In this special edition, we celebrate the second Change of Command that took place on Sunday, March 12, 2023. The historical significance of this leadership succession was celebrated in a meaningful three-hour ceremony, which we have undertaken to document a glimpse of in the rest of the pages.
Leadership successions in Trinity have always been about honoring the leaders and preparing the church to grow from strength to strength. Trinity has been blessed to see two Change of Command Ceremonies take place — one in 2005 and now in 2023. We thank God for His faithfulness upon our church and we look forward to the new and great things He will do in the days ahead. To God be the glory!
Keep loving God passionately, serving Him zealously.
The next chapter has begun for Trinity. It’s another of tuning in to the Lord’s leading and fulfilling His plans for us in the days ahead.
This is the church’s second such ceremony –the first was on March 10, 2005 when Pastor Naomi Dowdy passed the leadership baton to Pastor Dom. For those of us who were present then, the 18 years have flown by – too fast and too soon. It is no wonder then that while we celebrate, there were tears aplenty all across the Sanctuary.
These were tears of pride and thanksgiving, of how God enabled our first national Lead Pastor to grow the church and multiply in Singapore and three other countries (Australia, Indonesia and Thailand), and of leaving a greater global impact.
It was apt that Apostle Les Bowling, who preached during that 2005 handover, was also the speaker this time round. He commended Pastor Dowdy on that healthy transition and Pastor Dominic on his fruitfulness and running the church well.
He exhorted Pastor Gerald as “generation next” and that great and powerful things are ahead of him with the best yet to come. Standing on shoulders of giants of faith Pastor Gerald first came to Trinity in 1989. He was part of the youth group that saw Trinity’s nomadic days from worshipping in different buildings to finally owning our first piece of property at Adam Road.
A son of the house, Pastor Gerald answered his full-time call and served faithfully in his appointments as Youth Pastor, District Pastor and Executive Pastor from 1998 to 2011. His prophetic ministry is well received in many countries including Colombia. He has also taught extensively in Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia.
From 2011 to 2018, Pastor Gerald served as Senior Pastor of a local AG church in Singapore. Pastor Gerald is married to Pastor Audrey. Together, they have two children – Davian and Evanny – who are actively serving the Lord.
“First of all, I thank God for His call and allowing me to serve Him in this position. Thank you, Pastor Dom and the board for your confidence and trusting me with this appointment. Trinity is an awesome church with a great legacy. The ministry and impact of this church reaches to many nations. God has entrusted much to us by His grace. He has blessed us with great leaders that have served with distinction,” he said.
“Today, as I receive this mantle to lead Trinity, I step not into the proverbial shoes of the great spiritual giants who came before me, but instead, I stand on the shoulders of these giants of faith – to continue building upon the foundations that have been laid,” he added.
I stand on the shoulders of these giants of faith to continue building upon the foundations that have been laid.
- Lead Pastor Gerald TanPastor Gerald Tan’s first address as Lead Pastor Rev Ong Sek Leang making a prophetic declaration over Pastor Gerald and his family
Pastor Dom, who was Pastor Gerald’s Youth Pastor, led the church through different financial crises, including the global economic slowdown in the 2000s and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Under his leadership, Trinitarians continued to give extravagantly despite the challenging times. God’s continued divine favor and provision saw the redevelopment of Trinity@Adam and the building of Trinity@Choa Chu Kang, which is slated to be ready later this year.
Nationally and internationally, Pastor Dom became General Superintendent of AG Singapore in 2010 and was instrumental in setting up the Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in Singapore. Pastor Dom also serves on boards/committees in World Assemblies of God Fellowship, Asia-Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship and the Pentecostal World Fellowship. “Eighteen years have gone by fast
and furious. In these 18 years, I must truly thank God, my Heavenly Father, without whom I would not have been able to do all that I have done in and through Trinity,” said Pastor Dom.
He pointed out that Pastor Gerald was chosen to take over because of his endearing and impeccable integrity, his spirituality as a man of God who fears the Lord and not men, his prophetic office, and his testimony as a husband, father and son to his parents.
Following the change of command, Pastor Dom has transited to the role of Ambassador-at-Large of Trinity. He will represent Trinity to build and grow ministries and churches worldwide. He will help to open doors for the planting of new regional centers as well as mission opportunities through his international connections in the church world.
Besides Trinitarians, many pastors and leaders from Singapore and around the world were present at the Change of Command Ceremony
“Pastor Dom, well done for your 18 years as Lead Pastor. We can see your efforts, strengths and energy over these 18 years –always trying to do your very best. I believe that Pastor Dom is going to witness to the small and great all the days of your life,” said Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Founder of United Denominations.
“As you [Pastor Dom] move into this new role as Ambassador-at-Large, I know that God will empower you. He will continue to lead you from strength to strength from glory to glory, and then use you in this global stage to make a greater influence and impact,” said Rev Simon Ang, Assistant Superintendent of AG Singapore.
“Pastor Dom has taken Trinity to greater heights with a vision and faith,” said Rev David Mohan, Acting Chairman of World Assemblies of God Fellowship.
“I believe in what you are doing as you release Pastor Dom to be involved in even greater ways globally. Over the next 10 years, we are going to see churches planted in multiplied fashion around the world,” said Dr David Wells, Vice Chairman of Pentecostal World Fellowship.
“I served under the leadership of the last two seasons under Pastor Dowdy and Pastor Dominic and I witnessed God’s tremendous grace through them. I believe that God has chosen you [Pastor Gerald] as the point man for the next season ahead. May the Lord use your prophetic edge to raise the next generation of Trinitarians and continue the legacy of this house in our nation,” said Rev Dr Wilson Teo, Senior Pastor of Grace Assembly of God.
The next chapter has begun for Trinity. It’s another of tuning in to the Lord’s leading and fulfilling His plans for us in the days ahead.
“I am calling for all of us to arise in greater faith and unity in this very special and significant time in our church’s history. Let us grow together like never before and be discipled strongly in our lives and family. Let us build our three regional centres and more, and all the overseas regional centers that we have.
“Keep loving God passionately, serving Him zealously. Keep expanding His vision for the so much more that God would lead us to,” our new Lead Pastor Gerald charged Trinitarians.
I am calling for all of us to arise in greater faith and unity, to keep loving God passionately, serving Him zealously. Keep expanding His vision for the so much more that God would lead us to.
- Lead Pastor Gerald Tan
Always walk in your call (John 15:16)
A call to pray and intimacy with God – always hear and know the heart of the Father.
Build Trinity as a prophetic voice to the nation and the nations of the world.
A symbol of the Prophet’s Office, the eagle is a representation of Pastor Gerald as the Prophet-pastor of this house!
Scan to watch the full Change of Command Ceremony
(March 12, 2023)
I was moved to see how Trinity has grown over the years – from the early days of the missionaries, to Pastor Dowdy, then to Pastor Dom, and now to Pastor Gerald.
Thank you Pastor Dom, for your years of service to this house. Thank you Pastor Gerald, for accepting the mantle to lead us.
An exciting new chapter for Trinity under the leadership of Pastor Gerald has begun. With his prophetic unction, and apostolic heart for God and His people, I believe that Trinity will see unprecedented increase this year.
My prayer is that Trinitarians will hunger for and receive the unprecedented increase expectantly, and use it to bless Singapore and the world.
I was deeply touched while witnessing the leadership succession, and how Trinity was built from ground zero to becoming a global church with global impact. Under Pastor Gerald’s leadership, I look forward to see Trinity continuing to expand her influence to reach more people. Pastor Dom has laid a strong foundation for this generation, and I pray that Pastor Gerald will continue his legacy to build a strong church for the next generation.
I was overwhelmed by the vibrant atmosphere of the ceremony, and very touched by the various words of encouragement and congratulations from various pastors from different countries. Their words were very inspiring. Indeed, I pray that Trinity will continue to thrive and reach out to those in need of encouragement in this lost world.
Under Pastor Gerald’s leadership, I hope to see more breakthroughs in the lives of Trinitarians.
