Read all about it on Page 9! Inside this issue: A word from our Leadership
Upcoming Events!
Life cycle & Donations
Jacobson Sinai Academy News
Camp Sinai
Celebrate Purim with the Maccabeats! 15
Community News & Events
Sisterhood Circle & Empty Nesters 6 - 7 News & Events
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12 - 14
Temple Sinai & Jacobson Sinai Academy - 18801 NE 22 Ave., North Miami Beach, FL 33180 | Ph: 305-932-9010 | |
Alan E. Litwak Rabbi Norman Cohen Falah Cantor Mark A. Weber Executive Director Susan Warech Director of Administration Judy Mendelsohn Director of ECE Toni Weissberg Head of School K-8 Aliza Kadish K-8 Assistant Principal Ofra Mor Religious School Coordinator Ralph P. Kingsley, DD Rabbi Emeritus Irving Shulkes, DM, Cantor Emeritus Executive Committee
Trustees Stacey Caridi Matias Cohen Meredith Foster Lee Goldberg Leonardo Gruszka Sage Kantor
Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst
Trustees Emeriti George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson * Sue Shapiro Klau Norman S. Klein Robert Layton Murphy Leopold
Robert Mirel Carol Moss Evelyn Stahl Pablo Sprynger Vanesa Tabacinic Renee Yeslow Vladi Yurovsky
Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon* Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk *In Loving Memory
Jacobson Sinai Academy PTO Coordinators
Sisterhood Co-presidents
Contact Information: Temple Sinai Feinbloom Administration Building, Clergy & Religious School
Tel: Jacobson Sinai Academy - Lower & Middle School
Jacobson Sinai Academy - ECE
A word from the Executive Director, Mark A. Weber I have to thank Susan Warech, our wonderful Director of Administration, for providing me with the inspiration for this month’s article. You see, not only is Susan a dedicated colleague and a great friend, but she is also the unofficialyet-undisputed resident historian of Temple Sinai of North Dade. Susan rivals those infamous television hoarders when it comes to protecting her archives of Partner records, meeting minutes, and financial statements, some which seemingly date back to when parchment and ink were first invented. The recent severe water damage to our Temple administrative offices -- and our subsequent repair and renovation project -necessitated that Susan and the staff members sift through box after box and binder after binder of stored records and annals. One day, upon an especially interesting discovery, Susan came into my office waving a green, typewritten document – yes, typewritten as on a typewriter, not a computer -- and invited me to review Temple Sinai of North Dade’s proposed budget – from 1973-1974! Indeed I was fascinated. Let me share a few comparisons of our Temple’s budget dating back to the days of Richard Nixon’s presidency (USA, not TSND). I believe these numbers tell a story not only of 42 years of economic inflation, but more important, of 42 years of the growth and diversification of our Temple Sinai community and the vital and holy ongoing work supporting our mission of Nurturing Fuller Jewish Life. Back in 1974, our organization had a total expense budget of a whopping $271,560 and it operated at a $30,000 deficit. Our entire annual payroll including the Temple, Religious School, Nursery, administration, and maintenance staff (totaled here to protect the innocent, namely our esteemed and treasured emeritus clergy) was $151,600. By contrast, in 2016 we are an $8 million not-forprofit entity, with 119 total employees on Page 2
campus and a payroll in excess of $5 million! Certainly, the introduction of our Jacobson Sinai Academy and Camp Sinai summer program have been key drivers of our organization’s growth, not to mention the development and expansion of countless new spiritual, educational, and social programs across our Partnership and community at large, and the expansion of financial assistance toward ensuring our core values of inclusion and equality. Another benchmark of note: back in 1974, we raised $30,500 through fundraising and dedications, while in 2015-16 our Annual Giving Campaign goal is $340,000 -- and we remain deeply appreciative of your continued generosity as we raise funds through the upcoming close of our fiscal year in June. Yet if I were to perform some quick arithmetic, it indicates that 12.5% of Temple Sinai’s revenue in 1974 was generated via voluntary donations; however, that rate has slipped in 2015-16 to approximately 5%. Imagine if we could restore the rate of philanthropy that our community generated 42 years ago -- our Annual Giving Campaign would generate well in excess of $1 million per year to our Temple and school. Yes, in excess of $1 million annually. Just imagine the possibilities. Clearly our founders and predecessors in 1974 imagined, and they delivered what we continue to be the beneficiaries of still today. As the visionary Theodor Herzl stated, “If you will it, it is no dream; and if you do not will it, a dream it is and a dream it will stay.” Indeed, the choice is ours to make.
Mark Weber
A word from the President of the Board, Ellen Halem As I wondered when I would have the time to write an article for the March Mosaic, our flight from LaGuardia to Ft. Lauderdale was unexpectedly delayed for a few hours (which turned into a few days) due to snow, leaving me the time I needed to compose my thoughts for this month’s Mosaic. I realize sitting here how external forces, such as the weather, impact our daily lives. Merritt and I have spent the last two weekends visiting our grandchildren and sharing in those delightful moments that living thousands of miles away we do not have the opportunity to regularly experience. We take hundreds of pictures and videos, advise and council and try to impart some words of wisdom in a time span of 48-72 hours. As much as we would like to have a greater presence in our children and grandchildren’s lives, the distance from our home to theirs prohibits us from having more than a minor impact. As the holiday of Purim approaches, I understand that, like the weather, external forces influence us as Jews. Haman, who was jealous of Jewish culture, tried to destroy all of the Jewish people and claim their property as his own. Queen Esther, a Jew, was able to prevent the killing and destruction of all the Jewish
people in Persia. She explained to her husband, King Ahasuerus, what Mordechai, her uncle had overheard Haman plotting. As the external force, Queen Esther, was able to thwart Haman’s plans. Haman and his sons lost their lives, a terrible price to pay, but well deserved, for such a wicked plan. We at Temple Sinai are influenced by external forces on a daily basis; the weather (as we witnessed recently with the tornado), the economy, illness and the age of our synagogue and its partners. We can be like Esther and help one another and our synagogue to flourish, just as the Jews did in Persia. It is not an easy task but it is not insurmountable either. This year as we celebrate Purim, we also begin the celebration of Temple Sinai’s 60th anniversary. I am asking each of you to join in the celebration and be a part of the next 60 years. When called to volunteer, please help us create a celebration that will be remembered for years to come. The snow continues to fall in NYC and I’m not quite sure when we will return to the warmth of South Florida, but the time spent visiting our children and grandchildren will be cherished forever and was well worth the airport delay.
