BA Celf a Dylunio BA New Media Production BA Film and Visual Culture 206
MA Applied Arts MA Design MA Fine Art
BA (Hons) Photography & Video
BA Celf a Dylunio Art & Design 210
‘Celf a Dylunio’ yn Y Drindod Dewi Sant: gradd sy’n anelu at feithrin agwedd broffesiynol i ddatblygu hunanfynegiant personol ac at gefnogi ymarferwyr y dyfodol, ym musnes celf a dylunio ar gyfer mentrau creadigol lleol a rhyngwladol. ‘Celf a Dylunio’ (art and design) at Carmarthen aspires to foster a professional outlook to develop personal self expression and to support future practitioners, in the business of art and design for local and international creative enterprise.
Mae Celf a Dylunio yn radd sy’n caniatáu i’r myfyriwr archwilio iaith weledol celf a dylunio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg mewn lleoliad dwyieithog. Mae hon yn radd arloesol, ddwyieithog, amlddisgyblaethol sy’n integreiddio’r celfyddydau creadigol 2D a 3D ar draws sbectrwm arfer celf gain, crefft a dylunio.
• Addysgir celf a dylunio gan ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg ar hyd y cwrs a chan roi cyfle i wella sgiliau iaith Gymraeg ac i ddod yn gyfarwydd â diwylliant Cymreig.
• Multi disciplinary creative modules, combining 2D, 3D and digital practice, are underpinned by theoretical ideas allowing the development of creative potential.
• Yn addas ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg.
• We provide dedicated Art and Design workshops and individual studio spaces in a friendly, distinctive and personfocused environment.
• Mae’r radd yn addas ar gyfer ymarferwyr y Celfyddydau Creadigol sydd am dreulio amser yn datblygu eu sgiliau ar gyfer y farchnad greadigol; mae’n addas ar gyfer rhai sy’n gadael ysgol a myfyrwyr aeddfed fel ei gilydd.
• Ysgoloriaethau hyd at £3000 ar gael i astudio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, dros 3 blynedd o astudiaethau amser llawn.
• Modylau amlddisgyblaethol, creadigol yn cyfuno arfer 2D, 3D a digidol, a seilir ar syniadau damcaniaethol, gan ganiatáu potensial i ddatblygu’n greadigol. • Rydym yn darparu gweithdai celf a dylunio pwrpasol a mannau stiwdio unigol mewn amgylchedd cyfeillgar, unigryw a pherson ganolog. • Staff academaidd brwdfrydig, arbenigol ac o ansawdd uchel, â phrofiad o ymchwil, diwydiant, y gymuned, addysg a’r byd academaidd.
• Cyrsiau Cymraeg a Gloywi Iaith ar gael yn y Brifysgol.
Celf a Dylunio is an art and design degree that allows the student to study the visual language of art and design in a bilingual environment. Directed through the Welsh language, Celf a Dylunio, is an innovative bilingual interdisciplinary arts and design degree that integrates 2D and 3D creativity across the spectrum of fine arts, crafts and design practice. • The degree is suitable for Creative Arts practitioners who wish to spend time developing their skills for the creative market; it is suitable for school leavers and mature students alike.
• Specialized high quality, motivated academic staff with research, industry, community, education and academic experience. • Art and design is taught incorporating the Welsh language throughout the course providing the opportunity to enhance Welsh language skills and to become acquainted with Welsh culture • Suitable for Welsh Language learners. • The possibility of extracurricular Welsh classes. • Scholarships are available for study through the medium of Welsh of up to £3000 over 3 years for full time study.
BA Celf a Dylunio
Blwyddyn 1
Blwyddyn 3
Yn y flwyddyn gyntaf ar y radd Celf a Dylunio cyflwynir y myfyriwr i’r sgiliau hanfodol sydd eu hangen ar gyfer arfer celf a dylunio. Bydd y rhain yn cynnwys prosesau 2D a 3D, cyfryngau digidol a sgiliau astudio. Bydd y gweithgareddau creadigol hyn yn seiliedig ar broses ac ar syniadau ac fe’u hystyrir yn agweddau sylfaenol ar y radd. Trwy fodylau integredig bydd y myfyriwr yn ennill ac yn datblygu ystod eang o sgiliau artistig, sgiliau cyfathrebu a gwneud penderfyniadau i’w rhoi ar waith yn amgylchedd y gweithle proffesiynol.
Nod myfyriwr y drydedd flwyddyn yw adeiladu ar yr arfer da sylfaenol a wnaed ym mlwyddyn 1 a 2 ynghyd â meithrin arfer annibynnol proffesiynol a’i ddwyn i aeddfedrwydd. Ategir hyn gan bwyslais ar fenter ac ehangu dealltwriaeth ddamcaniaethol, ddiwylliannol a hanesyddol. Daw’r drydedd flwyddyn i ben gydag arddangosfa sioe radd, sef gweithgaredd proffesiynol lle mae cymuned myfyrwyr y 3edd flwyddyn yn cynllunio a threfnu arddangos eu harfer creadigol.
