SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Inside this issue: A word from our Leadership
Upcoming Events!
13 -15
From Rabbi Litwak’s Study
Camp Sinai News!
Jacobson Sinai Academy News
Community News & Events
Life cycle
Sisterhood Circle & Empty Nesters 7
a g eBeach, 1 FL 33180 | Ph: 305-932-9010 | www.tsnd.org | www.jsamiami.org Temple Sinai & Jacobson Sinai Academy - 18801 NE 22 Ave., NorthPMiami
Alan E. Litwak Rabbi Norman Cohen Falah Cantor Mark A. Weber Executive Director Susan Warech Director of Administration Judy Mendelsohn Director of ECE Toni Weissberg Head of School K-8 Aliza Kadish K-8 Assistant Principal Ofra Mor Religious School Coordinator Ralph P. Kingsley, DD Rabbi Emeritus Irving Shulkes, DM, Cantor Emeritus Executive Committee
Trustees Stacey Caridi Matias Cohen Meredith Foster Lee Goldberg Leonardo Gruszka Sage Kantor
Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst
Trustees Emeriti George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson * Sue Shapiro Klau Norman S. Klein Robert Layton Murphy Leopold
Robert Mirel Carol Moss Evelyn Stahl Pablo Sprynger Vanesa Tabacinic Renee Yeslow Vladi Yurovsky
Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon* Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk *In Loving Memory
Jacobson Sinai Academy PTO Coordinators
Sisterhood Co-presidents Contact Information: Temple Sinai Feinbloom Administration Building, Clergy & Religious School
Tel: Jacobson Sinai Academy - Lower & Middle School
Jacobson Sinai Academy - Early Childhood Center
www.tsnd.org www.jsamiami.org
SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
A word from the Executive Director, Mark A. Weber Since the last edition of Mosaic, I had the privilege not once but twice of joining Cantor Norman Cohen Falah and a group of musical performers for Outdoor Kabbalat Shabbat services. Unfortunately, on both occasions, this year’s unpredictable South Florida weather forced us to move the services indoors to the Kemelhor Chapel, but the experience was very special, spiritual, and fun nonetheless. Hopefully Cantor Norman will select another Friday date sometime before the seasonal temperatures begin to warm up again, and we will give Outdoor Kabbalat Shabbat a third attempt -- this time truly outdoors in the beautiful setting of the Israelson Pavilion. Music has always been a core component of my love of Judaism, dating back to my teenage years at summer camp where the music programs served to introduce contemporary Judaism, worship, values, and ethics to the latest generation, and even to connect the generations to one another. I keep a guitar in clear display in my office. And truth be told, within handy reach on my office desk, I still have a mimeographed songbook, complete with penciled-in guitar chords, that the popular Jewish music artist Craig Taubman gave me in 1979-1980 when we worked together on the staff of Camp Ramah in Canada, north of Toronto. I’m happy to show it to you next time you stop by to say hello!
weekly Sinai Scene e-mail newsletter for details and logistics: Friday Night Live! with Noah Aronson Friday, February 19 at 6:15 PM, followed by congregational Shabbat dinner. Noah Aronson is an energetic and soulful composer/performer whose unique musical style propels his music into communities across the country and in Israel. Noah will be leading our Friday Night Live Shabbat with his highly interactive, spiritually uplifting and emotionally moving service. He will also be performing during our congregational Shabbat dinner. Sinai Showcase: Kibbutz Galuyot -Thursday, February 25 at 6:00 PM in the Julius Littman Theatre. Don't miss the opportunity to see our JSA students PK4 - 8th Grade, together with Temple Sinai's Choral Ensemble, gather together in dance and song to celebrate our roots, our bond with Israel and the Jewish people, and the melting pot we're all a part of!! Spring Music Festival – The Maccabeats will be performing on Thursday, March 24 at 6:00 PM and food trucks will be on site. Tickets will be on sale soon! I hope you will add these events to your calendar and will join your Temple Sinai community for these wonderful celebrations of music – I look forward to seeing you there!
Mark Weber
Here at Temple Sinai, music is deep at the core of our congregation’s culture and programming, and one of the elements that truly enriches our Partnership experience. It starts with Cantor Norman, a brilliant and inspiring musician, a 20-year veteran of cantorial service globally, and a great friend and colleague. We are also fortunate to enjoy the craft of two other talented professional musicians on a weekly basis, our accompanists Juvenal Correa Salas and Marcelo Barski. In turn, they provide leadership and musical direction to one of Temple Sinai’s true treasures, our volunteer Choral Ensemble. There are opportunities seemingly daily to enjoy music at Temple Sinai. Here are just a couple of upcoming examples, and please be sure to consult this edition of Mosaic or the Page 2
The Blue Violinist (1947) - Marc Chagall.
SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
From Rabbi Litwak’s Study - Those Who Dwell Among Us About the time that you will be reading this, we will reach the parasha (Torah portion) of Yitro. Most of us know this Torah portion for its inclusion of the Ten Commandments. The parasha is named after Yitro (Jethro) who is the father-in-law of Moses. He is described as a “priest of Midian.” He is honored by the Jewish people because of his care and concern for Moses’s welfare; helping him understand the importance of life-balance when Moses is working 24/7 adjudicating the problems of the Jewish people. There are some commentators who suggest that, following his hearing about the miracles of the plagues in Egypt and his close connection to his son-in-law, Yitro chooses to convert to Judaism. Other commentators insist that he remains close to the Jewish people and even praises God, but never formally converts. Either way, he serves as an example to us. Currently, I am working with about a dozen individuals who are on a path towards conversion to Judaism. Working with them takes several hours each week, and yet they are some of the most wonderful hours I spend as a rabbi. I marvel at their journeys
and I relish the thought of what they will bring to the Jewish people. At the same time, at Temple Sinai, we have many wonderful non-Jews who have chosen not to convert to Judaism, and yet support and enrich our community. They study, participate in activities, and encourage their children’s Jewish development. We are blessed by their presence. It is interesting to note that the Torah gives us another glimpse into Yitro's special character. The word Shalom (peace) appears only three times in the Book of Exodus, and all three are connected to Yitro. He sent Moses in peace to Egypt; he welcomes Moshe in peace upon his return; and his plan for a judicial system is said to have brought peace to the Jewish people. He was a gift to the Jewish people regardless of his religious affiliation. At a time in our nation when politicians and society demonizes “the other” or “the stranger” or “the foreigner,” perhaps we would do well to look to our own history and see the potential benefits of those who may be different from us, but have much to offer. Just as Yitro made important, lasting contributions to the Jewish people, so can those who have made their way to our community and to our borders.
