Complete Schedule 2-3 Philip Gulley & Carrie Newcomer with pianist Gary Walters God’s Response to a Violent Nation: a Quaker Response
Dr Leah Gunning Francis - author Ferguson & Faith: Sparking Leadership & Awakening Community
A Christian Response to Gun Violence | ChurchNext offering
Crossings: a Parish Conversation on Living & Dying Well
IF NOT NOW, WHEN? A Lenten series | February/March 2016 | Indianapolis, IN
Schedule on back page FEBRUARY 18, THURSDAY at 6:30 PM | ST JOHN’S SPEEDWAY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Zach Cardwell, survivor of violent crime - Determination and healing after a violent assault Stephanie Graebo, Moms Demand Action - non-partisan grassroots movement for stronger gun laws Michael Messina, Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church - Benjamin Britten and the War Requiem FEBRUARY 24, WEDNESDAY at 7:00 PM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH
Sunday, February 14 | A Christian Response to Gun Violence 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Crist Room This online course is part of the program offering during Lent at Trinity. Offered through ChurchNext, it is free to Trinity members and is taught by the Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Episcopal Bishop of Maryland and the Rt. Rev Ian Douglas, Episcopal Bishop of Connecticut who are outspoken advocates of deterring gun violence.
Sunday, February 14 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room Why is death so hard to think about and to talk about and how can we help one another move past that difficulty?
• Thursday, February 18 | Healing our Violence 6:30 PM | ST JOHN’S SPEEDWAY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Zach Cardwell, survivor - determination and healing after a violent assault Stephanie Grabow, Moms Demand Action - non-partisan grassroots movement for stronger gun laws Michael Messina, Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church - Benjamin Britten and the War Requiem
Sunday, February 21 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room What is the Church’s teaching on death? Why wait until physical death for resurrection when we can have it now?
• Wednesday, February 24 | Healing our Violence, Philip Gulley & Carrie Newcomer 7:00 PM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH with pianist, Gary Walters - God’s Response to a Violent Nation: a Quaker Perspective
Sunday, February 28 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room How can we get ready for our own deaths? Is there unfinished personal business that we need to address, repentance and healing to consider?
TRINITY & PARTNERS St. John’s Speedway Episcopal Church, 5620 W. 30th Street St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 6050 N. Meridian Trinity Episcopal Church, 3243 N. Meridian
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• Wednesday, March 2 | Healing our Violence, Dr. Leah Gunning Francis 6:30 PM | ST PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Leah Gunning Francis - author, Ferguson & Faith: Sparking Leadership & Awakening Community. Dr. Gunning Francis gleaned from these stories seeds of possibilities that, if nurtured, could serve us well into the future. These are the stories that were rarely imaged on television, yet they are integral to the fight for justice in Ferguson and resonate with the struggle for human dignity around the country.
Sunday, March 6 | A Christian Response to Gun Violence 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Crist Room This online course is part of the program offering during Lent at Trinity. Offered through ChurchNext, it is free to Trinity members and is taught by the Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Episcopal Bishop of Maryland and the Rt. Rev Ian Douglas, Episcopal Bishop of Connecticut who are outspoken advocates of deterring gun violence.
Sunday, March 6 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room How do we want our lives to be celebrated at our Funeral or Memorial Service? What do you do with your body once your soul has departed? The church can give you lots of help in answering these questions.
• Wednesday, March 9 | Healing our Violence, healing violence in our neighborhoods 6:30 PM | two locations: ST JOHN’S SPEEDAY & TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Table Talks: Gather for conversation and strategies to help our neighborhoods heal.
Sunday, March 13 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room How do we want to be remembered? What will your legacy be? Legacy is fundamental to what it means to be human. Without a sense of working to create a legacy, adults lose meaning in their lives. The idea of legacy may cause us to think about death and the end of our lives but it is actually about living and dying with purpose. Presenters will provide lots of tools to use for this reflection.
Sunday, April 3 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room Continuation of the March 13 presentation and conversation.
Sunday, April 10 | Crossings: a parish conversation 9:00 AM | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortune Room What kinds of legal steps do we need to take now to insure that our death and our affairs will be managed as we wish in the future? As stewards of God’s bounty and caretakers, what we do with these gifts ultimately de- fines our lives and faith. Introduction on what does it mean to be a member of the Trinity Tree of Life Society.