Ar y cyd â’r sgiliau ymarferol, bydd y myfyriwr yn datblygu sgiliau damcaniaethol lle archwilir y confensiynau academaidd mewn sgiliau astudio yng nghyd-destun astudiaethau beirniadol a chyd-destunol. Bydd y myfyriwr hefyd yn archwilio arferion hanesyddol a chyfoes celfyddyd gain, dylunio a’r celfyddydau cymhwysol.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
In the first year of the Celf a Dylunio degree, the student will be introduced to the essential skills required for art and design practice. These will include 2D and 3D processes, digital media and study skills. These creative activities will be both process based and ideas based and are fundamental aspects of the degree. Through integrated modules students will acquire and develop a broad range of artistic, communication and decision-making skills that will be utilised within the professional workplace environment.
The second year of the degree will be a continuation of the development and deepening of skills, processes and ideas. This creative enquiry is underpinned by theory and exploration relevant to the student’s area of interest.
The aim of the third year is built on the foundations of good practice undertaken in the first and second years and to professionalise and bring to maturity independent creative practice. This will be underpinned by emphasis upon enterprise and the broadening of theoretical, cultural and historical understanding. The third year culminates in the degree show exhibition, a professional activity in which the 3rd year community of students plan and organising the showcasing of their creative practise.
Alongside practical skills, students will develop theoretical skills, where the academic conventions in study skills will be explored within the context of critical and contextual studies. The student will also explore the historical and contemporary practices of Fine art, design and the applied arts.
The second year is also characterised by the exploration of professional skills and the development of independent practice. During this academic year there is also the possibility to study abroad, which is fully encouraged and supported by the tutors and the University.
The whole of the degree is undertaken in a person focussed environment.
Addysgir y radd gyfan mewn amgylchedd person-ganolog sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn.
Blwyddyn 2 Bydd ail flwyddyn y radd yn parhau i ddatblygu a dyfnhau sgiliau, prosesau a syniadau. Bydd yr ymholiad creadigol hwn yn seiliedig ar ddamcaniaethau ac archwilio sy’n berthnasol i faes diddordeb y myfyriwr. Yn ogystal, nodweddir yr ail flwyddyn gan archwilio sgiliau proffesiynol a datblygu arfer annibynnol. Yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd hon mae hefyd yn bosibl astudio dramor, anogir hyn a’i gefnogi’n llawn gan y tiwtoriaid a’r Brifysgol. 212
BA Celf a Dylunio
Mae’r cyfleusterau ar gyfer celf a dylunio ar Gampws Caerfyrddin yn caniatáu ystod eang o archwilio creadigol lle anogir gweithgareddau trawsddisgyblaethol ac amlddisgyblaethol. Caiff myfyrwyr ddefnyddio stiwdios agored, sy’n creu awyrgylch cydweithredol deinamig.
The facilities in art and design on the Carmarthen Campus allows for a wide range of creative exploration where cross discipline and multi-disciplinary activity is encouraged. Students have access to open studio spaces, which creates a dynamic collaborative atmosphere.
Mae cyfleusterau’r gweithdai’n cynnwys, gweithdy cerameg, gweithdy plastr, gweithdy pren / cyfryngau cymysg , odynau gwydr, cyfleusterau argraffu, ystafell Apple Mac , ystafell cyfrifiaduron personol.
The workshop facilities include a plaster workshop, ceramics workshop, wood/ mixed media workshop, glass kilns, printmaking facilities, Apple Mac suite, PC Suite.
Mae’r mannau 2D wedi eu lleoli mewn stiwdios sy’n elwa o lawer o olau naturiol a gosodir pob myfyriwr mewn lle stiwdio hyblyg lle gellir cyflawni’r dilyniant a’r archwilio unigol sy’n rhan o’u gradd.
Am beth rydym yn chwilio yn y myfyriwr?
What are we looking for in the student?
Mae’r radd yn addas ar gyfer rhai sydd wedi gadael yr ysgol ac ar gyfer rhai sydd wedi astudio ar gyrsiau megis Mynediad, BTEC a Diplomâu Sylfaen. Rydym hefyd yn addas ar gyfer y myfyriwr aeddfed ac mae’n bosibl astudio’n rhan-amser. Unwaith y bydd myfyriwr wedi gwneud cais am ein gradd cânt wahoddiad i gyfweliad. Mae gofyn iddynt ddod â phortffolio o waith a llyfr braslunio / cylchgronau neu ffynonellau eraill o archwilio creadigol, ac mae angen i’r rhain ddangos corff o waith creadigol a chymerir i ystyriaeth deilyngdod unigol yn y maes hwn wrth benderfynu ar addasrwydd rhywun ar gyfer ein gradd.
