Thunder Roads West Virginia

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Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Diary of a Biker Chic................................. 3

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly........................ 8

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.............. 7

Cigar Review............................................ 10


Joker’s Wild..............................................11 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen............................. 13 Apple Mountain East Coast MC Rally.... 14

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834 Jeff Davis Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-673-7321 (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales Southern State Sales ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842 MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882

Centerspread Calendar........................... 18 Featured Bike: Grim Reaper................... 20 C.E.’s Fun Fest Bike Rally...................... 22 Events....................................................... 24 News Bytes.............................................. 28 Biker Friendly Directory.......................... 30 TNT............................................................ 33 Thunder Cam........................................... 35

LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics


CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson

Model: Jordanne Herrington

PHOTOGRAPHY Michael J. Alves, Bob Tarowsky,

Photographer: Bobby T. Rocks






elcome to the fall riding season. We are so lucky to live in a place that is so beautiful in this time of year. I hope each one of you takes a minute to really appreciate the beauty of West Virginia. This is a time that as we travel across our state we get to realize how lucky we are to live here. So many people drive here from all over to see the beauty that we live with each day. I hope you take advantage of this great time of year to ride. In this month’s edition TRWV takes you to relive the hot days of August and one of the best rallies around Apple Mountain. I know a bunch of you traveled into the next state over and had a great time like we did. If you missed it this year make your plans to join us next year at a true biker event Apple Mountain. Smiles writes about all the happenings at Apple Mountain and that ol’Hillbilly sips shine with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Artimus Pyle. Our man Flynn reviews a Monte Cristo Espada this month. I’m sure you can find some rides in out events page to check out. Please visit our Biker Friendly stores and let them know you saw it here. I know I don’t have to remind you but I will. With all of the leaves falling soon and the four legged antlers running around Please be Careful. We lose a lot of riders this time of year please take it easy and keep changing lanes.

Letter to the Editor: TO: Thunder Roads WV/MD/DE/DC Magazine Staff On behalf of the WV Hogs & Heroes Foundation, I would like to say Thank You for your contributions and support of our Foundation in West Virginia. As we pursue our mission of supporting our Public Safety Officers and the U.S. Military, you have come through time after time to help make our efforts much easier. Many forms of success are based on teamwork and working with your staff has allowed us to form a team that has succeeded in every endeavor. One would be hard pressed to find a more dedicate and professional staff than those with your magazine. From all of us with WV H&HF “ THANK YOU” for all that you do. Mike “Boonie” Jarvis WV State Director Hogs & Heroes Foundation









t’s October already?!? Where did the summer go? I always feel like the summer flies by and the fall and winter time just creep along. I guess the old saying, “time flies when you are having fun” is true. What a summer it’s been. Looking back on the past few months, I’d have to say that I’ve been enjoying the ride, learning, and observing. Back in April, on the 5th to be exact, I bought myself a brand new bike and fell in love with it almost immediately. I was ready for some new adventures on it and that’s just what I got! Within a week I put 250 miles on it…which is a lot for me considering I work two jobs. Since then, I’ve been everywhere from PA, to NJ, to WV, and various parts of MD on that bike. The trips aren’t over just yet. I got a couple more I want to get in before it gets too cold. Eventually, I’d like to take a longer trip. An idea has been rattling around in my head ever since I got the new bike. I want to save up my leave time at work, and once I have enough time saved up, take a month off in the spring or summer time so I can take a month long journey on the bike. Suggestions of routes are accepted. I also want to do this trip solo. Over the past few months of my riding adventures, I’ve got many memories stored in my mind, in my heart, and all of them have been written in my blogs so I won’t re-write things I already have. Each trip, though, proved to teach me something new either about myself, life, or other people. On June 1st I took my first trip to Gettysburg on a motorcycle - I’ve visited there many times before but never on a bike. I rode solo and spent the whole day out there on the bike. I was able to go whichever way I wanted and what I learned from this trip was that taking a road that you don’t know, have no idea where it will take you or will you will end up is a must on any solo trip. You find some amazing back roads and beautiful scenery. Gettysburg has that going on for it and I found out just by aimlessly wondering around! When I hit 1,000 miles on my bike towards the end of June, I had been riding with a new biker chic who had only been riding for a couple of months. Watching her be a little nervous and cautious reminded me of when I started riding back in 2007! I’ve realized that when I started riding 7 years ago, there didn’t seem to be too many chic riders. However, now, I see them everywhere and I think it’s a beautiful thing! At the start of July, I took a trip to PA with a couple of friends and a few riders I didn’t know. This was my first time ever taking my bike through a tunnel. This was also my first time watching someone who is a motorcycle instructor take a turn way too sloppy and almost losing her life to an oncoming vehicle. I learned that no matter how long you have been riding, you always have to be paying attention and be cautious and careful! Finally in mid-July it was time for the Gettysburg bike week. It was my first time going to the Gettysburg one and I had a blast! It was also my first time ever to ride without wearing a helmet! I’m all about safety when it comes to riding. In fact, I don’t feel safe riding without a helmet, but hey, when in Rome…so I tried it out and I can now see why so many people hate wearing helmets. It’s a different feeling riding with no helmet; it’s more THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

freeing and more comfortable. I’ll keep wearing my helmet but I think everyone should try it at least once if given the chance. Life is too short not to try new things! It was shortly after that trip that I met an older man named Dale who reminded me that life was too important to be taken so seriously. I was reminded of many things after having that conversation with a stranger who was also a biker. We all have a story to tell, hell we’ve been through and fun times we’ve laughed through. Take the time to listen to someone who may need an ear more than you’ll ever know. Finally towards the end of August, I took a trip on the bike that I had been planning for a long time. I rode out to Beverly, WV to visit the parents. It’s a good 4.5 to 5 hour drive and I took it solo. Someone told me I was insane to make a trip like that by myself, but I have to question if they’d say that if I were a dude? Yes, it had some gnarly twist and turns such as horseshoe turns that I had no experience riding, but I was up for the challenge. Doing it alone just made it that much better. It made me feel that if I could conquer the slight fear of those turns, by myself, then I could do just about anything. I handled it like a champ and even did well on the way home in the pouring down rain! I think the biggest lesson I learned from that trip, though, didn’t happen until after I got home and wrote a blog about it. I quickly learned that I have to be very careful with the way I word things, as some people who have no sense of humor will pick apart my words and my writing. I’ve never claimed to be a professional rider. I ride for fun and to stay happy. I write for the same reasons. Bringing the two together just made a lot of sense to me. Every time I get on the bike whether I’m alone or with someone, I learn a new technique or something that I may not have ever realized before. Every ride is a new chance to learn something and another opportunity to raise your experience level. I learned to block out the negative people… Towards the end of August, I met a new biker friend and he’s taken me to a couple of new places on the bike: Atlantic City and Solomon’s Island. I’ve learned from those trips that there are other bikers out there who like to just get out and ride and don’t have much holding them back from doing so. I hope to find more bikers like that. And finally, Ocean City bike week! I was not planning on going to it but decided to at last minute. It was there that I finally got to meet some people from this magazine. I’m hoping to be able to keep writing articles that keep the readers reading. As this summer winds down, I’m very sad to see it go. I bought my bike brand spanking new in April and in the past five months I have put 3,389 miles on it! I find this hysterical because I had my last bike for seven years and only put a little over 7,000 miles on it. I’ve already done almost half of that in five months! I may be just a little bit in love with my bike! In fact, I can’t stand to put it away for the winter like I usually do. I’m going to start looking for heated gear so I can have another first – riding all winter. Who’s with me? – Joyce Elaine







