Surface Pattern Design Graduate Catalogue 2020

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FOREWORD This group of 3rd and 4th year students have amazed us. They have proven themselves to be generous in spirit, team players and “SPD” to the core. We all take pride in the fact that we are part of this twenty-year heritage of Surface Pattern Design at Swansea. “SPD” means so many things – it stems from our programme home, our much loved 5th floor studio; the heart of Surface Pattern. It is safe to say, in March, when Covid 19 forced us to leave, we felt heart broken.

They have been unwavering in their commitment to their design futures, making themselves so employable through their conduct and professionalism.

We celebrate this group for their triumph over adversity, but we will also celebrate their unique student journey and talent. This group boasts idott winners, and live projects with the likes of Mark Eley, Hallmark and St Fagans. They exhibited at Clerkenwell Design Week last summer with live project partners Orangebox, playing a pivotal role in cementing The Class of 2020 have been dealt challenges the programme’s commitment to a sustainable none of us knew to prepare for. They have picked outlook for future students. As individuals they themselves up, they have found innovative ways have sought out incredible external liaisons, to stay creative and reach new heights in their impressing us with their growing confidence, practice. None of them have looked for easy the knowledge they have brought back, and ways out – they have risen to the challenge of their determination to establish themselves as learning, stretching and creating to the end. contenders for the future. We have been inspired by their progress, their ability to adjust, refocus and create beautiful work. They have proven themselves to be resilient, versatile problem solvers. 3

It’s safe to say this group have got what it takes. The Class of 2020 are the ones to watch! Georgia McKie, Programme Manager


ADELE MURPHY @adele_marie_designs

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project The concept behind my collection closely links to biophilia and ideas connected to wellbeing in tandem with subtle references to technology. Combining my rich design handwriting with natural shadows using hi-fi laser technology alongside traditional textile techniques to produce a luxe fashion textile collection. After graduation I aspire to After graduation I hope to be working in a creative environment where I am excited to go to work every day. Working with various artisan processes as I love to work with my hands to produce printed textile designs for fashion. What do you love most about surface pattern design? I have learned so much about myself as a designer and I have developed such a large range of skills and techniques that are invaluable. I personally love working in the printed textile and colouration lab, dying and printing fabrics giving a personal handmade element to my work. 7

GRACE EXLEY @gexley_spd

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My collection is inspired by the way in which we experience the natural world. My artworks are deeply personal and relate to the experience I have had on a particular walk and the work produced take on a new experience for their audience promoting feeling of the strangely familiar. After graduation I aspire to I would like to work as a multidisciplinary artist, running workshops with people from local communities creating art, as well as working on commissions alongside. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface Pattern Design has allowed me to express my interest in Space and Place and the relationships we have with our surroundings. There are no limits or restrictions to pathways, as the course is very diverse and flexible to allow you to apply your work to multiple surfaces and contexts. 9

HANNAH BARFORD @hannahmarydesign

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My Collection centres on everyday overlooked patterns that are found in the urban landscape. Focussing heavily on the patinas and textures in my surroundings juxtaposed with structures that can be found in woven fabrics. It is a synergy of texture and structure. . After graduation I aspire to After graduation I hope to be working within a creative textile design studio, hand printing cloth. This will allow me to pursue my love of screen printing, producing luxe bespoke fabrics. Alongside this I would like to develop my own identity as a textile designer. What do you love most about surface pattern design? The best thing about surface pattern is how broad the market is. You learn so many skills that allow you to become a multi-disciplinary designer, that you feel as if you could slot anywhere into the design world with confidence.