This degree is suitable for school leavers and for those who have studied on courses such as Access, BTEC and Foundation Diplomas. It is also suitable for the mature student and part time study is available.
Gradd ddwyieithog yw hon ac mae angen y gallu i gyfathrebu yn y Gymraeg, mae’r radd yn addas i ddysgwyr Cymraeg a gellir gwneud pob aseiniad ysgrifenedig yn Saesneg. Mae gwersi iaith Gymraeg allgyrsiol ar gael yn y Brifysgol i loywi iaith y myfyriwr. Mae’r radd hon, felly, yn ogystal â pharatoi’r myfyriwr at y gweithle creadigol yn genedlaethol neu’n rhyngwladol, hefyd yn darparu mantais ychwanegol ar gyfer y gweithle yng Nghymru.
The 2D spaces are located within studios that benefit from a lot of natural light and each student is located into a flexible studio space where the individual progression and exploration of their degree can be undertaken.
“ Trwy wneud y radd trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, gyda thiwtoriaid sy’n deall diwylliant cefn gwlad Cymru a phrofiad yn y byd celf gyfoes, fe roddodd hyn yr adnoddau personol i’m galluogi i ehangu fy syniadau a themâu yn weledol. Trwy wneud y cwrs yma fe wnes ddatblygu fel artist ac yna cefais y cyfle i arddangos fy ngwaith. Yn dilyn y radd cefais arddangosfa yn Galeri, Caernarfon”. Meinit Mathias, Arlinydd “ By doing the degree in the medium of Welsh, with tutors who understand the culture of the Welsh countryside and with experience of the Contemporary Art world, this gave me the personal resources to enable me to expand my ideas and themes visually. By doing this course I developed as an artist and I had the opportunity to showcase my work, following the degree I had an exhibition at Galeri Caernarfon”.
UCAS CODE WW12 Course Code Title BA/CDy
Once a student has applied for our degree they will be invited for an interview. They are required to bring with them a portfolio of work and sketchbook/ journals or other sources of creative exploration, these need to demonstrate a body of creative work and individual merit in this area is taken into consideration for suitability for our degree. This is a bilingual degree and the ability to communicate in the Welsh language is needed, the degree is suitable to welsh learners and as such all written assignments can be done in English. Extracurricular welsh language lessons are available within the University to enhance the student’s abilities. This degree therefore has the added advantage of preparing the student not only for the creative workplace nationally or internationally but also provides an advantage for the workplace within Wales.
BA (Hons) Photography BA Celf a & Dylunio Video
Storytelling, interactive design and meeting the needs of a web-based mobile audience are the hallmarks our New Media course. By creating and combining genres such as film, animation, sequential art, photography, web design, mobile Apps and online magazines you will address the needs of the contemporary and future creative industries in compelling new ways. The BA New Media Production degree is a multidisciplinary programme that equips you with specialist skills and knowledge in digital content creation and development for the contemporary media industry. You will explore a variety of creative production methodologies such as electronic publishing; online filmmaking; animation; App development and interactive photography as well as the underlying web technologies that define New Media. With an emphasis on interactive narratives and storytelling for an online audience, the programme puts the user at the centre of the action. It is this interactivity and 360-degree vision that makes New Media Production so distinctive and compelling.
BA (Hons) New Media Production
Teaching is delivered in hands-on workshops, lectures and seminars where you are encouraged to develop your analytical, conceptual and practical thinking. Ideas will be developed through pitches, workshops and presentations, and expressed in production work and written critical appraisals.
As you progress through the course you will produce increasingly complex work, culminating in a final year Creative Project that will be your calling card when you enter the Creative Industries, further develop your expertise in postgraduate programmes, or start your own business.
UCAS CODE PH10 Course Code Title BA/NMP
Facilities The film and media facilities cover a range of disciplines with industry led equipment, from fully manual high definition digital film cameras, to modern Apple Mac Pro workstations running the latest version of Adobe software. Students work in an exciting and creative environment, facilities are dedicated to students studying our courses and supported by experts. Our facilities enable students to film in a wide range of locations. Based in a state of the art purpose built site in Carmarthen students are able to work collaboratively and experiment with new ideas before developing professional quality work for real world briefs. Year 1 You will develop your core production skills in the first year with modules such as New Media in Practice and Introduction to Publishing. In these modules you will be guided in the use of the technologies and software that will be the backbone of your degree course. Techniques learned will range from image manipulation through to web design, HTML 5 animation and electronic publishing on portable devices such as iPads. As well as filmmaking techniques there are also supporting modules such as Writing for Visual Media, Academic and Contemporary Skills for Film and Media and Reading Visual Culture, which explore visual media and study techniques.
