Thunder Roads West Virginia

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Let us prove it. get a quote today! Visit or call 1(800) 481-1436 Available in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia

Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Axes, Chainsaws, and Hot Dogs................. 4 Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament................. 7 Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly............................ 8

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Joker’s Wild................................................11


K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen............................... 15 Bucket List Ride of a Lifetime.................... 16 Centerspread Calendar............................. 18

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834

Featured Bike............................................ 20 Events....................................................... 22

Jeff Davis Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-673-7321 (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales Southern State Sales ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842 MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882

Twists & Turns........................................... 27 News Bytes............................................... 29 Biker Friendly Directory............................. 30 MX Antix.................................................... 32 Thunder Cam............................................ 35

LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics


CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson

Model – Tonya Jo Carter

PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Bob Tarowsky,

Photographer – Bobby T. Rocks

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

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i everyone. We are rolling into August strong and the events just keep coming at us. We hope you are having as much fun this summer as we are. It has been a blast riding across the State and meeting so many of our readers. This is such a Great place to be from. In this month’s edition we turn Hillbilly loose in Webster Springs and he writes about the trip there and the Wood Chopping Festival. He sits down with a true WV Legend Arden Cogar . We hope you get the chance to ride through the Webster Springs area real soon. You won’t regret it. August is a good time of year to check out some of the State Parks in our State. We take them for granted sometimes and don’t get the chance to stop and enjoy them. Make sure you get out and ride those bikes. Please take pictures and tell us your stories from the road. That’s about it for this month. Ride safe and we hope to see you in our travels around the State. Make sure you stop and say Hi if you see us! Montani Semper Liberi




Axes, Chainsaws, and Hot Dogs Now that’s Heaven

Do you love the hustle and bustle of the big city? Do you have to have things happening all around you twenty four hours a day? If you answered yes to either one of these questions STOP reading this article and turn the page. This article is about relaxing by a river surrounded by mountains on all sides and taking it easy for the day. Just you and your motorcycle and the sights, sounds, and people of Webster Springs WV. Webster Springs gets a hard time that maybe a long time ago it deserved but in 2014 it doesn’t fit the town or people. I know I’m partial being that my mother’s side of the family is from the area. I headed out Memorial weekend with some friends to attend the Wood Chopping Festival. Until we bought the magazine I had not been back to the area. I was really looking forward to visiting some of the places of my childhood. They say that half the fun is getting there. I say if you’re riding to Webster Springs its most of the fun. The roads into the mountain are some of the best motorcycle riding roads anywhere. The good news is at the end of your ride you 4

can stop in at The Custard Stand for the best hot dogs around. If that was what the ride was all about it would have been a good ride. I would seriously ride to the Custard Stand every week for the hot dogs. This was the 50th anniversary of the Wood Chopping Festival. It’s held in a nice park by the river in the middle of town. I didn’t know what to expect when we got there. I got the chance to meet Arden Cogar Sr, and Jr. during the day.



They will be in a future Sippin shine with Hillbilly. We sat down in a pavilion with front row seats for the action. Watching the contestants chop and climb was incredible. They made it look so easy. They were cutting with axes faster than I could cut with a chainsaw. Speaking of chainsaws I watched these guys struggle to walk the chainsaws that look like they weighed 100 lbs. It was awesome to watch them pick up the chainsaws and make three cuts through a 51 inch log in 5-7 seconds.


We stopped in for refreshments at Lee and Janet’s place in Cherry Falls right outside of town. We didn’t want to leave but figured if we didn’t leave we never would. I really want to THANK everyone in Webster Springs for making us feel so welcome. I can’t wait to come back and visit again soon. I hope you enjoy the pictures but they won’t capture all the fun we had that day. Do yourself a favor visit Webster Springs. Tell them Thunder Roads sent you. Hillbilly






All They Want Is My Money! I’ve heard that a lot, even thought that way at one time, and might be true in some cases but that’s not what tithing or giving an offering is all about. We as Christians struggle with it so it stands to reason that some one that does not know Christ would use this as an excuse not to give their life over to Christ and attend church. The Old Testament tithe means a tenth and there are many scriptures in the Old Testament that talks on tithing. LEVITICUS 27: is just one example. MALACHI 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. But we as Christians are under the new Testament and it does not give us a specific rule for tithing but JESUS made it clear that we are to take care of those in need. HEBREWS 13:16 and do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices GOD is pleased. LUKE 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be poured into your lap. For the measure you use will be the measure you receive. JAMES 2:14-17 , 1 JOHN 3:17, 2CORINTHIANS 9:10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. We could go on and on with what JESUS says about it but it comes down to giving generously and joyfully, not out of obligation. After all, GOD gave it all to us and it’s our job to take care of it, advance it and give some back. In doing so GOD has blessed me with more than I have ever had. That does not mean that I have so much more than before, I do have a great job now, but the biggest blessings came from the addictions that God has taken out of my life, without that I would not have the job I have now and financially, I give my tithes joyfully because I have it to give through the liberation of addiction. So it’s not that I have been blessed with so much more as much as that I have more to give. ROMANS 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brother, by the mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable unto GOD, which is your reasonable service. It’s not all about money. We can give in everything GOD has


blessed us with, be the talents, abilities, or wealth. God has entrusted them with us to help others, that’s what it’s all about. I pray this message riches someone that struggling with salvation and church over money. LORD I pray it will soften someone’s heart and they can see it’s not about money. I love you, praise and thank you in JESUS NAME Jimmy Chandler North Central Bikers For Christ

North Central Bikers For Christ and Rushing Wind Church 26 B street Spelter WV 26438 304-624-4777




Sippin Shine with Hillbilly and West Virginia’s Favorite Lumberjack Arden Cogar Sr.

hen I was a kid we didn’t have all these channels to watch on our televisions. We never thought about having sports only channels. The closest thing we had was Wide World of Sports on Saturday. I loved watching that skier get crushed every week and hearing the words the agony of defeat. One Saturday I was watching and they were showing a lumberjack competition from somewhere out west and the guy on TV says and up next is World Champion Arden Cogar from Webster Springs WV. I ran to get my Mom and told her to come quick there was a guy on TV from Webster Springs. She looked at me like I had lost my mind. My mom and her family all were from Webster Springs. My grandfather built our house which is still standing on Point Mountain. Almost everyone in the Point Mountain cemetery is related to me. For those of you who have never been to Webster Springs I wanted to try and explain what a big deal it was for anyone to be on TV from Webster Springs. First off Webster Springs is not the name of Webster Springs. Huh? The official name of the town is Addison. It must be nice to live in a town so small that you can call it whatever you want. The 2010 census says that there were 776 people living in Webster Springs at the time. As a kid I didn’t think there was any place as small as Webster Springs. Now that you have some background on the area you can see how if someone on TV is from Webster Springs it was a BIG deal in our house. Through the years I had the chance to watch Arden Cogar Sr. many times on TV. I was excited to have the chance to meet him at the Lumberjack Festival on Memorial Day weekend. We sat down and got the chance to talk. It was good to finally get the chance to meet THE WV Lumberjack that put Webster Springs on the map. HB- Did you ever ride a motorcycle? AC- No I never did. I was always in the woods cutting down trees. HB-What got you started being a lumberjack?


