October 2015 | Tishrei / Cheshvan 5776
From Rabbi Litwak’s Study - Excerpts from Yom Kippur Morning Four years ago on Yom Kippur, I began talking about a new way of thinking about Temple Sinai. I spoke about how, despite greater connection and access to information and ideas, people are increasingly sorting themselves into homogeneous groups. Yet, unlike other synagogues, and neighborhoods, and communities, Temple Sinai is wildly diverse. I want us to EMBRACE THAT DIVERSITY! I want us to recognize the potential strength in that diversity. So, over the past four years, I have written on numerous occasions about a vision for Temple Sinai as a Big Tent. I want to reintroduce and remind people of what The Big Tent at Temple Sinai is all about.
We care about those people by being a Big Tent that is Warm and Welcoming – Through a broad range of different programs, we provide multiple entry points to the entire Jewish community without regard to religious background or affiliation, financial ability, political ideology, sexual orientation. We are not going to bring everyone into the Temple Sinai tent, but let’s work to address the needs of those who have already found their way inside our tent.
To ensure Jewish vitality, the synagogue must also give people the knowledge to make choices about their observance. This is the reason why we teach not only Reform Judaism in our day school, but all perspectives. The Big Tent at Temple Sinai Deepens our Partners Knowledge - We are educators and transmitters of Jewish traditions, practices, and texts, ensuring a strong foundation of knowledge for our next generation in the areas of Jewish life cycle and holidays, prayer, culture Let’s begin with what the Big Tent is NOT. It is not and the Hebrew language, and Israel. being all things to all people all the time. Temple At the same time, the Big Tent at Temple Sinai Sinai is a Reform synagogue. Some people may Allows for Greater Individualism & Greater not understand that. Some people may not Engagement – We recognize and celebrate any appreciate that. Some people may not even like and all choices of involvement in the programs of that – but that is who we are, and our decisions the synagogue. We define success when every are rooted in Reform Jewish ideology. At the demographic is involved in all forms of leadership same time, as Reform Jews, we believe in reform – of our synagogue. growth and change. When we insist that there is We have something to learn from the Chabad only one way to observe our Judaism, only one movement, which accepts people where they path for the future of Jewish life at Temple are currently. Where we differ is that their Sinai, we are guaranteeing that the flowers of goal is to move you to a specific place, our future will not grow. As Amichai writes in whereas I believe that we can and should his poem, we must doubt – not in the sense allow for a diversity of practice. In the of disagree, but in the sincere effort to Reform movement, we call that challenge the status quo. We must personal autonomy. We allow also love – not in the sense of fully people to come to their own agreeing, but in the sincere conclusions about their effort to care for all those religious practice and then who make up our community. [Continues on p.2]
Inside this issue: From Rabbi Litwak’s Study
A word from our Leadership
Jacobson Sinai Academy News
PTO News
Jacobson Sinai Academy Middle School Open House!
9 - 11 News and Events for: Sisterhood Circle, SNFTY, Empty Nesters, Adult Education and Musical Events Lifecycle
13 -14
A Community Nurturing Fuller Jewish Life Page 1
Temple Sinai & Jacobson Sinai Academy - 18801 NE 22 Ave., North Miami Beach, FL 33180 | Ph: 305-932-9010 | www.tsnd.org | www.jsamiami.org
OCTOBER Alan E. Litwak Rabbi Norman Cohen Falah Cantor Mark A. Weber Executive Director Susan Warech Director of Administration Judy Mendelsohn ECE Division Principal Toni Weissberg K-8 Principal Aliza Kadish K-8 Assistant Principal Ofra Mor Religious School Coordinator Ralph P. Kingsley, DD Rabbi Emeritus Irving Shulkes, DM, Cantor Emeritus Executive Committee
Trustees Matias Cohen Meredith Foster Lee Goldberg Leonardo Gruszka Sage Kantor Lisa Layne
Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst
Trustees Emeriti George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson * Sue Shapiro Klau Norman S. Klein Robert Layton Murphy Leopold
Robert Mirel Carol Moss Evelyn Stahl Pablo Sprynger Vanesa Tabacinic Renee Yeslow Vladi Yurovsky
Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon* Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk *In Loving Memory
Jacobson Sinai Academy PTO Coordinators
Sisterhood Co-presidents Contact Information: Temple Sinai Feinbloom Administration Building, Clergy & Religious School
Not really, because I am very clear and very happy with who I am; and I am understanding that this is not yet where they are. In this case, I am reaching out – not because I think that I will capture the minds and souls of the adults, but because I see this as an opportunity to strengthen our young people’s connection to Temple Sinai. We will grow as a community and our Tent will be strengthened when we embrace our diversity and work to address the In 2002, in my first High Holy Day sermons here needs of all of our constituents. at Sinai, I argued for multiple opportunities for groups with different needs to worship on our Tradition tells us that the reason for the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash – the Great campus. In the same way as we cannot be all Temple in Jerusalem was sinat chinam – things to all people, neither can we be one baseless hatred. When the people could not thing to all people. communicate with each other; when they This past Spring, I was approached by a group could not respect their differences; when they of Latin born JSA families who asked if they could not find ways to come together, the could have a more traditional Kabbalat Shabbat Temple was destroyed. The Big Tent will only service. I jumped at the opportunity to work if there is respect for our differences. actualize the Big Tent in one of the most significant ways. The coordinators of the effort As short and simple as the Amichai poem is, it found an individual who was willing to lead the reminds me that nothing new can grow between us when we speak to each other from service and after a little publicity and a lot of word of mouth, we had 200 adults and children "the place where we are right." More important, the poem leads me to ask: How packed into our chapel. In the months that have passed, that effort has continued with my might we as a synagogue change if we began our conversations not from our certainties, but support. Is it a Reform service? It depends on from our "doubts and loves"? Many of us who how you define a Reform service. It was all in Hebrew so maybe not. Men and women were differ wildly, love the same thing - this synagogue. Many of us who differ, harbor the sitting together so maybe yes. Whatever the case, it was a service that addressed their needs same doubts — that what's being done (or not done) to care for the synagogue that we love is and it happened on our campus. What better way to live what we teach in our day school. A the best or the right thing to do, and we need few weeks ago, the Board of Trustees passed a to talk through those doubts. What I do know motion to pursue further developing this more is that absolute certainty is like hard soil. But if traditional service. There was discussion about we give our doubts and our loves a place in the world, our lives become fertile, and rich, like the need to hire an additional rabbi. In that soil that has been freshly plowed. discussion, it was clear that I was not going to be that rabbi. They need a Conservative or an Rabbi Litwak Orthodox rabbi. Am I disappointed by that?
