Thunder Roads West Virginia

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Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.............. 5 Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly........................ 8

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Joker’s Wild..............................................11


Center Calendar....................................... 12 Featured Bike........................................... 14 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen............................. 17

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834

Events....................................................... 18

Jeff Davis Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-673-7321 (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales Southern State Sales ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842

News Bytes.............................................. 23 Biker Friendly Directory.......................... 24 Diary of a Biker Chic............................... 26

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882


LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson

Model: Kayla Keddal

PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Bob Tarowsky,

Photographer: Bobby T Rocks & Bill Vrtar

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

Like Us on Facebook



APRIL 2015


Hey Ya’ll, Can you believe it? I actually rode down a road and didn’t find a pothole. I’m just saying that you have a better chance of hitting the lottery than finding a road without a pothole. I’m not complaining too much about it. At least the evil winter is leaving and spring is heading our way in a hurry. We say this every year but that winter sucked. The one good thing about the last winter is…never mind I can’t think of anything good about last winter. I’m just glad it’s gone. Bring on spring and let’s get this party started. In this month’s magazine Hillbilly sits down with the Machine Gun Preacher, Sam Childers. Hopefully you have all seen the movie and will enjoy the interview with the Machine Gun Preacher himself. In the Diary of a Biker Chic she challenges us to face our fears. We have the usual stuff that keep you updated on all the things happening around the state. I encourage you to ask for Thunder Roads WV when you are out riding this spring. If they don’t have one tell them to call us and ask how to get them. PLEASE visit and let our vendors know that you appreciate them bringing Thunder Roads WV free to you each month. Start making your plans to catch up with us at an event this summer. Take some pictures and send them into us. Who knows you could be in the next issue of Thunder Roads WV. Until next time keep the rubber side down and Thank you for helping us to be the #1 free motorcycle magazine in West Virginia. Big City


APRIL 2015





Ride with Rider. Get your quote today. Visit or call (844) 276-0164. Available in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.


APRIL 2015



ver feel like you are not accepted or like you don’t was publicly tied to a pole and beaten but he continued to fit in? Are there times you are trying to be persevere for The Lord and now is respected by some of the a part of the conversation but being ignored political members in his area. Mr A and his family and not even acknowledged, like a fly on the wall? are serving God through these young men they are Maybe it’s just the eye rolling at your comments that raising in their home. Again, I am still in awe of the make you feel that way, or maybe you just feel like blessings I received. an outcast! An outcast or stranger to those people Another days journey concluded the visiting of around you..... pastors in training. Our group was welcomed with a Well my dear friends, I am sure someone has very tasty meal that we all loved. The Pastors read experienced this at a point or many points in their scripture, presented worship song and dance then life, but let me share a little something with you had training with Mr Will. These men need prayers for today... Godly knowledge as well as protection over them as What if you were a child, your parents had to sell you to pay off their debt to a loan shark, or your mother had passed away and your father killed by an elephant or wild animal, or maybe your parents could not afford you so they abandoned you in a field or street. These stories and more are the true stories of the lives of some of the children in the orphanages our team visited while in India. Yes TRUE life stories. But God has a plan for those rescued, Amen!

well as protection over their families and for all the places we visited, and prayers for their families as they present Gods word in very ungodly places.

During the journey our group enjoyed going shopping and sight seeing. India is a beautiful place with beautiful women, fine materials, rice crops, beautiful tea gardens, Himalayan Mountains, vineyards, dirt, and trash. In my eyes it’s beautiful to me. A piece of my heart will remain During my travels I was able to visit a structured school ran their always... by a very gracious family. The children, I no longer called Just a reminder from God, there are No orphans, loved shaking hands and repeating “thank you” Strangers, there are No Orphans and there over and over again... These beautiful children are clothed, are No outcasts.... fed, taught how to survive and given a good education of reading, writing, language with an added plus of Biblical With many thanks of gratitude, standards as well as playing games and having fun. Two Genie Wears days of beautiful Christmas Programs were presented to our team with the true meaning of Christmas...Our Savior Christ Our Lord. I am still in awe of the blessing I received. Fellowship and food with a lady and her family was priceless as well as excellent meals three times a day prepared by an amazing man with a pure servants heart. Another orphanage, that I prefer to call a Family Home, really stole my heart. Upon arrival, our group was greeted by well mannered, hard working young men from ages 5 to 17. Their bright eyes, dark in color, showed more love and gratitude than any story could tell. Their tiny faces were overpowered by huge smiles that melted your heart. The young men have given us ladies the name “Auntie”! At this Family Home, these young men are taught a variety of things like that of working on a farm with a strong Christian atmosphere. Each child presented scripture, worship music with song and dance as one little guy played drums, then Auntie Jackie and Uncle Will taught them the Electric Slide. Oh what a great time for all of us here. Mrs A fed us very well, she is truly an excellent cook. Mr A has a testimony himself...During his transition from Muslim to Christianity, he THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

APRIL 2015




April. 18-26, 2015


Sept. 16-20, 2015


APRIL 2015



APRIL 2015


Sippin Shine with Hillbilly

and Sam Childers


aka “The Machine Gun Preacher”

was scrolling through movies one Saturday and came across a movie called “The Machine Gun Preacher”. I started thinking to myself times must be hard in the church if they need the preachers to bring them in at gun point. I watched the trailer and saw there were a couple of bikes in it and decided to watch it. It’s simple you had me at machine gun and a bike. I was glad I took the time to watch it and Thankful that I got the chance to sit down with Sam and spend the day with the people that work with him and make such a difference in the lives of so many in Africa. I’m sure some of you have read about Sam and his Bike shop in Central City, Pa. I wanted to spend time and learn a few things about Sam. The people that work at his shop are some of the friendliest people you will hope to meet. They will show you around and answer questions about the bikes and the work they are doing. It is definitely worth a ride to his shop. I encourage you to take a ride out to the shop and you can tell them Hillbilly sent you. When you’re done the Flight 93 Memorial is about 2 miles up the road. After watching the movie I had so many questions that I wanted to ask. I’m glad Sam gave me the chance to ask them. How many of us if you believed God was calling you could pick up everything and move to Africa? I don’t think I see a lot of hands up. Sam did it and the kids and people of Sudan, Ethiopia, and Uganda are glad he answered the call. I can honestly say that Sam is one of those people that has a light in his eye and a spirit about him that makes him someone I feel is one of those lights in a world that sometimes can seem so dark. HB-What bike do you ride? When did you start riding? You have a shop full of expensive bikes. Which one is your ride? SC-My first motorcycle was a Honda 50 when I was 7 years old. I’ve been riding all my life from seven years old. I was never without a bike. When I was 15 I had a Triumph in a chopper frame. When I was 16 I went to a BSA and then I went to a Sportster in a chopper frame. I went for a few years 8