AC- I’ve always been a logger. I was always out cutting stove wood and stuff like that. I started out with natural sports as a necessity to keep warm. I can’t remember a time I wasn’t cutting some logs. They had a Forest Festival over in Elkins and in 1956 I just thought I would go over there and get in the competition. I didn’t win the first year but I won the second year when I went back. HB- How did you move on and eventually get to Wide World of Sports? AC- They were having the World Lumberjack Championships in Hayward Wisconsin and I decided to go up there and enter the contest. Wide World of Sports just happened to be there in 1960. HB- How many times have you won the World Championship? AC- I have won it 57 times. HB- It blows me away to hear you say 57 times and like it was easy and nothing to it. I guess you’re retired now and you are no longer cutting. AC- No I will be chopping later on today. I will be 80 years old this year and I still chop when I get the chance. HB- You have your son chopping and some other members of your family now. How does that make you feel? AC- Well Jamie my son Arden Jr. is one of the best choppers in the world right now. He would be in the top 4 or 5 in the world.



He has won quite a few championships himself. He is turning 44 now and will be slipping to the older categories now just like I did. We have a young Cogar my cousins boy who just got back from cutting over in Germany. He’s coming on strong. HB- Your family is close and most of them still live in the area. Did it help that you were all into the cutting sports? AC- Yes for sure. It’s great that we all have been able to do this together. It used to be that we could have our own Webster County tournament. I used to pump up the sport and we really did draw a lot of people to the area. We had as many as 20-25 cutters right here competing in Webster County. HB- When you look around here at your hometown today it has to make you proud that what you have started has grown into this and other events. Without you this wouldn’t be happening. AC- That’s right we got started with the Webster County Wood Chopping Festival in 1964. They used to have one in the 30’s. They had to stop it because the war broke out in 1941 and all the cutters went to fight. So we started it back up in 1960 and it’s grown steadily since then. We incorporated the Festival and this is our 50th year. HB- Now is this still home for you? AC- Yes it is and always will be. We have another place over in Doddridge County that we go to sometimes as well but this is home. HB- Where do you see this event and the future of the sport going to in the future? AC- You will see it in a little while. This event has more competitors than any event in the United States. I think 134 competitors have registered to cut this weekend. It should be another great show. HB- I bet this helps the businesses in town.

AC- Sure it does. This is their biggest weekend of the year. After spending some time with Arden Sr. I went in search of Arden Jr. to ask him a couple of questions. HB- Who’s your hero? ACJr- Of course my father. My father is my hero and he always has been. He has inspired me to always work harder than anybody else and the sweat equity makes you a champion in this sport and in the real world. HB- Is it in the water or is there something special about growing up here? When you think about it the World Championships come here to Webster Springs. ACJr- Webster County has been fortunate that it has had several World Champions over the years from here. It started with Paul Criss back in the 30’s and migrated to my father and then to me and then went to Melvin Lentz and then his son Jason and then to Matthew Cogar my cousin. We’ve been blessed to have produced some of the best timber sports athletes in the world. HB- Your family really put this small town on the map. It’s really a great legacy to be a part of. ACJr- The Cogar and the Lentz families here in Webster County have been fortunate and have been blessed to have been active in the sport and we have produced some very good athletes. As the old adage goes the best is yet to come. HB- What’s going to happen in the future? ACJr-With Matthew and Jason coming up they are very good. I have a young cousin who is 16 and 6’2 and weighs 300 lbs. He is strong as an ox and it is just a matter of time for him. HB- So the World Championship will be staying here in Webster County for more years to come? ACJr- I would say so. We have a good group of young people who are passionate about the sport. We hope to continue that legacy. Don’t you love it when you meet people and they exceed your expectations? This was the case with both Arden Sr and Jr. They are true ambassadors of the timber sports and more importantly Webster County and West Virginia. It was an honor to meet them both and if you get the chance to catch the festival please do it. You won’t be disappointed. Remember friends when sippin the shine always do it in a circle, lose the lid, and always share with friends. I always leave a little for Big Dog. It’s time to sip and smoke me a nice Jaxsin Cigar. God Bless you and the USA. Hillbilly







Actually written by an 8 y.o. to his Teacher. My Dad Wants A Hores But My Mom Says No. I like hores. Hores have other hores frends. Hores like carots. You wouldnt think it but they can put there legs strate up. Hores just make you feel good My dad wants a hores to but my mom says no. When I am 16 or 21 I will buy my own hores. This morning on Hwy. 12, I looked over to my left and there was a woman in a brand new Cadillac doing 65 mph with her face up next to her rear view mirror, putting on her eyeliner. I looked away for a couple continue shaving; and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup. As a man, I don’t scare easily, but she scared me so much; I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear, which fell into the coffee between my legs! splashed and burned “Big Jim and the Twins”, ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an important call. Damn women drivers!

Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by unforeseen circumstances. While attending a Marriage Weekend, my wife and I listened to the instructor declare, ‘It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other..” He then addressed the men, ‘Can you name and describe your wife’s favorite flower?’ I leaned over, touched my wife gently, and whispered, ‘Gold Medal-All-Purpose, isn’t it?’ And thus began my life of celibacy......... Four guys go fishing. The conversation went this way:1st guy: I had to promise my wife that I would paint every room in the house next weekend to come fishing”. 2nd guy: I had to promise my wife that I would build her a new deck for the pool.’ 3rd guy: I had to promise my wife that I would remodel the kitchen for her.’ They realized that the fourth guy has not said a word. “So, what’s your delio? What’d you have to promise?” 4th guy: I just set my alarm for 5:00 am. When it went off, I shut off the alarm, gave the wife a playful little slap on the ass and said: ‘Fishing or Sex, your choice?’ And she groggily replied,…… “Be sure and wear sun-block, honey”. That was the end of that conversation. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

The football coach noticed that his star tackle, “Boner”, had so many women hanging around that he couldn’t possibly handle all of them. So one day he asked Boner “Just what the hell is your secret, kid?” Boner replies, “Well, Coach, whenever I’m about to have sex, I always whip it out and bang it on the dresser like a hammer. That numbs it up, and I can lay pipe till they beg me to stop!” The coach went home early one day and went to the bedroom. He heard his wife in the shower. Seeing a window of opportunity, he tore off his clothes and started bangin’ the hell out of his “wanker” on the dresser. His wife stuck her head out of the shower and yells out, “Grab ya’ a beer Boner baby, I’ll be right out”. Ma was in the kitchen fiddlin’ around when she hollers out....”Pa! You need to go out and fix the outhouse!” Pa replies, “There ain’t nuthin wrong with the outhouse.” Ma yells back, “Yes there is, now git out there and fix it.” So......Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back, “Ma! There ain’t nuthin wrong with the outhouse! “ Ma replies, “Stick yur head in the hole!” Pa yells back, “I ain’t stickin’ my head in that hole!” Ma says, “Ya have to stick yur head in the hole to see what to fix.” So with that, Pa sticks his head in the hole, looks around and yells back, “Ma! There ain’t nuthin wrong with this outhouse!” Ma hollers back, “Now take your head out of the hole!” Pa proceeds to pull his head out of the hole, then starts yelling, “Ma! Help! My beard is stuck in the cracks in the toilet seat!” To which Ma replies, “Hurt’s, don’t it”?”