ANITA MADAN @a.madantextiles

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My project is inspired by the idyllic scenery and warmth of the Majorcan countryside and rural towns visited whilst on vacation. This will be brought to life on lengths of wallpaper creating a scenic story. After graduation I aspire to After graduating I aspire to continue building on my own practice as a designer and to experiment for myself through trying new styles and media, discovering new stories to illustrate into interiors. I will continue to seek out opportunities relating to the design style and ethos that I would like to focus on in the interior design industry. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Studying Surface Pattern has taught me many valuable tools in creating designs, that will aid me throughout my career in the surface pattern industry. Working with patterns has shown me that there are no limits to what can be created, and how wonderful and creative a future in Surface Pattern design can be. 15


Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My project, entitled “Living with Extinction�, has been hugely inspired by a research trip to The Natural History Museum, London. Inspired by the curation of the displays, I have created imagery that shows extinct animals revived and living with endangered animals. All be printed on to silks and linens for a poignant ready-to-wear SS 2021 collection. After graduation I aspire to I really hope to still be working in a team with other creatives, as this is where I feel I thrive. I hope to still be drawing and designing for fashion and I would love to take on more commercial opportunities. What do you love most about surface pattern design? I love the versatility of the skills on offer and the way that the team support not just our education, but our careers and our futures.


BETH AGAR @_bethagar

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My project aims to bring sculptural historical figures back to life with a modern twist. Figured artforms found within museums are re-imagined with my quirky, bespoke interior design. Whilst combining traditional hand-rendered drawings with digital software, I aim to bring these sculptures back into modern design. After graduation I aspire to After graduating I aspire to develop my practice as an independent designer to create a brand for myself through my unique style of design. I also aim to complete my PGCE, to go on and teach others. What do you love most about surface pattern design? What I love most about Surface Pattern is the endless possibilities that it brings. It has given me many opportunities, building me into a confident designer, capable of working within the industry to professional standards. Surface pattern shows no limits of where I can go.


Photography by Abby Poulson @abpoulson

CERYS DAVIES @cerys.a.davies

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My project is based around stories, poems and quotes linked to forest animals. The literature pieces will be displayed in a paper format creating a story through visual layout. I aim to bring these stories to life through depth, layering and pattern. After graduation I aspire to After graduation I aspire to continue developing my skills as a paper artist, to work alongside others to grow in my practise. By establishing myself a brand where I can communicate my style of paper cutting. I hope to start workshops which will allow others to become inspired by paper crafts, to open new pathways to individuals who seek it. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface Pattern has shown me that there are no limitations as a designer, by helping you achieve milestones and goals. It has allowed me to become a more confident individual who can overcome any challenge in my way. 21

CHARLOTTE BURROWS @charlottemarieburrows_design

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project The concept behind my final major project stemmed from the notion of ‘maximalism’ and ‘memphis movement’. The discoveries mentioned designers like Camielle Walala, Ettore Sottass, Jeff Koons and Olafur Eliasson to name a few. Through my research, there was constant quirkiness and geometrics which radiated a spark of joy that releases within an atmosphere. After graduation I aspire to I aspire to teach and help the next generation through teaching. This can be achieved through added development of my education and obtaining a PGCE. What do you love most about surface pattern design? I love the freedom to express your ideas and individuality, along with the experiences you can gain from live briefs designed by outside companies for the course. I found that the live briefs tested the limits and helped discover your true passion. 23

CHLOE WALLACE @chloeilsedesigns

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project Initial inspiration for this theme came from my frequent visits to the beach over the summer holidays. The variety of strange shapes, surfaces and textures washed up on the sand excited me and gave me the urge to draw. After graduation I aspire to As soon as I finish my degree I want to intern at a number of different companies. When I have gained a few years of first-hand experience I would like to go to New designers and start my own business. What do you love most about surface pattern design? I love Surface Pattern because it allows me to express myself creatively and try out new processes I would not have originally pursued. The course has given me the confidence to take on new challenges and pushed me to work to the best of my ability.