[Continued from front page...] support those
decisions. The Big Tent at Temple Sinai honors our Reform practice and ideology of personal autonomy by supporting alternative Jewish spiritual traditions – We open our doors to all members of our community in recognition of the realities of our ever-changing demographics and social mores and shifting understandings of Jewish life.
Come celebrate at Sinai!
Birthday Parties! Anniversaries!
Bar & Bat Mitzvahs!
Jacobson Sinai Academy - Lower & Middle School
Engagement Parties & Weddings!
Contact Angela at a n g e l a . m a r d y @ t s n d . or g or 305.932.9010 to plan your next party with us!
We have many options to choose from, outdoors or indoors.
Jacobson Sinai Academy - Early Childhood Center
www.tsnd.org www.jsamiami.org
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A word from the Executive Director, Mark A. Weber While growing up in the 1970’s in a Jewish day school in Montreal, it was explained to us that the Hebrew month of Heshvan (which typically falls in mid-October) is also known as Mar Heshvan, or “Bitter Heshvan,” because of the month’s lack of holidays or special religious observances. However, I could never quite relate to this teaching. The fact of the matter was that October marked perhaps the most significant rite of passage for a young Canadian boy, one with seemingly profound significance both spiritual and secular. Of course I’m talking about the beginning of the new hockey season. Much like the opening of the baseball season in the United States, or the start of the football (soccer) season in Europe or Latin America, the first drop of the puck represented a time of renewed traditions, of hopes and dreams, and yes, of devout prayers for yet another championship campaign. The local team was the legendary Montreal Canadiens, a club as deeply steeped in hockey antiquity as the New York Yankees in baseball. “Les Habitants”, as they are popularly known, had an almost spiritual aura for those who followed their storied history. The home arena of “Nos Glorieux” -- Our Glorious -- was the venerable Montreal Forum, which was commonly accepted as the shrine or temple of professional hockey. And above the club’s dressing room, the walls were boldly adorned with the famed passage from John McCrae’s poem In Flanders Field: “To You From Failing Hands We Throw the Torch, Be Yours to Hold it High.” The heritage of Le Club de Hockey Canadien commanded a sacred following by its players, coaches, and fans alike, a responsibility to uphold its legacy from generation to generation.
Fascinatingly, in 2007, shortly after a minister by the name of Olivier Bauer had moved to Montreal from abroad, he introduced a graduate-level theology class at the Universite de Montreal to study whether the Canadiens are, in fact, a faith. In this curriculum, Professor Bauer explored the relationship between sport and religion, and why the locals are so religiously passionate about their hockey. But by contrast, another Canadian professor, Tom Faulkner of the University of Winnipeg, authored in the title of his book that hockey is “More Than a Game, Less Than a God.” Truth be told, professional hockey is an often graceful and artistic game played by some of the most gifted, creative, and determined competitors around the globe. These participants might be worthy of our attention and even our admiration. But we learn by adulthood that professional athletes are hardly gods, nor are they even imaginably close to being worthy of any comparisons or analogies to the divine. Sure we can hope for them to be earnest and responsible role models given their ubiquitous presence in the public eye, especially in this modern day of social media. However, beyond that, their importance is plain and simple that of entertainment value. Nothing less, nothing more. So on Saturday evening, October 10, I will take my seat in the BB&T Center in Sunrise, where my new-found home team, the Florida Panthers, will host the visiting Philadelphia Flyers on opening night of the new 2015-16 season. There will be fresh aspirations throughout the building that this indeed will be the year that a Stanley Cup championship finally comes to South Florida. But what will ensue after the opening face-off will not be a religious experience, but rather just a game.
Mark A. Weber
A word from the President of the Board, Ellen Halem As we begin the New Year, it is now time to put into place many of the action items that we spoke of during the High Holy Days. Rabbi Litwak spoke of Big Tent and the ways in which we can, and should, incorporate the principals of Big Tent into our daily lives as Jews and partners at Temple Sinai. One of the tenets of Big Tent is being a warm and welcoming community. I think we do that well. We are an amazingly diverse group of people, but we are all Jews. And as Jews we must work together and be open to change. As the Rabbi stated in his Yom Kippur sermon, we are a reform congregation and as such we must welcome change. We have to recognize the unique talents that each of our partners brings to our organization and capitalize on those talents. I am always amazed when I speak with partners and learn about their many hidden abilities. So often these are the talents we are looking for to improve communication or educate our partners. It is time to share our strengths and pursue Tikkun Olam as a community. From our youngest partners to our oldest, everyone is able to help repair our world. It can be as simple as contributing to tzedakah or
reaching out to a friend in need. I encourage you to deepen your connection to Judaism this year and make a difference. As an educator, I am passionate about providing an outstanding education to every child. At JSA and Temple Sinai I see the same passion exhibited by our teachers and clergy. It is incumbent on us as Jews to ensure that future generations carry on the traditions that we cherish. Deepening our knowledge of Judaism through study and prayer with our diverse partners will encourage Big Tent and provide our children with the tools they need to grow and have these traditions become a core value. I am excited to begin 5776 with Big Tent providing the direction in which the Temple Sinai community will work to fulfill our mission of a community nurturing fuller Jewish life. When you receive your letter asking for your contribution to this year’s Annual Campaign, please give from your heart so that we may continue our journey together and ensure its success.
