Thunder Roads West Virginia 1409

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Saturday September 13, 2014 Registration:

Begins at 10:00am Kickstands up at Noon Mason Jar Saloon

Stops to Include:

Big Kahunaʼs, Big Daddyʼs, Riverview, Wild Card Stop and Little 7 Club

Final Stop:

Classics 3 Lounge Last Bike in at 5:30pm

Food, Band, Many Prizes, Raffles and much more! QUESTIONS: CONTACT ELIZABETH JONES


Thunder Roads Magazine® West Virginia

4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Save The Patch.......................................... 4 Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament.............. 9

Facebook – Thunder Roads WV Twitter – TR_BigCity

Cigar Review............................................ 10


Joker’s Wild..............................................11 Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly...................... 12 K.I.S.S. in the Kitchen............................. 15

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (681) 209-0832 (681) 209-0834 Jeff Davis Scott “Scooter” Broyles (304)-673-7321 (304)-549-5615 Charleston Area Sales Southern State Sales ACCOUNTING Mike “Bighead” Abbott (681)209-0842

Centerspread Calendar........................... 18 Mountainfest 2014................................... 20 Events....................................................... 24 Twists & Turns......................................... 27 Biker Friendly Directory.......................... 30 Thunder Cam........................................... 35

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR. Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions 443.591.1882 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics


CONTRIBUTOR Mike “Smiles” Johnson

Save the Patch, See article on page 4.






an you believe it’s August and summer is almost over? Seems like a couple of days ago we were having a Memorial Day cookout. I hope ya’ll had as good a time as we did at Mountain Fest 2014. WV sure knows how to throw a great party. We have already started the countdown to next year’s party. This month our feature article is all about saving the patch. If you ride we encourage you to read this article and get involved. This is an important issue for all of us that ride. Hillbilly sips some shine with West Virginia’s favorite The Davisson Brothers Band. You can read about what they have been up to and what they have in store for us all in the future. Our man Flynn reviews another cigar that you are going to want to smoke. We have Mountain Fest covered from the beginning till the creek rose and that was the end of that. Please stop in and support the businesses in our magazines. Tell them you came by because you saw it in Thunder Roads WV. Our magazine is free each month because these local stores bring them to you with their advertising. Show them your support. Please check out some of the rides and events that are going on in your area in the next couple of months. This is a great time to check out the beautiful scenery that God blessed this state with. Until next time keep the rubber side down and God bless you. BIG CITY





If you’ve ridden a motorcycle for any length of time, or admired them from afar, you might be familiar with the iconic picture of a man on a chopper with a ponytail, beard/mustache, sunglasses, and a black vest with some sort of flag or insignia on the back. This type of vest is also known as “Colors” or a “Cut” and this flag or insignia is also known as a patch. Lots of organizations, other than motorcycle clubs, wear one-of-a-kind symbols to represent their group or organization. For Example: U.S. Military, Police Officers, Boy Scouts, Dale Earnhardt #88 National Guard Racing Team, Washington Redskins, Baltimore Orioles, Bowling teams, The Budweiser Delivery guy, just to name a few. So, what if I told you, the government could come and take away your prized autographed Dale Earnhardt Racing Jacket, because they had legally acquired the trademark or copyright because one of the members of Dale Earnhardt’s Pit crew was convicted of a crime. Well, it’s happening, right now in a court room in California. The Mongols MC is fighting the federal government to keep them from confiscating their copyright and trademark to their patch. In October 2008, as many as 80 members of the Southern California-based Mongol Motorcycle Club were arrested on federal charges of murder, attempted murder and assault, as well as gun and drug violations. As the result of a three year investigation, an operation titled “Black Rain” by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, produced 110 federal arrest warrants and 160 search warrants were served across SO-Cal, Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, Washington and Ohio. The ATF and U.S. Attorney’s Office held a news conference in Los Angeles, and in an obvious show of antagonism towards the Mongol MC, they lined a downtown street with several dozen confiscated motorcycles decked with Mongols cuts. “This may be the biggest, most significant bust we’ve ever made,” said ATF National Acting Director Michael Sullivan. “This shows how violent this gang was. I say this, because we’ve taken down this operation from top to bottom. This has more than disrupted this gang -- we’ve put a stake through the heart of the Mongols.” Ultimately, everyone named in the 2008 Black Rain indictment pleaded guilty and received sentences ranging from a couple of months to dozens of years in federal prison. As part of his plea deal, former club president Ruben “Doc” Cavazos both claimed ownership of the Mongols name and insignia and agreed to forfeit those to the government. Legally, Cavazos never owned the


Mongols trademarks. But by lying to Judge Cooper, prosecutors obtained an order from her that prevented the transfer or sale of those marks. Cooper later explained that the intent of her order was simply to freeze the assets of a racketeering defendant. But prosecutors interpreted Cooper’s order to authorize the seizure of Mongols items like bandannas, calendars tee shirts, and patches from innocent people. When she realized how her order had been misconstrued she was furious. And in July 2009, the late Judge Cooper wrote: “At the June 22 hearing the Government revealed for the first time that the mark it sought to forfeit was a collective membership mark. Previously, the Government referred to the mark simply as a trademark, which was ‘purportedly for use in commerce in connection with promoting the interests of persons interested in the recreation of riding motorcycles.’ In contrast to commercial trademarks, which are used in commerce and generally not entitled to full First Amendment protections, collective membership marks are used by members of an organization to ‘indicate membership in a union, an association, or other organization.’ The use and display of collective membership marks therefore directly implicate the First Amendment’s right to freedom of association.” “The Supreme Court has recognized that ‘implicit in the right to engage in activities protected by the First Amendment’ is ‘a corresponding right to associate with others in pursuit of a wide variety of political, social, economic, educational, religious, and cultural ends.’ This right is crucial in preventing the majority from imposing its views on groups that would rather express other, perhaps unpopular, ideas.’ Furthermore, clothing identifying one’s association with an organization is generally considered expressive conduct entitled to First Amendment protection. If speech is noncommercial in nature, it is entitled to full First Amendment protection, which prohibits the prior restraint and seizure of speechrelated materials without a judicial determination that the speech is harmful, unprotected, or otherwise illegal.” “Prohibiting speech of this nature constitutes an attack on a particular viewpoint. In a similar case the Carson City courthouse enacted a rule to prohibit admission of those with ‘clothing, attire or colors which have symbols, markings or words indicating an affiliation with street gangs, biker or similar organizations,’ because ‘such clothing or attire can be extremely disruptive and