EMILY BOYCE @visionsinrepeat

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project This project was inspired by a recent trip to Milan and locally from the Glynn Vivian museum, where there are many figurative sculptures that I thought had a lot of scope to be used in a conversational print. I often focus on challenging objects and ornaments in my work so this was a continuation from past projects. However, I felt that I needed to explore my medium in using paint, oil pastels, chalks and felt liners to achieve the aesthetic I was looking for. After graduation I aspire to I aspire to graduate and gain more experience in the fashion industry as I have started while on the course and to later pursue a career in the fashion for print industry. I would love to work with some of the bigger high street brands. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface pattern design has given me a new appreciation in the world of design. But also, of how surface pattern is everywhere! 27

EMMA VAUGHAN @emmavaughan.1

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My collection is inspired by the mundane objects in and around the house. I am going to take these often-overlooked objects and transform them into truly unique designs. I like to combine unexpected materials, and I am going to push this to new limits using materials from around my house, reflecting the limitations of this time. After graduation I aspire to I aspire to run my own studio, featuring in galleries across the UK as well as targeting high profile annual events such as Collect. What do you love most about surface pattern design? It has allowed me to develop and explore new ways of working, I now love combining digital and traditional techniques which wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the amazing staff and their knowledge which are with you every step of your journey. I have grown into a confident Designer Maker.


HEATHER KELMAN @heatherkelmanart

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project I am particularly drawn to old photographs and drawings of Kew gardens and how these illustrations are delicately depicted. My collection has been designed to celebrate the vibrancy and whimsical nature which I feel Kew gardens exudes. After graduation I aspire to I would like to work as a designer for a high-end interior company, gaining the experience and skills I need to push myself into a senior designer role. I would like to revisit my education after some real-life experience and hope to study an MA in Printed Textiles at the Royal College of Art. What do you love most about surface pattern design? I have been encouraged to explore and celebrate my own skills and abilities and with this I have learnt how to manipulate different techniques and materials to suit my own design signature, learning more about myself in the process. 31

JESS THOMAS @jet_designs_bristol

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My personal major project, ‘imperfect beauty’ is influenced by floral and architectural forms. By focusing on these elements, I create the aesthetic of walking through deserted and abandoned places creating a stunning capsule collection for unisex fashion. After graduation I aspire to Find my dream job as a print designer for an ethical fashion brand. Alternatively, I am interested in teaching textile design while creating a range of her own printed products that can be sold on the side. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface pattern design allows me to express my personality and interests. There are no limitations in applying oneself meaning each designer has the choice to create in a way that best represents them and what they passionate about. It encourages you to feel positive about the future and the opportunities it holds.



Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project I wanted to create a range of headscarves for people who suffer with hair loss due to medical treatments such as chemotherapy. The ideas behind my designs are to have plant foliage as a symbol of natural growth. I want my leafy headscarves to have a range of different colours that will uplift the wearer. After graduation I aspire to After graduation I aspire to be working for a design company, understanding and learning more about the design world, and being able to push my skills even further. What do you love most about surface pattern design? What I love most about surface pattern is that you have the freedom and ability to choose from many pathways, fashion, interior, maker. There are so many valuable skills that we learn from each of these processes.


LAUREN EVANS @laurenlouisedesigns

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My project aims to bring sustainable materials such as eggshells into interior spaces, transforming waste into valuable materials with a contemporary aesthetic for surfaces. I am inspired by architectural structures and buildings, finding geometric shapes that inspire my modular designs. After graduation I aspire to I hope to continue my studies to a Master level. Challenging myself further, in a fast-paced environment. After this my ambition is to pursue a career within the sustainable material market, working towards a better environment, for future generations. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface pattern design gives me the freedom to explore and experiment with lots of different mediums across Swansea College of Art. I love the opportunities to work on live briefs with clients and making connections along the way. 37

LAUREN KATE LEACHER @lauren.kate.designs

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My final collection is based on markets specifically in East London. Columbia Road Flower Market and Brick Lane Market are personal favourites. Both of which are strife with gorgeous materials and inspiration to draw from, especially on a Sunday. I have a personal connection with these places as it’s the area I spent a few years of my life living in. The markets provide a wonderland of culture and history. After graduation I aspire to After graduating I’d like to move back to London to work, it’s just so full of inspiration and opportunity for a young designer. What do you love most about surface pattern design? What I love most about SPD is that it’s like a big family, all the tutors are so warm and helpful. The year group all mingle and chat together which is also lovely.


