Welcome to
Trinity Episcopal Church Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you have a place at Trinity. We invite you to find ways to engage with others and our life in this vibrant community. We are eager to learn more about you, your passions, and how you might find a home here.
8:00AM | Holy Eucharist - Rite I A quiet Rite I Eucharist (traditional language). 9:00AM | Lectionary Bible Study 10:00AM | Holy Eucharist - Rite II A Rite II Eucharist (modern language) with the Trinity Choir and Choristers. Childcare is available. Children’s Liturgy of the Word in the Holy Innocents' Chapel, ages 4-10. 11:15AM | Coffee Hour / Education for All Ages Adult Formation / Sunday School/ Rite-13 & J2A Monthly Celebration Coffee Hour 5:00PM | TaizÊ Service 2nd Sunday of each month. Silence, simple chants and scripture lessons in a room filled with candlelight and incense.
Adult Learners Sunday Adult Forums Programmed throughout the year, and following our 10 a.m. service, guest speakers share stories that enrich our common life. Contact: The Rev’d Dr. Benjamin Anthony - banthony@trinitychurchindy.org Education For Ministry (EFM) Education For Ministry (EFM) is a program for lay leadership formation offered at Trinity Church and through many congregations in our diocese. Contact: Sara Bean - sehb69@yahoo.com Tuesday Study Group The Tuesday Study Group meets in the Crist Room each Tuesday at 10am. They read books of the Bible, literature by contemporary authors, and short series on topical subjects. Contact: Julie O’Mara - jomara@trinitychurchindy.org Lenten Series During the season of Lent, Trinity often offers programs to deepen our relationships with each other and our community of faith. Contact: The Rev’d Dr. Benjamin Anthony - banthony@trinitychurchindy.org Adult Formation Series & Small Groups Throughout the year, Trinity offers educational events for those of us who seek understanding and relationship through a faith perspective. As well, small groups gather for book discussions, discipleship groups, and more. Newcomer Classes are offered in the fall and spring, including introduction to Christianity, the Episcopal Church, and Trinity. A light meal is served. Child-care is available upon request. Contact: The Rev’d Dr. Benjamin Anthony - banthony@trinitychurchindy.org The Working Group on Race & Reconciliation offers programs that encourage healthy and dynamic conversations about racial justice in our city and beyond. Contact: Bill Coleman - wscoleman@aol.com
Families & Parents Parents of Episcopal Teens (PETs) Created to fill a need for community among parents of Trinity’s middle and high school aged youth, this group is intended for parents of youth in grades 5 to 12. Contact: Sally Hardgrove - hardgsa@sbcglobal.net Parents Raising Exceptional People (PREP) Parents of younger children come together in various ways throughout the year to learn together, serve each other and our community, and just have fun. Contact: Jennifer Phelps - jenniferphelps@me.com Trinity Preschool Parents (TPP) Trinity Preschool Parents is a forum for parents (and expectant parents) of our youngest parishioners, from birth to age three. TPP is a chance for parents of babies and toddlers to share ideas and to grow in faith as we journey with our children. Contact: Kathleen Strickland - kstrickland@trinitychurchindy.org 2
Sunday School & Nursery Sunday School Children in preschool through grade 2 participate in Montessori –based Godly Play classes, in which Old and New Testament scriptures are presented with hands-on stories including invitations for reflection, exploration, and art responses. God’s love for creation and our place in these sacred stories are explored in a community of care and wonder. Children in grades 3-6 attend Sunday school with Feasting on the Word, a lectionary-based curriculum that explores the relevance of scripture in our daily lives and how our Christian faith informs our choices. Art/journal response, community-building, and service projects are incorporated into our upper elementary classes. Contact Kathleen Strickland - kstrickland@trinitychurchindy.org
The Trinity Nursery is available on Sundays and occasionally during programmed events. On Sundays, nursery is available for children under three years old from 9:45 -12:00 noon. Contact: Patty Gotway - ingotways@aol.com
Youth Programming Rite-13 For seventh and eighth grade teens, Rite-13 works to establish and maintain cross-gender friendships, establishes the church as a safety zone in the midst of an evolving time in teens’ lives, and builds a group with shared experiences and memories. Journey to Adulthood (J2A) For ninth and tenth graders, J2A celebrates the transition from teen to adulthood, trains young people in the skills of adulthood, explores the mystery of our faith heritage, and establishes our experience in the strength of community and liturgy. J2A Pilgrimage At the end of J2A, teens go on a spiritual pilgrimage where they participate in mission work and regular spiritual practice in community living. Contact Missy Roetter - mroetter@trinitychurchindy.org
Outreach / Mission
Nurturing, teaching, leading, feeding… alongside one another or on our own, Trinity’s mission allows us to use our gifts in ways that can forever touch the lives and hearts of others. Trinity answers the call to serve through ministries that put God’s love into action—among our own parishioners, in our neighborhood, in our city, and in the world beyond.