Ellen Halem
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Jacobson Sinai Academy News! A Message from JSA’s K-8 Principal, Toni Weissberg As we begin the New Year 5776 and with the Holy Days behind us, we are full throttle into the school year. There is much going on in all of the grades as our students are engaged in all of their courses, activities and spirituality. The end of this month will have everyone visiting the Book Fair. It is a great opportunity to have our students build their own home libraries, which is a very important part of recognizing the value of literature in our lives. After three months at JSA, I’ve become thoroughly impressed with the dedication and commitment that our teachers have to the education of your children. The entire school staff is focused on the well-being of the children. Each month we will focus on something that is happening in our school. In Science, our fourth graders learned what scientists do
and what their Role is. They learned how to write observations and formulate hypotheses and then planned and executed their experiments. In Middle School, our seventh graders started the year by learning about the earth’s changes, the continental drifts and the plate tectonics. It helped them understand what happened during the recent earthquake in Chile. In sixth grade, our students learned how to classify organisms and began the study of microscopes. Science is a very exciting subject and we hope to produce some very famous scientists, here at JSA. Wishing you a great month. Warmly, Toni Weissberg, Principal K-8
JSA Stands Against Bullying JSA is a school that prides itself on community, education and excellence. We are all united by our Jewish faith. It is important to remember that our ancestors all had to flee their original homelands to escape injustice. Our families settled wherever they were welcomed. Some of our families settled in Europe, South America, North America, Central America or Canada so that they could be free to raise their families in a welcoming community. But the important thing to remember is - we are all Jews. Whether we speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese, we are all Jews. We need to share this outlook with our children and remind them to be inclusive of all students in our school, regardless of where they come from. We know that raising awareness changes attitudes! People used to think that bullying was a part of growing up, that it made kids tougher, that words couldn’t hurt—all ideas we now know not to be true. The fact is, bullying is a learned behavior, which erodes self -esteem and self-confidence, and it can have long-lasting, painful effects.
Behavior by one person or a group of people in order to have power over another person. This behavior can be verbal, physical, or isolation. Bullying is contextual, and what is teasing or joking in one situation, can also be seen as bullying in another situation At JSA we have taken a very pro-active stance that lets students and teachers know that bully behaviors are unacceptable in our school setting. We are creating a culture among our students and staff that no longer accepts bullying. We ask parents to show to their children, by example, how important it is to be an open minded, united community. Let us always remember what Rabbi Hillel said, “Do not do unto others that which you would not want done unto you” – as he often taught this as the most important message of the Torah.
Bullying can be defined as: Behavior of a child or group of children toward another child that hurts or rejects that child. Negative actions that are repeated and carried out over time.
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PK4 - JT cooks delicious honey cakes with Oliver Schneider and Nicolas Kogan’s moms.
TGS -JM and PK4 - PA take a walk to the George & Lila Berlin Community Bridge to perform Taschlich. The fish surely enjoyed the bread the kids threw into the water!
Due to the rain, PK3 - AE takes their Sukkot-themed Shabbat performance to the classrooms! We will get to see them perform again on the bimah on Friday, October 2.
Morah Karina teaches PK2 - BP all about Rosh HaShanah!
PK3 students enjoyed a special Rosh HaShanah gathering with Rabbi Litwak in the Sanctuary
PK3-LR in Sukkot mode!
PK4 - JT Shabbat performance & Birthday Books! Page 5
TGS - EM enjoying healthy snacks together
SEPTEMBER AT JSA! 5th grade students perform the custom of Kaparot ("atonement"), a rite in preparation for Yom Kippur.
Lower School & Middle School students were busy learning about Rosh HaShanah, and even received a special visit by the Shofar Factory.
In Miss Soued’s Science class, 4th grade had the opportunity of using balances and spring scales. They learned the difference between weight and mass by measuring mass with the balances and the weight of different objects in the lab with the spring scales. Lower School Hebrew Update! Shalom! The months of Elul and Tishrei were filled with melodies, arts and crafts, holiday stories, customs and more! Our lower school children learned all about the shofar, we tasted apples and honey, we learned what it means to say we are sorry, and we made the blessings on the Etrog and lulav in the Sukkah. Not only do our customs enrich our lives, but they lead us on the path of Derech Eretz. Every day we enter the exciting world of Hebrew through the Tal Am Hebrew language curriculum. The children engage in interactive Hebrew games, with the help of “Ariot” “Shachar” and “Sharona”. We are looking forward to celebrating and dancing on Simchat Torah; when we come back from the chag, we will begin sharing parashat Hashavuah stories with the students. Chag sameach to all of our families in the Sinai Community! The Lower School Hebrew teachers, Morah Debi Cohen, Morah Leah Farkash and Morah Chaya Daniel
Grades K to 3rd built their own sukkahs, prepared special decorations and enjoyed lunch under our Sinai Sukkah. PP aa gg ee 56
Important dates & Upcoming Events Oct. 14: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
Rosh Chodesh, Spirit Day & Bake Sale Oct. 26-30: Book Fair Nov. 4: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
Movie Night! Nov. 13: Rosh Chodesh, Spirit Day & Bake Sale
Our Book Fair is Coming to JSA! October 26 – October 30, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Nov. 17: PTO Holiday Boutique Dec. 9: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM Dec. 11: Rosh Chodesh, Spirit Day & Bake Sale
The whole school is excited about our upcoming Book Fair. An amazing selection of books for students and parents is headed our way! Mark your calendar for our family events:
Jan. 6: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
Tuesday: 7:45 to 8:45 AM- Dads are invited to the Fiesta!