It was very exciting to see the presentation of gifts from Pastor Dom to Pastor Gerald. They were such meaningful gifts. I am also looking forward to see the expansion of our church, both locally and overseas.
To Pastor Gerald, we are happy that you are our Lead Pastor. Please know that we will always be
JOSHUA LEE MARKETING EXECUTIVE, TRINITARIAN FOR 26 YEARSI really enjoyed the ceremony! I thank God for His faithfulness in leading Pastor Dom these past 18 years.
To Pastor Gerald, may I encourage you to focus on this season that God has planned for you, and not look at what He has done in the past.
It was truly a momentous occasion with much spiritual significance. What an act of thanksgiving and consecration as we honor our outgoing leader and affirm the new one in the presence of God.
This is my second time witnessing the Change of Command in Trinity, and I feel so proud to be a Trinitarian. It is an honor to be part of a house with a strong legacy of godly leadership.
God’s presence was so strong during the service and I am really thankful to God for our amazing leaders. It is a new season for the church and I am excited to see how God will bring unprecedented increase in IGNYTE.
To Pastor Gerald, as you step into this new leadership position, I pray that you will grow in your walk with God. I also want to assure you that you will never walk alone!
Through this leadership succession, I see God’s promise for Trinity – that He will never leave nor forsake us. Thus, both the leadership and laity can be confident that God will always fulfil His promises to Trinity, for this generation and the generations to come.
To Pastor Gerald, it is not by your might nor strength, but by the Holy Spirit. May God supply you with infinite strength, wisdom and everything you need to lead the church.
“I am so grateful that what began as a small thing, watered through the years, has become a wonderful work for the whole world,”
1970: Missionaries from the Assemblies of God, America, the Staffords started Trinity at 2 Hillcrest Road.
KNOWN FOR: Starting and building churches; they were sent to Vietnam after they left Singapore.
YEARS IN TRINITY: 1 (1970-1971)
July 1971: The Staffords handed the young church over to the Busbys, who were another set of missionary pastors.
Grounding the church in the Word of God where more young people continued to attend Trinity; these young people became Trinity's core group of members and workers.
YEARS IN TRINITY: 4 years (1971 – 1974)
ACTIVE IN MINISTRY: Became a missionary in 1966, more than 40 years of dynamic missionary service.
KNOWN FOR: Their faithful ministry and the rapid growth in Trinity that led to the church's relocation to Hotel Equatorial.
YEARS IN TRINITY: 2 years (1974 – 1976)
ACTIVE IN MINISTRY: More than 50 years
KNOWN FOR: Being the first female senior pastor of a megachurch, whose leadership brought forth Trinity's mission of winning, nurturing and discipling.
YEARS IN TRINITY AS SENIOR PASTOR: 29 years (1976 – 2005)
“When we give to the nations, God will build our house.”
YEARS AS LEAD PASTOR: 18 (2005 – 2023)
SERVED ON /AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS: General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Singapore
“My prayer for Trinity was not for a large church but a strong church.”
Since 1985, 38 years
KNOWN FOR: His visionary and strategic leadership – he mentors senior pastors in the areas of spiritual and organizational leadership and provides consultations to churches, helping them to experience transformation and break into new levels of growth.
Founding member & Co-Chairman of The Alliance of Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches of Singapore
Chairman of the Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship
Secretary of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship
Member of the Advisory Council of the Pentecostal World Fellowship
Scan to watch how God built Trinity through the generations
Since 1994, 29 years
Being a strategic leader and mentor to many pastors and church leaders. His ministry is marked by an unrelenting passion for God, for His church and for souls. He carries with him a powerful prophetic anointing and is a dynamic and gifted preacher that releases the kairos word of the Lord.
Since 1989 District Pastor
Accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Started attending Trinity
Joined Trinity as staff
Started TCA studies
Became Youth Pastor
Became District Pastor
Sent to pastor a local AG church
Returned to Trinity as Director of Pastoral Ministry
Appointed as Lead Pastor Designate
Became Lead Pastor on March 12
As a church, we have reached many milestones together. Year after year, the prophetic words released carried us through and we emerged stronger and more mature in Christ. These prophetic words that we have embraced in faith have allowed God to fulfill his purpose through Trinity. See how Trinity Christian Centre has grown under Pastor Dominic’s leadership in the past 18 years.
Rev Dominic Yeo appointed as first National Lead Pastor on March 10, 2005
“Let’s create a Trinitarian Experience so everyone who comes into the church can encounter God and be transformed.”
Launch of annual Life Conference
First service (Watchnight) held at Trinity@Paya Lebar’s new 1,000-seat Chapel
TCA renamed to TCA College –becoming a multidisciplinary college
1 Church, 2 Centers, 3-nitarians –Trinity multiplied to two centers
Trinitarian Experience enhanced with the “Care and Connect” culture
Certificate of Cell-Based Ministry became the Ministry Internship program
Family Day Carnival
Walk raised $22,000 for MacPherson Secondary School
“God is about to do something new in your life! This will be a year of new beginnings for you; a year of experiencing new life, dominion and authority, provision.”
Launched LIFE Fund, Jobs Connection, and InfoTalks for retrenched individuals
Donated $100,000 to the South East Community Development Council for needy families
IGNYTE charity concert
I Have A Lot! raised over $222,000 for The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund
DiscoveryLand services
First service
(Family Christmas) held in Trinity@Paya Lebar’s new 3,000-seat Sanctuary – Trinity@Paya Lebar
Dedication of Trinity@Paya Lebar at Trinity’s 40th anniversary
Trinity entered Singapore Book of Records for biggest birthday card and most number of people reading a book
Pastor Dominic appointed as
• General Superintendent
– The Assemblies of God of Singapore
• Executive Committee
Member – National Council of Churches, Singapore
• General Secretary –Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship
1 2nd b4 <3 – IGNYTE’s first movie production
“God promises us in turbulent times with 6 Ps of abundant living: Prosperity, Posterity, Provision, Plenteous Supply, Physical Wholeness, and Productive Restoration. To enter into abundant living, there are two things we need to do: to love God with all of our heart, soul, might, and mind; and to love our neighbor.”
Trinity@Paya Lebar fully paid off
Pastor Dominic appointed as • Executive Council Member – World Assemblies of God Fellowship
• Advisory Council Member – Pentecostal World Fellowship
Re-launch of Campus Ministry
Launch of Japanese Ministry
First Pastors’ Conference
TENet restructured to Leaders’ Empowerment and Discipleship (LEAD)
Held weekly God-Encounter Meetings
Leaders entered a season of retraining
Launch of Spanish Ministry
Pastor Dominic appointed as Chairman – Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship
“2010 is a year where we celebrate 40 years of God’s faithfulness. The faithfulness of God in these last 40 years is poured upon us so that we can share it with the world around us. Let us get ready to pass the blessing!"
“You can become a Moses of your day when you step into your place of Preparation to receive the Providence of God, where He positions you to receive the Promise of Possession so that you are blessing to the people around you.”
“Breakthroughs do not happen simply because you are faithful. Breakthrough only comes when we take a quantum leap to believe God for something bigger, something greater than ourselves.”
“We are to live as anointed ones. We are to do the work of proclamation: freedom, good news, liberty, recovery, release, and the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Trinitarians engaged on social media in the #Jubilee50K Challenge
Hosted His Life the Musical in partnership with Promise Ministries International (USA)
Re-launch of Carecells
Launch of Ministry and Mentoring (M2) Program
“To know God means to be aligned with God. To do great exploits is the assignment.”
Trinity@Adam closed for redevelopment
Launch of the Silver Force
Start of Decade of Expansion
Trinity hosted 8th triennial World Assemblies of God Congress
Launch of Spanish Ministry
Launch of Trinity@Bukit Batok
Launch of Trinity@Jakarta – first overseas regional center
I Am a Star –Language Ministry’s first combined production
Pastor Dominic appointed as
• Secretary – World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF)
• Chairman – WAGF Commission on Sexual Exploitation, Slavery, and Trafficking
• Chairman – Alliance of Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches of Singapore
“If we are to move forward, we must do so in faith, with courage, and a desire to journey with God. My prayer is that each of us will stand up and say, “Spirit of God, we need you!””
