2021 Annual Report

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Music at Trinity

Dr. Michael Messina, Director of Music projected slides of seasonal artwork from throughout the centuries.

2021 saw the reemergence of singing after prohibitions made during COVID-tide. During the first half of the year, the choir and organists continued to make videos for online worship. The choir sang mostly outdoors (including in the parking garage on 33rd St across Meridian, and Evensong on the St Richard’s playground on May 2), and the organists recorded at other churches, since our organ remained in the shop of Quimby Pipe Organs, Warrensburg, MO. There the pipes were cleaned, and revoiced, and then reinstalled and regulated in the church between 15 Mar and 15 Jun.

Members of our choir: • Trinity Choir (*denotes staff singer): Assistant Organist: Nara Lee • Soprano: Lillian Crabb, Laura Cruise-Gibson, Erica Dollhopf, Cheryl Eiszner, Deb Havill, Charlie Hirschman, *Elisabeth Hoegberg, Jennifer Mentink, Victoria Resnick, Cindy Williams

The inaugural concert series celebrating the revoiced organ began in the fall, with Evensong sung by the choir on Sep 12, socially distanced throughout the church. This service was offered online only, as the spaced choir members occupied most of the church west of the screen. The revoiced organ was blessed and dedicated at the regular Sunday morning service (with an octet of singers) on Sep 26.

• Alto: Linda Brown, Linda Cuticchia, Grace Davis, Meg Feemster, Anne Greist, Shannie Hughes, Mary Mail, Rebecca Mattingly, Jolene Moffatt, Leigh Anne Naas, Judy Peach, *Chelsea Reynowsky, Syd Schafer

Internationally renowned organist David Higgs played a brilliant first concert on Oct 17, to a crowd of around 75 people—pretty good for a concert during the Delta variant spike! Organist Jason Roberts played a concert of organ masterworks and improvisation, and accompanied a silent film on Nov 12. The choir sang Evensong for All Saints Sunday on Nov 7 and a service of Lessons and Carols on Dec 19; by mid-October, a masked congregation was allowed to attend (and sing!) at indoor services.

• Bass: JJeff Brinkmann, *Gavin Craig, Erik Hembre, Malcolm Hembre, Soren Hembre, *Matt Hume, Jim Knowles, Kyle Myers, Chuck Schafer, Austin Smith, Allan Williams We are grateful for the expertise and support of our sectionleaders, who lead and inspire us!

The Madrigal singers welcomed the Yuletide on Dec 3 with a Concert in the Church in the presence of the Lord of the manor (Michael Moffatt), who then invited concert goers to the Great Hall for a dessert of wassail and figgy pudding. On Dec 10 Director of Music Michael Messina played Olivier Messiaen’s monumental organ work La Nativité du Seigneur. The concert was illustrated by parishioner Holly Day, with

• Tenor: Robert Bentley, *Zach Cardwell, David Crabb, John Eiszner, Ed Ferguson, Jerry Hall, Rick Herd, Joseph Naas, Cos Raimondi, Hugh Resnick

• Choristers: Adeline Adler-Mueller, Levin Adler-Mueller, Quincy Bacon, Clara Haley, Maxine Steensland, Minna Steensland, Grace Whitworth-Neufeld Leading the music program at Trinity continues to be an incredible blessing to me, personally; I’m grateful for everyone who makes and/or supports music here, and I’m thankful for gifted and creative colleagues. May we all continue to proclaim the presence, power, love, and beauty of God through music.

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