Ellen Halem
On a Musical Note - Cantor Norman Cohen Falah February was a month full of celebration. I celebrated my birthday on Valentine’s day. Thank you to all who sent me birthday wishes. It was also my eldest son’s birthday, who turned 18 on the 25th. He went back to Argentina and asked me to thank all the people who warmly welcomed him during his stay in Miami.
We closed with a gala concert that I was commissioned to organize, in which Noah Aronson, and myself, among other musicians entertained the cheering crowd. It was a great finale for a great day.
Last but not least, on February 25th we celebrated the Jewish community cultural diversity in the JSA showcase “Kibbutz Galuyot.” All the kids were fantastic, and proud parents and From a musical perspective, on February 19, we celebrated grandparents, along with teachers and staff had a great time. I Kabbalat Shabbat at Jacobson Sinai Academy and at Temple especially want to thank the Sinai with renowned songwriter Temple Sinai Choral ensemble and performer Noah Aronson. for participating in the show. He led the K-8 Kabbalat Shabbat The Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble Some of the choir members had at school in the morning with always welcomes new singers. to leave work early to be there at wonderful songs and the show. I want to thank Ariela meaningful prayers. It was a lot If you are interested in joining our Jason-Hes for putting together of fun for our students. choir, please contact Cantor Norman such a great event and for Later in the afternoon, Noah at inviting our Adult Choir to Aronson worked with our perform. Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble and our Youth choir, preparing a few songs for Friday Night Live. And the celebration continues in March, when the Hebrew month of Adar falls. It is said that “Mishenichnas Adar marbim The service was truly amazing and inspiring. Noah’s unique leading style made everybody who attended feel refreshed and b’simchah” - When Adar arrives, we increase our joy! “resouled.” And indeed Purim is coming and at Sinai our joy will definitely multiply as we welcome The Maccabeats in our community who On February 21, we celebrated Limmud Miami, a full day of learning and fun, where I gave a workshop titled “Instant choir,” will give a concert in our Feinbloom Sanctuary to culminate Purim with a high note. Looking forward to seeing you all on with great success. I’d like to highlight that six of our partners, March 24. You cannot miss it! Wendy and Jeff Friedman, Sandi-Jo Gordon, Meri-Jane Rochelson, Merle R. Saferstein and Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar Cantor Norman Cohen Falah presented at Limmud Miami too, showing how much talent we have in our community. Page 3
A Message from JSA’s K-8 Head of School, Mrs. Toni Weissberg This month has been quite busy. All of our classes are involved in special activities in the classroom. Please read about them: Kindergarten has been very busy this month. We FINALLY celebrated the 100th Day of School. We had a great day! The children were very excited to present their "100 Day Projects" in which they grouped 100 items in ten groups of ten. The posters are beautiful and they are displayed outside the Kindergarten classrooms in the hallway. We also had a 100 day snack. The children filled bags with 100 pieces of mostly healthy snacks! We completed 100 day booklets filled with fun activities such as taking 100 giant steps to see where we ended up. In Art class they made beautiful hats to celebrate this wonderful day! February is Dental Health Month and 1st Grade had a special visitor. Dental Hygienist Amanda came to help educate us about Dental Health and taking care of our teeth. Her visit was fun and informative, and she gave us all gifts. Thank you Amanda from Dr. Michael Brody's office for teaching us how to keep our teeth healthy.
After learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and reading timelines, 3rd grade learned how to gather information from a secondary source and wrote their first biography book reports. We celebrated the 1ooth Day of School "Boggle" style. All of the students came up with 100 ways to make 100 using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Any overlapping answers were crossed off and the remaining ones were rewritten on a huge poster that is displayed on the bulletin board outside of our rooms. As part of our novel study of A Tale of Despereaux by Kate diCamillo, the fourth grade students were assigned a Vocabulary Team Castle Project. After researching castles and their architecture, teams had to construct a castle model, labeling and reporting on the different parts. Students were graded on their written work, creativity, castle construction, research, presentation, directionfollowing, and teamwork. The four castles are on display on the second floor of the school building and are spectacular! This month has been busy for the 5th graders in Language Arts and Social Studies. The students have been acting as playwrights and play producers. They read different historical fiction books on the American Revolution. They then wrote skits based on their novels that included actual Revolutionary War events, created characters out of clay or on craft sticks, drew scenic backgrounds, and acted out their plays for the rest of the students. In addition, we studied African American heroes and had class discussions on equality for all people. MIDDLE SCHOOL The 6th Grade’s first Morning at the Museum was a smashing success! Students spent months researching important historical figures and then focusing on one individual they would
We’ve been having a fantastic time in Second Grade! The children did a wonderful job honoring the Presidents of the USA at the Shabbat show. They explained some of the unusual pets that were living in the White House throughout history. They also sang a song listing all the Presidents in order. We are so proud of their performance! In celebration of the 100th day of school, the students came dressed as if they were 100 years old. Their costumes were so creative and everybody enjoyed acting like “centenarians.” We did fun activities in math and Language Arts class revolving around the number one hundred.
like to portray. Students created a timeline outlining the important events that happened in their individual’s life. Once the timeline was complete, students finalized their presentations and prepared their speeches for the big day. At the museum, students dressed up as their historical individual and discussed the important facts that happened in their life to our visitors. A special thank you to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade as well as all of the 6th grade parents who helped support the Morning at the Museum! Our 7th grade Scientists recently participated in a Microbe hunt around the school. In this project, students used a special gel-
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JSA News - K to 8th Grade Updates! (cont.) panty hose and scrap wood. While the sculptures themselves were inspired by Henry Moore, the students were able to decide their own favorite artist as the theme of their art pieces to paint. These came out great!!