Trinity Ministries Trinity Sunday Dinner Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2017, the Trinity Sunday Dinner provides a dinner to 150+ community neighbors every Sunday. Contact: Diana Creasser or the Rev’d Karen L. King - kking@trinitychurchindy.org Dayspring Family Shelter Sunday Dinner Trinity volunteers serve dinner to Dayspring Shelter residents the third Sunday of every other month. Contact: Jan Gould or the Rev’d Karen L. King - kking@trinitychurchindy.org Exodus Welcome Team The Welcome Team partners with Exodus Refugee Immigration to host newly arrived refugee families in the Indianapolis area. Contact: Elsa Sands - elsasands@yahoo.com Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity Teams partner with Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity, Mapleton Fall Creek Development Corporation, local churches and businesses, to rehab homes in the neighborhood. Contact: Erik Hembre - EHembre@gmail.com Green Team The Trinity Green Team provides a focus and suggests ways for Trinity and its members to be more environmentally responsible. Contact: Leigh Ann Hirschman - leighann@hirschmanliteraryservices.com IndyCAN (Indianapolis Community Action Network) / Faith in Indiana IndyCAN is a catalyst for marginalized peoples and faith communities to act collectively for racial and economic equity in Indiana. It is a multi-racial, multi-class, multi-faith, non-partisan organization that reaches tens of thousands of people committed to advancing the leadership of the most marginalized (returning citizens, immigrants, excluded workers and youth). Contact: The Rev’d Julia E. Whitworth - jwhitworth@trinitychurchindy.org
Campus Ministry Partners Horizons at St. Richard’s Episcopal School (SRES) Horizons at SRES offers a five-week educational summer enrichment program serving low-income public school students with a broad range of academic abilities. Contact: Shanna Martin, Director - smartin@sresdragons.org
Mid-North Food Pantry (MNFP) Housed in the Trinity Outreach Center, the Mid-North Food Pantry is a charitable, non-profit agency supported by several mid-north churches, which pledge monetary support and collect food to stock its shelves. Contact: Kate Howe - Erin Vincent - erinvincent16@gmail.com Childhood Hunger Education, Engagement, and Reverence (CHEER) CHEER is an active group of young people ages 3-12 years old and their parents learning, serving, and spreading CHEER to the Mid-North Food Pantry. Contact: Erin Vincent - erinvincent16@gmail.com Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic Housed in the Trinity Outreach Center, Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic is a faith-based, non-profit corporation offering legal representation and preventive law education to low income families, including immigrant families. Contact: Christopher L. Purnell, Executive Director - cpurnell@nclegalclinic.org Project Home Indy Project Home Indy (PHI) is a comprehensive residential support program for pregnant and parenting teens, young women who with their children, would otherwise be trapped in a cycle of poverty. Contact: Lakshmi Hasanadka, JD, Executive Director - lakshmi@projecthomeindy.org St. Nicholas Early Learning, Inc. Housed in the Trinity Outreach Center, St Nicholas is a high-quality, affordable, and inclusive program for infants, toddlers, and three year old children in the Mid-North neighborhoods of Indianapolis. St. Nicholas was started by Trinity parishioners and became a 501c3 in June 2016. Contact: Dr. David Sandrick, Executive Director - dsandrick@stnicholasel.org St. Richard’s Episcopal School In 1960, Trinity opened St. Richard’s Episcopal School as a parish school and community outreach. Modeled after British day schools, the school places emphasis on knowledge and values for a lifetime through the implementation of Five Pillars for Success: Faith, Classic Curriculum, Leadership, Civic Responsibility, and Global Readiness. Contact: Abby Williams, Associate Head of School - awilliams@sresdragons.org Trinity Haven Under development, this innovative project evolved from careful and faithful discernment by a team of Trinity lay leaders, and is now in a roll-out phase. Its goal is to help LGBTQ youth escape poverty by providing housing to homeless LGBTQ teens. Contact: Leigh Ann Hirschman - leighann@hirschmanliteraryservices.com 5
Worship Our Anglican liturgical tradition values art, music, and words as expressions of, and pointers to, the presence and glory of God. Liturgy spiritually feeds us, opens us to the beauty and glory of God, shapes our understanding and love of God, and comforts and challenges us. Acolyte Guild Acolytes carry the crosses, candles and other items in procession, and assist in a number of important ways throughout the service. Directors: Kate Howe, Alex Pierson, Todd Relue, and Christy Jacobi Altar Guild The Altar Guild prepares the altar for various sacraments, directed by the Rector. President: Ann Throop Chalice Bearers Chalice Bearers assist with distributing the wine during Holy Communion. Leaders: Jeannice Shobe (8AM), and Jeff Martin (10AM) Greeters Guild The Greeters Guild is a friendly team of men and women who enjoy welcoming visitors and parishioners alike to our worship services. They are always on the lookout for new members! Leader: Tom Greist Saint Stephen’s Guild (Readers / Intercessors) St. Stephen’s Guild/Trinity Lectors participate in the liturgy on a rotating basis by reading scriptural lessons from the lectern and leading prayers from the nave during services. Leaders: Anne Greist (8AM), Hugh Resnick (10AM) Ushers Guild The Ushers’ Guild is responsible for the logistics of getting people to and from their pews. They collect the offering, release people for communion, and clean up after the services. Leader: Eric Baez