Launch of Trinity@Bangkok
First local church plant –Risen Christian Assembly
Launch of streaming service (via Facebook Live)
40 years, 40 nations, 4,000 students –TCA College celebrated 40th anniversary Carecells matured into Connect Groups
“This year, God wants to take us to another level through a season of enlarging, stretching, lengthening, and strengthening. To all these, you and I must come back to the basics of faith, foundation, and formation.” 2019
LEAD restructured to Trinity Academy
COLORS – IGNYTE’s first outdoor evangelistic production
Launch of Trinity@Orchard
Launch of Trinity@CBD
Land for Trinity@Choa
Chu Kang purchased
“In this year of building our faith life, it’s important that we understand the power of our words. Instead of speaking words of death, we must make conscious and consistent efforts to speak the word of God – words of life. We must learn to declare in ways that will bring us to our destiny.”
Missions endeavors span 60 nations in 6 continents
Launch of Trinity@Melbourne
Launch of Trinity Broadcast
First Broadcast Life Conference
Trinity celebrated 50th anniversary with online events and $500,000 donation to 5 community organizations
Launched ‘Operation Restart’ as COVID-19 regulations relaxed.
Introduced Weekday Services – a different theme everyday: Miracle Monday
Bible Study Tuesday
Prophetic Prayer Wednesday
Walking in the Word Thursday
Fabulous Friday
Chinese Ministry presented their first Christmas short film, Crossing Over
“Pressing on is a movement, it’s a movement upwards, it’s a movement inwards, it’s a movement forward. We have to press onward, from the shallow things to the deeper things of God. You cannot stay here if you want to move to the next platform, church. Pressing on requires growth to maturity.”
“When we receive God’s prophetic word, we must do more than listen, we must align our hearts and actions. You and I must become people of action by living out God’s prophetic word in and through our lives.”
“The restoration of God is about God taking something old and reshaping it to something better. I want to declare there is a restoration of life. God is restoring families and marriages. God will repay, God will restore.”
Life Conference held on-site after 3 years
Pastor Dominic named Pastor Gerald as next Lead Pastor
Trinity@Adam reopened after closing 6 years for redevelopment
Hosted Pastors Conference after a four-year hiatus due to COVID-19 pandemic March 12: Rev Gerald Tan was commissioned as Lead Pastor at the Change of Command Ceremony
“Building upon that which God has restored, this year, God wants to take us to the next level by bringing us into an Unprecedented Increase.”
Dear Pastor, precious to us. Your efforts are seen by us. And we are just saying thanks. We love you,we thank you, we really appreciate you.
We are standing on the threshold of history! Eighteen years have gone by so quickly as we pursued the vision that God gave us. Over the last 18 years, a strong team of ministers has been raised and is ready for the Lord’s deployment.
I can still vividly remember taking over from Pastor Dowdy in 2005. Of course, two years prior to that she had me run most of the church operations, handling all the pastoral duties, just to allow me to understand what is needed to steer an ocean liner like Trinity. I can still recall praying not for a megachurch but a strong church. That Trinity will be a church strong in the Spirit of God, strong in the Word of God, and strong in covenant relationships. God has answered that prayer as He has done just that in all of us today.
I thank Pastor Dowdy for entrusting Trinity Christian Centre to me after her
last 30 years of leadership in which she took a church of 300 and grew Trinity into a megachurch, Singapore’s first mega church!
Pastor Dowdy handed me a church with very strong and godly foundation. A foundation which I never had to excavate and rebuild. Trinity’s DNA has always been one of raising and training ministers for the harvest. With that DNA, Pastor Dowdy started TCA College that has impacted more than 40 nations through the empowering of ministers.
Pastor, thank you for believing in me and others like me who are late bloomers. Thank you for taking me on those missions trips where many late nights, hours of feedback, and discipleship took place so that I can understand what it takes to be able to help churches and be the commander of Trinity.
Thank you for walking in dynamic faith that demonstrated to me what it means to
minister in faith. Thank you for establishing Trinity as a cell-based church so that we will always be a church without walls. You’ve taught us to be kingdom-minded as you moved Trinity into the missions arena and helped us understand that we are blessed to be a blessing as we sowed our missions-giving to building and strengthening the global church.
Thank you, Pastor, for really believing in me and being my cheerleader, cheering me onward and upward. I will always remember your words of wisdom given to me when I first took over as Lead Pastor of Trinity – not to wear your shoes, but to wear my own shoes that God has designed for me.
In the same way to Pastor Gerald who is the new Lead Pastor of Trinity, he will not need to wear my shoes but the shoes that God has designed for him.
I want to thank the past and present set of Board of Directors. Thank you for joining me in steering Trinity into becoming a global church with multiple centers, global reach and kingdom impact. Your collective wisdom and co-leadership with me in providing good corporate governance has enabled Trinity to have strong integrity and credibility.
To all the wonderful pastors, administrative and technical staff of Trinity, thank you for making me and Trinity look really good. Each of you has provided relentless support and possess great excellence in your drive to make Trinity a great church.
Your love for the greater body of Christ is seen as each of you serve this house wholeheartedly. I want to say I love you guys and thank you for standing with me all these years. Even when the vision of Kingdom Expansion felt overwhelmingly large, I thank you all for running this race of Kingdom Expansion with joy and commitment with me.
I can still recall praying that Trinity will be a church strong in the Spirit of God, strong in the Word of God, and strong in covenant relationships. God has answered that prayer as He has done just that in all of us today.
I want to appreciate my dear wife, Chin Inn and my wonderful children, Natalie and Matthaeus. Thank you for understanding the demands of the call. You’ve endured countless late nights in ministry, as well as my absence from most of our Saturday family gatherings. Thank you for releasing me fully to serve God and this house. Our home front has always been a warm welcome for me because of each of you.
Dearest Chin Inn, you have been my greatest supporter and prayer warrior, and I look forward to how God will continue to use us for Kingdom Expansion.
Pastor Gerald has been affirmed by me, the leadership team of Trinity and the Board of Directors to take over the leadership of Trinity Christian Centre.
I first met Pastor Gerald at the tender age of 15 when he invited Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. At a youth camp, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and his full-time call. When he was 21 years old, he rejected a university scholarship to obey God’s call upon his life. Since then, Pastor Gerald has studied at TCA College, come onboard staff at Trinity, met his wife Pastor Audrey, formed a family, and together they are serving the Lord.
His obedience and surrender have allowed the Lord to use Him in countless ways. Pastor Gerald served as a youth pastor, district pastor, on the leadership team, and has raised many men and women of destiny. He has also led teams into the missions field as well as ministered in many churches across the globe and pastored a local AG church.
Pastor Gerald carries a strong apostolic and prophetic anointing. He is a lover of Jesus, a son of the house.
He has been selected firstly because of his enduring and impeccable integrity in his life. Secondly, Pastor Gerald is a great man of God who fears the Lord and not men. Thirdly, his anointing in the prophetic office is evident and that is important as it will continue to point the way forward for Trinity. Fourthly, his testimony as a husband,
a father to his children and son to his parents has been exemplary. Finally, Pastor Gerald has distinguished competencies in the various skillsets that are in alignment to the corporate skillset of this house.
As you take on the Lead Pastor role of Trinity, you will have my deepest and strongest commitment to pray for you and be available for you. Know that I will stand and walk with you because I believe you should never walk alone.
What a joy for me to be able to commission you in my capacity as not only the outgoing Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre, but also as the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God Singapore.
As a pastor of pastors, I declare an apostolic anointing upon you in an ever greater and increasing measure. Reverend Gerald, as Lead Pastor at Trinity Christian Center, you are called to lead the pastors, leaders and this local congregation, as well as the Overseas Regional Centers, to proclaim the Gospel and reach the lost in Singapore and beyond.
