1 minute read
Erin creates designs that are colourful and experimental, leading to work that is abstract and bold and has a productive, positive purpose. Erin describes herself as a planner, preferring to brainstorm ideas quickly then organise these thoughts into mind maps she can take into the design process as inspiration. Erin is quite an outdoorsy person who enjoys hiking and paddleboarding in her free time. Studying at UWTSD has helped her become a more time efficient designer, capable of juggling multiple projects at once without sacrificing quality. She would love to find herself working as pa team of graphic designers, preferably for a big firm like Sky.
Mae Erin yn creu dyluniadau sy’n lliwgar ac arbrofiadol, sy’n ar at waith sy’n haniaethol a beiddgar ac sydd gyda phwrpas positi a chynhyrchiol. Disgrifia Erin ei hun fel cynllunydd, yn ffafrio syniadau’n gyflym wedyn trefnu’r rhain mewn i fapiau meddwl alla hi gymryd i’r proses dylunio fel ysbrydoliaeth. Mae Erin yn ber hoff o’r awyr agored, yn aml yn cymryd amser i heicio a phadl f Trwy astudio yn UWTSD, mae hi wedi dod yn ddylunydd mwy amser effeithlon sy’n medru jyglo sawl prosiect heb aberthu safon. Ho weithio o fewn tîm o ddylunwyr graffeg gyda ffyrm fawr fel Sky.
erinsmith37@outlook.com erinkatecreative.wixsite.com/portfolio linkedin.com/in/erin-smith erinkate.creative