Temple Sinai's Mosaic - May 2016

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Annual Congregational Meeting - 5/25/16

Sisterhood Painting Party - 5/26/16

Join us for our 2016/2017 Congregational Meeting!

Enjoy a unique and creative night out.

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Camp Sinai Parent Information Night 6/8/16 Learn all about Camp!



Alan E. Litwak Rabbi Norman Cohen Falah Cantor Mark A. Weber Executive Director Susan Warech Director of Administration Judy Mendelsohn Director of ECE Toni Weissberg Head of School K-8 Aliza Kadish K-8 Assistant Principal Ofra Mor Religious School Coordinator Ralph P. Kingsley, DD Rabbi Emeritus Irving Shulkes, DM, Cantor Emeritus

Executive Committee

Trustees Stacey Caridi Matias Cohen Meredith Foster Lee Goldberg Leonardo Gruszka Sage Kantor Robert Mirel

Carol Moss Evelyn Stahl Pablo Sprynger Vanesa Tabacinic Renee Yeslow Vladi Yurovsky

Trustees Emeriti Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst

George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson * Sue Shapiro Klau Norman S. Klein Robert Layton Murphy Leopold

Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon* Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk *In Loving Memory

Jacobson Sinai Academy PTO Coordinators

Sisterhood Co-presidents





A word from our Executive Director, Mark Weber With Shavuot coming up this month, here are eight fun facts you may not have known about the holiday: 1. Shavuot, which means “Festival of Weeks,” is just one name for the holiday. It also goes by Harvest Festival (Chag HaKatzir), Day of the First Fruits (Yom Habikurim), The Stoppage/Restrain (Atzeret – a reference the sages use to highlight the prohibition against work on this day), and Time of the Giving of the Torah (Z’man Matan Torah). 2. Shavuot commemorates the day when the Israelites received the Torah during their desert wanderings over 3,300 years ago, and is the only Jewish holiday mentioned in the Torah without a specific calendar date. Rather, it is to be celebrated 50 days after the second day of Passover. The rabbis say that Passover and Shavuot are really one holiday – the Exodus from Egypt was only complete with the giving of the Torah. 3. Shavuot is the only Jewish holiday with a dairy menu. The Bible refers to Israel as “the land of milk and honey,” and Shavuot puts the country’s worldfamous dairy in the spotlight. Moreover, the gematria (numerical value) of the word chalav (milk) is 40, the number of days Moses spent on Mount Sinai receiving the Torah. Israel boasts more than 1,000 locally made dairy products and the world’s largest selection of soft, spreadable white cheeses, according to the Israel Dairy Board.

children gather for impromptu water-gun and water-balloon wars in the streets, public squares and parks. Another way to celebrate is taking a water hike along Israel’s rivers. 6. Shavuot is “the” holiday for the farming communities of Israel to show off their agricultural prowess. The symbols of the holiday are the seven species with which the Land of Israel is blessed — wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. Tradition holds that in ancient times, Shavuot was the day to bring offerings to the Holy Temple from the first fruits of the harvest and the first animals born to the flocks. Today, farmers from different parts of the country take turns bringing their fruit and vegetable samples to Jerusalem – to the presidential residence! 7. Staying awake all night is not just for the teenagers. For centuries, it has been customary to study through the night as payback for the Israelites’ error in oversleeping on the morning they were supposed to receive the Torah. This is known as Tikkun Leil Shavuot, or the “Repair of Shavuot Night.” 8. Around the twelfth century a tradition kicked off in Germany of bringing a child to school for the first time on Shavout, since the Torah was given then. Whether it is because of this custom or just because Israelis love to celebrate festivals, the days around Shavuot offer a dazzling array of child-oriented events, happenings and fairs. Wishing you a Chag Sameach!

Mark Weber

4. In Israel, you know Shavuot is coming when you pick up your newspaper and recipe booklets drop out. About three weeks prior to the actual date, Israeli newspapers come replete with brandsponsored recipe booklets and pamphlets promising the “easiest cheesecake” and “fastest blintzes” to wow guests. Social media is also awash with friends and friends of friends announcing, posting and sharing their famed recipes for dairy pastries and foods. 5. Get your water guns and buckets: Shavuot is all about water fights, presumably because the Torah is often likened to water. In many Israeli cities,

Contact Information: Temple Sinai Feinbloom Administration Building, Clergy & Religious School

Tel: Jacobson Sinai Academy - Lower & Middle School

Jacobson Sinai Academy - ECE

Inside this issue: A word from our Leadership


I Miss Elyse 5K Family Run


Life cycle & Donations


Jacobson Sinai Academy News


Upcoming Events!


Giving Opportunities


Seen at Sinai Sisterhood Circle Poker Night!


Camp Sinai News!




www.tsnd.org www.jsamiami.org Page 2






A word from the President of the Board, Ellen Halem Challenge – chal-lenge ‘CHalenj/ Noun: challenge; plural noun: challenges. 1. a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel. "he accepted the challenge.” Synonyms: dare, provocation, summons According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary I accepted a challenge two years ago. I would like to think that I was summoned to the role of President of the Temple Sinai community, rather than called to take part in a contest or competition, although at various times it has felt like a duel. When I accepted the position of President I knew that it was going to be a challenge. I was stepping outside of my comfort zone as an educator and, even though I had the support of an amazing group of lay leaders, I was well aware that this was going to be a steep learning curve and things were going to move quickly. As I reflect on what has transpired over the past 24 months I cannot believe the journey we have taken together. I have seen the Temple Sinai community make great strides in understanding our diverse population and I have personally witnessed the ability of many of these people to come together and work for the greater good of the community and to support the mission of Temple Sinai. The partners that I have had the pleasure of working with during the last two years have shown a dedication and commitment to the community that has taken them away from their families on many an evening, but has also provided them with opportunities to involve their families in events and activities where they might not otherwise have

