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Jack is a designer who favours clean, minimal designs that feature a careful use of colour and a strong sense of structure. His approach to design is always rooted in research, looking for iconography he can adapt into a logo or pattern. He enjoys the challenge of condensing a company or series of ideas into one cohesive branding that remains true to the brand values. He also has an interest in bilingual design thanks to his Welsh-speaking capabilities. He hopes to work for a brand design agency where he can lend his skills to a variety of different projects. Studying at UWTSD has helped him refine his design process and go out of his comfort zone to become a more fully fledged designer.

Mae Jack yn ddylunydd sy’n ffafrio dyluniadau glân a minimol sy’n cynnwys defnydd ofalus o liw a strwythur cryf. Mae ei agwe at ddylunio wastad wedi’i wreiddio mewn ymchwil, yn edrych am eiconograffiaeth galle fo addasu mewn i logo neu batrwm. Mae o’n mwynhau’r sialens o gyddwyso cwmni neu gyfres o syniadau mewn i un brand cydlynol sy’n aros yn wir i werthoedd y brand. Mae h ganddo ddiddordeb mewn dylunio’n ddwyieithog oherwydd ei allu i siarad Cymraeg. Gobeithio ef weithio mewn asiantaeth dylunio br lle allai ef gyfrannu ei sgiliau i amrywiaeth o brosiectau gwah Mae astudio yn PCYDDS wedi helpu iddo fireinio ei sgiliau ac i f allan o’i barth cysur i ddod yn ddylunydd mwy amryddawn.


jumblegd@gmail.com jumblegd.com jumble.design

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