“ I had a wonderful time at Carmarthen, helpful and supportive staff, excellent resources and if I were doing my masters I would definitely go back”. Natalie Dennis
Year 2
Year 3
In your second year the course is outward facing to industry and focuses on creative productions for prestigious clients such as The National Trust in Wales, Swansea City Football Club, local businesses and the Dinefwr Literature Festival. Assignments will be geared towards the needs of industry and will be the focus of a Live Brief module where you undertake a project for an external client or business, either as part of a team or as an individual piece of work. Filmmaking skills are further developed in the Script to Screen module, whilst branding and marketing are covered in the Communication Graphics module. Interactive narratives are constructed and developed in the Interactive Media module whilst the Mobile Publishing module explores the techniques and skills required in developing work for a mobile device.
In the final year you concentrate on your career development through a self-directed Creative Project that extends throughout the year, alongside entrepreneurship and business opportunities in the Entrepreneurship in Film and Media module. Interactive narratives are explored and further developed in the Reading and Writing Sequential Art module whilst the MultiPlatform Publishing module enables you to create multi-faceted outputs that extend across a range of genres and technologies. The culmination of the course will be a final degree show in front of industry representatives and potential employers.
BA New Media Production
BA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture 218
Our course in Film and Visual Culture engages with film alongside other contemporary visual media, such as television, comics, graphic novels and interactive media. By combining the analysis of film with practical and creative approaches, and engaging with practitioners from industry, you will be equipped to develop the necessary skills to shape a career in the exciting fields of film and media. The BA Film and Visual Culture is an innovative degree programme, which focuses on the academic study of film and other visual media and combines this with the creative production of individual pieces of work in specialised fields. By combining theory and practice, you are encouraged to enhance your understanding of cinema through academic analysis and the creation of practical work. Emphasis has been given to entrepreneurial skills, and to providing experience in publishing and exhibiting your work. You will engage with a broad range of contemporary visual media, such as film, television, graphic novels and comics, internet and mobile publishing, interactive media and gaming, and can then focus your major projects on the areas of your choice. Teaching is delivered in lectures, seminars and workshops, where you are invited to contribute and develop your analytical and practical skills, confidence, and conceptual thinking. Your ideas will be expressed through academic and practical work, pitches, presentations and selfreflections. As you grow in confidence and knowledge, your studies culminate in a major final year project where you can fully express your skills and creativity in the area of your choice.
UCAS CODE P30H Course Code Title BA/FVC
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Your first year will introduce you to the fundamental academic and practical skills necessary to the study and creation of film. Theory modules such as Reading Visual Culture and Film History will give you an overview of the key points in the development of the language of cinema, and the techniques employed by its most celebrated directors, cinematographers and editors. You will also develop core production skills in practical modules, where you are introduced to the essentials of filmmaking through the production of a short film, and you will also produce your own screenwriting portfolio and script.
The second year of your studies will enable you to engage with the requirements of working within the contemporary film and media industries. Modules such as Live Brief will allow students to produce work for an external client or business, providing an insight into the discipline of delivering a creative production to a specific brief. The Script to Screen module enables you to develop your own creative film project from script, storyboard, through to the film itself. On the theoretical strand of your studies, the module Adaptation will allow you to explore the way in which literary and other texts are adapted into film, while Film Genre will explore the importance of different genres to the development and production of film.
You will work more independently in your final year, producing a major creative project in the area of your chosen specialism. This project will demonstrate your key skills to future employers, and will take the form of your choosing. For example, such projects could include a screenplay, a comic, a film project, or an academic study (if further postgraduate work is the direction you wish to pursue). The module Entrepreneurship in Film and Media will provide you with the skills necessary to work in the contemporary industry, where working freelance is increasingly predominant; business plans and making pitches will be among the areas covered. The module Reading and Writing Sequential Art will extend your knowledge of the analysis and production of comics and graphic novels. Your theoretical engagement with film forms will be extended in the module Film Genre: Case Study, where you will provide a study of the genre or filmmaker of your choice. Across your final year modules, you will be able to express confident, independent and creative approaches to your projects. BA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture
A strong research culture has been developed in the area of film and media which is reflected in a commitment to foster original and relevant research work, both through the individual achievements of staff and via the supervision of research students. Staff engage in high level personal research which feeds directly into taught modules and programmes, as well as being reflected in publications and engagement with the wider community. This work ranges from traditional academic approaches, to innovative developments in new media, practice-based work, and explorations of media education. Supervision for research students is offered across a range of subject areas which cover a remarkable breadth within the creative arts from traditional academic approaches to innovative developments in new media. A high number of research students have been recruited over the last seven years, including international students. The latest addition is a study in adaptation and film noir. Recent successful completions at PhD included a study of new trends in Indian cinema, a thesis on the development of bilingual television co-productions in Wales, a cultural history of the Carry On films, and a comparative study of Welsh and Basque cinema. Research students add immeasurably to the lively intellectual atmosphere fostered within film and media.
