A recent graduate's look at the evolving landscape of the collegiate experience.

Jennifer Freeman Thompson
Jennifer Kuhn Call, Epsilon Xi
Taylor Carey, Epsilon Sigma Meagan Earls, Psi
Sarah Irvin, Gamma Rho
Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa
Margaret Fields, Alpha Upsilon Hannah Laux
Questions, feedback, and story ideas may be sent to 0 marketing@trisigma.org. Send name or address changes and Omega Chapter notices to 0 sigma@trisigma.org
Collegiate and alumnae chapter reports should be submitted 0 here by July 1.
The Triangle is published annually and is a member of the National Panhellenic Conference Communicators and Fraternity Communications Association.

207 North Muhlenberg St. Woodstock, VA 22664-1424 p 540.459.4212 | f 540.459.2361 sigma@trisigma.org | trisigma.org
Joyce Newcom O’Daniel, Alpha Chi
Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma
Crystal Jones, Zeta Pi
Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta
Lauren Moran, Gamma Rho
Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron
Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho
Jenna Martin Pendry

By now, many of you know of the difficult decision Executive Council made to sell the Walton House and the adjacent administrative offices in Woodstock and relocate our national headquarters to Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Change isn't always easy, even when we know it is the right thing to do.
Though the decision came after much research, review, discussion (and more research, review, and discussion), it was a decision we knew would come with many feelings and emotions—including our own.
But we aren't called to lead with just our feelings and emotions; we are called to lead Sigma boldly toward the future. The sorority landscape is changing every day—and we must not only adapt, but move Ever Forward.
Tri Sigma's vision calls us to provide exceptional experiences that will empower women to change the world. Throughout the pages of this issue, you'll see some ways we are doing just that. Learn more about the work being done to support our strategic plan on pages 6-7.
I hope you'll also read how three of our members are personifying our philanthropic focus of Sigma Serves Children in their daily lives on page 10 and the first-person look into today's collegiate experience written by a recent graduate on page 14.
I'd also like to congratulate our most recent scholarship recipients listed on page 40 and thank the Foundation and its donors for the financial gifts that make opportunities like this possible.
I've never been prouder to be a Tri Sigma, and hope this issue will inspire or reignite your own Sigma pride. The work of our volunteers, staff, and collegiate and alumnae leaders can only go so far without steadfast alumnae. Whether it is engaging with our social media, keeping your contact info current in Sigma Connect, attending local or national events, paying alumnae dues, or filling out Introduction Forms for potential new members in your community—we need your help ensuring Tri Sigma continues to thrive for the next 125 years.
In our bonds,

Joyce Newcom O’Daniel National President

Facebook 0 SigmaSigmaSigma
Instagram 0 SigmaSigmaSigmaHQ
LinkedIn 0 company/sigmasigma-sigmanational-sorority
TikTok 0 TriSigmaHQ

We have linked several resources, websites and email addresses within this issue. When viewing online, click purple links with 0 to access additional content or send an email. If you’re reading this in print, scan the QR code above with your smart phone camera to access linked content via the digital issue.

A few drops of rain didn't spoil the moment for recent graduates Meghan Dinofrio, Enaizsa Torres, Taylor Carey, and Elbie Kaleb from Epsilon Sigma–Virginia Commonwealth University. Carey shares what changed her mind about joining a sorority and provides a more contemporary look at today's collegiate sorority woman on page 14. Photo by Lily Vita.

was all
in August as they celebrated 25 new members on Bid Day. See page 24 for a by-the-numbers look at collegiate chapters.
IN A BARBIE WORLD Sigma's Chapter Dolls FROM THE FOUNDATION Taking a Leap of Faith EMPOWERED WOMEN Serving All Children
BREAKING THE MOLD Today's Sorority Woman OMEGA CHAPTER In Rememberance
Alpha Epsilon Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University
to own a special 125th anniversary commemorative souvenir!
[Limited quantities available]


Each November, Tri Sigma supports the March of Dimes to educate, volunteer, and advocate for healthy moms and strong babies. Wear purple to help us raise awareness and tag us and @MarchOfDimes in your social media photos so we can share this important philanthropic partnership. Visit 0 trisigma.org/ foundation to learn more about how #SigmaServesChildren!

Tri Sigma's 2025 National Convention will be held June 26–28, 2025, at the 0 Union Station Hotel in St. Louis. More information will become available in mid-2024. SAVE

Are you one of the 4,720 followers we have on 0 LinkedIn? Join us there for job postings, career resources, volunteer updates, and to celebrate the successes of our members.

Sigmas had “the time of their lives” seeing Taylor Swift this summer at the Eras Tour—and our members loved to see it. This carousel post full of Sigma Swifties received

Celebrate your Sigma era with merch from Purple & Pearls, like this cozy, classic fit sweatshirt. Shop this and other gifts and apparel at 0 purpleandpearls.com
Tri Sigma has teamed up with Rocket Mortgage to provide customized service and savings for new home loans and refinancing existing loans. As a Tri Sigma, you or anyone you refer can save $1,000 on closing costs and receive a $500 rebate check to keep or apply toward a donation or Lifetime Dues payment. Rocket Mortgage can help you make the right decision in simplifying the home financing experience. More details and resources will be announced in mid-November.

As phase two of our ongoing Oral History Project concludes, we are happy to report nearly 5,000 members have updated their contact information—and around 3,500 stories have been collected. Production is underway and orders should be fulfilled in spring of 2024. Visit 0 trisigma.org/oral-history-project to learn more.
After careful consideration and evaluation, Executive Council voted to adjust the structure for annual and Lifetime Dues. It's been more than 20 years since the last Lifetime Dues increase, and—in an ever-changing world where costs continue to rise—we must proactively plan for the future to uphold the high standards and opportunities we offer to our members.
In December 2023, annual alumnae dues will increase to $50/year and Lifetime Dues will increase to $1,898. With this comes some new and exciting member benefits. See page 22 to learn more about these benefits and how you can become an inaugural Ever Forward Member by paying Lifetime Dues.
This decision is part of a multi-phase, strategic approach to secure the longevity and vibrancy of our sisterhood. Visit 0 trisigma.org/alumnae-dues to learn how this money is used.
Tri Sigma received the Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention for the second year in a row. Presented by Vector Solutions, the CPN Seal of Prevention represents the highest standard for online prevention education and has a rigorous set of criteria to ensure a measurable impact is made across the critical areas of sexual assault, alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, and diversity and inclusion. 0 Click here to learn more about this recognition.
The NHQ Marketing and Communications Team received honors in six categories at the Fraternity Communications Association’s annual conference in May. FCA received more than 600 entries from its 70+ member organizations. Tri Sigma was one of 28 organizations that received awards for outstanding efforts in a variety of writing, design, and communication categories. 0 Click here to view the awards

You may remember Tri Sigma’s Accreditation, the process used to answer the call for values congruence, as well as provide a checklist of required chapter or officer tasks. While beneficial for several years, its main purpose became lost and was no longer accomplishing its original goal.
After reimagining the goals and objectives for collegiate chapter accountability, Touchstone was created to measure factors related to a positive membership experience. This innovative new approach provides a basis of benchmarks that fall into three areas essential to chapter success: membership, operations, and engagement. It also allows chapters to focus on specific opportunities for improvement and receive more targeted support from staff and volunteers. Touchstone was debuted to chapter leaders at The Academy in January and is currently in use.

Nearly 300 collegiate officers, facilitators and staff attended The Academy last January in Dallas. Chapter Presidents, Treasurers and Vice Presidents of Operations were invited to attend this 3-day event. Large group session topics included communicating with confidence, cultivating partnerships, peer networking, creating a culture of care, and other leadership-focused themes. Attendees were also divided into position-specific tracks to better prepare them for their officer role according to the specific needs of their chapter size.
The 2024 in-person officer learning will take place at the Prevention Institute in Pittsburgh. The 2024 Academy will be held virtually Jan. 12-13, 2024, for all elected positions with an optional track available for collegiate chapter advisors. Visit 0 trisigma.org/the-academy to learn more.
Collegiate members who achieve a 4.0 GPA for two consecutive semesters are honored with a sterling silver scholarship ring. 0 Click here to view the 117 members we proudly recognize this year
A new collegiate chapter leadership structure has been designed to create a more streamlined and efficient system for chapters. With this change, we hope to alleviate many of the struggles our chapters have faced, such as long committee meetings, cluttered officer communication and a lack of clarity on roles and responsibilities.
The new structure aims to provide:
• Effective communication across all officers and teams
• Development of the leaders who guide the direction of the chapter
• Placement of non-elected positions based on qualifications
• Increased effectiveness in addressing individual member needs
• Applicable real-world experience
We look forward to offering more specific leadership development opportunities, as well additional training, resources and targeted communications.
The Chapter Advisory Board structure has also been updated to better support chapter leaders and provide each C.A.B. the autonomy to recruit advisors to serve on the board.
National volunteer titles have also been updated to create consistency across departments and more accurately reflect the scope of volunteer work. Title changes will not impact current volunteers or their responsibilities. Alumnae chapter roles are currently being reviewed and changes will be announced in the coming months. For more information regarding alumnae volunteer opportunities and responsibilities, visit 0 trisigma.org/volunteer.

Throughout the past few years, we have provided updates on the member needs and opportunities revealed in the 2021 Membership Assessment and its impact on our strategic plan. Based on those who participated, 38% of alumnae were still engaged because of lifelong learning and personal development opportunities received through Tri Sigma. Additionally, 53% felt programming outcomes met their needs, and 60% believed Tri Sigma helped prepare them to be successful in life after college.
In response, NHQ merged its information technology and programming staff to create the Enablement Department. Led by Associate Executive Director of Enablement Lorin Phillips, Alpha Upsilon, the new department is responsible for the creation, development, delivery, and evolution of programs that enhance productivity, streamline processes, and provide programming and development opportunities, training and onboarding, and more. An advisory team was also created to help inform this work.
A member development framework was created aims to develop member affinity through fulfilling experiences. It will include the following for the 2023−24 academic year:
• Updated new member workbooks and the implementation and training of New Member Orientation Leaders.
• Downloadable member transcripts outlining completed educational offerings and study skills certification. These can be used to supplement a resume or describe competencies within the context of an employment interview.
0 Click here to learn about the four framework components.
• A chapter-led Member Success Series for collegiate chapters, as well as reimagined Virtual Leadership Symposiums offering joint collegiate/alumnae learning experiences like the recent offering featuring Dr. Mari Ann Callais which received 0 rave reviews
• Expanded health promotion programming that extends beyond traditional harm prevention and mental wellbeing. Additions include education surrounding building inclusive communities, prescription drug misuse, and CannabisEDU.
• Collegiate debrief guides to accompany required chapter-wide learning to provide an opportunity for relationship-building, member discussion and guided consideration on applying the content to personal, academic, and professional environments.
• An enhanced catalog of opportunities in Essential Sigma, including onboarding for new endeavors such as New Member Orientation, Alumnae and Collegiate Chapter Leader Training & Transition, and national volunteer and C.A.B. service.
Regional in-person collegiate officer experiences will begin in 2025. The department hopes to expand offerings over the next three years to include additional certificate programs, expanded onboarding and training, and more virtual and in-person opportunities aimed at promoting leadership development and member success.
All Tri Sigma members already have access to a variety of engaging opportunities and learning modules in Essential Sigma. This resource-rich library caters to the educational needs of collegians, alumnae, and volunteers alike, empowering them to enhance their knowledge and skills. Learn more by logging into 0 Sigma Connect » Essential Sigma
Congratulations to the following individuals for outstanding achievement during the 2022-23 academic year:
Mabel Lee Walton Leadership Award
Jaiden Smith, Chi–Pittsburg State University
Margaret Freeman Everett Outstanding Senior Award
Eliza Simikian, Alpha Chi–Murray State University
Outstanding Collegiate Member Award
Elaina Bancroft, Theta Zeta–Case Western Reserve University
Kambry Farris, Eta Kappa–Texas Women's University
Chloe St. George, Theta Epsilon–Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas
Maggie Inman, Epsilon Theta–Oglethorpe University
Outstanding Senior Award
Kate Caforio, Theta Zeta–Case Western Reserve University
Alexandria Mizia, Alpha Alpha–Concord University
Anna Claire Pousson, Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Jessica Rinehart, Theta Mu–Randolph-Macon College
Savanna Willis, Gamma Xi–Barton College
Outstanding Advisor Award
Catherine Duffin Albright, Chi–Pittsburg State University
Emily Rae Murphy, Eta Kappa–Texas Women's University
Kathy Rayburn Kopperud, Alpha Chi–Murray State University
Lillian Grace Lingenfelter, Pi–Emporia State University
Fraternity/Sorority Advisor of the Year
Amanda Metts, Barton College
Emily Gates Alumna Achievement Award
Glennis Webb, Epsilon Pi–Presbyterian College
Outstanding Alumnae Award
Jessica Miller Alsip, Eta Kappa–Texas Woman's University
Erica Louise Dutter, Alpha Beta–Kent State University
Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma–Ball State University
Jill Carlson Schmidt, Epsilon Omicron–Illinois State University
Emerging Alumnae Award
Ashley Vanessa Acosta, Eta Kappa–Texas Woman's University
Susan Raylene Bayless, Iota Alpha–Alumnae Initiate
Haley Marie Foster, Alpha Beta–Kent State University
Taylor Medlock Lanier, Gamma Xi–Barton College
Renata J. Serpico, Epsilon Omicron–Illinois State University
Steadfast Alumnae Award
Sharon Johannsen Devlin, Beta Lambda–Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Looking for chapter awards? Check out the collegiate and alumnae news sections on pages 24 and 34!