like substance to collect microbes in different areas of the school. Students collected samples on door knobs, the floor, desks, and the recycling bin. Once the students collected their samples, they placed them in the incubator to watch them build colonies over time. The recycling bin was determined to have the most microbes at the end of the experiment. Students in 8th grade recently finished their Holocaust projects. These powerful projects continue to be on display in the hallways for the Middle School. The 8th graders had the freedom to choose which aspect of the Holocaust they would focus on. They then created visual displays and videos that allowed them to express their view of the Holocaust. Some past Holocaust projects are currently on display at the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center in Hollywood, Florida. The projects and presentations were very powerful and we cannot wait to see what the next groups of 8th graders come up with. ART: Eighth grade students were asked to create and design an organic, abstract sculpture using recyclable materials like wires,
As you can see, learning takes place in many different ways in every single classroom. Children have the opportunity to research, act out, discover, and design, dress-up and learn from outside sources. I am very proud of the fine education that your children receive here at Jacobson Sinai Academy. Warmly,
Mrs. Toni Weissberg
A Message from ECE Principal, Mrs. Judy Mendelsohn ECE children had a wonderful week as they explored the world around them learning that there are other children in the world who share similarities and differences in lifestyles to theirs.
Colombia, Hawaii and Israel, and sang songs from England, Jamaica, United States, and a medley of songs in Yiddish.
The big finale focused on world peace as children sang, "Heal the World" and waved glow sticks back and forth. It was quite a During an in-house program, “Tasting the World,” touching ending to a wonderful program. our ECE children got to taste foods from different countries, Kudos to Ms. Pat and our teachers for making this topic of study cultures, and places around the world. very meaningful to our children. A special thanks to all the Our special program, "One Voice, Many Languages" was a big hit school families who sent in foods from different countries for the as each class performed a song or dance representing a different children to taste. place in the world. Our students danced to music representing Mrs. Judy Mendelsohn
Some pictures of our “One voice, many languages” event. Looking forward to celebrating our “grandfriends” at ECE’s Grandparents’ Shabbat.
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2nd Annual Sinai Showcase - Kibbutz Galuyot Thank you to Jacobson Sinai Academy’s entire faculty and staff for We would also like to show our deepest appreciation for the mastermind behind it all, Ariela Jason-Hes. Because of her, this their hard work and making this year's showcase the best yet! showcase exceeded everyone's high expectations and gave our We want to specially recognize Mr. Martin Plunkett, Ms. Elissa school one more thing to be proud of. Lakofsky and Cantor Norman Cohen Falah for putting in the time Well done, Ariela! and effort needed to prepare our students for the Big Night! Congratulations to our PTO/Rams Moms, School Board and Board of Lastly, we want to give a huge Kol Hakavod to all the students who participated in the Showcase. Their determination and dedication Directors for their contributions as volunteers of JSA and for selling 302 raffle tickets, which raised $95,620 that will go entirely toward the made all the difference! JSA Scholarship Fund! That's $32,000 more than last year! Way to go!
Empty Nesters News & Upcoming Events - Save the Dates * Bring a Friend * Kindly RSVP Early April 23rd – Second Night Passover Seder at TSND. We would love to get together several Empty Nesters tables for the 2nd night of Passover. Last year was terrific and we are all looking forward to Passover this year. Empty Nesters' Shabbaton: We are headed to Deerfield Beach! Friday, May 13th to Sunday, May 15th, 2016. Temple Sinai's Empty Nesters, along with Rabbi Litwak, are preparing a thought provoking, entertaining and memorable program for all of us to enjoy. We will be staying at the Deerfield Beach Embassy Suites, an upscale all-suite oceanfront resort and spa.
The price is $725 per couple and $360 per single (double occupancy required). Every room at the resort is a deluxe two bathroom suite. The price includes Shabbat dinner, lunch on Saturday, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday and all teaching materials. A deposit of $100 per person is required at this time to secure your room. Please don't delay because the hotel has limited availability and will soon be booked. Please call the Temple office as soon as possible to RSVP your YES or NO about joining us for the Empty Nesters' Shabbaton 2016. Thank you and looking forward to enjoying another Shabbaton together! Your Co-Presidents, Evelyn Stahl
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Helayne Gordon
Sisterhood Circle Upcoming Events or dessert for 8. Please make reservations to so we know how many will be coming.
Casino Poker Night April 30th, from 8:00 to 11:00 PM - Wiener Social Hall. Prices: $125 for players | $75 for non players Places are limited so sign up soon. If you don't play poker, there will be other fun activities so come early and stay late!!!! Sponsorships available! Royal Flush Sponsorship: $1000, includes 4 buy ins 4 entry tickets, 20 raffle tickets, name on Banner, invite and table placard. Four of a Kind Sponsorship: $750, includes 3 buy ins 3 entry tickets, 10 raffle tickets, name on invite and table placard.
CAbi Spring/Summer Showroom & Dinner March 9th at 6:00 PM - Wiener Social Hall. Sisterhood Circle invites you to a special Showroom of the Spring/Summer 2016 line of CAbi --a fashion forward line of stylish, easy to wear designs and looks for all our modern women. As an entry to this event please bring an appetizer, entrée, side,
Full House Sponsorship: $500, includes 2 buy ins and 2 entry tickets, 5 raffle tickets and name on the invite. Sisterhood Circle sponsored to support the Community Break The Fast and Sukkot celebrations along with programming during the year. Carol Moss & Sage Kantor, Co-Presidents
Temple Sinai sisterhood presents:
Casino Poker Night! SAVE THE DATE: April 30th - 8:00 PM
Join us for this special fundraising event! Dinner & open bar Win Big Prizes! 1 Sponsorships available!