Rushing Wind Bikers For Christ Ministry

t is great when many aspects of the Body of Christ come together, lay down denominational lines,unite many ministries and work in unity to spread the Good News, bring folks to Christ, and build the kingdom of God.

Members of North Central WV Emmaus/Chrysalis/ Journry/Kairos/Community, another church enhancement ministry, also have a connection with Rushing Wind.

As the Director of Ministry of the Clarksburg Mission, a homeless shelter in Harrison county, WV; and the Ministry leader of Celebrate Recovery at Clarksburg Baptist Church, a Christ based 12 step program for hurts, hang-ups in downtown Clarksburg; I am so blessed to attend Rushing Winds. I look forward to Saturday nights in Spelter where I am fed and I get to see firsthand the power of God. And it is my honor and pleasure to bring my family and a Clarksburg Baptist Church van-load of folks to there evangelism service each week. It is such a blessing to see the former Roman Catholic Church full on Saturday nights. We as Christians often make the application of our faith complicated. Not so with the Pastors and Bikers of Rushing Wind Church Fellowship, and great and inspired praise and worship, a humble and simple message followed by a altar call and prayers for healing is bearing much fruit. By my count I have seen over 140 people get saved at Rushing Wind. I know from my contact with churches and ministries all over North Central WV that more is going on in this biker Church than in any venue around. Folks who are blessed by this evangelism then return to our shelter, our recovery ministry, and our church as “new creations� in keeping with 1 Corinthians 5:17. We at Clarksburg Baptist Church then often get to Baptize our new converts and continue to disciple them through our efforts. Rushing Wind makes the presentation of the Good News, the Gospel, simple and effective. It makes turning a life and will over to Christ as something easy and fully necessary. The Bikers present Jesus in a humble and compelling fashion. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

Another cool thing is that the Bikers enforce the idea that just like our recovery ministry, our homeless ministry, and the Emmaus community Rushing Wind does not substitute for involvement and membership in a church. We all promote the idea that the common denominator in Christian engagement is involvement in the local church. All Rushing Wind and our other ministries do is introduce newcomers to Christ and enhance the application of Faith. In addition, I have personally and proximately experienced the power of healing prayer at Rushing Wind. I have seen physical struggles overcome, psychological stress relieved, personal and family relationships renewed and authority over attacks of the enemy taken and victory achieved. There is nothing like healings like this to build faith. And there is nothing like seeing a bunch of men in Bikers for Christ vests and women in Bikers for Christ vests surrounding someone at the altar! I recommend a Saturday evening trip to downtown Spelter to all of my friends and associates. And, it is easy to encourage those who want to give back to sew into the good soil of this ministry. Saturday night can be a time when many struggle and the enemy can gain the upper hand. Rushing Wind, Bikers for Christ Church is simply the safe, loving, accepting and wholesome place to go on a Saturday night in North Central WV. Written by; Lou Ortenzio, Ministry Director Clarksburg Mission. Rushing Wind BikerChurch Spelter WV phone 304-624-4777



Sippin Shine with Hillbilly And his Special Guest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Member Artimus Pyle


hen I was growing up there were lots of great rock and roll bands. I was lucky to have seen a lot of them. All of us had our favorites and the lists varied a lot because of how many good bands that there were at the time. For me and a lot of you reading this there was one band that sort of rose to the top and was always a little higher up on the pedestal of great bands. Of course you know I’m talking about Lynyrd Skynyrd. I was lucky enough to be at the Apple Mountain bike rally this year and got the chance to sit around and sip some shine with the bands famous drummer Artimus Pyle. After spending the afternoon talking with him I was treated to a concert that took me back in my life some 30 years to a time I thought had gone forever until I heard the Artimus Pyle Band. I want to thank Artimus for his time and for him answering all my questions even the ones that brought back some tough memories. Thank you Brother! HB- You joined Lynyrd Skynyrd in or around 1974 I believe. Is that right? AP- That’s right and it was because Charlie Daniels and the Marshall Tucker Band told Ronnie Van Zant about me. I owe two people for the opportunity to meet Ronnie and be in the LS band and that was Charlie Daniels and Paul Riddle the young drummer for the Marshall Tucker Band. I actually auditioned for Charlie Daniels band. He thought one of his drummers was going to leave and I drove out and played for him and the drummer decided not to leave the band. Charlie felt bad that I had driven all this way and he said he might know a band that needed a drummer. Between Charlie and Paul calling Ronnie I got an audition and the rest is pretty much history. HB-What do you think about when you think back on those early days and the great concerts you all played in? What was it like? AP- Sitting in the back and playing the drums and watching Ronnie was like what it must have been like to be onstage with Elvis. It’s the only thing I believe would have come close to that feeling. He had such stage presence. I had a great seat to watch him work his magic in front of huge crowds of people. HB- How was Ronnie off stage when the whole world wasn’t watching? AP- He was a gentleman and a fisherman. He had style and grace but like any of us when you pour a bottle of Jack 8

Daniels down his or anybody’s throat you act crazy. Not to mention some of the other things we had going on that I won’t mention here but we all know what I’m talking about. I spent a lot of time with Ronnie. We roomed together on our bus and we spent all kinds of time together. It was great when we just talked and the craziness wasn’t there. He was a prolific writer and his songs are on the radio everyday. They are in movies and on TV everyday all around the world. Ronnie would be very proud of his songs being still played and relevant to new generations today and in the future. HB- I’ve asked other bands this question and I wanted to see how you felt about it. How does it feel to have songs like you are associated with and you know they are going to live forever? AP- Good is good and what is really amazing is that there are no filler songs. Every song people know and sing with. As the drummer I find it so unique that each song is different. That’s rare in a band. Every song means something different to a LS band fan. So when we do our sets we don’t do a big hit and then some fillers and end with Freebird. Every song is great and everybody knows them. I still get goose bumps sometimes. I’m very proud to have been a part of it. HB- Let’s talk a little about your USMC service. I know once a Marine always a Marine. I can see you still wear the emblem on your hat. AP- I’m very proud to be a Marine. My father was a Marine in WWII. My uncle Johnny was a Marine in Korea. I had to go through boot camp being reminded by everyone that I was Gomer Pyle. Shazam! Surprise,surprise,surprise! The young people training today never know when their Corps training will help them later in life. When our plane crashed my training kicked in and helped me go get some help.