without a street bike. I had a dirt bike and a four wheeler but no Harley. The reason was I had to walk away from that “crowd” because I was messed up on drugs and knew I had to walk away to get clean. So I walked away from it and went for around 10 years without a street bike. Now I have 5 bikes and I own this bike shop MGP Rat Bikes. The bike that I ride now when I go out is a 2006 Street Glide. HB- That’s what I ride. Great minds think the same. I love my bike. How much of the movie is true and how much is Hollywood? SC- The one thing that is bad is that they took 30 plus years and tried to ram into a 2 hour movie. The timeline is all screwed up. The entire movie is based on a book I wrote called “Another Man’s War”. If you want to know the truth get the book it’s in every book store in the world. There are a lot of things in the movie that were not the truth but they came from parts that were the truth. The story is true they just embellished to make it more interesting. The one part that I tell everyone that is not true is when they show me having a bad day and I go back to a bar started doing some drugs and drinking and got into a fight. The fight part is true. I’ve been known to get into a fight now and then but I have not drank or done drugs in 26 years. HB- The movie starts with you coming out of a lock up. SC- I never was in prison. Maybe a night or two in the local

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jail for a fight or two. HB- In the movie you had a friend named Donnie that doesn’t do to well. Was that true? SC- Donnie was actually a combination of 6 different people in my life. It was a low budget movie so my 6 friends became Donnie. I did lose a couple of people very close to me in my life to drugs. HB- Are you from this area in Pennsylvania? SC- Yes my Mom is from Central City. My Dad was from Kentucky and 20 years older than my Mom. He was part Cherokee Indian and a union iron worker and came here to work and here I am. HB-This question has been burning to get out. How in the world does a biker from Pa. get to Sudan in Africa? SC-I don’t like to sound religious to people but I am a preacher. I am not a Bible thumper. What I mean by a preacher is I am a believer and I share my faith wherever I go. I believe God wanted me to be in Sudan. He gave me opportunities to go there and see if it was going to touch my heart. The Bible says “we are all called but few are chosen”. That’s not really true. We are all called but God is only going to call a few? No I believe there are only a few willing to answer the call. I went to Sudan in Africa and saw the body of a small child that had stepped on a land mine. Right then I made the decision to spend the rest of my life rescuing children. HB-One of the parts of the movie shows how difficult this whole thing has been on your wife and family. I can’t imagine coming home and saying I’m off to Africa. The movie goes into it a little but it had to be very hard on your friends and family. SC-One good thing is my wife is a believer and she is a pastor and she knew my call was to work in Africa and she accepted that. You also have to remember it’s not like I have been in Africa for a couple of years I’ve been there for 18+ years. I live in Africa now. My home is Africa. It’s obviously hard to be away from those that you love but again it goes back to I answered his calling on my heart. HB- I’ve heard some people ask why you don’t help out the kids here in the USA. I’m sure that you have heard THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

some of the criticism. What do you say to that? SC-There are a number of different answers to that. I am a firm believer that mission work begins in your own communities. Let’s get real for a minute. There is no one starving in America. If a child is starving in America it’s because you have deadbeat parents. We have welfare, food stamps, and they will even give you housing. No one goes without unless you don’t want to go along with the rules that the government gives you. The government gives you medical and dental care. People that are on food stamps eat better than I do. The answer is that we do things to help here in America as well. I speak around the country in schools about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. In our warehouse where we collect stuff for Africa we give out clothing and furniture to those in need. Mainly we try and give this out to families that have lost their homes in a fire. In the WV and PA rural areas fires happen all the time and we try to help those families in their time of need. Our church the Shekinah Fellowship Church gives out Christmas to about 100 kids whose parents are in prison and we give oil to those in need in the winter months. We also gave out about 250 new coats to kids that can’t afford new coats. I could go on and on but it gives you an idea about the kind of work we do here in our home community. Everyone is welcome to visit our church as well. HB- Tell me a little about the work you are doing in Sudan. SC- We work in 3 countries in Africa not just in Sudan. Sudan is the big orphanage. We work in Uganda, Ethiopia, and Sudan. We have 6 orphanages with 5 of them currently working and 1 is not. We just don’t provide for orphans. We built 4 schools and one vocational school that teaches auto mechanics, woodworking, and seamstress. In the last 5 years we have built 5 schools. We have drilled over 2 dozen wells over the last few years. Right now not including our children but feeding programs we feed 2400 kids a day. If you include our kids and staff and the feeding program we feed about 6000 meals a day. I never dreamed that it would get this big. This is where the money that I raise goes. HB- I sat with you during a meeting that you had and I was overwhelmed by the amount of money and the scope of the things that you are doing. You need tractors for the farm and water for everything and rooms to house your equipment and people. You are constantly raising money. It’s got to get old