LEILA ROWORTH @leilaevelyn_designs_

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project The key theme behind my project is ‘foraging in the garden.’ My collection embodies British garden birds and botanicals. Utilising a mix up of traditional techniques such as lino printing, gouache painting I develop, explore and digitally manifest prints into wallpaper designs. Where do you see yourself in five years? After graduating I aspire to work within the wallpaper and printed textile industry as I have developed a love for repeat patterns and designing specifically for interiors. Eventually I’d like to create my own brand which pays homage to traditional techniques such as relief printing and screen printing but is suitable for modern living. What do you love most about surface pattern design? The thing I love most about surface pattern design is the freedom to explore between different materials and processes on different substrates. Surface pattern allows endless exciting possibilities. The variety of skills and techniques I’ve learned are part of my design identity. 41

MARIE WILKINSON @mariewilkinsonart

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My major project is fuelled by the health benefits of light and nature on human well-being through the engagement of the senses. I have used florals as motifs to demonstrate this through textural exploration and depth. After graduation I aspire to I hope to work in a print studio after completing an MDes to further fuel my practice. The environment is suitable to my working style as I focus on the textiles for fashion pathway, yearning to work in an environment that allows me to continue to grow as a designer. What do you love most about surface pattern design? The course has allowed me to form a passion for traditional screenprinting and create a cross-disciplinary practice alongside digital processes through the open-access facilities. The flexibility within the course encourages growth to enable you to form a strong design identity across several processes. 43


Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project This collection is entitled Nature’s Hide and Seek, based on how nature takes over when humans are not around. I have focused on found objects, architecture, and florals from The Horniman Botanical Gardens. I have also included my exclusive Gold work to highlight the flora and fauna.   After graduation I aspire to I feel there is still a lot to learn to expand my knowledge as a designer.  As soon as I finish my degree, I aspire to take part in craft festivals and fairs to gain further experience of market and consumer demand. What do you love most about surface pattern design? This course has given me the confidence to combine my embroidery and multicultural inspirations through a range of printing techniques that I have learned here at UWTSD.



Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My collection explores the oddities and rarities from nature, recapturing our fascination with the natural world. Flamboyant taxidermized birds interact with their archival settings, perching upon decorative cabinets and inspecting candelabra, surrounded by flora and fauna. I have worked with watercolour and hand rendered illustrations to breathe new life into these antique forms. After graduation I aspire to After completing MDes, I hope to begin my journey as a self-employed designer, establishing my own range of home and gift products. Learning along the way and developing my skills, I am excited for the possibilities the future holds. What do you love most about surface pattern design? What I love most about Surface Pattern Is the wonderful community and support it gives. We are all each other’s biggest fans, and there is no shortage of motivation with such a creative world at our fingertips! 47


Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project The inspiration for my final major project is from the designer shops I visited in Milan, as well as the work of illustrative designer Ana Hard. I was particularly drawn to her use of feminine bold colours, attention to detail, and I like how she focuses mainly on objects related to women. The way she gathers objects together gave me the idea of creating modern and girly still life patterns using imagery from designer shops and quirky cafĂŠs in Milan. I visualise these designs in a stationery and lifestyle context as this is what I would like to design in the future. After graduation I aspire to My aim is to become a successful illustrative stationery and lifestyle designer which eventually results in running my own successful business. To reach this goal my plan after graduating is apply for jobs in stationery or illustrative design, and create more things to sell on my etsy website.


OLIVIA HUTCHINGS @liv.surfacepattern

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project It is an interior collection of fabric and wallpaper designs that combines imagery from the Hortus Bontanicus and the architecture around Amsterdam. My project explores Cyanotype, allowing me to layer my own drawings with found leaves, recreating the essence of what I saw. After graduation I aspire to I hope to explore my passion of screen-printing processes to greater depth by continuing my studies to Masters level. I am excited to push my knowledge further and investigate experimental techniques. Beyond this, I aspire to design within the printed textile industry. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface pattern design gives you the ability to design on any surface using a variety of different techniques. The course brings endless opportunities which have encouraged me to try new things outside of my comfort zone allowing my confidence to grow as a designer.