Feb. 1: Mischloach Manot sales begin
Wednesday: 11:45 to 12:45 - Lite brunch with Grandparents or the “Grand” Persons in your life
Feb.10: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
Jan. 11: Rosh Chodesh, Spirit Day & Bake Sale
Feb. 25: JSA Performing Arts Showcase
Friday: 9:15 to 11:15 AM - Calling all moms to join us! The Book Fair is a great way to get everyone excited about reading! Parents can contribute books to your child’s classroom library though the classroom “Wish List” and to “All for Books.” Last year the JSA Book Fair was a great success. Approximately 1250 books were sold during the 5 days of the sale; JSA made $11,000 in profits and incentives that will be used to make purchases for our Hollander-Rachleff and Middle School libraries.
Get ready for Movie Night! November 4, at 6:00 PM
March 9: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM March 11: Rosh Chodesh, Spirit Day & Bake Sale April 4: RAM Raffle sales begin April 6: PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM April 8: Rosh Chodesh, Spirit Day & Bake Sale April 19: Art & Science Fair May 2-6: Teacher Appreciation Week May 4: Mother’s Day Event June 1: Farewell PTO Breakfast at 8:30 AM
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We had an exciting month this September, breaking the fast together and celebrating Sukkot with our first Sisterhood Circle Sukkot BBQ! Everyone enjoyed building the sukkah, decorating it and, of course, eating! October is going to be an even more exciting month. On October 2nd, we will host our Pink Shabbat with special guest speaker Briana Schwarz from Sharsheret, the amazing organization that will help us to understand the risks of female cancers among Jewish families and the Sharsheret programs that are available to the Jewish community. Thank you to Suzanne Schild for sponsoring our speaker for this special event. On October 18th, please join us for our Second Sunday in the Social Hall where Sharsheret will once again visit us for a morning of Q&A, breakfast and important information for our health and wellness as it relates to female cancers. October wouldn't be complete without our favorite CAbi event on the 29th! We will enjoy a POT LUCK evening of shopping and food so please bring your favorite dish, side or dessert. Wine and beverages will be served. Have a look at the great pics of our Sukkot BBQ event. We look forward to yet another special month! Carol Moss & Sage Kantor, Co-Presidents
SNFTY 2015/2016
October activities for SNFTY! SNFTY has some awesome programs planned for the month of October! On October 7th, we will be Roller Skating and on October 28 we will be indulging in Horror Films and Milkshakes. Event details below: Roller Skating When: October 7th at 6:30 to 8 PM Where: Meet at Galaxy Skateway @ 6:30 PM (3737 Davie Road Extension, Hollywood, FL 33024) Who: SNFTY - Open to all high school students Horror Films and Milkshakes When: October 28th at 6:30 to 8 PM Where: Meet at Temple Sinai - Middle School Library Who: Jr. SNFTY and SNFTY - Open to students from 6th grade through 12th grade Feel free to contact Ron Barhai, the Youth Advisor, at ron.barhai@tsnd.org for more information.
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Dear Empty Nesters, Our Welcome Back event will be a Brunch on Sunday, October 11th at 11:30 a.m. Our venue is Hillcrest Country Club, 4600 Hillcrest Drive Hollywood, FL 33021. Hillcrest is famous for their omelets, carving station, bagels and lox, as well as blintzes and an amazing array of brunch selections. You won’t be disappointed. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to meet, eat, and make new friends. There will be an opportunity to suggest future programs for the Empty Nesters as well as a surprise activity. Please call the Temple office for your reservations no later than October 7th. The cost is $25 per person which includes tax, tip, mimosa, coffee and delicious desserts. A check may be sent to the Temple or you can request the office to bill you. Don’t forget to join the Empty Nesters celebrating Shabbat with dinner and music at Friday Night Live! on October 16th. Call the Temple office for reservations. Your Co-Presidents, Evelyn Stahl estahl814@comcast.net
Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast Sunday, October 18 9:30 AM - Wiener Social Hall Join us for a breakfast with special guest Briana Schwarz, Florida Office Regional Director for Sharsheret, an organization that provides personal support for Jewish women and families affected by breast and ovarian cancer.
Approximately 1 in 40 Ashkenazi Jews has a BRCA gene mutation that increases their risk of cancer. Learn about the increased risk of hereditary breast cancer and ovarian cancer among Jewish families, the impact of those cancers on our community. Oct. 18, 2015 9:30 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness & Light Breakfast
Oct. 29, 2015 7:00 PM
CaBi Showroom
Nov. 4-8, 2015
WRJ 50 Assembly in Orlando
Nov. 14, 2015 7:00 PM
Saturday Night Fever with an Israeli Flavor
Jan. 30, 2016 7:00 PM
Tapas and Tango Night
Feb. 12, 2016 6:15 PM
Sisterhood Shabbat
March 16, 2016 6:30 PM
Wine Pairing Event
April 23, 2016 6:15 PM
Passover 2nd Night Seder
May 10, 2016 12:00 PM
Closing Luncheon - Installation
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Helayne Gordon beachcountry@bellsouth.net
Temple Sinai's Book Club Thursday, October 15, 2015 At 7 PM in the HollanderRachleff Library. Our next book will be The Magiker by Charles Dennis Feuerman. This book is recommended by the Jewish Book Council. The facilitator will be Rabbi Cheryl Weiner.