intimidating, especially when members of different groups are in the building at the same time.’ The Ninth Circuit reasoned that the rule singles out bikers and similar organizations for the message their clothing is presumed to convey, and held that the rule impermissibly discriminates against a particular point of view – the view of biker clubs as opposed to garden clubs and gun clubs. In this case, the Government targets an even narrower group of individuals, a single motorcycle club. In addition, the Government has been seizing property, which imposes a greater restriction on individual rights than the denial of access to a public facility. Accordingly, the seizure of property bearing a Mongols membership mark should be considered viewpoint-discriminatory. The Government’s ability to seize property bearing the trademark acts as a prior restraint and cannot stand without a judicial determination that the speech is harmful, unprotected, or otherwise illegal. No such determination was ever sought by the Government, and no such determination was ever made by the Court.” To sum up, she was admonishing the federal prosecutor for misrepresenting the facts behind what the patch was, and how it was presented to her. She reversed here position and allowed the transfer and/or sale of the logo’s and patches. In October 2013, Armed with a 44-page grand jury indictment against the Mongols Nation, LLC, detailing murders, attempted murders, drug deals, and deviant sex acts. The Federal Government is again attempting to win control and the legal right of their well-known trademark. The fate of the Patch now rests in the courtroom of Federal Judge Otis Wright, with a court date set for September 2014. I understand what you may think, “That’s the Mongols MC, what do I care?” You’re right, why should you care? I mean, it’s not like you would allow yourself to be associated with “a bunch of non-law-abiding citizens.” But before you make up your mind, let’s consider this hypothetical case: a member of any prominent church denomination embezzled money from the congregation, or (insert federal crime here). Does that mean that the whole denomination should be destroyed by taking away their logo and not allowing them to worship together? How about this hypothetical situation, over the past three years, several members of your favorite sport team or league, have committed or been accused of committing a federal crime. Should we shut down the entire league? After all, if one is guilty, then all must be guilty right? Has it dawned on you yet, that this is the first time you’ve


heard about this case. Why isn’t this getting any national coverage on the news or on any of the popular news websites or even on social media? It’s because it’s a Motorcycle Club! And as far as anyone is concerned, who cares right? Well, this case will set a precedence. Not just in the Motorcycle community, but across the country. Once this box is opened it will be difficult, damn near impossible to close. There is a reason the federal prosecutors have picked this case to sink nearly half a million dollars into winning. Because in the court of public opinion, the Mongols MC is nothing more than a biker gang. Do you think you would have heard about this if the case was against a national boys club, where the boys are rewarded with patches for accomplishing tasks, and where several club leaders have been prosecuted and convicted of federal crimes? There would be an update in the first eight minutes of every nightly news cast. Do I have your attention yet? There was a rally this past July, at the VFW Post 467 in Westminster Maryland. The turn-out was impressive, over 50 different clubs showed up to support The Save the Patch campaign. Some of us met at The Woodstock Inn, and rode in together. We got a little wet, and then a little wetter, and at some point I think I saw a fish. It was all good, not one rider peeled off or dropped out of line, and more importantly, not one rider had to be picked up. We showed up at the VFW with a roar of solidarity! The VFW treated us to a genuine backyard cook-out complete with food from the grille and cold drinks. There were several speakers throughout the day, from the National and Local COC, several representatives from local MC’s and the Maryland chapter of Abate. The message was clear, it’s not just the COC or NCOM or Abate that makes everything happen; it’s the riders that make this happen and makes us strong, and fight for what we believe in. If the federal prosecutors are successful in their effort to mutilate the first amendment, who’s next? By – Mike “Bighead” Abbott Special thanks to the following people – Richard Lester – Founder of NCOM and COC - “The most important issue concerning patch holders in the whole country! It will affect EVERY patch from Christian Riders to the 1% Clubs!” Joseph Lester – Executive Director, AID to Injured Motorcyclists “Boar” – Liaison to all COC “Doc” Reichenbach – Chairman of NCOM Mitchell Greenberg – Attorney for Maryland COC - “We are fighting for the rights of EVERY motorcyclists”



HOW TO GET INVOLVED If you want to be involved, here are three great ways to stay informed: Maryland COC - The Maryland Confederation of Clubs (MD COC) is a unified group of Motorcycle Clubs (MC’s) advocating on behalf of biker rights with an overall goal to protect our biker lifestyle and eliminate discrimination. They have monthly meetings to increase communication between clubs and tackle pending issues facing MC’s and individual members in hopes of finding solutions. They address legislation affecting the motorcycle community and discuss methods to educate lawmakers and increase awareness within federal, state and local governments. Their members proudly demonstrate a brotherhood and sisterhood and share the same vision for the future. The MD COC is also a member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). As a united voice together we can create and maintain an environment where all bikers can enjoy the freedoms that belong to us constitutionally and protect our right to ride. All MC’s are welcome. NCOM - - An organization recognized internationally in the fight for biker rights. Abate of Maryland – the largest association of motorcycle riders in Maryland, whose members have joined together to advocate training as the foremost means of reducing accidents and injury, to put an end to discriminatory legislation, to communicate via newsletter, to explore ways to improve the overall motorcycling experience in Maryland, and to provide for and assure a continuing freedom and affordability of motorcycling. 6



United we stand. This Saturday, July 12th, was proof of that. This was the Coalition of Clubs first major event and wow did it turn out fantastic. Because of the hard work of the coalition and the committee formed to turn out this event, I am sure there were at least 400 people there. Over 30 clubs represented from across the state. Even clubs from out of state. The VFW post 467 in Westminster couldn’t have been better to us. They provided the food and alcohol and did a fine job considering the huge amount of people who came out. A huge thank you to them. This is a fine example of what can happen when bikers have had enough and decide to unite as one to stand up for their rights. I am so very proud to have been a part of this history making event. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the COC. I had several people come up to me and ask me why this is happening now and it never happened in the past. Personally, I think it is because of what is happening in the world and across our country. Our rights in general are being impinged upon and removed from us as citizens stand by and do nothing to stop it. Bikers have never been ones to just stand by and watch. I think with the way of the world now, bikers are fed up. We have had enough. It is time to stand as one and take care of business. This event proved just how powerful we can be if every biker in the country stands together. If we can come together in such short notice and put on such a powerful event, just think what we can do with time. We have all agreed that we are now on the same page and will stand up as one united team to battle our issues such as profiling and motorcycle only checkpoints. I see great things to happen in the future. I am so very proud to be a biker. I am proud to work with such wonderful clubs. Of course with all positive there comes negative. I have had people criticize me for working with the clubs. People who I thought were on our side. People who stood on the sidelines and waited for the clubs to come to us instead of reaching out to them. I am happy that I have a great relationship with clubs around the country and will never apologize for it. It is the best thing ABATE of Maryland has done in a long time. We are a motorcycle rights organization and that is what we do. We defend all motorcyclists. Including clubs. No matter what type of club. It makes no difference. Great things are about to happen. Michelle Holcomb Executive Director ABATE of Maryland, Inc. SEPTEMBER 2014





While attending this rally, we asked the following question: What is your thoughts with what is going on across the country concerning the Save the Patch campaign? “I firmly believe that the constitution should be upheld for bikers as well. This is a great thing we are doing today and I feel more people should get involved.” – “Gotti” President AZRAELS MC “I think it is a very slippery and dangerous slope. The most important thing that I would want to stress to anyone out there that rides a bike or belongs to any organization even outside of riding motorcycles is that you’re in danger. The danger is not what you think; so you’re a Christian group, Boy Scout, or what have you. The danger is you have an identity and a uniform the represents identity. What can potentially happen if you look at the big picture is bad. It’s the government restricting free speech in a way, and groups identifying. Nothing to do with groups taking up arms, just a simple fact that you have a club, group, or brotherhood that you identify with. To have the government be able to say that is not ok or is now Illegal needs to have everyone open there eyes to what is going on in this country. I don’t care who you are, where you come from, or even what color you are. Open your eyes and get involved! Otherwise, one day you’re going to be looking back saying “I had the chance to do something but now all I can do is where this black fucking t-shirt.” – “Seven” President LEGION MC “I think it is ludicrous quite frankly. We are a group, we are a lot of groups that all band together. We symbolize our brotherhood through our patches, and while we ride together there is absolutely no legal reason why we can’t were what we want to show our brotherhood.” – “T” with MC V(Five) “Honestly it is a very serious issue, because we are talking about 1st amendment and 4th amendment violations. The 1st amendment violation is freedom of expression, and freedom to associate. The 4th amendment violation is freedom from illegal