Rabbi Litwak
A word from the President of the Board, Ellen Halem January has proved to be a difficult month for the Temple Sinai community. We have suffered the loss of partners who were loved by so many and whose faces and presence will be missed by so many. As Rabbi Litwak wrote on January 14 there are many resources in our community to help us deal with and understand our grief, not only within Temple Sinai, but also provided by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Mishkan Miami, a program of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is available to provide spiritual care for those in need. Each week when I receive The Federation Five for the week from Federation I marvel at the abundance of programs and resources that they provide to our community. We at Temple Sinai benefit from their assistance not only financially but also through the resources they provide. The mission of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is “to mobilize human and financial resources to care for those in need, strengthen Jewish life and advance the unity, values and shared purpose of the Jewish people in Miami, in Israel and around the world.” Each of us has the opportunity to support not only the Temple Sinai community but also Federation and I want to encourage you to take that next step, if you haven’t already done so. An easy way to begin is to join us on February 17 when Federation sponsors the Main Event. This year’s Main Event honors George Feldenkreis. Mr. Feldenkreis will receive Federation’s 2016 Friend of Israel Humanitarian Award and the
evening will also feature a keynote address by Ambassador Ron Prosor, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2011-2015. The evening will be both inspirational and entertaining, as The Maccabeats will also be performing at the event. The first time I attended the Main Event I was amazed at the number of familiar faces I encountered. The South Florida community is fortunate to have an organization that provides such a wealth of services that reaches across the globe. To continue to provide these services Federation needs assistance from all of us within the Temple Sinai community. I am not only speaking about financial assistance but the ability of each of us to volunteer our time and our expertise to make Federation even stronger and give them the ability to continue their mission. What a wonderful way to honor our Temple Sinai partners whose lives were much too short. Please consider joining our clergy and Temple Sinai partners when we attend the Main Event this month. Let’s demonstrate our support for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation through not just our words but through our participation. For additional information about how you can be a part of this organization please go to http://jewishmiami.org or simply call Temple Sinai and speak with Susan Warech. Wishing each of you a healthy new year.
Ellen Halem
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Jacobson Sinai Academy News! A Message from JSA’s K-8 Principal, Mrs. Toni Weissberg The focus for JSA for Our theme this month is Math. Let's see what all classes have been doing in Math for the past month: Kindergarten has been busy working on counting with ordinal and cardinal numbers in Math. They are currently comparing sets of objects up to the number 10. The children are learning to identify which group is greater than, less than, or equal to another group using ten frames, unifix cubes and other manipulatives to demonstrate this concept. Students have also been busy practicing math skills on the online program, IXL. They are encouraged to continue practicing math skills at home. First Graders have been learning about all the different strategies for addition and subtraction. They have mastered counting on, doubles and near doubles, using a number line, making tens to add and subtract and fact families and are now moving onto learning about place value and numbers (facts) up to 120. The Second Graders have been busy in Math since returning from Winter Break. The children can identify the place value of a digit in a given number. Using base ten blocks, the students are able to visualize the process of regrouping ones as tens. They are becoming more confident adding two, three and four twodigit numbers together with and without regrouping. Using this knowledge, they are solving word problems that require two-digit addition. They are also increasing both their speed and accuracy with the Mad Minutes. The 3rd Graders are working on learning their multiplication skills and facts. In addition, they have been hard at work improving their addition and subtraction skills into the thousands, with and without regrouping. The students learn Math vocabulary, properties, and strategies using a variety of resources and methods. Fourth Grade is excitedly busy working on the current math curriculum. There are many FACTORS that have gone into our planning. We ESTIMATE that it will take a week or two to complete the lessons- that is if we DIVIDE the students, and REGROUP them into appropriate levels. The LONG DIVISION of labor between the teachers, though, has culminated to a fantastic PRODUCT, though we are PARTIAL. The students are completing their study covering a range of factors and multiples, using models to multiply, estimating their products, and long division with one digit divisors. We look forward to continued success with many DIVIDENDS for the REMAINDER of the month. The 5th grade has been working to master fractions. They have used manipulatives, diagrams, and Skittles to display fractions of a whole. They have learned to both add and subtract fractions without common denominators and are currently multiplying and dividing fractions as well. are bringing fractions to life and applying our understanding of the concepts to children's books, cooking, and more!
Students learning 6th grade math spent the majority of January learning about percentages. Students worked on problems involving percent increase and decrease, as well as changing percents to fractions. These students then took these skills and applied them to a real world shopping activity. In this activity, students were given a budget and had to determine the final prices after sales tax using the skills they learned in class. The next unit the students will begin involves exponents, prime factorization, and order of operations. The students in 7th grade, have spent part of January solving one and two step equations. These equations included addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students were also exposed to positive and negative numbers in equations. The rest of January will be spent solving multistep inequalities. Once these skills are mastered, students will graph the inequalities on a number line to demonstrate mastery. Pre-Algebra students spent time in December and January solving a variety of equations and inequalities involving rational numbers. Next the students began to study ratios, unit rates, and found the lengths of unknown sides of similar figures. In the coming months, students will practice finding complex problems involving markups, discounts, and sales tax. These skills can easily be translated to the real world. The students will also be introduced to linear functions and identify the slope of lines. Algebra 1 students began the New Year by manipulating Algebraic fractions. This included simplifying, multiplying, and dividing fractions. We are currently working on applying fractions in the real world. This includes ratios, proportions, and complex problems involving percents and exponents. Mastering these skills will give students a great foundation for Algebra II. Algebra II students continued to move at a fast pace and spent the beginning of January learning quadratic equations and functions. This involved graphing equations and identifying equations based on their parabolas. The Algebra II students will spend the rest of January working on direct and inverse variation, dividing polynomials, and solving polynomial equations with rational and irrational roots. JSA students are working hard and mastering their math concepts in each grade level. I am so proud of their hard work Warmly,
Mrs. Toni Weissberg
6th Graders doing game-based math quizzes online with Kahoot!
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
A Message from ECE Principal, Mrs. Judy Mendelsohn The Early Childhood Center celebrated "King of My Castle" morning this week. Daddies were treated like "Kings" as they entered our school that the teachers had transformed into a castle! Dads got to wear their crowns, sing, eat, share stories, and participate in circle time with their children. They did art projects together and some dads even had their children "shave" them with pretend razors (popsicle sticks)! What a fun time everyone had!
For those parents who are procrastinating, now is the time to take action! While we love to have new students in our school, we would feel terrible if they took the spot of our existing students. We know there are parents who are planning to reenroll for the coming school year, but just haven’t gotten around to it. For example, if you have a child going into one of our two TGS Spanish classes, please know that there are only 8 spots left! I can’t express enough how important it is to re-enroll now! Please visit our website www.jsamiami.org/admissions.
This was truly a morning fit for a king!
We hope to see each and every one of you here for the 20162017 school year!
We are very pleased to let you know how happy we are to see the many re-enrollment forms from our existing families coming in daily and filling our classes for the 2016-2017 school year.