NOT PICTURED: Eta Eta–Lynn University, and Northeast Ohio Alumnae Chapter—both celebrating 25 years.
Tri Sigma is proud to reaffirm the lifelong commitment of sisterhood by recognizing 262 members for 75 years of steadfast membership. 0 Click here to view the list

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While serving children's initiatives has become synonymous with Tri Sigma, these three members have made it their personal mission to make sure it includes children who are sometimes overlooked. Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa, visited with these women to learn more about the children and causes they serve.

that provide enrichment for youth and help meet the needs of the community.
Mary Catherine Steed Hartley
Professionally and as a volunteer, I work with boys ages 13-17 on juvenile probation who are court ordered to live in a residential facility and maintain connections with them as a supportive and caring adult after they leave the program. Some have been involved with gangs, some have felonies on their records, many live in poverty, some have been expelled or have been in trouble at school, some have been in foster care—but almost all of them have experienced trauma and loss, and they all need a second chance to find success.
giving back to their own communities, and becoming parents. Sometimes they call us when they are struggling and this reinforces the bonds of trust that we have created. They know they can count on us to support them and not judge their situation.
What organization do you volunteer with?
I volunteer with 0 Eckerd Connects in various capacities, throughout the community and as needs arise. I also work with various other local organizations.
What is the mission of Eckerd Connects?
To provide and share solutions that promote the well-being of those in need and strives to ensure everyone has the opportunity to succeed. This speaks to me in both my career and volunteer work.
How did you get involved with Eckerd Connects? I learned about the organization through a colleague and began volunteering for them while serving on our county's Juvenile Crime Prevention Council. I joined their staff for about 7 years and continued as a volunteer afterward. When looking at the various community projects, we select opportunities
What inspires you to continue working with formerly incarcerated youth? I love seeing them gain confidence, overcome challenges, improve decision making, build communication and coping skills, and learn to trust people. The transformation is amazing to watch. I also love seeing them laugh and enjoy childhood in ways they haven't been able to in the past.
What role has Tri Sigma played in your volunteerism? Since joining Tri Sigma, I have learned the importance of consistency in volunteering. It is so rewarding to see longer-term results of volunteer efforts.
What is your favorite part about volunteering with Eckerd Connects? I love hearing from those who are no longer in the program. Many contact us to share success stories—like getting their first jobs, joining a school team, graduating from high school, attending college,
What is something Eckerd Connects has accomplished that you are proud of? The thing that makes me the most proud is to see how the youth are impacted by the power of volunteer work. We have an annual event where we package and distribute 10,000 meals to local families in need (it's not always who you think!) and provide holiday gifts for 300 children. I have seen teenage boys tearful and transformed by their experiences helping others. Their commitment to helping others in their own communities is inspiring.
How can someone get involved with Eckerd Connects? Eckerd Connects is in many states and is always looking for volunteers and mentors for its youth and adult programs. A potential volunteer can contact the local office to request info about the community's needs.
What is something you wish people knew about formerly incarcerated youth? I wish people understood they are just kids who have made poor decisions. They have been judged only by their actions and not their true character. When you get to know them, you meet boys who are smart, creative, funny, talented, athletic, artistic, loving, protective, and articulate. They have big dreams for their lives. Each of them deserves to be treated with respect and given the opportunity to succeed.
Delta Delta–University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What organization do you volunteer with?
0 Margie's Hope
What is their mission? Margie's Hope provides resources and services to enrich the lives of transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive people in Northeast Ohio. Margie’s Hope offers resources and support through various community programs and a not-for-profit resale store called Margie’s Closet.
How did you get involved with Margie’s Hope? I was looking for opportunities to put allyship into action and just happened to meet some of their volunteers while attending Akron Pride in 2019. I requested more information about Margie's Kids, a program that provides a safe space for kids to have fun and be themselves. The founder called me to set up an interview and the rest, as they say, is history.
What inspires you to continue volunteering with transgender youth? Silence is violence. In neutrality, we choose the side of the oppressor. Trans youth cannot afford silence or neutrality with regard to their very lives.
What role has Tri Sigma played in your volunteerism? In a past Convention luncheon, Kelly Jo Karnes, Pi–Emporia State University, reminded us that apathy has no place in Tri Sigma. That quote challenged me in many ways and changed the way I view injustice in this world. Tri Sigma continues to inspire me to fight apathy every single day in my volunteer

What organization do you volunteer with?
0 Unsilenced is a non-profit organization that serves past, present, and future victims of institutional child abuse. One of the largest culprits of this abuse is a network of unregulated and powerful congregate care facilities that claim to reform youth struggling with mental health or educational challenges, often referred to as the troubled teen industry. Instead of receiving therapeutic services and education targeted to at-risk youth, many
young people experience maltreatment, psychological harm, sexual and bodily assault, physical and medical neglect, a variety of civil rights violations, and, in some cases, hospitalization or even death.
What is the mission of Unsilenced? Our mission is to stop institutional child abuse by empowering self-advocates to promote lasting social change. Utilizing education, awareness, community support, and policy change,
life. When the work is hard or emotional or doesn't garner applause, I keep going. I owe that drive to Sigma.
What is something Margie’s Hope has accomplished that you are proud of? I'm proudest of Margie's Closet, a gender-affirming thrift store in the Cleveland area. The store opened in 2021 and has become a source of community and support for trans youth and adults in the area. While clothing is donated and sold in the store at various price points, 100% of the profits benefit Margie's Hope's local programs and outreach efforts.
How can someone get involved? Get in touch with whoever is doing this work in your local area. If you're not sure who that is, start by attending Pride or visit 0 hrc.org/get-involved to find other LGBTQ+ events in your area.
What is something you wish people knew about transgender youth? They are just kids. The only “trans agenda” is making it to adulthood and living a happy and fulfilling life.
Unsilenced aims to protect the civil, social, and human rights of youth.
How did you get involved with Unsilenced? In 2020, Paris Hilton released a documentary on YouTube called “This is Paris,” where she bravely shared her story as a survivor of one of these facilities. I started researching what was being done to stop these facilities from operating. I found advocacy and survivor communities, ultimately leading to me joining their volunteer team at the founding in early 2022. I’ve helped with marketing, communications, and PR needs ever since.
What inspires you to continue working to abolish the troubled teen industry? My own experience. I attended a now-closed “therapeutic boarding school” in the desert of Utah for a total of 21 months from 20042005, and returned home just shy of my 17th birthday. While there, I experienced a variety of problematic and violating abuses, including forced silence and isolation, attack therapy, limited access to medical care, not being allowed to look out of any windows or doors, monitored phone calls and censored mail, ⊲
Jocelyn Harper
Alpha Beta–Kent State University
Emily Murphy Iota Alpha–Alumnae Initiate
Emily (far right) with Paris Hilton and other Unsilenced advocates.

and brainwashing techniques. Because of this, I have seen and felt the impact facilities like these have on young people—both during their stays and for the rest of their lives.
What role has Tri Sigma played in your want to volunteer in general? To receive much, you must give much. It’s a short but powerful and true statement that can apply to all facets of life, Tri Sigma and beyond. Volunteerism is time-consuming and can be emotionally taxing—especially in this space—but the rewards are more than worth it.
What is your favorite part about volunteering with Unsilenced? Besides the impact of this work on the community of those who have lived through it, I would say the relationships I’ve built. I’ve made some incredible friends who share similar experiences, and it’s nice to have people who can relate to my story.
What is something Unsilenced has accomplished that you are proud of? Unsilenced and the survivor community were at the forefront of helping get a notoriously bad facility shut down in August 2023. Diamond Ranch Academy was forced to close permanently after allegations of abuse, medical neglect, and the deaths of multiple people in its care—including 17-year-old Taylor Goodridge in December 2022.
When the team received news of this closure, a few of us were coincidentally on a Zoom call regarding another matter, and we immediately started cheering and crying. While my part in the closure was small and mostly related to social media, getting the word out made an impact. No more children can be hurt at the hands of that facility.
What is something you wish people knew about the troubled teen industry? Simply put, that they know about it at all. It’s estimated 120,000-200,000 young people are placed in the care of these under-regulated facilities every year, and very few people know about it. Chances are, there’s one of these facilities in your backyard, and you probably know someone who’s either been to or sent a child to one without knowing about the deceptive practices used to recruit more kids.
If someone asked you how to get involved with Unsilenced, how would they? We’re always looking for more people to join the cause. You can learn more and join the movement at 0 unsilenced.org

TODAY'S sorority WOMAN
Recent graduate Taylor Carey provides an insider's perspective at the ever-evolving collegiate member experience and a challenge to Tri Sigma to remain relevant to today's young women.

I finally realized I was in a sorority the second semester of my Vice Presidency. Of course, I was already a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma on paper and to those around me—but it truly did not hit me that I was a “sorority girl” until about two years in and my misconstrued definition of that term was irrevocably challenged. Yes, I was intentionally and heavily involved in my chapter, serving as Vice President of Operations, Fundraising Chair, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair during my three active years in Sigma (along with other informal positions). Yes, I was a leader and a representative of my chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University fraternity/sorority events and philanthropy activities, as well as other campus engagements. And yes, I got many questions from my own family asking what a sorority even was—further evidence it was not originally on my radar. However, in my journey to this realization, it came down to replacing expectations with the reality of what being involved with the Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Tri Sigma truly was to me.
Media and pop culture traditionally paint fraternity/sorority life and the typical “sorority girl” in a very particular way. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with the petite, white, blonde, women from the south you typically see depicted, that is simply is not my story.
I am the exact opposite of this Hollywood-appointed mold—a curvier woman of color with dark, textured hair who originally looked at fraternity/ sorority life as a way to buy the company you keep. Yet, after stepping foot on VCU’s campus in the fall of 2019, I was awarded a contrasting perspective, and I realized there was space for me, too.
Being a sorority woman in the last five years compared to 1898—or even 20 years ago, for that matter—is drastically different. If you ask an American in 2023 to define who today’s sorority woman is, you'll receive a diverse array of answers from every corner of the country. But, to define is to confine, as equally as it is to specify. The humanity of an organization like Tri Sigma comes from each of our personal experiences.
Today’s sorority woman is a culmination of the years of work and dedication by those in our community of well-rounded individuals and is heavily influenced by societal changes. With this in mind, I am the perfect representation of today’s sorority woman.
I can generally categorize my time as a collegiate Sigma sorority woman in four overarching seasons—the perspective-altering pre-recruitment, my non-traditional recruitment process, active collegiate membership, and my newly found position as an alumna.
Each season has been marked with change.
As a freshman during the 2019–20 academic year, I only experienced around nine months of a true undergraduate experience before COVID-19 cast its shadow on the world. I am forever grateful for that semester and a half of relative normalcy, as it gave me—a non-affiliated student who defied the classic sorority girl trope—a glimpse into what sorority membership could look like at my university. I would be remiss if I didn't highlight the individuality of VCU’s Greek Life experience. Despite being situated in Richmond, Virginia—the historically controversial former capital of the Confederacy—VCU has grown to be synonymous with diversity and inclusion. This translates into the university’s fraternity/sorority community. Though relatively small in scale, it is a tight knit community of young adults who are steering change and figuring it out.
On top of this, nearly everyone in a sorority at VCU will say the same thing: I had no intentions of 'rushing' until I physically came here. This goes back to my original statement of the sorority trope being challenged by the reality of what we could see with our own eyes from the outside looking in. We observed inclusivity where exclusivity was originally expected. We saw diversity when we expected conformity. Motivated by this new reality—along with an eagerness to get involved in my community and meet new people in the confines of a new normal—I took the leap.
Along with a few friends, I went through the Continuous Open Bidding process as a sophomore in the fall of 2020 in hopes of making connections when campus life as we knew it was null and void. This new COVID-concious
Taylor Carey
Epsilon Sigma–Virginia Commonwealth University
one-on-one version of recruitment gave me a unique glimpse behind the curtain, and every Sigma I met during this process solidified the observations I made the previous year.
Once I became an initiated member, I was met with immediate sisterhood—or as my chapter sappily describes it, Sigma Love. This was (and admittedly still is) challenging for me to accept, as I had never been openly emotional or close to that many people at once. Yet, with each Sigma milestone, I was able to show Sigma Love in my own special, type A-minded ways. I showered all three of my “littles” with thoroughly planned gifts. I checked in on them as the semesters progressed, and was a mentor and friend whenever needed. Recruitment, philanthropy events, weekly sisterhoods, and other important dates were marked in my calendar with purple ink, as I was sure to be in attendance. Taking my leadership positions seriously and understanding the importance each role had on those around me was my way of showing my deep care for the chapter. I was and am still a rock for those around me. Showing up and serving as a leader, sister, and friend was my form of sisterhood. It's
what made me the personification of today’s sorority woman.
I now find myself in my current season as a Sigma alumna. So much, yet so little, has changed since I completed my undergraduate degree in May. I still talk to my littles, big, and twin as much as I can between classes. I still live with fellow Sigmas—but we have since made the move to New York City. I am still a student, but with the cadence of a Columbia University grad student in the city that never sleeps.
What has truly remained the same, however, is that I still represent today’s sorority woman. My journey—as a big sis, little sis, leader, volunteer, sister, and friend—is not over. My Sigma experience has shown me that life, just like my member experience, can also evolve.
And just as my initial misconceptions of today's sorority woman and sisterhood were challenged and reshaped, I know tomorrow’s sorority woman is not too far away.
With continued inclusivity, open mindedness, and a willingness to meet women where they are, the Sigma experience will continue to be relevant, beneficial, and impactful—and it is up to all of us to keep that momentum going.

Taylor (center) poses with her Sigma family after her last collegiate big sis/little sis reveal.
Members from Epsilon Sigma Enaizsa Torres, Meghan Dinofrio, Elbie Kaleb and Taylor Carey share their final collegiate moments together.

SHE said
We asked our 14.4K Instagram followers to tell us about their member experience. Here's what a few had to say:

How did your opinion of fraternity/sorority life change once you joined Tri Sigma?
I want women to experience what Greek life has done for me which is gain confidence, passion, and a sense of power.
It is not like how it is on TV!
I found that it’s a very welcoming community. @LAZYFRIEND2018
I didn’t realize such LGBTQ+ inclusivity existed. @SPINERBLAN

What unexpected experience has changed your life?
Academy! I felt so empowered being around so many strong, amazing women. @BREANNASNIVELY
Meeting my big sis. She instilled so much love and power in me!
Serving on the officer team really showed me a deeper love.
The leadership positions I had inspired me to pursue a degree in higher education.