been a participant. They have set a wonderful example for their spouses and children as they stepped up when they were summoned and added their voice for the betterment of our community. I am very proud to have had the chance to become better acquainted and the opportunity to understand a multitude of perspectives. As Immediate Past President, my role for the next two years, I hope to see continued growth and change within the Temple Sinai community. Change happens whether we want it to or not, and as I have witnessed, many people have difficulty with change, and do not understand why it must occur. I am a big advocate for change and understand that sometimes all we can do is work to manage the change, understand how it impacts our lives and those around us and make peace with it. I hope that with the changes that occur while I am Immediate Past President bring a renewed sense of mission for the community and a path forward that will benefit our partners, young and old alike. Thank you for the opportunity to be the President of the Temple Sinai community and the support that you have shown me. I am confident that we are on the right path and the choices we made and the changes that occurred these past two years have brought us to exactly where we need to be. Our proposed slate for the Board of Trustees that will be voted on by the congregation is a strong and diverse group of lay leaders and will be introduced and voted on at our Annual Meeting, being held on the evening of May 25 at 6:30 p.m. Please join us as we present our budget for the 2016-17 year and take the opportunity to welcome our new volunteers that have been summoned to help the Temple Sinai community move towards the future. With warmest regards,

Ellen Halem

Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley Publishes a Memoir My Spiritual Journey: A Life of Service, A Life of Choice On more than one occasion, over the course of my thirty one years at TSND, a well-meaning congregant or two would ask me, when are you going to publish a book about your experiences, Rabbi; all those things that have happened to you? I always laughed it off because I didn’t know what to write about. And anyway, who would care? But as I got older, I began to think that maybe I did have something to say, if not to the whole world, then at least to my children and grandchildren. And maybe to a few other interested parties along the way. So one day, I sat down and began to write a memoir. It would be about my Jewish life: how, a young refugee child who came to the USA at only four years of age with two parents who were not very strong in their Jewish identity, came to affirm the tradition into which he was born and thus embarked on a spiritual journey which led him to pursue a life of service and a life of choice as a Reform Rabbi. After many years of on and off writing, beginning after I retired in 1998, and after countless read-throughs to improve on the text and to eliminate as many mistakes and typos as possible (I still didn’t get them all but they say that only God is perfect; and I’m not even sure about

that!), my book has finally been published. It describes how I decided to become a rabbi, my years in seminary and in the rabbinate and some of the many people who influenced and shaped my thinking along the way. I have addressed one chapter near the end of the book to my grandchildren - a kind of Ethical Will- in the hope that they will continue the tradition into which they were born and which was transmitted to them by the two sons reared by my wife Brenda and me. I have presented a copy to my two sons and to each of my four grandchildren who, I hope, will also learn some things about their Saba they might not have known. And now I am ready to share it with whomever else might be interested, which, of course, includes you dear partners of Temple Sinai. You have been a central part of MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY for many years and your presence in my life has enriched my days and made being Jewish even more special. I hope to share my memoir directly at a book signing at some time soon after the summer. But in the meantime, you can order the book on line at Barnes and Noble or Amazon for $16.95. Look for MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, a title I share with the Dali Llama who, it seems, liked that title too. The difference is that I took off my robe a long time ago. You’ll find that story in the book as well. Oh yes. I promise that I will inscribe each and every book should you choose to buy one or more before then. For now, have a wonderful summer.

Rabbi Emeritus Ralph P. Kingsley

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A Message from JSA’s K-8 Head of School, Mrs. Toni Weissberg Welcome back from the Passover holiday and break. I hope that everyone had a happy and meaningful Passover. Our model seders were quite lovely with Rabbi Litwak and Cantor Norman leading with beautiful music and a fantastic PowerPoint. The annual Art fair was a huge success and this year included our winning Science Fair projects. A huge thank you goes out to our Parents who coordinated this amazing project and our fantastic Art and Science teachers who helped our students develop all of these outstanding projects. I was also privileged to attend an awards luncheon with our three STAR

students for 2016. Congratulations to Leni Saltos, Sol Cohen and Ana Solis. Our student field trips to St. Augustine, Philadelphia, Orlando, Pigeon Key and Washington, D. C. were amazing for our students and have made many memories which will last a lifetime. We are looking forward to all of our end of the year activities in May and June and especially to the induction of our National Junior Honor Society students and our 8th grade graduation. Warmly,

Mrs. Toni Weissberg

JSA’s STAR Students received their recognition at the annual celebratory luncheon!

Our 6th Graders at The Pigeon Key Foundation and Marine Science Center

JSA’s Art & Science Fair Page 4






A Message from ECE Principal, Mrs. Judy Mendelsohn The ECE moms celebrated an early Mother's Day in school with their children and had the best time! They sat in circle time with their children, they sang, they did art projects together and gave each other lots of hugs and kisses. Life can't get any better than that!

Afterwards, the moms visited the PTO's Mother's Day Boutique and Food Court and did some heavy duty shopping of their own. This will surely go down in the records as a day to remember! Wishing all our moms had a VERY Happy Mother's Day!

Mrs. Judy Mendelsohn

8th Grade Trip to Philadelphia - By Valeria Chocron, JSA 8th Grade student Last April was the time for the Jacobson Sinai Academy Class of 2016 to go on their final class trip. The 8th graders took a tour all over Philadelphia, experiencing everything the historic city has to offer. This trip was not only a great bonding experience, it was educational, and everyone (including the chaperones) had a great time. We kicked off our first day in Philly by going to Carpenters Hall and the Betsy Ross house. Everyone watched as Betsy Ross impersonator showed us how to make the five pointed stars that are on the American flag everyone is familiar with today. The group also went to Christ Church, a famous landmark which had a charming and rustic feel, and interesting architecture. We finished off the day with a great game of bowling, delicious burgers, and fries.

Congress Hall. Standing where our founding fathers argued, and eventually came up with the Declaration of Independence, was a breath­ taking experience. In addition, we saw a life size model of all the founding fathers, where many students were guilty of taking one too many selfies. After all the historic sightseeing, we ended the long day with an exciting NBA game! The 8th grade watched the 76ers defeat The New Orleans Pelicans. It was a perfect ending to the second day in Philadelphia.