HB- I hate to bring up the plane crash and those tough memories. What were the events that led up to the crash and what was it like afterwards? AP-We were running out of gas and I was in the cockpit trying to help. The plane was supposed to land at Baton Rouge La. Airport. I stumbled out of the wreckage and tried to get my bearings. I had torn cartilage in my chest and ribs. I saw some cows at the edge of the swamp and headed towards the cows and the field. I stopped to help as many of my friends as I could find or see but I knew we needed more help. I rolled over a barbed wire fence. With all the bruises and the pain I was in I hardly felt it. I had to walk about a ½ mile across a newly plowed field until I got to a farm house and I knocked on the door and the farmer answered with a shotgun. I tried to tell him we had been in a plane crash and needed help. It wasn’t sinking in to him. I felt something sting my shoulder and spin me around. They told me later I had been shot by this farmer. He finally started to listen to me and brought me into the house to use the phone. I called the authorities and then called my wife to tell her I was ok. The farmer threw me into his truck and took me back across the field followed by the police and fire departments. We were all taken to 5 different hospitals. It was one of the toughest times of my life. It’s a miracle any of us survived that crash. I asked some other questions about the band and the things that we have all read about in the years since the plane crash. Artimus answered them honestly and spoke of the things only


bands go through. It was sad to hear this part of the story because they had been friends and been through so much together. What followed most of us know about lawsuits and accusations back and forth from everywhere and the only thing any of us wanted was to hear that sound again. Artimus did say that he has no bad feelings towards any of his former band mates and only wishes them the best in life. The music of Lynyrd Skynyrd. I can tell you that the Artimus Pyle Band came out and did a blistering set of every Skynyrd song you could ever want to hear. I won’t forget the sight of looking from backstage as he introduced Freebird and all the lighters and cell phones lighting up that mountain. One of the best things was watching him hold up our Thunder Roads WV biker shirt and then laying it on his drums as he played Freebird the way it’s supposed to sound. His band is awesome and I encourage all of you to catch one of their shows soon. They were AWESOME. Members of the band are Brad Durden-vocals and keyboards, Scott Raines-guitar, Tony Black-bass, Jerry Lyda-guitar, and of course at 66 years young Artimus Pyle. That’s it for this month. It’s time for a nice relaxing Jaxsin cigar and of course it’s time to gather in a circle and lose the lid. I love this time when I get to sip the shine. Remember to share with friends and I always save a little for Big Dog. God Bless you and keep you until next time. – Hillbilly




oday’s review is from a company that I have dubbed a “legacy” cigar brand. Montecristo has been around a long time and has a really neat back story, that if we meet at an event, I’ll be sure to tell you all about. Today we will be discussing the newest in a long line of Montecristo cigars released this year at the I.C.P.R. convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Aptly named “The Espada” it is a Nicaraguan puro (meaning all the leaves are from Nicaragua) coming from the farms of one Nestor Plasencia. The filler is a great trio of Habano seco from the Jalapa valley, Habano viso from the volcanic slope of Ometepe, and some Habano ligero from the Condega valley. This is all bound by a vintage 2009 binder leaf from Jalapa and brought together with a wrapper vintage 2010 Habano, also from the Jalapa valley. Upon first glance this cigar is a bit flashy for a Montecristo which normally comes with a simple band, this one comes with a triple



band including a large center band with crossed swords. This makes sense being that Espada means sword. The wrapper has a soft brown hue with small veins and exudes a spicy aroma pre light. Once you put a flame to the end of this cigar you find the draw to be quite inviting as it gives you a strong, yet not overpowering spice note. As you continue the smoke, you find some maple and earthy tones through the first third, that while somewhat unbalanced is still a pleasure. In the second third you’ll find the same woody undertones such as maple and oak with a hint of cedar. The final third, however, is when the cigar seems to come alive. With the complexity of coffee and maple doing a dance on the palate making the whole cigar feel complete. Another smoke finished and its time for the stats. At an $11.00 dollar price point it certainly costs as much as a Montecristo should, but I’m not seeing the usual quality. Yes, the final third saved the cigar, yet the other two thirds were uncoordinated and frankly sloppy, not at all what you expect from this particular brand. That being said this is not a bad cigar, simply a bad Montecristo, thus it has found its way into my humidor and it should yours as well.


HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (written by kids; who always tell it like it is) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. Dennis, age 10 -No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with. Terri, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.. Beth, age 10 HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. Kelly, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? Both don’t want any more kids. Derek, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen really long enough. Jody, age 8 (Precious) On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. Vernon, age 10 IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. Lil’ Rhino, age 9 (Bless you child ) HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN’T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn’t there? Mike, age 8 (Good point) And the #1 Favorite is ....... HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck. Andrew age 10 If your husband tries to fib to you then maybe he should be run over by a dump truck. Renee, age 9 10. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO TO MAKE SURE YOUR MARRIAGE WILL ALWAYS BE HAPPY? Maybe take vacations....apart. Bob, age 10 You could always have a party but tell your husband that he can work late. Shelly, age 9 * Obviously ALL these kids are REALLY smart! THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

Myron Greenberg, a wealthy L.A. businessman received a letter of Audit from the IRS. It really upsets him and he called his Accountant, Saul Meyers. Myron (pleading): “Saul, what are they doing to me? Why are they doing this to me?” Saul (calming): “Myron, don’t worry about it. I’ve got all the receipts, the account is up to date, it’s no problem. But let me give you a bit of advice. When you go to the Audit, make a bad impression. Wear the crummiest, dirtiest clothes you’ve got. Have holes in your shoes, ripped pants and look shabby. I mean really look terrible, because if they have a little sympathy, they’ll go easy on you.” Then Myron called his Lawyer, Charlie Steinberg. His Lawyer said: “Myron, it’s no problem, I’m sure they got the receipts, I’m sure everything is up to date, you’ve got a great Accountant, don’t worry about it. Let me give you a tip. When you go to the Audit, it’s very important that you make a good impression. Wear your best suit, and your shirt with a silk tie and cuff links and shine your shoes, look like somebody. Because if you look like a “somebody”, they respect you, and will go easy on you.” And now he’s torn. And that night he bumped into his Rabbi at the Deli. And Myron told the Rabbi his dilemma. Rabbi: “Myron, it reminds me of sometimes when I perform a wedding. The bride’s father will tell his daughter that on her wedding night to wear a nightgown with a high collar and long sleeves and a full-length robe...cover up, you know, be a little demure. And the mother says, ‘Don’t be silly. Wear a low cut “negligee” with the cleavage sticking out -- look a little sexy’... and, Myron, I will say to you just like I say to the bride on her wedding night; it makes no difference what you wear, you’re gonna’ get f***ed.