Mrs. Judy Mendelsohn
Some pics of our “King of My Castle” event… looking forward to also celebrating all the “grandfriends” on Friday, March 18 at the ECE’s Grandparents’ Shabbat. Info to follow… !
ECE in focus: Our TGS - JM Class learns all about Shabbat! TGS children just finished learning all about We also kneaded and rolled dough to make challah. The children Shabbat. We learned about the 7 days of creation touched, smelled and tasted. The challah was delicious!! and why we rest on Shabbat, just like God did. We concluded our unit on Shabbat by going to the synagogue to The children made a Shabbat bag with candle pray and kiss the Torahs, and then had a wonderful elegant holders, Kiddush cup, challah, challah cover, Shabbat luncheon with all our friends! kippah and a "schedule" for Shabbat with all the blessings. The children were very excited to share everything they made We believe in hands on learning and using all our senses to and learned about Shabbat with mom and dad. We love explore the world around us. We made "wine" by stepping on Shabbat! grapes. It was an amazing sensory experience. Miss Jenny Moreinis The kids loved feeling the squishy grapes.
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PK3 - AE: Stepping into the Jurassic World! PK3 students stepped into the fascinating "Jurassic World"! The children had so much fun learning about the extinct giants. They became paleontologists and set off on a mission to find dinosaur fossils in frozen eggs.
Our little explorers then built their own giant dinosaur out of boxes and had a great time painting their new friend. They named him Rex, the T-Rex. What a Dino-mite time we had!!!
Anat Evron & Stephanie Freedman - PK3-AE
JSA’s PTO 2016 Mishloach Manot Fundraiser! Mishloach Manot. The cost to participate is $180. In addition you will need to provide 450-500 items (postcard, coupon, etc.) and the size must not exceed 5"x7".
JSA’s PTO is already preparing this year's Mishloach Manot Purim Fundraiser - we have been working hard to put together the most beautiful basket yet and hope to have 100% participation! Like last year, we are inviting all business owners to promote their businesses by including promotional material in the
If you are interested in promoting your business, please contact Chairs: Francine Delarosa, Ghila Toledano or Nataly Gampel at: ghilacha2@yahoo.com | natalybandel@hotmail.com or parentsassociation@jsamiami.org. As we have done in previous years, sales will be done exclusively online. You will soon receive an email with a link and password to access the secure site to place your orders. Please join us at our upcoming PTO Meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 8:30 AM in the Kemelhor Chapel. That same day we will also be holding our Bake Sale fundraiser. We thank you all in advance for your continuous support!
CCB TRAVEL & CRUISES - We offer cruises, tours & air worldwide. Partners with “THE CASTANEDA FOUNDATION” of Peru, a non-profit organization. Book with us and help those in need. Or make a small donation through . TEL: 954-394-8899
E-mail: ccbtravel@msn.com Page 6
SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Sisterhood Circle News & Upcoming Events - Attention all Sisterhood Members: Exciting new events! The Sisterhood met on January 12th and set new goals for the rest of the year. Fundraising is needed for our new projects as we move forward with refurbishing existing areas of the Temple Sinai Community. We are currently getting plans and prices and will further update you as we progress with our plans. We will be asking for input and help in implementing our new projects. Please join our committees so your voice will be heard. We will be renaming the Kitchen Fund to the Sisterhood Renovation Fund as we successfully completed the renovation of the kitchen and now will move to other areas.
On April 30th, we will have a fundraiser that will have the dual purpose of raising money and having a lot of fun. We are having a Casino Poker night for those of you who like to play and a social evening for those of you that just want to be together in a social setting with your friends. More information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. March 9th is our spring Cabi event. Potluck is your entry to the new spring fashions. We look forward to seeing you all there. February 12th will be our Sisterhood Shabbat and we would like to have many of you participate. Come as we celebrate our women who make our community greater as part of The Women of Reform Judaism.
Louise Mirel gave us a capsule of ideas that she received at the convention in November. We talked about ways to inform our community about the various opportunities afforded by Women of Reform Judaism, and Louise is going to be our liaison with our Looking forward to seeing all of you. Please let us know if you are parent organization to disseminate the information from them to interested in working on committees or if you have other input. our community. Carol Moss & Sage Kantor, Co-Presidents
Empty Nesters News & Upcoming Events Save the Dates * Bring a Friend * Kindly RSVP Early February 14th – West Side Story show The Empty Nesters are looking forward to our outing in Coral Gables for West Side Story at the Gables Stage on February 14th. There are a few tickets still available!!! If you wish to attend please contact the office at 305.932.9010. April 22nd – Second Night Passover Seder at Temple Sinai We would love to get together several Empty Nesters tables for the 2nd night of Passover. Last year was terrific and we are all looking forward to Passover this year. May 13-15th – Shabbaton
with terrific rooms and facilities. Please save the date for this event. The Shabbaton has been an incredible experience that you won’t want to miss. It is necessary to RSVP early since contracts have to be signed. Please let us and the office know if you wish to attend. If you are a new partner at Temple Sinai, please contact us so we can meet. And even if your nest is not quite empty, you are cordially invited to join us! Your Co-Presidents,
The annual Shabbaton date has been set for May 13, 14 and 15th. We will be going to the Embassy Suites in Deerfield Beach for the weekend with Rabbi Litwak. This is an oceanfront resort
Evelyn Stahl estahl814@comcast.net
Helayne Gordon beachcountry@bellsouth.net
Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble Our Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble keeps growing. Not only in number, but also in confidence, quality and enthusiasm. On January 15, our choir lead the Martin Luther King Shabbat, bringing joy and extra musicality to our service. Together with the Faith Community Baptist Church choir that came to sing with us, under the direction of Ryan Reed, we sang "We shall over come." It was truly a moving moment. Many people complimented the Choir's job. Quoting Lyanne L. Wassermann's words in an email she wrote to the choir she said: "People were not just saying things like - "it was lovely", but they were actually taking time to mention what they enjoyed most, the songs, the voices, what moved them, the magnificent
harmony, the addition of the violin, the spirit of the choir, the depth of emotion, the growth of the choir over the year, and the special place we have in the life of the Temple. Even some friends in mourning, who had suffered losses just that week, found time to tell me how special our choir had been." I'm so glad to be leading such a wonderful group of fellows and to be working along Juvenal Correa Salas, the choir co-director. Kol Hakavod Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble, keep up the good work! If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact me at cantor.norman@tsnd.org. Rehearsals take place every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary. Our next performance will be on February 25, at the Sinai Showcase, where we will be singing in Ladino and Yiddish.
Cantor Norman
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Jewish Artists: The Emigration from Europe - Thursday, February 11 at 7:30 PM in the Kemelhor Chapel As part of the program: Jewish Artist Series: Continuing the Long Story of Jewish Artists, our own Temple Sinai partner and visual artist, Sandi-Jo Gordon, will show how as Jewish artists left Europe and spread throughout the Americas and Israel, their art took on new directions of content and media.