The third and final day arrived, and everyone was ready to experience all the new adventures that were to come. Our first stop was the State Penitentiary, which gave us a first hand insight on the way the prison system of today came to be. The Prison was fascinating, especially Al On day two of the trip, everyone came downstairs with layers of clothing, Pacino’s cell, which was decorated quite nicely in fact. After, we made ready to face the 39 degree weather. Our first stop that morning was the our way to the Franklin Institute Science Museum. This museum had all Adventure Aquarium. In this aquarium the students had the opportunity things physics, biology, and chemistry. The interactive displays gave a to pet nurse sharks, see penguins, and actually witness the presence of a unique learning experience, and the museum was lots of fun. All the 8th hippo. The hippos managed to be massive, yet adorable at the same graders loved playing with electric currents, and everybody got time. After spending most of the morning there, everyone was just about “shocked.” ready for lunch. We went to an authentic Philly market called The The final stop, were the “Rocky” steps. These were monumental. All the Terminal, where the food was exceptionally fantastic. Some students 8th grade girls raced up the steps, while listening to “The Rocky song.” tried Philly Cheese Steaks at Carmen's, a place where the President Once everyone reached the top, the 8th graders took their annual selfie himself has eaten this local specialty. Then we stopped by the American grade picture. The Philadelphia 2016 trip had come to an end, and it was Jewish History museum, which taught us about our American­Jewish by far the best trip yet. roots and heritage. Next stop, was the Independence Hall and the

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PK4-JT Celebrates the Magic of Passover - By Ms. Jackie Tryzmel, PK4-JT For long as I could remember the Jewish Holiday of Passover was a magic moment in every child’s life. If it not the memory of sitting for a long time and listening to the story, children remember singing the Four Questions or running around the house searching for the Afikomen. No difference was for our PK4- JT students who learned the Jewish symbols, recited songs and retold the magic story of Moses and the exit of Egypt while creating their own Haggadah in the process.

PK4-JT Haggadah was illustrated and written by each student. The children traced, cut and glued all the Passover symbols, learning the blessings and tasting the different foods while creating these pages. The next pages came alive with colorful drawings and paintings, and with imagination the children were able to create the story of Passover. They made sad faces on the Jewish slaves, colorful jumping frogs and even a Baby Moses moving across the River Nile like magic. A big job for an even bigger memory!!!

Seen at Sinai - Sisterhood Circle’s Poker Night was a big success!

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Mah Jongg Tournament - Tuesday, May 17 from 7 to 10 PM in the Kemelhor Chapel Temple Sinai's Sisterhood Circle and The cost is $36 per person for Mah Jongg, light bites and wine. Pre-paid AMIT Southeast Region invite you to a reservations will be accepted only. Please email us or visit the Temple Mah Jongg Party! Sinai office to complete one of the registration forms. Bring your cards, your game sets, and lots of change! There will be a $200 Amazon gift card to the winner with the most points.

For more information or to arrange a donation, please contact Deborah Litwak at deborahbl@amitchildren.org.

Friday Night Live! Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday, May 20 at 6:15 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary Join us for a special Friday Night Live! Kabbalat Shabbat Service with live music and special guest musicians.

There is a $13 cost per adult, $5 per child (under 13) and $18 for non-partners. Late RSVP is an additional $5.

Following the service, join us for our Congregational Shabbat dinner.

Kindly RSVP by Monday, May 16th to our Temple office at 305.932.9010.

Temple Sinai’s Sisterhood Circle Art Tour - Tuesday, May 24 at 11 AM at NSU Art Museum in Fort Lauderdale "Bellissima: Italy and High Fashion 1945-1968": This major exhibition direct from Rome showcases distinctive designs with influences from art, architecture, film, theater and photography.

After lunch in the Museum's Café, we'll also view other current exhibitions:

They are presented in the historical context of the financial aid from the U.S. that helped transform wartorn Italy into an international fashion capital.

Cost: $50 - includes museum ticket, lunch, and a donation to the Sisterhood. We meet at the Museum, located at 1 E. Las Olas Blvd, at 11 AM. Kindly RSVP by May 16th to templesinai@tsnd.org.

 Chuck Close Photographs: The photographs that have inspired the artist’s popular, more familiar large paintings.

 Covered in Time and History: The Films of Ana Mendieta.

For additional information call Sandi-Jo Gordon 305-469-2245.

Annual Congregational Meeting - Wednesday, May 25 at 6:30 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary Save the date for Temple Sinai’s Annual Congregational Meeting which will be taking place on Wednesday, May 25, at 6:30 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary.

 Presentation of Slate  Installation of new 2016-2017 Board of Trustees members

We will be presenting:

Temple Sinai’s Choral ensemble will be singing and after the meeting we will have a dessert reception. Further details will be sent to all partners shortly.

 2016-2017 Budget

Hope to see you there!

Painting Party - Thursday, May 26 at 7 PM at the Fun Palette Join your Sisterhood Circle for an artistic outing! We invite you to a painting party at the Fun Palette (18384 W Dixie Hwy, North Miami Beach, FL 33160).

masterpiece with the help of one of their art teachers.

This will be a unique and special night, where we will be creating a

The cost per person will be $45. Kindly RSVP to templesinai@tsnd.org. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Don’t worry about the brushes, paints, aprons, or canvases, we will provide it all! And while we paint we can indulge in yummy small bites and wine.

Choral Shabbat - Friday, May 27 at 6:15 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary

C h o r a l shabbat

Join on Friday, May 27 for a special Choral Kabbalat Shabbat service, featuring Cantor Norman Cohen Falah and Temple Sinai's Choral Ensemble together with live musicians.

This service will help you unwind from a hectic week and create opportunities for meditative listening moments and spirited congregational singing.