Monday, Oct. 12, 26 and Nov. 2 - From 7:30 to 9:30 PM In the Hollander-Rachleff Library As a follow-up to Rabbi Litwak's Rosh HaShanah sermon, he will be facilitating three sessions of study, discussion, and practice to challenge you to conceive of God in new or different ways. We will explore some modern theologians, ask some of the tough theological questions, and find opportunities for us to hear God's voice in our life. This is a wonderful opportunity to renew your relationship with God. Come with an open mind and heart.
About the Book: Harris Strider, a psychiatrist in contemporary New York City, treats a socialite whose body seems to be inhabited by the soul of a young Jewish girl who died a hundred years ago in Russia's Pale of Settlement. Strider falls in love with the young girl and in an attempt to set her free, plunges headlong into a dangerous world of mysticism, Kabbalah, and a mysterious figure known as the Magiker Rebbe. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Kindly RSVP to Audrey Aronchick at amagrower@yahoo.com or the Temple Office at 305.932.9010 or templesinai@tsnd.org.
The class size is limited to 18 participants. Kindly RSVP to templesinai@tsnd.org.
Nava Tehila Havdalah Concert!
Friday Night Live! Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, October 16, 6:15 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary
Saturday, November 14, 7:00 PM at the Feinbloom Sanctuary.
Cantor Norman Cohen-Falah invites you to experience Friday Night Live!, a Shabbat celebration with a lot of ruach. With the Temple Sinai's Choral Ensemble and other guest musicians.
The Nava Tehila ensemble from Jerusalem has gained a reputation for its original and uplifting music, that can now be heard and sung in synagogues across Israel and throughout the globe.
A special night when the spirit of Shabbat and live music will come together in a unique blend to inspire and rock! Following the service Temple Sinai will host the first Congregational Shabbat dinner of the year. The cost of the dinner is $13 per adult, $5 per child (under 13) and $18 for non-partners. Late RSVP is an additional $5. Kindly RSVP by Monday, October 12th to templesinai@tsnd.org or call 305.932.9010.
Their groundbreaking work towards pluralism in Israel happens with music, song and the ecstatic celebration of prayer, Psalms and Song of Songs. Nava Tehila encourages inspiration, elation, praise and deep inner reflection, while holding a place of global awareness for the importance of prayer and Divine connection everywhere. This concert promises to be an uplifting musical experience to end a perfect Shabbat. You will not want to miss it!
Tickets are $18. Contact the Temple office for more information.
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This concert has been generously underwritten by the Sisterhood Circle of Temple Sinai.
October Birthdays
R’fuah Sh’leimah Lisa Layne Chuck Kantor Elyse Marcus Gloria Barnett Gloria Raffel Howard Roskin Irwin Katz Leah Stock
Joyce Garber Rachel Dvorah bat Moishe v’Rut Lillian Maltz Elinore Rutman Freda Rozen-Brown Gary Moss
Maggie Vaknin Marion Gordon Noach ben Chaim Leib Rafael Ben Rivka Sarah bat Leah Sarah Bibliowicz Paul Feldman Liza Freeman
10/1 10/1 10/1 10/1 10/1 10/3 10/3 10/3 10/3 10/3 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/5 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/12 10/13 10/13
Condolences To Marilyn (Bob Sugarman) Seskin, on the death of her father Al Seskin, decorated WWII veteran. To Ricardo (Vanessa Israel-Berl) Berl, on the death of his brother Carlos Berl. To Dee Dee (Toby) Katzker and Josh (Erin) and Aaron Katzker, on the death of their father/ grandfather William "Bill" Roberts, one of Temple Sinai's longest standing partners.
October Anniversaries 10/1 10/3 10/5 10/10 10/11 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/13 10/14 10/14 10/15
Mariano & Romina Karner Daniel & Mariana Gamburd Jorge & Marlene Garcia Scott & Cindy Argow John & Rhoda Kurzman Granville & Kimberly LeCompte Eduardo & Sisa Brender Ari & Erica Kalish Alain & Amy Ohana David & Lizbeth Schonfeld Adam & Adrienne Zuckerman Lior & Angela Klepach
10/16 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/22 10/24 10/29 10/29 10/30
David & Shelly Friedland Joseph & Jenny Benezra Louis & Nancy Berlin Eva Lebovic & Greg Thomas Mark & Carrie Mintz Sidney & Gayle Rabin Mario & Melissa Grosfeld Daniel & Leonella Erdberg Nelson & Rhonda Faro Adam & Robin Silverman Michael & Adrienne Roth
Dennis Amoils Helen Berne Gregory Gutt Susan Jaffe Amy Ohana Dean Gettis Ann Landau Jonathan Malka Carole Perlman Louise Potash Miguel Chocron Meital Hojberg Felicia Koretsky Ruth Marcus Evelyn Portnoy Margery Sanford Norman Leopold Paola Busch Sandra Chaberman Rhoda Kurzman Carol Lewis Gaston Schneider Marcia Zucker Seth Krinsky Mary Lou Brotherson Debbie Bloomfield Rosa Kofman Jacques Malfi Meri-Jane Rochelson Claudine Ackerman Alex Brakha
10/13 10/13 10/13 10/14 10/14 10/14 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/18 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/22 10/22 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/24 10/24 10/24 10/25 10/27 10/27 10/28 10/28 10/28 10/29 10/29
Nancy Metzger Louise Mirel Karla Prian Mizrahi Elizabeth Bram Mildred Steinberg Rachel Weiss Alejandra Gutt Aida Perez Evelyn Rosen David Schonfeld Stuart Sacks Miriam Segall Boris Dolinsky Gustavo Meller Howard Katzman Kimberly LeCompte Lili Arnold David Clarke Bari Schanerman Esther Surujon Winer George Leader Ruth Littman Ferris Shenker Rosanne Mishan Michael Roth Marcelo Saiegh Carla Lacerda Provder Lisa Layne Richard Waldman Elie Espiedra Danielle Snyder
Mazal Tov! To Sue & Irwin Klau, on the birth of their granddaughter Sadie Faye Klau. To Gary & Syd Wiesel and Marilyn Baumoehl, on the birth of their grandson/ great grandson Carter Cole Wiesel. To Nancy & Louis Berlin, on the marriage of their son Ben Tobin to Mike Honigberg. To JSA teacher Revital and husband Leron Marinovsky, and sisters Ariel and Elior on the birth of their baby boy. To our JSA 4th Grade teacher Michal and Dan Hoffman, and sisters Cara and Nessa, on the birth of their baby boy Teddy Hoffman. To Tal & Amir Agay, and siblings Alan and Mia on the birth of their son Gabriel.