$100 Buy in | $125 At the Door | $75 Non-Participants Places are limited so sign up soon. If you don't play poker, there will be other fun activities so come early and stay late!!!! RSVP to | 305.932.9010 Page 7
Scholar-in-Residence Weekend - With Michael Berenbaum. Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5 Michael Berenbaum is a scholar, professor, writer, and filmmaker, who specializes in the study of the Holocaust. He served as Deputy Director of the President's Commission on the Holocaust, and played a leading role in the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ( He was the Project Director and curator of its permanent exhibition. He has written 18 books, produced documentaries and worked as consultant for numerous Holocaust-related films. During this scholar-in-residence weekend, these are the topics that Michael will be addressing:
Holocaust Fatigue: Why the American Jewish community has grown tired of hearing about the Holocaust. How a different memory of the Holocaust, as a tool for teaching democracy and pluralism, human dignity and decency, resilience and empowerment, is liberating and invigorating. Kabbalat Shabbat Service - March 4, at 6:15 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary. How Do We Speak of God/How Do We Speak to God After Auschwitz: The Holocaust is a challenge to Jewish beliefs in God and in humanity. We must ask "where was God?" Equally importantly, we must ask "where was humanity?” Lunch and Learn* - March 5, at 12:00 PM in the Wiener Social Hall. These events are free and open to the community. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Temple Sinai’s Administration office at or 305.932.9010. Generously sponsored by the Dixie Kirsch Family Foundation Fund & Dixie Lampert. *Registration is required for the Lunch and Learn program.
Sinai’s College Prep Program! - March 2, April 6 & April 13 - 6:30 PM, at JSA’s Middle School Library Join us and learn about how to succeed in your collegiate experience! SNFTY invites you to participate in a series of college prep sessions hosted by Nancy Berlin, who has been working on college campuses for over 40 years and has worked with college planning and admissions for over 15 years.
Brandeis University and an additional Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. Each session will cover a different topic: Sophomores/Juniors: What to expect & how to get started? Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 PM Seniors: First Year Experience Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 PM Parent open forum: Your College Questions Answered Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30 PM For additional information please contact our Youth Advisor Ron Barhai at Kindly RSVP to
Nancy holds two Masters degrees from
Living and Leaving Your Legacy Workshop - with Merle Saferstein Wednesdays, March 9, 16, April 6, 13, 20, 27 and May 4, 11 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM By the end of this eight week interactive class, you will be on your way to putting your priceless legacy into an ethical will, a loving legacy letter, a journal, a memoir, an autobiography, a scrapbook, an oral history, or more.
What gives your life meaning? What do you want to pass along? What life lessons have you learned? What do you want people to remember about you? The cost for the eight-week session is $200. For more information and registration, please contact Merle R. Saferstein at: 305.931.2234,, or
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Outdoor Shabbat - Friday, March 11 at 6:15 PM in the Israelson Pavilion. Followed by Congregational Shabbat Dinner Join us for a special Kabbalat Shabbat Service under the stars!
Outdoor Kabbalat Following the service, join us for our Shabbat Congregational Shabbat dinner.
There is a $15 cost per adult, $6 per child (under 13) and $18 for non-partners. Late RSVP is an additional $5. Kindly RSVP by Monday, March 7th to our Temple office at 305.932.9010 or
Jewish Artists Session with Rabbi Alan Litwak - Sunday, March 13 at 10 am in the Kemelhor Chapel As part of the program: Jewish Artist Series: Continuing the Long Story of Jewish Artists, Rabbi Alan Litwak will be leading: Classical Art and the Bible: Did Rembrandt read Midrash? The Bible has been an inspiration not only for Jewish artists, but for artists across the continents and the centuries.
These non-Jewish artists often go beyond a simple reading of the Bible, reflecting a deep understanding of the Jewish midrashic tradition. Next session will be on Monday, April 11, at 7:30 pm. Sandi-Jo Gordon will be leading: The Holocaust through Artists’ Eyes. For additional information, call Sandi-Jo Gordon at 305-4692245. Kindly RSVP to
Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Super Sunday & Good Deeds Day - Sunday, March 13 Join the Greater Miami Jewish Federation headquarters on Sunday, March 13 for Federation’s largest annual phonathon – supporting Jewish needs in Miami, in Israel and worldwide – and super activities for all ages. Help make calls and write letters. You can also help honor our firefighters, learn how to stay
safe during a fire, prepare for hurricanes, discover the art of Israeli self-defense (krav maga), train in basic CPR, and make meal baskets for emergency responders and hurricane kits for homebound seniors. There will be activities for all ages, and community service hours will be available. For more information and to volunteer, visit:
Celebrate Purim with The Maccabeats! - Thursday, March 24, activities start at 5:00 PM than 20 million views on YouTube, numerous TV appearances, and proven success with four albums. Using nothing more than the unadulterated human voice, a clean-cut presentation, and a little Jewish humor, this unique group of singers is able to connect with fans of all backgrounds and ages. This talent has caught the eye of the world with their explosion of success on YouTube and in publications across the world. We are so excited to have them perform for whole community! Before the concert, we will be hosting a Purim Carnival and Food Court starting at 5:00 PM, which will continue to run until 6:45 PM.
We have a special Purim treat for all our Sinai families! Get ready to sing and dance to The Maccabeats as they will be performing live at Sinai on March 24. Originally formed in 2007 as Yeshiva University’s student vocal group, The Maccabeats have recently emerged as both Jewish music and a cappella phenomena, with a large fanbase, more
At 5:30 PM you can join us for a Megillah reading in the Kemelhor Chapel. And at 7:00 PM get ready to sing and dance to the rhythm of The Maccabeats’ a capella tunes! Let’s celebrate and enjoy Purim in community! The Purim carnival and activities previous to the concert are free and open to the community. To attend The Maccabeats concert please purchase your tickets at The Maccabeats concert is presented by The Israelson Family.