Postgraduate Courses at Carmarthen 220
PhD/ Research Degrees
Research supervisors Dr Rob Shail; Dr Susan Drake and Dr Steven Gerrard Contact Dr Robert Shail
BA (Hons) Photography & Video
MA Portfolio Carmarthen campus
MA Applied Arts MA Design MA Fine Art
The spectrum of Postgraduate MA courses within the School of Creative Arts offered by the University of Wales Carmarthen, in Carmarthen, include; MA Applied Arts, MA Design and MA Fine Art. Each is available as full time, part time study or bilingually. These modular courses build upon the existing traditions of each of these creative disciplines, and emphasis is placed upon advanced creative research, entrepreneurial practice and career development skills. Students working across these three MA disciplines have individual studio spaces alongside each other. The close cross-discipline proximity generates a dynamic atmosphere. Contact:
Mae’r sbectrwm o gyrsiau ôl-raddedig MA yn Ysgol y Celfyddydau Creadigol a gynigir gan Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, yng Nghaerfyrddin, yn cynnwys: MA Y Celfyddydau Cymhwysol, MA Dylunio a MA Celf Gain. Mae pob un ar gael i’w astudio’n llawn amser, yn rhan amser, neu’n ddwyieithog. Mae’r cyrsiau modwlar yn adeiladu ar draddodiadau presennol pob un o’r disgyblaethau creadigol, a rhoddir pwyslais ar ymchwil greadigol uwch, arfer entrepreneuraidd a sgiliau datblygu gyrfa. Mae gan fyfyrwyr sy’n gweithio ar draws y tair disgyblaeth MA safle stiwdio unigol ochr yn ochr â’i gilydd. Mae’r agosrwydd trawsddisgyblaethol hwn yn creu awyrgylch deinamig. Cyswllt:
MA Applied Arts MA Y Celfyddydau Cymhwysol
This programme builds upon existing craft and applied arts traditions, and expands and adapts them to address the requirements of our time. Fashion trends, cultural movements, new materials and technologies are challenging and pushing boundaries and demanding new creative innovations in craft and applied arts. This is a research, practice led and studio based course, students will be expected to apply advanced skills using traditional, new materials and technologies. The programme will develop and expand individual entrepreneurial skills, to apply this knowledge to explore future opportunities and the local and global market. Students will have the opportunity to develop and enhance skills as a maker of individual bespoke objects, a designer of batch products or as a designer maker artist working to commissions. The course will make you question and investigate traditional and emerging technologies and materials, with the goal of producing innovative craft products and artefacts. You will be encouraged to challenge conventions in craft thinking especially with regard to commercial application and the marketplace.
Mae’r rhaglen hon yn adeiladu ar y traddodiadau sy’n bodoli eisoes mewn perthynas â chrefft a’r celfyddydau cymhwysol, ac yn eu hymestyn a’u haddasu i fynd i’r afael â gofynion ein cyfnod. Mae tueddiadau ffasiwn, symudiadau diwylliannol, deunyddiau a thechnolegau newydd yn herio ac yn gwthio ffiniau ac yn mynnu datblygiadau creadigol newydd mewn crefft a’r celfyddydau cymhwysol. Dyma gwrs sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil ac arfer ac sydd wedi’i leoli yn y stiwdio, a bydd disgwyl i fyfyrwyr gymhwyso sgiliau datblygedig gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau a thechnolegau traddodiadol a newydd. Bydd y rhaglen yn datblygu ac yn ymestyn sgiliau entrepreneuraidd unigolion i gymhwyso’r wybodaeth hon i archwilio cyfleoedd i’r dyfodol a’r farchnad leol a fyd-eang. Caiff myfyrwyr gyfle i ddatblygu a chyfoethogi’u sgiliau fel gwneuthurwyr gwrthrychau pwrpasol unigol, dylunwyr swp gynnyrch neu artistiaid/dylunwyr gwneuthur sy’n gweithio ar waith comisiwn. Bydd y cwrs yn gwneud ichi gwestiynu ac ymchwilio technolegau a deunyddiau traddodiadol a newydd, gyda’r nod o greu cynnyrch ac arteffactau crefft dyfeisgar. Fe’ch anogir i herio confensiynau crefft yn enwedig o ran cymhwysiad masnachol a’r farchnad.
MA Portfolio Carmarthen
Mae’r rhaglen hon yn adeiladu ar wybodaeth a gallu presennol o ran dylunio, ac yn datblygu ac yn ymestyn ymhellach sgiliau dylunio creadigol, deallusol a thechnegol unigolion - i’w paratoi i gystadlu yn y diwydiant dylunio cenedlaethol a ryngwladol cystadleuol. Dyma gwrs sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil ac arfer ac sydd wedi’i leoli yn y stiwdio, a bydd disgwyl i fyfyrwyr gymhwyso sgiliau datblygedig gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau a thechnolegau traddodiadol a newydd.