[in the heart of Indianapolis]
God’s Response to a Violent Nation: A Quaker Perspective Stories with musical response
Philip Gulley and Carrie Newcomer with Pianist Gary Walters
W e d n e s d a y, F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 7 : 0 0 p m sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Church 3243 N. Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46208 Free to the public Donations accepted at the door Questions: 317-926-1346
Part of the Lenten Series: Healing Our Violence. If Not Now, When? For more info, including links to register: TrinityChurchIndy.org/healing-our-violence accept - nourish - send
Dr. Leah Gunning Francis is the Associate Dean of Contextual Education at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. In June 2016, Dr. Gunning Francis will begin serving as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Gunning Francis is the author of the newly released book Ferguson and Faith: Sparking Leadership and Awakening Community (Chalice Press, 2015). She interviewed more than two dozen clergy and young activists who were actively involved in the movement for racial justice in Ferguson and beyond.
Dr. Leah Gunning Francis - author, Ferguson & Faith: Sparking Leadership & Awakening Community
W e d n e s d a y, M a r c h 2 , 6 : 3 0 p m ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 6050 N. Meridian, Indianapolis, IN 46208 Free to the public.
Ferguson and Faith is a collection of stories of courage and hope. Dr. Gunning Francis gleaned from these stories seeds of possibilities that, if nurtured, could serve us well into the future. These are the stories that were rarely imaged on television, yet they are integral to the fight for justice in Ferguson and resonate with the struggle for human dignity around the country.
Part of the Lenten Series: Healing Our Violence. If Not Now, When? For more info: TrinityChurchIndy.org/healing-our-violence
[in the heart of Indianapolis]
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A Christian Response to Gun Violence | ChurchNext offering at Trinity This online course is part of the program offering during Lent at Trinity. Offered through ChurchNext, it is free to Trinity members and is taught by the Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Episcopal Bishop of Maryland and the Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas, Episcopal Bishop of Connecticut who are outspoken advocates of deterring gun violence. In this class, Episcopal Bishops Eugene Sutton (Maryland) and Ian Douglas (Connecticut) offer insight into the reasons for high rates of gun violence in the U.S. They discuss violence in the context of Christianity, offering guidance on how to interpret violent passages in scripture and discussing violent responses to conflict on a theological level. Finally, they offer concrete suggestions as to what Christians should do and how we should act in response to gun violence in the United States. The Right Reverend Eugene Taylor Sutton is the Episcopal Bishop of Maryland. The Right Reverend Ian Douglas is the Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. They are conveners of Bishops United Against Gun Violence. They have written and spoken extensively on the topic of resisting gun violence, as well as organizing and participating in protests and rallies that advocate for stronger gun safety laws. Participants will meet for group discussion twice during Lent in the Crist Room at 9AM. Sunday, February 14 & Sunday, March 6, 2016 Prior to the first meeting participants should register and take the first class entitled: The Unholy Trinity. To join the class, send an email to Communications@TrinityChurchIndy.org Subject line: A Christian Response to Gun Violence In reponse: you will receive an invitation via email to register and create your account on ChurchNext. The Course is free to Trinity Members
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Lenten Series Sundays at 9 am
Crossings: a parish conversation on living and dying well. February 14, 21, 28 March 6, 13 April 3, 10
Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake. Amen Book of Common Prayer, Evening Prayer II
Adult Education
This series evolved through creative ished personal business that we need conversations amongst Trinity parish- to address - repentance and healing (Lisa Adler, Diana Creasser, to consider? Crossings is based on the ioners premise that death informs life.and It provides perspective on what is important and Ivan Jahns) and Episcopal clergy assohow we might live more fully. ciated with Trinity (The Rev'd Mollie March 6: How do we want our lives to be celebrated at our Funeral or MeRev'dmore Gordon Chastain, Considering how death is aWilliams, pathwayThe to living fully in the present helps us strengthen with morial Service? What doour yourelationships do with and The Rev'd Mary Bargiel). others and deepen our engagement with community. Please join us for this important and life-affirming series your body once your soul has departDeath is the most predictable future ed? The church can give you lots of starting in Lent. event in our lives, yet we seldom talk help in answering these questions. about it. When we do talk about it March 13: How do we want to be others may feel uncomfortable. remembered? What will your legacy
February 14: Why is death so hard March 6: How do we want our lives April 3: Continuation of the March be? Legacy is fundamental to what it Crossings based on the premise to think about and to talk about and is to 13 presentation and conversation. be celebrated at our Funeral or means to be human. Without a sense that death informs life. It provides how can we help one another move Memorial Service? What do you create legacy,kinds adults 10:a What of legal steps perspective on what is important and of working toApril past that difficulty? do with your body once your soul lose meaning in their lives. The idea how we might live more fully. do we need to take now to insure of legacy may cause us to think about has departed? The church can give February 21: What is the Church’s our death and our affairs will be Considering how death is a pathway death and thethat end of our lives but it you lots of help in answering these to until living more fully in the present is actually about teaching on death? Why wait managed as we wishwith in the future? living and dying questions. helps us strengthen our relationships purpose. Presenters will provide physical death for resurrection when As stewards of God’slots bounty and we can have it now?