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Rabbi Litwak inducted into the Board of Governors of HUC-JIR Rabbi Alan Litwak was inducted into the Board Of Governors of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion at its meeting in Los Angeles on January 25, 2016. The Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) is the center of innovation for Jewish life and learning – preparing rabbis, cantors, leaders in Jewish education, Jewish nonprofit professionals, pastoral counselors, and scholars to apply their knowledge,
commitment, vision, and expertise to strengthen and transform the Jewish community and larger world. HUC-JIR is the largest Jewish seminary in North America and the academic, spiritual, and professional leadership development center of Reform Judaism. HUC-JIR's President, Rabbi Aaron D. Panken, Ph.D., stated: “Rabbi Alan Litwak is a distinguished alumnus of the College-Institute whose visionary rabbinical leadership has created a vibrant community devoted to worship, lifelong learning, and social action. We look forward to his wisdom and guidance in advancing our sacred mission of preparing the next generations of leaders for the Jewish community and the larger world.”
Jewish Education Loan Fund Applications for interest-free loans for post-secondary education (college, graduate school and vocational programs) will be available to Jewish students in your area for the 20162017 school year from JELF (Jewish Educational Loan Fund). The loan application will be available March 1 – April 30 (and from September 1 – September 30) on JELF’s website at JELF loans are need-based and offer “last-dollar” financing, meaning that JELF provides the final dollars that
bridge the gap between a student’s total financial resources and the cost of attending school. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a program leading to a degree or certificate at an accredited institution located in the United States, be a U.S. citizen or have lawful immigration status in the U.S., and be able to demonstrate financial need (FAFSA required). For more information, contact or, or call 770-396-3080.
Create a Jewish Legacy Temple Sinai of North Dade is excited to announce our participation in the Create a Jewish Legacy program in partnership with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. The program provides TSND with training mentorship, marketing, and incentive grants to support legacy gift development. Legacy gifts (gifts made through a bequest, life insurance or retirement fund beneficiary designation), secured through the program, will be placed in an endowment fund to provide financial stability for TSND’s programs and services. We are also proud to announce the formation of the Temple Sinai Legacy Society, a group of dedicated and committed individuals who through their after-lifetime commitments will help guarantee the strength and vibrancy of
the TSND community for generations to come. To date, two individuals have joined the society by signing a Declaration of Intent. Through the Create a Jewish Legacy program, TSND will receive a $5,000 grant if we secure a minimum of five legacy commitments by June 1, 2016. If you have already included Temple Sinai in your estate plan, please let us know. If you have yet to do so, and would like to hear how you can have a significant impact on the Temple’s future without writing a check today, please contact Susan Warech at 305-932-9010. The Create a Jewish Legacy program has helped secure more than $27,800,000.00 in estimated future gifts to the Miami Jewish community in just four years. Temple Sinai of North Dade is honored to join the 18 other Miami organizations who are working to integrate legacy into the philanthropic culture of our community.
The Mitzvah of Hospitality: Be a Greeter! Just as the Union for Reform Judaism has Shabbat services. Whether it is on a Friday night, Saturday morning, or occasionally for Shabbat Minchah (afternoon embarked on a wonderful new initiative, Audacious Hospitality, to engage service), your help in welcoming our partners and guests is and embrace all who want to nurture their always greatly appreciated. It is also a wonderful opportunity to meet your fellow congregants. Jewish identities, Temple Sinai also strives to be “A Community Nurturing Fuller Jewish If you are interested in having your name placed on our list of Life.” volunteers, please call Yessenia in the Feinbloom Administration At this time, we are looking for friendly faces to office at 305-932-9010. fulfill the mitzvah of hospitality and serve as greeters for our Page 11
Temple Sinai Community - Lifecycle R’fuah Sh’leimah
March Birthdays
Elinore Rutman Freda Rozen-Brown Susan Rachleff Elena Goldberg Herbert Weinberg Candi Rubin
Lisa Layne Chuck Kantor Gloria Barnett Irwin Katz Marion Gordon Paul Feldman
Condolences To Deborah Cohen, on the death of her father Mordechai Ben Dvora Bayla. To Martin (Natalia) Djmal, on the death of his mother Julia Djmal. To Sharon Molot, on the death of her sister Shelly Plon. To Maggie De Leon, on the death of her father-in-law Clive De Leon. To Gail (Mark) Slatko, on the death of her mother Lillian Maltz.
March Anniversaries 3/3 3/5 3/7 3/11 3/12 3/14 3/15 3/15 3/18 3/18 3/22 3/23
Robert and Margo Schwartz Jeff and Patricia Rudman Derek and Allison Shambora Gaston and Romina Schneider Clive and Cherise Metz Daniel and Lisa Baron Alan and Laura Drexler Gary and Syd Wiesel Norton and Judy Agron Melvyn and Susan Rachleff Adam and Sara Frankel Josh and Hilary Brownstein
3/23 3/23 3/23 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/30
Frank and Carole Kromsky Jonathan and Louise Potash Victor and Perla Tarrab John and Susan Cogan Elias and Stephanie Gutt Aaron and Carol Schectman Johnny and Christina Anidjar Barry and Meredith Fishman Howard and Paula Ross Steven and Debra Unmuth Ronnie and Michael Zindorf Eduardo and Sybila Szkolnik
3/1 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/9 3/9 3/10 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/16
Jonathan Mandelblum Christina Anidjar Meredith Foster Joan Greenberg Michael Ioannou Hilda Mitrani Truly Burton Robert Udelson Heather Yurovsky Joseph Geller Marion Gordon Linda Hertz Irwin Hyman Marilyn Ladis Richard Schanerman Dennis Greenwald Sara (Dixie) Lampert Victor Tarrab Harry Berkowitz Barton Wassermann Terry Rosenblum Gerda Wassermann Joan Leader Barry Glassman Leroy Raffel Mark Slatko Max Waich Nancy Berlin Todd Landau Carol Ann Moss Darren Friedman
3/16 3/17 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/19 3/19 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/26 3/26 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/29 3/29 3/31
Ingrid Nelson Ronnie Bronstein Paul Feldman Alma Hyman Herbert Weinberg Ellen Curtis Maria Wolf Marilyn Baumoehl Lee Hertz Karen Kallman Jonathan Winer Marlene Garcia Leah Stock Alan Metzger Gabriel Serfaty Efrona Brodsky Julie Feldman Moises Goihman Carole Kromsky Terri Lakin Ellen Nusbaum Susan Rachleff Daniel Baron Henry Hirsch Allison Shambora
Mazal Tov! To Debbie and Steven Unmuth, on their son Joshua becoming a Bar Mitzvah.