K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office.

ALABAMA (“BAMA”) WHITE BBQ SAUCE This is SO delicious and can use on/in all kinds of ways then just on chicken. Cluckin’ A. 2 Cups of Quality Mayo (*or Miracle Whip) 3 Tbls. Horseradish; Fresh or Bottled 4 Tbls. Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tbls. Lime Juice; Fresh or Bottled 1 tsp. Sugar or Splenda 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Spice 2 tsps. Salt (Kosher or Sea if want) 4 tsps. Ground Black Pepper Mix it all up, slather it all over your chicken, lay on a REALLY hot grill to get good grill marks, then move to the side to cook slowly. Slather more on before serving. SMOTHERED CHICKEN IN CAST IRON My Mom (my beloved Guardian Angel) used to make this once a week and I remember walking in, the smell filling up the entire house, and knowing that I was definitely staying home for supper. In A HUGE cast-iron skillet, med. high heat, add: Enough quality Olive Oil to just cover the bottom of pan. To this add 3 good size pats of butter or quality margarine 1 Green Pepper; cored and med-thin slices, then cut those in half 1 Red Pepper; same way 1 Yellow Pepper; same way 1 Huge Sweet Yellow Onion; medium chop 1 Box of Sliced Mushrooms; pat dry and add last 1/2 Lb. of Bacon; fried crisp, drained and put aside Saute’ up all your veggies. Use slotted spoon and remove to a side plate. Make up a spice mix of palmful of: cinnamon, basil, parsley, salt, pepper, coriander, celery salt, garlic powder, and whatever else you really like. Pat chix good & dry; rub spice mix all into chicken, really good. Let just rest while you’re sauteing veggies. After removing veggies, put your chicken in; skin side down, cook until deep golden brown, flip and turn heat down to low, add veggies back in so that they encircle chicken, not covering. Just let go like 40 minutes, slow and low, until bottom golden


brown and then, at end, flip chix back over and top each piece generously with rough-chop bacon and kinda’ press down. Next add your favorite cheese on top of bacon. My mom (and me) always used Monterey Jack but you can use Cheddar, Pepper Jack, Baby Swiss or Brie....whatever; you’re the Cook. Put a lid on it to let cheese melt and a good trick is to just add a like 3 Tbls. of water to mix and then cover and it creates this heavenly steam chamber. Let go 5 mins. Remove lid and slide skillet off of heat and just let it rest for 5 mins. * I didn’t say this in the beginning but use whatever pieces of chicken or even a whole chopped up bird. I only do wings as they have the most amazing flavor. But a couple breasts thrown in would be good also. This is freakin’ INCREDIBLE! All those veggies, this awesome flavored chicken so tender it literally falls off the bone, the skin is infused with sauce and spices, and then there’s this gravy that’s created that is a silky wonder.This is food that creates forevva’ memories. And that’s what cooking is all about. BALSAMIC PORTABELLO MUSHROOMS Portabello ‘shrooms are SO meaty, you could serve them as an entree.But I like as a side dish. Costco or Sam’s Club is your best bet to get BIG ‘shroom caps. Take a teaspoon and run it all along the inside to remove all that “fuzz” up under the inside lip. Now, take a damp cloth and rub them down good. Do Not Wash under water as you’ll end up with a limp shroom and nobody wants that. Fry up a tube of sausage, your fave brand, drain and put aside. Add shrooms, cap side down to drippings, add couple pats of butter and med. heat saute’ till golden brown both sides. Drain bottom down for 10 mins. on paper towels. Stuff with chopped purple onion and sausage mix. Place back in skillet and top with your favorite cheese. Do the lid trick again; couple Tbls. of water and tight lid it for 5 mins. Remove to serving dish, drizzle reduced down till thick, quality Balsamic Vinegar over top.This is flayva’! K.I.S.S. STRAWBERRIES & ANGEL CAKE BIG quart of big, totally ripe, delicious s-berries. Slice thick. Discard tops cut. Sprinkle sugar or Splenda all over the top in a flat, glass dish. Pour white corn syrup all over generously and let hang out in fridge for about 3 hours. Buy you a gorgeous Angel Food Cake, slice it up, pour your fabulously reduced down strawberries and tons of delish “sauce” over & top with real whip cream




nforgettable! That’s the best word I can think of to describe this year’s East Coast Sturgis. Oops, I mean East Coast Motorcycle Rally. This is undeniably the best party of the year. Once again, Ken Appel has proven himself to be the greatest host of our time.

We got there early Wednesday morning and met up with Rhino, who already had set up the Thunder Roads® MD-DE-DC & WV stand. He had been there since Monday. I quickly erected my tent and made my rounds, seeing all my friends from the previous years of coming here. I met a small group of people staying in an old school bus. They had built a cable TV dish out of a discarded wok, the coils of a stove, aluminum foil, and a lot of duct tape. They told me that it works great, but they only got one channel, The Cooking Network. This year I decided to try my hand at body painting. I set up my table and painted a sign announcing free body painting. Officially, I am a professional painter that is a professional house painter. I’ve never tried painting a woman’s body before, but what the hell, it sounded like fun. A guy with a really cute girl came up to my table. I was hoping she would be my first customer. He asked if I had pearl white. “I have gloss white,” I replied. He then told me that a chip of paint had come off his front fender. “I’m not that type of body painter,” I explained. Disappointed, he walked away as I stood there, also disappointed, watching her walk away.


