Tristan Currie
Brief 09 / Fine Art Yearbook
OUGD603 / Extended Practice
Fine Art Yearbook
Brief / Background
Collaboration: Rinesh Mistry
To design the yearbook for the Fine Art degree at Leeds College of Art.
Yearbook Design
Jamie Pudsey
Poster Ideas The students on the course had decided to name there exhibition ‘Forty Four Degrees’ as there are forty four of them graduating this year. They want a clean, simple design that places focus on there artwork.
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Tristan Currie
Brief 09 / Fine Art Yearbook
OUGD603 / Extended Practice
Looked into previous yearbooks to make sure that the approach we took and the design we created
I researched into a variety of finishing techniques for the cover of the yearbook. Die-cut, spot varnish,
was different from them. Having done so influenced the way our design developed, as these existing
foiling and embossing. Providing these options to the students gave them a better idea of what could
yearbooks were known by the students and were used as a reference point in our meetings.
be done when printing the yearbook.
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Tristan Currie
Brief 09 / Fine Art Yearbook
OUGD603 / Extended Practice
I designed a variety of different covers using the ‘Forty Four’ title with numbers with alternate layouts,
The interior designs developed keep in consistency with the typefaces used on the cover. The
also typographical. The development process here was a key part in the design as the front cover
imagery (represented in grey) as you can see is the main focus here with full bleed images and
would be what represented the fine art that year.
spreading on the both pages of the spread. This allowed the artwork to be displayed bigger therefore standing out on the page.
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Tristan Currie
Brief 09 / Fine Art Yearbook
Design Due to the yearbook being printed professionally and not arriving to after my deadline I am unable to show the finished product. However the final design will be produced as a B5 size publication. The stock was chosen from the GF Smith sample book and the finish would be a spot varnish. In the top left corner are a few mock ups created to show the students. Although they don’t have the finish we would use they served as a visual representation of what the finished book would feel like.
OUGD603 / Extended Practice
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