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and be tough on you. SC-You would be surprised. People like to give and help others. We are a nonprofit so you can write off your gifts to us. Large and small businesses will give to help us and write it off. HB-Where do you see this going in the future? SC-Well you saw parts of it in the meeting. My big project in Ethiopia is a 1.5 million dollar project and here in America it would probably be a 6-8 million dollar project. It’s a 6 story building to help out with things there. You saw today we want to build a hotel store and restaurant in northern Uganda. You know its going because I don’t plan on stopping. HB- The best part of the things I heard was that the hotel and store etc. will be run by the children that have graduated from your schools. When they become young adults you are still helping them to carve out a career and path in life. SC-We are the only nonprofit that will educate someone up to 26 years old. The average orphanage in a third world country you are asked to leave at 15 years old. 70% of those children end up in prostitution. As long as your school grades are above average we will keep you in University. The ones that are not smart enough for university like me, we will teach you a trade like farming, irrigation, hotel work etc. we will teach you. HB- How many of the kids that you first helped 18 years ago are with you and helping others? SC-The young man that is the assistant compound manager of our biggest orphanage I rescued him in a gun battle 14 years ago. His name is Gabriel. I have a young lady that I rescued 11 years ago that is now one of the head ladies at one of our compounds and helps with the cleaning and cooking there. A lot of the children now work for us. HB- Let’s talk about the rescue part for a minute. One of the scenes in the movie that got me was when there was a group of kids on the side of the road and you could only fit so many in your truck to take back with you. It was hard to watch you leave the others behind knowing what was going to happen more than likely. SC- Yes that was based on the truth. The truth is I never went back. It was just too far to go back. The other truth is that a lot of those kids I left behind got killed. It’s something that I still have trouble dealing with today. After seeing the things that I have seen without my faith in Christ I think I would be pretty messed up. HB- It has to be hard to deal with all the things you have gone through with your kids. Even today in that part of the world it’s still in chaos. SC-Even today as we sit here talking Sudan is in the middle 10

of 2 civil tribe wars. One in South Sudan and that’s not even talking about Darfur where they are still fighting. The whole area in South Sudan, Darfur, are still in the middle of war and fighting. HB-In the Sudan do you still carry a machine gun or is that over? SC-I don’t carry a machine gun but I do carry a firearm. I’m licensed to carry a firearm not only in Africa but also here in the U.S. People look at the movie and think there is some crazy guy with a gun. It was only that bad for a few years. I enjoyed talking with and hanging out with Sam. He is truly an amazing person and I think what he is doing for his kids is amazing work. I would love to visit and see his Africa. I hope that you get a chance to ride out to his shop. If you are planning to attend the rally Thunder in the Valley in Johnstown Pa. this June his shop is about 15 miles from there and he said he would be there during the rally. The address is MGP Rat Bikes 7368 Lincoln Hwy. Central City, Pa. 15926.If you are interested in owning some movie swag you can purchase a raffle ticket for the bike Gerard Butler rode in the movie. If you are interested in tickets or want to make a donation to the cause call 800-757-0535. You can also keep up with Sam on facebook. I hope you enjoyed reading about the Machine gun preacher as much as I enjoyed writing it. Remember after a long day and you kick off the boots light a Jaxsin Cigar and sip some shine always share with your friends, drink in a circle and always throw the lid away. I tip my jar to the Big Dog. Until next time God bless you and yours. – Hillbilly

APRIL 2015


5 Undeniable Facts: 1. We all love to spend money buying new clothes but we never realize that the best moments in life are enjoyed without clothes. 2. Having a cold drink on hot day with a few friends is nice, but having a hot friend on a cold night after a few drinks – Priceless! 3. Breaking News: Condoms don’t guarantee safe sex anymore. A friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot dead by the woman’s husband. 4. A debate over a girl’s bust size is like choosing between Molson, Heineken, Carlsberg, & Budweiser. Men may state their preferences, but will grab whatever is available. 5. I haven’t verified this on Snopes, but it sounds legit. A recent study found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer then the men who mention it. A young New York woman was so depressed that one night she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. Just before she could leap from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her. “You have so much to live for,” said the man. “I’m a sailor, and we leave for Italy tomorrow. I can stow you away on my ship. I’ll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy. With nothing to lose, and having always wanted to go to Italy, the young woman accepted. From then on, every night he would bring her sandwiches and a bottle of red wine and he would make love to her for hours. A week later, the Captain discovered her during a routine inspection. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “I have an arrangement with one of the sailors,” she replied. “He brings me food and I get a free trip to Italy”. “I see,” said the Captain. Her conscience got the better of her and she added, “Plus, he’s screwing me.” “He certainly is,” replied the captain.” This is the Staten Island Ferry.”

“Hello is this the Sheriff’s Office?” “Yes, what can I do for you?” “I’m calling to report ‘bout my neighbor Virgil Smith.... He’s hidin’ marijuana inside his firewood! Don’t quite know how he gets it inside them logs, but he’s hidin’ it there.” “Thank you very much for the call, sir.” The next day, the Sheriff’s Deputies descend on Virgil’s house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and leave. Shortly, the phone rings at Virgil’s house. “Hey, Virgil, did the Sheriff come?” “Yeah, how’d the hell you know?” “Did they chop all your firewood in half?” “Hell yeah they did!” “Happy Birthday, buddy. You’re all set for the Wnter now”. A friend asked me, “Now that you are retired, do you still have any sort of job?” I replied, “Yes, I am my wife’s sexual advisor.” Somewhat shocked, he said, “I beg your pardon, but what do you mean by that?” “Very simple. My wife has told me that when she wants my f-ing advice, she’ll ask me for it.” HAPPY EASTER, BIKERS! Hide them eggs really good for your kids or grand ones. Give them a safe ride on your bike and introduce them early to the lifestyle. Priceless.

“Scrubs” texts his friend and neighbor: “Dawg”, I’m sorry. I’ve been riddled with guilt and I have to confess. I have been helping myself to your wife when you’re not around; probably more than you. I know it’s no excuse but I don’t get it at home. I can’t live with the guilt any longer. I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apology. It will never happen again!” Poor old Dawg, feeling outrage and betrayed, grabs his gun, goes into the bedroom and without a word shoots his wife. Moments later Dawg gets a second text: “Sorry again Dawg, I really should spell check. That should have read “WiFi” ..... my bad”. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

APRIL 2015


Owner(s): Harry & Jackie Engasser Bike Name: A Gangster’s Afterlife Year: 2013 Brand: Harley Davidson Model: Street Glide Build Time: 6 Months Fabrication: Paradise Cycles Paint: Paradise Cycles Chrome: M&P Refinishing Color: Black Granite base on all parts, Skull Gangster Murals all in Monochromatic Tones





Photographer: Bobby T Rocks & Bill Vrtar APRIL 2015



APRIL 2015


ALL SIZES! ALL BUDGETS! Over100 Pre-Owned Bikes In Stock! Harleys, Metrics, Cars, and more! View more on our websites! FINANCING AVAILABLE

Harley-Davidson of WV 4924 MacCorkle Ave. S. Charleston 304.768.1600



APRIL 2015

New River Gorge Harley-Davidson 25385 Midland Trail Hico 304.658.3300


K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office. SPRING has let’s keep it light, fresh and tasty! This is one of my all-time favorites and good cold, also.