As the sun began to set, my new found occupation was starting to become popular. I had girls lined up waiting for me to paint their bodies. I discovered that I wasn’t doing too bad of a job. I painted lips on one pair of breast, flowers on another, and even painted a bikini top on one girl. Yes, I had found my calling. As the week went on, more and more women were coming up asking if I was going to be painting again that evening. The more I did, the more creative I became. I painted everything from swirls and cherries to horseshoes and bones. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of what would become an unforgettable weekend. Another big attraction at the Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC & WV stand this year was the Boobie Cooler. A cooler full of ice with a fan at one end blowing air into the cooler and a vent for the now cold air to escape, was the set up. Originally known as a hillbilly air conditioner, Rhino and Hillbilly modified it to serve a much more important purpose, keeping the boobies cool. People walking by really got a kick out of it. Up the hill, I found another ingenious invention. Someone had built a tub of water on the back of a flatbed trailer. The water was pumped from the tub into a coiled copper pipe which was then set in the hot coals of a barbeque pit. The now steaming hot water was pushed back into the tub creating a hillbilly hot tub. As cold as it got at night on Apple Mountain, this was a great idea.



As always, the bike rodeo was a big success. Ken added a burn-out pit this year which worked like a champ. Bikers would spin their tires on the concrete pit floor until they burst, bringing a roar of cheers from the crowd. The thong-pull was another popular event. A sled with a bale of hay on it was tied to the back of a young ladies’ thongs as they raced each other to see who could cross the finish line first. As you can imagine, this resulted in several torn thongs. Hillbilly got the opportunity to interview the legendary Rock n Roll Hall of Fame drummer, Artimus Pyle, from the Lynyrd Skynyrd band. He invited me along

to take photographs and listen in on the interview. We climbed into his van and started the interview by passing around a jar of moonshine. He first discussed his early years in the Marine Corps and how he joined Lynyrd Skynyrd. As he began talking about the fateful plane crash that killed several members of the band including the incredible Ronny Van Zant, he became very emotional. We had to stop the interview for a couple minutes until he could regain himself. During this break, I sat amazed that I was here listening to him continued...




tell his story. Never in a million years would I believe I would be listening to one of the survivors of the Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash describing what happened on that fateful night. The rest of the interview went well. You will have to read Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly in a future issue to get the whole story. Artimus was nice enough to come to the Thunder Roads® MD-DE-DC & WV stand to meet the rest of the crew and our friends. There he posed for pictures with everyone and chatted away. Before leaving, he invited us to join him onstage for pictures and to enjoy his set. Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any better, now I was going to be onstage watching him perform.

seen them perform many times, and I’m always fascinated at their skill. I, myself, have purchased a set of poi balls to practice with in hopes of one day being able to spin fire with them. I highly recommend checking them out if you get the chance. They often perform at Mad Momos Restaurant in Washington D.C., or you can look them up online.

His band was incredible. Every song they did sounded as good as the first time I hearing them. I have heard “Freebird” at least a million times, but standing behind Artimus, watching him play every beat, brought this song to life. I felt like a giddy schoolgirl at a Justin Timberlake concert. The rest of the weekend, I was on cloud nine. This was a night I will never forget.

Sunday morning I got up early, packed up my tent and luggage, and rode back home. The smile stayed on my face the whole way home. This was a memorable week, and I can’t wait to do it all again next year. Ride Safe and Enjoy, Mike “Smiles” Johnson

As the sky grew dark, I made my way over to the pit to watch the Dance Afire crew work their magic spinning fire. I have















Grim Reaper


Off The Wall Signs Wintersville, Ohio


John Saxon

Fabrication: Off the Wall Signs

Tricked Out Custom Cycles

First Class Customs


Paul’s Chroming

A1A Sport Bike


Matt Mazzaferro Off The Wall Signs

Build Time: 2 Years


1000cc Liquid-cooled Inline 4-cylinder

DOHC, 16 Titanium Intake Valves

6-Speed Multiplate Slipper Clutch

Duel Two Brothers Full Black Series Exhaust System

Power Commander & Cat Eliminator Kit

GYTR High-Flow Air Filter

Accessories: Vortex X-Ring Black’n Gold 520 Chain



Vortex Swingarm Spools

Smoked Out Integrated Tail Light

Cox Racing Radiator Guard

Vortex Adjustable Rearsets

Pro-Bolt Kit

Front & Back Custom Translucent Red Brake Lines

Chrome Billet Convex Mirror

Custom Made R-1 Windscreen

Myrtle West Chrome Rims

Stage 3 LED Kit

Hyper LED Halo’s Eyes

HID Head Light Kit

CRG Billet Brake Levers

Michelin Pilot Power TC2 Tires

Photogs by

Bobby T. Rocks 21


un Fest was held on June 20th, 21st and 22nd at Thorn Spring Park near Franklin again this year. We had some rain this year, but God was good and no one upset. People that were camping, using a RV rental or cabin rental started arriving Thursday. Friday the gates opened at 9:00 am. The Franklin Volunteer Fire Company manned the gate from Friday at noon until late Saturday evening. A big thanks goes out to the volunteers who helped out and relieved our members of the duty so they could enjoy the weekend. Not only did they take admissions but they sold 50/50 chances and gun raffle tickets. People kept arriving throughout the day and socialized. A Fellowship ride was held at 4:00 pm on Friday with about 12 bikes and


trikes going on the ride. The ride left Thorn Spring and went up Rt. 33 to the lookout and then back Rt. 33 to Brandywine then to Sugar Grove and back to Thorn Spring. The evening was spent listening to DJ Damien and great food was supplied throughout the weekend by the Franklin Bowling Alley. Northern Eagle out of Romney provided a keg trailer for everyone that wanted an adult beverage. Saturday at 9:00 am registration began for the Poker Run. About 26 bikes and trikes showed up and kickstands went up at 10:00 am. Tom Mathias blessed the bikes and ride before we left. We left the Old Shoe Factory and took Rt. 220 to Franklin and then Rt. 33 through Seneca Rocks. We took the Jordon Run road and stopped at the Jordan Run store.