They adapted themselves to their new environments and became major innovators in the art movements of the past century. Next session will be on Sunday, March 13, at 10 am. Rabbi Litwak will be leading: Classical Art and the Bible: Did Rembrandt read Midrash? For additional information, call Sandi-Jo Gordon at 305-4692245. Kindly RSVP to templesinai@tsnd.org.
Sisterhood Shabbat - Friday, February 12 at 6:15 PM in the Kemelhor Chapel Join us for our annual Sisterhood Shabbat. Come as we celebrate our women who make our community greater as part of The Women of
Reform Judaism. For more information you may call the Temple Office at 305.932.9010 or by email at templesinai@tsnd.org.
Empty Nesters Theatre Outing- Sunday, February 14th – West Side Story Join the Empty Nesters on their theatre outing in Coral Gables for West Side Story at the Gables Stage. The show returns to Actors’ Playhouse almost 20 years since it won our Regional Theatre’s Carbonell Award for
“Best Production of a Musical.” West Side Story is considered by many to be one of the greatest creations in American Musical Theatre history. There are a few tickets still available!!! If you wish to attend please contact the Temple office as soon as possible at 305.932.9010.
Celebrate Community at Federation’s 2016 Main Event – Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 5:30 PM Join hundreds of your friends and neighbors to celebrate a night for community and a night for Israel at The Main Event, Wednesday, February 17 at the Hilton Miami Downtown. Federation will present our 2016 Friend of Israel Humanitarian Award to long-time community leader and
Federation Board member George Feldenkreis. Also featured: a keynote address by Ambassador Ron Prosor, Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2011 to 2015, and a special performance by a capella sensation The Maccabeats. Visit www.gmjf.org for details and to RSVP.
Temple Sinai’s Book Club - Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 PM in the Hollander-Rachleff Library Our next book will be Down Under by Sonia Taitz. This book has been recommended by the Jewish Book Council. Our facilitator will be the author of this book, Sonia Taitz. Down Under is a passion-stoked novel about first love and second chances. A young Catholic teen, abused by his
conservative father, falls in love with a prim Jewish girl whose strict parents reject him. Call Down Under a boy-meets-girl, boyloses-girl tale with a twist: Romeo and Juliet in outer suburbia. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Kindly RSVP to Audrey Aronchick at amagrower@yahoo.com or the Temple Office at 305.932.9010 or templesinai@tsnd.org.
Limmud Miami - Sunday, February 21 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM at FIU Kovens Conference Center Limmud is an internationally popular festival of Jewish life and learning incorporating lectures, workshops, performances, panels, text-study sessions, film, meditation, discussions, exhibits, and performances. Limmud conferences maintain broad appeal within a diverse community.
Limmud 2016 will feature our own Cantor Norman Cohen Falah as one of the presenters. He will be presenting "Instant Choir" at 2:00 PM. Visit www.limmudmiami.org to learn more and buy your tickets.
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Friday Night Live with Noah Aronson! - Friday, February 19, 6:15 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary Noah Aronson is an energetic and soulful composer/performer whose unique musical style propels his music into communities across the country and in Israel. Noah earned a degree in Jazz Composition and Piano from Berklee College of Music in Boston and held the position of Composer-inResidence at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Noah conducted the Manhattan HaZamir Choir from 2008-2010 and his choral
music received an honorable mention for the 2009 GTM Young Composer’s Award. Noah will be leading our Friday Night Live Shabbat with his highly interactive, spiritually uplifting and emotionally moving service. After the service, he will also perform during our congregational Shabbat Dinner. The cost of the dinner is $13 per adult, $5 per child (under 13) and $18 for non-partners. Late RSVP is an additional $5. Don't miss it! Kindly RSVP to templesinai@tsnd.org by 2/15/16. If you want to learn more, visit his website: www.noaharonson.com.
Sinai Showcase: Kibbutz Galuyot - Thursday, February 25 at 6:00 PM at the Julius Littman Theatre Let's get together as a community to support this year's Sinai Showcase!
Sinai's Choral Ensemble, gather together in dance and song to celebrate our roots, our bond with Israel and the Jewish people, and the melting pot we're all a part of!!
Don't miss the opportunity to see our JSA students PK4 - 8th Grade, together with Temple
Tickets are on sale now! Buy your tickets online at www.jsamiami.org or purchase them at JSA’s Lower School Office.
The Maccabeats will be coming to Sinai!! - Thursday, March 24 at 6:00 PM We have a special Purim treat for all our Sinai families! Get ready to sing and dance to The Maccabeats as they will be performing live at Sinai on March 24.
Originally formed in 2007 as Yeshiva University’s student vocal group, The Maccabeats have recently emerged as both Jewish music and a cappella phenomena, with a large fanbase, more than 20 million views on YouTube, numerous TV appearances, and proven success with four albums We will have food trucks on site and other special treats to enjoy Purim in community! Tickets will be on sale shortly.
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What it Means to be an Ally - By AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee The answer is a resounding yes. At a time when partisan divisions have never been more pronounced, America's decision makers continue to demonstrate overwhelming bipartisan support for Israel. What does it mean to be an ally? How does one demonstrate meaningful support for another? The true test of any relationship is how one side acts when the other is vulnerable, endangered and in need of help. Of course, any such test is stressful—so for an alliance to survive long-term, it must be grounded in a firm foundation of shared values. Such is the case for the vital alliance between the United States and Israel—a bond built on our unshakable commitment to the shared values of democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and freedoms of speech and religion. And thanks to a robust and diverse U.S. pro-Israel movement, this bond has evolved and strengthened from Israel's founding in 1948 to the present day.
On December 16, Congress approved the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act of 2015—a bipartisan initiative aimed at cutting off the Iranian-backed terrorist organization from foreign financiers. By passing new legislation that would sanction foreign entities knowingly conducting business with Hezbollah, Congress and the United States sent a strong message that funding terrorist activity will not be tolerated. The bill was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, and supported with a 425-0 vote in the House.
Two days later, America once again backed up its rhetorical commitments to Israel with bipartisan action. On December 18, Congress passed its annual spending bill—within that $1.1 trillion "omnibus" package were several major provisions for Israel: $3.1 billion in U.S. security assistance, $474 million for cooperative missile The pro-Israel community ensures that America's leaders are routinely educated on the importance of this mutually-beneficial relationship. The defense programs, $200 million to replenish U.S. arms stockpiles housed in Israel for emergencies, $40 million for a new collaborative initiative to effectiveness of this engagement is evidenced in floor speeches, press statements, and other public addresses in which members of Congress combat terrorist tunnels in Gaza and Lebanon, and $2 million for U.S.Israel energy cooperation programs. voice their support for Israel in a bipartisan manner. But beyond shared values and positive words, strong relationships rely on action and not merely rhetoric. When Israel faces unprecedented threats to its safety and security, does America back up its verbal commitment with material support?