The MA Fine Art programme is studio based and builds on student’s established Fine Art practice. Students are encouraged to develop area(s) of personal investigation, we support both traditional and innovative experimental practice through the application of ideas, media and materials. The course provides a challenging and unique bilingual environment in which to shape and question the contemporary cultural environment. This is a research, practice led and studio based course, emphasis is placed on personal research and developing your own interests and ideas in a challenging and supportive manner. Students can work in and across disciplines that include mixed media; painting; ceramics; film; video; installation; land based; photography; sculpture; digital media; textiles; printmaking and performance.
Bydd y rhaglen yn datblygu ac yn ymestyn sgiliau entrepreneuraidd unigolion er mwyn iddynt allu cymhwyso’r wybodaeth hon i archwilio’r farchnad fyd-eang a chyfleoedd i’r dyfodol. Bydd y rhaglen yn caniatáu i fyfyrwyr ganolbwyntio ar feysydd unigol neu gyfunol, gan roi’r rhyddid ichi ymchwilio ac archwilio cyfleoedd dylunio, a’ch annog a’ch cefnogi wrth ichi feithrin eich arddull dylunio personol.
The programme will develop and expand individuals entrepreneurial skills, to apply this knowledge to explore future opportunities and the global market. The programme will allow students to focus on individual or combined areas, creating freedom to investigate and explore design opportunities, encouraging and supporting the honing of your individual design style. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the design process of subject research, individual expression, creative thinking, the commercial context – these are essential elements required to compete in contemporary design.
“ Os ydych yn mwynhau celf ac yn hoffi gweithio yn greadigol mae’r cwrs gradd ym Mhrifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant yn lle arbennig i ddatblygu’r sgiliau yma. Mae’n rhoi cyfleoedd i arddangos gwaith ac rydych yn cael cyngor wrth rhai o’r artistiaid mwyaf dylanwadol yng Nghymru. Mae’n ffordd mewn i’r byd y celfyddydau! Mwyheais y radd gymaint yr wyf yn ystyried mynd yn ôl i wneud y cwrs MA”.
The programme is underpinned by research, the critical exploration of the student’s work, its context and position within contemporary cultural debates.
MA Fine Art MA Celf Gain
MA Design MA Dylunio
This programme builds upon existing design knowledge and ability, and to further develop and expand individual’s creative, intellectual and technical design skills - to prepare them to compete in the competitive national and international design industry. This is a research, practice led and studio based course, students will be expected to apply advanced skills using traditional and new materials and technologies.
This diversity is addressed through debate and critical support with consideration for the making process and the challenges of exhibiting in a contemporary context that transcends disciplines and cultural boundaries.
Rhoddir cryn bwyslais ar y broses o ddylunio ymchwil pwnc, ynghyd â mynegiant personol, meddwl yn greadigol, a’r cyd-destun masnachol – mae’r rhain yn elfennau hanfodol y mae’n rhaid wrthynt i gystadlu mewn arfer dylunio cyfoes.
Mae’r rhaglen MA Celf Gain wedi’i lleoli yn y stiwdio ac mae’n adeiladu ar arfer sefydledig y myfyriwr mewn Celf Gain. Anogir myfyrwyr i ddatblygu maes/meysydd ymchwilio personol, ac rydym yn cefnogi arfer traddodiadol ac arbrofol, arloesol trwy gymhwyso syniadau, cyfryngau a deunyddiau. Mae’r cwrs yn cynnig amgylchedd dwyieithog heriol ac unigryw lle gellir ffurfio a chwestiynu’r amgylchedd diwylliannol cyfoes. Dyma gwrs sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil ac arfer a leolir yn y stiwdio, a rhoddir pwyslais ar ymchwil personol a datblygu eich diddordebau a’ch syniadau’ch hun mewn modd heriol a chefnogol. Gall myfyrwyr weithio o fewn ac ar draws disgyblaethau sy’n cynnwys cyfryngau cymysg; peintio; cerameg;
ffilm; fideo; gosodiadau; gwaith yn ymwneud â’r tir; ffotograffiaeth; cerflunwaith; cyfryngau digidol; tecstilau; argraffu a pherfformiad. Rhoddir sylw i’r amrywiaeth hwn trwy drafodaeth a chefnogaeth feirniadol gydag ystyriaeth i’r broses o wneud a’r heriau o arddangos mewn cyd-destun cyfoes sy’n trosgynnu disgyblaethau a ffiniau diwylliannol. Yn sail i’r rhaglen mae ymchwil, archwiliad beirniadol o waith y myfyriwr, ei gyd-destun a’I safle o fewn trafodaethau diwylliannol cyfoes.
MA Portfolio Carmarthen
Carmarthen Staff Profiles 226
Caroline Thraves
Gwenllian Beynon
Head of the School of Creative Arts based on the Carmarthen Campus, Caroline’s professional and academic career has been within the field of fashion and textiles. She also holds an MA in Post Compulsory Education and Training, alongside an MSc in Management Studies. Caroline has extensive experience of working with industry on knowledge exchange projects and has a track record of gaining over 2.5 million pounds in external funding to support the creative industries with innovation, research and development. Caroline currently co-directs the ‘ACT’ and ‘TTP’ research projects.