From there we went to Rt. 42 to Maysville and then to Corridor “H” to Moorefield stopping at the Stray Cat. From there we took Rt. 220 to Franklin then Thorn Spring Park. While the motorcyclist were on their ride we had our second ATV Poker Run. At 1:00 pm the ATV Poker Run was held. About 53 ATV and UTV were on that ride and rode about 20 miles along the back roads around the park. A special thanks goes out to Susan Vetter and Mary Joe Vacovsky for taking care of the cards when leaving and returning on both rides. After the ride we had our White Elephant Auction which was a huge success. A special thanks goes out to Barbara and Tom Mathias for helping out with the auction. The win-


ner of the 50/50 drawing, the winners and worst hands for the poker runs and the winner of the gun that was raffled off was announced. Special thanks to all the winners of the 50/50 drawing who donated all the money back to the Club. I apologize for not knowing everyone’s name. Then everyone got into the music provided by the band “Push to Start” out of Winchester until late in the evening. If I forgot to mention anyone that helped out with the weekend I apologize. It was a great weekend and everyone is looking forward to next year. – Moe Vetter



TRWV is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to:



Progressive International Motorcycle Show Washington, DC Friday, January 9, 2015 Sunday, January 11, 2015 Progressive International Motorcycle Show coming to Washington, DC See All The Latest Bikes From All The Major Motorcycle Manufacturers Ultimate Builder Bike Show, Demos, Entertainment, Celebrity Appearances 100s of Vendors And A Whole Lot More!!! Visit the website below for additional information and updates washington-dc


Law Dogs LE/MC 6th Annual Poker Run, Auction & Swap Meet Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Poker run starting at 9am. Last bike out at 10. $10/bike, $5/rider Bike show: $5 entry fee Live Auction @ 1pm Silent Auction Door Prizes Vendors, Food Money raised supports various children’s charities that the Delaware Law Dogs support: Camp New Hope, Camp Barnes, Camp Lenape and Exceptional Care for Children For more info: Oktoberfest Poker Run Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:00 AM Food, Drink, Games, Pins, & Prizes Registration 10am till 12 noon Sign Up Early, Festivities Start at 1 PM $10single $15 double All Bikes Welcome For more Info: 24

MARYLAND 2014 Maryland Bikers for Babies Sunday, October 5, 2014 11:00 AM Join us during the MIRock event and get a chance to see an amazing 5-second, 240mph Top Fuel match race with Larry “Spiderman” McBride taking on Dave Vantine! Come early and enjoy the festive atmosphere, music, vendors, auction, raffles, register for the tattoo contest and/or bike show. Every rider MUST have a valid motorcycle license in order to participate in the ride. The 45-mile police escorted ride will begin at 2:00 with official line-up and start on the ¼ mile-racing track and will take you on a scenic ride through beautiful Southern Maryland when the fall foliage is at it’s peak. The ride will end at the Charles County Fairgrounds in La Plata, Maryland for a free after ride party with all the trimmings courtesy of the Waldorf Lions Club and includes live entertainment by the Franklin Square Band! default.asp?ievent=1110588 VNV/LV 12th Annual Motorcycle Rodeo & Bike Show Sunday, October 5, 2014 11:00 AM Bike Show, Motorcycle Games, Vendors and More Family Friendly with Kids Games $10 per Adult - $5 w/Military ID - $5 Kids Proceeds benefit Delaware Veterans Coalition Battley’s Oktoberfest Party October 11th Open to everyone, this is our official BMW Open House where we feature free bratwursts on the grill, Maria’s famous homemade sauerkraut, a live Oompa band, BMW girls, an all-BMW motorcycle show, and hourly prize giveaways. 11am to 3pm.


Annual Red Helmet Ride Saturday, October 11, 2014 2:00 PM The Police escorted ride to the National Fallen Fighters Memorial in Emmisburg, MD will leave at 3:30PM. This is a rain or shine ride – all will ride at your own risk. No registration is required, just ride and show your support to the families of the Fallen Firefighters. Again this year, there will be group leaving from the Anne Arundel County Fire and Rescue Hqts. in Millersville, MD (Veterans Hwy near Benfield Blvd). We will stage beginning at 12:00PM. Police escorted ride to the Walkersville VFD will leave at 1:00PM. ALL RIDERS PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING; WE RIDE IN A STAGGERED FORMATION WITH A TWO SECOND INTERVAL BETWEEN BIKES. WHEN WE ARRIVE AT THE MEMORIAL IN EMMITSBURG, PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR PARKING BY THE SECURITY PERSONNEL. 4th Annual Ridgely Pharmacy & Ice Cream Parlor Car and Motorcycle Show Sunday, October 19, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM It is the most action-packed Car Show on the Shore! The 4th Annual Ridgely Pharmacy Car & Motorcycle Show accepts all years, makes & models of cars, trucks and motorcycles in dozens of classes. There will be over 90 trophies, including some very unique trophies for specific classes, awarded on a judged basis. One lucky registered entry will win $500 in our raffle! “The King” Richard Petty will be appearing and signing autographs Proceeds from the show benefits The Petty Family Foundation, The Victory Junction Gang, Folds of Honor Foundation & Wounded Warrior Project!


Howard County Swap Meet Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:00 AM THIS SWAPMEET IS HUGE! The Howard County Motorcycle Swapmeet has always been a motorcycle swapmeet that caters to bikers looking for parts and accessories, bikes and all things motorcycle related! Not just Harleys, find parts for vintage or late model motorcycles, American or foreign, a leather jacket or other accessories. People come here to buy, sell, trade, AND SAVE. The Howard County Swapmeet, “Where Friends Meet”. West Friendship, Maryland Apple Mountain Productions: By Bikers, For Bikers! Doin’ it Ol’ Skool! Timonium Motorcycle Show Friday, February 6, 2015 Sunday, February 8, 2015 Every foreign and domestic motorcycle manufacturer available in USA on display 100’s of exhibits covering everything in motorcycling... Huge Custom and Antique Bike Show... Entertainment and Celebrities... New Swap Meet Building dedicated to Garage Built Cafe Racers, Choppers, Drag Bikes & Motorcycle Art After Party and a Whole Lot More...



WEST VIRGINIA C.E.’s Helping Hands – ATV Poker Run Saturday, October 11th @ 10:00am Registration 10:00 am – Ride Starts 11:00 am CE’s is having an ATV Poker Run at Thorn Spring Park near Franklin, WV October 11th. Hands will be $10.00 each. There will be about a 4-5 hour ride ending at the Park. There will be a 50/50 drawing, give-aways, etc. There will be a picnic after the ride. Come on out!! Aidan’s Ride Through the Countryside Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:00 AM 8am -10:30am Registration at Archie’s in Sabraton, WV 11am- A relaxing ride through beautiful West Virginia 2:30pm - Join us back at Archie’s for amazing prizes, bands, and more!. Above all else, the chance to support a great cause. $20/ticket includes ride and entry to win BIG!!! ($10 per additional rider) All proceeds benefit the Aidan Jack Seeger Foundation a non-profit 501(c)3 charity run by volunteers with EVERY donation directly benefiting our mission to advocate for EVERY state to screen newborns for ALD, help families affected by ALD and raise awareness