To Sandi-Jo Gordon for her painting being exhibited at the Art & Culture Center of Hollywood. To Irene J. Baros, on the birth of her 4th great grandchild Judah Matthys Baros, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Baros. To grandparents Robin & Michael Goldberg, and parents Jennifer and Noah Alweiss and on the birth of Emily Jill Alweiss. Mazal Tov to parents Nadine and Henrique Perel, and siblings Elliot and Sophia, on the safe arrival of their baby boy. To Carol & Sylvan Lewis, on the wedding of their son Danny Lewis to Razili Stanke-Koch.
B’nai Mitzvah!
Maurice Dweck will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 17th. He is the son of Lourdes Fiegler and Eddie Dweck. He is a 9th Grader at Ben Gamla Preparatory Academy in Hollywood. Maurice's hobbies are basketball, playing with his friends and football. His mitzvah project is a food drive for Craig’s Pantry, an organization that feeds Holocaust survivors, home bound elderly and victims of domestic violence in Broward County.
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Pablo Tannenbaum will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 31th. He is the son of Dr. Nina Berrocal and Dr. Stephen Tannenbaum. He is a 7th Grader at Jacobson Sinai Academy. Pablo’s mitzvah work will be working with Sharesheret.org, an organization that raises money and provides services for Jewish women with breast and ovarian cancer.
Donations August 27 to September 28, 2015 Cantor Norman Cohen Falah's Discretionary Fund
The Arnold & Roselyn Meyer ECE Fund
Lillian Stein
In honor of Marcos & Esther Fintz's anniversary
Mary Lou Brotherson
Mary Lou Brotherson
In appreciation of Marcelo Barski
The Caring Community Fund
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
Wishing Gary Moss a speedy recovery
Helayne Gordon
Sandy and Don Goodman
In honor of Marcos & Esther Fintz's anniversary
The General Donation Fund
Norman and Alice Klein
In memory of Bill Roberts
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
Fela Oppenheim
High Holy Days Donation
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In memory of Frances Slotkin
Lillian Stein
In honor of Gary Frank's birthday
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In memory of Ronald (Sylvia) Ellis
Lillian Stein
In honor of Aaron Schectman's birthday
Mary Lou Brotherson
In memory of Estelle Cohen Nelson
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
In memory of Bill Roberts
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In memory of William (Bill) Roberts
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Danny to Raz
Leon and Doris Pienknagura
In honor of Lyanne L. Wassermann's birthday
Leon and Doris Pienknagura
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son, Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of the birth of Irene Baros 4th great-grandson, Judah Matthys Baros
Irwin and Sue Klau
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
In honor of Sandi-Jo Gordon's painting being exhibited at the Art & Culture Center of Hollywood
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
In honor of the adoption of Ira Zweifler & Ann Landau's dog, Niki Zweifdau
Audrey Aronchick
In honor of Ingrid Roskin's birthday
In appreciation of Sharon Panisch In honor of the Refuah Shlemah for Elinor Rutman In memory of Albert Dublin
Joel and Adele Sandberg
In memory of Bill Roberts
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of the birth of Tal and Amir Agay's baby
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
Congratulations to Cantor Norman and the Youth Choir for their performance on Yom Kippur
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of Sandi-Jo Gordon's painting being exhibited at the Art & Culture Center of Hollywood
Marcos and Esther Fintz
In appreciation of Cantor Norman for the inspirational music and songs for the High Holy Day services
David & Susan Horwitz
In honor of Maslyn Joy Udelson's Hebrew naming
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of the birth of Martin Plunkett's step granddaughter, Brielle
Etz Chayim Chumash Meryl, Mark, Adam & Samantha Kravietz In honor of the baby naming of Maslyn Joy Udelson
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of the birth of Leron and Revital Marinovsky's baby boy