search and seizure. What they are doing with patched clubs is illegally seizing a freedom of expression. It is the same as seizing and individuals American Flag, seizing an individual’s confederate flag, or seizing any of that individual’s property without going through the due process that is established by the constitution of the United States. I am here representing Martyr Brigade VMC out of Hagerstown, MD, we are all veterans, and we are all combat veterans. All of us have served in combat against a foreign enemy were our commander and chief ordered us into hostile situation to defend the security of the United States of America, and it’s the same here. We are defending the Constitution of the United States of American for freedom of speech, freedom to associate, and freedom of expression. By wearing our patches and doing whatever we may, regardless of if we ride motorcycles or drive Subaru’s. For today, that is the purpose of this gathering of the C.O.C.” – “Tacklebarry” Martyr Brigade VMC “We are all in this together. Its fight now or forever hold your piece. It’s all about unity, all of us patch holders getting together to fight for our rights. Before they are taken away from us by our federal government.” – Surly Wenches MC “Came out to this event today to show that everybody’s in unity, all bikers across the country, different patch members, we’re all having a good time. What’s going on with the “Patch Law” is Bazar! I think the politicians should stay out of the biker life, let them ride first. Get them on a bike, Patch them, let them ride, let them find out who and how we are. It’s crazy the way the government is sticking their face in the biker world. When there are too many other things, a whole lot of other things, they need to focus on.” –“Teeter” President Archangel Riders “We are just pleased to be a part of this! What we realized a long time ago is collectively we could do more good, than we can do individually.” –“Flash” with Warfighters MC



Why does Bad things happen to Good People? Why do bad things happen to good people that have been the Question for Centuries? Can God stop all the bad things in this world from happening, and when the bad happens does it mean he doesn’t care? Why do babies and Children suffer, why does God allow bad things to happen to the innocent? To answer the questions means we have to understand the Character and the Nature of God, that’s hard to do to try to understand things that are unseen. But we have to look at Gods Book, the Book of life that has all of life’s instructions in it all the answers to life and death and the whys. Psalm 33:4 ... For the word of The Lord holds true and we can trust everything he does. We here on Earth and being a believer in Christ Jesus you have to have the Faith that God will see you though your difficult times. And with this, Galatians 3:11 The RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.

himself. Matthew 4:1-11... For forty days and forty nights Jesus fasted and he became very hungry, we today can’t go 24 hours without complaining that we are hungry. And the devil said “If you are the son of God, command that these stones become bread.” Three times the devil tried to tempt The Lord so don’t think that we here today don’t still get tempted at our weakest point so I say this to you. When you see bad things happen all around you pray to our Lord and have the faith in Him alone to get you thought it. There is power in prayer and I know this from my own person relationship with Jesus Christ. I leave you reader with this, Cry out to Jesus make him your first Love and the bad things that happen you will have a better understanding. I pray Lord that this helps even if it’s only one person to better understand why bad things happen to good people. ... God Bless every reader in Jesus name Amen.

Being a Christian doesn’t mean we have all the answers to all our problems but it does mean we give our problem to God and he helps us get pass our troubled times. And have I answered the question, why do bad things happen to good people? Sometimes we have to stop and ask ourselves this question but you have to have the faith that God has ALL THINGS under control. If you look even Jesus was tempted by the devil

North Central WV Bikers For Christ


Rushing Wind Church 26 B street Spelter WV 26438 304-624-4777





his month’s cigar up for review has been out for a while, but has an interesting story. The Obsidian was released about five years ago and upon its release no blender or manufacturer information was divulged. This was a pretty smart move by Abe Flores and his main product line Pinar Del Rio, driving interest through somewhat of a mystery. This cigar is constructed with tobaccos from four different countries, the most notable being of course the Brazilian Habano Ligero wrapper. This wrapper leaf gives the cigar an oily appearance with medium veins. The binder is a ’98 Criollo stuffed with Cuban seed long fillers from both the Dominican and Nicaragua providing a full body. The size I have selected to review is the Belicoso, a torpedo shape that weighs in at 6.2”x 52. The cigar has a deep brown wrapper with a large foot band that is simply black with Obsidian


in white lettering. The aroma that exudes from this great smoke is delightful and sophisticated. The Obsidian has a tight but ample draw once cut. From the first light, the cigar has a thick almost chewy pull that is peppery with notes of cedar and some deep earthy undertones. As you smoke down the Obsidian it gives off some hints of coffee and a creamy smooth body. This cigar has flavor changes throughout the length making it both complex and enjoyable the entire time it is lit. By the end of your 45 minute to an hour smoke, the cigar starts to give you a spicy finish with pepper notes. All in all I have to say that the obsidian is a great cigar especially at its price point ($6.00 to $9.00 depending on size/shape). With its complexity, great construction, smooth burn and of course the price point; this cigar should find a nice home in your humidor as it certainly does in mine.



Things That Make You Go WTF? WHY? do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front? WHY do people order double, bacon cheeseburgers, large fries, and a Diet Coke? WHY do banks leave mammoth vault doors wide open and then chain the pens to the counters? WHY do we always take a dump, then stand up and turn around and scope it out? WHY do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage? WHY do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight? WHY do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering for the driver? WHY the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? WHY can’t most women put on mascara with their mouth cl osed? WHY don’t you ever see the headline; ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’? WHY is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word? WHY is it that doctors call what they do ‘practice’? WHY is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? WHY is the man who invests all your money called a broker? WHY is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? WHY isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food? WHY didn’t Noah swat those damn, last two mosquitoes? WHY do they sterilize the needle and the arm for lethal injections? You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? WHY don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff? WHY don’t sheep shrink when it rains? WHY are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? WHY if con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress? WHY if flying is supposedly so safe, do they call the airport “the Terminal”? WHY in a 3,000 sq. ft. home, if there’s one fly in the entire house, it’s buzzing around you throughout the entire day? WHY don’t men just comprehend if they simply say, “you’re right babe, no problem”....the quality of their life would literally improve by 99.9%? And the world would be a more tranquil place for us all. THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE WEST VIRGINIA

A man said to his wife one day, ‘I don’t know how you can be so stupid and beautiful all at the same time. ‘The wife responded, ‘Allow me to explain. God made me (beautiful) so you would be attracted to me; ( and then ) God in his infinite wisdom, made me (stupid as you put it) so I would be attracted to the likes of you !

I went fishing this morning, but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a Cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait. Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket. Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. His eyes rolled back, and he went totally limp. I released him back into the lake, safe and sound and carried on with my fishing. A little later, I felt a thump on the side of the boat. There was that same damn snake with two frogs in his big mouth! A couple rode their bike down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of jackasses, goats, and pigs, the husband asked in a blatantly dry sarcastic manner, ‘Relatives of yours?” ‘Yep,’ the wife replied, without skipping a beat, ‘That would be my In-Laws”.