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SNFTY Upcoming Events for May! What: Brain Food for Finals

Who: Jr. SNFTY - Open to all 5th-8th grade students

When: Wednesday, May 11, from 6:30 - 8 pm

Info: Join us as we celebrate the coming of summer with good food, great games, and awesome friends!

Where: Meet at Sweet Tomatoes (2906 Oakwood Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33020)

What: Jaxson's Summer Celebration

Who: SNFTY - Open to all high school students

Where: Meet at Jaxson's Ice Cream Parlor (128 S Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 33004)

Info: Join us as we eat our weight in brain food in prep for Finals and AP exams.

Who: SNFTY - Open to all high school students

What: Water Carnival

If you want to join us, have any suggestions or questions, please contact our Youth Advisor Ron Barhai at ron.barhai@tsnd.org.

When: Sunday, May 15 from 12 - 2 pm

When: Wednesday, May 25 from 6:30pm-8pm

Info: Join us as we say goodbye to our Seniors and hello to summer break.

Where: Meet at Temple Sinai's Israelson Pavilion

Sisterhood Circle News! Sisterhood Circle had a wonderful year and announces its new Co-President Sara Frankel who will join Sage Kantor and Carol Moss to plan for the 2016-17 Year.

We are deeply appreciative. The Baking Brigade did an outstanding job with their beautiful desserts. Thank you.

In May, we are partnering with AMIT for a Mah Jongg Tournament and Sandi-Jo Gordon is arranging a tour to the Ft. Lauderdale Museum with lunch. Nirvana Sherman is arranging a painting party on May 26 at 7 to We had a successful Casino Poker and 9:30 PM at the Fun Palette in Aventura. The cost per person will be $45, Black Jack Tournament April 30th. We it will include light bites, drinks and all the painting materials. did not raise the funds we had anticipated, but had a great time with Thanks to all who participated this year as Sisterhood Circle continues to our partners drinking, eating and playing games. We enjoyed a great grow in number. magician, DJ, and took pictures in the photo booth. Looking forward to seeing you in our upcoming events, Thank you to Meredith Foster for her generous donations of beauty baskets; Joyce Brobeck for donating a massage for the raffle, and thank Carol Moss & Sage Kantor, Co-Presidents you to Sue Klau for arranging this; Brett Friedman for our wine; The Changing Room Hair salon; Flashback Diner; and Turnberry Isle Resort & Golf Club for the generous massage package.

Empty Nesters Shabbaton at Deerfield Beach! - Friday, May 13th to Sunday, May 15th, 2016. The Empty Nesters will be spending the weekend of May 13-15 in Deerfield Beach with Rabbi Litwak at the Embassy Suites. The theme of this year’s Shabbaton is “The Jewish Way: Living, Learning, Laughing, and Loving." The following topics will be explored:

2. "And the Study of Torah is Equal to them All… Why is study venerated in Judaism?" 3. "A rabbi walks into a bar… Jewish Humor" 4. "Matchmaker, matchmaker… Love in Jewish Life" We look forward to enjoying a thought provoking, entertaining and memorable weekend! SAVE THE DATE! Next year’s SHABBATON will take place on May 6, 2017.

1. "Until 120… What is a 'good life' in Your Co-Presidents, Judaism?" Evelyn Stahl estahl814@comcast.net


Helayne Gordon beachcountry@bellsouth.net

Calling all 2019 B’nai Mitzvhas! If you have a child born on the year 2006, now is the time to select a B’nai Mitzvah date! That means that your child will become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the year 2019. If you have not received the date selection materials from Rabbi

Litwak yet, or have not returned your forms, please contact Suzanne Summers at the Temple Sinai Administration office. You can contact her at 305.932.9010 ext. 207 or by email at suzanne.summers@tsnd.org.

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Have a Splashing Summer at Camp Sinai!! Camp is almost full! We are very excited to communicate that registration to our Camp Sinai has been very successful and we have very few spots left! We wanted to share with you some important Camp Sinai information: - Our Parent Information Night will be on Wednesday, June 8th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary. Come and meet the camp staff, Bubbles Swim School staff, learn how the camp day will run, hear about the exciting shows and field trips the children will enjoy, and about our lunch program. A question & answer session will be included! - Next week we will be mailing out a Camp Sinai Parent Packet. The packet includes the parent manual and your yellow Camp Sinai car pass, which you will need for carpool. - Camp will begin on Tuesday, June 14th, the day after Shavuot. Drop off begins at 8:45 AM. Half Day campers pick up is at 12:15 -12:30 PM and Full Day Campers pick up is from 3:45 - 4:00 PM. We are looking forward to a wonderful summer, full of fun, adventure, new friends and lots of laughter. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need additional information. Kindest regards, Marjie Cohn Dolan, Camp Sinai Director Stephanie Freedman, Camp Sinai Assistant Director


CAMP SINAI PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT! Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary

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Meet our Camp Sinai all-star staff! Stephanie Freedman, Camp Sinai Assistant Director

Marjie Cohn Dolan, Camp Sinai Director I was born in the USA and have a Masters Degree in early childhood education. I spent most of my life in the Chicago/Midwest area. I attended summer camp since I was in grade school and sleep away camps in middle school. I have worked at summer camps as a counselor since I was in High School. I ran a camp at one JCC and was an Art Specialist for another JCC camp in the Chicago suburbs. When I moved to Florida, I became the Drama Specialist for the Posnack JCC summer camp, first through Fort Lauderdale Children’s Theatre, and then on my own. I was the “drama lady” on and off for 9 summers. Last year, I became the Judaic Specialist and provided a hands-on approach so the children could learn about Israel in a fun way. Other than summer camp, I have taught early childhood courses at Broward College, Nova, Family Central, Inc. I have also assisted child care centers that are working on their NAEYC accreditation. This August I was hired as the Curriculum Coordinator for the Early Childhood Program at JSA. When my camp background was discovered I was interviewed and then hired as the Camp Director for Camp Sinai, 2016. I am happy to be here to bring knowledge, friendships and laughter to children and staff all while engaging in fun meaningful activities that we call camp! Coach Claudia Garces - Sports Specialist Coach Claudia was born and raised in Colombia. She lived in NY for four years. When she came to Miami, she attended Miami Dade Community College and studied English. Claudia worked as a Coach in the private Jewish sector for 6 years before joining the Temple Sinai family. She has also been our Coach at Camp Sinai for 8 years now! Claudia teaches Soccer, Tennis and T-Ball in our After School Enrichment program. Claudia has a 21 year old son who is a professional soccer player for the Fort Lauderdale Strickers! Brianna Luecken, Yoga Specialist My name is Brianna Luecken and I grew up in Western New York. I moved to Miami in 2009 for grad school. Since graduating with my Masters in Social Work I have been working with children on the autism spectrum privately and with The Victory Center for Autism. In 2015 I became certified to teach children’s yoga and I am so excited to share it with Camp Sinai this summer. Fun facts: I practice yoga almost every day, I have a twin sister, I’m vegan. Camp to me means a time to let loose, have fun, be a kid (no matter how old you are) and make memories to last a lifetime!