You are to lead Trinity to fulfill Vision 2.0 that God will put into your heart. May God bring an unprecedented increase to the prophetic anointing that is already upon you to bless individuals, families, churches, and even nations. Possessing the heart of a pastor, may you shepherd with integrity of heart to care for, equip, and grow this local congregation as well as those in Trinity’s Overseas Regional Centers.
May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you as you teach and preach His Word with sharp insight and deep wisdom that exceed your years. Let the anointing of the five-fold ministry, that of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher rest upon you. Amen.
Gerald, may God bring an unprecedented increase to the prophetic anointing that is already upon you to bless individuals, families, churches, and even nations.
Pastor Dom, we love you so much. You have touched our lives and our lives are bigger because of you. Our churches have changed and have bigger reach because of you. We thank you for your apostolic input and impartation of faith. We thank you for your friendship, for you and your beautiful wife, Chin Inn. We love you. We thank Trinity for releasing Pastor Dom and other ministers for the times when they have been with us. Your brunches truly have gone over the walls and you are changing the world so we want to say thank you.
Pastor Dom, part of who you are and what you do is you raise spiritual sons, daughters and leaders. We see that in our own lives and in our churches. But to be present here (in Change of Command ceremony) and see it profoundly in your own house is a truly beautiful thing. And we honor you for that. We are excited for your next season as you continue to do what you do. The Lord will truly enlarge your portion. We know the Lord has
so much more for you and God is going to take you forth from here in official and unofficial roles of influence and change.
Pastor Gerald, we love this house and we love you. We honor you. We honor not only the gift of leadership and the prophetic gift that is on your life. We got to see a little glimpse of all that you carry on what is in you. We love your heart more than anything. We are cheering you on and we are praying for you. We know that God has appointed you and anointed you for this season to lead this incredible world-changing house to the greater impact ahead in this nation, and to the nations of the earth. You are going to go from faith to faith and strength to strength and wisdom to wisdom.
Pastor Martin Storey Senior Pastor, CLM ChurchOn behalf of our church in Spain and especially my family, you are a special people for Spain and Europe. I believe that your ministry and the church is an example for the children of the world. Since 2011 when my wife and I met Pastor Dominic in New York, I have seen a wonderful connection between Spain and Singapore.
It was a special connection. At the same time, a prophetic and fraternal relationship arose between our ministry and Trinity. I am sure we will continue to grow stronger in this new stage not only with Pastor Dominic, but also with Pastor Gerald and this church.
Once again, congratulations and thank you very much for making it possible for Trinity to be present in Spain and the hearts of all ministries and family. Before closing, I want to give a word to Trinity, Pastor Dominic and Pastor Gerald from John 1:50-51. From now on, you will walk under open skies and you will see greater things than you have experienced until now. God bless.
Rev Juan Carlos Escobar General Superintendent, Federation of the Assemblies of God of SpainOn behalf of the Assemblies of God in Singapore, I want to congratulate Pastor Gerald for taking on the mantle as the Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre. Know that as you begin this new chapter, heavenly hosts will accompany you on this new responsibility. Under your prophetic leadership, Trinity will continue to grow from strength to strength.
God will continue to use you mightily and powerfully in this church and in the nations around you. As AG Singapore, we look forward to continue serving together with you.
And to Pastor Dominic, we send you our best wishes to transit to be the Ambassador-at-large. Under your strategic and visionary leadership, Trinity has grown from strength to strength. You have overseen the building of your wonderful campus,
Trinity@Paya Lebar, the rebuilding of Trinity@Adam, and the construction of another campus in the West, Trinity@Choa Chu Kang. Through you, Trinity launched Trinity Broadcast TV three amazing regional churches in Jakarta, Bangkok, and Melbourne.
As you move into this new role as the Ambassador-at-large, God will empower you and lead you from strength to strength, glory to glory. God will you on this global stage to make a greater influence and impact. And as your favorite quote goes, “You will never walk alone!”
Rev Simon Ang Assistant General Superintendent, Assemblies of God SingaporePastor Dominic, thank you for your leadership in Trinity for the last 18 years. What a journey! I have seen the growth of Trinity under your leadership. And I have also learned so much from you during the three decades of my life in Trinity. Not many will understand the heavy demand in leading Trinity, yet you have done so well to lead her to where she is today.
Evelyn and I rejoice with you and Chin Inn. We rejoice with you over your establishment. We wish you all the best as you embark on a next exciting journey ahead of you.
Pastor Dominic, may the Lord expand your ministry into the nations and use you as His voice among kingdom leaders. May God use your voice to build His Kingdom. As you follow the Holy Spirit's leadership, with Chin Inn next to you, you will never walk alone.
Pastor Gerald, Evelyn and I congratulate you on assuming the Lead Pastor role in Trinity. Watching you from the side for the last 30 over years. I fondly remember our Certificate of Pastoral Ministry days.
It's a great joy for me to congratulate Pastor Gerald Tan for taking over the leadership of Trinity from Pastor Dominic. In 2005, I witnessed the handing over of leadership of Pastor Naomi Dowdy to Pastor Dominic. You have taken Trinity to greater heights with the vision and faith that God has placed in you and the nations have been impacted.
In the same way, God's anointing will come upon Pastor Gerald. God will bless you as He takes up this charge
We were the guinea pigs. But look where the guinea pigs are today!
I am confident that the Lord has prepared you for this important role in this house. It is a role that requires boldness, vision and a heart for God's purpose. Pastor Gerald, you have all these attributes to lead Trinity for the next season. Every season requires the right leader. I served under the leadership of the last two seasons, Pastor Dowdy and Pastor Dominic, and I witnessed God's tremendous grace through them. I believe that God has chosen you to be the point man for the next season ahead. May the Lord use your prophetic edge to raise the next generation of Trinitarians and continue the legacy of this house in the nations.
Cheering you and Audrey on! Amen.
Rev Dr Wilson Teo Senior Pastor, Grace Assembly of Godtoday and the presence of God will go before you. The anointing of the Holy Spirit will increase in your life and the gifts of the Holy Spirit will operate with great vision to touch the next generation. May the Lord's blessing be upon you and your family.
Rev David Mohan Acting Chairman, World Assemblies of God FellowshipI have the honor to work with Pastor Dominic as the chairman of Asia-Pacific Assembly of God Fellowship. I have seen how God has anointed him and use him so mightily for His Kingdom. Pastor Dom has been maximizing his God-given gift and has been so fruitful and effective in his ministries. He is like a brother, a teacher not only to me, but to other pastors in Asia-Pacific Assembly of God Fellowship.
Every time we need any advice, he is always available to help us. On behalf of the Assemblies of God Vietnam, we want to thank you Pastor Dominic. You are such a strong warrior, a strong tower and a source of blessing for other churches in Asia. We can learn from
you and lean on you. Congratulations on accomplishing your role.
Congratulations on finding such a wonderful successor, Rev Gerald. I believe that God will use you even greater in more countries that you have never step into. May the double portion of the anointing of the prophet Elijah be on you that you would do even greater things in your ministry. God bless you.
Rev Samuel Duong General Superintendent, Vietnam Assemblies of GodPastor Gerald, congratulations from Metro Tabernacle, the Assemblies of God of Malaysia and the Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship. It has been a joy to serve along with you. I remember serving together with Dr Naomi Dowdy and you in Colombia over a span of 10 years. You have a very, very strong spirit. And it is my prayer that you continue to keep that spirit strong. I have also known you to be a very gentle and tender man and I encourage you to keep that spirit sweet.
With this Change of Command, there is a new voice in Trinity Christian Centre, a new voice in the Asia Pacific and around the world.
I have had the privilege of knowing Pastor Dominic for 34 years now. Congratulations, more work awaits you! Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for loving me and my family
as well as Metro Tabernacle. I am sure you will do very, very well. You have a very strong unique combination of audacious faith, a strong strategic mind, and also a strong prophetic anointing. Not many leaders have that kind of a combination. We are very excited for you in this next chapter. The Assemblies of God worldwide and the body of Christ need a man like you. Our prayer for you is that God will expand you, extend you and continue to use you powerfully.