How has joining Tri Sigma improved your life?
I’m more confident and feel like a leader and that I’m truly part of something. @CLUB_LIVY_LU
It helped me come out of my shell and become more comfortable in leadership roles @SOPHIEMAE57
I became a more confident leader and a more empowered woman. @MARTINIMOLLY
0 instagram.com/sigmasigmasigmahq

the bittersweet

Ahush fell over the room as the motion was passed and the gravity of the decision set in. The six women elected to lead Tri Sigma knew it was the right thing to do, but recognized the days ahead would be fraught with concern and difficult for many to understand.
Their initial discussion of relocating NHQ in fall of 2022 was not the first time Tri Sigma’s Executive Council considered the idea. In fact, records show visits to possible relocation sites were made 34 years ago to St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati, according to a memo from Past President Mimi Brandt Hiner dated April 29, 1989. Then again in 2021—as recruitment numbers were slow to bounce back after the COVID-19 campus closures—the 2019-22 Executive Council sought a detailed, third-party feasibility study to revisit the physical space needs and location of the national headquarters and its archives.
After months of extensive discussion, research and analyzing the findings of the study—as well as a review of five previous studies dating back as far as 2000— Executive Council determined it was in the best long-term financial interest of Tri Sigma to sell both Walton House and the adjacent administrative offices located in remote Woodstock, Virginia.
“During the past few years, many organizations across all industries and sectors have reimagined the use of physical office spaces. With 75 percent of Tri Sigma’s full-time staff working remotely across 12 states, the operating needs of our organization have evolved,” said National President Joyce Newcom O’Daniel. “This move will allow us to dedicate a larger percentage of resources to serving the needs of our collegiate and alumnae members.”
The Walton House was once a more frequent destination for remote staff, volunteers, and visitors attending various educational and leadership programming, but it is no longer suited for this kind of activity. As noted in the 0 2021-22 Annual Report, the amount of funds needed to accommodate the upkeep of two properties—including one built more than 100 years ago—is significant. Due to its age, size, and condition, a minimum of $353,325 would be required for repairs over the next five years just to make it suitable for long-term daily use.
“This amount does not include funds needed for future upkeep,” said National Treasurer Bonnie L. Rainey. “The total cost is about half the current appraised value of Walton House. Committing to these costs would not be fiscally responsible nor a wise investment in our future.”

Though listed separately, both properties shown above—totaling 18,811 square feet—received an offer from the same local buyer who plans to make 225 N. Muhlenburg their family home. Above right: The Woodstock-based NHQ staff took photos and said their farewells after packing up Walton House. The sale closed Sept. 21, 2023.
Other costs associated with staying in Woodstock include the mortgage for the adjacent administrative property, plus utilities and insurance for both buildings.
“Our Heart Home is a grand old lady who deserves to be treated with love and care. Unfortunately, the costs associated with such care have become beyond the reach of practicality, especially when coupled with the limited demand for the use of the property by Sigmas,” said a statement of support from The Walton House Board. “This is a difficult decision for all of us on the Walton House Board. We love Walton House, but we love Sigma more.”
Though Executive Council has the support of both the Foundation and Walton House Boards, alumnae member reactions have been mixed. More than 150 members attended a Conversations With Council webinar following the announcement to express their sadness, concern, or—for some—mistrust of the motives behind the decision. Others expressed support for Council’s leadership in making this difficult, but necessary decision.
One of the most 0 frequently asked questions was why members were not given the opportunity to vote on the matter. As with most non-profit organizations, decisions regarding location and property lie with the organization’s board of directors. In fact, ownership of
Walton House does not appear in any of our bylaws. Article XII states the Walton House is under the management of the Mabel Lee Walton House Board of Trustees, and they support the difficult decision to sell the property.
“While members are obviously entitled to financial transparency—which we provide in the annual report, Convention triennial reports, and the public 990s filed each year with the IRS—matters related to assets and property are ultimately determined by Executive Council,” said Rainey. “Article III of our bylaws states that elected officers have a duty to provide sound financial management and strengthen the organization's programs and services. This decision was made under that charge and will allow us to better use our financial resources to serve our members.”
Other sentiments included concern for our archives, the chapter dolls and donated memorial items, as well as our historic ties to the Walton House and the state of Virginia.
You wouldn’t know it by the spectacle of the University of Alabama's fall recruitment—or #BamaRushTok as it is known on TikTok—but recruitment numbers have been steadily declining for the past five years. In fact, many campuses are experiencing all-time lows in traditional sorority recruitment registrations.

This is ahead of the looming college “enrollment cliff” of 2025 when—thanks to lower birthrates during the Great Recession—the college-age population will begin to significantly shrink. Additionally, many colleges are still struggling to overcome lower numbers ushered in by COVID-19. This, coupled with years of media scrutiny and scandal among Greek-letter organizations—and the more independent natures of Generations Z and A—has the National Panhellenic Conference bracing for impact.
In 2020, NPC updated its 0 strategic plan to prioritize cultivating strategic growth of Panhellenic communities, championing the sorority experience, and leveraging the strength of our collective member organizations. Despite these efforts, recruitment numbers continue to fall in most parts of the country, and extension efforts have slowed to a near halt. As a result, 44 sorority chapters across the NPC closed their doors during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years, including six Tri Sigma chapters. With so many chapters closing their doors nationwide, universities are hesitant to make way for new chapters.
“Declining college enrollment numbers, university mergers and even campus closures mean we are seeing fewer opportunities to expand Tri Sigma to other campuses,” said Executive Council Vice President Kara Miller McCarty who

serves as Director of Sorority & Fraternity Life at Cornell University. “The opportunities that do become available are extremely competitive within our NPC groups.”
McCarty, who has more than 20 years of fraternity/sorority advisor experience and is a former president of the Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors, is familiar with the toll these changes can make on smaller chapters.
“For chapters that fall considerably below Campus Total, the constant pressure to be competitive with other campus sororities creates a tense and stressful culture. This prevents members from fully enjoying and benefiting from their membership experience,” she said. “That’s why it’s so important we protect and cultivate the sorority experience—so our beloved Tri Sigma can remain a strong and viable option for future generations.”
It's not just the fewer number of women enrolling in college working against us. Other campus opportunities for friendship, leadership and personal development are much more prevalent than in years past.
“There are a lot of student organizations for collegians to get involved in on campus that don't cost a lot of—if any—money. The students coming to college today are more proactive; they want to know what they're going to get out of membership that isn't just a sisterhood that
costs money. They want to know how they'll be able to grow, develop and make a difference,” said Aimee Wardle, Alpha Delta, who serves as Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at The College of New Jersey.
Fewer college students mean fewer sorority members. According to Higher Ed HR Magazine, colleges will lose around 576,000 students between 2025 and 2029 due to a dramatic birthrate decline that began in 2008. Regional 4-year colleges are expected to be hit the hardest, and—unfortunately—that is where most of Tri Sigma’s collegiate chapters are located.
“The approaching 'enrollment cliff' is being felt by institutions across the country, as university leaders make strategic decisions in preparation for smaller enrollment numbers. Drastic measures like cutting academic programs, and faculty/staff layoffs are becoming more prevalent, while others are tightening budgets and limiting much needed student support services,” said Lauren Moran, Gamma Rho, Associate Dean for Student Affairs at Carnegie Mellon University and Executive Council Vice President. “Others, however, are looking for diverse and innovative solutions to adapt to the changing demographics of college students, such as recruiting more non-traditional aged students, immigrants, and first-generation students. While many of these

strategies are not always well received by students, alumni, or faculty/staff, they are all in the best interest of the future of the institution.”
While it may not feel good to refer to Tri Sigma as a business, it is. As a 501(c)(7) organization, our revenue must come from individual member and chapter dues, fees, and royalties from items such as licensed merchandise. This means our annual deposits are directly tied to the number of members we have.
“In terms of total membership, Tri Sigma currently ranks 21 out of the 26 NPC sororities,” said Executive Director Jenna Martin Pendry. “As member needs rise and nationwide sorority recruitment numbers continue to decline, the only way to remain competitive among our peers is to reduce operational costs.”
“Reducing debt and ongoing costs puts us in a much more financially secure position as we face the upcoming enrollment cliff,” said Rainey. “Our goal is not to simply ensure Tri Sigma is around for at least 125 more years, but that we continue to thrive.”
“The biggest challenge I see for fraternities and sororities is figuring out how to make the experience relevant to today’s college student,” said Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi–Marshal University, who serves as Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at State University of New York–Platts-
The summer 1963 issue of The Triangle featured extensive coverage of the purchase of the Walton House, including the photo of the signing of the contract of sale and (right) National President Margaret Dixon, Sigma and Omega, and Lucille Amesse Morrison, Omicron and Omega, chair of the Headquarters Committee, receiving the keys from the previous owners.

burgh. “Our students need a place to learn soft skills like problem solving, conflict resolution, prioritizing wellbeing, making difficult decisions—and they need the support of trained advisors who know the campus culture to coach them through these learning moments.”
With greater emphasis on training, programming, leadership development, and personal growth comes greater expenses. Outside of the costs associated with in-person events, multiple staff members are needed to provide and support these resources and experiences. Not all of these costs can be passed along to collegiate members.
Most NPC groups rely heavily on grant support from their Foundations, alumnae dues, and revenue from wine club partnerships, destination travel opportunities and other similar offerings to supplement these costs.
The greatest expense outside of brick and mortar is having a staff large enough to focus on the day-to-day demands of the organization while still supporting our collegiate and alumnae chapters and enacting Tri Sigma’s comprehensive strategic plan.
off as much 30 percent of their headquarters staff in 2020 and 2021,” said Pendry. “Though we have had to indefinitely pause or reimagine some of our more beloved offerings such as The Triangle, Consultant program, Labyrinth and Dunham, we were able to add additional personnel to support chapter services and programming needs. We’ve also expanded online learning offerings, rolled out a new officer support structure, and are planning more in-person events and new member programming for 2024. We have some exciting things ahead that would not be possible with the mounting expenses of the Woodstock properties.”
The new headquarters will be located in the former chapter home of Tri Sigma’s Delta Delta Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This will provide an efficient transition of operations, the space needed to house and showcase Tri Sigma’s archives collection, and a physical mortgage-free hub for operations. The property is in the heart of historic Franklin Street, a thriving area close to campus, shops, restaurants, fraternity and sorority houses, and other local businesses.
impressed with the new location,” said Nicole Aichele Talbert, Delta Pi–Winthrop University, in response to the Aug. 31 Facebook post announcing the acceptance of an offer. “Not to mention it is located mere minutes from the Robbie Page Memorial Play Atrium at UNC Children’s Hospital, a symbol of our commitment to helping others.”
While there will be costs associated with taxes, upkeep, and the expense of the actual move, they will be significantly less than those related to the properties in Woodstock.
“The Delta Delta Housing Board did an excellent job maintaining the property. It will need minimal updates to accommodate our administrative offices and archives,” said Pendry. “We have also received congratulations and well wishes from the university. They are excited to have a national headquarters nearby.”
Though the majority of feedback received from Delta Delta Chapter alumnae has been positive, there was concern over the impact NHQ's relocation could have on the chapter’s return to the UNC–Chapel Hill campus.
“The closure agreement between Tri Sigma and the university states that the possibility for re-establishment will occur no sooner than 2029. A return to campus after that time will only occur when conditions are mutually ideal for both the university and Tri Sigma,” said Pendry. “If and when that opportunity becomes available, we will explore whatever new or existing facility options are needed to make Tri Sigma competitive on campus.”
There is still much work to do before the actual move to North Carolina takes place. As the sale of the properties finalized in September, NHQ negotiated a lease to rent the administration building until the end of the academic year.
“We were pleased to accept the offer of a local, long-time admirer of the Walton House. It is our hope and expectation they will love and cherish it as much as we have so it remains a pride point of Woodstock, Virginia, and Sigmas everywhere for years and years to come,” said O’Daniel.
Many incredible moments have taken place at 225 N. Muhlenberg Street, but it is sisterhood that made it a Heart Home. Walls can be left behind, but our legacy cannot. In true Sigma fashion—and with sails open wide—we must keep moving ever forward.
“We were extremely lucky not to be forced to downsize our staff during the onset of the global pandemic. Some NPC groups had to lay
Tri Sigma's future national headquarters in Chapel Hill is close to a major airport and several universities, making travel more accessible to staff, volunteers, and visitors. It will also provide expanded opportunities for larger inperson meetings and events. Its ADA-compliant first floor will make Sigma's archives accessible to more members. Visit 0 trisigma.org/national-headquarters to view the relocation press release and FAQ.
“Chapel Hill is a diverse and forward-thinking city. I suspect many who loved the ambiance of the Walton House and its surroundings will be
⊲ While Virginia has been Tri Sigma’s longest-running base of operations, it was not the first. Prior to Sigma’s purchase of the Walton House in the 1960s, the national office had previously moved to wherever the current national president lived. NHQ has occupied three additional states—Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas.
KNOW? did you EVER FOWARD member
⊲ Contrary to popular belief—Mabel Lee did not grow up at Walton House. The house was built for her brother Clyde Walton and his wife in 1914—10 years after Mabel Lee became a Sigma. It was never owned by Mabel Lee, nor was it donated to Tri Sigma.
⊲ After Clyde’s death in 1926, his wife turned the home into a boarding house. It was later sold to a doctor and turned into a hospital and medical practice. In 1961, it was sold to investors and converted back to its original floor plan.
⊲ Tri Sigma purchased the home following the 1962 Convention and changed its name from Muhlenberg Hall to the Mabel Lee Walton House. After two full years of fundraising and renovations, official operations began at 225 N. Muhlenberg in June 1965.