Sippin Shine with Hillbilly And his Special Guests Chris and Donnie Davisson of the Davisson Brothers Band

The best part of writing this column is the people I get to meet. I have been blessed to meet and hang out with some of my favorite people. It seemed like I would never get the chance to hang with the Davisson Brothers Band. They are always on the go around the state. Our paths have crossed many times but it was usually in passing and we would say hello and promise to catch up with each other soon. I have to say most of you know how much I love the Marshall Tucker Band. I have listened to them forever and think it’s a crime they are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. If you went out to my truck or my bike and pushed eject on the CD player a Davisson Brothers Band CD would come out of the slot. My cousin sat me down in his garage one night while we sipped some shine and listened to this WV band that he said that I was going to like. That was the only time I can remember my cousin lying to me. I can’t put into words how much I love this band. I can’t put into words how much I enjoy their music and live shows. My wife doesn’t like many things about WV (including me) but she loves the Davisson Brothers band. She can’t figure out why they aren’t more famous than what they are now. I told her Be Quiet! They are one of the reasons that WV is Almost Heaven. I don’t mind keeping them just for us in WV. I know word is out and they are headed for the big time. They deserve it. They have worked so hard for it. I got the chance to sit down on the porch and sip some shine with Chris and Donnie and this is that conversation. HB-Do you guys ride motorcycles? CD-We grew up riding bikes our whole lives. We have some friends and family members that have rebuilt old HD panheads and we grew up riding on them. We would use them all the time. We have several bikes willed to us. We ride as much as we can. Our bass player that is one of his only vehicles he rides it year round. We like riding those old panheads. Unfortunately we are on the road about 300 days a year and with WV weather that doesn’t leave much riding time. HB- You have so many irons in the fire right now. I don’t know how you do it. You have the concerts, writing, trips to Nashville, the new bar with Owen Schmitt in Morgantown and now I keep hearing about this TV show. Tell me a little about that if you can. DD-We have been filming about the last 6 or 7 months. It’s awesome and everything is real. They are filming our everyday life the things we have been doing everyday of our 12

lives since we were little kids. Running around playing music, hunting and fishing, our families, and the lifestyle that we live it’s really been a fun time and we’ve gotten to do some cool stuff. We are just doing everything that we always do. That’s the most fun of the whole thing I think. HB- This is the kind of thing that could make you guys rich. What do you think about that? CD- I don’t know about all that but it certainly could help. It’s gonna be a cable TV program about The Davisson Brothers Band called Davisson Proud. HB- You guys know that I’m a huge fan of your music. I even have Big City Hillbilly tattooed on my arm. I can’t figure out how you stay so busy and do so many shows. We do a lot of stuff riding for the magazine but I get tired just looking at your schedule. Your doing two shows today. How do you keep up this pace? CD- We are doing 28 shows in the next 30 days. DD- We have done that our whole life. It comes naturally to us. I will tell you it was a hell of a lot easier when I was a little younger. Sometimes we will do 3 or 4 shows in the same day. Last summer we did 4 shows in 4 different states on a Saturday. We believe the harder you work it will pay off someday. Everyone thinks when we get to that next level we will really be busy. I think it will be easier or just the same and we have kind of prepared ourselves for the big leagues. Hopefully we get there. HB- It does blow me away how many things you have going on. I can’t even get on Facebook without you guys popping up all over the place. Your headed to MD this fall and you are going to play at OC Bike Fest. Is this the way you guys planned it out. Keep spreading your music to new places? CD- Yes, we keep trying to get on bigger stages and playing with bigger artists. It’s like the old song about the family circle. We keep making the circle a little bigger hoping to make that next level. HB- Sometimes I wonder about WV artists and worry that they might just be labeled as WV artists. Does that label worry you? DD- We will always stay true to our roots West Virginia is our home and there is no place like West Virginia. This is the greatest place in the world. CD- We take pride in being from WV and we have a fan base outside of WV. We are going to stay on the track we are on and we are gonna hit Country radio with a single real soon and a video on CMT and we have the TV show. We are gonna attack it from every angle and see what happens.



HB- What is the single coming out? CD- We have not picked which one it will be yet. We have it down to two songs and that’s really all I can say about it now. HB- Ok but you gotta tell me when it comes time to announce it. I think the Thunder Roads WV readers deserve to know first. How bout you? CD- I agree we will let you know when it’s ok to post it. We would love to come back and do a feature when it all comes together. HB- That sounds great. I’m looking forward to September and the OC BikeFest and the chance to hang out with you guys. DD- We are too. We love going to the beach and fishing and playing to big crowds like that. HB- Where is this wild ride your on headed to in the future? CD- We just signed a record deal with the William Morris agency. We are hoping for bigger and better things for us and our families. We are family people and we want to make their lives better as well like everybody else. Our Dad is the backbone


and teacher to all of us and he has been in the musicians union this will make things better for all of us. HB- Now when you guys hit it big you’re not leaving WV are you? CD- NO. We have made that clear on these trips to Nashville and stuff that we have no intentions to leave WV. HB-We didn’t talk about Owen Schmitt’s bar and grill and the Davisson Brothers Music Hall. How are things going there? DD- Things are going real good there. Good food and family atmosphere. The entertainment has been great with all the acts that have come to play so far. We are getting a lot of the new national acts and it really is doing better than we ever imagined. Hopefully it continues to grow and we try to make it in there to play at least once a month. I don’t have to tell most of you what a treasure The Davisson Brothers Band is and will continue to be. I’m glad we all can catch them all over WV and enjoy their music. I don’t know of a band that deserves to make it big more than these guys do. It’s funny every time I turn someone on to their music it never fails they come back saying I love those guys. I’m excited that the MD readers will get the chance to see what all the fuss is about at OC Bike Fest in Sept. Keep checking back with Thunder Roads Magazine MD, DE, and DC to find out all things DBB at Bike fest. It was a great party with the DBB as it always is and I’m sorry you missed it if you weren’t there. Well it’s about time to light up a Jaxsin Cigar and sip of the blessed shine. Remember to drink and share with your friends. Always lose the lid and hold on tight. I always save a little for the Big Dog. God Bless you all til next time. Sometimes you just gotta let Horses Be Horses! – Hillbilly









K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee i have chosen this name for our monthly recipe page, as that was what my mother, rest her soul, always used to say when I would assist her in the kitchen. mom was an avid supporter of the kiss (keep it simple sweetie) method of cooking. i now, more than ever, truely appreciate her philosophy of always taking shortcuts where you can, as long as your ultimate outcome is that of down home, labor of love cooking.