To Rabbi Alan Litwak, on being inducted into the Board of Governors of Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR).
To Elisa and Carlos Tornel, on their son Ian becoming a Bar Mitzvah.
To Adele and Joel Sandberg, on their son Dr. David Sandberg being named first Chair of the Dr. Marnie Rose Professorship in Pediatric Neurosurgery.
To parents Nathalie and Daniel Stramwasswer, and sibling Shira - Class of 2026, on the safe arrival of baby girl Stramwasser. To Mini Bril, on the birth of her grandson Abraham Sasson. To Ellen and Merritt Halem, on the safe arrival of their granddaughter Alexandra Rae. To Stuart and Cindy Israelson, on the marriage of their daughter Lara Israelson to Matthew Gruskin.
To Brandon Schmilovich and Agustin Covos, fifth grade students who became JSA’s Spelling Bee champions! They will represent JSA in the 76th Annual Miami Herald Spelling Bee, on March 8, 2016, at Jungle Island. To our JSA students that have been nominated for the Carson Scholar Fund: Alejandro Assael (’16), Galya Hes (’17), Pablo Tannenbaum (’17), Eduardo Halfen (’18), Hannah Levin (’18) and Jordan Winer (’16).
JCS Kosher Food Bank - For the month of March / Adar I - Adar II 5776 Please donate food to the Kosher Food Bank, an agency of Jewish Community Service, which has been serving needy Jews in South Florida for decades. The items most needed are:
All packages must be marked “Kosher for Passover” with an acceptable kosher symbol.
• Apple sauce • Cake mix • Tomato sauce
Questions? Please Call Bonnie at 305-947-8093 or Email
• Matzah meal • Jelly • Macaroons • Oil • Mayonnaise • Potato starch • Ketchup • Candy/Chocolates • Grape juice
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Donations January 26 to February 24, 2016 Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's Discretionary Fund Bob and Louise Mirel Ira Zweifler and Ann Landau Richard Waldman Sandy and Don Goodman
In appreciation of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's trope class In honor of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's birthday In honor of Lizbeth Schonfeld for all the joy she brings to the choir In honor of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's birthday
Rabbi Alan Litwak's Discretionary Fund Alan and Laura Drexler Ann Zartler Bob and Louise Mirel David and Rose Ellen Glickman
In appreciation of the unveiling In honor of Irwin and Sue Klau Thank you to Rabbi Alan Litwak In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak being inducted into the Board of Governors of Hebrew Union College Harry and Deborah Berkowitz In memory of Arlene Dubow Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak being inducted into the Board of Governors of Hebrew Union College Leon and Doris Pienknagura In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak being inducted into the Board of Governors of Hebrew Union College Martin and Lynn Mendelssohn In appreciation of the unveiling for Carol Tellerman Martin and Lynn Mendelssohn In memory of Szulim Rak Norman and Alice Klein In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak Olga Zahradnicek General Donation Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In honor of Norman and Karen Leopold's anniversary Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In honor of Ryan Udelson completing his first marathon Stuart and Cindy Israelson In honor of Lara Israelson and Matthew Gruskin's wedding
The Arnold & Roselyn Meyer ECE Fund In memory of Evan Resnick In memory of Elyse Marcus In memory of Evan Resnick Wishing Elena Goldberg a complete and speedy recovery Jeffrey & Adrienne Scheck In memory of Elyse Marcus Joe & Deanna Goldstein In memory of Elyse Marcus Leon and Toni Weissberg In memory of Elyse Marcus Leon and Toni Weissberg In memory of Evan Resnick Lester & Andrea Samuels In memory of Elyse Marcus Marlene Mazor In memory of Evan Resnick National Philanthropic Trust In memory of Elyse Marcus Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In memory of Elyse Marcus Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In memory of Evan Resnick Ronald & Nava Dweck In memory of Elyse Marcus Susan Warech In memory of Elyse Marcus Susan Warech In memory of Evan Resnick Susan Warech In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz The King Family In memory of Elyse Marcus The King Family In memory of Evan Resnick
The Caring Community Fund
Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech
In honor of David Glickman In honor of Leon Pienknagura's birthday In honor of Bill and Shirley Lehman's granddaughter Sarah Geller becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of Jill Bloomfield and Ben Margolis's wedding In honor of Mildred Waxman becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of the birth of Gary & Syd Wiesel's grandson Dylan In honor of the birth of Marilyn Baumoehl's great grandson Dylan
The General Donation Fund David and Rose Ellen Glickman David and Rose Ellen Glickman David and Rose Ellen Glickman David and Rose Ellen Glickman
Mark and Suzie Weber Norman and Alice Klein Rabbi David Young Susan Warech Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
Arthur and Irene Schatz Dennis and Barbara Amoils Dennis and Barbara Amoils ECE Sunshine Club
Ira Zweifler and Ann Landau Ira Zweifler and Ann Landau Susan Warech
Frank Waxman Irwin and Sue Klau Isamar Perez Just Give Leon and Doris Pienknagura Leon and Doris Pienknagura Leon and Doris Pienknagura
In honor of Leon and Doris Pienknagura's anniversary In honor of Leon Pienknagura's birthday In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter Alexandra Rae In honor of the marriage of Stuart and Cindy Israelson's daughter Lara Israelson to Matthew Gruskin