with others and deepen our engage- of tools to use for this reflection. caretakers, what we do with these March 13:Please How do ment with community. joinwe uswant to be gifts ultimately de- fines April 3: Continuation of the March 13 our lives remembered? What will your legacy and life-affirming we for get this readyimportant presentation and conversation. series startingbe? in Legacy Lent. is fundamental to what it and faith. Introduction on what
February 28: How can for our own deaths? Is there unfindoes it mean to steps be a member of the be human. sense What kinds of legal do Why isto death so hardWithout to Aprila 10: ished personal business thatFebruary we need14: means we need to take now to insure that our Trinity Tree of Life Society. about to talk about and how of working to create a legacy, adults to address, repentance and think healing to and death and our affairs will be managed can we help lose one meaning another move past in their lives. The consider? as we wish in the future? As stewards that difficulty? idea of legacy may cause usoftoGod’s thinkbounty and caretakers, what February 21:about Whatdeath is the Church's and the end ofwe ourdolives with these gifts ultimately deteaching on death? Why wait until fines our lives and faith. Introduction but it is actually about living and physical death for resurrection when on what does it mean to be a member dying will we can have it now?with purpose. Presenters of the Trinity Tree of Life Society. provide lots of tools to use for this February 28: How can we get ready for our own reflection. deaths? Is there unfin-
[in the heart of Indianapolis]
3243 N Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46208-4677 T: (317) 926-1346 F: (317) 921-3364 Our Mission As a worshiping community of diverse Christians, we accept, nourish, and send all to do God’s work. Our Vision To build and enhance connections with God, with one another, and with communities around and beyond us; to be an urban center of Christian ministry sought after by anyone on a quest for a deepened relationship with God.
A Lenten series | February/March 2016 | Indianapolis, IN A Lenten series | February/March 2016 | Indianapolis, IN FEBRUARY 18, THURSDAY at 6:30 PM | ST JOHN’S SPEEDWAY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Zach Cardwell, survivor of violent crime - Determination and healing after a violent assault Stephanie Grabow, Moms Demand Action - non-partisan grassroots movement for stronger gun laws Michael Messina, Director ofat Music Trinity - Benjamin Britten and the War Requiem FEBRUARY 18, THURSDAY 6:30at PM | STEpiscopal JOHN’S Church SPEEDWAY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Zach Cardwell, survivor of violent crime - Determination and healing after a violent assault FEBRUARY 24, WEDNESDAY at 7:00 PM -|non-partisan TRINITY EPISCOPAL Stephanie Graebo, Moms Demand Action grassroots CHURCH movement for stronger gun laws Philip Gulley and Carrie Newcomer - God’s a Violent Nation: aBritten Quaker Perspective Michael Messina, Director of Music at TrinityResponse EpiscopaltoChurch - Benjamin and the War Requiem MARCH 2, Wednesday at 6:30at PM | ST. EPISCOPAL CHURCH FEBRUARY 24, WEDNESDAY 7:00 PMPAUL’S | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Leah Francis Ferguson Faith: Sparking Leadership & Awakening Community Philip Gunning Gulley and Carrie- author, Newcomer - God’s& Response to a Violent Nation: a Quaker Perspective MARCH 2, Wednesday at 6:30 PM | ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH HEALING THE VIOLENCE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS: TABLE TALKS Leah Gunning Francis - author, Ferguson & Faith: Sparking Leadership & Awakening Community Gather for conversation and strategies to help our neighborhoods heal ST JOHN’S SPEEDWAY EPISCOPAL, 5625 W. 30th Street HEALINGat THE VIOLENCE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS: TABLE TALKS MARCH 9, WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM TRINITY EPISCOPAL 3243 N Meridian Street Gather for conversation and strategies to helpCHURCH, our neighborhoods heal MARCH 9, WEDNESDAY at 6:30 PM All programs are free to the public
ST JOHN’S SPEEDWAY EPISCOPAL, 5625 W. 30th Street TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 3243 N Meridian Street St. John’s Speedway Episcopal Church, 5620 W. 30th Street