Trinity ISI Report 2024 Highlights

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ISIReport2024 Highlights.

“We are really pleased with the result of the recent inspection. The strengthofthecommunity within the school, and our connections with those outside, are very significant in shaping the experience of our students. To have this recognised as a significantstrength means a lot to us.

“We were also pleased inspectors also recognised our “emphasison buildingthewholechild”. We will continue to nurture extraordinary young people, shaping them through a culture of strong values.”

Thereisan“inclusiveand collaborativeculturewithin theschool” andan “atmosphereofwarmth, friendlinessandteamwork… thatsupportspupils’wellbeing.”

“Anextensive anddiversecocurricularprogramme thatcomplementsthe curriculum.”
“Effective pastoralcare supportspupils’ emotionalwellbeing andencouragesthem toberesilientand confident.”
“Well-planned curriculumwhichis taughtanddelivered consistently effectively.”

1st in Croydon

Alasdair Kennedy, Headmaster



andsuitably plannedlessonsallowpupilstoexpandtheir deeperintellectualcuriosity, creativity,andwell-formed analyticalandtechnicalskills.”

think criticallyandreflectontheir work. Asaresult,pupilsdisplaya

“Pupilsareoftenencouragedto positiveattitudetolearning,are highlymotivated,andtake responsibilityfortheirown learning.”

“Allpupilsareprovidedwithaplatformto develophighlybeneficiallifeskills,for example,adeepsenseofsocial responsibility,culturalinsight, andleadership.”

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