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of Mildred Waxman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Wishing Norman Klein a speedy recovery Thank you God General donation In honor of David Glickman's birthday In honor of Rose Ellen Glickman's birthday In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter Alexandra Rae In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter Alexandra Rae In honor of Irwin and Sue Klau To assist with covering the damages caused by the recent storm In honor of Joshua Unmuth becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of David being named first Chair of the Dr. Marnie Rose Professorship in Pediatric Neurosurgery In honor of Ian Tornel becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Joshua Unmuth becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of the marriage of Stuart and Cindy Israelson's daughter Lara Israelson to Matthew Gruskin In honor of Mildred Waxman becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak being inducted into the Board of Governors of Hebrew Union College In honor of the birth of Gary & Syd Wiesel's grandson Dylan In honor of the birth of Marilyn Baumoehl's great grandson Dylan In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter Alexandra Rae In honor of the marriage of Debbie Bloomfield's daughter Jill Bloomfield to Ben Margolis In memory of Lillian Maltz Wishing Elena Goldberg a complete and speedy recovery Wishing Freda Rozen-Brown a complete recovery
The Jacobson Sinai Academy Fund Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann Deborah Lazar Leon and Toni Weissberg
In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz In memory of Mary Weitzner In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter Alexandra Rae Leon and Toni Weissberg In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz RenĂŠe Yeslow In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Ricardo and Stephanie Halfen Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In honor of the marriage of Debbie Bloomfield's daughter Jill Bloomfield to Ben Margolis Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In memory of Sarah Bibliowicz Temple Sinai Parents Association Technology donation for Jacobson Sinai Academy
The Memorial Fund Carol Freed Elsie Weiss Elsie Weiss Elsie Weiss Galina Tuninskaya George and Dee Leader Gerard and Carol Ann Moss Howard and Ingrid Roskin Irwin and Sue Klau Joel Laskey Leon and Doris Pienknagura Leonard Kraus Leroy and Shirley Raffel Linda Sotnick Marcia Gloddy Marilyn Leonard Mark Rokhfeld
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In memory of Howard Freed In memory of Greta Skolnick In memory of Morris Rosenberg In memory of Morris Zimmerman In memory of Faina Metushanskya and Raisa Tuninskaya In memory of Abraham Fein In memory of Esther Robinson In memory of Rosi Klein In memory of Lillian Maltz In memory of Harriett Laskey In honor of Benjamin Pienknagura In memory of Henry Kraus In memory of Ann O. Raffel In memory of Zelda Katz In memory of Sophie S. Feldman In memory of Madeline Leonard In memory of Faina Segal & Toviy Segal
Donations January 26 to February 24, 2016 Martin Kleinbart In memory of Judith Anne Kleinbart Merritt and Ellen Halem In memory of Issac Halem Mildred Spitzer In memory of Freda Tierney Morris and Betty Glickman In memory of Max Alcon Phyllis Pechter In memory of Fannie Hammer Renee Yeslow In memory of Stanley Yeslow Rodney and Ivania Max In memory of Howard Max Rodney and Ivania Max In memory of Joseph Rappaport Ron Book In memory of Harold Book Ruth Littman In memory of Beatrice Ganz Sam and Sara Brenner In memory of Becky Brenner Samuel and Vivienne Roth In memory of Clara Bass Sara (Dixie) Lampert In memory of Bertha Kirsch Sharron Botwinick In memory of Lillian Maltz Susan Warech In memory of Alberto Tarrab Sylvan and Carol Lewis In memory of Douglas A. Lehman Stephen Tannenbaum and Audina Berrocal In memory of Pearl Tannenbaum The Book, Gould, Houden & Weinroth Family In memory of Delores K. Book
The Mishkan T'filah Prayer Book Bonie Bonnie Bloom & Gary Frank In honor of Norman and Karen Leopold's anniversary Harry and Deborah Berkowitz In memory of Carol Welczer Tellerman Harry and Deborah Berkowitz In memory of George Berkowitz
Sandy and Don Goodman
In honor of Steve and Derry Fishman's anniversary
The Programming Fund Don and Linda Lockshin Carlos Tornel and Elisa Mizrahi
Donation for Shabbat dinners In sponsorship of Friday Night Live with Noah Aronson
The Sisterhood Collegiate Fund Marion Gordon
In memory of Dorothy Gordon
The Sisterhood Kitchen Fund Harry and Deborah Berkowitz Harry and Deborah Berkowitz Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman
In honor of Bill and Shirley Lehman's granddaughter Sarah Geller becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter In honor of David and Rose Ellen Glickman's birthdays Wishing Susan Rachleff a speedy recovery
To sponsor the Oneg and Kiddush Aaron and Carol Schectman Claudia Leib Eva Lebovic and Greg Thomas Ron and Shoshanah Bloom Ron and Shoshanah Bloom Steve and Derry Fishman Steven and Debra Unmuth Wendy Friedman
In honor of their anniversary In honor of her new home In memory of David Lebovic In honor of Rosh Chodesh In memory of Sam Bloom In honor of their 35th anniversary In honor of their anniversary In memory of Belle Corn and Jeannette Slomoff