EASTER EASY GLAZED HAM STEAKS 2 Thick-Cut Ham Steaks (find these in same section where they sell whole hams or next to pork chops in meat section) Do not mistake for the small, pork chop looking ham steaks. These are BIG, shaped and come in a clear, thick wrap and are essentially pre-cooked. You’re just adding flavor and color to them. Take them out of fridge, let them come to room temperature, cut out of thick wrapper and each one will literally take up almost a full plate. DRY RUB: Small of palm each of: Pepper Salt (easy, as it’s pork & already salty) Dry Mustard Powder Garlic Powder Rosemary; fine chop Set aside Parsley and 1/2 cup of Maple syrup Your ham steaks will already be wet coming out of the package. Swipe off excess with hand and put both on a big platter. Generously apply Dry Rub to each side and let rest for apprx. 10 mins. Now, I use my X-large cast iron skillet, but have used a large, flat pancake electric skillet and even a non-stick X-large skillet. Have even used to medium skillets going at the same time. They’re excellent on the grill also. I let skillet get moderately hot on medium-high heat, add a dollop of margarine and swirl to cover entire bottom of skillet, place them and let them be. It only takes about 4 minutes to turn golden brown. Flip and other side only takes 2 minutes. Just before removing from pan pour syrup over the top and let it bubble down and stick a fork in them and allow syrup sauce to get up under. Remove to plate and sprinkle parsley on top of each. Woo-eee baby! These are audacious!

HIPPITY-HOP PEANUT GINGER PASTA (*If you want to use real gingerroot and garlic, have at it. But I use dry spices to Keep It Simple Sweetie) 2-1/2 tsp. Grated Lime Peel 1/4 Cup Lime Juice 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk 1 Tbls. Sesame Oil 1/2 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter (*quality brand) 2 Tbls. of dry spice Ginger 1 Rounded Tbls. of Pre-Minced Garlic (found in small glass bottle in Produce section of market) Salt & Pepper to taste (but keep in mind Soy Sauce is very salty, so taste before adding salt 1 8 oz. box of premium Linguine 2 Cups of small, Broccoli Florets 1 Large carrot; grated 1 Large Sweet Red Pepper; (julienned) aka slicing in medium long strips 3 Strips of Scallions (green onions); medium chop 2 Tbls. of Basil 2 Tbls. of Parsley 1 Heaping Tbls. of premium Margarine or Butter Take the first 10 ingredients and either put them in a blender, a food processor or just blend them down low and slow in a saucepan until rich & creamy. In a separate non-stick skillet, add a touch of margarine or olive oil and saute’ down your broccoli florets, red pepper and carrot. Cook your linguine; drain, and I transfer to a big pasta bowl and add a heaping tablespoon of butter and basil and parsley. Add in your piping hot Peanut Sauce, & saute’ed veggies. Take tongs and blend until every strand of linguine is WABBIT’S CHOICE E-Z P-Z DESSERT absorbed in peanut sauce. Sprinkle generously with scallions (green onions) and dig in. This sauce is SO 1 Jar of premium Marshmallow Creme’ 1 Squeeze Bottle of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup delicious, I often double up on the recipe but hold back a full cup just to have as extra for pouring over 1 Gallon of premium Hand-Churned Vanilla Ice-Cream top or using as a dipping sauce for crusty bread. Microwave a small bowlful of both marshmallow creme’ and chocolate syrup. Add two BIG scoops of ice-cream to bowl, cover up with both syrup & creme’. These two are the perfect match. Slurp!


APRIL 2015


TRWV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:



Ride to the Tide Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:30 AM The Delaware Blue Knights - Chapter 1 organizes this Law Enforcement fundraising event -- sponsored by Delmarva Power and supported by Jake’s Seafood House, WBOC16 and Gettier -- involving hundreds of motorcycles taking part in a police-escorted ride from Newark or Dover, to Rehoboth Beach, in support of Special Olympics Delaware. $25 per biker, $20 for riders American Legion 8th Annual Custom Car & Bike Show Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 Custom Car & Bike Show. Dash Plaques to the first 100 cars and patches to the first 50 bikes. Free hotdog or hamburger with each registration. 30 Car and 12 Bike Trophies. Open to the publicMusic & Food All Day $10.00 Registration Rain Date April 26th All Proceeds to Benefit Our Local Veterans Programs For more info: (302) 423-2936 Local 313 IBEW Motorcycle/ Car Show and Swapmeet. Sunday, April 26, 2015 12:00 PM Come and have a great time with music, food, cars, bikes and fun. This is our 6th annual event, and we hope it to be better than the last. The music is provided by the kids from the School of Rock, an awesome way to get your groove on while perusing the various sites. Trophies in both car and motorcycles. 50/50’s. An array of vendors. Bike show inside, cars outside. A rain or shine event. Totally kid friendly. Refreshments offered, beer, wine,, soda, water, and yummy eats. For more info: Hammer Down Motorcycle Ride Benefiting Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity Saturday June 6, 2015 Join CDHFH along with their sponsors for the Hammer Down for Habitat Motorcycle Run and After Party. All proceeds from this event will go directly to the 2015 Veteran Build. The ride will be a scenic tour of Kent County, the After Party will include; live music, live auction, corn hole, cash bar and more!! So mark your calendars, this promises to be a fun event and as always it’s for a GREAT cause!! Find the event on Facebook to purchase pre-registration tickets. Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally


2015 (in Maryland) Thursday, June 18, 2015 - Sunday, June 21, 2015 The 2015 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally is being held in Deep Creek Lake, MD There will be Music, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below.