⊲ The summer 1965 issue of The Triangle featured Sigma's first full-color cover of which would have been a significant extra expense at this time.
⊲ Only five of NPC's 26 member sororities have headquarters located in the state in which they were founded. Half have downsized and/or relocated their headquarters in the past 10 years—including Alpha Phi's HQ that reloated to the basement of a collegiate chapter in 2022.
More than 1,500 Tri Sigmas have completed their Lifetime Dues commitment, and will soon be ushered in as the first Ever Forward Members of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Join them by making a one-time Lifetime Dues payment of $1,898—or two payments of $94.90 per year for 10 years.
⊲ A printed copy of The Triangle magazine
⊲ 15% Purple & Pearls discount code (one use per year)
⊲ Recognition on Tri Sigma’s website
⊲ Convention recognition & nametag ribbon
⊲ Custom social media graphics
⊲ A pin and card signifying Ever Forward Member status and
⊲ A printed issue of The Sigma Scoop, a brand new newsletter exclusively for alumnae dues payers and Ever Forward Members—debuting Spring 2024!
Learn more at 0 trisigma.org/alumnae-dues

Annual Dues and Lifetime Dues installment payers will receive some of the benefits listed above. Visit our website for more information.


While most history is written about in books or—in 2023—on social media, an important piece of Tri Sigma’s history is also told through a unique collection of dolls.
Tri Sigma's chapter doll tradition began in preparation for a special display at the 1953 Convention. The 65 or so chapters established to that point were asked to dress a doll to represent the era in which their chapter was founded. The display proved to be very popular, so—as Sigma grew—each new chapter added to the collection.
Mattel debuted it's first Barbie Doll In 1959, so most chapters established after that time used some iteration of Barbie to model their chapter fashions. Earlier dolls have a more child-like appearance, as those were the only commercially available.
“They each have their own special meanings and stories behind them,” said NHQ Collegiate Membership Coordinator Dianna Jett, Alpha Upsilon, James Madison University, during a recent visit with a reporter from the Northern Virginia Daily.
“We can see how much we've grown, where we've come from, how the styles have changed, and how women have changed.”
Organized in order of the Greek alphabet, Alpha wears a long white dress representative of the late Victorian fashion era—also known as Gibson Girl style. Hats in 1898 could be described as variable and whimsical, which our Alpha doll dons perfectly.
As World War I continued across Europe, fashion in the United States became more subdued and practical, as shown on the doll from Lambda–Indiana University of Pennsylvania, founded in 1915.
By the late 1920s and early 30s, doll styles began to shift toward “flapper” inspired fashions, as seen on dolls from Alpha Gamma–Fort Hays State University, Alpha Kappa–Fairmont State University and Alpha Nu–Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Photo gallery (from left): Alpha, Lambda, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Nu, Alpha Iota, Alpha Rho, Beta Alpha, Gamma Kappa, Delta Lambda, Delta Chi, Epsilon Xi, Zeta Eta, Zeta Epsilon, Theta Mu, Eta Pi, and Theta Gamma. Photos by Meagan Earls, Psi, & Jennifer Kuhn Call, Epsilon Xi
Wartime conditions influenced fashion once again in the 1940s. Wearing a bright red button-up sweater over a dark dress, the Alpha Phi doll from Central Michigan University could have fit in on any campus in America. With the 50s came broader shoulder lines and higher waistlines to emphasized an hourglass figure. This can be seen on dolls from Beta Beta–Missouri State University, Beta Gamma–Ball State University, Beta Phi–Florida Southern College, and Beta Chi–Queens College.
In contrast, the doll from Delta Beta–Elon University, is the epitome of 1970s groovy in a tie-dyed rainbow dress, “Flower Power” sign, and a headband sitting across her forehead.
One decade later, the doll from Delta Chi–University of Virginia sports one of the hottest fashion trends of the 1980s—denim on denim. The mid-to-late 80s and early 90s brought brighter colors like Epsilon Mu–Rowan University and oversized sweatshirts sporting our Greek letters, such as Epsilon Alpha–California State University, East Bay and Epsilon Rho–Minnesota State University, Mankato.
The 1991 doll from Zeta Beta–Cameron University shows a different kind of historical viewpoint by wearing a uniform representing those who fought in Operation Desert Storm. Similarly, the Eta Mu doll honors the military women and men who fought in Afghanistan following Sept. 11, 2001.
“In the latter part of the collection, you’ll see one has

a Starbucks cup, one has a laptop. It’s the little things that really highlight the era,” said Jett.
We even see hints of late-90s grunge with Eta Phi–Pratt Institute and the velour sweatsuit craze with Eta Pi–Metropolitan State University of Denver.
Caitlyn Westfall, Theta Gamma–McKendree University, proudly helped create their 2011 doll which wears a white dress with purple rhinestones to represent the colors of both Tri Sigma and the university.
“She has red hair to honor Josie Blasdel, Alpha Chi, one of Theta Gamma’s long standing advisors. Her dress has purple feathers around the bottom, and she is wearing Josie's signature pearls,” Westfall said. Other outfits range from ballgowns to skiing ensembles. No detail was ignored, and many incorporate Greek letters or our coat of arms on accessories and handbags. The color purple is also prevalent across
the collection, including purple dresses, purple suitcases and even purple hair!
While not all chapters are represented, the collection includes about 113 dolls. A handful of chapters that have closed and reopened have multiple dolls, and most founded after 2010 have not been created or photographed. Until recently, the dolls were displayed behind protective glass on the first floor of the Walton House. But— don't worry—they have been lovingly wrapped in acid-free paper and carefully stored until they make their their journey to North Carolina.
Though each chapter was installed at times with different political and social influences, all of our chapters were founded on the same values and each member has taken the same oath of membership. This beautiful collection reminds us that while members and chapters can all be so different, we are all one—we are all Sigma Sigma Sigma.
0 Click here to view the online doll album.

NHQ Office Assistant Kim Guinn, Alpha Upsilon, carefully packs the chapter dolls to await transport to NHQ's future home in North Carolina.
Walton House visitors search for their chapter's doll during the open house held the weekend of the 125th Anniversary Celebration in Virginia.
Delta Beta
Photo by Rich Cooley/Northern Virginia Daily
Photo courtesy of Michelle Burke, Rho
collegiate REPORTS
The following represents reported data from active Tri Sigma chapters as of October 1, 2023. View the key for terms and symbols. Information is presented alphabetically by state.

Theta Iota
0: auburn.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaAuburn
E : TriSigmaAuburn
Chapter Size: 156 Campus Total: 339
F : Fall ? : 46% 1 : 95.5%
0: uamont.trisigma.org
Q : UAMTriSigma
E : UAMTriSigma
Chapter Size: 7 Campus Total: 40
F : Fall ? : 17.5% 1 : 100% 2
0: csueastbay.trisigma.org
Q : CSUEBTriSigma
E : EastBayTriSigma
Chapter Size: 14 Campus Total: 40
F : Fall ? : 35% 1 : 75%
0: saintleo.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_SaintLeo
E : TriSigmaEpsilonTau
Chapter Size: 15 Campus Total: 30
F : Fall ? : 50% 1 : 100%
Eta Tau
0: erau.trisigma.org
Q : ERAUTriSigma
E : ERAUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 66 Campus Total: 66
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100% 2

0: uaa.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaEtaZeta
E : EtaZetaTriSigma
Chapter Size: 19 Campus Total: 40
F : Fall ? : 47.5% 1 : 100% 2
Epsilon Zeta
0: saumag.trisigma.org
Q : SAUTriSigma
E : SAUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 50 Campus Total: 50
F : Spring ? : 100% 1 : 100%
Eta Pi
0: msudenver.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaEtaPi
E : TriSigmaMSUDenver
Chapter Size: 25 Campus Total: 19
F : Fall ? : 132% 1 : 100% 2
0: lynn.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaLynnU
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaEtaEta
Chapter Size: 16 Campus Total: 35
F : Fall ? : 46% 1 : 100%
0: oglethorpe.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_OU
E : 100063863512595
Chapter Size: 23 Campus Total: 30
F : Fall ? : 77% 1 : 80%

Eta Rho
0: georgiasouthern.trisigma.org
Q: GSU.TriSigma
E : GSU.TriSigma
Chapter Size: 13 Campus Total: 34
F : Fall ? : 38% 1 : 100%

Alpha Psi
0: eiu.trisigma.org
Q: EIUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 17 Campus Total: 30
F : Fall ? : 57% 1 : 89%
Beta Epsilon
0: wiu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaWIU
E : TriSigmaWIU
Chapter Size: 40 Campus Total: 46
F : Fall ? : 87% 1 : 83%
Theta Gamma
0: mckendree.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_ThetaGamma
E : McKendreeTriSigma
Chapter Size: 8 Campus Total: 20
F : Fall ? : 40% 1 : 100%
0: usi.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaUSI
E : TriSigmaUSI
Chapter Size: 30 Campus Total: 47
F : Fall ? : 64% 1 : 100%
Alpha Gamma
0: fhsu.trisigma.org
Q : FHSUTriSigma
E : TriSigmaFHSU
Chapter Size: 14 Campus Total: 36
F : Fall ? : 39% 1 : 90%
0: pittstate.trisigma.org
Q : PittStateSigmas
Chapter Size: 85 Campus Total: 84
F : Fall ? : 101% 1 : 100% " vvv
0: isu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_ISU
Chapter Size: 29 Campus Total: 40 F : Fall ? : 72.5% 1 : 100%

0: niu.trisigma.org
Q: NIUTriSigma
Q : TriSigmaNIU
Chapter Size: 43 Campus Total: 52
F : Fall ? : 83% 1 : 92%
0: illinoisstate.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaEO
Q : TriSigmaEO
Chapter Size: 88 Campus Total: 140
F : Fall ? : 63% 1 : 87.5%
0: uis.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaUIS
Chapter Size: 6 Campus Total: 6
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100% 2
CHAPTER SIZE: Total collegiate members reported as of Oct. 1.
CAMPUS TOTAL: The number of collegians each NPC chapter is eligible to recruit during Primary Recruitment. This number adjusts each year and is determined by the campus.
Quota: The number of bids a sorority can give out on Bid Day following Primary Recruitment. Some campuses with Sigma chapters do not hold fully or partially structured recruitment, thus do not observe quota.
New Member Retention: The percentage of new members who received Triangle Degree.
0 = Chapter Website
Q = Chapter Instagram Page
E = Chapter Facebook Page
= Pledged Quota in 2023
2 = Campus Does Not Set Quota
F = Primary Recruitment Semester
? = Percentage of Campus Total
1 = New Member Retention Rate
v = 2022-23 Annual Award
" = Highest 2022-23 NPC Grades
! = Top Fundraising Chapter
For collegiate events, news and updates, we encourage you to follow your chapter on social media.



0: emporia.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigma_ESU
E : TriSigmaPi
Chapter Size: 40 Campus Total: 40
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 94%
Alpha Mu
0: louisiana.trisigma.org
Q: ULTriSigma
E : TriSigmaAlphaMu
Chapter Size: 149 Campus Total: 150
F : Fall ? : 99% 1 : 97% vv!!
Gamma Mu
0: southeastern.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigma_SLU
E : TriSigmaGammaMu
Chapter Size: 95 Campus Total: 94
F : Fall ? : 101% 1 : 97%
Gamma Iota
0: umass.trisigma.org
Q: UMass.TriSigma
E : UMassTriSigma
Chapter Size: 50 Campus Total: 90
F : Fall ? : 57% 1 : 100%
Epsilon Chi
0: northeastern.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaNU
E : TriSigmaNU
Chapter Size: 110 Campus Total: 182
F : Fall ? : 61% 1 : 100%
Beta Tau
0: udmercy.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaBetaTau
E : 100064681389199
Chapter Size: 24 Campus Total: 29
F : Spring ? : 83% 1 : 100% 2
0: emich.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaEMU
E : 100069706374803
Chapter Size: 23 Campus Total: 44
F : Fall ? : 52% 1 : 86%

Alpha Chi
0: murraystate.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigma_AX
E : AXTriSigma
Chapter Size: 85 Campus Total: 86
F : Fall ? : 99% 1 : 97% vv
Alpha Zeta
0: nsula.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaNSU
E : TriSigmaAZ
Chapter Size: 90 Campus Total: 91
F : Fall ? : 99% 1 : 100%
Gamma Pi
0: nicholls.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigma_Nicholls
E : TriSigmaNicholls
Chapter Size: 90 Campus Total: 92
F : Fall ? : 99% 1 : 100% !
Zeta Upsilon
0: fitchburgstate.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaFSU
E : 100077352076235
Chapter Size: 11 Campus Total: 17
F : Fall ? : 65% 1 : 75%
Alpha Phi
0: cmich.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaCMU
E : CUMTriSigma
Chapter Size: 57 Campus Total: 64
F : Fall ? : 89% 1 : 100%
0: gvsu.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaGVSU
E : TriSigmaGVSU
Chapter Size: 74 Campus Total: 83
F : Fall ? : 89% 1 : 85%
0: oakland.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaOU
E : TriSigmaOU
Chapter Size: 29 Campus Total: 34
F : Fall ? : 85% 1 : 100%

Epsilon Rho
0: mnsu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaMNSU
E : TriSigmaEP
Chapter Size: 50 Campus Total: 53
F : Fall ? : 94% 1 : 95.5%
Zeta Eta
0: winona.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaWinonaState
E : TriSigmaWSU
Chapter Size: 30 Campus Total: 31
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100%
Beta Beta
0: missouristate.trisigma.org
Q : MoStateTriSigma
E : TriSigmaMoState
Chapter Size: 127 Campus Total: 161
F : Fall ? : 79% 1 : 98%
Eta Chi*
0: missouri.trisigma.org
Q : MizzouSigma
E : MizzouTriSigma
Chapter Size: 30 Campus Total: 270
? : 11% *Closing December 2023
0: truman.trisigma.org
Q : TrumanTriSigma
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaMu
Chapter Size: 56 Campus Total: 56
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100%
Theta Delta
0: lindenwood.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma.LU
E : TriSigma.LU
Chapter Size: 69 Campus Total: 69
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 95.5% "
0: unlv.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaUNLV
E : TriSigmaUNLV
Chapter Size: 12 Campus Total: 60
? : 20% *Closing December 2023

