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Huw is a unique and experimental designer who, inspired by what he learned during his foundation year, uses mixed mediums to create abstract, imperfect, and personal designs. He is fond of using collage to achieve this and always tries to design with a strong message in mind. Before designing, Huw spends plenty of time gathering inspiration from Pinterest and library books to soak in as much information as he can to plan out what he wants his designs to say and allows himself time to get into a creative headspace and let the ideas flow. Huw would like to lend his talents working for a skate company or an agency that creates murals and public art, combining his love of skating with his own personal style.

Mae Huw yn ddylunydd unigryw ac arbrofol ac, wedi’i ysbrydoli g yr hyn a ddysgodd yn ystod ei flwyddyn sylfaen, mae’n defnyddio cyfryngau cymysg i greu dyluniadau haniaethol, amherffaith a phersonol. Mae’n hoff o ddefnyddio collage i gyflawni hyn ac mae amser yn ceisio dylunio gyda neges gref yn y cof. Cyn dylunio, Huw yn treulio digon o amser yn casglu ysbrydoliaeth o Pinteres llyfrau llyfrgell i amsugno cymaint o wybodaeth â phosibl er mw cynllunio beth mae’n dymuno i’w ddyluniadau ei ddweud ac mae’n rhoi amser i’w hun i fynd i fan creadigol a gadael i’r syniadau huwedwardsdesign@outlook.com huwedwardsgd.co.uk linkedin.com/in/huw-edwards-2a6877229 artboy.huw


Hoffai Huw ddefnyddio’i ddoniau’n gweithio i gwmni sglefrio neu asiantaeth sy’n creu murluniau a chelf gyhoeddus, gan gyfuno ei gariad at sglefrio â’i arddull bersonol ei hun.

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