Battley’s Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4, 2015 Our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Doors open at 9am. Come find one of 50 eggs we have hidden inside the dealership. Each egg has a surprise gift inside. Separate gifts for children and adults. A great event for kids! For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Kundratic Spring Swap Meet Sunday, April 12, 2015 from 9AM to 3PM The areas ONLY traditional old school swap meet with just motorcycle & hot rod parts. No jewelry & leather vendors, insurance agencies, crafts, peek-a-boo dolls…..none of the shit you usually just walk by! Tons of vendors will be buying, selling and swapping used parts, vintage parts, new parts, hard to find parts, fenders, tanks, frames, accessories, chrome, steel and everything in between! Pickup parts for your hot rod, rat rod, bagger, bobber, café racer, chopper or drag bike. This isn’t just for Harley’s folks! FREE Admission FREE Parking For more info: kundratickustoms@ Texas Flood – A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan Friday, April 10th, 2015 @ 7:00PM Club 66 – 410-676-8966 207 Edgewood Road, Edgewood, Maryland 21040 Battley’s Blessing of the Bikes Saturday, April 11, 2015 Our friends the Black Jacket Cruizers are hosting a Blessing of the Bikes here at Battley Harley-Davidson / Battley Cycles. The event begins at 11am with free food. The blessing takes place at 1pm. Join the Black Jacket Cruizers on a ride afterwards at 2pm. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Annual Spring Scrabble Run Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:00 AM Hosted by – ABATE of Calvert County Registration is $10 per person APRIL 2015

Duffy’s in Lothian (Wayson’s Corner). Last bike out at 11 a.m. Last bike in at 5 p.m. Play Scrabble on this Run—each stop gets you tiles, Highest scoring word wins $$$$$. For more information contact Michelle at 443-975-3564 email mdrury65@ or Jeanine at 410-286-3147 or email Rain or shine - cars welcome. Battley’s Spring Covered Bridge Ride Saturday, April 18, 2015 There are three beautiful covered bridges that we love to see each Spring on our motorcycles. Gather at Battley HarleyDavidson at 9:30am for coffee and doughnuts. Kickstands up at 10:00am as John and Drew lead the group North on back roads. Ride through history as we cross each of these three operational covered bridges. We’ll be gone about 2.5 hours. All brands and all riders are welcome to join us for this free event, but donations will be accepted to help build homes for orphan children in South Africa. No pre-registration is necessary, just show up and be ready to ride! For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 Blessing of the Bikes Saturday April 18, 2015 9am-10am The Annapolis HOG Chapter will be hosting a bike blessing at the Rommel Harley Davidson of Annapolis Dealership. 30 Hudson Street Annapolis, Md. 21401 Come join us starting at 9am and store opening. Ride for Life Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:00 AM Hosted by – The Hope and Peace Foundation Charity Motorcycle Ride and Spring Music Festival To Benefit the Baltimore Child Abuse Center and Hope and Peace Foundation Registration at 10:00AM – KSU at 11:30AM After Ride Party From 12:30-5:00 PM Food & Beverages, 3 Live Bands, Raffles, and Silent Auction. Chuck Ritz – 410-908-3784 Battley’s Spring Open House Saturday, April 25, 2015 Battley Harley-Davidson’s Spring Open House - The 2015 riding season is here and we know how to celebrate. We will have demo rides, free food, live music by DC area rock/blues legend Gary Brown, and much more! Motus Motorcycles from Alabama will be here showing off their sport touring MST and MST-R. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581


Battley’s Cycles Dinner Ride Saturday, May 2, 2015 Join us as we ride under the full moon (or close to it) on the back roads of Montgomery (and neighboring) counties. The group takes an enjoyable ride and then stops for a bite to eat. We typically stop somewhere that you can spend about $10 for a meal. Afterwards, we head back to Gaithersburg. This ride is a dealer sponsored event and is open to all makes and models of bike, and all skill levels of riders. Sometimes a Road Captain from the local HOG chapter will lead the ride in place of a Battley employee. Gather at Battley Cycles at 6:30pm. Kickstands up at 7:00pm. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581 MCV Cares Spring Fling Ride 2015 Benefit Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:00 AM Fund raising efforts benefit patients undergoing treatment and recovery at the Breast Care Center at Northwest Hospital, a Life Bridge Health Center. MCV cares, Inc. is a Maryland 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Join us for a scenic 1.5 hour group ride to Lake Redman. Breakfast and Lunch are Included. $25 for one-up and $35 for two-up. Departs from: Full Moon Pub and Grill, 1100 Westminster Pike, Reisterstown, MD. Breakfast Served at 9:00, Ride Departs Promptly at 10:30, Pre-ride safety meeting at 10:20 Please register at: Events/2015SpringFling.aspx You can also register in person on May 2, beginning at 9:00 am. Departs from: Full Moon Pub and Grill KKMM 8th Annual Biker Sunday/Bike Blessing Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM 2015 BIKER SUNDAY! SUNDAY, May 3rd AT 10AM...plan to be at THE LARGEST Biker Sunday/Bike Blessing in the DMV! Don’t start your riding season off anywhere else! The only way to start is BLESSED! Our First Knight, Pastor Anthony G. Maclin will deliver the message and the blessing. ALL Bikers are WELCOME! Wear your biker attire and club colors or Christian casual attire! Bikers come from near and far so join us! Trophies awarded and free food after the blessing! Ride to Rescue! Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 8:30am - 4pm Come out to join us for the SEVENTH Annual Joann Miller Memorial Run (JAMM). This 60 mile Police Escorted Run through scenic