I was born and raised here in Miami. I have always had a passion for teaching and have been doing so at Sinai for the past 5 years. Growing up, I attended day camp and completely fell in love with it. I had a strong bond with all my friends and counselor and still do. I learned a lot from camp. As I grew older I completed my CDP (Counselor Development Training) and CIT (Counselor In Training) programs. I moved up in rank from jr. to sr. counselor and this year I am excited to be the assistant camp director here at Camp Sinai!!! Summer is all about having fun, growing and making forever friendships. I am ready for camp, are you? Lorena Kleinmann - Swimming Specialist Lorena Kleinmann is the Director of Bubbles Swim School. She graduated with a Degree in Physical Education in Argentina in 2002. She has 25 years experience as a swimming instructor for babies, kids, and adults. She is an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, and CPR Certified. She has trained more than thirty swimming instructors in the past four years and has taught more than a thousand children to swim through her Bubbles Swim School. Claudine Ackerman - Judaics, Art and Cooking Specialist Claudine was born in Peru and attended the University of Lima where she graduated with a degree in Marketing and Communications. Claudine moved to Miami in 2008 and worked with preschool children both in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. She has been a PK2 teacher at JSA for the past 3 years, and she is the Art and Cooking teacher at our After School Enrichment Program. Claudine speaks Spanish, English and Hebrew fluently. She enjoys dancing, walking, cooking and arts & crafts. Anita Platt - Music Specialist I am originally from Nashua, N.H. and have lived in south Florida for 27 years. After a 40 year career in early childhood education, and with two masters degrees, one in early childhood education and one in nonprofit management, I retired to pursue my first love, music, by becoming an early childhood music teacher. I studied with Dr. Lili Levinowitz, and have been teaching in the style of this renowned program for almost three years. I am looking forward to sharing my love of music with the children at Camp Sinai.

Our all-star staff is getting ready for a wonderful summer at camp Sinai! Page 11






Temple Sinai Community - Lifecycle R’fuah Sh’leimah Lisa Layne Chuck Kantor Gloria Barnett Irwin Katz Marion Gordon Paul Feldman

May Birthdays

Elinore Rutman Freda Rozen-Brown Susan Rachleff Candi Rubin Susy Kertesz

Condolences To Anat (Uri) Evron, on the death of her father Raffael Bettan. To Carlos (Ronit Felszer) Naibryf, on the death of his father Saul Naibryf. To Leon (Toni) Weissberg, on the death of his mother Victoria Weissberg. To Allison Temares, on the death of her mother Joan Mazur.

May Anniversaries 5/9 5/15 5/15 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/20 5/20 5/23 5/23 5/24

Marc & Claudia Hurwitz Ricardo & Vanessa Berl Adam & Paola Busch Steve & Rachel Silverman Steven & Kathleen Lowinger Merritt & Ellen Halem Oscar & Bonnie DiVeroli Michael & Gila Lemont Steven & Perla Levitt Lee & Robyn Goldberg Martin & Heather Oppenheimer Miguel & Yael Chocron

5/25 5/26 5/27 5/27 5/27 5/28 5/28 5/28 5/30

Henry & Vicky Gampel Richard & Rhonda Mautner David & Dara Clarke Daniel & Stacy Fox Herbert & Connie Weinberg Stanley & Madeline Brown Henry & Stephanie Hirsch Paul & Sarah Steinmetz Richard & Bari Schanerman

5/1 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/3 5/3 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/9 5/10 5/10 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/13 5/14 5/14 5/14 5/15 5/15

May Lipschutz Robert Rand Maureen Boiarsky Kenneth Friedman Marilyn Less Howard Roskin Richard Burton Carole Epstein Harold Feinbloom Michael Goldberg Perla Musykanski Tarrab Pairat Dolinsky Henry Gampel Jason Rindler Robin Chernoff Louis Berlin Jimmy Cohen-Gavarian Florencia Cohen Falah Vanesa Pundyk Pamela DiGiacomo Revital Marinovsky Lauren Resnick Marisa Sacks Keith Poliakoff Joel Sandberg Raquel SarShalom-Delman Cindy Argow Stanley Brown Gerard Moss Martin Blank Lauren Levinson

B’nai Mitzvah! Jordan Hatz will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 21 at our Shabbat service. Jordan's mitzvah work is Hiddur P'nei Zaken, honoring the elderly. Jordan enjoys playing tennis, basketball, skateboarding, and football. He is a 7th grader at Jacobson Sinai Academy.