K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee i have chosen this name for our monthly recipe page, as that was what my mother, rest her soul, always used to say when I would assist her in the kitchen. mom was an avid supporter of the kiss (keep it simple sweetie) method of cooking. i now, more than ever, truely appreciate her philosophy of always taking shortcuts where you can, as long as your ultimate outcome is that of down home, labor of love cooking.

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee “MY” BACON, EGG, VIDALIA ONION, SWISS CHEESEBURGER WITH AN EASY-OVER EGG ON TOP *I have been making these since I was 10 y.o. Thought I invented them, then saw it on some cooking show. Who Knew? 1 Ground Beef Burger - however you like it; thick or thin, but shape it the size to fit your bun and then push down gently in the middle with your thumb so it will cook evenly. 4 Strips of Hickory-Smoked Bacon 1 X-Large Egg 2 Slices of Baby Swiss Cheese 5 Strips of Vidalia Onion, sauteed’ golden brown Now, you can grill your burger or fry it in a skillet, and saute’ your onions up while frying burger and pick them out and drain on paper towel. Put your cheese on burger, add a little water to pan and cover with lid (keeps moist & melts cheese fast), remove & drain on paper plate; pile your onions on top, fry your egg in the grease, flip gently and remove to a paper plate. Butter your buns and toast in the oven. A toasted bun makes ANY burger better. Now just build your burger and put the easy-over egg on top and your favorite topping; mayo, ketchup, whatevva. I break the yoke and let it run all down over the burger. Woooeeee! damn, this is slap-ass good! THE ABSOLUTE BEST BATTER FOR FRYING ANYTHING! Compliments to: Michael Symon of The View - ABC (Handwritten while watching) 1/2 Cup of Cornstarch 1/2 Cup of All-Purpose Flour 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder 2 Tbls. of Old Bay Seasoning (spice aisle or often by seafood display) Ask grocery clerk 1 tsp. Cayenne Pinch of Salt 1/4 Cup of Pilsner Beer (will say on label) 1/4 Cup of Water 1/2 Cup of Vodka This better is awesome for Vidalia Onion Rings! * Always use Peanut Oil for frying. It just holds temperature better and gives a good, clean taste. Don’t re-use oil. Always use fresh so your food doesn’t taste like what you last fried.


IT AINT SUMMER WITHOUT DOWN-HOME NANER’ PUDDING Banana Pudding: Mix in a cooled glass bowl 1 Box of Vanilla Pudding Mix 1/2 Cup of Whole Milk 1 Whole Can of Condensed Milk 1 Level tsp. of Nutmeg 1 Container of Frozen Whipped Topping (If you want seriously better taste, make your own whip cream with 2 Cups of Confectioner’s Sugar to 1 Cup of Heavy Whipping Cream and 1 Tbl. of pure Vanilla Extract. Just keep blending on High until stiff peaks form and then stop or it will all turn back to liquid.) Tastes SO much better though than the pre-made. And it’s so easy! 1 Box of Nilla’ Vanilla Wafer Cookies 4 Bananas; sliced into 1/4 inch rounds Mix all ingredients together. Folding in the whipped cream gently towards the end on low. Mix should be creamy, not runny. In a larger glass serving bowl, place a layer of the wafer cookies. Spread 1/4 of the pudding mix over the cookies. Lay 1/2 the banana slices over the pudding mix in a single layer. Spread another 1/4 of the pudding mix over the bananas. Repeat. Place any remaining cookies on top, but break them up into halves, but cover completely. Refrigerate at least 3 hours or or overnight. Great serving idea: Serve in big spoonfuls into very large but squat heavy glasses or into Mason Jars and add a scoop of high-quality Vanilla icecream for every great big spoonful of Nanner’ Pudding. This is perfect for summer! COOL & EASY WATERMELON FIZZIES 2 Cups of Watermelon; cubed 1 Ounce of Gin 2 Tbls. of Fresh Lime Juice 1/3 Cup of Ginger Ale Full Lime Slices for Garnish Puree the watermelon cubes & strain Pour back into blender and add other ingredients If want a stronger mix, add more gin, want it lighter, add more Ginger Ale. For kicks, scoop out some watermelon balls; freeze and add to a chilled martini glass when serving up your mouthwatering Watermelon Fizzies. These are fun and delicious! WORK HARD. PLAY HARD. SUMMER FUN !



Pleazr & Jawz

Bucket List Ride of a Lifetime! by Rebel Ron


’ve been riding street bikes around Franklin since 1976 & I’ve been working at S & G Custom Cycles in Columbia for 12 years along with doing business with the 40 year old bike shop since 1981. I’ve seen & done many wild things in this time period along with meeting some fascinating people. Let me tell you about two of them. Riders in the Middle Tenn. area may recognize these two Chapel Hill residents who both ride with the orange colors of the Weasles motorcycle group, aka a “Drinking Club.” Here are “Pleazr” & “Jawz” Wiedel, two people who have lived the dream in 2013. That dream being a 19,000 mile motorcycle ride crisscrossing America from May 1st to Labor Day.

miles of this trip were on Interstates.) They toured some War Between The States battlefields on the way out of Tenn. & Miss., visited Pleazr’s Mom in Ft. Smith, Ark., attended a Weasel party in the Ozarks, & cruised by their son’s home in Kansas City. They would ride further on to see too many places to list here but they made it to the Grand Canyon, saw the World’s Largest Ball of Twine, climbed Pike’s Peak, partied at the Hollister Bike Rally, another Weasel party in Portland, crossed the Rocky Mountains a couple of times, went to Harley’s 110 anniversary, & more in 24 states before heading to Sturgis Bike rally. (I asked them what was the best place they visited & both answered Crater Lake, OR. Very beautiful there! )