Eta Theta
0: gustavus.trisigma.org
Q : GACTriSigma
E : TriSigma.EtaTheta
Chapter Size: 16 Campus Total: 16
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100% 2
Alpha Epsilon
0: nwmissouri.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_NWMSU
Chapter Size: 82 Campus Total: 90
F : Fall ? : 91% 1 : 96%
Beta Xi
0: semo.trisigma.org
Q : SEMOTriSigma
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaBetaXiChapter
Chapter Size: 67 Campus Total: 84
F : Fall ? : 80% 1 : 90%
0: culver.trisigma.org
Q : CSCSigma
Chapter Size: 44 Campus Total: 46
F : Fall ? : 96% 1 : 100%
0: ucmo.trisigma.org
Q : UCMTriSigma
E : UCMTriSigma
Chapter Size: 47 Campus Total: 47
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100% v
Zeta Tau
0: missouriwestern.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_MWSU
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaZT
Chapter Size: 26 Campus Total: 28
F : Fall ? : 93% 1 : 100%
0: stockton.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaStockton
E : TriSigmaEpsilonEpsilon
Chapter Size: 34 Campus Total: 53
F : Fall ? : 64% 1 : 100%

Eta Nu
0: ramapo.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaRamapo
E : TriSigmaRCNJ
Chapter Size: 24 Campus Total: 26
F : Spring ? : 92% 1 : 80%
Zeta Psi
0: tcnj.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_TCNJ
E : TriSigmaTCNJ
Chapter Size: 30 Campus Total: 75
F : Spring ? : 40% 1 : 100%
Epsilon Upsilon MARIST COLLEGE
0: marist.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_Marist
E : 493968847309049
Chapter Size: 84 Campus Total: 110
F : Fall ? : 76% 1 : 100% 2
Delta Beta
0: elon.trisigma.org
Q : ElonTriSigma
E : TriSigmaElon
Chapter Size: 163 Campus Total: 151
F : Spring ? : 108% 1 : 100%
0: uncw.trisigma.org
Q : UNCWTriSigma
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaEpsilonPhi
Chapter Size: 42 Campus Total: 80
F : Fall ? : 52.5% 1 : 100%
0: barton.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaBarton
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaAtBartonCollege
Chapter Size: 33 Campus Total: 33
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100% v2
0: wingate.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaWingate
E : TriSigmaZetaLambda
Chapter Size: 14 Campus Total: 72
F : Fall ? : 19% 1 : 100%

0: montclair.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaMontclair
E : TriSigmaMontclair
Chapter Size: 50 Campus Total: 47
F : Spring ? : 106% 1 : 100%
0: rit.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaRIT
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaEpsilonPsi
Chapter Size: 25 Campus Total: 53
F : Spring ? : 47% 1 : 100%
0: oneonta.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma.ZD
E : TriSigmaZD
Chapter Size: 24 Campus Total: 49
F : Spring ? : 49% 1 : 100%
Epsilon Nu
0: uncg.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaUNCG
E : TriSigmaUNCG
Chapter Size: 28 Campus Total: 32
F : Spring ? : 87.5% 1 : 100%
0: ecu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaECU
E : TriSigmaECU
Chapter Size: 136 Campus Total: 129
F : Fall ? : 105% 1 : 100%
0: highpoint.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_HPU
E : TriSigmaHPU
Chapter Size: 177 Campus Total: 181
F : Fall ? : 98% 1 : 94%
0: kent.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaKSU
E : KSATriSigma
Chapter Size: 61 Campus Total: 100
F : Fall ? : 61% 1 : 88% !!

Theta Zeta
0: case.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaCWRU
E : TriSigmaCWRU
Chapter Size: 25 Campus Total: 63
F : Fall ? : 40% 1 : 100%
Beta Mu
0: uco.trisigma.org
Q : UCOTriSigma
E : TriSigmaUCO
Chapter Size: 39 Campus Total: 64
F : Fall ? : 61% 1 : 76.5%
0: clarion.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_Clarion
E : TriSigmaClarionPA
Chapter Size: 13 Campus Total: 22
F : Fall ? : 59% 1 : 100%
Beta Theta
0: pitt.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaPitt
E : 00071109308821
Chapter Size: 112 Campus Total: 106
F : Spring ? : 106% 1 : 100%
0: gettysburg.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaGburg
E : DeltaOmicronSSS
Chapter Size: 34 Campus Total: 67
F : Spring ? : 51% 1 : 90%
0: widener.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaWidener
Chapter Size: 49 Campus Total: 42
F : Spring ? : 117% 1 : 100%
0: gannon.trisigma.org
Q : GUTriSigma
E : GUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 50 Campus Total: 51
F : Fall ? : 98% 1 : 100%

Alpha Iota
0: nsuok.trisigma.org
Q : NSUTriSigma
E : TriSigmaNorthwesternState
Chapter Size: 94 Campus Total: 93
F : Fall ? : 101% 1 : 97% vv
Zeta Gamma
0: se.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma.SE
E : SigmaTriDurant
Chapter Size: 18 Campus Total: 30
F : Fall ? : 67% 1 : 93% 2
0: lhup.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaLHU
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaAlphaRho
Chapter Size: 7 Campus Total: 19
F : Spring ? : 37% 1 : 100% "
0: psu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaPSU
E : TriSigmaPennState
Chapter Size: 169 Campus Total: 176
F : Spring ? : 96% 1 : 100%
0: sju.trisigma.org
Q : SJUTriSigma
E : SJUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 81 Campus Total: 61
F : Fall ? : 133% 1 : 100%
0: bloomu.trisigma.org
Q : BUTriSigma
E : TriSigmaDZ
Chapter Size: 64 Campus Total: 64
F : Spring ? : 100% 1 : 100% 2
Epsilon Eta
0: esu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_EpsilonEta
E : TriSigma.EpsilonEta
Chapter Size: 35 Campus Total: 35
F : Spring ? : 100% 1 : 100%

0: moravian.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_Moravian
E : TriSigmaMoravianCollege
Chapter Size: 31 Campus Total: 31
F : Spring ? : 100% 1 : 100%
Gamma Rho
0: edinboro.trisigma.org
Q : Boro_Sigmas
E : TriSigmaEdinboro
Chapter Size: 4 Campus Total: 25
F : Fall ? : 16% 1 : 100% " 2
0: iup.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_IUP
E : SSSLambdaChapter
Chapter Size: 16 Campus Total: 35
F : Spring ? : 46% 1 : 100%
Epsilon Pi
0: presby.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaEPI
Chapter Size: 28 Campus Total: 43
F : Spring ? : 65% 1 : 100%
Epsilon Iota
0: stmarytx.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaSTMU
E : 100066838275089
Chapter Size: 29 Campus Total: 30
F : Fall ? : 97% 1 : 100%
Eta Omicron
0: shsu.trisigma.org
Q : SHSUTriSigma
E : SHSUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 81 Campus Total: 89
F : Fall ? : 91% 1 : 100%
Alpha Theta
0: radford.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaRU
Chapter Size: 44 Campus Total: 47
F : Fall ? : 93.60% 1 : 100%

Eta Xi
0: ursinus.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigmaUC
E : Sigma.UC
Chapter Size: 28 Campus Total: 25
F : Spring ? : 112% 1 : 100% 2
Gamma Zeta
0: sru.trisigma.org
Q: TriSigma_SRU
E : TriSigmaSRU
Chapter Size: 37 Campus Total: 37
F : Fall ? : 100% 1 : 100%
0: bryant.trisigma.org
Q : BryantTriSigma
E : BryantTriSigma
Chapter Size: 32 Campus Total: 33
F : Spring ? : 97% 1 : 100%
0: newberry.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_Newberry
E : Sigma-Sigma-Sigma-at-Newberry-College
Chapter Size: 30 Campus Total: 32
F : Fall ? : 94% 1 : 86% 2
Eta Kappa
0: twu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaEtaKappa
E : TriSigmaEtaKappa
Chapter Size: 41 Campus Total: 36
F : Spring ? : 114% 1 : 100% v
0: longwood.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_Alpha
E : TriSigmaAlpha
Chapter Size: 43 Campus Total: 43
F : Spring ? : 100% 1 : 100% 2
Alpha Upsilon
0: jmu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_JMU
E : JMUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 258 Campus Total: 266
F : Spring ? : 97% 1 : 98.5%

0: virginia.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaUVA
E : TriSigmaUVA
Chapter Size: 105 Campus Total: 158
F : Spring ? : 66.5% 1 : 100%
Eta Upsilon
0: lynchburg.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_EtaUpsilon
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaLynchburgCollege
Chapter Size: 12 Campus Total: 35
F : Fall ? : 34% 1 : 100%
Zeta Pi
0: vwu.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaZetaPi
E : SigmaSigmaSigma.ZetaPi
Chapter Size: 17 Campus Total: 25
F : Fall ? : 68% 1 : 100%
Beta Delta
0: shepherd.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaSU
E : SUTriSigma
Chapter Size: 38 Campus Total: 39
F : Fall ? : 97% 1 : 100% 2
Alpha Xi
0: uww.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaUWW
E : UWWTriSigma
Chapter Size: 67 Campus Total: 73
F : Fall ? : 92% 1 : 100%
0: uwec.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma.UWEC
E : TriSigma.UWEC
Chapter Size: 20 Campus Total: 40
F : Fall ? : 50% 1 : 100%

0: vcu.trisigma.org
Q : VCUTriSigma
E : SigmaSigmaSigmaVCU
Chapter Size: 54 Campus Total: 55
F : Spring ? : 98% 1 : 100%
0: rmc.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaRMC
E : TriSigmaRMC
Chapter Size: 19 Campus Total: 38
F : Fall ? : 50% 1 : 100%
0: concord.trisigma.org
Q : Tri_Sigma_CU
E : ConcordUniversityTriSigma
Chapter Size: 22 Campus Total: 17
F : Fall ? : 129% 1 : 100% 2
0: marshall.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigma_MU
E : 100068945973364
Chapter Size: 46 Campus Total: 51
F : Fall ? : 90% 1 : 100%
Epsilon Kappa
0: uwosh.trisigma.org
Q : TriSigmaUWO
E : UWOTriSigma
Chapter Size: 22 Campus Total: 39
F : Fall ? : 56% 1 : 100%
0: uwlax.trisigma.org
Q : UWLTriSigma
E : UWLTriSigma
Chapter Size: 36 Campus Total: 52
F : Fall ? : 69% 1 : 100% " 2
Tri Sigma volunteers are vital to the development of our collegiate members and chapters! Chapter Advisory Board and national positions are currently available and in immediate need of dedicated volunteers. Learn more or apply at 0 trisigma.org/volunteer Although it’s ideal for some positions to be geographically near a chapter, virtual candidates are welcomed and encouraged to apply.
⊲ collegiate chapter RECOGNITION
Congratulations to the following collegiate chapters for outstanding achievement during the 2022-23 academic year:
Collegiate Chapter of the Year
Alpha Chi–Murray State University
C.A.B. of the Year
Eta Kappa–Texas Women’s University
Panhellenic Excellence
Chi–Pittsburg State University
Creative Programing - Integrity
Chi–Pittsburg State University
Creative Programing - Collaboration
Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Creative Programing - Wellbeing Gamma Xi–Barton College
Excellence in Member Development
Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University
Excellence in New Member Development
Nu–University of Central Missouri
Excellence in Ritual and Values
Chi–Pittsburg State University
Excellence in Volunteerism
Alpha Chi–Murray State University
Excellence in Membership Recruitment
Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette
J.E.K. Standards of Efficiency Award
Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University
The following chapters were recognized for raising the most money for the Tri Sigma Foundation by fund designation:
Alpha Mu
Robbie Page Memorial Fund – Matching Grants
EverTrue Fund
Gamma Pi
Robbie Page Memorial Fund – Local Grants
Alpha Beta
March of Dimes
Scholarship Fund

1 Despite a full schedule of sisterhood activities, philanthropic events, celebrating the chapter’s 20th anniversary, and more, 65% of chapter members at Eta Xi Chapter at Ursinus College made the Dean’s List.
2 Though cousins Mallary Vasquez, Theta Delta, and Lauryn Vasquez, Alpha Chi, went to college five hours away from each other, they both found themselves pledging Tri Sigma at their respective universities. As chapter leaders, they were reunited at The Academy in January.
3 In April, the Alpha Pi Chapter at PennWest Clarion hosted its first-ever Women’s Empowerment Event. Planned by President and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair Laney Urban Alpha Pi, the event featured performances, speakers, activities, the opportunity to support the March of Dimes, and more. Thanks to the generosity of those in attendance, the chapter donated more than 70 baby items to a local NICU.
Gamma Zeta members showed Sigma pride at Pittsburgh's March of Dimes March for Babies event. Mia Scalamogna (center), who served as last year's Foundation and Community Service Chair, organized a Bubble Zone to promote awareness of child play therapy and surfactant replacement therapy through bubble activities.
5 Epsilon Gamma members celebrated the strong women who have made an impact who have made an impact on them at their Moms & Mentors event.
6 Six members of the Theta Mu Chapter at Randolph-Macon College participated in study abroad programs. Kelsi Halpin, Gracie Hamilton, and Abrionna Capolino (shown) explored the wonders of Tunisia and Sicily. Jessica Rinehart discovered the enchantment of England, Savana Watts immersed herself in the vibrant culture of Spain, and Zoë Tuck had an unforgettable journey through Japan.
7 The Zeta Theta Chapter at Idaho State University was presented the Campus Involvement Award at University of Idaho Fraternity & Sorority Life Awards. C.A.B. member Kelsi Shawcroft won Advisor of the Year and Chapter President Danielle Rowe won Greek Woman of the Year.