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Kenneth Bern Silvia Cohen John Kurzman Janet Solomon Sage Kantor Melvyn Rachleff Melisa Soued Margulis Paul Elgart Leon Perez Steve Fishman Ron Steiger Joan Feinbloom Sue Klau Michael Holman Sharon Micha Gary Donshik Susan Shalev Julie Gale Deborah Lazar Sophie Faith Jenny Blank Marla Bern David Landau Charles Shenker Betty Geller Robert Sugarman Jonathan Sussman

Mazal Tov! To parents Jose Edery & Claudia Vainrub Edery, To JSA faculty Judy (Howard) Hoffman, on the and siblings Salomon and Mauricio, on the marriage of their son Zach Hoffman to Marlee. birth of baby boy Edery. To Orly & Enrique Leizorek, on their son Gabriel To parents Eli Soued & JSA Science teacher becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Jessica Czamanski Soued, on the birth of their To Andrea Darlow Sonnenberg, on her third daughter Victoria Soued. daughter Alexa Morrissey becoming a Bat To Renée Yeslow on the birth of her granddaughter, Tamar Leah. To Nancy & Louis Berlin on the engagement of their son, Michael to Randi Arnstein. To Sharron Botwinick on the upcoming marriage of her daughter, Dina to Aimee Lopez.

Mitzvah. To Dalya & Netsi Hullu, on their daughter Danita becoming a Bat Mitzvah. To Lillian Schanfield, on her granddaughter Chloe Elizabeth Stein becoming a Bat Mitzvah.

To Mark & Suzie Weber, on the graduation of their son Griffin Weber from Stetson School of To JSA's 1st Grade teacher Karen Prince, on the Music. marriage of her son Adam Prince to Jessica. To JSA's ECE teacher Elena (Ben) Goldberg, on the marriage of her daughter Jessica to Alex Lewy.

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Donations March 23 to May 4, 2016 Temple Sinai Board of Trustees

Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's Discretionary Fund Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Mary Lou Brotherson Mary Lou Brotherson Sandy and Don Goodman

In appreciation of Sam Bloom's unveiling In memory of Bea Nelson In memory of Donald Brotherson In honor of Cantor Norman and Florencia's anniversary

Rabbi Alan Litwak's Discretionary Fund Audrey Aronchick Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank David and Evelyn Rosen Don and Linda Lockshin Henry and Barbara Kopka Irwin and Sue Klau Lillian Schwartz Mary Lou Brotherson Merritt and Ellen Halem Michael and Robin Goldberg Paul Elgart and Elaine Brodsky Sandy and Don Goodman

In honor of Sandy Goodman's birthday In appreciation of Sam Bloom's unveiling In appreciation of Rabbi Alan Litwak's patience and support In memory of Sam Bloom In appreciation of Torah Study Sponsorship of the High Holy Days Torah Mantle In memory of Molly Gottlieb In honor of Hannah Litwak's admission into University of Florida In memory of Kelly Mitchell In appreciation of Rabbi Alan Litwak In memory of Jay Elgart In honor of Maureen Boiarsky’s birthday

Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees

In honor of the marriage of Howard and Judy Hoffman's son Zach to Marlee Popludes In honor of the marriage of Karen Prince's son Adam to Jessica In memory of Luzma Maza Amieva In memory of Raffael Bettan In memory of Saul Naibryf In memory of Victoria Weissberg

The Godparents' Fund Audrey Aronchick

In honor of Gabriel Leizorek becoming a Bar Mitzvah

The Jacobson Sinai Academy Fund Daryl and Merle Saferstein In memory of Victoria Weissberg Robert Schwartz and Margo Brilliant In honor of Gabriel Leizorek becoming a Bar Mitzvah

The Judy & Murray Swift Fund Murray and Judy Swift

In memory of Nobi Weiss

The Memorial Fund

Alan and Nancy Metzger Alexandra Volovnik Ana Waxman Barr Family The Arnold & Roselyn Meyer ECE Fund Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann David & Marla Garfinkle and Family In memory of Luzma Maza Amieva Betty Nault ECE Sunshine Club In honor of the marriage of Elena Goldberg's daughter Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Jessica Goldberg Claudia Leib The Caring Community Fund Debbie Bloomfield Susan Warech In honor of Alexa Morrissey becoming a Bat Mitzvah Debbie Bloomfield Susan Warech In honor of Bob Sugarman and Marilyn Seskin on the Deborah Lazar birth of their granddaughter Elsie Weiss Susan Warech In honor of Dixie Lampert's granddaughter Maddie Fridell Feibus Lampert becoming a Bat Mitzvah Fridell Feibus Susan Warech In honor of Gabriel Leizorek becoming a Bar Mitzvah Galina Tuninskaya Susan Warech In honor of the birth of Merritt and Ellen Halem's granddaughter Alexandra Rae Gary and Carol Ann Moss Susan Warech In honor of the marriage of Lara Israelson to Matthew Gruskin George and Dee Leader The General Donation Fund Harriett Robinson Alex and Barbara Falcon In honor of the birth of Renée Yeslow's granddaughter Helayne Gordon Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann In honor of Sandi-Jo Gordon's excellent Art Series Herbert and Susan Fields David and Rose Ellen Glickman In honor of Barry and Lyanne L. Wassermann's Howard and Ingrid Roskin granddaughter’s acceptance to Harvard Law School Howard Hartman David and Rose Ellen Glickman In memory of Victoria Weissberg Eric, Robyn and Ben Stone In honor of the marriage of Howard and Judy Irene Lipof Hoffman's son Zach to Marlee Popludes Iris Blumenau Irina Shoykhet General donation Irwin and Sue Klau Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of Carol Lewis's recovery Jennifer Block Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of Gabriel Leizorek becoming a Bar Mitzvah Joel and Adele Sandberg Irwin and Sue Klau In honor of the birth of Rabbi and Mrs. Julian Cook's Joel and Adele Sandberg granddaughter Eden Chana Cook Jon and Marjorie Sussman Irwin and Sue Klau Wishing Alice Klein a Happy Birthday Judith Matz Irwin and Sue Klau Wishing David Glickman a refuah shlema Lee and Linda Hertz Isamar Perez Thank you G-d Leon and Doris Pienknagura Marilyn Ladis Get well wishes for Howard Shiman Leon and Doris Pienknagura Norman and Alice Klein In honor of Mel and Terry Drucker Leonard and Roberta Bendell Sharron Botwinick In honor of the birth of Renée Yeslow's granddaughter Leonard and Roberta Bendell Tamar Leah Leroy and Shirley Raffel Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of Barry and Lyanne L. Wassermann's granddaughter acceptance to Harvard Law School Leslie Dee-Arias Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of Roz Silverman's grandson acceptance into Madeline Hyman Queens University in Canada Marceline Krasne Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of the birth of Alan and Tamara Fraynd's son Marcia Gloddy Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of the birth of Joanne Bornstein's Marion Gordon granddaughter Zoey Blake Kassower Marion Gordon Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of the birth of Jose and Claudia Edery's baby Mark and Gail Slatko Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of the birth of Renée Yeslow's granddaughter Mark and Irene Thaw Tamar Leah Temple Sinai Board of Trustees In honor of the marriage of Elena Goldberg's daughter Mark and Sandi-Jo Gordon Jessica Goldberg Mark and Sandi-Jo Gordon