Early last year Jawz lost his job because of downsizing & soon after his wife was laid off from her job. After careful consideration & several adult beverages they decided to make that two wheeling trip they had dreamed of that many of us have on our Bucket List. While enjoying the beaches of Panama City they made the decision to go for it. They had no certain itinerary, no deadlines, some vague plans, & family/friends all across America they had not seen in a while. They traveled with their comfortable & well accessorized Bunkhouse Camper with a faithful GPS along with the determination to travel America away from the Interstates. (Less than 3K 16

During this months’ long bike ride they camped out 3/4 of the time along with staying with friends & checking in motels too. They had no problems with either of the Harley’s & only needed maintenance & tires. Incredibly they AUGUST 2014


were only rained on 3 times & snowed on once on this long journey. The most miles they rode in one day was 740. Some of the more exciting things they had to deal with in their path were mud slides, major fires, a plane crash, wild animals, & some rough back roads. But the thing to remember is that they lived the dream so many of us riders have longed to do. Cruise the back roads of America like the Sportster riding Bronson from that old TV series. More importantly the Wiedel’s learned what “Freedom” is truly about in our country. It is sacred. Finally, Jawz must be living right because when he finally came home a company from Jacksboro, Tenn. that makes travel trailers for bikes was looking for him about a job. He is now the new Product Development Manager at Bushtech Bunkhouse. Y’all ride safe & often!




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BIKE SPECS Builder: Off the Wall Signs Owner: Matt Mazzaferro Model: Honda CBR600 Year: 2006 Build Time: 4 Months Wheels: Stock Tires: Metzler Rear Swing Arm: 8”Extension Side Case: Core Moto Chain Guard: Off the Wall Signs Drive Line: 520 Conversion Paint by: Off the Wall Signs Color: Candy Blue over Snow White with Airbrushed Metallic Black Seat: First Class Customs LED’s: G2G Auroras THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA



TRWV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:



SODE Ride Saturday, August 9, 2014 4:00 PM Ride on over from Rommel Harley-Davidson Delmarva to visit the SODE Camp campers and show them some cool bikes! Meet at 4pm, kickstand up at 5pm. No cost to participate in ride, no fees, no contribution all participation is for the Special Olympics Athletes enjoyment. Smyrna/Clayton Moose Rider Fall Poker Run Saturday, August 16, 2014 9:00 AM Hello, We are proud to present our Smyrna/ Clayton Moose Rider Fall Poker Run to support Kent Sussex County Counseling Service. Please come out and join us for a great ride. Our poker run will take you over 180 miles of central and southern Delaware’s finest country side. We always have an exciting live auction, food, and beverages when we return to the lodge. This ride will have two registration points 1. Smyrna/Clayton Moose in Smyrna De 2. East Sussex Moose in Frankford De Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for more details. @ smyrnaclaytonmooserider. On Facebook. Feel free to call or email for more info. Delmarva Bike Week Thursday, September 11, 2014 - Sunday, September 14, 2014 With multiple venues throughout, this event has something for everyone including contests, raffles, rides, bike show, music, poker run and much more! Winter Place Park Arthur W Perdue Stadium Seacrets in Ocean City Harley-Davidson of Seaford


Freedom Ride Saturday, August 2, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM 4th Annual Police Escorted Motorcycle Ride Pre Registeration Only Sign up as early as April 1st 2014 Cut off is July 25th 2014 Ride is limited to 250 bikes! Ride starts at VFW in Federalsburg ends at Harrison Chesapeake House Tilghman Island Md. Ladies of the VFW will be selling breakfast sandwiches again this year from 730am to 9ooam kick stands up at 930 sharp Donation of 20.00 per rider can be sent payable to Operation Whitetatil Po Box 37 Bridgeville De 19933 OR visit our tent and sign up in person @ Federalsburg’s VFW Bike Show on June 14th 2014. Your donation gets you a waterfront lunch as you enjoy 2 live bands “Perception” and “Results May Vary” Plus a Silent Auction and 50/50 raffle. Added to this year. FREEDOM RIDE IS TAKING OVER HARRISON FOR THE WHOLE EVENING. 5th Annual Hooters and Scooters By Archangel Riders M.C. Saturday, August 2nd, 2014 Noon-7PM BIKINI BIKE WASH (Cars Welcome too) Benefiting the Wounded Warrior Project American Legion Laurel Post 60 2 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 Come out, get wet, and support The Wounded Warrior Project! Food and drink provided by American Legion DJ - Dunk Tank - Motorcycle Rodeo For additional info, call: 301-252-2582 22

Believe in Izaiah Charity Motorcycle Ride Saturday, August 2, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM It’s that time of year again when you start thinking about what kind of ride you want to do this summer, and Izaiah really needs your help this year. This ride will be about 110 miles long with one stop for fuel and a brief rest. This ride will start at Harley Davidson of Frederick . Sign up will start at 1030 am, and kick stands up at 12 noon. The ride will end at Crusaders sports bar where there will be food, soft drinks and belly dancers performing. A 50/50 raffle will be held, and also door prices. The cost of the ride will be $20.00 per rider, and 15 for a passenger. There will be a $10.00 dollar cover at the door if you are just coming to the bar only. The event at Crusaders will start at 2 pm and end when it ends. On-line registration is at You can also find us on Facebook at believe in Izaiah charity motorcycle ride. Thank you Donna Meyer Apple’s 11th Annual East Coast Motorcycle Rally Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - Sunday, August 10, 2014 Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally” Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Featuring The Outlaws & Great Train Robbery Come Early, Stay Late! There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE! Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other Activities. HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY : FREE RV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, RV’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self contained. 6st Annual Ride for Animals Sunday August 10th Benefitting Bella’s Bully Buddies and BARCS. Rain or Shine Registration Starts @ 10:00AM KSU @ 12:00PM Entertainment All Day Long, Vendors, Raffles, Contest & More “Colors Welcome” Starting and Ending @ House of Rock, White Marsh, MD Ticket Prices includes Event Souvenir: Rider $20.00 / Passenger $5.00 Purchase Tickets online at: Http:// RideforAnimals2014 For more info or to be a vendor Contact: Natalie Kasszak @ 443-447-5768 (Leave Message) JC @ 443-447-7044 (Leave Message)

1st Annual Rally for Hope Saturday, August 16, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM Come join us for Union Hospital’s 1st Annual Rally for Hope,to benefit our Cancer Program.The ride will start at Chesapeake Harley Davidson in Darlington MD.Cost is $25 a rider,and $10 a passsenger day of event, pregistration cost is $20 a rider and $10 a passenger. Preregistration forms can be obtained at CHESAPEAKE HARLEY DAVIDSON. 1030am for registration and kick stands up at 12 noon and will continue with a scenic ride through beautiful Cecil County.The ride will be escorted and will end in Fair Hill at the Ed Walls Hall. Each rider will receive a tshirt and a event pin. It will end with an after party that will have fun and entertainment all while you support the Union Hospital Cancer Program. If you don’t have a bike you may still come and join,this day will be a day filled with food/raffles and fun. We are excepting donations for raffles and door prizes and although our needs for food and drink are covered, we have additional vendor space available. For more info or if you would like to volunteer please contact Kristin Lewis-, Christy, Holly Emmons- Southern Maryland Bike Fest Saturday, Aug. 16th ST Mary’s County Fairgrounds Gates open @ 12pm Close @ 10pm Tickets $10.00 in advance $15.00 at the gate. Live Music, Bike Show, Rodeo Games and More www.