Warren/Morris/Sussex Counties in NJ is sponsored by Beagle Rescue League, Inc and benefits homeless dogs waiting for their furrever homes. Starting Point is the Chatterbox Drive-In Restaurant on Route 15 in Augusta, NJ. We’ve got a great day lined up which includes a radio hosted event, super sponsors, a continental breakfast & More. Families are welcome to bring the kids too. Ride fee is $15.00 per person (under 12 free!) You can register on site the day of the run. We’ll host a Bike Blessing at 10:30am courtesy of Christian Motorcycle Association, ROAR Chapter 920. Kickstands up at 10:45am. Our ride ends with an (optional) cash lunch at the Corner Pub & Brewery of Flanders, NJ. Great food, very reasonable prices too! Commemorative pins available while supplies last! Full details can be found here: www.wix. com/jammiv/runLast year we had more than 260 attendees!! We hope to top that this year and YOU can make it happen! Hope to see you there. Battley’s Poker Run & Fish Fry Saturday May 16th What a day! Register for the poker run from 8:30am to 11am at Battley Harley-Davidson and head out on an enjoyable, scenic ride while you collect poker cards. Return to Battley to see if your hand is a winner. Also, grab a free lunch as the Black Jacket Cruizers perform magic with fried fish – you do not want to miss this! The poker run has great prizes for the winning hands, benefits a rider with heart disease, costs $10 and includes a t-shirt. The fish fry is free. Battley’s Ride to the Wall Weekend: Saturday May 23rd Party - Live music! A free Ride to the Wall Party at Battley Harley-Davidson featuring free food, live music, and hundreds of motorcycles. Big Al the patch guy will be here sewing patches and leather - he can repair zippers, leather and shoes while you wait. See the Luke’s Wings charity armed forces tribute trike, and much more! 9am – 5pm. Battley’s Ride to the Wall Weekend: Night Ride to the monuments – Saturday May 23rd Join us for a very special evening ride downtown to see the monuments by night. Gather at Battley Harley-Davidson at 6pm with a full tank. Its kickstands up at 6:30pm as we take the George Washington Parkway down to the Lincoln Memorial. We’ll have a caterer with a van there selling complete dinners for $10. You can sit on the grass and eat, take a stroll to see the monuments, come back and eat, whatever you like. As the sun sets the monuments light up. We’ll be next to the Korean, Lincoln, and Vietnam memorial (all memorials are open 24hrs.). We think the best is the Korean Conflict Memorial which is so different seen at night, it’s like, well, night and day! So many bikes are in town to ride by day, join us and see the memorials in a whole new light - at night! This ride is free and open to all makes and models, but dinner will cost you $10 - cash only. CONTINUED.....


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SAVE THE DATE Ocean City Bikes to the Beach Apr. 30th – May 3rd Capitol City Biker Bash June 11th – 13th

Mountainfest July 22nd – 26th


Battley’s Ducati Open House Saturday, May 2, 2015 Come see three brand new models from Ducati, the 1299 Panigale, the Scrambler, and the Multistrada. We will feature Umbrella girls and free Italian sausages on the grill. For more info contact John Hardison – 301-948-4581

Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally Aug. 5th – 9th

OC Jams / Delmarva Bike Week Sept. 17th – 20th



Battley’s Ride to the Wall Weekend: Ride to Rolling Thunder – Sunday May 24th This is the Big Event! Start gathering at 6am at Battley Harley-Davidson as 4,000 of your fellow bikers prepare to ride to the Pentagon and stage for Rolling Thunder. We will have free doughnuts and coffee around 7am. There will be a pre-ride briefing and Pledge of Allegiance before we depart at 8am. This is a police escorted ride around the beltway to the Rolling Thunder staging area at the Pentagon. Hits4Heores Poker Run Saturday, May 30, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM This poker run is to raise money to support local military veterans who suffer injuries or TBI or PTSD. This year’s recipient is a young marine who was with fire and rescue in Afghanistan and suffer multiple Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. All funds raised through Hits4Heroes goes to the recipient see our Facebook page Hits4Heroes and sites. If you can’t make this one make another to support our veterans. Thank You. Seabreeze Restaurant BOOB’s 2nd Annual Ride to Benefit Baltimore County Special Olympics Sunday, June 14th, 2015 Vipers V.I.P. Athletics 12226 Pulaski Highway Joppa, MD. 21085 Registration: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM All riders back by 3:00 PM Members from Chesapeake Region Antique Car Club, Baltimore County Special Olympic Athletes will be there to help us raise money for our “Special Olympians” $10.00 Per Rider / $10.00 Per Passenger Cars are welcome to join the ride. For More Info – Fred Bromwell – 443-392-1686 Apple’s 12th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Saturday, August 8, 2015 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Come Early, Stay Late! There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE! Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY: FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites,


rv’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self-contained.

WEST VIRGINIA Rally in the Valley - 4th Annual Friday, May 1, 2015 - Sunday, May 3, 2015 Motorcycle Rally in the Winding Hills of Southern WV the 1st weekend in May each Year. You won’t want to miss this one - There is something for everyone! Live Bands All Weekend Bike Show & Bike Games Miss Rally in the Valley Contest Bikini Bike Wash, All Kinds of Vendors All kinds of Food, 1000’s of Miles of Curves on the Country Roads around Williamson and Much Much More! RallyinthevalleywilliamsonWV Capitol City Biker Bash Thursday, June 11, 2015 - Saturday, June 13, 2015 4th Annual Capitol City Biker Bash in 2015 is an event for ALL bike riders. Music, Food, Vendors, Poker Run, Bike Show, Rides, Motorcycle Giveaway and much more! The city of Charleston closes a four lane highway for Motorcycle Enthusiast to come to Charleston to enjoy our West Virginia roads, music, food and to see old / new friends. SCRC West Virginia State Rally Friday, June 12, 2015-Sunday, June 14, 2015 Check the event website (below) for additional details and updates. The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a Free, Family Oriented Motorcycle Riding Club that uses the Web to communicate and focuses on the Enjoyment and Fellowship of Riding Motorcycles while doing so safely. The Southern Cruisers is not an Internet club for Motorcycle Enthusiasts. 14th Annual Hogs for Dogs Dice Run Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:00 AM Join us for the 14th Annual Hogs for Dogs Dice Run to Benefit the Harrison County Humane Society 3rd Annual Skylar Neese Memorial Poker Run June 20, 2015 10 am-11:15am Smokin’ Jill’s on Rt 7 (what used to be the old Long Necks Saloon) $20 a driver and $10 a passenger. Kickstands up at 1130 am, stops will be at Smokin’ Jack’s, Terra Alta VFW, The Riverview Lounge, Kingwood Eagles, and back to Smokin’ Jill’s for food, 50/50 drawings, and raffles for prize baskets. All bikers and cagers are welcome! This is a family event to honor Skylar and the good work her Memorial fund does. Soft colors are preferred and encouraged!! All proceeds go directly to the Skylar Neese Memorial Fund, Proudly sponsored by Mountain Renegades MC.