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In memory of their Parents’ yahrzeits In memory of Alex Petzovski In memory of Nelida Figueroa In memory of George Barr In memory of Bertha Wassermann In memory of Susan Donahue In memory of Sally Lerner In memory of Rick Shapiro In memory of Fred Siegel In memory of Jeffrey Cohen In memory of Bernard Lazar In memory of Jack Cohen and Harry Weiss In memory of Al Feibus In memory of Blanche Reiss and Monroe Feibus In memory of Moysey Tuninskiy In memory of David Robinson In memory of Rose Leader and Sally Levin In memory of Howard Robinson In memory of Harry Gordon and Shirley Braha In memory of Martin Finkelstein In memory of Sir Hyme Stoffels In memory of Gloria Hartman, Robert Agranoff and Esther Agranoff In memory of Rose Miemin Saben In memory of Gertrude Warech In memory of Florence Cooperman In memory of Howard Block In memory of Dave Goldberg In memory of Sadie Sandberg In memory of Ida Sussman In memory of Martin H. Matz In memory of Bertha Hertz In memory of Alexander Beitsch In memory of Raquel Pienknagura In memory of David Bendell In memory of Edith and George Rosenbloom In memory of Jerry Balbot In memory of Bette Dee In memory of Joseph Rosky In memory of Bernard Kornbluth In memory of Edward Spieler In memory of all my loved ones In memory of Ruth Joelson In memory of Lillian Matz In memory of Sophie Thaw In memory of Craig Gorson In memory of Isadore Gordon






Donations March 23 to May 4, 2016 Mark Rokhfeld Merritt and Ellen Halem Merritt and Ellen Halem Michael and Robin Goldberg Mitchell and Marcia Silverstein Mrs. Phyllis Pechter Murray and Judy Swift Neil and Dorothy Koreman Richard and Bari Schanerman Richard Waldman Ronnie and Michael Zindorf Roz Silverman Roz Silverman Ruth Rubin Sam and Sara Brenner Sharon Molot Sharron Botwinick Sharron Botwinick Stanley and Barbara Price Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Susan Warech Suzie Weber Vicki Hatch

In memory Lisa Kagan In memory of Saul Naibryf In memory of Victoria Weissberg In memory of Libby Levy In memory of Pearl Holzberg In memory of Joe Yantz In memory of Irene Kopelman In memory of Ida Goldstein In memory of Sylvia Schanerman In memory of Geraldine Waldman Yizkor donation In memory of Albert Dubin In memory of Evelyn Dubin In memory of Henry "Hank" Rubin In memory of Harry J. Brenner In memory of Shelly Plon In memory of Victoria Weissberg Yahrzeits In memory of Lorraine Bendel In memory of Florence Cooperman In memory of Larry Brant In memory of Luz Maria Maza de Amieva In memory of Mordechai Ben Dvora Bayla In memory of Shelly Plon In memory of Lillian Maltz In memory of Paula Weiner In memory of Ronald Ellis

The Sisterhood Kitchen Fund Henry and Stephanie Hirsch Henry and Stephanie Hirsch Howard and Ingrid Roskin Howard and Ingrid Roskin Sandy and Don Goodman Sandy and Don Goodman Stephanie Hirsch Stephanie Hirsch Sylvan and Carol Lewis Wesley and Susan Jones Wesley and Susan Jones

The Sisterhood Fund Ronnie Zindorf Wesley and Susan Jones Angel Family Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Claudia, Brandon and Marcos Leib Dick and June Slavin Fintz and Fresco Families Gary and Barbara Donshik Henry and Stephanie Hirsch Irwin and Sue Klau Irwin and Sue Klau

In appreciation of Don and Linda Lockshin In honor of Sandy and Don Goodman’s birthdays In memory of Sam Bloom In memory of Florence Cooperman In memory of Florence Cooperman

The Programming Fund Adriane Silver Marilyn Ladis

Passover donation Passover Seder donation

The Sisterhood Collegiate Fund Suzanne Summers

General donation for the Cabi Show Wishing Barry Gould a speedy recovery

To sponsor the Oneg and Kiddush

The Mishkan T'filah Prayer Book Fund Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Gary and Carol Ann Moss Temple Sinai Sisterhood

In appreciation of Evelyn Stahl's assistance with Sisterhood In appreciation of Helayne Gordon In honor of Dick and June Slavin's anniversary In honor of Sandy and Don Goodman's birthdays In honor of Gary Moss's birthday In honor of Howard Roskin's birthday In honor of Carol Moss's dedication to the Sisterhood Circle In honor of Sage Kantor's devotion to Temple Sinai In honor of Maddie Lampert becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Irvin Joseph's sister Joyce Wishing Todd Levy a speedy recovery

In appreciation of Marsha Schugar and Sisterhood for the college care packages

Martin and Heather Oppenheimer Merritt and Ellen Halem Merritt and Ellen Halem Michael and Robin Goldberg Mitchell and Marcia Silverstein Ron and Shoshanah Bloom Ryan and Nirvana Sherman