America’s 9/11 Ride, the 13th Anniversary Friday August 15th This is the 14th annual fully police escorted commemorative motorcycle ride to all three of the September 11th crash sites. It is in remembrance of those who served, protected, lost their lives and to the volunteers of that tragic day. Our ride takes place in August, respecting each site and the survivors, allowing them to mourn during September. The ride officially starts on Friday August 15th at 7:00am from Highland Harley-Davidson in Somerset, Pa. and rides through the Flight 93 Memorial (but does not stop). Continuing on to Cumberland, Md. (fuel stop for small tank bikes) and regroup at Rocky Gap State Park (bathroom break). Then we travel to the Outlet Malls in Hagerstown, Md. for lunch and fuel. Then the AUGUST 2014

group rides to the Double Tree (host) hotel in Arlington, Va. Saturday morning we gather at the Pentagon for a 7:00am departure on our way to NY stopping at the Maryland House (fuel), then at Barb’s HarleyDavidson (lunch & fuel) and Applebee’s in Linden, NJ (for closing ceremonies) before completing our journey to New York City. Once we arrive at the hotel in NY the ride is officially over. On Sunday morning (for those that want to join us) we ride down (police escorted) to the World Trade Center Memorial. The ride stops about every 70 miles for food and/ or fuel. Pre-registration is required!! Get people to sponsor you, raise $250.00 and we will waive your registration fee, raise more & get extra goodies. Solo riders pay a $150.00 registration fee; passenger pays an additional $40.00. This covers lunch and tolls for Friday and Saturday, (keep in mind we go through New Jersey) The links for our host hotels will be posted on our website.

Charm City Mods vs Rockers Saturday, August 23, 2014 12:00 PM Join us for the 5th Annual Charm City Mods vs Rockers. The rally recreates the nostalgia of the Mods and Rockers subculture of Britain in the 50s and 60s. The event brings out the areas most diverse group of vintage and retro motorcycles and scooters. This years event will feature: Live Music. 1950s Dress Pinup Contest by Atomic Cheesecake Studios Motorcycle/Scooter Show with Trophies Custom Motorcycle and Scooter Builder Displays Maryland MVA Motorcycle Simulator Vendors, East Baltimore Fun Run, Food and Beer More information at: Mid-Shore ABATE Annual Labor Day Weekend Bash Friday, August 29, 2014 - Sunday, August 31, 2014 Live show....motorcycle field events... bottomless beer mug..... camping ( RV’s & tents) PARTY ALL WEEKEND!!!!


2nd Annual Bikers Razin’ Hell Against Heroin Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM More Details to Come!! Starting - Jackman Custom Cycles 1539 Tilco Dr #103 Frederick, Maryland 21704 Ending Venue - Buckeystown Pub 6803 Michaels Mill Rd., Buckeystown, Maryland 21717 So Far: Confirmed Music - More to Come!!! EVERY MOTHERS SON - Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Ever Rise Poverty Ridge JR Country Crack-N-Bush No Shame If you would like to make a donation: Please make checks payable to: Bikers Against Heroin 7820B Wormans Mill Road # 195 Frederick, MD 21701 For anyone who would like to join us and needs overnight accommodations - there are hotels within 5 miles of the ending venue. 4th annual Spirits in the Night Candlelight Vigil Thursday September 11th at 2531 Putty Hill Ave in front of McAvoy’s beginning at 7pm. This year we will read the names of the 68 Marylanders who were killed on 9/11. Are all welcome. OC Bikefest Thursday, September 11, 2014 - Sunday, September 14, 2014 OC BikeFest is excited to bring you great music, entertainment & fun at the Inlet, at the Convention Center in Ocean City, MD this September 11-14. Jackyl, Travis Tritt, The Marshall tucker Band, and a surprise headliner on Saturday TBA, are all set to rock the Inlet. You can purchase discounted tickets online at until April 18th. In conjunction with the Delmarva Bike Rally, which attracts 150,000+ motorcycling enthusiasts to the area – OC BikeFest raises the bar and brings those bikers down to the beach to enjoy a gated event with concerts, stunt shows, custom bike builders, national motorcycle vendors, shops, rides, and the fabulous bars and restaurants of Ocean City.

3rd Annual POW/MIA Missing Man Run Friday, September 12, 2014 10:30 AM The POW/MIA Missing Man Run’s mission is to bring awareness to the need for correct identification of remains. Each year we will highlight a case in which there is a controversial finding. Ride with us to show your support of those who are still MIA and to call for a correct accounting of those missing. Funds raised through this ride will be used for American Legion Post 295’s Wounded Warrior Program and other community programs. Visit for financial information on our activities. The 2014 honoree is US Army Green Beret, Staff Sergeant Stephen Geist of Silver Spring, Maryland Baltimore/Washington, DC Ride for Kids Sunday, September 14, 2014 7:30 AM Riders on all makes and models are welcome to attend. The suggested minimum donation to ride is $40 per motorcycle. We encourage you to fundraise before the event to make a real difference to the kids. Online registration is open until noon Eastern on the Friday before the ride. Onsite registration opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 9 a.m. The escorted ride starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp, rain or shine! The ride will loop back to the start point. The more money you raise, the more incentive choices you have. Get a collectible T-shirt for as little as $100 per person, plus a Ride for Kids hat at the $300 level. Depending on how much more you collect, you’ll qualify for prizes at different levels. At the event, we draw for a new Honda motorcycle and other great prizes (must be present to win). All participants receive free beverages, a light breakfast and lunch. You’ll also get to meet your local Stars! Cruise for a Cause – Poker Run Benefiting Cancer Lifenet Saturday, September 27, 2014 8:00 AM COME RIDE WITH US! Start at Pete’s Cycle in Bel Air, visit highlighted stops throughout Harford County with the goal of obtaining the best poker hand along the way! End at the post-event celebration and awards ceremony on the campus of Univeristy of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air. Enjoy all of this while supporting a great cause. Zach’s 2nd Annual 2’s For Diabetes Saturday, September 27, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM This is a fundraiser ride to raise money for Type 1 Diabetes Research. Please join us and help us raise money for this great cause. One day there will be a cure. This is going to be a Poker Run. Registration fee includes breakfast and a t-shirt. Timonium Motorcycle Show Friday, February 6, 2015 Sunday, February 8, 2015 Every foreign and domestic motorcycle manufacturer available in USA on display 100’s of exhibits covering everything in motorcycling... Huge Custom and Antique Bike Show... Entertainment and Celebrities... New Swap Meet Building dedicated to Garage Built Cafe Racers, Choppers, Drag Bikes & Motorcycle Art After Party and a Whole Lot More...