Gwenllian is a creative multidisciplinary practitioner and printmaker employing 2D, 3D, design, traditional, and non-traditional processes and strives to work in a sustainable way minimizing the risk to the environment. Since gaining an MA from Wimbledon School of Art in 1996 Gwenllian has been a freelance artist and workshop facilitator; utilizing non formal / informal educational principles in schools, theatre and the community, this aspect of her creative practice is currently the focus of her doctorate. Welsh and bilingual education is central to Gwenllian’s academic role and with the support of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol she is Programme Coordinator and Senior Lecturer in Celf a Dylunio (art and design).
Peter Finnemore Ymarferydd creadigol amlddisgybledig ac Argraffydd yw Gwenllian Beynon ac mae’n defnyddio gwaith 2D, 3D, dylunio, phrosesau traddodiadol, a chyfoes ac yn ymdrechu i weithio mewn ffordd gynaliadwy i leihau’r risg i’r amgylchedd. Ers ennill MA o Ysgol Gelf Wimbledon yn 1996 mae Gwenllian wedi bod yn artist llawrydd a hwylusydd gweithdai, gan ddefnyddio egwyddorion addysgol anghydffurfiol / anffurfiol mewn ysgolion, theatr a’r gymuned, mae’r agwedd hon o’i arfer creadigol yn ganolbwynt yn ei doethuriaeth ar hyn o bryd. Mae addysg Gymraeg a dwyieithog yn ganolog i rôl academaidd Gwenllian a gyda chefnogaeth Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol mae’n gydlynydd rhaglen ac yn uwch darlithydd Celf a Dylunio.
Peter works across the fine arts spectrum of photography, film, performance, installation, writing and curation. His first major exhibition was at the New Contemporaries, ICA, London(1984). He has exhibited nationally and Internationlly, representing Wales at the 51st Venice Biennale in 2007. His major published works include Gwendraeth House (Ffotogallery, 2000) and Zen Gardener (Oriel Mostyn, 2004). His work is included in a number of private and public collections including Arts Council of Great Britain, Scottish Arts Council, National Museums of Wales Collection, Argos center for art and media, Brussels and the Art Museum at Princeton University, USA. He is Senior Lecturer within the School of Creative Arts and a Visiting Professor in Photography at the University of Derby.
Arlunydd yw Peter sy’n gweithio ar draws y celfyddydau cain gan gynnwys ffotograffiaeth, ffilm , perfformio, gosodiadau, ysgrifennu a churadu. Cafodd ei arddangosfa fawr gyntaf yn y New Contemporaries yn ICA Llundain (1984). Ers hynny mae wedi arddangos yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol, gynrychiodd Cymru yn y 51fed Biennale Fenis yn 2007. Mae ei weithiau cyhoeddedig o bwys yn cynnwys Gwendraeth House (Ffotogallery, 2000) a Zen Gardener (Oriel Mostyn, 2004). Gwelir ei waith mewn nifer o gasgliadau preifat a chyhoeddus, megis Cyngor Celfyddydau Prydain Fawr, Cyngor Celfyddydau’r Alban, Casgliad Amgueddfa Cymru, Canolfan Argos ar gyfer Celf a’r Cyfryngau, Brwsel ac Amgueddfa Gelf Prifysgol Princeton, UDA. Mae’n Uwch Ddarlithydd yn Ysgol y Celfyddydau Creadigol ac yn Athro Gwadd mewn Ffotograffiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Derby.
Carmarthen Staff Profiles
Iwan Bala Iwan is an artist, writer and lecturer who has exhibited widely in Wales and internationally. His work was part of a touring exhibition of China in 2009. He has published several books (in Welsh and English) on contemporary art in Wales, including Certain Welsh Artists (Seren) 1999). He was awarded the Gold Medal at the National Eisteddfod in 1997. He has worked as an art consultant and with public art body Cywaith Cymru as well as writing and presenting for television. His paintings are in many collections, including the National Museum and Gallery of Wales, and the National Library of Wales. He is a senior lecturer and contributes to the BA and MA programmes at The University of Wales Trinity St David. The major theme of his work is the exploration of cultural identity.
Mae Iwan yn artist, awdur a darlithydd sydd wedi arddangos yn eang yng Nghymru ac yn rhyngwladol. Roedd ei waith yn rhan o arddangosfa deithiol yn China yn 2009. Mae wedi cyhoeddi nifer o lyfrau (yn Gymraeg a Saesneg) ar gelf gyfoes yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys ‘Hon, Ynys y Galon’ (Gomer ) 2007. Enillodd Fedal Aur yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn 1997. Mae wedi gweithio fel ymgynghorydd celfyddydol ac i’r corff celf gyhoeddus Cywaith Cymru yn ogystal ag ysgrifennu a chyflwyno i’r teledu. Mae ei waith mewn nifer o gasgliadau gan gynnwys Amgueddfa ac Oriel Genedlaethol Cymru a Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. Mae yn uwch ddarlithydd sydd yn cyfrannu at raglenni BA ac MA ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. Prif thema ei waith yw ei ymdriniaeth o hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol.