Adam & Jaqueline Adler Beth Albert All Florida Pool & Spa Javier & Isabel Alvarez-Levey Daniel & Elena Amsili Inna E. Armel Steven & Darrow Arrow Mauricio and Erika Assael Maya Attia Ron Barhai Marilyn Baumoehl Becker's School Supplies Simon & Brenda Behar Leonard & Roberta Bendell Pedro & Barbara Bermann Kenneth & Marla Bern Jack & Helen Berne Carol Bibliowicz Alain Bibliowicz Bien Howard & Efrona Brodsky Debbie Bloomfield Iris Blumenau Maureen Boiarsky Sharron Botwinick Steven & Lucenis Brodsky Joseph and Shirley Bronstein Ronnie & Rachel Bronstein Bryant Security Richard & Truly Burton Eduardo and Stacey Caridi Cantor Norman & Florencia Cohen Falah Jimmy & Rabbi Jody CohenGavarian Cooling Methods
Stephen & Shelley Costin David & Mariela Covos Chaya Daniel Andrea Darlow Alan & Laura Drexler Mel & Terry Drucker Leo & Kay Edelsberg Allan & Mary Epstein Lawrence & Carole Epstein Adam & Tamar Erdberg Maxine Erving Daniel Espinosa Ron & Kyla Fajerstein Alex & Barbara Falcon Ronit Felszer Herbert & Susan Fields Marcos & Esther Fintz Brian & Meredith Foster Martin & Veronica Gallone David & Marla Garfinkle Dean & Michelle Gettis Jonathan & Becky Gilinski Ron Givon Barry & Neena Glassman David & Rose Ellen Glickman John & Ksenia Gnip Michael & Robin Goldberg Lee & Robyn Goldberg Sandy & Don Goodman Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Marc & Amanda Gottlieb Irving & Elaine Green Joan Greenberg Stanton Greene Dennis Greenwald
Mario & Melissa Grosfeld Merritt & Ellen Halem David and Penny Hatz Gloria Heitner Luis Hernandez Jane Hiller Brandon Holcman Michael & Faye Holman Marc & Claudia Hurwitz Raisa Ilyutovich Aliza Kadish Ari & Erica Kalish Charles & Lonnie Kantor Joshua Karp Toby & Dee Dee Katzker Susy Kertesz Rabbi Ralph & Brenda Kingsley Irwin & Sue Klau Norman & Alice Klein Martin Kleinbart Frederick & Anne Knoll Bob & Rosa Kofman Srul Krivoruk Marilyn Ladis Eugene & Terri Lakin Phillip & Elissa Lakofsky Dixie Lampert David Landau Todd & Robin Landau Joel Laskey Jerry & Joan Leader George & Dee Leader Bill & Shirley Lehman Claudia Leib Marilyn Less
Page 14
Bobbi Levitt May Lipschutz Ruth Littman Rabbi Alan & Deborah Litwak Alexandre & Chava Mann Steven & Ruth Marcus Rodney & Ivania Max Judy Mendelsohn Alan & Nancy Metzger Mark & Carrie Mintz Meri-Jane Rochelson & Joel Mintz Bob & Louise Mirel Sharon Molot Mo's Bagel Avnon & Aviva Moshe Gary & Carol Moss Celia Mussman Betty Nault Ingrid Nelson Sanford & Ellen Nusbaum Doug & Suzanne Okun Marty & Heather Oppenheimer Helen Paniry Leon & Doris Pienknagura Keith & Candice Poliakoff Jonathan & Louise Potash Stanley & Barbara Price Karen Prince Leroy & Shirley Raffel Lauren Roisman Eugene Ross Howard & Paula Ross Michael & Adrienne Roth Miguel & Stephanie Ruiz Daryl & Merle Saferstein Sage Bagel & Deli Joel & Adele Sandberg Howard & Margery Sanford Richard & Bari Schanerman James & Ita Schenkel Robert & Edna Schenkel Suzanne Schild Lillian Schwartz Maxine Schwartz Margo Brilliant & Robert Schwartz Peter & Miriam Segall Service Keepers Chantal Severe Louis-Jean Oranit Shaked
Lior & Susan Shalev Charles & Ferris Shenker Ryan & Nirvana Sherman Zvi & Lorena Shiff Howard & Pamela Shiman Cantor Irving & Joanne Shulkes Steve & Rachel Silverman Mitchell & Marcia Silverstein Larry & Shelley Simon Pamela Skalet Mark Slatko Dick & June Slavin Henry & Janet Solomon David & Evelyn Stahl Ron & Debbie Steiger Millie Steinberg Laurie Steinberg Jerome Stern Andy & Sherry Sturner Marilyn Seskin & Bob Sugarman Suzanne Summers Pablo & Daniela Szprynger Carlos & Elisa Tornel Ronny & Elise Udelson Susan Warech Gerda Wassermann Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann Mark & Suzie Weber Steven & Rochelle Weinstein Toni & Leon Weissberg Ivan Williams Sam Williams Williams Welding, Inc Renee Yeslow Ira Zweifler & Ann Landau
Eligible for employer gift matching? Contact us and make your generous gift go twice as far! Please email our Executive Director
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Mon 29
Tue 1
Religious School
Melton Classes
8:30 AM Talmud Study
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
8:30 AM PTO Meeting
Religious School
Melton Classes
JSA Spirit Day / Bake sale
8:30 AM Talmud Study
9:45 AM ECE’s Grandparents’ Shabbat
9 AM Torah Study
23 Erev Purim
No Religious School
30 Melton Classes
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
Page 16
10:30 AM Shabbat
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish with Batia Cohen 5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service
24 Purim
25 Shushan Purim 26 9 AM Torah Study NO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher conferences
Melton Classes
10:30 AM Shabbat
Melton Classes
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish with Batia Cohen
JSA Early Dismissal
No Religious School
6 PM Living & Leaving Your Legacy Class
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
10:30 AM Shabbat Followed by Lunch & Learn program with Michael Berenbaum
10:00 AM Jewish Artist Series with Rabbi Alan Litwak
Religious School
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish with Batia Cohen
6:15 PM Outdoor Kabbalat Shabbat Service Followed by a Congregational Shabbat Dinner
7 PM Adult Choral Ensemble Practice
9 AM Torah Study
5:45 PM Oneg
6 PM CAbi Event
9 AM Torah Study
6 PM Living & Leaving Your Legacy Class
13 Daylight Saving Time starts
5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Scholar-in -residence Kabbalat Shabbat Service
6:30 PM SNFTY Sinai’s College Prep Program!
10:30 AM Shabbat
5:00 PM Purim Carnival & Food Court 5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat 5:30 Megillah Shabbat Service Reading With Rabbi Efrat 7:00 MACCABEATS Zarren Zohar