WEST VIRGINIA Farmington West Virginia Poker Run Saturday, August 2, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Ladies and Gentleman Boys and Girls Damas and Caballeros Niños and Niñas back by popular demand the return of the Farmington Poker Run Saturday August 2nd 2014 mark your calendar now. More information will follow in due time.Proceeds benefit 50/50 MDA and the Farmington WV Volunteer Fire Department.A ride through the country in North Central West Virginia. One day event. Following the run a meal and games will be going on. 13th Annual Ride For Life, Bikers For A Cure Dice Run Saturday, August 9, 2014 10:00 AM Come and join us for our 13th Annual Ride For Life Dice Run Sign-ups will be 10:00am to 12:00pm at Texas Road House. Free Breakfast with sign up. We plan to have yet another awesome ride this year. The best scenic roads, quality stops along the way, with dinner, door prizes galore, 50/50 drawing, live music, bike games and more. Its always a great time. Visit our website for updates. Sgt. Michael Todd May Memorial Car and Bike Show Sunday, August 10, 2014 Car and Bike Show - Live music, food vendors and your favorite cars and bikes on display. Classes for New Era and Classic Cars, as well as motorcycles


3rd annual 9/11 Patriot Day Ride Saturday September 6th Starts at: Chesapeake Harley Davidson in Darlington MD Registration begins at 8am, followed by 6 moments of silence Fees are $15.00 for driver and $10 for passenger $15.00 for passenger vehicles KSUP at 10:45am Ends at McAvoy’s in Parkville, MD eta 11:30am All riders, bikes, clubs and non-riders are welcome This ride is to keep our promise to Never Forget 9/11, remember the lives that were lost that tragic day and honor those who went off to fight in the war on terror and the sacrifices they have made. This year we are proud to be partnering with the Catch A Lift Fund, who supports our returning war vets with free gym memberships as a way to rebuild the mind, body and spirit. Catch A Lift was founded in 2011 in honor of Cpl. Chris Coffland who was killed in 2009 while protecting our freedom in Afghanistan. When Chris was headed to the gym he would say that he was going to “Catch A Lift”. The proceeds from this year’s events benefit the Flight 93 National Memorial and Catch A Lift Fund. Riders will ride through the “Path of Honor” which will be created on Friday September 5th along Putty Hill Ave in Parkville. The “Path” is 2,977 American flags, each represents one life lost on 9/11. The “Path” stretches over a ¼ mile on both sides of the road from Old Harford to Harford Rd. Volunteers are welcome to join us on Friday beginning at 7:30am to create the “Path”. Each flag placed is one life remembered.

Mamaw’s Mountain Poker Ride Saturday, Aug.16th Registration starts at 8am $10.00 per person Last bike out 11am , Last bike in 5pm Location: Stonewood Fire Department 8081 Plainwood Ave. Clarksburg, WV 26301 More Info: Scott Gaines 304-709-1966 Biker United for Make-A-Wish 11th Annual Benefit Bike Show Sunday, August 17th Six Pence Pub & Eatery 1956 7th Street Parkersburg, WV Registration 1pm - 3pm $10 Per Entry Bike Classes: Big Twin- Touring- Metric CruiserSportster- Classic- Sports Bike- Custom- Trike Judging by Public *** Awards given in all classes *** 50/50 Drawings, Auctions, Food Specials For more information Contact: Mike 304-481-0523, Roger 304-615-6003, Les 304-488-1515, Mike 304-481-9975 5th Annual Levi McVicker Memorial Dice Run August 23rd 2014 10- 12 Registration Just One More II in Blacksville, WV $15.00 Rider or $20.00 Couple, Live Music and Food to Follow, Raffles and Best of Show Awarded For more info Call Sharon 304-290-9951 All proceeds will benefit the WV Children’s Hospital, And Levi Memorial Scholarship Detective Chuck Smith Memorial Ride Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM This event is an annual memorial ride to remember detective chuck smith who was a Beckley police officer. chuck was an undercover drug officer and was shot and killed. pre-registration $15.00 a bike with passenger $25.00 day of event $20.00 bike and with passenger $30.00 Proceeds goes to C.O.P.S.





PUT JOY IN THE RIDE “Historic Veterans Ride” Takes You to Civil War Sites and WWII Museum! This 170-mile ride will take you through an historic covered bridge and to the boyhood home of Stonewall Jackson. You’ll get to see the six-ton monument to Vietnam Veterans where a Huey Helicopter is on display–plus plenty of curves, scenic overlooks and small towns with cool places to enjoy local food. Combine your getaway with these events . . . Color Me Rad 5K Race Sept. 13 Buckwheat Festival Sept. 25-28 Arts Walk | Art Is Food Sept. 26 Wine & Jazz Festival Sept. 27-28






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have heard all about the Dragon Tail. I’m sure most of you know the stretch of road I’m talking about on the Tennessee and North Carolina border. I have never ridden on the road but I do have a number of friends that have ridden there and I’ve read and seen a lot of video. It looks like a good time. It would be nice to ride there one day. Until that day I will ride the snake. Where is the snake you ask? Jump on any road and head towards Webster Springs. It doesn’t matter which road you take the roads are great. It will be a day of riding that you will remember for a long time and become a favorite ride of you and your bike. As most of the readers know I am very proud of being from West Virginia. Dad and his family are from the Gilmer and Lewis County areas. Mom and her family are from the Braxton and Webster County areas. I will always be a little prejudiced I guess I have loved the Webster Springs area since I was a little kid and would visit my Great Grandfather on Point Mountain. I can trace my family roots back to the early 1700’s not by reading a book but by visiting the cemetery on Point Mountain and looking at the tombstones there. I haven’t been back to the area since I buried my Grandmother around 20 years ago. Lucky for me Webster Springs doesn’t change fast and things are mostly the same as I had remembered as a child. Since we started Thunder Roads WV I knew I was going to take a trip to the area to talk to the people get some stories and try and sell some of the businesses on the idea of advertising in the magazine. I left Weston on a Wednesday morning during the winter that won’t end in March and headed to Webster Springs on a cold gray day. I never anticipated anything special that day and hoped I could hurry there and get back sometime before dark I rode in my truck this day. It was still cold and we were expecting snow that day and evening along with high winds. I knew the way there from riding there since I was a kid. I wasn’t sure how much if any the roads had changed. I also was a little worried about the roads because of the long winter we have had. I headed towards Rock Cave going through the “Y” in Walkersville. As I got to Rock Cave I saw the sign that pointed to Holly River State Park and Webster Springs. The sign said it was about 30 some miles to my destination. I got comfortable in the truck praying I didn’t get behind any trucks on the two lane highway. God must really like our magazine because I never got stuck behind a truck the entire way there. As I was driving along the winding road I began to think what a shame I’m not on my Bike. I had forgotten how great the roads were that led home. Somewhere on my journey I drifted back though time and the thoughts of riding along these roads with family came rushing into my mind. At one point the radio didn’t pick up any stations