Rabbi Alan Litwak's Discretionary Fund
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of the birth of Michael and Robin Goldberg's granddaughter, Emily Jill Alweiss
Shelly & Marty Claire
In celebration of Marcos & Esther Fintz's 51st anniversary
Allen & Nancy Farnum
In honor of Sam Brenner's Israeli DVD
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In memory of Al Seskin
Audrey Aronchick
In memory of Noreen Rache
David and Rose Ellen Glickman
Audrey Aronchick
In memory of Ronald Ellis
In honor of the birth of Michael and Robin Goldberg's granddaughter, Emily Jill Alweiss Wishing Cliff Schulman a speedy recovery
Audrey Aronchick
In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak's birthday
Norman and Karen Leopold
Norman and Karen Leopold
Wishing Bob Sugarman a speedy recovery
Martin and Lynn Mendelssohn
General donation
Lillian Stein
In honor of Audrey Aronchick's birthday
Richard and Barbara Bergman
General donation
Norman and Karen Leopold
Wishing Bob Sugarman a speedy recovery
Temple Sinai Board of Trustees
In honor of the birth of Dan & Michal Hoffman's son, Teddy
In honor of the Rosh Hashanah aliyah
Mark and Suzie Weber
Mazel Tov on the birth of Leron & Revital Marinovsky's baby boy
Ruth Littman
In memory of Benjamin B. Littman
The High Holy Days Fund
Bob and Judy Layton
In memory of Irving Layton
Marcos and Esther Fintz
High Holy Day Donation
Ronnie Zindorf
In memory of Bertram Schild and for all of Temple Sinai's support
Robin Child
High Holy Days Donation
Jeffrey and Joni Futernick
High Holy Days Donation
Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank
In memory of Sam Bloom
Melvin & Nancy Miller
High Holy Days Donation
Bonnie Bloom
In memory of Bill Roberts
Karen Morchelies
High Holy Days Donation
Gary and Carol Ann Moss
In memory of Gabriele Gatzert
Dan & Anita Steinfeld
High Holy Days Donation
Howard and Ingrid Roskin
In memory of Al Seskin
Mark Rokhfeld & Galina Tuninskaya
High Holy Days Donation
Joel and Adele Sandberg
In memory of Al Seskin
Fern N. Fishkin
High Holy Days Donation
Joel and Adele Sandberg
In memory of Dave Goldberg
Victoria Pirchesky
High Holy Days Donation
Howard and Margery Sanford
In honor of the High Holy Days aliyah
Inna Armel
High Holy Days Donation
Michael Wilensky
In appreciation
The Esko Family
High Holy Days Donation
Maureen Boiarsky
In memory of Morton I. Boiarsky
Vincent & Birdie Fuller
High Holy Days Donation
Irwin and Sue Klau
In memory of Al Seskin
Barry Goodman
High Holy Days Donation
Adelina Kogut
In honor of High Holy Days Services
Same Krivoruk
High Holy Days Donation
Martin and Heather Oppenheimer
In appreciation of Rabbi Litwak's guidance
David and Lizbeth Schonfeld
High Holy Days Donation
Daryl and Merle Saferstein
In memory of Al Seskin
Paul & Joan Stuart
High Holy Days Donation
Marcos and Esther Fintz
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son, Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch
Rita Eisenberg
High Holy Days Donation
Vicki Hatch
Yizkor Donation
In appreciation of Rabbi Litwak for such spiritual teaching and services that inspires us during the High Holy Days
Paul & Nina Itzkovits
High Holy Days Donation
Aliza Kadish
High Holy Days Donation
Helayne Gordon
Marcos and Esther Fintz Marcos and Esther Fintz Marcos and Esther Fintz
In honor of the birth of Michael and Robin Goldberg's Charles and Lonnie Kantor granddaughter, Emily Jill Alweiss Steven and Darlene Wagner In appreciation of Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar for the excellent study session on Yom Kippur The Esko Family
High Holy Days Donation In honor of High Holy Days High Holy Days Donation
Gayle E. Miller
In memory of Sylvia Wolf
Barry Goodman
High Holy Days Donation
Gary and Carol Ann Moss
In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak's birthday
Ellen Stahler
High Holy Days Donation
Ron and Shoshanah Bloom
In appreciation of the honor of the Shofar blowing
Adelina Kogut
In honor of Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley
The 50th Anniversary Torah Fund
Claudia Leib
In appreciation of Yom Kippur
Stuart & Lisa Levine
Traci Rindom
High Holy Days Donation
In memory of Bill Roberts
Page 13
Donations August 27 to September 28, 2015 The Judy & Murray Swift Fund Audrey Aronchick
In memory of Bernard Siegel
The Memorial Fund (cont.)