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office. This Month’s K.I.S.S. is dedicated to the: BIKES, BLUES, & BBQ RALLY IN FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS - SEPT. 24th - 27th Owner/Promoter: Joe Giles & Phenomenal Staff Since there IS a rally that’s all about the “Q”, these are just a few fave recipes of side-dishes you must have to accompany a great ‘Q”. Eat Up! CRISPY, CRUNCHY, CREAMY BACON COLESLAW * Prepare in a chilled ceramic or glass bowl. 1 Large Bag of Pre-Shredded Coleslaw 3/4 Jar of Cubed Dill Pickle (I use Dill for tartness, if you prefer Sweet Dill, then have at it) 1 Lb. of Hickory-Smoked Bacon; fried crisp, drained and rough chopped 1 Medium Purple Onion; small, precise chop In a Large Mason Jar, fill it with: 1 tsp. of Apple Cider Vinegar (more for more twang) 1 Cup of Real Mayo 1 Cup of Miracle Whip 1 Cup of Half & Half 1 Tbls. of Lime Juice 1 Tbls. of Lemon Pepper dry spice 1 Heaping Tbls. of Sugar 1 tsp. of Smoked Paprika Put top on Mason jar and shake it up baby! Shake until all mayo is fully incorporated and no lumps. Kinda’ frothy. Throw your Dill picles on top of shredded coleslaw, toss your hard chop bacon in, salt & pepper to taste, now pour your creamy mixture all over and around and with super clean hands; just get on in there and toss it around gently until everything is well mixed and well coated. Take a forkful and taste-test. Decide for yourself what else is needed. Maybe a little more sugar, maybe more cider vinegar. You’re your best critic, your call. Cover immediately and very tightly with Press N’ Seal. Note* I prepare this 1/2 hour prior to serving as your coleslaw mix is already cold, along with your chilled bowl and mayo. You want the mix to be fresh & crunchy, including the bacon to still have freshness and nothing to be mushy. I have made this the same way since I was 15 y.o. and always get raves on. It’s a guaranteed winner! Next month I’ll give you my Award Winning Tuna Salad recipe. I have literally perfected it since age 13 and baby, MaMa Thunder got that chit down. Next month.....Promise. K.I.S.S. Tip: Unless you’re a cook who prepares fresh dishes almost every day, it’s o.k. to use bottled juices or dry spices. No shame. When you use dry spices though, be sure and dump them in your palm and rub your palms together over the bowl or skillet. Kinda’ perks them up and brings back the original flayva.


BAKED BEANS & SPICY ITALIAN SAUSAGE 2 Large Cans of your favorite BUSH’s Baked Beans (I’ve lived all over this great U.S.A. and have never found a major grocery store without the Bush’s brand) (I like the Country-Style, but to each their own) 1 Pack of Spicy Italian Sausage (usually 6 to a pkg) 2 Small Cans of Green Chilies Pour your favorite brand of 2 cans of Bush’s Beans into a glass or ceramic baking dish. Add your 2 cans of Green Chilies and stir up good. Fry up your Italian Sausage links until they’re really golden brown and caramelized on all sides around. Move to a plate so that all the juices aren’t absorbed up in a paper towel. Let cool to the touch and then slice up in 1/4 inch pieces. Sprinkle all over your beans, add salt & pepper, garlic, smoked paprika and stir until completely incorporated. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve hot! Super Taste! MACCARONI & CHEESE & CHORIZO (Spicy Hot Mexican Sausage) Get the Family Size box of Kraft Maccaroni & Cheese and follow the same recipe above as far as prep and baking goes.Delete chilies if want as Chorizo itself is hot & spicy. Make up your Mac n’ Cheese; be sure and add 2 heaping Tbls. of quality margarine in a big bowl & a dash of milk. Pour into glass baking dish with sliced Chorizo. Sprinkle Panko bread crumbs all over the top, press down, then spray w/ a canned butter spray all over. Bake as above until golden. CINNAMON COUNTRY FRIED APPLES 2 Cans of Apple Pie Filling - Do Not Buy cans of sliced apples in canned fruit aisle. Get Pie Filling from Baking aisle. If you’re not a big apples fan, then get Peach Pie Filling. Fried Peaches and “Q” are good together also. Take a large, non-stick, quality skillet and add 2 big dollops of real butter to the skillet, on medium heat and let it melt down and get what’s called “brown butter”. Add your 2 cans of pie filling and sprinkle your cinnamon all over generously. Let them just sit for a bit and get a good caramelization on them. Then, take a fork and flip individually and stir around gently, sprinkle with cinnamon again, stir around gently as you don’t want the thick filling to get gummy or too sticky. Once they’re carmelized on the other side then just remove to a warmed platter from the oven if not going to serve them right away then keep platter in the oven, set on 250 degrees. These are so easy to make and taste like you took all day peeling and coring apples. Hey, it’s called K.I.S.S. for a reason. Why do all that fuss and muss when there’s plenty of ways to keep it simple but still come out with that fantastic taste of down home cooking. BIKERS, ENJOY BIKES, BLUES & BBQ RALLY! If camping out, whip up some sides. Blessings.









Mountainfest 2014 W

hat a way to end Mountainfest 2014. Thunder and Lightning and an Old Testament style rain storm. I’m sure Noah didn’t deal with that kind of rain like we experienced on Saturday night. I don’t think anyone was expecting those kinds of fireworks for an ending either. Things kicked off on Thursday at Triple S and at Mylan Park around noon. If you like good music this was THE place to be. There was music everywhere. Triple S had their stage rocking each day with groups from all genres of music. From Bad Mother Trucker to Jamiah on Fire and the Red Machine, Ashley McMillen, Kashmir, Hillbilly Gypsies, Big Engine, and the Marshall Lowry Band, you can’t turn around without hearing some good music. Some of these same bands played at Mylan Park as well. On Thursday Jackyl began the big name bands for the week and threw down a killer set. I honestly can’t remember hearing this band play any better. Friday was no different with Uncle Ted Nugent playing like never before. Was like he was in a contest with Jackyl on who set could be better. I know that Big and


Rich and Cowboy Troy were getting ready to follow suit until the sky opened up on us all. I would have to say it was a real classy thing for them to do by going to the Coal Bucket Saloon and perform an acoustic set. This is a credit to the spirit of Mountainfest and all of us that attend. None of the acts wanted to leave; they love playing here. Thunder Roads Magazine WV were proud to treat everyone to the Girls of Thunder Model search at Mylan Park sponsored by Kegler’s Sports Bar on Friday and also hosted by Kegler’s Sports Bar on Saturday night. The party at Kegler’s was excellent. Great food ,cold beer, and a lot of Hot Women. From the Staff to the International Bikini Team. They were everywhere. The crowd was great as we handed out some stress relieving devices, that defiantly got the crowd ready for the contest. We have to be sure to congratulate the winner of the 2014 Girls of Thunder Model Search Becca, who has earned her spot in the Miss Buffalo Chip competition being held next year during the 75th Anniversary of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The girls from the International Bikini Team also spent the day



helping remove all the dirt and grime from several bikes during their Bikini Bike Wash held at the Triple S dealership on Saturday. Some key features of the event has got to be the Vendors. The was everything from the motorcycle world and beyond here for you to buy. Hungry? No problem there was a slew of food vendors for you to check out as well. From gourmet cuisine from The Rolling Stove to deep fried pickles from our new buddy Pickle Pete’s. Thursday morning also offered a new feature that we were glad to see a number of people participated in. Country Roads Tour, led by the local Hogs and Heroes Foundation and supported be several other local clubs and organizations. The ride took you on a all day tour of the wild and wonderful WV back roads and scenery. We also continued...




have to mention the crew from the Wall of Death and Swoop Productions Motorcycle Stunt Team. Both shows were great and had a lot of people at each show. It was also great to see all the bikes roll in for the 14th Annual Cycle Source Magazine Ride-In & Custom Bike Show. Congratulations to all of the winners and Thanks to Cycle Source Magazine for putting on the show. No Mountainfest would be complete without mentioning The Coal Bucket Saloon. Bad Mother Trucker and the Bastard Bearded Irishmen were the entertainment for the week. Coal Bucket Saloon has never failed at keeping the party going to the wee hours of the morning and this year would be no different. We always have a great time at MountainFest and this year was no exception. Even with Mother Nature dealing us a big blow on the last night you couldn’t keep our enthusiasm down. It’s nice to have such a first class bike rally in our state. Thanks to the Mountainfest group and all that attended the event. Let the countdown begin until Mountainfest 2015!!! Til Next Year, Hillbilly