Rev Ong Sek Leang Vice-Chairman, Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship General Superintendent, Assemblies of God of MalaysiaOn behalf of the Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches here in Singapore. We would like to congratulate you, Pastor Gerald, on your appointment as Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre. Trinity Christian Centre is not just a local church. It is a global church with a global influence and reach. I know you are stepping into a very large pair of shoes, but I know that you are not only going to do a great job, but you are going to carry the vision even further.
Pastor Dominic, I want you to know that we love you very much. You are such an iconic leader, one of the strongest visionaries that I have known in my life. You have laid an amazing
foundation in Trinity. And I believe that this next generation of leadership is going to carry your vision even further.
So, on behalf of the Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches here in Singapore, one more time, we would like to congratulate you, Pastor Gerald, on your new appointment. We are excited to collaborate with you, and we know that the best is yet to be. Congratulations.
Rev Yang Tuck Yoong Chairman, Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches of Singapore Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Community ChurchPastor Dominic, we honor you and thank God for you and for all that He has done through you. Pastor Dominic, you are not stepping into anything new because what you have done with us in Kenya, our over 5,000 pastors don't want to let you go. You have lit a fire among us. We are looking forward to 10,000 churches by 2033. Africa Assemblies of God will be with you, lighting a fire to do another 70,000 churches by 2033. Your work has been cut out and we look forward to what God will do.
Pastor Gerald, your smile is so contagious. You are an amazing man. The first time I was told about you, I was wondering, “who is Gerald?” That moment I saw you, your smile has always remained stuck in my mind.
What is before you is a great heritage. And as you said earlier, you are standing on big shoulders and a great family of Trinitarians and many pastors across the world that love you and will be praying for you. Congratulations to you, your dear wife and family from Kenya AG’s 5,000 plus pastors and 13 countries where I serve as the chairman of the East Africa Assemblies of God Alliance.
May God bless you Trinitarians and give you a great future.
Bishop Philip Kitoto General Superintendent, Kenya Assemblies of GodWe're so happy for this moment. I can't tell you what it means to those of us visiting internationally. Trinity, you have modelled so well in what the family of God should be. Pastor Gerald, we cheer you and your family on. I felt a special burden for your kids. Just want to encourage you to just be all that Jesus calls you to be, no more, no less. That's the Word the Lord gave.
Trinity, this moment is so prophetic to what God is doing globally. On behalf of the Pentecostal World Fellowship and Dr Billy Wilson, we want you to know that the Spirit has been speaking around the globe about the next decade. God is calling us to be in unity, to be aligned together – whether you're a Canadian, a Ghanaian or a Singaporean.
We are called to be aligned together for such a time as this. The choice you have made to invest in the globe is to be honored. I believe in what you are
Brunei was a new addition to the World Assembly of God Fellowship at the end of 2020. That was the first time I got to know Pastor Dom as he is our chairman of the Asia Pacific Assembly of God Fellowship. As Pastor Dom shared and chaired the meeting, I could see that Pastor Dom is a strong leader.
When I found out about the Pastors Conference, I said to myself, “I have to sign up for this.” I have to learn from this man of God and from the others speaking in this conference. I am glad Pastor Dom is still going to be the chairman of Assemblies of God
doing as you release Pastor Dominic to be involved in even greater ways globally. Over the next 10 years, we are going to see churches planted in multiplied fashion around the world. Prayer and intercession will arise like never before. We are going to see everyone on the globe touched by the Gospel by 2033 in the power of the Spirit. It's going to happen!
Trinity, you have put your stake in the ground in response to what the Spirit is saying to the church. And I honor you and your leadership. We are alongside you and cheering you on within the Pentecostal World Fellowship and within the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. We are one in the Spirit, and God will commend this blessing.
Dr David Wells Vice Chairman, Pentecostal World Fellowship General Superintendent of The Pentecostal Assemblies of CanadaAsia-Pacific. I look forward to learning from you and coming under your leadership, especially your vision for MM33.
Pastor Gerald, thank you for welcoming me to Trinity as well. I look forward to working with you in the near future. God bless both of you in your new roles.
Rev Peter Chin General Superintendent, Brunei Assemblies of GodDear friends, distinguished guests from within and outside Singapore present here, leaders and members of Trinity Christian Centre; ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great honor to give these brief remarks on this historic occasion in the history of Trinity Christian Centre.
I have known Rev Dominic Yeo for a long time now. He provides leadership in various capacities:
He is the General Superintendent of The Assemblies of God of Singapore. He is the Chairman of the Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship; Secretary of World Assemblies of God Fellowship; Executive Council Member of the Pentecostal World Fellowship; Co-Chairman of the Alliance of Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches of Singapore, and as you all know, he has served as the Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre for eighteen years.
Rev. Dominic Yeo is renowned for his visionary and strategic leadership worldwide:
1. He has demonstrated a godly passion in building Pastors, Leaders and Churches. He trains and provide consultations to churches around the world, and so help them experience transformation and growth for many years.
2. The growth of Trinity Christian Centre here at Paya Lebar and other
centers in Singapore and outside of Singapore, is clear evidence of his capable leadership and his committed service, to the Kingdom of God.
3. On the home front, he is a loving husband to his wife Chin Inn, and a doting father to their two children Natalie and Mathaeus.
Today, we are witnesses as Rev Dominic Yeo passes the baton to Rev Gerald Tan:
1. This is not only phenomenal but is the exemplary leadership of one who perceives the times and seasons. His philosophy is that and I quote “God is the God of the generations. The moment we stop preparing for the next generation, we begin the process of extinction”.
2. I would like to commend him for taking this important decision, which is in alignment with the fact that without succession there is no success.
3. I would also like to congratulate Rev Dominic on becoming Ambassador-at-Large of Trinity Christian Centre.
4. Rev. Dominic Yeo, we cherish you for your unprecedented sacrifice and your commitment to God and to Trinity Christian Centre. May God bless you richly.
To the new Lead Pastor, Rev Gerald Tan, I would like to read to you what God told Joshua when he succeeded Moses as leader of Israel.
“Be Strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land, I swore to their ancestors to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this book of the Law on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then, you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
- Joshua 1:7-9Rev. Gerald, hold fast to this Scripture and to what the Lord has placed in your heart and spirit – because those who come to Trinity Christian Centre will encounter God and experience transformation – Unprecedented Increase awaits this church.
To the members of the Trinity Christian Centre, let me also urge you to recognize, receive and stand with your new Lead Pastor, Rev Gerald Tan.
Let me remind you how the nation of Israel received Joshua
as their new leader: “Then they answered Joshua Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with us as He was with Moses” (Joshua 1: 16-17).
May Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. AMEN!
Rev Dr Barnabas Mtokambali General Superintendent, Tanzania Assemblies of GodPastor Dom, Pastor Dowdy, Board of TCC, pastors, all of our special guests, and Trinitarians – today indeed is a special day for Trinity and for me, and I am truly humbled and honored that I am stepping into this role as Lead Pastor of TCC. First of all, I thank God for His call and allowing me to serve Him in this position. Thank you Pastor Dom and the board for your confidence and appointment.
Trinity is an awesome church with a great legacy. The ministry and impact of this church reaches to the nations, and God has entrusted much to us by His grace, and by blessing us with great leaders that have served with distinction.
I had the privilege of traveling with Pastor Dowdy on many trips to train pastors, apostles, prophets and minister to people in different nations.
Pastor Dowdy, the greatest blessings of those opportunities were not just the times of ministry growth and development for me, or to get to know the pastors and ministries, but simply sitting with you to hear your heart for the Lord and His church.
Your stories of faith in the Marshal Islands of how the Lord provided sand and wood, and even the anecdote of the local gooney bird that flew graciously in the sky, but land clumsily, tumbling over and crashing into the sand; how you came to Singapore and sat in the coffee shops to talk with the locals, building the church to be the first megachurch in Singapore, becoming the first woman pastor in Singapore – these were the most precious experiences for me.