Did you know the more interaction a social media account has, the more its posts will be prioritized by the platform’s algorithm? In other words, the more interaction your chapter’s account has, the more likely it will be seen by others. So, don’t just follow— like, share, and comment to help spread the Sigma love!
alumnae NEWS
Central Massachusetts Alumnae Chapter members enjoyed a holiday luncheon and collected gifts for a local child in need. Members also enjoyed a movie outing and a Founders Day celebration with the Zeta Upsilon Chapter at Fitchburg State University. The CMAC would like to extend an invitation to any local alumnae to join. Learn more at 0 facebook.com/CMACofSigma3
+ Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 60th anniversary last fall. The fun continued throughout winter with a holiday tea, book club discussions, Broadway in Chicago, and happy hours. Members also participated in the March of Dimes’ March for Babies, volunteered at Feed My Starving Children and made dolls for the children staying at North Shore University Hospital in Evanston. In April, some celebrated Founders Day at the Happ Inn while others traveled to Longwood.
Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter members took turns planning a full slate of monthly events, including a Saturday at Brunch Cafe, a Sigma Serves Children project making craft kits for a local children's hospital, and the annual Sigma Secret Santa gathering. The new year kicked off with a book club discussion, and members warmed up with a February Soup Night. Philanthropy opportunities included various fundraising activities for Journey’s Road Home and Feed My Starving Children. Before heading into summer, members celebrated Founders Day and enjoyed a potluck dinner.
Coastal Area Alumnae Chapter members enjoyed several events together ike the Sigma Summer Bash, annual Christmas party, brunch at 10/Fold Biscuits in Myrtle Beach to kick off 2023, and a Founders Day luncheon at Carolina Ale House. The CAAC partnered with the Little Words Project to sell March of Dimes bracelets and volunteered for the annual March for Babies event at Broadway at the Beach.
+ Dallas Alumnae Chapter members had a busy year deep in the heart of Texas, as members participated in Circle Degree, an Alumnae Initiation, High Tea, a Mardi Gras Lunch, and an outing at Top Golf. Awards were celebrated at an “Ida Claire, We Have Some Winners” gathering. Most recently, members gathered at the home of National Treasurer Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma, for a
reception with Sigma’s delegation while they were in town for the National Panhellenic Conference’s Annual Meeting.
+ Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter members reunited last fall with a kick-off brunch. The fun continued as members joined other area sorority alumnae to tour the Hollywood Forever Cemetery with the Los Angeles Alumnae Panhellenic, visited the Grammy Museum, and hosted a gingerbread house decorating party to celebrate the holidays. The chapter made bracelets to donate to Operation Gratitude and held its 4th annual Happy Period Pack Event to collect and pack personal hygiene products for the Alexandria House, a local transitional home for women and children. Members also enjoyed afternoon tea at Chado Tea Room and a Founders Day luncheon with the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter. Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter focused on philanthropy as members participated in several March of Dimes events, including a Military Baby Shower, Meals that Matter, March for Babies, and a Bubble Zone. Members also enjoyed making jewelry, painting, exchanging holiday gifts, and having formal tea for Founders Day alongside members of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter.
+ Kansas City MO Alumnae Chapter Sigmas gathered for a service event at The Ronald McDonald House and made lunches for families with children staying at Children’s Mercy Hospital. Other events included a holiday luncheon, volunteering at Harvesters Food Bank, 80s bingo at a local winery, pottery making, Bunco Night, monthly book club meetings, dog-friendly happy hour at Bar K, and a floral arranging activity during the inaugural Golden Violet Tea.
+ Lafayette Alumnae Chapter hosted a Teddy Bear Drive at The Little Big Cup to collect bears for Healing House, a group that provides comfort to children suffering the loss of a family member. Members also enjoyed a Galentines Day Brunch, Mardi Gras, supporting the Alpha Mu Chapter’s Cornhole for a Cause and volunteering at Festival International de Louisiane.
+ Long Beach Alumnae Chapter members enjoyed a Founders Day lunch at the Casa de Parley Johnson with the Greater LA Tri Sigma Alumnae

Chicago North Shore
Central Florida

Chapter and Foundation Advancement Officer
Summer Shinn Sage, Alpha Eta. They enjoyed lunch on the waterfront and a tour of the historic Queen Mary Cruise Ship. In May, members packed and delivered more than 60 bags of toiletries to Lydia House, a local women and children's shelter. Members look forward to celebrating the chapter's 75th anniversary in 2024. Follow 0 facebook. com/trisigmalb for more details to come.
Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter hosted a yearlong schedule of activities, including two potluck dinners, a lunch outing, and a Valentine-themed auction at the historic Port Washington home of Barb Howard Zyvoloski, Gamma Lambda. Members collected and donated items to the Women’s Center of Waukesha, a local organization that provides safety, shelter and support to those impacted by domestic abuse and sexual violence. During Founders Day, members enjoyed hearing stories from the Golden Violets in attendance and participated in an auction to support the Foundation. Before saying goodbye for the summer, members visited the Cocoa Tree Confectionery to learn about and sample some sweet treats.
+ Nashville Alumnae Chapter had a busy year in Music City. From Family Night at a Nashville Sounds minor league baseball game and a potluck dinner to Founders Day and the Nashville Area Panhellenic Alumnae Association's annual scholarship luncheon, members enjoyed the many opportunities to be together in our 125th year. They even found time to participate in the March of Dimes' March for Babies and host a 50th anniversary celebration.
New Orleans Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 77th year with several activities, including a Halloween game night, Christmas Tea in nearby Mandeville, a local theater outing, and their annual crawfish boil. Founders Day saw the presentation of our 19th Golden Violet award to Christi Gomez Gardes, Gamma Mu.
Omaha-Council Bluffs Alumnae Chapter rang in the holiday season with their annual holiday party and collecting gifts for a family staying at The Rainbow House near Children's Hospital in Omaha. In early 2023, members gathered to make cards, enjoyed a candle making event at a local shop in Omaha, and met in April for Founders Day.
Southern West Virginia Alumnae Chapter gathered for the annual Circle Degree held during Founders Day for the soon-to-be graduates at Alpha Alpha–Concord University. This year's ceremony was made even more special because the mothers of two Sigma legacies went through Circle Degree with them! The SWVAC donated four baskets to the Wise Women’s Center’s Baskets of Hope program. Members also started a book club, enjoyed the 3rd annual Secret Sister Gift Exchange, and attended the Alpha Alpha senior dinner.
+ Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated 125 years of sisterhood by hosting the West Florida alumnae chapters in Ybor City for
lunch, games, and a silent auction to raise money for the Foundation. The chapter also elected and installed new chapter leaders.
Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter proudly donated a Pac-Man Gaming System to the M Health Fairview Masonic Children's Hospital in Minneapolis to provide some respite for patients and families in the Explorer Pediatric Specialty Clinic. This gift was made possible with a matching grant through the Robbie Page Memorial Fund.
+ Upstate South Carolina Alumnae Chapter was officially chartered in August. Founding officers include Alumnae Chapter President Christi JonesMcNeill, Delta Pi; Treasurer Marsha Hines, Epsilon Theta; Programming Officer Bailey Sherwood, Delta Theta; Public Relations Officer Cammie Wolfe, Zeta Chi; Membership Officer Megan Horton, Eta Beta; and Co-Philanthropy Officers Courtney Giles, Eta Beta, and Shelly Rowan, Epsilon Pi.
West Michigan Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders Day at the home of Alumnae Chapter President Deb Spooner Landman, Epsilon Gamma. Members enjoyed charcuterie, elected new officers, and revealed a new fundraising effort—selling fuzzy slippers with a skull and crossbones! Anyone interested in purchasing a pair can email Michelle Burke at 0 michelle.rene.burke@gmail.com
San Francisco-East Bay Alumnae Chapter had a wonderful year supporting the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Cal State University, East Bay. From fall Primary Recruitment and fulfilling Amazon Wish List items to co-hosting Founders Day and holding Circle Degree, members enjoyed getting to know their collegiate sisters. Other events included brunch, a “paint & sip” party, and more.
Sarasota-Manatee Alumnae Chapter members enjoyed their annual holiday luncheon, including raffling gifts to benefit the Foundation, and a gift swap. They also donated gift cards to the Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center. Members gathered for a potluck lunch in February, updated chapter bylaws in March, and traveled to Ybor City for a Founders Day luncheon.
+ Wisconsin Fox Valley Alumnae Chapter stayed connected through virtual business meetings, social gatherings, and book club discussions—and have added new members due to this increased accessibility. Members gathered in person to present the Golden Violet to Dede Breese DeWitt, Gamma Lambda, and celebrate Founders Day. Axe throwing, a virtual escape room, and Wisconsin State Day were also on the calendar for 2023.

Whether you are a recent graduate, new to your local community, or looking for connection, joining an alumnae chapter is a great way to meet with Sigmas in your community. Find one near you at 0 trisigma.org/find-a-chapter
Greater Los Angeles
Wisconsin Fox Valley
Upstate South Carolina
Jersey Shore
Long Beach

⊲ alumnae chapter RECOGNITION
Congratulations to the following chapters for outstanding achievement in 2022-23:
Alumnae Chapter of the Year & Excellence in Collegiate Support
Indianapolis Suburban
Excellence in Ritual & Values
Creative Programming - Communication
Western Wayne-Washtenaw
Excellence in Member Development & Creative Programming - Civil Discource
Excellence in Member Recruitment, Excellence in Volunteerism, & Creative Programming - Social Excellence
Chicago North Shore

Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin-Stout alumnae from the 1960s-90s reached their goal of raising $30,000 for an endowed scholarship through the Stout Foundation. The annual $1,000 scholarship was originally intended for a Tri Sigma collegian; however, any UW-Stout fraternity or sorority member is now eligible to apply since the Beta Pi Chapter closed in March. This scholarship ensures the legacy of Tri Sigma's presence at UW-Stout.
2 Collegiate and alumnae members all across Wisconsin gathered at UW-Oshkosh in March to celebrate an 80s-themed State Day. Held every three years, the 2even was full of activities, including games, breakout sessions, and a keynote speech from bestselling author Sara Ney, Zeta Eta. After hearing from a local March of Dimes representative, members wrote notes of support to families. They also enjoyed bidding on silent auction and raffle items, networking, listening to stories from Golden Violets, a T-shirt swap, and showing off their 80s fashions.
3 Several members of the Kappa Chapter at Miami University attended their 50-year college reunion in June. Pictured are Constance Swank, Mary Birkhead Stewart, Melinda Hockman Callahan, Ilene Swank Garrett, and Pam Walter Metcalf.
4 Sigma was the most represented group at the Southern California Council Alumnae Panhellenic summer meeting. The SCCAP is a regional group that supports 15 Alumnae Panhellenic Associations. Members from the Greater LA and San Diego Alumnae Chapters were also in attendance as Cj Donovan, Beta Lambda, received the Legacy of Philanthropy Award.
Hampton Roads
Northern Virginia
Western Wayne
returning HOME
Members from coast to coast gathered in Farmville in April to celebrate Sigma's 125th anniversary and walk the path of the women who started it all.
More than 200 alumnae gathered in Farmville, Virginia, for a celebration 125 years in the making. Though the event was originally scheduled to begin at 1:25 p.m. at the Farmville Four clock, the kickoff was held in the library, where Longwood's Archives & Special Collections Librarian Jamie Krogh had curated an exhibit of historical Alpha Chapter memorabilia.

Celebrate 125 years of sisterhood with these and other limited-edition, commemorative items from 0 Purple & Pearls, 0 Herff Jones, and 0 Three Degrees Napa Valley SIGMA SOUVENIRS
Mayor Brian Vincent declared April 22, 2023, Sigma Sigma Sigma Day. In addition to remarks from National President Joyce Newcom O'Daniel and 125th Anniversary Committee Chair Courtney Stone-Plamp, other speakers throughout the day included University President Taylor Reveley and Paulo Matheny, Grand Master of Ceremonies of Randolph-Macon College's Kappa Sigma chapter, who spoke of his chapter brother James Miller Leake's connection to our founding. Alpha Sigma Alpha National President Amber Shaverdi Huston represented the Farmville Four.
The afternoon also included virtual campus tours (due to rain), an educational opportunity on multi-generational communications from Dr. Katherine Jeffrey, and a service opportunity benefiting the children of the Prince Edward County Public Schools.
After an evening cocktail hour and banquet emceed by Toastmaster Jo Ann Litton, Beta
Gamma, we were entertained by a fashion show with styles through the decades, and individual and alumnae chapter honors were awarded. It was also announced that Executive Council renamed the Collegiate Panhellenic Excellence Award to honor Past National President Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma, for her years of leadership and service to both Tri Sigma and the NPC. The first recipient of the Laura Ward Sweet Panhellenic Excellence Award will be honored in January 2024.
Other Past National Presidents in attendance included Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta, and Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi. Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota, and Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta, joined in spirit via prerecorded video greetings. The evening concluded with a resounding rendition of “Stately & Royal.”
“Helping to set the stage for our historic celebration in Farmville was beyond special as it gave us all an awe inspiring space to reflect upon Tri Sigma’s past and be reinvigorated for our future,” said Stone-Plamp, Alpha Psi. “It is rare when we have the opportunity to gather that magnitude of multiple generations and simply rejoice solely in our Sisterhood. The image of wide smiles and echoes of uproarious laughters will remain on my heart forever.”
In addition to the sorority-wide celebration, members of the Alpha Chapter gathered for their own festivities, including brunch and an outdoor party with lawn games.
“I really enjoyed was seeing Alpha members return to campus,” said Longwood's Assistant Dean & Director of the University Center and Student Activities and Alpha initiate Susan Sullivan. “I loved seeing collegiate members interact with them and hear their stories.”


Hello! Welcome to fall 2023 and the start of the next 125 years!! As I think back on the celebration in April, I’m reflecting on our Founders and the leap of faith they took. Did they ever imagine that 125 years later, we would be walking along their footsteps and treading the same path? Did they really know they were creating a sisterhood to last forever?
It was an honor to speak at our 125th Anniversary Celebration and share the work of the Tri Sigma Foundation. We have come a long way in the 30+ years since the Educational Foundation and the Robbie Page Memorial Fund combined into the Foundation. We have grown in grants and scholarships, developed our leadership and governance, and partnered with Tri Sigma to fund leadership programming. But, in this growth—there is still so much to do!
I speak for the entire Foundation Board in our desire to do more. We want to provide funding for all of the leadership and educational programming Tri Sigma currently does and wants to offer. We want to fund scholarships—both merit and needs-based—that are meaningful to our sisters. And we want to engage all alumnae and collegiate members in giving and philanthropy.
The Foundation Board is looking forward to the future—a future where Tri Sigma is your first priority in giving. A future where the transformational sorority experience helps all of our members succeed in their professional and personal life. And, a future where the next 125 years (and more!) are assured through the commitment of giving and support from all our sisters. Will you join us? Will you help us move Ever Forward into the future?
In our bonds,

JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa Chair, Foundation Board of Directors
P.S. I would like to personally invite you to join me as a Pillar of Sigma. Read more about Sigma's premier giving club and its 135 members on page 40!
The Foundation set its sights on making big dreams come true in the 2022-23 academic year. Because of the generosity of Sigmas like you, we can fund leadership development, scholarships, and children's health initiatives. Here's a look back at what the Foundation family accomplished from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023:



Including one newly endowed scholarship in memory of Paula M. Gillis, Beta Tau & Omega




Foundation scholarships provide relief to the rising cost of college tuition and recognize outstanding academic achievement. Thanks to generous Sigmas, the Foundation awarded 41 academic scholarships for 2023-24.

of college students rely on federal student loans for at least a portion of their educational expenses.

