be hard to do alone can be easier when we work together.
We liked that the pastors mixed people from different levels as camp mates as this meant that we had to work together as a team to get first place in camp.
Leigh-Ann (P3) and Hannah Kwek (P1)
We enjoyed helping out with the logistics and food. The games, such as Treasure Hunt, were very fun! We learnt that we are created in God’s image. We learnt about serving others, and how it is more fun to be with others than to be alone.
Auriel Ng (P1)
I learnt that we are God’s workmanship. I enjoyed the games the most, and I even learnt that it’s ok to lose!
Timothy and Shaun Chua (P6)
We learnt about the story of Barnabas and his values such as generosity and honesty. We enjoyed the games!!
By His grace, four of five First-Time Visitors (FTVs) gave their lives to God, two of whom even received the baptism of the Holy Spirit!
One of them, Genevive Keh, shared, “I saw how others acted after they accepted Christ. The way they love God so wholeheartedly and how God has helped them through their difficulties. It made me want to be able to experience that kind of relationship with God too.”
The camp kicked off with an announcement that Pastor Jonathan Foo would be taking the reins of the ministry from Pastor David Sashi as Pastor-in-Charge of IGNYTE. Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo and Lead Pastor Designate Gerald Tan were two of the camp speakers, who prayed over them to usher in a new season for the youths.
On days 2 and 3, campers played thrilling games filled with wacky challenges. This included covering different members
of the IGNYTE pastoral team in bags of flour and coaxing them into the refreshing waters of the resort’s swimming pool. The final mass game had campers in four factions build rockets. The activity was a reminder that we are called to go out and proclaim God’s truth like rockets being launched.
Rev Ong Sek Leang was the third camp speaker. All three speakers urged IGNYTErs to charge forward in the purpose God has set upon their lives and go forth for Him. In fact, on the first night, Rev Ong declared that this would be the “most prophetic generation of all generations in Trinity”.
This was quickly put into practice for Darren Yap, Tertiary Zone, as he took up the call to pray over his generation. “I went on stage because I felt like there was a calling. I doubted myself at first, but something stirred inside telling me to go forth.”
He was greatly impacted by the prophetic ministry workshop led by Pastor Gerald Tan and Pastor Faith Makinen. “For the longest time, I've doubted myself in hearing God's voice because I thought God wouldn't speak to me. But the workshop showed me that He is always speaking.”
Kyearn Tan, Secondary Zone, similarly had a powerful takeaway, “Pastor Gerald
preached about God having a purpose for us despite leading us to roads that we do not prefer. I think that really resonated with me as it’s important to understand that God does have a purpose for us no matter what path He brings us to.”
This workshop also brought Genevive Keh closer to those around her. She shared, “I tried speaking in tongues for the first time and wasn’t successful. However, many people around me constantly encouraged me to get the sounds out. It made me feel really loved by the community!”
Another workshop, led by Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Mavis Wong, Brother Carlos Escobar, and Sister Shanna Twang, dealt with real-world issues of holding godly standards in the face of changing worldly expectations, particularly in the areas of sexuality and gender identity.
Campers were greatly impacted by the third night’s service where every single one was prayed over by parent volunteers, adult leaders, and the pastoral team before being anointed with oil that represents the covering of God’s calling over their lives.
As we enter a new season, we have faith in the God who has chosen, consecrated, and commissioned us to GO forth for Him!
ampus Ministry gathered at Johor Bahru, Malaysia from December 28 to 30, for three power-packed days of encountering God and building team work. The theme of this year’s camp was New Grounds, anchored on Joshua 1:9:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua courageously took up the challenge of breaking new grounds in leading the people into the Promised Land, as he found faith and strength in God’s constant and abiding Presence. Like Joshua, the campus leaders were also challenged to break new grounds this year. In one of the sermons, Bringing Transformation, Sister Elisa Tan shared about how the apostle Peter moved out of his comfort zone to minister to the Gentiles, an unfamiliar group of people to him.
Sharing how this message resonated with her, Laura Tan from the Private University
Section, who recently became a Connect Group (CG) leader said, “Sister Elisa mentioned that we need to venture beyond our comfort zone, and we can do this only when we catch God’s heartbeat and are compelled by His call. Stepping up as a leader meant moving out of what I was comfortable with and taking on the responsibility to care for and disciple my CG.”
As the Holy Spirit spoke to different ones through the various sermons, God’s presence moved powerfully during the times of worship and prayer. As a symbolic act, the pastoral team anointed each leader with oil and prayed prophetically over them. Many received breakthroughs as truths were spoken over their lives.