Oktoberfest Poker Run Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:00 AM Food, Drink, Games, Pins, & Prizes Registration 10am till 12 noon Sign Up Early, Festivities Start at 1 PM $10single $15 double All Bikes Welcome Kundratic Motorcycles & Hot Rods Fall Swap Meet Sunday, October 12, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM BUY, SELL or SWAP! FREE Admission & FREE Parking Have you seen the Swap Meet video? Check it out here: LihPeGXvLY&feature=plcp The areas ONLY traditional old school swap meet with just motorcycle & hot rod parts. No jewelry & leather vendors, insurance agencies, crafts, peek-a-boo dolls…..none of the shit you usually just walk by! Tons of vendors will be buying, selling and swapping used parts, vintage parts, new parts, hard to find parts, fenders, tanks, frames, accessories, chrome, steel and everything in between! Pickup parts for your hot rod, rat rod, bagger, bobber, café racer, chopper or drag bike. This isn’t just for Harley’s folks! Early Bird Registration $15 per 10x10 space. Waiting until the day of the swap it’s $20 per 10x10 space. This is a drizzle or shine event, remember to bring your pop-up tent. As always, it’s FREE to come and shop plus lots of FREE parking. Call us or stop by the shop to reserve your space today. 410.633.3113 Payments accepted: Visa/MC, Discover, AmEx, Cash








THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) FLORIDA STATE FAIR SETTLES CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT In a big win for motorcycle club members nationwide, the Florida State Fair and local law enforcement were dealt a stunning blow when they agreed to settle a Civil Rights lawsuit filed by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Jerry Theophilopoulos (“Jerry T”) on behalf of the East Florida Confederation of Clubs. The Florida State Fair and Fair employees, along with two Hillsborough County Sheriffs agreed to pay three members of the West Florida Confederation of Clubs a total of $72,500 to settle the case after nearly a hundred club members were denied entry into the fair by off-duty sheriff’s deputies on Feb. 7, 2010 based on the fact they would not remove their colors. A posted policy banned “club colors” and the bikers were threatened with jail if they attempted to enter the front gate of the fair, and AIM lawyer Jerry T. captured the entire event on film with a videographer, which was a pivotal reason the federal lawsuit was settled out of court. “This settlement is a great day for all motorcycle club members, not only in the state of Florida, but across America,” said Jerry T., “We sent a message that our people will not be discriminated against in a public forum.” After the lawsuit, the no-club-colors signs were replace by a posted policy stating that the fair may turn away or eject people who are disruptive or who display behavior associated with “criminal gang membership.” That cleared the way for bikers to attend subsequent fairs. MORE MOTORCYCLES EQUALS SAFER ROADS According to the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA), an increased number of motorcycles on the road results in a lower rate of serious accidents. When 10% or more of vehicles on the road are motorcycles, mopeds or scooters, there is a proportionate reduction in rider fatalities, says Steve Kenward, CEO of the MCIA, a motorcycle trade association in England. Japan has 98 bikes per 1,000 vehicles (9.8%), and for every 1,000 bikes on the road, the country has 0.8 motorcyclist fatalities per year. In Europe the ratio of bikes to cars is lower, at 73 per 1,000 (7.3%), and the rate of motorcyclist 28

fatalities is higher, at 1.52 per 1,000 bikes. In the USA, the ratio of bikes to cars is just 27 per thousand (2.7%) and the motorcyclist fatality rate is much higher, at 5.32 per thousand bikes. Kenward told how “volume breeds safety” at the recent National Safer Roads Partnerships’ Conference, where police forces, local authorities, government officials and academics meet to discuss road safety. There is also a growing body of evidence that those who start their motoring career on motorcycles make better car drivers. With congestion on the rise, Kenward explained that getting more motorists on motorcycles would result in a “virtuous circle” leading to better road users. According to their research, an increase in motorcycle use has also been proven to keep traffic flowing. A study which models traffic for one of the busiest roads in Europe concluded that if just 10% of drivers swapped to powered two wheelers (PTWs), congestion would be reduced for all road users by 40%. Increase that number to 25% and congestion is eliminated entirely. SIKHS DENIED EXEMPTION FROM ONTARIO HELMET LAW Motorcycle-riding Sikhs in Ontario, Canada will not be exempted from the helmet law, Premier Kathleen Wynne has ruled. The Canadian Sikh Association received a letter from Wynne stating the Liberal government, for safety reasons, will not allow Sikh motorcycle riders to wear only turbans as two other Canadian Provinces currently allow. The Ontario Highway Traffic Act requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet. This poses a problem for those of the Sikh faith, whose turbans don’t fit under most helmets. “After careful deliberation, we have determined that we will not grant this type of exemption as it would pose a road safety risk,” Wynne said in her letter dated Aug. 14. Wynne said safety trumps religious freedoms in this case. “As you know, the issue of balance between religious accommodation and public safety has been considered by the courts in Ontario which, on this issue, have found that Ontario’s mandatory helmet law does not infringe on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, nor the Ontario Human Rights Code,” she said. In 2008, an Ontario judge ruled against a human rights challenge launched by a devout Sikh who was fined $110 in 2005 for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. NDP MPP Jagmeet Singh (Bramalea-Gore-Malton) said he was “deeply disappointed by Premier Wynne’s decision not to grant an exemption to motorcycle helmet laws for turbaned Sikhs. Similar exemptions already exist in the United Kingdom, Manitoba and British Columbia, and here in Ontario the idea is supported by members from all three caucuses.”



MSF MOTORCYCLE SAFETY STUDY TO IMPROVE COUNTERMEASURES The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) has announced that the data-acquisition phase of the MSF 100 Motorcyclists Naturalistic Study is now completed, and preliminary results are being shared at various transportation safety venues around the world. The MSF partnered with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute on this world’s first, large-scale, naturalistic motorcycle riding study. The 3.5-year study began by collecting data from instruments installed on motorcycles owned by study participants as the bikes were ridden in normal day-to-day use. Sensors and video cameras recorded all motorcycle operator inputs such as steering, acceleration, braking and lean, as well as recording all motions of the motorcycle, current riding conditions and the actions of surrounding traffic. The motorcycle instrumentation was designed to be as inconspicuous as possible, so that participant-riders would forget their rides were being monitored. “The MSF 100 study is being conducted to support motorcycle safety research, with particular emphasis on results that offer ongoing guidance in rider training,” said MSF’s Director of Quality Assurance and Research, Dr. Sherry Williams. “The study utilizes a naturalistic methodology that provided researchers with information captured by instruments installed on one-hundred motorcycles ridden for a combined nine-thousand-plus hours by real riders in real riding conditions.” The MSF 100 Study, which tracked participants in Virginia, California, Florida and Arizona, is expected to be a rich source of insight for years to come on a wide range of questions and points of interest for an international array of safety professionals generally, but riders and rider safety professionals specifically. All 100 riders on their equipped motorcycles have completed the data acquisition phase of the study, and the analysis phase is now yielding preliminary results. BIKER PROFILING New demographics prepared by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) show the median age of California motorcycle owners was 45 years old in 2012 -- having risen from 33 years in 1990, 38 years in 1998 and 41 years in 2009. Statistics show that the median income for motorcyclists in the Golden State was $64,130 in 2012, more than double what it was in 1990. More than 60% reported their annual household incomes at over $50,000, with almost 20% reporting incomes of over $100,000. Almost three quarters of them were employed. About 14% were retired. CALIFORNIA SIDE X SIDES UNDER NEW JURISDICTION Good news for offroaders as ABATE of California Lobbyist THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