Pastor Dom, when I first met you as a youth, your incredible faith in God and your relentless belief in our lives inspired me to step out and serve God wholeheartedly, in whichever capacity I could, and then
into full time ministry. I saw how you obeyed the Lord in going to Canada, serving in different capacities and how you led Trinity into different national initiatives. I had the privilege to be on your team as you were appointed as Senior Pastor Designate, and then as Senior Pastor, hearing your heart and vision for Trinity and Trinitarians and serving alongside you to build the Church.
Of all the things you have said – the statement “I did not ask for a big church, but for a strong church“ echoes in my spirit, recognizing that who we are as a church is far more important than our size or accomplishments.
I had the privilege to serve alongside you in the Assemblies of God of Singapore as an executive committee member when I was pastoring in Calvary, and continued to see how the Lord expanded your
Today, as I receive this mantle to lead Trinity, I step not into the proverbial “shoes” of the great spiritual giants who came before me, but instead, I stand on the shoulders of these giants of faith – to continue building upon the foundations that have been laid.
ministry and vision for the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ.
Today, as I receive this mantle to lead Trinity, I step not into the proverbial “shoes” of the great spiritual giants who came before me, but instead, I stand on the shoulders of these giants of faith – to continue building upon the foundations that have been laid.
When I accepted Pastor Dom’s invite to come back and serve in Trinity in 2018, I was happy to serve on the team to fulfill the vision God has for the church. Having been a senior pastor, I deeply understand that it is a great task and heavy responsibility. So when this succession was presented to me, I met it with great resistance.
It took months of prayer and for God to work in my heart and spirit – until I heard God audibly (3rd time in my life). I came to a point of surrender to the Lord, acknowledging that this appointment is by no merit of my own, but by God’s sheer grace and purposes.
And so, today, I stand before the Lord and all of you, stepping in as Lead Pastor of
Trinity, with fear and trembling, but also with faith and a burning spirit to serve the Lord, and Trinity to the best of my ability.
I believe God wants to bring Trinity to greater heights, and I am looking forward to building the church together with the pastors and every Trinitarian in the days ahead. Trinitarians, let’s build God’s Kingdom together – by building altars of worship, prayer, and proclamation of His Word – in whichever center you attend.
God has been speaking so clearly, and igniting in my spirit a desperation for His presence and power in Trinity, as well as for us to continue making an impact in this nation and globally.
And to my family – Audrey, Davian, and Evanny, thank you for being on this journey with me. Fulfilling the call of God is not just as an individual but also as a family, and nothing gives me greater joy than to know that we are all growing and pursuing God together, serving together. Thank you for your love, support, encouragement, prayer, and reality checks.
Trinitarians, thank you for serving God in this House – in your various capacities as Connect Leaders, Ministry Leaders, at the car park, in the Children Ministries, at the sound and video, serving coffee and toast and many other ways.
I am calling for us to arise again in faith and unity, in this very special and significant time in our church’s history, to grow together like never before, to be discipled strongly in our lives and family, and to build Trinity in our three regional centers in Singapore, and in all of our overseas regional centers.
Let’s keep loving God passionately, serving zealously, and expanding His vision for the so much more God will lead us to!
Scan for an introduction to Pastor Gerald
Scan to read an interview with Pastor Gerald
I am calling for us to arise again in faith and unity, in this very special and significant time in our church’s history.
The Lord laid upon my heart to preach my first message as Lead Pastor about a new cutting edge, incidentally the same phrase Pastor Ong Sek Leang used in his prophetic declaration during the Change of Command Ceremony (March 12, 2023).
God spoke to me through Matthew 16, from where I will share keys to a new cutting edge for our lives and our church.
13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:13-19–
In this passage, Jesus was fast approaching the end of His time on earth. With His impending crucifixion, what is on the horizon for His disciples? How would continuing His ministry look like? What would it take?
The first key to a new cutting edge is cultural relevance
Do you realize that lingo is one of those things that changes with the generations and times?
Lingo is also one of the quickest ways to get acquainted with a certain culture. I learnt one such acronym recently: “G.O.A.T”. Who would have thought the name of an animal would one day refer to a great athlete (Greatest of All Time)?
I was also genuinely bemused when my daughter informed me that the equivalent of “hitting on someone” today is sending someone (you do not know but fancy) a follow request on social media. By accepting the follow request, that someone is signalling an acceptance of the advances made.
Well, cultural relevance was not lost on Jesus back in the day.
13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Jesus began by asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
Jesus asked this question, not because He did not know what people said. Jesus wanted His disciples to know what was happening in
their world and what people were saying. Jesus wanted His disciples to be culturally engaged. This was part of the preparation to take over His ministry. While his disciples have been following Him and listening to His teachings, there was no guarantee they were aware of ground sentiments.
Cultural relevance is about being in touch with our world.
The disciples gave some model answers, “Some say, others say”.
Very quickly, Jesus brought a prophetic shift from the impersonal (what was going on out there) to the personal (what they recognize), when He asked the disciples a second question, “But who do you say that I am?”
God calls us to be spiritually engaged in order to impact our world.
In seeing Jesus’ powers and works as they followed Him, they may have had gradually lost touch with the spiritual reality of our world. Becoming a Christian is not about an inoculation against the world. When we dissociate ourselves, we often find it challenging to help bridge people to Christ because the distance causes us to become desensitized.
Jesus was bringing the disciples to the point of realizing the necessity of being personally engaged with Jesus, remaining spiritually sharp while keeping up with the trends and worldviews and warding off spiritual numbness that simply echoes what culture and the world say.
The world may see cultural engagement and spiritual sharpness as diametrically opposed. But they are not. God calls us to be spiritually engaged in order to impact our world. We must see trends and current views in light of what God is saying and doing. Allowing ourselves to be influenced by what people are saying could gradually sandpaper our spiritual sharpness and lead to spiritual numbness.
Being on the cutting edge requires us to be culturally relevant without becoming spiritually numb. We can and we must carry a spiritual sharpness as we engage with people.
It’s easy to be led and dictated by what’s out there, by the loud and strong voices, and end up reacting accordingly or letting our perspectives be changed. As Christians, we must engage not as ‘part of the world’, but as ‘salt and light’ ( John 17:15-18, Matt 5:13-16).
The second key to a new cutting edge is absolute conviction
16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
What a proud and powerful confession from Simon Peter! A resounding and clear personal conviction in his heart that acknowledges who God is.
In the same way, each of us must individually come to a conviction of who God is, what God is doing. It is then we will take ownership and be on the cutting edge, instead of holding back, thinking twice and slowing down.
This water-tight conviction of Simon Peter was what fuelled him to bounce back from the time shortly after the Last Supper when the disciples
Each of us must individually come to a conviction of who God is, what God is doing. It is then we will take ownership and be on the cutting edge.
scattered and when he denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. The same Peter, together with the 11 other apostles, came back to serve Jesus and give their all to build the church even to the degree of martyrdom.
What about us? Do we have that fresh acknowledgment for ourselves? It is not just a lip service, but a lifestyle, seen in our everyday living.
It should be evident to everyone who interacts with us – they will know the God we serve through what we say, do, and how we behave.
For second generation Christians, your acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord does not stem from who your parents say Jesus is. It is not even what our spiritual leaders say about who Jesus. It must be from the depths of our hearts.
There must be an acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord in our finances, our studies, when we hang out with friends, in our work ethics, in our families, our ministry, our serving. This is the acknowledgement that Jesus is the Lord, the center of our lives.
It is this acknowledgement that enables us not to be shifted even in changing circumstances. It is this acknowledgement that leads us to recognize God’s hand in our lives.
Our affirmation should not just stay in our hearts, but be expressed in our speech and actions. Our affirmation should continue daily, in all circumstances.
The third key to a new cutting edge is prophetic revelation
17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.
There was a prophetic revelation that came upon Simon Peter, compelling him to make a prophetic announcement of who Jesus is, clearly and surely among his peers.
Indeed, it is God who continually reveals his truth to us – who He is and what He is doing. We need this fresh prophetic revelation for there are so many shifting posts in our world, that we need to hear the voice of God more clearly than ever before.