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Delmarva Bike Week Thursday, September 11, 2014 - Sunday, September 14, 2014 With multiple venues throughout, this event has something for everyone including contests, raffles, rides, bike show, music, poker run and much more! Winter Place Park Arthur W Perdue Stadium Seacrets in Ocean City Harley-Davidson of Seaford

MARYLAND 3rd annual 9/11 Patriot Day Ride Saturday September 6th Starts at: Chesapeake Harley Davidson in Darlington MD Registration begins at 8am, followed by 6 moments of silence Fees are $15.00 for driver and $10 for passenger $15.00 for passenger vehicles KSUP at 10:45am Ends at McAvoy’s in Parkville, MD eta 11:30am All riders, bikes, clubs and non-riders are welcome This ride is to keep our promise to Never Forget 9/11, remember the lives that were lost that tragic day and honor those who went off to fight in the war on terror and the sacrifices they have made. This year we are proud to be partnering with the Catch A Lift Fund, who supports our returning war vets with free gym memberships as a way to rebuild the mind, body and spirit. Catch A Lift was founded in 2011 in honor of Cpl. Chris Coffland who was killed in 2009 while protecting our freedom in Afghanistan. When Chris was headed to the gym he would say that he was going to “Catch A Lift”. The proceeds from this year’s events benefit the Flight 93 National Memorial and Catch A Lift Fund. Riders will ride through the “Path of Honor” which will be created on Friday September 5th along Putty Hill Ave in Parkville. The “Path” is 2,977 American flags, each represents one life lost on 9/11. The “Path” stretches over a ¼ mile on both sides of the road from Old Harford to Harford Rd. Volunteers are welcome to join us on Friday beginning at 7:30am to create the “Path”. Each flag placed is one life remembered. 2nd Annual Bikers Razin’ Hell Against Heroin Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM More Details to Come!! Starting - Jackman Custom Cycles 1539 Tilco Dr #103 Frederick, Maryland 21704 Ending Venue - Buckeystown Pub 6803 Michaels Mill Rd., Buckeystown, Maryland 21717 So Far: Confirmed Music - More to Come!!! EVERY MOTHERS SON - Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Ever Rise Poverty Ridge JR Country Crack-N-Bush No Shame If you would like to make a donation: Please make checks payable to: Bikers Against Heroin 7820B Wormans Mill Road # 195 Frederick, MD 21701 For anyone who would like to join us and needs overnight accommodations - there are hotels within 5 miles of the ending venue.


attracts 150,000+ motorcycling enthusiasts to the area – OC BikeFest raises the bar and brings those bikers down to the beach to enjoy a gated event with concerts, stunt shows, custom bike builders, national motorcycle vendors, shops, rides, and the fabulous bars and restaurants of Ocean City.

2nd Annual Aids Benefit Ride - Hosted by Unbreakable Mc Saturday, September 6, 2014 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Aids Delaware benefit ride covering 60 miles of scenic roads in Kent & Sussex County with 100% of the proceeds going to the Delaware Aids Foundation. For more info please visit When: 9/6/14 Where: Starting at Rommel HD in Smyrna, De. 450 Stadium Street Smyrna, De 19977 Ending at Bargain Bill’s Market Place in Laurel, De. 10912 County Seat Highway Laurel, De 19956 Time: 10am Registration begins. 12pm kick stands up. 2pm Estimated time of arrival in Laurel Cost: $20 for riders, $10 for passengers For more info please call 302-448-0680 (D-Bo) or 302245-5005 (Tank) Emergency Services Appreciation Day September 6th 10am-3pm Brought to you by the Nam Knights and Battley Cycles. A great day for kids as we will have fire trucks, a moon bounce and free food. A police motorcycle rodeo tops the day as officers from around the region compete and show off their skills. Renegade Classics Edgewater 2014 Open House Sunday, September 7th 11am-4pm 3180 Solomons Island Road, Edgewater, MD Live Music by Jacked UP Vendors, Food, and Raffles Sammy’s Ride for Life & HGR Tour A Day to Ride and Rock September 7th, 9AM-9PM Registration @ Renegade Classics –Pulaski Hwy 9:0011:30am Kickstands up @ 12PM Ride to SPARTA Inn – 1:00PM Acoustic Acts 1-2:00PM Rock Starts at 2:00PM Bands include – Caught Redhanded, Chatterbox, Not Dead Yet, Low Class Trash, Native Grave, Analog. Open to all ages $20 Riders, $10 Passengers (Free T-shirt to first 75) Non riders are Welcome too! $10 Donation at the Door. Contact Bill “LAZ” Lasley – 443-910-3376 Dealer Dinner Ride September 10th Join us as we ride under the full moon (or close to it) on the back roads of Montgomery (and neighboring) counties. The group takes an enjoyable ride and then stops for a bite to eat. We typically stop somewhere that you can spend about $10 for a meal. Afterwards, we head back to Gaithersburg. This ride is a dealer sponsored event and is open to all makes and models of bike, and all skill levels of riders. Gather at Battley Cycles at 6:30pm. Kickstands up at 7:00pm. 4th annual Spirits in the Night Candlelight Vigil Thursday September 11th at 2531 Putty Hill Ave in front of McAvoy’s beginning at 7pm. This year we will read the names of the 68 Marylanders who were killed on 9/11. Are all welcome. OC Bikefest Thursday, September 11, 2014 - Sunday, September 14, 2014 OC BikeFest is excited to bring you great music, entertainment & fun at the Inlet, at the Convention Center in Ocean City, MD this September 11-14. Jackyl, Travis Tritt, The Marshall tucker Band, and a surprise headliner on Saturday TBA, are all set to rock the Inlet. You can purchase discounted tickets online at until April 18th. In conjunction with the Delmarva Bike Rally, which SEPTEMBER 2014