SARA GRIFFITH @saralleucu_textiles

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My aim is to create designs that show the beauty of the welsh landscape surrounding my home for modern and contemporary fashion. Whilst wondering the fields of my farm, and the mountains around, I’ve often wondered how the shapes and patterns you see can be altered and changed into beautiful designs on fabric. I then manipulate these initial inspirations into stitch, print and embroidery. After graduation I aspire to After graduating I aspire to work for a high end fashion company to gain experience and knowledge in the fashion industry to then set up my own fabric print design business in the future. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Throughout my 3 years of study in Surface Pattern Design, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the dyeing process due to the wonderful element of surprise when a new and unexpected colour appears. Also being able to create new textures with a variety of fabrics and the idea of experimenting with different materials excite me. 53

SOPHIE LEAH WILLIAMS @sophiewilliamsdesigns

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My ideas were taken from my trip to Milan where I took inspiration from the café scenes going on in a traditional Italian café. I loved the bright mint and pink colours from Bar Luce and developed my own style of drawing to create continuous line drawings of people in the café’s converted into digital repeats. After graduation I aspire to After graduation I am eager to pursue my skills in the fashion industry and expand my knowledge in printed fashion. My dream is to use my designs and collaborate with a luxury fashion company as I feel that I would benefit from this to then create my own business in the future. What do you love most about surface pattern design? Surface pattern design has helped intensify my love for design and colour and has also opened a lot of new opportunities and experiences for me to develop further. It has also helped build my confidence to go out into the real world. 55

STEPH NICHOLAS @Surfacealchemy

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project The idea’s behind my Personal Major Project, began with looking into what elements can be brought into a living or workspace area, that heightens our wellbeing and happiness. My focus is developing a luxurious collection of maximalist prints the dark interior market. After graduation I aspire to After graduating from my Mdes course next year, I hope to be more prepared to work within the wallpaper and printed textile industry as I have developed a love for repeat patterns and designing specifically for commercial/home interiors. What do you love most about surface pattern design? I learnt that I am most happy and most productive when doing something with my hands and body, such as screen printing and relief block printing, painting and drawing.


ZARA JAMES @zaratextiles

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My final major project is inspired by archetypal British florals and gardens. Gardens have always been a part of my life from my family’s garden centre, to my gardens at home. My love for painting and working digitally is shown throughout my designs. After graduation I aspire to After graduating I aspire to work in the wallpaper and printed textile industry. Eventually I would like to have my own interior textile brand, whilst continuing my style of painted and digital designs. What do you love most about surface pattern design? The thing I love the most about surface pattern design is all the different things you can explore. The freedom we have on the course is amazing and all the different things I’ve learnt have shaped me as a designer.


ZOE ALICE NOAKES @z.a.noakes

Briefly explain your ideas behind your major project My work is an exploration, distortion & re-imagining of patterns connected to growth and formation. No structure in nature is static. They ebb and flow, endlessly dancing around us and within us. Always moving, shifting and transforming from one form to another; choreographed by internal and external forces and fields of energy, moving like shadows. Everything is in flux, moving in between states of being made and unmade and remade, forever spiralling‌ After graduation I aspire to Further my studies at UWTSD through the MA Glass programme with the aim to pursue my research at PhD level. What do you love most about surface pattern design? So many things! The world class facilities, the studio space and creative freedom are second only to the incredible team of lecturers, technicians and support staff that dedicate themselves to our success.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The class of 2020 Surface Pattern Design have received exceptional support throughout our studies on the course. We are grateful to have had access to an excellent cohort of staff who’s personal skills and attributes have allowed us all to excel. We would like to express our thanks to these people who have all made a significant positive difference to our academic experience.

Georgia McKie Cath Hammerton Claire Savage Onstwedder Kate Coode Anna Lewis Sharon Cooper Lloyd James Dan Butler Julia Griffiths Jones


Julia Lockheart Gwen Beynon Ainsley Hillard Cath Brown Suzanne Callen Mel Rocyn-Jones Glenn Sherwood Colin Telford

George Perkins Catalogue Graphic Designer The National Wool museum St Fagans National Museum of History Orangebox Eley Kishimoto Hallmark


Designed by George Perkins

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