We are living in a world that desperately needs to hear the prophetic voice of God, a voice that will bring us out of the ways of sin and paths of destruction, a voice that
With so many shifting posts in our world, we need to hear the voice of God more clearly than ever before.
I echo the heart of God and purpose of God. We must, as a church, do what God wants us to do and bring breakthrough in the places God has called us to. It is the prophetic anointing that leads to prophetic revelation and us walking as His prophetic people.
will call us back to God. I believe it is the prophetic revelation that will bring restoration to individuals, families, addicts, workplaces, schools, among many more in this broken world.
We need to see our world in the light of what God is doing so that we can press in in our ministry. When we hear the voice of God clearly, we will know we are not doing out of our own wisdom. We will have the rhema, the living and powerful word working in and through us for the glory of God.
It is time we see that the power of our ministry comes from the revelation of the Lord.
I declare that the Lord is bringing a renewal, a fresh restoration of prophetic anointing on our lives: God’s voice will be so clear, His revelation will be so evident. May there be an awakening and quickening of the spirit man, to all that God is leading us to do.
It is what allows us to be effective, to accomplish his purpose and will. Not just surviving and going through the humdrum, but to have a essence of purpose in what we do. And the anointing that breaks through in all we do.
When we receive that fresh prophetic revelation from God, we can become the prophetic voice to our generation, wherever we go.
The fourth key to a new cutting edge is wholehearted partnership
18 And I tell you, you are Peter (Petros), and on this rock (Petra) I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
When Jesus referred to the ‘rock’, he was not talking about Peter as an individual. Jesus was referring to His disciples united as one. We His disciples are the rock and the body of Christ. The church is built upon our lives and our ministry, individually and collectively.
Who builds the church? Jesus said, “on this rock I will build my church”. Jesus is the one who builds the church, and we are the ones who will serve Him. On all of us – Trinitarians – God will build His church.
The Lord led me through a journey after I was asked to be the next Lead Pastor of Trinity. Over a period of almost two years, I moved from reluctantly willing, to willing surrender and finally, a wholehearted embrace. I took extended periods of time to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting, in preparing myself to step into this role.
But in the last few weeks, the Lord rebuked me. He said, “I cannot bless reluctance.” My reply: “Isn’t it enough to be willing?” He said, “You can be willing and still be reluctant.”
Truly, it was not enough to move from being reluctantly willing to willing surrender. I needed to take the next step into wholehearted embrace of becoming the Lead Pastor. God can use reluctance, but He cannot (or will not) bless reluctance.
I was reminded of the story of Jonah the prophet. After attempts to evade his call, Jonah finally went to the city of Nineveh to prophesy, but remained bitter about it till the end. If you read the last chapter of the book of Jonah, this remains an unfortunate picture and lesson for all. Sure, God can use a reluctant person, but He cannot and will not bless a reluctant person.
It has always blessed my heart to see how Trinitarians carry a heart of service, faithful and ready to meet needs in the church. Some even simply stepped up to serve because of their submission to the call by spiritual parents and connect group leaders.
But I want us to know that God has more in store for us. God wants our wholehearted partnership. We must move from serving only
out of a need, obligation, duty or even guilt to serving out of a desire and seeing God build His church through each of us in different capacities. Then we can thrive and be fruitful. I believe this is what we all want.
Jesus will build the church and we will serve Him. When we rise up in wholehearted partnership - availing ourselves, partnering God, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us – the result is:
“The gates of hell shall not prevail.”
This declaration is not a picture of passive defence, but of an army that advances to break down the gates of hell, breaking through the powers of darkness. It reminds me of the book title, Plundering Hell to Populate Heaven, by author and evangelist to Africa, Reinhard Bonnke.
In Saint Augustine’s words, “Without God, we cannot; without us, God will not.”
The first statement is about us needing God’s strength. The second statement is about God wanting our partnership. I believe when we join God in wholehearted partnership, we will see a sharper cutting edge and we will break through in a stronger way.
We must move from serving only out of a need, obligation, duty or even guilt to serving out of a desire and seeing God build His church.
The fifth and last key to a new cutting edge is apostolic authority
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
These ‘keys’ are the authority and rights to unlock and open doors, to bind and to loosen. Jesus was speaking about a great spiritual authority He was giving to his disciples. We have this same authority as God’s sons and daughters and Jesus’ disciples.
In Matthew 28:18, “And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
Jesus goes on to charge His disciples with the Great Commission, upon the premise that the same fullness of authority He has is also given to us, not unlike what He said to Peter here in Matthew 16:19.
God has given us – the church – the keys to heaven and hell, so that we can rise up to bring the kingdom of God from heaven to earth. What God says is yes and amen, and we will and can enforce that.
Carrying an apostolic anointing is having the authority to break new ground. It is authority to move into new territories, overcome the works of the enemy, and establish the work of God, not just in the present but for the legacy of generations to come. We are given this apostolic authority to bring impact to our world through our lives and in this church.
God is restoring an apostolic authority in Trinity Christian Centre again, over every Trinitarian and ministry.
We will see transformation and turnaround in situations.
We will claim new grounds and step into new territories.
We will become men and women of breakthrough and authority.
We will see new growth in ministries, quick multiplication, and a harvest in schools and workplaces.
There is so much more God desires to do through us, and I say this again, no works of the enemy, no circumstances will prevail against God’s plans and where God has placed us – home, school, or business. New possibilities will come about, not by our might but God’s authority.
No works of the enemy, no circumstances will prevail against God’s plans and where God has placed us.
How can we be good stewards to guard this apostolic authority God is giving to us?
1. Don’t lose it.
It might sound cliché, but we must live right before God. Don’t let sin have the upper hand. If you recall, God gave mankind authority and dominion (Genesis 1:26-29).
But Adam and Eve lost the authority because they disobeyed God and chose to listen to the serpent, eventually ceding their authority to the serpent and thus coming under the subjugation and rule of the serpent, our age-old enemy the devil.
We thank God that Jesus won the battle at the cross when He resurrected and reclaimed the keys. This also means that it is not about us fighting the devil, but about us coming back to the cross when we sin. We don’t have to hide from God when we sin. We should not walk away from God or walk out of our relationship with Him because of sin in our lives.
Instead of coming under the authority of the devil, we must walk under the grace of God and exercise the authority we have been given.
2. Don’t misuse it.
When we have been given this apostolic authority, we should not be pointing to ourselves and claiming the credit. It is not about feeling good or proud about ourselves or even seeking the glory of the church. The authority we have been given is not just to enjoy for ourselves, but to accomplish God’s will. When we catch ourselves in that mindset,
may we be reminded that we are called as church to serve God and advance His Kingdom. We will use this apostolic authority accordingly.
3. Don’t neglect it.
What happens when you leave a sharp blade on a shelf? It either rusts or gathers dust. A perfectly good and sharp blade is wasted that way.
What are we doing about the apostolic anointing? Are we living it out in every dimension of our lives?
In our families, bring the grace of God and restoration.
In our schools and workplaces, show the presence of God and His goodness to be real and relevant, and to see God’s glory manifested.
In our ministry, point people to God and see the impossible come to pass because we serve a God of the impossible.
Do we want to see God bring unprecedented growth? Do we want to see our service halls packed with souls who have yet to know God, with people who want to worship God?
Let us step into that authority in our prayer, in the way we serve God, in the way we engage with the world.
Remember, without apostolic authority, we would not be able to make lasting impact in our world.
Let’s build a church that is strong.
Let’s build a church that pleases God in everything, that raises strong disciples and strong families.
Let’s build a church that wins souls.
Let’s build a church that brings the presence of God and the transformation of God wherever we are and in whatever we do.
May these five keys unlock a new cutting edge in Trinity, as we position ourselves to receive the unprecedented increase God has purposed for us as a church!
Hear this message on the Trinity app.
Without apostolic authority, we would not be able to make lasting impact in our world.