Greatly encouraged, Daniel Chew from NUS shared, “God used Pastor Chong Lin to pray and minister to me. He prayed that God will use my hands. No matter how small or inadequate I feel my hands are, God will have the capacity to use me and all I have to do is look to Him.”
The leaders also had great fellowship and fun playing together. In the team running, painting, and even building a makeshift raft, some games simulated real-life situations and were designed to foster teamwork and learn how the body of Christ can work together.
Debbie Kwoh, who was a new Spiritual Parent, found the group activities helpful, “I am strong in some areas and weak in others. But instead of mulling over my weaknesses, I should focus on my strengths, because when every member in a CG comes together with their respective strengths, a CG becomes stronger.”
As the leaders received assurance and empowerment from God through the camp, Campus Ministry stands ready to obey God’s call to move into new grounds and win souls for His Kingdom.
First, we find Jesus offering “rest for your souls” (Matt 11:29). This is the offer of salvation by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9; Rom 6:23). This is not salvation by human effort through fastidiously observing the law. Nor is it salvation by merit or good works. This is salvation as a free gift that comes through the finished work of Jesus on the cross and through His resurrection. A salvation that is ours if we put our trust in Jesus as our Savior and Lord. How much easier can it get?
Salvation involves taking on Jesus’s yoke (Matt 11:29). The yoke is a frame meant to make it easier for an ox to bear a burden and weight. The people had been struggling under the heavy
yoke of slavery to the law (Gal 5:1 cf. Acts 15:10-11) and slavery to sin (Rom 6:6-7). Being yoked to Jesus delivers us from these burdens as Jesus fulfils the requirements of the law and provides forgiveness of our sins. If we ever think that following Jesus is difficult, we need to consider the consequences of not following Jesus.
Second, we see Jesus declaring “come to me” and “learn from me” (Matt 11:28-29). This is an invitation to enter into a personal relationship with Him. His invitation is not to embrace a set of teachings or to merely conform to a moral code. This stands in contrast to the legalistic demands and traditions imposed by the Pharisees (Matt 23:4). Their religion was meant to draw people to God, but it had only produced followers who were “weary and burdened.”
Following and obeying Jesus is easy because the Holy Spirit transforms us from the inside out (Phil 2:13). We do not do it on our own strength.
To be clear, Jesus does not free us from the moral obligations of the law. In fact, Jesus elevates the requirements beyond outward behavior to inner purity (Matt 5:21-48). The difference is that this obedience flows naturally out of our personal relationship with our Lord. As Michael Green describes,
[Jesus’s] yoke is gentle, but not in the sense that it is less demanding than Judaism. In some ways it is more demanding. But it is the yoke of love, not of duty. It is the response of the liberated, not the duty of the obligated. And that makes all the difference.1
Third, Jesus is described as “gentle and humble in heart” (Matt 11:29). Once again, an implicit comparison is being made between Jesus and the arrogant and compassionless Pharisees (Matt 23:4). Jesus often targeted these Pharisees and the teachers of the law for criticism and rebuke (Matt 23:4-6, 13-36). While the hypocritical Pharisees had an outward appearance of holiness, they were guilty of inner pride (Matt 23:5-7). Following Jesus was infinitely easier and more appealing than the way of the Pharisees.
Before we get carried away thinking that following Jesus is a life of ease and comfort, we must consider Jesus’ exhortation in Luke 14:25-33. Here, Jesus demands that we count the cost of discipleship and recognize the exigencies of following Him.
As Leon Morris observes, These words condemn all half-heartedness. Jesus is not, of course, discouraging discipleship. He is warning against an ill-considered, fainthearted attachment in order that those who follow him may know the real thing. He wants them to count the cost and reckon all lost for his sake so that they can enter the exhilaration of full-blooded discipleship.2
The Bible is clear: following Jesus is hard.
We find the cost of discipleship succinctly stated in Matt 16:24-25. Discipleship involves denying ourselves and carrying our crosses. Self-denial means putting God’s kingdom and priorities first. It entails pledging allegiance to Jesus as the Lord and master of
our lives and intentionally surrendering our choices and preferences. This is not selective asceticism but an all-encompassing surrender. The metaphor of the cross emphasizes the extent of this surrender. As a symbol of death, the cross connotes that we have died to ourselves and live only for Jesus. Following Jesus is hard because the cost of discipleship is high.
However, the promise in verse 25 is that when we renounce our right to life, we will then find the life we were truly meant to live. From this perspective, we pay a small price for a rich reward.