$26,027 did you know? ⊲
is the average cost of tuition, room and board at an in-state public institution per year—or $104,108 for 4 years.

Tri Sigmas have depledged or terminated their membership in the past 5 years for financial reasons.

Roxann Ackebo, Epsilon Sigma Virginia Commonwealth University NOVA Alumnae Chapter Scholarship
Aubree Arnett, Nu University of Central Missouri Mable Kane Stryker Scholarship
Kimberly Barberio, Eta Nu Ramapo College of New Jersey Stephani Hirsch Hoch Scholarship
Alanna Courtright, Theta Theta Oakland University Ann Buchler Williams Scholarship
Lindsey Duhon, Alpha Mu University of Louisiana at Lafayette Alpha Mu Chapter Scholarship
Allyssa Farley, Theta Theta Oakland University Foundation Scholarship
Mary Frerking, Nu University of Central Missouri Karen Lynne Pratt Memorial Scholarship
Joylyn Freund, Epsilon Chi Northeastern University Bonnie L. Rainey Scholarship
Kaylee Frigiano, Zeta Kappa Montclair State University Mary Crumpton Brown Scholarship
Peyton Fuller, Alpha Zeta Northwestern State University Foundation Scholarship


Graduate Scholarship

Joy Horkey, Zeta Eta Winona State University
Marie Eggert Snyder Scholarship
Taylor Huskey, Beta Xi Southeast Missouri State University
Carl & Shirley Ursprung Scholarship
Abigail Hyatt, Theta Alpha High Point University Epsilon Xi Chapter Scholarship
Chrysoula Kondyles, Alpha Phi Central Michigan University Foundation Scholarship
Kathryn Kudy, Alpha Xi University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Michael Welsh Scholarship
Taylor Medlock Lanier, Gamma Xi Barton College
Seppala Nelson Scholarship
Livingston, Alpha Iota Northeastern State University
Panarese Combs
Payton Lumeng, Theta Zeta Case Western Reserve University
Dixie Cremeans Shelton Scholarship
Rylee McElroy, Chi Pittsburg State University Chi Chapter Scholarship
Megan Monette, Omicron Eastern Michigan University
Mary Crumpton Brown Scholarship
Heavenly Perez, Delta Psi Saint Joseph’s University
Diana Hornick Sarber Scholarship
Gabby Probst, Lambda Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Mary Crumpton Brown Scholarship
Abigail Ramos, Alpha Zeta Northwestern State University
Lucile Mertz Hendrick Scholarship
Samantha Ricciardo, Gamma Pi Nicholls State University
Doris Hiles Schroeder Scholarship
Sarah Richcreek, Alpha Phi Central Michigan University Gertrude Lawrence Ledford Scholarship
Megan Garner, Omicron Eastern Michigan University
Lucille Amesse Morrison Scholarship & Kim Kokko Davids Scholarship
Maggie Gravano, Epsilon Upsilon Marist College
Stephanie Sabol Strom Scholarship
Maggie Gunnels, Epsilon Zeta Southern Arkansas University
Lori Dahm Scholarship
Abigail Hansen, Eta Upsilon Lynchburg University Foundation Scholarship
Rylee Holek, Alpha Phi Central Michigan University
Margaret Parker Munger Scholarship
With more than 200 scholarship applicants each year, it is crucial we expand our resources to empower the academic achievement of even more of our members.
College tuition costs have consistently risen at a rate higher than the rate of inflation, making higher education less affordable for many families. In fact, the cost of a college education has more than doubled since 1984—even when adjusting for inflation. This has led to $1.7 trillion in student debt across the U.S., according to the Federal Reserve.
When graduates have less debt to repay, they are more likely to make investments in their future, such as buying homes, starting families, or saving for retirement, which can have positive ripple effects on the economy.
Large amounts of student debt are causing women to choose career paths out of financial necessity rather than desire. In other words, fewer women are pursuing careers in fields like teaching, social work, journalism and the arts in favor of higher paying jobs they feel less passionate about.
Women with higher education levels tend to earn more over their lifetimes, narrowing the gender wage gap. They are also more likely to assume leadership roles in various sectors, including business, government, and civil society. Donating to Tri Sigma's scholarship fund not only helps narrow the playing field for women, but helps them to— quite literally—fulfill our promise to empower others to change the world.
The Tri Sigma Foundation has awarded over half a million dollars in scholarship aid to members—but we want to do more! Tri Sigma scholarships can be established by an individual, family, chapter, or group with a gift of $25,000, payable over a 5-year period.
Email Foundation Executive Director Shelly Bateman at 0 sbateman@trisigma.org to learn how you can unlock the endless potential of our collegiate members.

Applications for 2024-25 scholarships open in February and are open to any Tri Sigma pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree. Scholarships are awarded each September for use in the corresponding academic year. Visit 0 trisigma.org/foundation/scholarship to apply or learn more.

Learn more about the Foundation's endowed scholarships and the donors who make them possible by scanning this QR code with your smartphone.
Anna Speichinger, Eta Chi University of Missouri Marie Santee Dunham Scholarship
Abbey Stewart, Epsilon Chi Northeastern University Ann & Charlie Rutkowski Scholarship
Kayla Traiger, Epsilon Chi Northeastern University
Carolyn White Wallisch Scholarship
Lauren Wilcox, Alpha Iota Northeastern State University Emily Lewis Lee Scholarship
Allie Williams, Alpha Iota Northeastern State University Barbara Moseley Welsh Scholarship
Sydney Smith, Epsilon Chi Northeastern University Louisa Roudebush Replogle Scholarship
Brenna Snively, Eta Xi Ursinus College
Mimi Brandt Hiner Scholarship & Foundation Scholarship
Kelsi Shawcroft, Zeta Theta Idaho State University Foundation Scholarship
Kaylabeth Simpson, Gamma Xi Barton College Margaret Freeman Everett Scholarship
LOUISIANA lagniappe
With the help of a matching RPM Grant from the Tri Sigma Foundation, the Alpha Mu Chapter brought ʻa little something extraʼ to young patients at Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital
In the heart of Louisiana, a place of hope and healing now boasts an enchanting addition that is already bringing smiles and joy to the faces of the youngest patients at Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital in Lafayette. The recently updated Child Life Playroom is the latest testament to the impact of the Robbie Page Memorial Fund.
A partnership between the Our Lady of Lourdes Foundation and the Alpha Mu Chapter at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, plus a matching grant through the Tri Sigma Foundation made the playroom possible. A dedication ceremony for the 300-square-foot space was held in April.
The playroom provides a special place for pediatric and PICU patients to participate in therapeutic play, a small oasis of fun and normalcy amidst an often-stressful medical setting.
“There is such a healing modality to providing children the opportunity to do things they would be doing at home that they are unable to do while they are in the hospital,” said Laurel Blanchard, Certified Child Life Specialist. “Being able to have this space allows that.”
With its vibrant colors and an abundance of toys and games, this space has become a beacon of happiness for the hospital's tiniest patients.
It's not just about fun and games; it's a vital component of the healing process. Research shows child life therapy significantly improves the well-being of pediatric patients. According to a study published in Medical News Today, child life interventions reduce anxiety levels in hospitalized children by more than 70 percent.
The Alpha Mu Chapter raised funds through their annual chili cook-off, one of the largest annual philanthropic events hosted by a Tri Sigma collegiate chapter.
“Our annual chili cook-off has been enjoyed by our community for officially a decade. Our members always enjoy seeing how much our sponsors, teams, and attendees enjoy

this event,” said Alpha Mu Philanthropy Chair Ashley Graffeo. “Our members take so much pride in knowing our hard work supports causes greater than ourselves.”
The Tri Sigma Foundation awards grants to local therapeutic play programs nominated by individual members, as well as collegiate and alumnae chapters.
Play therapy helps children cope with difficult emotions and experiences. It can also help children feel more comfortable during medical procedures, like getting a shot or having blood drawn. By teaching them relaxation techniques and distracting them with play, they can feel less pain and fear.
Since the establishment of the Robbie Page Memorial Fund in 1954, Tri Sigmas have contributed more than $2 million in grants to support our philanthropic initiative Sigma Serves Children
Each year, the Foundation awards local grants to programs nominated by individual Tri Sigmas or alumnae/collegiate chapters. Grants up to $5,000 may be awarded to hospitals and clinics for items such tablets, virtual reality headsets, sensory boxes, books, and interactive play tables. To learn more, visit 0 trisigma.org/foundation/sigma-serves-children
We proudly recognize the 135 Pillars of Sigma who help bring valuable development opportunities to our members and serve as an example to Sigma's next generation of leaders and philanthropists.
Denise Goudelock
Kay Marquardt Beaty
Elizabeth Fifield
Berta Flath
Carol Ryckman Frost
Nancy Strom McGowan
Nora Eyre Moushey
Susan Buche Ayers
Jeanne Ruane Nissen
Alpha Delta
Lauren Cunkelman
Alpha Epsilon
Charlotte Moore
Alpha Theta
Ann Copeland
Tracey Horton Daniels
Elizabeth Belanger Fensterwald
Alpha Iota
Jo Candy
The Foundation is seeking 65 new members to join the Pillars of Sigma and help us make even more scholarship, leadership and development opportunities available to our members.
To become a Pillar of Sigma, a member must give $1,000 or more during the fiscal year (July 1–June 30) as a one-time gift or through multiple donations. Pillars receive exclusive opportunities to enjoy invitation-only events with Foundation and sorority leaders, as well as recognition at the Foundation luncheon at Convention, the official Pillars of Sigma charm bracelet for the first year of membership, a yearly charm uniquely designed for Pillar Society members, and a personal invitation to our online community of Tri Sigma philanthropic leaders.
Vicki Wellman Bird
Linda Clayton
Lori Yokich Taylor
Mary Crumpton Brown
Cathy Duffin Albright
Yvette Wheeler Pue
Alpha Alpha
Pat Repass Nichols
Dixie Cremeans Shelton
Alpha Beta
Kellie Deis Parker
Winnie Wilson Warner
Alpha Mu
Karen Straub Conte
Alpha Nu
Fran Wilhelm Redmon
Charlotte Thompson Suhler
Jill Iosue Zager
Alpha Pi
Kathy Anderson Hedden
Alpha Sigma
Bonnie L. Rainey
Laura Ward Sweet
Alpha Upsilon
Nancy May
Shirley Mowles McKinley
RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella
Alpha Phi
Arlene Reid Ball
Lois Hansen-Hjelle
Sandy Koch Sandel
Martha Smith
Alpha Chi
Donna Grogan Herndon
Kathy Rayburn Kopperud
Joyce Newcom O’Daniel
Erica Poole
Ally Simon
Alpha Psi
Suzanne Mizgata
Brenda Osterman Ray
Courtney Stone-Plamp
Carol Gregory Swango
Holly Trembczynski
Beta Alpha
Claudia Lara Schaefer
Katie Henke Scherping
Beta Gamma
Marcia Cutter
Joann Stohler Davis
Michelle Bayless Harrold
Susie Fink Kuhn
Jo Ann Douglas Litton
Mindi Holland Major
Helen Sharrett Shull
Beta Delta
Lori Hoover Richard
Beta Epsilon
Shelly Brajkovich Bateman
Angi Gose Bevers
Mary Tobin
Beta Iota
Deborah Hanson Maves
Beta Kappa
Bethany Deines
Bonita Hix
Honey Leas
Bette Blythe Lewis
Melissa Pizzo
Lauri Dunn Wingenroth
Beta Lambda
Cj Havlik Donovan
Mary Sawicki Lovell
Kathy Heinen Thoren
Beta Mu
JoAnn Burke Conley
Beta Xi
Marilyn McGraw Beiter
Liz Wakeman Hoffert
Jan Stroker Horner
Amanda Rainey
Beta Pi
Nicole Oliver Gwozdz
Karen Cartwright Lowerr
Margaret Coleman Lukes
Barbara Schmidt Nordberg
Lori Travis Schaefer
Loleta Dodge Udee
Beta Rho
Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol
Elna Adams Rogers
Beta Upsilon
Marie Schrag Beck
Gamma Alpha
Karrie Kinsella Benjamin
Kathy Miller Jackson
Lisa Koeller
Gamma Beta
Natalie Moore Averette
Emily Eure Ellis
Gamma Zeta
Pamela Minoski Runac
Gamma Kappa
JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly
Gamma Lambda
Linda LaFontaine Jenkins
Gamma Mu
Allissa Smith Leach
Suzanne Blanchard McGlone
Gamma Nu
Diane Mahal Hemker
Gamma Tau
Kimberly Johnson Cobb
Gamma Phi
Kaye Schutte Schendel
Gamma Psi
Karen Chambers O’Connell
Lori Kincaid Rassati
Delta Delta
MC Steed Hartley
Laura Ziegler Rhodes
Delta Xi
Marie Androsevic Rees
Delta Pi
Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel
Christi Jones-McNeill
Epsilon Delta
Kara Miller McCarty
Annie DeCecco Rutkowski
Epsilon Gamma
Jennifer Mitteer Bookspan
Epsilon Zeta
Shawna Cupples Speer
Epsilon Eta
Michelle Osborn-Hallet
Epsilon Theta
Stephanie Everett
SAM! Mills Farrell
Epsilon Kappa
Kim Haelfrisch Katz
Epsilon Xi
Katie Lauer Wadington
Epsilon Omicron
Rebecca Nanzer Calkins
Jill Carlson Schmidt
Michelle Tantillo
Alison Needham Wirth
Epsilon Rho
Linda Manley-Kuitu
Zeta Alpha
Nancy Stevens Mancuso
Zeta Gamma
Cathy Depew Brister
Zeta Theta
Kristen Webster Story
Zeta Pi
Crystal Jones
Zeta Rho
Camille Weixel Chasteen
Rachel Cobb Stewart
Zeta Chi
Allison Mitchell Hucks
Zeta Psi
Heather Cruz
Eta Nu
Amy Skinner Skinner
Eta Omicron
Veronica Atkins Seymour
Catherine Till
Eta Rho
Crystal Johnson
Eta Tau
Gina Doughty Dickinson
Theta Delta
Joey Koenig
Iota Alpha
Emily Murphy
Lasting LEGACY
Estate planning is not merely about wealth management—it's about securing your peace of mind and leaving a lasting legacy. Planned giving, a vital component of estate planning, goes beyond providing for your family's future. It is the key to peace of mind—a blueprint to ensure your wishes are honored, your loved ones are cared for, and your legacy endures. Planned giving can also provide enduring resources for causes close to your heart.
Planned gifts can take various forms, making it accessible for individuals with diverse financial circumstances. This can include estate plans, a beneficiary designation on an IRA, insurance policy, retirement plan or charitable trust, and other options, such as a charitable remainder trust.
If you’ve included the Tri Sigma Foundation in your estate plans, we would love to celebrate your commitment by making you part of our Heritage Society. Notify Advancement Officer Summer Sage of your plans at 0 ssage@trisigma.org so we can honor your commitment to empowering the next generation of scholars, leaders and philanthropists.