A true ally comes to its partner's defense in times of need—not just with words, but with actions. As our only democratic ally in the Middle East pursues the difficult task of keeping its citizens safe from mounting threats, America's recent legislative actions makes clear that we stand by our words. We stand with our ally. We stand with Israel.
Mission Highlights* Opening dinner at Ir David with night water tunnel tours B’nai Mitzvah ceremony celebration Visits to Yad Vashem, the Palmach Museum, the Rabin Museum and Independence Hall An exciting day at Masada, the Dead Sea and a Bedouin lunch extravaganza Shabbat in Jerusalem with lone soldiers Murder Mystery event at the Tower of David IDF base visit Scavenger hunt in Safed Rappelling, ATV rides and kayaking on the Jordan River Local winery tour for adults and a visit to the Elite Chocolate Factory for kids Swim party in Tel Aviv Farewell dinner at Safari Animal Park ...And much more!
*Itinerary is subject to change
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Temple Sinai Community - Lifecycle R’fuah Sh’leimah Lisa Layne Chuck Kantor Gloria Barnett Gloria Raffel Howard Roskin Irwin Katz Leah Stock
Maggie Vaknin Marion Gordon Noach ben Chaim Leib Rafael Ben Rivka Sarah bat Leah Paul Feldman Liza Freeman
February Birthdays Rachel Dvorah bat Moishe v’Rut Lillian Maltz Elinore Rutman Freda Rozen-Brown Norman Klein Susan Rachleff
Mazal Tov! To Ana Waxman and Jeremy Waxman, in honor of their daughter Mildred becoming a Bat Mitzvah. To Barbara and Richard Bergman, on their son Harrison's marriage to Darci Cohen. To Stanley Lamarre and Marie Cenatus, on welcoming newborn son Jonathan Kaleb-Cenatus Lamarre I. To Debbie Bloomfield, on the marriage of her daughter Jill to Ben Margolis. To Bill and Shirley Lehman, on their granddaughter Sarah Geller becoming a Bat Mitzvah. To Syd & Gary Wiesel and Marilyn Baumoehl on the birth of their grandson/ greatgrandson Dylan Anthony Wiesel. To Sophie & Jason Rindler, on their son Jordan becoming a Bar Mitzvah. To Suzie & Mark Weber, on the marriage of their daughter Stephanie to Paul Muri.
Condolences To Maggie De Leon, on the death of her father-in-law Clive De Leon. To Suzi (Doug) Okun, on the death of her aunt Rachel Lazar. To Lauren Resnick, Brooke and David Resnick and Brooke and Meredith Cariski on the death of husband/father/stepfather Evan Resnick.
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To Alain Bibliowicz, and Elie, Ilan and Liora on the death of their wife and mother, Sarah Bibliowicz. The contributions that Sarah made to Jacobson Sinai Academy are immeasurable. We are deeply saddened by this irreplaceable loss in our community.
In Memoriam: Elyse Marcus - 8/8/1964 -12/30/2015
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For 20 years, "Ms. Elyse" shepherded our youngest students as a Parent-Child and Toddler Graduate teacher. She loved her students unconditionally. For a generation of parents, Elyse was more than a teacher; she was a part of the family.
Suzette Schultz Norman Cohen Falah Leon Pienknagura Steven Levitt Rhonda Mautner Murray Swift Debra Unmuth Valentina Pereira Cohen Gary Wiesel William Lehman Carlos Tornel Sharon Molot Richard Bergman Melvyn Drucker Elias Gutt Vicki Hatch Nataly Haratz Kaswan Lillian Schanfield Martha Brown Steven Eilat Lynn Fromberg Daniel Kaswan Mark Bidner Stephen Costin Douglas Layne Robin Gale Andrew Chesnick August Forte Lorena Shiff
Steve and Derry Fishman Steven and Ellen Curtis A. Clifford and Frances Foster Eugene and Terri Lakin Craig and Judith Blinderman Frederick and Anne Knoll Robert and Rosa Kofman Mark and Vanessa Tabacinic Leon and Doris Pienknagura
B’nai Mitzvah! Ian Tornel will become a Bar Mitzvah on February 20th at our Shabbat Service. Ian is the son of Elisa and Carlos Tornel and is a 7th grader at Jacobson Sinai Academy.
Rabbi Litwak expressed: “Elyse was about pure love and concern. If you had a child and you entrusted her with your child she saw that child as her own. And so hundreds of parents over 20 years entrusted their children to her. She taught parents as well.” Elyse has been taken away from us much too soon but her beauty and everything she stood for will live within us always. Elyse has made a difference in every life she touched.
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February Anniversaries
To Daniel (Perla) Tarrab, on the death of his brother Alberto Tarrab. To Eddie Marcus, and Sarah, Carly, Michael and Andrew Marcus on the death of wife/mother Elyse Marcus.
Joseph Benezra Daniel Gamburd Mark Tabacinic Stuart Israelson Herbert Fields Brian Foster Rose Ellen Glickman Robin Goldberg Clive Metz Elise Udelson Ana Waxman Suzanne Weber Daryl Saferstein Adam Busch Barbara Price Tammy Waich Lisa Katzman Francine Delarosa Craig Blinderman Jose Edery Ana Malfi Karen Steinberg Merideth Bidner Lior Klepach Rosalie Borg Susan Fields David Glickman Michelle Sanford Laura Drexler Cherise Metz
Ian exercises daily with Bommarito Performances at the JCC after school. He loves to play basketball and football with his friends. His favorite activity is going Deep Sea Fishing. He is volunteering at the Kosher Food Bank and his mitzvah is to explain and create awareness among people about the important roll of this institution in our communities.