Bryan Thomas
Dr Susan Drake
Trevor Harris
Bryan is an artist, designer and academic with 25 years experience in industry and higher education. He has diverse knowledge and experiences in a wide range of visual arts and design disciplines, especially the marriage of traditional art and craft/design practices with new technologies, materials, industrial / product design and manufacturing processes. He has successfully designed and developed products for several UK and European based companies that have been mass-produced.
Susan is programme coordinator for BA Film and Visual Culture and a senior lecturer.
Programme Co-ordinator for the New Media Production degree course, Trevor teaches electronic publishing and design skills, ranging from print-based Desktop Publishing through to Multimedia, Interactive New Media and Web Design. Having cut his teeth in the analogue world and been influential in the Desktop Publishing revolution of the 1980s, Trevor is engaged in the transition to pervasive and immersive mobile publishing on smart phones and, more importantly, tablets such as iPads. Trevor also has a lifelong interest in stereoscopic imagery and panoramic photography and its application within interactive narratives, games and online media.
He has also successfully produced work and collaborated on projects with Young British Artists (YBA’s), artworks have been exhibited in galleries in Europe, North and South America, with work being purchased by Tate Modern, London.
Susan delivers a range of modules across the Film and Visual Culture programme. She specialises in film genre, and genre theory, with particular interest in the contemporary western and film noir. The adaptation processes relevant to film production is another area of particular interest, and relates directly to the modules that she teaches on the subject of screenwriting. Her research interests are tied closely to her teaching; these include the intertextual relations between genre films, and the manner in which these can be linked to contemporary film theory. She is also interested in adaptation from a theoretical perspective, with a focus upon contemporary cinema. Susan is involved in the ACT Project, designed to develop the use and applications of social media for local businesses.
BA (Hons) Carmarthen Photography Staff & Profiles Video
Dr Steven Gerrard
Robert Shail
Brett Aggersberg
Richard Beecher:
Steve is passionate about British ‘low’ culture. His interests are comedy; the British seaside; Music Hall; and Dr Who. His speciality is the Carry On films.
Robert is senior lecturer in film and visual culture. He teaches modules which cover a wide range of areas within the academic study of visual culture, with a particular focus on cinema. Specific topics covered include film theory and analysis, the history of British, American and European cinema, and the history of comic books.
After working in the media events industry producing films, graphics and animation Brett joined the University in 2003. Primarily lecturing on the Film and Media degrees, he also represents the school of Creative Arts as part of the Technology Enhanced Learning group and the University’s National Trust partnership. In addition to lecturing on film and new media production, he frequently collaborates with artists and external businesses on new media content creation. Brett’s digital technology practices sees him work with various cultural and creative industries playing key roles in projects such as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Coracle (Creative Oracle) and ACT (Advanced Communication Technologies).
Technical demonstrator Richard is a graduate of the University of Wales Carmarthen, gaining 1st class honours in film and media production. As an undergraduate student Richard created a documentary which gained two prestigious prizes at the Inspire film festival: best documentary and best film of the festival. Richard has worked on many ski and snowboarding films as well as the film’s ‘Human Traffic’, and ‘OAZ Nan from Hell’. Richard work on Golwg 360, a welsh online magazine, as an undergraduate and is currently working on several private commercial productions with S4C and other national network channels advertisements with his production company OP Productions.
He has been published, advised authors, and delivered academic papers on various subjects, ranging from War of the Worlds to trash horror, and Tintin to the British Music Hall. The busy chap has contributed to BBC radio shows and even been on TV with Channel Five’s Christmas show, The Greatest Ever Carry On Films! He dreams of being either Status Quo’s guitarist or Doctor Who. He’ll have a long wait.
His research interests have centred on postwar British cinema, including the work of Tony Richardson, masculinity in film and star studies. He has published widely including a study of Welsh actor/producer Stanley Baker and a collection on 1970s British cinema for the British Film Institute. Robert currently holds a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to investigate the work of the Children’s Film and Television Foundation. Outside of the classroom and research, Robert has been involved in a number of projects to foster cinema culture in Wales including working regularly with the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales in Aberystwyth, and as a member of the management team of Cyfrwng, the body which brings together academics and practitioners working in the media in Wales.
Brett’s research focuses on the intersection of art and technology. His PhD thesis investigates new media arts practice and its developing paradigms within contemporary art culture. He frequently contributes papers and support at a number of conference events including CHArt, EVA, and WIRAD.
Carmarthen Staff & Profiles BA (Hons) Photography Video