The 2015 West Virginia State HOG Rally will be held in Huntington, WV There will be Entertainment, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below. MountainFest Wednesday, July 22, 2015 Sunday, July 26, 2015 Mountainfest is a motorcycle rally that takes place in in the beautiful mountains of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. The event consists of vendors, bands, runs, shows, camping, etc. Locations include: Mylan Park, Triple S Harley-Davidson, Downtown Morgantown, and surrounding areas. All are welcome to this family friendly event. Wild and Wonderful MountainFest is presented by MountainFest, LLC, in cooperation with the Greater Morgantown Convention and Visitors Bureau, and our many generous sponsors. MountainFest, LLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit limited liability corporation. MountainFest, LLC is comprised of area residents from all walks of life who value their community and want to share the magic of West Virginia with bikers everywhere. Proceeds from MountainFest go to nonprofit Mylan Park, and the many worthwhile public and private projects underway there. Our long-term goal is to make Wild and Wonderful MountainFest one of the nation’s premier motorcycling events. MountainFest on Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/MountainFest Further Information can also be found by emailing; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)-983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S Harley-Davidson via Telephone at (304)-284-8244


West Virginia State HOG Rally 2015 Wednesday, July 8, 2015 Sunday, July 12, 2015 APRIL 2015



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NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) ANTI-PROFILING MEASURES SPREAD NATIONWIDE - NCOM-LTF UPDATE: This is one of the most exciting and productive Legislative seasons we have had in a very long time, as a unified community and as a freedom seeking culture. We are moving towards our goal of Critical Mass in establishing a National Movement to end Motorcycle Profiling with eight States in the process of Bill sponsorship, committee hearings or have already passed anti-profiling protection. Once we reach that tipping point, look out Washington D.C.! I met with the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus Co-Chair and discussed a National Anti-Profiling Bill, and he’s willing to listen. Currently from Washington State across the country to New York State and including; California, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Maryland, North Carolina, Missouri, all have motorcycle anti-profiling bills. The NCOM Legislative Task Force is accessible when called upon by any, and willing to assist providing a cohesive plan to help insure success with; “Lessons Learned from Washington State”, Fiscal analysis, Collecting a Pattern of Evidence, Controlling the Message when giving Testimony, all are substantiated documents authored by our own US Defender Commander from Washington and NCOM LTF Vice Chair, Double D, who is willing to travel and provide excellent testimony to accompany the effort from any State. We have launched a campaign Nationwide to “Save the Patch”; the many facets of our network continue to raise funds contributing to the Trademark Defense Fund regarding the Mongols MC patch. It is a Unifying Event for everyone across the country, and it is going to take all of us participating to defeat this discriminatory attack on our patches! As we speak, another case involving the Devils Diciples MC copyrighted patch is under attack as well. LTF members are in strategic meetings to develop a plan to fight this case. A new attitude, a new Mission Statement defining who we are, and a revival of fundamentals that work. Look at our roster, the best of the best. Historic! Our NCOM BOD and the LTF reflects an accurate snapshot of our motorcycling community at large. We are members of every organization in the motorcycle rights work arena. So the time is now to reach across any divide, put aside old petty grievances that only a handful even remember anyway, and embrace the National MRO’s and SMROs all working in sync that can achieve great things collectively. See you at the NCOM Convention in Denver; it’s going to be a good one! Paul Landers, Chairman, NCOM Legislative Task Force THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

UNITED FRONT HELPS TO DEFEAT HELMET LAW PROPOSALS IN NEW MEXICO In a unique “Pay-to-Play” scheme to punish motorcyclists for exercising their right to ride without a helmet, a Senate bill proposed in New Mexico would have created a system of taxation for riders who opt not to wear a helmet. Specifically, SB 308 would have created an annual motorcycle $697 license plate sticker that allowed the operator and passenger to refrain from wearing a helmet, for a fee. It and a full blown helmet law (SB 327) were both heard in committee on the same day, and each bill died. “February 24, 2015 is a day that will live in New Mexico Motorcycle History as two helmet bills died in the Senate Public Affairs Committee,” said Annette Torrez, Chair of the New Mexico Motorcycle Rights Organization and a member of the NCOM Board of Directors. Torrez had issued a call to action, requesting assistance from the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), the NCOM Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF), US Defenders, Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) and the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), all of which came to the aid of NM riders to help defeat the onerous proposals. “Together we can accomplish the possible and the impossible,” said Torrez. “Now we can put our efforts into SB 651, the Careless Driving Bill to increase penalties for a person who commits careless driving that result in death or great bodily harm.” MASSACHUSETTS RIDERS OPPOSE PROPOSED BAN ON BIKE RIDES IN YARMOUTH Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) members are organizing opposition to citizens’ petition articles that will be before voters at the upcoming Yarmouth Annual Town Meeting. One article would ban motorcycle rides through town and the other involves a noise bylaw. Rick Gleason, Massachusetts Motorcycle Association legislative director, said, if enacted, one of the articles would ban charity rides in town. That would include, he said, one of the town’s biggest rides, Big Nick’s Ride for the Fallen. “If this ban is put in place and enacted and if the attorney general stands by it and says that it is just, it’s going to force the organizers to reroute the ride,” Gleason said, adding that people who come to town for the charity rides spend money locally on hotel rooms and meals. “We do not support this ban. There are a couple of big rides that begin or end or pass through Yarmouth. We would hate to see the town miss out on the opportunities and the monies that are generated during these charity rides.” he said. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the rights of the people by the gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” – James Madison (1751-1836) fourth U.S. President