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Donations November 29, 2015 to January 26, 2016 Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's Discretionary Fund
The Arnold & Roselyn Meyer ECE Fund
Audrey Aronchick Audrey Aronchick Audrey Aronchick Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Bill and Shirley Lehman
Alex and Toby Gimelstein In memory of Elyse Marcus Andrew & Tracy Krantz In memory of Elyse Marcus Arlene Gottlieb In memory of Elyse Marcus Arthur and Irene Schatz In memory of Elyse Marcus Bobbi Levitt In memory of Elyse Marcus Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank In memory of Elyse Marcus Bugsy & Lola Ginsburg In memory of Elyse Marcus Bugsy & Lola Ginsburg In memory of Evan Resnick Carl & Deborah Figini In memory of Elyse Marcus Carol Freed In memory of Lewis Brodman Carolina Berlin In memory of Evan Resnick Dave and Sandy Moskovitz In memory of Evan Resnick David & Susan Lindenbaum In memory of Elyse Marcus David and Marla Garfinkle In memory of Elyse Marcus David and Marla Garfinkle In memory of Evan Resnick David and Priscilla Burstyn In honor of the Hebrew naming of Chloe Penelope Burstyn David and Rose Ellen Glickman In memory of Elyse Marcus David and Rose Ellen Glickman In memory of Evan Resnick Debbie Bloomfield In memory of Elyse Marcus Debbie Bloomfield In memory of Evan Resnick Donald and Karen Holzberg In memory of Elyse Marcus Dr. & Mrs. Edward Fellows, Tony, Niva, In memory of Elyse Marcus Liam, Maya and Matan Fellows Eddie & Rebecca Reiner In memory of Elyse Marcus Etta Birenbaum Epstein In memory of Elyse Marcus Francine Katz In memory of Elyse Marcus Gilbert and Linda Drozdow In memory of Elyse Marcus Hillel Charlie Babouri In memory of Elyse Marcus Irene Klitzner In memory of Elyse Marcus Jack and Helen Berne In memory of Evan Resnick Jackie, George, Julia, Jenna & Justin Ledo In memory of Elyse Marcus Jackie, George, Julia, Jenna & Justin Ledo In memory of Evan Resnick Jaime and Janette Garmizo & Family In memory of Elyse Marcus Jeffrey & Meryl Galitz In memory of Elyse Marcus Jerry and Joan Leader In memory of Elyse Marcus Jerry and Joan Leader & Family In memory of Evan Resnick Jodi Allen In memory of Elyse Marcus Kenneth & Rhona Baron In memory of Elyse Marcus Laurel & Marshall Teitelbaum In memory of Elyse Marcus Lee and Andrea Mackson In memory of Elyse Marcus Lior and Susan Shalev and Family In memory of Elyse Marcus Marilyn Ladis In memory of Elyse Marcus Marilyn Ladis In memory of Evan Resnick Mark and Ariane Dweck In memory of Elyse Marcus Mary Lou Brotherson In appreciation of the aliyah Mary Lou Brotherson Wishing Eva Zack De Waisser a speedy recovery Merritt and Ellen Halem In memory of Elyse Marcus Mitchell and Marcia Silverstein In memory of Elyse Marcus Patti Krakower In memory of Elyse Marcus Phyliss Sheinman (Kahn & Family) In memory of Elyse Marcus Renee Yeslow In memory of Elyse Marcus Ricardo Berl and Vanessa Israel-Berl In memory of Elyse Marcus Richard & Blanca Schoonover In memory of Elyse Marcus Richard and Barbara Bergman In memory of Elyse Marcus Richard and Bari Schanerman In memory of Elyse Marcus Richard and Lainie Ginsburg In memory of Elyse Marcus Richard and Lainie Ginsburg In memory of Evan Resnick Roberta (Bobbi) Levitt In memory of Evan Resnick Ruth Kugelman In memory of Evan Resnick Steven and Joan Sprechmen In memory of Elyse Marcus Steven and Rochelle Weinstein In memory of Elyse Marcus
Bill and Shirley Lehman Bonnie Bloom Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Debbie Bloomfield Harry and Deborah Berkowitz Jorge and Marlene Garcia Jorge and Marlene Garcia Lillian Stein Lillian Stein Lillian Stein Madeline Iafrate Mark and Suzie Weber Michael and Robin Goldberg Mintz and Forte Family Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman
In appreciation of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah In honor of Alan Hatch becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Alejandro Assael becoming a Bar Mitzvah Happy Birthday to Marcus Sr. "Amen" Fintz In memory of Vera DeCastro In memory of Alberto Tarrab In memory of I. Cecil Fidanque Wishing Jack and Helen Berne's daughter Robin a speedy recovery Wishing Terry Drucker a speedy recovery In honor of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's Torah Trope teaching In honor of Bonnie Bloom's Torah leyning Parasha Shemot In honor of the marriage of Jill Bloomfield to Ben Margolis In appreciation of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah being a wonderful teacher In honor of Marcos Fintz's birthday In memory of Carmen Espinosa de Garcia In honor of Carol Schectman's birthday In honor of Howard Sanford's birthday In honor of Marcos Fintz's birthday In appreciation of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah In appreciation of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah In appreciation of your support during our time of sorrow In honor of Marcos Fintz's birthday In appreciation of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's Torah Trope class In honor of Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann's anniversary In honor of Cantor Irving and Joanne Shulkes's anniversary In honor of Marcos Fintz's birthday
Rabbi Alan Litwak's Discretionary Fund Alan and Laura Drexler Audrey Aronchick Audrey Aronchick Bernice Rogow Debbie Bloomfield Don and Linda Lockshin Eugene Ross Gayle E. Miller Jan Brodkey Leon and Doris Pienknagura Leon and Doris Pienknagura Lillian Stein Madeline Iafrate Mark and Suzie Weber Mary Lou Brotherson Mary Lou Brotherson Michael and Robin Goldberg Norton and Judy Agron Ruth Littman Sandy and Don Goodman Steve and Rachel Silverman Susan and Lior Shalev & Family Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Terry and Arrow Families
In appreciation of the unveiling In appreciation of Rabbi Alan Litwak In memory of Evan Resnick In memory of my loved ones In honor of the marriage of Jill Bloomfield to Ben Margolis In honor of their grandsons Gabriel and Max Levy becoming a Bar Mitzvah General donation In memory of Sandra Miller Thank you to Rabbi Alan Litwak In memory of Moises Pienknagura In memory of Sylva Beitsch In memory of Ruth Hellman In appreciation of Rabbi Alan Litwak In appreciation of Rabbi Alan Litwak In honor of Lillian Stein's birthday In honor of the marriage of Debbie Bloomfield's daughter Jill and Ben Margolis In appreciation of your support during our time of sorrow In honor of Bob and Louis Mirel's first anniversary General donation Wishing Don Lockshin a speedy recovery In appreciation of Rabbi Alan Litwak In appreciation of Rabbi Litwak In honor of Bob Sugarman and Marilyn Seskin's anniversary In honor of Jon and Marjorie Sussman's anniversary In honor of Norman and Karen Leopold's anniversary In honor of Ryan and Nirvana Sherman's anniversary In appreciation of the unveiling
The 50th Anniversary Torah Fund David and Evelyn Rosen
In honor of Rabbi P. Kingsley's birthday
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SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Donations November 29, 2015 to January 26, 2016 Steven and Rochelle Weinstein Susan Fried The Kipnis Family Zvi and Lorena Shiff
In memory of Evan Resnick In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Elyse Marcus
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
The Caring Community Fund Harry and Deborah Berkowitz Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech
In honor of Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley's birthday In honor of Alan Hatch becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Pablo Tannenbaum becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of the birth of Ingrid Nelson's grandson, IIan Nelson In honor of the birth of Robert and Rosa Kofman's grandson, Jacob In honor of the birth of Vladi & Heather Yurosky's daughter Cassidy Venice Yurovsky In honor of the engagement of Celia Mussman's daughter, Marla Bergmann to Michael Malanud
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
Susan Warech
In honor of the engagement of Celia Mussman's granddaughter Lauren Kaufman Bergmann to Nelson France
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
Sylvan and Carol Lewis
In honor of Joshua Unmuth becoming a Bar Mitzvah
The Godparents' Fund
Susan Warech Susan Warech
The General Donation Fund
Audrey Aronchick
Ami & Lauren Gavarian
The High Holy Days Fund
In appreciation of Norman and Karen Leopold for all of their help and guidance Andrea Darlow Sonnenberg In honor of Alan Hatch becoming a Bar Mitzvah Audrey Aronchick In honor of the marriage of Debbie Bloomfield's daughter Jill Bloomfield to Ben Margolis Daryl and Merle Saferstein In appreciation of Temple Sinai David and Rose Ellen Glickman In honor of Alejandro Assael becoming a Bar Mitzvah David and Rose Ellen Glickman In honor of the marriage of Mark & Suzie Weber's daughter Stephanie Weber to Paul Muri David and Rose Ellen Glickman Wishing Don Lockshin a speedy recovery Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of Bill and Shirley Lehman's granddaughter Sarah Geller becoming a Bat Mitzvah Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of Maxine Litwak's 70th birthday Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of Robin Barack's birthday Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of the birth of Sadie Faye Klau Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of the birth of Vladi and Heather Yurovsky's daughter Cassidy Venice Yurovsky Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of the marriage of Mark and Suzie Weber's daughter Stephanie to Paul Muri Irwin and Sue Klau Wishing Don Goodman a speedy recovery Irwin and Sue Klau Wishing Sydell Howitt a good recovery Joseph G. Goldstein In memory of Melvin Burton and Harry & Athena Doudis Leon and Doris Pienknagura In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Marilyn Less In appreciation of the Israeli Rally Mark and Suzie Weber In honor of Alejandro Assael becoming a Bar Mitzvah Mark and Suzie Weber In memory of Dalia Herman Mark and Suzie Weber In memory of Daniel Gerson Merritt and Ellen Halem In honor of the marriage of Mark and Suzie Weber's daughter Stephanie to Paul Muri Merritt and Ellen Halem In honor of the Temple Sinai staff Ralph Byer General donation Richard Waldman Wishing Howard Roskin the best of health in 2016 Richard Waldman Wishing Lisa Layne the best of health in 2016 Robert Leshen General donation Robert Sugarman and Marilyn Seskin General donation Roberta Krolick In honor of the birth of Irwin and Sue Klau's granddaughter, Sadie Faye Klau Sandy and Don Goodman In honor of Douglas and Lisa Layne's anniversary Sandy and Don Goodman In honor of the birth of Ingrid Nelson's grandson IIan Nelson Sylvan and Carol Lewis In honor of David Sandberg being named the first Chair of the Dr. Marnie Rose Professorship in Pediatric Neurosurgery Sylvan and Carol Lewis In honor of the engagement of Celia Mussman's daughter, Marla Bergmann to Michael Malanud Sylvan and Carol Lewis In honor of the engagement of Celia Mussman's granddaughter Lauren Kaufman Bergmann to Nelson France
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of Bill and Shirley Lehman's granddaughter Sarah Geller becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Blanche Launer Jan Brodkey Murray and Judith Swift Robert & Juliette Robbins
In honor of Don and Linda Lockshin's grandsons, Gabriel and Max Levy becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of the birth of Daniel and Daniela Sultan's son In honor of the birth of Ingrid Nelson's grandson IIan Nelson In honor of the birth of Jonathan and Inbar Globerson's daughter In honor of the birth of Robert and Rosa Kaufman's grandson Jacob Joaquin Fraxedas In honor of the birth of Vladi and Heather Yurovsky's daughter Cassidy Venice Yurovsky In memory of Adolfo Burgos In memory of Alberto Tarrab In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Evan Resnick In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Wishing Betty Nault a speedy recovery Wishing Don Lockshin a speedy recovery In memory of Tillie Aronchick High Holy Days donation High Holy Days donation Sponsorship of apples for Yom Kippur High Holy Days donation
The Hollander-Rachleff Library Fund Irene J. Baros
In memory of Norman D. Jacobs
The Jacobson Sinai Academy Fund Alejandro and Sandra Chaberman Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy David and Tammy Waich Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Debbie Bloomfield In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Eduardo and Sisa Brender Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Ilya and Irina Kaminsky Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Jaime and Stefany Ghitelman Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Jose and Clara Azout Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Josef & Mariam Preschel Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Lili Arnold Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Mark Tabacinic & Vanessa Bibliowicz Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Maurice Ruah & Gabriela Lopez Ruah Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Max and Laura Waich Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Merritt and Ellen Halem In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Miguel Chocron & Yael Sultan Chocron Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Moises and Monique Goihman Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Moises Gampel Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Ricardo Berl and Vanessa Israel-Berl Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Richard and Lainie Ginsburg In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Samuel Gampel & Victoria Bassan Lekach Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Steven and Rochelle Weinstein In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz
The Judy & Murray Swift Fund Murray and Judy Swift
In honor of Bonnie Bloom's birthday
The Memorial Fund Alan and Laura Drexler Arlene Multz Bonnie Bloom Carol Freed Charles and Lonnie Kantor Charles and Lonnie Kantor Charles and Lonnie Kantor Elsie Weiss Frank and Sue Pearl Fridell Feibus Gerard and Carol Ann Moss Gerard and Carol Ann Moss Gerard and Carol Ann Moss
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In memory of Yetta Polsky In memory of Milton Brickman In memory of Eva Bloom In memory of Julius Brodman In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Louis Kantor In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz In memory of Helen Cronish In memory of Reuben Feinberg In memory of Pauline K. Schwartz In memory of Gabriele Gatzert In memory of Laura Beth Moss In memory of Stella Zeitlin
SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Donations November 29, 2015 to January 26, 2016 Gloria Raffel Herbert and Susan Fields Herbert and Susan Fields Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Paula Ross Iris Blumenau James and Ita Schenkel Joel Laskey Joel Mintz and Meri-Jane Rochelson Jon and Louise Potash Jon and Marjorie Sussman Jon and Marjorie Sussman Karen Prince Lawrence and Carole Epstein Lawrence and Carole Epstein Leon and Doris Pienknagura Lillian Stein Marcia Gloddy Marilyn Less Mark and Irene Thaw Mark Rokhfeld Martin and Vita Gopman Martin Gallone and Veronica Evelson Mazza & Barr Family Merritt and Ellen Halem Murray and Judy Swift Murray and Judy Swift Ralph and Brenda Kingsley Renee Yeslow Renee Yeslow Richard and Barbara Bergman Richard Waldman Robyn Hoffberger Rodney and Ivania Max Rodney and Ivania Max Ruby Schwalb Ruth Littman Samuel and Vivienne Roth Samuel and Vivienne Roth Samuel and Vivienne Roth Samuel and Vivienne Roth Sandy and Don Goodman Sol Gittelman Steven and Rochelle Weinstein Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Toby and Dee Dee Katzker
In memory of Sigmund Friedman In memory of Elaine Needell In memory of Lena F. Galanter In memory of Abraham Roskin In memory of Emilie Stoffels In memory of Kurt Mendel In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz In memory of Murray Warech In memory of Vivian Marcus In memory of Lillian Corper In memory of Samuel I. Mintz In memory of Seymour Yaffe In honor of the dedication of Harry Sussman's memorial plaque In memory of Dorothy Bohrer In memory of Rosalind Shmulewitz In memory of Dana Teich In memory of Stanley Teich In memory of Leonora Beitsch In memory of Howard Stein In memory of Frank Cohen In memory of William Less In memory of Jack Thaw In memory of Mendel Rokhfeld In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Felisa Evelson z"l In memory of Rose Barr In memory of Adrienne Halem In memory of Florence Eisenberg In memory of Louis Kastenbaum In memory of Henry Maier In memory of Ruth Yeslow In memory of Ruthie Yeslow In memory of Irene Smith In memory of Lillian Waldman In memory of Robert Hoffberger In memory of Rebecca Rappoport In memory of Ruth Max In memory of David Schwalb In memory of Anna Wertheimer In memory of Elias Rothkugel In memory of Eva Rothkugel In memory of Max Bass In memory of Rosemary Benton In memory of William Goodman In memory of Isidore Gittelman In memory of Ruth Berger In memory of Adolfo Burgos In memory of Bernice Simon In memory of Libby Levy In honor of Murray and Judy Swift's anniversary In memory of Dorothy Breindel Lewis In memory of Libby Levy In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz In memory of Leonard Katzker
The Mishkan T'filah Prayer Book Bonnie Bloom Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Richard and Barbara Bergman Sandy and Don Goodman
In memory of Morton Bloom In honor of Bonnie's granddaughter Shuvi Hullman becoming a Bat Mitzvah in Jerusalem Wishing Don Goodman a complete and speedy healing Wishing Don Lockshin a complete and speedy healing In honor of Harrison and Darci Bergman's wedding In honor of Alex and Barbara Falcon's anniversary
Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman
In honor of Bill and Shirley Lehman's anniversary In honor of Bonnie Bloom's birthday In honor of Shirley Lehman's birthday
The Programming Fund Don and Linda Lockshin
Donation for Shabbat dinners
The Sisterhood Collegiate Fund Marion Gordon Marion Gordon Sisterhood Sisterhood Sisterhood
In memory of Mary Gordon In memory of Reubin Gordon In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Evan Resnick In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz
The Sisterhood Fund Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank George and Diana Leader Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Rochelle Blum Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Sylvan and Carol Lewis Wesley and Susan Jones
Wishing Carol Lewis a speedy healing In memory of Lydia Weiss In honor of Alfred Miller's birthday In honor of Marcos Fintz's birthday In honor of Merle Saferstein's birthday In honor of Sandy and Don Goodman's anniversary Wishing Carol Lewis a speedy recovery Wishing Carol Lewis a speedy recovery In honor of Helayne Gordon's birthday In honor of Howard and Ingrid Roskin's anniversary In honor of Mark and Sandi-Jo Gordon's anniversary In honor of Merle Saferstein's birthday Wishing Howard Roskin a speedy recovery In honor of the birthday of Doris Piengnagura's father Mazel Tov on Danny's Bar Mitzvah
The Sisterhood Kitchen Fund Helayne Gordon Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Lillian Schwartz Lillian Stein Lillian Stein Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis Sylvan and Carol Lewis
In memory of Arthur W.Gordon, Benjamin Metrano, Melanie S. Metrano, Jennie Melnick Cohen and Morris Cohen In honor of Bob Sugarman and Marilyn Seskin's anniversary In honor of Steven and Cila Eilat's anniversary In honor of Lillian Stein's birthday In honor of Howard and Ingrid Roskin's anniversary In honor of Sandy and Don Goodman's anniversary In honor of Norton Agron's birthday In honor of Veronica Evelson's birthday In honor of Wesley Jones's birthday Wishing Lisa Layne a speedy recovery
To sponsor the Oneg and Kiddush Aaron Schectman Andrea Darlow Sonnenberg Audrey Aronchick Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Bob and Louise Mirel David and Evelyn Rosen Douglas and Lisa Layne Howard and Ingrid Roskin Joel and Maria Wolf Joel Mintz and Meri-Jane Rochelson Leon and Doris Pienknagura Lillian Stein Mark and Gail Slatko Mark and Sandi-Jo Gordon Mimi, Maybel & Cheryl Murray and Judy Swift Norman and Karen Leopold Sandy and Don Goodman Stanton and Gail Greene
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In honor of Carol Schectman's 90th birthday In memory of David Darlow In memory of Stanley Robert Aronchick In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of their 34th anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In memory of Pearl and Eli G. Rochelson In honor of their anniversary In memory of Howard Stein In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In loving memory of Eric J. Cooperman In honor of their anniversary In honor of their 40th anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary
SH’VAT / ADAR I 5776
Tue 2
Religious School
Wed 3
Thu 4
Sat 6 9 AM Torah Study
Melton Classes
10:30 AM Shabbat With Rabbi Sam Rothberg
5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
10 8:30 AM PTO Meeting @ Kemelhor Chapel
Religious School
Melton Classes
11 8:30 AM Talmud Study
9 AM Torah Study With Bob Sugarman
Professional Day
10 AM: “One Voice, Many Languages”ECE Presentation
10:30 AM Shabbat Service
5:45 PM Oneg
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
14 No Religious School
6:15 PM Sisterhood Kabbalat Shabbat
Melton Classes GMJF The Main Event 6:30 PM SNFTY Cupcake Wars
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
7PM Temple Sinai’s Book Club
25 8:30 AM Talmud Study
Religious School
Melton Classes
Limmud Miami
28 Religious School
20 9 AM Torah Study
7:30 PM Jewish Artist Series
5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Friday Night Live! With Noah Aronson Followed by a Congregational Shabbat Dinner
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service With Rabbi Efrat Zarren Zohar
Melton Classes
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
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6:00 PM JSA Performing Arts Showcase @ Julius Littman Theatre
8:30 AM Talmud Study
10:30 AM Shabbat Ian Tornel will become a Bar Mitzvah