without interference and I popped in the first cd I picked up. Of course the cd was my favorite one The Davisson Brothers. The more I rode the roads and looked around the more the memories kept coming in waves in my mind. The scenery along the road is some of the best in the State. As I rode along next to the river I kept remembering stories that my Grandfather told me as a kid. He told me as a kid as I tumbled around the back of his car (we didn’t wear seatbelts back then) that when they started doing the roads in WV years ago they made a snake mad and followed it with a bulldozer. As a kid this made perfect sense to me. As an adult I’m not so sure he was pulling my leg. I had a great ride out to Webster Springs and really only wished that I had not gotten there so fast. I would describe the trip more to you but I don’t want to ruin your ride when you go out there. You will arrive with a smile on your face and looking forward to the ride home. As I came into Webster Springs I was transported back in time. One of the first buildings you pass is the hospital. The same building I said goodbye to my great Grand father in so many years ago. There is still 1 traffic light. I am so glad that the progress of man has slowed down and not really invaded the area. I drove thru town and out the other side and up to Point Mountain. The roads are still good and it is truly beautiful at the top of the mountain. The views are incredible and I found myself asking why the family left the mountain to begin with. I went to the house my grandfather built and took some pictures and headed back to town. One of the main reasons I came to town today was to visit The Custard Stand. The Custard Stand is a Webster Springs tradition and has been selling incredible hot dogs for years. You must stop and get something to eat at The Custard Stand. After a nice ride and lunch I’m always ready to stop by a local place and have a beverage shoot some pool or just chill out a little while and luckily Webster Springs has Lee and Janet’s bar where bikers are welcome. Make sure you tell both stops that Hillbilly from Thunder Roads WV sent you. On Memorial Day weekend they have the woodchopper festival so the town maybe a little crowded. Any other time I think you will really enjoy your day. On the way home I went the other road that leads to Webster Springs. You can take a turn in Diana and head to Flatwoods. The road is just as nice and you get a chance to see some different scenery. It really is a great ride either way. I guess at the end of the day as I was driving back to Weston I counted my Blessings and began being very Thankful for my family and the fact that I was so proud to be from this wonderful place. I guess Dorothy was right there is no place like home. If you get a chance this summer ride out on the snake and check out Webster Springs. I bet you’ll like it. Hillbilly






SAVE THE PATCH (Excerpted), by Spike The familiar rumble and roar of a pack of bikes, which is music to our ears, may be a faintly distant tune in the future. The loudest noise on the streets right now is the buzz and the buzz on the streets is “SAVE THE PATCH”. MOTORCYCLE BILL AIMS TO BRING EQUAL ‘SAVE THE PATCH’ is the culmination of many factors including TREATMENT IN SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley recently signed a decades of ever increasing discrimination and persecution Motorcycle Equal Access Bill that mandates equal treatment to Bikers, their organizations and their lifestyle in general. We as bikers have widely been subjected to unwarranted toward motorcyclists across the state in all public areas. This legislation, sponsored by Rep. Todd Atwater highway stops, refused admittance into establishments and (R-Lexington), amends the Code of South Carolina to keep misrepresentation by law enforcement and the media. The local law enforcement agencies from denying access to U.S. Department of Justice last year filed a lawsuit seeking to motorcyclists on public highways, bridges, parking garages seize control of the trademarked logo of the Mongol Nation Motorcycle Club LLC, arguing that the Mongols are a criminal and essentially any publicly funded areas. organization and that the mark is used for intimidation; but A lot of local motorcycle groups supported this bill, many the Mongols and their attorneys argue that the government feeling that law enforcement has not treated them right for a is overstepping its bounds with the lawsuit, which they said long time and they say they’re ready for a change. “There’s few would infringe on the rights of club members. “They’re trying municipalities, in particular, that want to stop motorcycles from to destroy the right of men to associate and indicate their parking in publicly funded taxpayer areas,” said one ABATE association,” said Joe Yanny, an attorney representing the spokesperson. “If tax payers are paying for a garage, then they Mongols. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. In addition to being should not be allowed to tell us we can’t park there.” a violation of club members’ free-speech rights, more Under the bill, cities and counties have to make reasonable importantly, it’s a due-process issue.” accommodations for motorcycle parking in lots and garages. The lawsuit breaks new ground in terms of trademark law, “All this bill is about is equal access, this is making sure that when the attorney said, adding that it may end up at the Supreme you go to any city in this state that if you have a motorcycle you Court. Unlike a business trademark controlled by a single have a place to park,” said the governor who is also an ABATE entity, the Mongols’ logo is a “collective membership mark,” member, adding; “As long as I have been in office, ABATE has and “It’s legally owned by one entity, but held in trust for the been my friends, and that’s because they fight for all the right members. It’s the votes of club members that ultimately things; they’ve always fought for safety, they’ve always fought determined who is allowed to wear the club’s patch.” for individual rights, they’ve always fought to make sure that Bikers throughout the state and nationwide identify with the message being sent out and the ramifications, if the people have the liberties they should have.” patch is lost, it will affect us all. In southern California, widely respected members of all major clubs have met to MISSOURI LIFTS BAN ON SUNDAY CYCLE SALES Due to so-called “Blue Laws” influenced by early religious discuss ways to save the patch. A Facebook page “SAVE the edicts, vehicle sales are prohibited on the Sabbath in several PATCH” has been set up since October and it states: “It has states, but Missouri recently joined a growing list of states become time to further protect and defend our rights to ride, associate, and enjoy our lifestyle for all motorcycle riders that are repealing these outdated bans. and enthusiasts. To wear our respective clubs membership Governor Jay Nixon signed HB1735 on Monday, June 23rd insignia, which have been trademarked, copyrighted, and that will lift a ban on Sundaysales of motorcycles, all-terrain incorporated by these organized entities. Representatives vehicles, personal watercraft and other items typically sold from a few of these clubs in Southern California have come by power-sports dealers. together to make the initial steps in presenting and organizing The legislation was championed by motorcycle riders and at the support of all motorcycle clubs and riders to stand up and least one Harley-Davidson dealer from the Kansas City area, work to prevent the freedoms we all value and enjoy from who told lawmakers that he was losing Sundaybusiness to a being eroded further, by an ever more intrusive government competitor in Kansas. apparently bent on tyrannical control, we all need to become When the measure takes effect August 28, Missouri will join involved and work to defend that which we all enjoy about Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Maryland our lifestyle, be it as a club member or independent riders.” in removing their Sunday sales bans over the past few years. The good news is, the passion to ride, the passion for Other states that currently prohibit the Sunday sales of motorcycles freedom and the passion to preserve the life style is more and automobiles are Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, than enough to unite the Biker world in whatever stance it takes to SAVE THE PATCH. To contribute, make checks Minnesota, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Wisconsin. The Missouri legislation does not repeal the state’s ban on payable to “Trademark Defense Fund” and mail c/o NCOM, 7334 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 200, Canoga Park, CA Sunday sales of cars and trucks. 91303.

NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)




Dealers & Shops

Biker Friendly Directory

B&M Cycle Repair, LLC US Hwy 33 West Weston, WV 26452 304-269-3338

Busted Knuckles Custom Cycles 406 West Race Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 301-260-0070 Cutting Edge Customs 3078 PT. Manion RD #2 Morgantown, WV 304-826-6688 Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 Hitt’s Garage Rt 19 North Weston, WV 26452 304-269-2123 Insane Cycles & Muscle Cars 285 Don Knotts Blvd. Morgantown, WV 26501 304-291-2453 Mid State Marina & Cycle Inc. 1150 Sutton Ln, Sutton, WV 26601 304-765-7325 M&J Motor Company 1000 S. Queen Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-262-6200 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 Smack Jack & Wack Upholstery 1879 Blue Horizon Drive Morgantown, WV 304-328-5707


Homewood Bar & Grill “Home of the Purple Monkey” 223 Homewood Rd. Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8666

Smitty’s Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha RT 33 East Corridor H Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-4824

Jane Lew Junction 43 Mcwhorter Rd. Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-884-6806

The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644

Jester’s Hilltop Pub 4726 US Hwy 33W Camden, WV 26338 304-269-4004

Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244

Joe’s Place 136 Main Ave. Weston, WV 26452 304-918-8557

Wiskybilt 137 Harmony Grove Rd. Albright, WV 304-379-BIKE

Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301 Lamberts Vintage Wines 190 Vineyard Drive Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4903

Bars & Grills Beander’s 314 Davis Ave Elkins, WV 304-636-6000 Classics 3 Restaurant & Bar 1384 Greenbag Rd. Sabraton, WV 26508 304-292-8368 Copper House Grill 1155 Airport Road Fairmont, WV 26554 304-534-8323

Lee & Janet’s Place Cherry Falls / Webster Springs, WV 304-651-0777 Lost River Brewing 155 West Main Street Wardensville, WV 304-874-4455 Mountaineer Bar & Grill 664 Fairmont Pike Wheeling, WV 26003 304-238-0061

Duckie’s Bar & Grill 100 Ashfield St. Piedmont, WV 26750 304-355-8887

Nan & Pops Place 3485 Winchester Ave. Martinsburg, WV 304-267-2007

Gateway Lounge 123 Casino Drive Anmoore, WV 26323 304-623-3060

Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901

Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563

Schmitt’s Saloon 245 Cheat Road Morgantown, WV 304-291-9001

Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373

Softails Bar & Grill 3414 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-0669



The Custard Stand- Webster 364 Webster Road Webster Springs, WV 26288 304.847.7774 CustardStandWebsterSprings

The Custard Stand- Oak Hill 4342 Lochgelly Road Oak Hill, WV 25901 304.469.7606 The Custard Stand- Danville 33 Ramsey Road Danville, WV 25053 304.369.0001 The Custard Stand- Elkins 989 Harrison Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304.637.4100 The Custard Stand- Mannington 12 Rainbow Plaza Mannington, WV 26582 304.986.1068 The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800

Watering Hole 138 Row Ave Junior, WV 26275 304-823-1410

Photography Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955


Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716


Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279


Broken Wheel Campground 2060 Skin Creek Road Weston, WV 26452 304-269-6097

Legal Services Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-538-6953 or visit our website at:

Biker Friendly Directory

The Custard Stand- Flatwoods 3945 Sutton Lane Sutton, WV 26601 304.765.6500

The Mason Jar Tavern & Grill 81 N Dents Road Granville, WV 26534 304-241-5914

Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134 If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@TRMDEL.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.

Mineral Spring Motel 30 McGraw Ave Webster Springs, WV 26288 (304) 847-5305





ur son, Cameron Dowell, is an experienced and motivated motocross racer from Calvert County, MD. working diligently towards becoming a professional motocross racer. He started racing motocross at Budd’s Creek Maryland at 6 years old. In these ten years of racing, he has traveled to NY, NJ, DE, PA, OH, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, TN, FL, MO, NV, and holds 28 championships. Currently he is training with Ryan Hughes in a training program at Ryno Institute in Temecula California. Ryan has over 28 years of professional motorcycle racing and teaches athletes how to fine tune their training program to get optimize results. Cameron stays intensely busy traveling to out of state races plus he attends regular training classes. In his dedication to his future racing career to achieve greater scheduling latitude, he is enrolled in an “at home” high school where he maintains honor roll status. He is a very respectable, respectful, and respected teenager with admirable sportsmanship. He makes a special point to meet with all of the professional racers at any event to gain any of their advice and wisdom. Cameron was invited to travel to New Zealand to compete in the Taupo Extravaganza October 2526, 2014. With the help of Chesapeake Power and Motorsports in Annapolis MD, we are raffling off a new Sand Reeper to raise money towards his trip. Only 1000 tickets are being sold at $30 per ticket. The proceeds will cover the payment for the Sand Reeper, airfare, rental car, hotel, entry fees, etc. We have been productively selling tickets at each race track we visit, but sales are now slowly dwindling, and our prospects for attending this international 32

race are at risk. Cameron’s attendance at this racing event is critical since as he wins more races, and sponsors see and appreciate his talents, they further support him financially, and his equipment, reputation, and greater prospects improve. This NZ race is an amazing opportunity for Cameron. It is crucial towards the advancement of his career, it is a distinctive honor to be invited to compete, and there will be sponsors looking for semi-professionals to promote. As parents of a semi-professional racer, we have dedicated ourselves to his career and are completely confident that he has what it takes to become a professional. We travel almost every weekend to races and have provided a camper to travel in, racing equipment, training classes from professional racers, and especially guided him to be a humble racer with noble and mature sportsmanship. Our goal is to promote him in as many ways as possible. Can you please help make Cameron the 1st pro Motocross racer in our tri-county area? Any help you can provide to reach our goal of 1000 tickets sold would be extremely appreciated. We gratefully and publicly honor and acknowledge any and all support we receive. Information on ticket sales is on our flyer: Brad Dowell: 301-672-0569 PayPal Account: Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Brad & Jennifer Dowell









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