Parish Life Welcome Team Welcome is the heart of what we do at Trinity. The Welcome Team provides holy hospitality for visitors and new members on Sundays and beyond. Contact: The Rev'd Dr. Benjamin Anthony - banthony@trinitychurchindy.org Celebration Coffee Hour Celebration Coffee Hour is a time to celebrate special religious holidays (All Saints, Easter, etc.) and to give thanks to all those who pass through our doors. Trinity groups, families, and friends take turns hosting the monthly event to share hospitality. We look forward to meeting you and knowing you better. Contact: Christy Jacobi - christyjacobi@gmail.com The Guild of the Unexceptionable Cuisiniers (A Men’s Group) The Guild of the Unexceptionable Cuisiniers enjoy the fellowship of working together to serve Christ, our fellow parishioners, and the community by cooking for the parish. Contact: Jim Purucker - jpurucker@wswi.com 6
Madrigal Guild The Madrigal Guild puts on the annual Trinity Madrigal Feast each Yuletide Season. While the choir primarily provides the entertainment, the guild provides the feast and decorations to make it happen. Contact: Tricia McMath - tmcmath@sbcglobal.net Trinity Men’s Group Trinity Men's Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month at 8:15am at a local restaurant. All Trinity men are invited to the Trinity Men’s Club to meet for breakfast and conversation. Contact Peter Sehlinger - petersehlinger@att.net Trinity Women Trinity Episcopal Women’s Guild has a long rich history of hosting funeral receptions, showers, and any other gathering that needs a special touch Contact: Janet Craun - Janet.Craun@bright-ideas.org
Pastoral Care The Pastoral Care Committee members bring care, comfort, and support to our members who are sick and shut-in, struggling with bereavement, loneliness, and/or other life challenges by coordinating various activities for members of the congregation. Contact: Patty Bennett or The Rev’d Karen L. King. Guild of the Holy Cross | Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) Lay Eucharistic Visitors take the consecrated elements, the Bread and Wine of Holy Communion, to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present at the Celebration of Holy Eucharist on Sunday or other principal celebrations. Contact: The Rev’d Karen L. King - kking@trinitychurchindy.org Senior Luncheons Held in the spring and fall, the Senior Luncheons bring together long-time and elderly members of the parish to renew and strengthen their bonds of friendship and connection. Contact: Patty Bennett or The Rev’d Karen L. King - kking@trinitychurchindy.org Trinity Card Ministry Hand written cards of encouragement are sent to those whose names have appeared on the prayer list as a reminder that they are being prayed for by the congregation and clergy. Contact: Sandra Orr Malcom or The Rev’d. Karen L. King - kking@trinitychurchindy.org Trinity Caregivers’ Support Group The Trinity Caregivers’ Support Group meets the third Sunday of each month at 3:30 pm in the Trinity Library. Caregivers for those suffering from dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes, or other similar conditions meet monthly to discuss situations they are encountering and to lend support. Contact: Sandra Orr Malcom - grammym0623@gmail.com Trinity Comforters & Knitters Handcrafted items are made for Trinity parishioners who might be home-bound and unable to regularly attend services, and other people who would appreciate being remembered. Contact: Patty Gotway - ingotways@aol.com
The Music Program at Trinity The Music Program at Trinity is diverse, creative, and widely recognized for its depth of repertoire.
Special events at Trinity include the service of Choral Evensong, organ recitals, and guest performances. Christmas is a particularly joyous time for music. Trinity celebrates the season with a festive Madrigal Dinner and a service of Lessons and Carols. Both of these Christmastide services reach beyond the parish and draw many from the city into our sacred space. Pilgrimage In 2019, the Choir and Choristers will go on Pilgrimage to England, serving as choir in residence at Ely Cathedral for a week. The choir has often traveled as far as England and as near as the Diocese of Indianapolis for growth, service, and enrichment. Choir Learning the music of the Church is very much a part of our core value of education. Singing in the choir includes learning about sacred scripture, church history, theology, liturgy, spirituality and prayer... not to mention vocal technique, breathing, posture and deployment, and other musical skills. Choristers For boys and girls at least 8 years of age or in the third grade, Trinity Choristers sing in church three Sundays/month (September through Trinity Sunday) as well as holidays, Evensong, and concerts. Contact: Michael Messina - mmessina@trinitychurchindy.org
Upcoming Concerts Jan Kraybill - Organ Concert April 20, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Jan Kraybill is a musical leader and dynamic speaker; a concert organist, pianist, and harpsichordist; an educator and organ consultant; and an enthusiastic cheerleader for the power of music to change lives for the better. jankraybill.com Indianapolis Chorister Festival Evensong May 19, Saturday at 3:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral The Annual Indianapolis Chorister Festival with treble choristers from throughout the Diocese of Indianapolis with Robert Nicholls, guest conductor. Meridian Song Project May 25, Friday at 7:00 p.m. The (Now) Annual Friday Before the Race Concert Stylish and fun, Steven Stolen continues his now traditional musical kick-off to Indy’s most famous weekend!
TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3243 N Meridian Street • Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 317 926 1346 • www.trinitychurchindy.org