Earlier, we noted that the transforming work of the Holy Spirit makes it easy to follow Jesus. Godliness comes from the work of the Spirit and not through human effort. The hard part is yielding to the process of transformation. In John 15:1-2, Jesus says that the Father prunes us so that
When we renounce our right to life, we will then find the life we were truly meant to live.2 Leon Morris, Luke, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988), 254.
we can bear more spiritual fruit. This pruning process is beneficial but painful. Likewise in Gal 5:13-26, Paul exhorts us to walk by the Spirit and crucify the flesh. In Gal 2:20, crucifixion is something done to the believer.
However, in Gal 5:24, the crucifixion is something done by the believer. This is the daily, intentional, putting to death of our sinful desires and choosing the way of the Holy Spirit. It involves hard work and requires conscious effort, but produces eternal rewards.
It is both easy and hard to follow Jesus. It might seem paradoxical at first, but on careful reflection, we see that both perspectives are true.
In conclusion, there are two responses we should make on our journey of life.
First, we should turn to our Helper (John 14:16). We have a divine Paraclete who is our advocate-comforter-counselor. We are to live the adventure
of faith in the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.
Second, we should be a helper (1 Thess 5:11; Matt 22:39).
Journeys are difficult when we make them alone.
Thankfully, God gives us a spiritual family to support us, encourage us, and spur us on (Acts 2:42-47; Col 3:12-17).
Let us all do our part to help each other and turn a hard trek into an easy trip.
Rev Dr Dennis Lum (Ph.D.) is the President of TCA College and has been involved in theological education for more than 15 years. He is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and serves as a pastor at Trinity Christian Centre. His teaching and interests are in Pentecostal-Charismatic studies, practical theology, and homiletics. He is passionate about growing believers in heart, mind, and spirit.
To Ps Dominic Yeo, Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre, Lead Pastor Designate, Ps Gerald Tan, the Board, All Pastors & Ministerial Staff, and all staff of the church.
Thank you for leading a great church and expanding the kingdom of God. We wish to express our gratitude for navigating church life through a protracted pandemic that affected all spheres of our lives in making sure every member is reached.
We are so blessed here at Trinity. We stopped to reflect on the enormous time and the tremendous effort spent on planning and prayer to make strategic decisions that affected each staff, each pastor and each congregant.
We functioned like regular church despite onsite restrictions. Most programs continued as you navigated them with the wisdom of God for which we are grateful.
We can imagine it could sometimes get scary for the pastors, staff and their families, as you serve amongst us at the start of the pandemic. But you persisted.
The greatest implementation was probably the weeknight services which ran for fourteen months. It was indeed a bold and unprecedented move.
When restrictions were relaxed, you fearlessly conducted services to the maximum capacity allowed. This is yet another statement of faith. The extent of your reach to each one is simply incredible. We can't thank God enough.
You have obviously not been intimidated and deterred by the inconvenience caused by the pandemic. The anticipation of impending measures often sent leadership scrambling to accommodate change in onsite setting. The logistical nightmare that operated swiftly to accommodate this was impressively unsurpassed.
You persevered through it all. The position you took has been inspiring. As Pastors, you walk the talk and set an example that challenge our faith. We are amazed at your conviction and
tenacity towards the work of God. It is heartening and inspiring to see the pastors and staff rallying around the vision of the church.
We stand in awe for all that God is doing in the church and anticipate more of the move of God. Returning to church on location is such a privilege that we hope each one of us won't take for granted.
We can't imagine how much more we can achieve in this Decade of Expansion when the second centre will be opened soon and a third one coming.
Our hearts are so full of thanksgiving and gratitude to God for the church in which He has placed us. We are praying for the church, its leadership, all pastoral staff and the church office.
We are anticipating a revival in Trinity and look forward to a great harvest with exponential growth that'll fill all our three centres.
To all pastors, ministerial staff and even ministry interns, you have been magnanimous in the giving of yourselves to the work of God.
We appreciate you for your tireless and sacrificial service in doing a job that is often taken for granted. We can only pray for God richest blessings to be upon you and yours. Your reward is awaiting you at the end of the race.
Thank you for faithfully serving in and out of season. May both your personal and corporate ministry flourish.
Ps Dom, thank you for your leadership for the past 17 years and we bless and release you to greater things that God would do through you. Ps Gerald, you are God's chosen in this leadership transition. We pray for greater wisdom and anointing as you lead us to the expansion of God''s Kingdom.
Praying for your family too for releasing you to serve the Lord. May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart!
We love and honor you!
December 30, 2022