3rd Annual POW/MIA Missing Man Run Friday, September 12, 2014 10:30 AM The POW/MIA Missing Man Run’s mission is to bring awareness to the need for correct identification of remains. Each year we will highlight a case in which there is a controversial finding. Ride with us to show your support of those who are still MIA and to call for a correct accounting of those missing. Funds raised through this ride will be used for American Legion Post 295’s Wounded Warrior Program and other community programs. Visit for financial information on our activities. The 2014 honoree is US Army Green Beret, Staff Sergeant Stephen Geist of Silver Spring, Maryland Mr Todd’s Wild Ride September 13th For experienced adventure riders only - Todd takes riders on an adventurous excursion on seldom travelled back roads. Dirt, gravel, a little mud, and 6 water crossings are highlights of the day’s riding. Breakfast at 9am at Battley Cycles, then kickstands up at 9:30am. Survivors are treated to lunch when they return to Battley’s around noon. A free Battley event, no registration required, just show up ready to ride! Fisher House / Desert Knights MC September 13th 12:00-6:00PM VFW Mason Dixon Post 7234 – 29265 Marshy Hope, Ocean View, DE. 19970 Beef, Chicken & Beer Benefit, DJ, Vendors, Raffle, Door Prizes. $10 at the Door Bigbake – Wrench – Baltimore/Washington, DC Ride for Kids Sunday, September 14, 2014 7:30 AM Riders on all makes and models are welcome to attend. The suggested minimum donation to ride is $40 per motorcycle. We encourage you to fundraise before the event to make a real difference to the kids. Online registration is open until noon Eastern on the Friday before the ride. Onsite registration opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 9 a.m. The escorted ride starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp, rain or shine! The ride will loop back to the start point. The more money you raise, the more incentive choices you have. Get a collectible T-shirt for as little as $100 per person, plus a Ride for Kids hat at the $300 level. Depending on how much more you collect, you’ll qualify for prizes at different levels. At the event, we draw for a new Honda motorcycle and other great prizes (must be present to win). All participants receive free beverages, a light breakfast and lunch. You’ll also get to meet your local Stars! Cruise for a Cause – Poker Run Benefiting Cancer Lifenet Saturday, September 27, 2014 8:00 AM COME RIDE WITH US! Start at Pete’s Cycle in Bel Air, visit highlighted stops throughout Harford County with the goal of obtaining the best poker hand along the way! End at the post-event celebration and awards ceremony on the campus of Univeristy of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air. Enjoy all of this while supporting a great cause.


VNV/LV 12th Annual Motorcycle Rodeo & Bike Show Sunday, October 5, 2014 11:00 AM Bike Show, Motorcycle Games, Vendors and More Family Friendly with Kids Games $10 per Adult - $5 w/Military ID - $5 Kids Proceeds benefit Delaware Veterans Coalition Annual Red Helmet Ride Saturday, October 11, 2014 2:00 PM The Police escorted ride to the National Fallen Fighters Memorial in Emmisburg, MD will leave at 3:30PM. This is a rain or shine ride – all will ride at your own risk. No registration is required, just ride and show your support to the families of the Fallen Firefighters. Again this year, there will be group leaving from the Anne Arundel County Fire and Rescue Hqts. in Millersville, MD (Veterans Hwy near Benfield Blvd). We will stage beginning at 12:00PM. Police escorted ride to the Walkersville VFD will leave at 1:00PM. ALL RIDERS PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING; WE RIDE IN A STAGGERED FORMATION WITH A TWO SECOND INTERVAL BETWEEN BIKES. WHEN WE ARRIVE AT THE MEMORIAL IN EMMITSBURG, PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR PARKING BY THE SECURITY PERSONNEL. Battley’s Oktoberfest Party October 11th Open to everyone, this is our official BMW Open House where we feature free bratwursts on the grill, Maria’s famous homemade sauerkraut, a live Oompa band, BMW girls, an all-BMW motorcycle show, and hourly prize giveaways. 11am to 3pm. Oktoberfest Poker Run Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:00 AM Food, Drink, Games, Pins, & Prizes Registration 10am till 12 noon Sign Up Early, Festivities Start at 1 PM $10single $15 double All Bikes Welcome Kundratic Motorcycles & Hot Rods Fall Swap Meet Sunday, October 12, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM BUY, SELL or SWAP! FREE Admission & FREE Parking Have you seen the Swap Meet video? Check it out here: ature=plcp The areas ONLY traditional old school swap meet with just motorcycle & hot rod parts. No jewelry & leather vendors, insurance agencies, crafts, peek-a-boo dolls….. none of the shit you usually just walk by! Tons of vendors will be buying, selling and swapping used parts, vintage parts, new parts, hard to find parts, fenders, tanks, frames, accessories, chrome, steel and everything in between! Pickup parts for your hot rod, rat rod, bagger, bobber, café racer, chopper or drag bike.

This isn’t just for Harley’s folks! Early Bird Registration $15 per 10x10 space. Waiting until the day of the swap it’s $20 per 10x10 space. This is a drizzle or shine event, remember to bring your popup tent. As always, it’s FREE to come and shop plus lots of FREE parking. Call us or stop by the shop to reserve your space today. 410.633.3113 Payments accepted: Visa/MC, Discover, AmEx, Cash 4th Annual Ridgely Pharmacy & Ice Cream Parlor Car and Motorcycle Show Sunday, October 19, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM It is the most action-packed Car Show on the Shore! The 4th Annual Ridgely Pharmacy Car & Motorcycle Show accepts all years, makes & models of cars, trucks and motorcycles in dozens of classes. There will be over 90 trophies, including some very unique trophies for specific classes, awarded on a judged basis. One lucky registered entry will win $500 in our raffle! “The King” Richard Petty will be appearing and signing autographs Proceeds from the show benefits The Petty Family Foundation, The Victory Junction Gang, Folds of Honor Foundation & Wounded Warrior Project! Howard County Swap Meet Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:00 AM THIS SWAPMEET IS HUGE! The Howard County Motorcycle Swapmeet has always been a motorcycle swapmeet that caters to bikers looking for parts and accessories, bikes and all things motorcycle related! Not just Harleys, find parts for vintage or late model motorcycles, American or foreign, a leather jacket or other accessories. People come here to buy, sell, trade, AND SAVE. The Howard County Swapmeet, “Where Friends Meet”. West Friendship, Maryland Apple Mountain Productions: By Bikers, For Bikers! Doin’ it Ol’ Skool! Timonium Motorcycle Show Friday, February 6, 2015 Sunday, February 8, 2015 Every foreign and domestic motorcycle manufacturer available in USA on display 100’s of exhibits covering everything in motorcycling... Huge Custom and Antique Bike Show... Entertainment and Celebrities... New Swap Meet Building dedicated to Garage Built Cafe Racers, Choppers, Drag Bikes & Motorcycle Art After Party and a Whole Lot More...

WEST VIRGINIA Detective Chuck Smith Memorial Ride Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM This event is an annual memorial ride to remember detective chuck smith who was a Beckley police officer. chuck was an undercover drug officer and was shot and killed. pre-registration $15.00 a bike with passenger $25.00 day of event $20.00 bike and with passenger $30.00 Proceeds goes to C.O.P.S. Fallen Firefighters Memorial Ride Saturday, September 13, 2014 m 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM To help raise money for fallen firefighters families. Will also be a poker run with five other fire dept. stops if you want to pull cards Free t shirts first 25 registered $15.00 each bike and $5.00 pass. For more info:



Autym M. Wilt Scholarship Memorial Ride Saturday, September 13th Registration 9 am-11 am @ Broken Spoke, Baker, WV $15.00 per Rider/ $20.00 w/ Passenger Cash prize for Top 3 Hands All participants receive a free meal following the ride. Cages and All Motorcycles Welcome Rain Date is September 14th. 1st Annual PFC Andrew Martin “Bo” Harper Memorial Ride Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM Location: START: Mason Jar Saloon, Granville, WV – END: Classics 3 Lounge, Sabraton, WV To benefit the endowment fund in memory of PFC Andrew Martin “Bo” Harper, 19 of Maidsville, WV killed in action 3/11/11 in Afghanistan. This fund provides an annual scholarship to a student of Monongalia OR Harrison County, WV. Registration begins at 10a; kickstands up at high noon Mason Jar Saloon. Last bike in at 5:30p at Classics. Entertainment, prizes, food. Call Elizabeth Jones at 304-692-6015 for details. Thank you for your support! Benefit Ride for Mikah Jo Davis September 20th Rain or Shine 10am-Noon Sign-ups American Legion Post 13 Clarksburg,WV 26301 Mikah Jo Davis is an 11year old girl who was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Lymphoma on Aug. 5th 2013. She is in remission. but has encountered many set backs and still has 2 more years of chemotherapy. She is also dealing with several harsh side effects from her treatments including Neuropathy. $10.00 per Bike $5.00 for Passenger Ride ends at Kickstands Bar & Grill First bike out 12 noon / Last bike in 5pm