Legend: IC – Pastor-in-charge 2IC – Second Pastor-in-charge BV – Bi-vocational SM – Student Minister IGNYTE – Youth Ministry
My Church; My Family
Congrats to your new journey Ps Dom!
Dear Pastor Dominic,
We pray that even though our church father-leader changes, this family will never change. Mom says you are both examples of 2 Tim 4:7 and we must aspire to be like you... like Jesus... love and serve Jesus. Happy Retirement & Happy Promotion!
God bless you, Elizabeth & Tim
Ps Dom & Ps Gerald!
May this new succession marks a new season of exponential growth for the body of Christ and advancement for the Kingdom of God!
Blessings, D.K.Z
13 years ago you prayed for us. Appreciate all you have done in leading TCC all these years :)
Congrats Pastor Dom and Pastor Gerald on your new journey ahead. Knowing you both at a personal level is such an honour and blessing! We are able to be inspired, encouraged and also witnessed your generosity in giving of your time to sow& speak into lives! May God continue to be the center of it all. Take care!
Love in Christ, Daryl Yeow, Melanie Ong & family
Thank you for your leadership and love for us. You’re a shining example of how to achieve anything through dedication and perseverance. Your determination, dedication and drive are truly impressive. You are an inspiration!
あなたの献身と愛に、ありがと うござます!
Dear Pastor Gerald, Congratulations! Today we’re celebrating your achievement. We’re so proud of you! Thank you for answering God’s call and became our Lead Pastor. We are looking forward to be under your leadership and guidance.
これから、よろしくお願いし ます!
JMは、ドミニク先生、ジェラル ド先生を愛しています!
感谢杨德文牧师多年的带 领、关怀和祷告。愿上帝继 续赐福与杨牧师,大大地使 用您。
Congratulations Pastor Dom and Pastor Gerald! We are blessed to have you as our leaders!
From Christine of Fil Min
愿我们的上帝大大恩膏陈财 龙牧师, 带领三一迈向命 定, 在成就神对全球的旨意 上受用。
Dear Pastor Gerald, Thank you for being our pastor over the years. You have a pastoral heart. You love God and love people. We look forward to your leadership in the next phase of Trinity. We believe God is going to do great things in and through you and your ministry. May God establish you and the works of your hands.
Blessings, AWARE Loh
I have been in Trinity for the last 25 years, and witnessed the leadership shift to Ap Dowdy to Rev Dom. From the transformation of Trinity@PL to the expansion of 3 regional centers, God has led Trinity to fulfill it's potential. So thank you Rev Dom for your leadership. I know and worked with Rev Gerald for many years. As he takes the mantle of leadership of the next generation, I declare the Lord's leadership over Rev Gerald. And I am excited to see Trinity shift gears to a greater reach for the lost in this new generation.
Congrats Rev Gerald!
Christopher, Dew Ministry
愿主耶稣基督的恩惠,神的 慈爱,圣灵的感动,常与你 们同在!
From: TW20.
Thank you Pastor Gerald
With the Change of Command Ceremony coming up, my CG, Living Rivers, would like to thank you for your deep prophetic insight into Trinity. You have an unshakeable faith, and embody what it means to be a man after God’s own heart. Every one of your sermons are spoken with never-ending conviction because of how faithful you are in serving the Lord. You truly set a fine example of what it means to obey God by taking up this new role as Lead Pastor, and we believe that you will continually impact the lives of many by declaring God’s word with authority. Thank you for all you have done, and all you will keep doing for Trinity. We love and appreciate you always. ^_^
Living RiversThank you Pastor Dominic & Congratulations Pastor Gerald!
杨德文和陈财龙牧师,谢谢你 们忠心的侍奉。你们用爱心和 信心,尽心尽力的看管和带领 神的家。你们的顺服使全体教 会得蒙祝福。
你们专注于倍增属灵的领袖和 培育神的儿女使我们成为神所 喜悦的,合用的器皿。因着你 们这样富有策略性的领带领使 得教会不断成长。
今年开始的亚当聚会,也继续 扩展了杨牧的侍奉领域,使他 被差派到世界的尽头。
因着领袖团队及全教会在主里 的合一,我们一起见证了主领 牧师的交接仪式。
在温馨又活跃的氛围中,大家 勇敢的邀请和传福音,我们一 起见证了教会在人数与生命素 质的成长。
愿神继续恩膏使用你们,也赐 福于三一教会。
Chinese Ministry EF1@Adam
Thank you Pastors for your love & commitment to God and His people! We are blessed to have you lead us! God bless!
from the Video Team!
Congratulations Ps Gerald!
I am so excited to have you leading us into our next chapter. Growing up with you as my youth pastor, I have learnt much and grown in your guidance. May the Lord continue to use you and lead us into a greater heights.
- Cindy SohBless to have Strategic Leaders
Thank you Pastor Dom
Thank you for preaching the gospel to everyone and have a blessed day.
Love, Uel (7 year old)
Thank you Ps Dom for leading us over the past 18 years, and redefining the way Trinity conducts its CG over the years. May you continue to inspire those around you to walk close to Jesus!
Congrats Ps Gerald for stepping up to lead us in this new season. May you find renewed strength and fresh winds from God in the days ahead.
Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to both of you for the years of ministry and pastoral work, along with the many sacrifices you made for the expansion of God's Kingdom.
From all of us @Blessed, Area4
谢谢杨牧师为三一多年的 付出.你的带领确实提高了 整个教会成长的水平。 你给于指导的方式,让中文部 从中获益. 愿上帝与你同在 , 祝福满满!
谢谢陈牧师愿意被上帝使 用来带领三一继续成长, 增长, 倍增!愿感动牧师的 灵加倍地感动你!
JW 432
P Gerald and P Dom
Congratulations pastor! May God bless you in your new season! Blessings, Tat Liong
Pastor Dom, Thank you for shepherding us with the deepest conviction that the Good Shepherd always has the best for his people. You have made a deep impact in our lives through the way in which you live yours.
Pastor Gerald, As the Lord anoints you to lead us henceforth, may your cup overflow in every area of your life. It is our honour to have you as our Lead Pastor and our privilege to uphold you in prayer.
Verghese n Indu
Congratulations! ��
Dear 杨牧师: 谢谢您为三一基督徒中心所 做的一切,神会继续保守、 带领您开拓新的道路,为主 发光 ✨✨
Dear 陈牧师: 感谢神指引您成为教会的主 领牧师,祈求神让您的灵命 与智慧不断增长,即使未来 遇到困难,也能突破重围, 结出美好的果实。神将给予您 意想不到的恩典与祝福。
YA-Hosanna / Jia Yu
Lead Pastor Gerald Tan
A News Magazine by Trinity Christian Centre
Special Edition Change of Command 2023
Chief Editor
Pastor Jeanette Kwek
Pastor Edward Lim, Diana Lim, Karen Ting
Designers Hue & Ink
MICA(P) 061/01/2023
Printer and License number
Times Printers Private Limited L011/08/2022
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited. Opinions and views expressed does not necessarily constitute the official stand of the church.
Dearest Pastor Gerald, we thank God for you too! Congrats on your new appointment. God has chosen you for such a time as this!! We rejoice with you and thank you for stepping up in faith and willingness to take up such a huge responsibility and obey His call.
As you step into the next new role, felt to encourage you with this verse from Deuteronomy 31:6, “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
We are excited to see what God will do in and through your leadership. Our families will be in alignment and in full support to all that God has called you to do God bless you both and your families to the overflow believing that the empowerment of the Holy Spirit will continue to lead Trinity to greater heights and fulfil God’s destiny for us.
Dearest Pastor Dom, we thank God for you! Thank you for leading Trinity faithfully in boldness and faith. Thank you for directing the church in what God has called the Church to do, despite the decisions were popular or not. You have set a great example of faith and have impacted our lives. We are blessed to call Trinity our home, under your leadership.
As you step into the next new season, we felt to encourage you with this verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “God will make this happen, for He who calls you is faithful.”
You will never walk alone!! The Lord will be with you and grant you divine wisdom and favour to do that which He is calling you to do!