In memory of Ruth Studinski In honor of the memorial plaque dedication for Samuel M. Bloom In memory of Jeffrey Frank In memory of Leonardo Leib In honor of their anniversary In memory of Leon Behar In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of Sue Klau's birthday In memory of Lillian Wolf Fink and Belle Horwich Shapiro In honor of their 45th anniversary In honor of the birth of their granddaughter Alexandra Rae In honor of their 14th anniversary In honor of their 35th anniversary In memory of Jacob Finkel In honor of the memorial plaque dedication for Samuel M. Bloom In memory of Michael Sherman

Create a Jewish Legacy Build a Strong Jewish Future for the Next Generation. A Lasting Jewish Impact Is Well Within Your Reach. Create a Jewish Legacy represents a shared commitment by area synagogues, agencies and day schools to work together to secure a more vibrant Jewish future. Why Create a Jewish Legacy? This is the time to ensure our collective Jewish future by building a strong, secure and permanent community endowment. You can:

Temple Sinai of North Dade is excited to announce our participation in the Create a Jewish Legacy program in partnership with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Legacy gifts (gifts made through a bequest, life insurance or retirement fund beneficiary designation), secured through the program, will be placed in an endowment fund to provide financial stability for TSND’s programs and services. We are also proud to announce the formation of the Temple Sinai Legacy Society, a group of dedicated and committed individuals who through their after-lifetime commitments will help guarantee the strength and vibrancy of the TSND community for generations to come. Through the Create a Jewish Legacy program, TSND will receive a $5,000 grant if we secure a minimum of five legacy commitments by June 1, 2016.

• Perpetuate the Jewish traditions and values you cherish If you have already included Temple Sinai in your estate plan, please let • Preserve the programs and institutions that support Jewish life in us know. If you have yet to do so, and would like to hear how you can Miami and around the world in perpetuity • Plan for your family’s philanthropic interests and enjoy tax advantages. have a significant impact on the Temple’s future without writing a check today, please contact Susan Warech at 305-932-9010.

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Celebrate a Simchah or Honor the memory of a loved one Did you have a new simchah in your family?

• Chumash Dedication - $100 • Mishkan T’filah Dedication - $50

Please contact Susan Warech or Suzanne Summers at the Temple office and they will assist you in placing the order for your permanent Temple Sinai has numerous opportunities dedication. for you to leave a permanent memory of a special occasion in the form of the following:

Do you want to honor someone?

• Dedicate a pew seat in the Feinbloom Sanctuary - $600 • Dedicate a Brick Paver - $180 / $360 • Leaf on the Tree of life - $1800 • Permanent Memorial Plaque in the Feinbloom Sanctuary - $600

New Advertising Opportunity! Boost your business while you support your Temple Sinai community!

 West side of fence: 2 x 8 Banner - Cost for full year: $800 For more information and to reserve your ad contact us at 305.932.9010 or by email to templesinai@tsnd.org.

We are offering the opportunity to advertise your business with our new outdoor banners program: great prices for a great brand display! We offer annual contracts at very convenient prices:

 North side of fence: 3 x 8 Banner - Cost for full year: $500

Torah To Go Program - Host a Torah in your home! Have you ever wished you could learn more about the Torah in a smaller, more personal setting than weekly services or classes?

that would be made that much more meaningful by including the Torah in your celebration?

Do you have a child with a Bar or Bat Mitzvah coming up and would like to learn more about their Torah portion?

For all of these occasions and more you can host our Torah to Go for a week in your home! A great experience for adults and children; families and singles!

Would you like to re-connect with the Torah portion from YOUR Bar or Bat Mitzvah, and share it with your family? Is there a particular Jewish holiday that you enjoy or a special Shabbat

Contact Rabbi Litwak at Rabbi.Litwak@tsnd.org to request a week!

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Sunday 1




Tuesday 3



Wednesday 4





5 Yom HaShoah



8:30 AM Talmud Study

12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish

9 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Service

5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service

8 Mothers Day


11 Yom Hazikaron 12 Yom HaAtzma'ut 13


12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish

No Religious School Melton Classes




7 PM Latin Jewish Connection Event

5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service Led by Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley






Melton Classes

8:30 AM Talmud Study

8:30 AM 1st Grade Kabbalat Hassidur 12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish

9 AM Torah Study

Religious School EMPTY NESTERS SHABBATON! 12 PM Jr. SNFTY Water Carnival

22 Religious School Last Day!

5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Friday Night Live! Kabbalat Shabbat

6 PM Legacy Class

23 8:30 AM National Junior Honor Society Ceremony

7 PM Mah Jongg Tournament

7:30 PM Choral Ensemble Practice


25 st

9 AM - 1 Grade Awards Ceremony

26 Lag B'Omer



9 AM - 2 Grade Awards Ceremony 12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish

Melton Classes

28 9 AM Torah Study With Bob Sugarman 10:30 AM Shabbat Service

5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Choral Shabbat Service

7 PM Annual Congregational Meeting

30 Memorial Day

10:30 AM Shabbat Service Jordan Hatz will become a Bar Mitzvah

Followed by Congregational Shabbat Dinner

6:30 PM SNFTY Jaxson's Summer Celebration


9 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Service Led by Rabbi Sam Rothberg

6:30 PM SNFTY Brain Food for Finals

7:30 PM Choral Ensemble Practice








8:30 AM - 3rd Grade Awards Ceremony

8:30 AM PTO Farewell Breakfast

8:30 AM Talmud Study

11 AM 8th Grade Graduation

9 AM 5th Grade Stepping Up Ceremony

9 AM ECE Moving Up Ceremony

12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish

9 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Service Led by Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley

No School Campus Closed

5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service

5 Yom Yerushalayim 6

I Miss Elyse 5 K Family Walk/ Jog/Run

9 AM - 6 & 7th Grade Awards Ceremony





8:30 AM - 4th Grade Awards Ceremony

9 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Service

9:30 AM Kindergarten Awards Ceremony JSA Closing Day (12 PM Dismissal)

11 Erev Shavuot

6: 30 PM Camp Sinai Parent Orientation Meeting

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5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service

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