2014 Maryland Bikers for Babies Sunday, October 5, 2014 11:00 AM Join us during the MIRock event and get a chance to see an amazing 5-second, 240mph Top Fuel match race with Larry “Spiderman” McBride taking on Dave Vantine! Come early and enjoy the festive atmosphere, music, vendors, auction, raffles, register for the tattoo contest and/or bike show. Every rider MUST have a valid motorcycle license in order to participate in the ride. The 45-mile police escorted ride will begin at 2:00 with official line-up and start on the ¼ mile-racing track and will take you on a scenic ride through beautiful Southern Maryland when the fall foliage is at it’s peak. The ride will end at the Charles County Fairgrounds in La Plata, Maryland for a free after ride party with all the trimmings courtesy of the Waldorf Lions Club and includes live entertainment by the Franklin Square Band! asp?ievent=1110588

Ride For A Cure Dice Run Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:30 AM Ride For a Cure Dice Run is to benefit the American Cancer Society. Team Jewels of Hope of the Relay For Life of Wirt County is hosting the event. This will be held Rain or Shine and all Street Legal Vehicles are invited. $15 per person or $20 a couple. Dinner included at the end of the ride. Highest and Lowest score awarded. Door prizes and a 50/50. Aidan’s Ride Through the Countryside Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:00 AM 8am -10:30am Registration at Archie’s in Sabraton, WV 11am- A relaxing ride through beautiful West Virginia 2:30pm - Join us back at Archie’s for amazing prizes, bands, and more!. Above all else, the chance to support a great cause. $20/ticket includes ride and entry to win BIG!!! ($10 per additional rider) All proceeds benefit the Aidan Jack Seeger Foundation a non-profit 501(c)3 charity run by volunteers with EVERY donation directly benefiting our mission to advocate for EVERY state to screen newborns for ALD, help families affected by ALD and raise awareness 25













Dealers & Shops

Biker Friendly Directory

B&M Cycle Repair, LLC US Hwy 33 West Weston, WV 26452 304-269-3338

Busted Knuckles Custom Cycles 406 West Race Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 301-260-0070 Cutting Edge Customs 3078 PT. Manion RD #2 Morgantown, WV 304-826-6688 Demotto Honda-Yamaha RT 33W Elkins, WV 26241 304-636-5489 Hitt’s Garage Rt 19 North Weston, WV 26452 304-269-2123 Insane Cycles & Muscle Cars 285 Don Knotts Blvd. Morgantown, WV 26501 304-291-2453 Mid State Marina & Cycle Inc. 1150 Sutton Ln, Sutton, WV 26601 304-765-7325 M&J Motor Company 1000 S. Queen Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-262-6200 RG Honda-Yamaha 1619 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort, WV 26301 304-624-5420 Smack Jack & Wack Upholstery 1879 Blue Horizon Drive Morgantown, WV 304-328-5707


Jane Lew Junction 43 Mcwhorter Rd. Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-884-6806

Smitty’s Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha RT 33 East Corridor H Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-4824

Jester’s Hilltop Pub 4726 US Hwy 33W Camden, WV 26338 304-269-4004

The Twisted Spoke 97 Milford Street Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-326-4644

Kickstands Bar & Grille 3200 Junkins Ave Clarksburg, WV 26301

Triple S Harley Davidson Exit 155 off I-79 Morgantown, WV 304-284-8244

Lamberts Vintage Wines 190 Vineyard Drive Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4903

Wiskybilt 137 Harmony Grove Rd. Albright, WV 304-379-BIKE

Lee & Janet’s Place Cherry Falls / Webster Springs, WV 304-651-0777 Lost River Brewing 155 West Main Street Wardensville, WV 304-874-4455

Bars & Grills Beander’s 314 Davis Ave Elkins, WV 304-636-6000

Classics 3 Restaurant & Bar 1384 Greenbag Rd. Sabraton, WV 26508 304-292-8368 Copper House Grill 1155 Airport Road Fairmont, WV 26554 304-534-8323 Gateway Lounge 123 Casino Drive Anmoore, WV 26323 304-623-3060 Giovannis Restaurant 451 US Hwy 33 E Weston, WV 26452 304-269-4563 Hickory House 1137 US Hwy 19 North Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-269-7373 Homewood Bar & Grill “Home of the Purple Monkey” 223 Homewood Rd. Weston, WV 26452 304-997-8666 SEPTEMBER 2014

Mountaineer Bar & Grill 664 Fairmont Pike Wheeling, WV 26003 304-238-0061 Nan & Pops Place 3485 Winchester Ave. Martinsburg, WV 304-267-2007 Road Hogs Saloon 415 Clayton Street Rivesville, WV 26588 304-816-6901 Schmitt’s Saloon 245 Cheat Road Morgantown, WV 304-291-9001 Swamp Fox Tavern 4404 Sissonville Drive Charleston, WV 25312 304-340-8094 The Custard Stand- Webster 364 Webster Road Webster Springs, WV 26288 304.847.7774 CustardStandWebsterSprings


The Custard Stand- Flatwoods 3945 Sutton Lane Sutton, WV 26601 304.765.6500 CustardStandFlatwoods

The Custard Stand- Danville 33 Ramsey Road Danville, WV 25053 304.369.0001 The Custard Stand- Elkins 989 Harrison Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304.637.4100 The Custard StandMannington 12 Rainbow Plaza Mannington, WV 26582 304.986.1068 CustardStandMannington The Dairy Winkle 162 Campbells Creek Drive Charleston, WV 25306 304-925-6800 The Mason Jar Tavern & Grill 81 N Dents Road Granville, WV 26534 304-241-5914


Rider Insurance

Derma Doodle Tattoo Studio 355 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV 26544 304-816-3016


Broken Wheel Campground 2060 Skin Creek Road Weston, WV 26452 304-269-6097 Mineral Spring Motel 30 McGraw Ave Webster Springs, WV 26288 (304) 847-5305

Legal Services Law Offices of Ralph C. Buss 800-582-5577 Weatherholtz Bonding 306 W. Stephens Street Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-5888

Photography Bobby Tarowsky 304-797-1470 304-723-8955

Thinkin Ink 508 Race Street Fairmont, WV 26354 304-366-1279

Biker Friendly Directory

The Custard Stand- Oak Hill 4342 Lochgelly Road Oak Hill, WV 25901 304.469.7606


Clubs, Organizations & Riding Groups C.E.’s Helping Hands (Old Fields, WV) A non-profit organization enlisting the help of other good hearted people wanting to contribute to the cause of helping others in need. The organization holds monthly meetings and several fundraising rides every year. Donations are always appreciated. For more information call: 304-538-6953 or visit our website at: Fraternal Order of Eagles #2481 Weston, WV 304-269-6134

If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email BFD@ for more information.


If you’re a Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email BFD@ TRMDEL.COM with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.

Certainty Stores 101 Randolph Ave. Elkins, WV 26241 304-630-1716













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