James Lombardo has announced that AB 988 was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on August 25th. AB 988 is Assemblyman Brian Jones’ bill that puts Side X Sides (Rhinos, Razors, etc) under the jurisdiction of the new Motor Vehicle Board and as such will allow Side X Side owners with grievances to take those grievances to a non-binding arbitration hearing instead of having to spend money on hiring an attorney to represent them. WEIRD NEWS: MOTORCYCLE-RIDING VIGILANTE SERVES DIRTY JUSTICE Beware litterbugs; a vigilante female biker, fed up with people brazenly tossing trash out of their vehicles, is seeking street justice. Wearing a GoPro camera on her helmet, she rides her motorcycle up to drivers who just can’t be bothered to find a trash can and knocks on the window. What happens next in a video gone viral is a beautiful victory for everyone who has ever felt that little twinge of anger while watching someone lazily toss a full bag of fast food trash onto the pavement... she chucks garbage right back at the offenders before speeding away on her motorcycle! Shot somewhere in Russia, immediately after the video was uploaded it skyrocketed to the top of with more than half-a-million views in 24 hours; a sweet vision of revenge for all those people who can’t stand littering. RUDEST DRIVERS ARE FROM IDAHO Drivers from Idaho, Washington, D.C. and New York have been judged to be the rudest drivers, according to a survey by, an independent consumer insurance information website. Also judged to be quite rude are drivers from Wyoming, Massachusetts, Vermont and Delaware. Here’s how the top 10 rudest drivers rank, based on a survey of 2,000 licensed drivers nationwide: 1 - Idaho, 2 - Washington, D.C., 3 - New York, 4 - Wyoming, 5 Massachusetts, 6 - Delaware (tied with) Vermont, 8 - New Jersey, 9 - Nevada, and 10 - Utah. When asked what makes them most mad about other drivers, people said: - Talking on a cellphone while driving: 47% - Tailgating: 37% - Not signaling turns: 35% - Weaving in and out of lanes: 28% - Driving too fast: 26% Half of the respondents (49%) believe that about a quarter of other drivers should not be on the road, while twentyone percent think half of other drivers should not be allowed to drive. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Liberty is the right to chose. Freedom is the result of that choice.” ~ Pierre-Jules Renard (1864-1910) French author



Dealers & Shops

Biker Friendly Directory

B&M Cycle Repair, LLC US Hwy 33 West Weston, WV 26452 304-269-3338

Busted Knuckles Custom Cycles 406 West Race Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 301-260-0070 Cutting Edge Customs 3078 PT. Manion RD #2 Morgantown, WV 304-826-6688 Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 M&J Motor Company 1000 S. Queen Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-262-6200 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 Smitty’s Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha RT 33 East Corridor H Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-4824 The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644 Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244


Wiskybilt 137 Harmony Grove Rd. Albright, WV 304-379-BIKE

Bars & Grills

Nan & Pops Place 3485 Winchester Ave. Martinsburg, WV 304-267-2007

Beander’s 314 Davis Ave Elkins, WV 304-636-6000

Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901

Copper House Grill 1155 Airport Road Fairmont, WV 26554 304-534-8323

Schmitt’s Saloon 245 Cheat Road Morgantown, WV 304-291-9001

Gateway Lounge 123 Casino Drive Anmoore, WV 26323 304-623-3060

Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094

Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563

The Custard Stand- Webster 364 Webster Road Webster Springs, WV 26288 304.847.7774 CustardStandWebsterSprings

Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373 Homewood Bar & Grill “Home of the Purple Monkey” 223 Homewood Rd. Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8666 Jane Lew Junction 43 Mcwhorter Rd. Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-884-6806

The Custard Stand- Flatwoods 3945 Sutton Lane Sutton, WV 26601 304.765.6500 CustardStandFlatwoods The Custard Stand- Oak Hill 4342 Lochgelly Road Oak Hill, WV 25901 304.469.7606

Jester’s Hilltop Pub 4726 US Hwy 33W Camden, WV 26338 304-269-4004 Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301

The Custard Stand- Danville 33 Ramsey Road Danville, WV 25053 304.369.0001

Lamberts Vintage Wines 190 Vineyard Drive Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4903 Lee & Janet’s Place Cherry Falls / Webster Springs, WV 304-651-0777 Lost River Brewing 155 West Main Street Wardensville, WV 304-874-4455 Mountaineer Bar & Grill 664 Fairmont Pike Wheeling, WV 26003 304-238-0061 OCTOBER 2014

The Custard Stand- Elkins 989 Harrison Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304.637.4100 The Custard StandMannington 12 Rainbow Plaza Mannington, WV 26582 304.986.1068 CustardStandMannington


The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800 The Mason Jar Tavern & Grill 81 N Dents Road Granville, WV 26534 304-241-5914

Rider Insurance


Broken Wheel Campground 2060 Skin Creek Road Weston, WV 26452 304-269-6097

Legal Services Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888

Photography Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955

Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716


Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016 Thinkin Ink 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279

Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134

If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email for more information. If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@TRMDEL.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.

Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-538-6953 or visit our website at:



Biker Friendly Directory






We are pleased to announce that 3 young riders from America will race in New Zealand at the MX Fest on the 25th & 26th October. We welcome our MX Antix USA team rider Cameron Dowell and Born Media Group riders Gage McBee & Ezra Parker. Both MX Antix & Born Media are keen to build relations between these 2 countries, so that young riders have the opportunity to travel and experience new tracks, competitions & riders.


Gage is 14 years old, lives in Georgia and will be riding the 13 - 16 yrs 85cc class.



Cameron is 16 years old, lives in Maryland and will be riding both days in the 15 - 16 yrs 125cc class on the Saturday and then National 125 on the Sunday.



Ezra is 12 years old old, lives in Georgia and will be riding the 8 - 12 yrs 85cc class.









Be a part of the Thunder! submit your photos to THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA









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