University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Guardian League Table Results 2019
UWTSD joint third highest increase
in ranking in UK
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked =6th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with feedback
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked 20th in the UK
for Art
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked 11th in the UK for Design & Crafts
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked 1st in Wales for Design & Crafts
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Design & Crafts
6th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with feedback
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Design & Crafts
10th in the UK
for satisďŹ ed with teaching (Guardian League Table 2019)
Design & Crafts
7th in the UK for sta student ratio
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked 8th in the UK for Fashion & Textiles
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked 1st in Wales for Fashion & Textiles
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Fashion & Textiles
10th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with course
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Fashion & Textiles
Joint 10th in the UK
for satisďŹ ed with teaching
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Fashion & Textiles 4th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with feedback
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Fashion & Textiles 5th in the UK for student to staff ratio
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Business, Management & Marketing
5th in UK
for satisďŹ ed with teaching (Guardian League Table 2019)
Business, Management & Marketing
1st in the UK for satisďŹ ed with feedback
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Sport Science
Joint 1st in the UK
for value added
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Hospitality, Events and Tourism 10th in UK
for satisďŹ ed with course
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Hospitality, Events and Tourism 5th in the UK
for satisďŹ ed with feedback
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Classics & Ancient History
7th in UK
for satisďŹ ed with teaching
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Classics & Ancient History
3rd in UK
for satisďŹ ed with feedback (Guardian League Table 2019)
Forensic Science & Archaeology 2nd in the UK for satisďŹ ed with teaching
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Forensic Science & Archaeology 1st in Wales
(Guardian League Table 2019)
UWTSD ranked 1st in Wales
for Forensic Science & Archaeology
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Mechanical Engineering
5th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with feedback
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Mechanical Engineering
12th in the UK for students to sta ratio
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Social Policy & Administration
7th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with course
(Guardian League Table 2019)
Social Work
11th in the UK for satisďŹ ed with course
(Guardian League Table 2019)