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Dealers & Shops

Biker Friendly Directory

Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 Harley-Davidson of WV 4924 MacCorkle Ave. S. Charleston, WV 304-768-1600 New River Gorge Harley-Davidson 25385 Midland Trail Hico, WV 304-658-3300 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244

Bars & Grills

Bryans & Brent’s Place 229 N. River Street Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8722 Gameday 318 Pike Street Shinnston, WV. 26431 Gateway Lounge 123 Casino Drive Anmoore, WV 26323 304-623-3060 Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563



Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373

Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955

Jester’s Hilltop Pub 4726 US Hwy 33W Camden, WV 26338 304-269-4004


Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716

Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301 Pikeview Sports Bar& Lounge 221-223 Pikeview Drive Beckley, WV 25801 304-256-2490 Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901 Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094 The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800 Wright Dawgs 1228 Country Club Road. Fairmont, WV 26554 304-368-0834


Rider Insurance

Legal Services Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577

Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888 Walton’s Bail Bonding 49 W. Main Street Buchannon, WV 26201 304-473-8955

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Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups

C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-538-6953 or visit our website at: Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134 If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@BIGCITYRHINO.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA


APRIL 2015





Face Your Fears

pring has sprung and as I’m patiently (okay, not really) waiting for the really warm weather to get here, I started reminiscing about when I first got my motorcycle license back in October of 2006 and then buying my first bike in March of 2007. I’m going back and sharing this story because I know there are more and more lady riders now but there are still those chics that want to ride, but have too many fears. I think having some “fear” of riding is a good thing. An Uncle once said to me that the day you don’t have just a little bit of fear before riding then it’s time to park the bike for good. That makes sense. If you get on the bike with no doubts, no fears, no worries, then you will be too comfortable, and being too comfortable will no doubt lead to relaxed riding with your guard down. I’m not saying that you should be tense and nervous but as bikers we all know there is a risk we all take when we get on our bikes. It’s best that we believe that on every ride so that we remember to pay attention 100% of the time. I grew up around three wheelers and four wheelers but there were never really any two wheelers. My brothers had dirt bikes but I never rode them. As I got older (and restless) I knew something was missing in my life. I’d see the bikes on the road and I dreamed of riding one myself. When I went through my divorce I was down in the dumps. I needed something new and fresh in my life and I thought riding a bike would be the very thing I’d need. I took the riding class at a community college with my mom. She had always wanted to ride too, but never did. So we did it together. My advice is to take the riding course. Many community colleges offer the course, as well as Harley Davidson stores. You will learn all you need to learn when it comes to riding and they teach you how to ride. It doesn’t matter if you have no experience, they will teach you. It’s the best way to get on a bike and find out if it’s for you or not. 26

The classroom part was a breeze for me. The actual riding was nerve wrecking, but I enjoyed it. During practice, I had a hard time doing the swerving out of the way of something and staying within the set up cones. I didn’t do it successfully, at all…not once. Flash forward to the test part and…I pulled it off like a pro! When my I got up to the instructor, she laughed at me and asked me why I wasn’t able to do that during the practices. I told her I just told myself, “Fuck it, I’m just going to do it, and I did.” She laughed and felt the need to share it with the rest of the class. I thought I had it in the bag. I failed. You are only allowed to lose a certain amount of points and I lost only a few too many. I was upset, but I retook it a week later and passed it just fine. I was full of excitement but also fear. Could I really do this? There was only one way to find out. Throughout the winter time, I researched bikes and was trying to find the perfect bike to begin on. Finally, in March, it was a somewhat warm day and I had just left the courthouse…I was legally divorced and ready to start my life over. Just for the hell of it, I went to Ellicott City Motorsports

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just to look around to get some ideas. A couple of hours later, I was the owner of a brand new 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 500. I just couldn’t help myself. I was too afraid to ride it home since I really had no experience on a bike, so I called up my wonderful brother and he came down in his truck and hauled it to my parent’s house. I left it there for the time being because there were much more back roads there to practice on than where I was currently living. Over the next few months, I swallowed my fears and practiced, practiced, practiced! I had fears of dumping the 500 pound bike, stalling after starting from a stopped position, not being able to stop quickly if I needed to, taking a turn too sloppy and eating the road, and being laughed at because I was a chic riding a motorcycle. I remember going into my bank one day with my helmet in my hand and the young idiot guy at the window gave me a look, a raised eyebrow, rolling eyes and the question, “What are you riding?” He sounded so stuck up and probably was expecting me to say a scooter or something like that. After I told him what I was riding, all he could say was, “Oh.” But I also had one guy stop me in a neighborhood. I was practicing doing turn arounds in a small area (something I really had a hard time doing) and this older man was checking his mail. He flagged me down to stop me as I rode by and reminded me that it’s important, while making turns, to look where you need to go and the bike will follow…such an important fact that was grilled into our heads during class! I remember my first motorcycle wave. I remember the exact road I was on and how awesome it felt to get that wave and wave back. I remember slowly getting more comfortable on my bike and eventually getting off the side roads and getting on the highway. I remember the first time I rode 55 mph. I had a new fear: wind! I had never experienced that before and it kind of caught me off guard. It took me a while to get used to that, but like everything else, practice made perfect. I only dumped that bike in my parent’s driveway…a few times. They had a dirt/gravel driveway and I had no experience, of course, riding on that kind of surface. I quickly figured out that I shouldn’t have bought a brand new bike. When you first start riding, you should buy a used bike, a small one that you can learn on easily, and buy new once you’ve gotten a couple of good years of riding under your belt. Now that I’m 8 years into my riding career, all those little fears that I had are gone…they actually make me laugh thinking about them now. My point is, if there is something new that you want to do, whether it’s riding a bike, or something else, there will always be the fear of the unknown. If you give into that fear and not do something that turns you on, you are not living life. Being a female rider is somewhat empowering. If you want to ride but have fears, give it chance anyway! Take the class and you will know right away if it’s for you or not. As for me, my only fear as of right now is not being able to ride for some reason. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

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APRIL 2015


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