did you know?
A qualified charitable distribution allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $100,000 to qualified charities directly from a taxable IRA instead of taking their required minimum distributions. Because the gift goes directly to a charity like the Tri Sigma Foundation without passing through the donor's hands, the dollar amount of the gift may be excluded from taxable income. This could be a good option for you if have significant assets in an IRA, plan to make a large gift in relation to your income, or do not want to itemize deductions. Consult your tax advisor or visit 0 irs.gov for more information.

The Tri Sigma Foundation is pleased to announce its 2023-24 Board of Directors: (front row) Ally Simon, Alpha Chi; Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho; Treasurer Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma; Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa; Vice Chair Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron; National Treasurer Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma (ex-officio); National President Joyce O’Daniel, Alpha Chi (ex-officio); Secretary Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi; (back) Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi; Valarie Jones Cowen, Alpha Psi; Linda Boehm Blume, Alpha Epsilon Board; Chair JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly, Gamma Kappa; Karen Cartwright Lowerr, Beta Pi; Renee Kries, Iota Alpha. Not pictured: Lori Kincade Rassati, Gamma Psi.
The board met in Indianapolis in August, and JeanMarie Komyathy Mattingly and Michelle Tantillo stayed to join Foundation Executive Director Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon, at the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence's annual conference.
Board service is a significant commitment as well as a valuable professional opportunity. We seek leaders who are passionate about our mission, possess relevant skills and expertise, and want to make a difference within Tri Sigma and within the communities where our members live. For more information on how you can volunteer for the Foundation, email 0 sbateman@trisigma.org
This list includes notices received from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023. We extend sincere condolences to family and friends of these members. Please use 0 this form to notify NHQ of a sister's passing or email 0 sigma@trisigma.org
Longwood University
Jean Ridenour Appich
Elizabeth Scott Bane
Judith Rieck Bass
Nancy Dickinson Bridgeforth
Helen Wilson Cover
Barbara Montgomery Connelly-Crowder
Ann Hauser Elmore
Shirley Slaughter Embrey
Mary Waldrop Faris
Anne McLean Mingea Goodpasture
Frances Britton Hayman
Katherine Bridgforth Hooker
Carolyn Calhoun Jones
Nan Seward Jones
Shirley Hillstead Lorraine
Carol Jenkins Michael
Julia Booher Nelson
Helen McIlwaine Parker
Dorothy Prescott Roberts
Emily Carper Robinson
Roberta Robertson Stables
Dorothy Shotwell Strickland
Elisabeth Kent Thurston
Katherine Acree Watson
Helen Hardy Wheat
Margaret Eschner Bacon
June McGill Barmasse*
Christine Hoto Longyear*
University of Northern Colorado
Sheryl White Dahm*
Carolyn McKnight Pritchett
Miami University
Susan Knechtel Berescik
Shirley MacPhail Orth
Dorothy Burner Wright
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Phoebe Albert Horning
Margaret Frace Maser
Anita Gray Tortorella
Truman State University
Ashley Alexis Buell
Virginia Eloise Maulfair
Christine Limes Simmons
University of Central Missouri
Kimberly Shepard Carlson
Jo Ann Lane Favorita
Sue Jarvis
Phyllis Boland Weinrich
Northwestern State
Velma Keck Mayfield*
Helene Fuller- Mitchell
Fern Wiebener Smith
Eastern Michigan University
Margaret MacGregor Owens
Emporia State University
Marsha Ann Corn
Margaret Becker Jehle
Dorothy J. Meyer
Joy Testorff Meyer
Marjorie Buttron Smith
RhoLisa Hayden Miles
Carolyn Garrett Smith
Western State Colorado University
Billie Lou Lindsey Sweger
Pittsburg State University
Erva Wright Bowman
Rosalie Merriman Stewart
Ruth O'Bryan Thayer
Stacey Thomas Trumbly
Esther Anderson Wagner
Marshall University
Mary Lee Link Allen
Barbara Lee Binns
Betty Mann Foard
Elizabeth Stairs Gelder
Carolyn Noell Smith
Sherry O'Shea Wallace
Concord University
Janice Walters Beavers
Mary Davis Goddard
Fort Hays State University
Marvel Mitchell Castor
Katie Witwer Haag
Dorothy Harris Kraus*
Drexel University
Dorothea Paul Logan
Northwest Missouri State Univ.
Nell Baur Clarke
Nancy Weldon Patton
Barbara Leet Ricklefs
Wilma McClurg Stocks
Northwestern State University
Gwendolyn Bishop James
Ethel Flowers Kendrick
Marjorie White Tucker
Radford University
Betty Lou Livingston Boyd
Margaret Ross Caskie
Ruby Ramsey Hodges Grubb
Beulah Frances Johnson
Gwyndolyn Ward Keil
Martha Crowe Kessler
Betty Rosenbaum Laningham
Charlotte Smith Needham
Carol Osborne Shotton
Mary Virginia Simerly
Mary Margaret Ayers Smith
Phyllis Campbell Smith
Mary Morris Stevenson
Bobby Wilson Jennings Wampler
Margaret Clarke Webb
Sandra Stone Whitehead
Northeastern State University
Sheila Jean Hambrick
Margaret Price
Carol Green Wells
Sue Carolyn Wilson
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Laura Koebel Gautreaux
Windy Breaux Harris
Mary Meier De La Houssaye
Mary Ruth Laughlin
Janet Donath Olson
Vera Marcotte Wainwright
Elizabeth Westover Walther
Southern Illinois
University Carbondale
Gretchen Braun Evans
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Allene Hanna Hazeltine*
Margaret Reuhl Kolberg*
Pamela Kristine Linker
Marjorie Pederson McQueen
Norma Gnatzig Mendenhall
Shannon Mary Stone
Alpha OmicronJune Hunt Beck
Cathy Cochran Smith
Betty Pryor Wilkes
PennWest Clarion
Marjory Seese Eichelberger
Janet Price Traber
University of Southern Mississippi
Margaret Hardy Abbott
Jane Doughty Allen
Martha Alvis Bartlett
Lavonne Jones Bates
Maidie Katherine Beeson
Marie Bergeron Bethea
Jeanette Watkins Bond
Nancy Thompson Breland
Dixie Standifer Brock
Isabelle McCoy Brown
Mary Rawls Buckley
Reba Jones Burrows
Mary Glannen Buttery
Rose Roeslein Camp
Billie Granberry Capehart
Dorothy McInnis Carter
Yuvette Kelly Carter
Anne Ray Castle
Mary Dickson Chamblin
Betty Foster Chancellor
Elizabeth Galtney Chappa
Dorothy Hardy Chestnut
Jo Ann Sowell Coleman
Dorris Pruitt Cook
Lucy Davidson Core
Thelma O'Neill Corlew
Olivia Miller Corty
Anna Maurejohn Cox
Mary Stoner Craft
Peggy Allbritton Crawford
Dorothy Lacy Cunningham
Katherine Saunders Currie
Patricia Newman Dantin
Maxine Rushing Davis
Annie Long Deavours
Tetelle Topp DeFoore
Donna Hinkebein Dufour
Clara Spencer Eller
Mary Coleman English
Norma Hoadley Evans
Frances Louise Fenn
Beulah Kent Flowers
Ora Roberts Frazier
Frances Shook Graham
Irene Ogburn Gray
Annie Walker Grim
Bonnie Sanders Grisham
Mary Boggs Gronde
Carlyne Warnack Guion
Rhonda Eaton Haley
Jimmie Simmons Harper
Maxcy Hathorn
Marjorie Rutland Havenstein
Sara Ramsey Hedgepeth
Annie Stringer Hefner
Sally Bodman Herrington
Billie King Holland
Lucy Pittman Hunt
Zayne Myatt Jabour
Betty Crawford Jacks
Ancie Johnson Jones
Scottie Cooner Keith
Sandra DeSilvia Kennerson
Velma Kilpatrick
Annie Roberts Knox
Mary Johnson Kornegay
Maudine Webb Kramer
Sammie Lee Ladner
Mary Kinch Laird
Rae Musgrave Lambert
Vivian Duckworth Lang
Barbara Fussell LeGrose
Alice Stringer Liddell
Bettye Ray Logan
Faustina Willey Magers
Lorene Tullos Mangum
Carol Winifred Marsh
Joan Mangum Martin
Latamyr Williams Massey
Robin Longre Matas
Susan Clements McDonald
Jean Curry McGregor
Jane Emily McMath
Jane Anne McMenamy
Mary Easom McQueen
Frances Turner Meador
Bonnie Fleming Merrifield
Mary Askew Middleton
Mary Stephens Mims
Helen Shows Moffett
Peggy Tinnin Montgomery
Alice Lord Odom
Phylisee Myatt Overby
Mayme Hicks Oxner
Lindley Ann Pardue
Myrtis Mixon Parker
M. Showers Pethtel
Hilda McNair Polk
Melissa Dethloff Potter
Edna Earle Poyner
Mary Lynd Reaser
Billye Pierce Reynolds
Gussie Knight Rhine
Mary Boyd Robinson
Dorotheann Murphree Rogers
Mary Hackney Sanders
Lee Burch Shadbolt
Sara Mercier Smith
Loletia Cooper Soulé
Laduski Webb Spears
Pauline Bateman Stanley
Ruth Oliver Stanley
Cynthia Ikerd Stokes
Sarah Regar Strecker
Barbara Lenaz Stribling
Frances Holcomb Stringer
Jo Jo Pittman Sullivan
Sara Jackson Switzer
Betty Ladner Toney
Dulcie Davidge Webster
Maurine Anderson Welch
Sue Lawson White
Olivia McGough Williams
Irene Vivian Zarko
University of the District of Columbia
Gayle Fetzer Taylor
James Madison University
Louise Taylor Felts
Margaret Lee Hahn
Margaret Latham Lesner
Ann Harlin Sullivan
Margaret Kable Tibbs
Central Michigan University
Patricia O'Neil Karbowski
Sheryl Harrison Lamarand*
Murray State University
Kathryn Korte Eickholz
Martha Houston Hale
Jackita White Snelling
Eastern Illinois University
Lea Brock Kirtland
Northern Illinois University
Norma Beuter Larson*
Beatrice Hemenway Parler*
Missouri State University
LaRita Simmons Douglas
Donna Gwen Carender Hammons
Joan Hardy Moseley
Nancy Ament Wagoner
Ball State University
Carol Kellerman Buttell*
Beverly Fedewa Macke
Shepherd University
Agnes Merchant Shriver
Western Illinois University
Lynn Mockenhaupt Gronow
University of Pittsburgh
Betty Mersky Hamer
Minot State University
Maxine Mondou Lodmell
Marlys Tofte Miinch
Arizona State University
Daisy Yee Chan
Nancy Smyth Walker
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Marjorie Erskine Junger
Diane Unger Zens*
Southeast Missouri State University
Carrie Lynn Greer
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Maurine Heft Barkley
Amy Brueckner Stilling
Western Michigan University
Kathryn Church Kolster*
University of Tampa
Carol King Daughtery
Pennsylvania State University
Karen Krouse Dye
Queens College
Stephani Hirsch Hoch*
Youngstown State University
Joan Pavlov Bolkovac
Mary Leporis Davis
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Eleanor Hiatt Thurber
East Carolina University
Nannie Crawford Best
Adrian College
Donna Pontius McIntyre*
Loyola University New Orleans
Marilyn F. Kelly
Barton College
Sheila Underwood Bouillon
Catherine Czako Hunt
University of Wisconsin–River Falls
Mary Lou Olson
Glenville State College
Mary Kennedy Collins
Elon University
Kelley Loughlin France
Elizabeth Schick Hicks
Gloria Royal Reaves
Bloomsburg University
Carmela Perrotta Haber
Pamela Martire Kirkman
University of Virginia
Taylor Christine Davis
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Rachel Nystrom Schueller
Univ. of North Carolina at Wilmington
Sarah Kathryn O'Steen
Cameron University
Diana Cox Littlefield
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Amanda Leigh Hayward
College of New Jersey
Chelsea Baranowski Milanese
Georgia Southern University–
Armstrong Campus
Kathy Edleigha Carpenter
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Dawn Incalcatera Brodeur
Auburn University
Blake Daley Eagon
*denotes Golden Violet

Tri Sigma National Headquarters 207 N. Muhlenberg Street
Woodstock, VA 22664
540-459-4212 | trisigma.org