Murray and Judy Swift
In memory of Bill Roberts
Frank and Sue Pearl
In memory of Florence Pearl
Leon and Doris Pienknagura
In memory of Irith Pienknagura & Rosa Nimelman In memory of Ethel Leventhal
The Memorial Fund Irene J. Baros
In memory of J. William Baros Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Seley
Fridell Feibus
In memory of Benjamin Feibus
Mark and Irene Thaw
In memory of Hal Hornstein
Carol Freed
In memory of Lillian Brodman
Renee Yeslow
In memory of Ruth Yeslow
Frank and Sue Pearl
In memory of Yetta Feinberg
The Mishkan T'filah Prayer Book
Louise Weinthal
In memory of Joseph Weinthal
Bonnie Bloom & Gary Frank
In memory of Bernard Siegel
Lawrence and Carole Epstein
In memory of Perry Epstein
Glen & Cindy Edelman
In honor of the Hebrew naming of Maslyn Joy Udelson
Rabbi Ralph P. and Brenda Kingsley
In memory of their parents yahrzeits
Bonnie Bloom
In memory of Albert Weinberg
Elsie Weiss
In memory of Gertrude Zimmerman
The Sisterhood Collegiate Fund
Gary and Barbara Donshik
In memory of Joseph Kestenbaum
Rabbi Ralph P. and Brenda Kingsley
Sisterhood Collegiate Fund Donation
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Glickman
In memory of Rose Alcon
Barton and Lyanne L. Wassermann
Sisterhood Donation
Barbara Ramsay
In memory of Sam Bloom
The Sisterhood Fund
Barbara Ramsay
In memory of Alvina Duffner
David and Rose Ellen Glickman
Barbara Ramsay
In memory of all my yahrzeits
The Sisterhood Kitchen Fund
Wishing Gary Moss a speedy recovery
Joel Mintz and Meri-Jane Rochelson In memory of Boris Rochelson
Gary and Carol Ann Moss
Howard and Ingrid Roskin
In memory of Bill Roberts
Joel Mintz and Meri-Jane Rochelson In memory of their grandmothers
Lawrence and Carole Epstein
In memory of Joseph Teich
Lillian Stein
In honor of Jane Hiller's birthday
Deborah Lazar
In memory of Sylvia Lazar
Lillian Stein
In honor of Ingrid Roskin's birthday
Richard & Barbara Bergman
In memory of Herbert Bergman
Wesley and Susan Jones
Gloria Raffel
In memory of Forrest Raffel
Congratulations on the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch
David and Rose Ellen Glickman
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch
Helayne Gordon
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Daniel Lewis to Razili Stanke-Koch
Nelson and Rhonda Faro
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch
Gary and Carol Ann Moss
In honor of the marriage of Sylvan and Carol Lewis's son Danny to Razili Stanke-Koch In memory of Margie’s cousin Diane
Murray and Judy Swift
In memory of Evelyn Weber
Murray and Judy Swift
In memory of Max Swift
Harry and Deborah Berkowitz
In memory of Shirley Fahrer
Robyn Hoffberger
In memory of Jerome Kinoy
Robyn Hoffberger
In memory of Helen Hoffberger
Wishing Bob Sugarman a speedy recovery
Neil and Dorothy Koreman
In memory of Sylvia Koreman
Leroy and Shirley Raffel
In memory of Jacob E. Raffel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Robinson
In memory of James Sampson
Wesley and Susan Jones
In memory of Henry Max In memory of Brett Friedland
To sponsor the Oneg and Kiddush
Rodney and Ivania Max Cookie & David Gordon, Dan and Tammy Weinbaum and Berne & Bonnie Stein Adam and Tamar Erdberg
In honor of our parents, Esther and Leon & Sam and Aliza
Alex and Barbara Falcon
In memory of Harold Falcon
Adelina Kogut
In memory of Tomas Mosner
Gary and Carol Ann Moss
In memory of Bill Roberts
Living and Leaving Your Legacy By the end of this eight-week interactive class, you will be on your way to putting your priceless legacy into an ethical will, a loving legacy letter, a journal, a memoir, an autobiography, a scrapbook, an oral history, or more.
Dean and Michelle Gettis
In honor of their anniversary
Bonnie Bloom
In honor of Gary Frank's birthday
Richard Waldman
In appreciation of Shabbat
Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon
In memory of Norma Simon
Irwin and Sue Klau
In honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Sadie Faye Klau
Temple Sinai at North Dade 18801 NE 22 Avenue, North Miami Beach, FL
Wednesday evenings: October 7, 14, 28, November 4, 11, 18, December 2, 9
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Cost for the eight-week session is $200. For more information and registration, please contact Merle R. Saferstein at 305-931-2234, MerleRSaferstein.com, or merles1212@yahoo.com.
What gives your life meaning? What do you want to pass along? What life lessons have you learned? What do you want people to remember about you? Page 14
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October 2015 Sun
Thu 1
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish
9 AM Torah Study 9 AM Torah Trope course 10:30 AM Shabbat
5:45 PM Oneg in the Sukkah 6:15 PM Breast Cancer Kabbalat Shabbat
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish
9 AM Torah Study 9 AM Torah Trope course 10:30 AM Shabbat
Religious School
10:30 AM Simchat Torah Service w/ Yizkor
6:30 PM SNFTY goes Roller Skating
7 PM Simchat Torah Klezmer Style! 11 Religious School
5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service
7:30 PM Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble Practice
8:30 AM PTO Meeting (in the Kemelhor Chapel)
JSA Spirit Day! Bake Sale
8:30 AM Talmud
7:30 PM God Talk w/ Rabbi Litwak
8 PM Israeli Cinema 7:30 PM Temple Night at Sinai: Sinai Choral “Three Mothers” Ensemble Practice
6:15 PM Friday Night Live! Kabbalat Shabbat Service
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish
9 AM Torah Study 9 AM Torah Trope course 10:30 AM Shabbat
5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service
7:30 PM God Talk w/ Rabbi Litwak
6:30 PM SNFTY does Horror Films and 7 PM Sisterhood Milkshakes Cirle hosts: CAbi 7:30 PM Temple Showroom Sinai Choral Ensemble Practice
Page 16
9 AM Torah Study 9 AM Torah Trope course 10:30 AM Shabbat Maurice Dweck will become a Bar Mitzvah
Followed by Congregational Shabbat Dinner
7:30 PM Temple Sinai Choral Ensemble Practice
7 PM Temple Sinai Book Club
9:30 AM Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast
25 Religious School
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish 5:45 PM Oneg
11:30 Empty Nesters Sunday Brunch at Hillcrest Country Club
18 Religious School
12:30 PM Art Class in Spanish 5:45 PM Oneg 6:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Service
31 9 AM Torah Study 9 AM Torah Trope course 10:30 AM Shabbat Pablo Tannenbaum will become a Bar Mitzvah