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10 OCTOber 2017
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IN THIS ISSUe > Outer space > People of the world > Creative thinking
Creative solutions Learning English is exciting with
year 4 - unit 13: outer space
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
reading comprehension
The solar system Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.
A solar system consists of a sun and all the celestial bodies that revolve around it. The Sun is a star and gives out its own light. Planets revolve around a star. Most of the planets have satellites that are called moons travelling around them. In our solar system, there are eight planets revolving around the sun. Here are the planets listed in order from the nearest to the furthest from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All of these planets vary in size and distance from the Sun. 1. What is a solar system? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Which planet is nearest to the Sun? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Name the third furthest planet from the Sun. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. ______ is the furthest planet from the sun. A. Jupiter B. Mercury
C. Neptune
D. Mars
5. Besides light, what else does the Sun give out? _____________________________________________________________________
Mini dictionary 1. celestial
- cakerawala
2. revolve
- beredar
Teacher’s tip
These icons on the activity pages identify the KSSR Educational Emphases:
Higher order thinking skills
Mastery learning
Multiple intelligences
Creativity and innovation
Values and citizenship
NIE EDITORIAL MANAGER: Sharon Ovinis WRITERS: Shoba Dev Dr Mallika Vasugi TRANSLATOR: Shoba Dev ILLUSTRATOR: Hassan Bahri LAYOUT ARTIST: Adeline Ngui TO ORDER, CALL: Sundar (03-7967 1388) ext 1437 We welcome feedback! Write to: starnie@thestar.com.my
✄ tuesday
year 4 - unit 13: outer space
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
conversation / comprehension
The sun and the moon In pairs, read what Ravi and Karim have to say about the Sun and Moon respectively. Then, take turns to describe the Sun and the Moon to each other. You may use the questions given to guide you. Secara berpasangan, baca apa Ravi dan Karim kata tentang matahari dan bulan masing-masing. Kemudian gambarkan matahari dan bulan secara bergilir-gilir. Kamu boleh menggunakan soalan-soalan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SUN? Our solar system consists of the Sun, eight planets and all other objects travelling around these planets. The Sun is at the centre of our solar system. The Sun is a medium sized star, composed largely of hydrogen and helium. It gives out light and heat.
HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE MOON? The Moon is our closest neighbour in space. The moon is also the brightest object in the night sky, not because it consists of burning gases like the Sun but because it reflects light from the Sun. On some nights, the moon is perfectly round. On other nights it is only a slice of silver. But the moon’s shape and size only appear to change because larger or smaller areas of the moon are lit by the sun.
1. Describe the sun. 2. What does the sun give out? 3. Describe the moon. 4. What are the similarities between the sun and the moon? 5. What are the differences between the sun and the moon?
Mini dictionary 1. reflects - memantulkan
2. slice - sepotong
3. lit
- diterangi
be your doorway to success
year 4 - unit 13: outer space
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
Prepositions of place PREPOSITIONS of place show where something is located. 1
The plane is flying above the cloud.
The shark is swimming below the ship.
The boy is standing between two boxes.
Exercise Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with correct prepositions. Lihat gambar-gambar dan isi tempat kosong dengan kata depan yang betul.
1. The plates are placed ___________ the fork and the spoon.
2. The cable car overlooks the forest ___________ it.
3. The lamp is hanging ___________ the dining table.
✄ tuesday
year 4 - unit 13: outer space
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
the fun page
The space race HERE’S a pop quiz that tests your general knowledge about space. The answers are placed in the box below as hints. See if you can match them to the correct facts! Question 11 is a bonus as one of the answers in the box repeats itself. Which one is it?
1. Scientists have sent robots called rovers to planet _______________. (1 mark) 2. There is only one star in our solar system. It is the _______________. (1 mark) 3. _______________ has more volcanoes than any other planets. (1 mark) 4. The two small moons of Mars are called _______________ and _______________. (2 marks) 5. Besides Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, planet _______________ too has rings around it. (1 mark) 6. The coldest planet in our solar system is _______________. (1 mark) 7. The windstorms on this planet blow three times as fast as hurricanes on Earth. _______________ is the stormiest planet in our solar system. (1 mark) 8. It takes eight minutes for light to travel to _______________. The sunlight you see right now left the Sun’s surface eight minutes ago! (1 mark) 9. Pluto’s largest moon is _______________. (1 mark) 10. _______________ was once considered a planet. Then, scientist decided it was too small, so it is now known as a dwarf planet. (1 mark) 11. _______________ is not the closest planet to the Sun but it is the hottest planet because it has many clouds that trap in heat. (3 marks)
Answers: 1. Mars 6. Uranus 11. Venus
2. Sun 7. Neptune
3. Venus 8. Earth
4. Phobos; Deimos 9. Charon
Get your creative juices flowing with
5. Saturn 10. Pluto
year 4 literature
10 OctOber 2017 tHe Star/Step up
Sounds Like Magic I listened to a seashell and thought I could hear the rushing of the waves inside my ear.
SOMETIMES when you hold an empty object like a seashell close to your ear, you can hear interesting sounds like the sound of the ocean. These sounds are actually caused by something called resonance from the noise around you. But isn’t it exciting to imagine that there are more reasons for them?
Activity A
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
I held an empty eggshell close against my head and thought I heard a pecking chick hatching from its bed.
heard found
I found a hollow coconut and listened for a sound and thought I heard horses’ hooves pounding on the ground.
listened thought
1. Although we _____________ very carefully, we could not hear any noise from the room. 2. Mr. Tay _____________ that the books were new but he discovered that they were old.
I took an empty teacup to see what I might hear and thought I heard a giant’s voice booming in my ear.
3. “Did you say that you _____________ the missing ball in Henry’s garden?” asked Puan Aini.
- Celia Warren
4. When the boys _____________ their principal voice, they ran back to their classroom. 5. “Was it you who _____________ my brown sweater,” asked Linda.
Activity B
Write the words on the right in the correct columns. Words related to:
Activity C
near vacant hollow discovered huge close by
learnt neighbouring massive enormous unoccupied revealed
Complete the sentences with your own words.
I thought I heard the rushing of _______________________ when I _______________________. I thought I heard the pecking of _______________________ when I _______________________. I thought I heard the pounding of _______________________ when I _______________________. I thought I heard the booming of _______________________ when I _______________________.
✄ tuesday
year 5 - unit 13: people of the world
10 october 2017 the Star/Step up
reading comprehension
Cultural exchange Read the following extracts from Catherine’s diary. Then, answer the questions that follow. Baca petikan-petikan di bawah dari diari Catherine. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.
28th January 2016 I just returned from a three-week student exchange programme to Japan. I lived with a foster family, Mr. and Mrs. Yaamaguchi in Tochikegen Prefecture not far from Tokyo. It was a small traditional Japanese house located in a traditional Japanese village. Their daughter Suki, who is also 16 years old like me, taught me how to speak Japanese and how to use the Japanese currency, Yen. I went to school with her for one week. Suki uses the kimono often and loves to eat sushi. She also enjoys swimming. 25th June 2016 I just returned from a two-week student exchange programme to India. I lived with a foster family, Mr. and Mrs. Choudhury in Calcutta, an extremely busy city in the state of West Bengal. They live in a spacious, double-storey apartment unit. Their son Sanjay who is 16 years old taught me Hindi, India’s national language. I also learnt how to purchase things using Rupees. Sanjay looks very smart when he dresses up in his jippa suit. He taught me how to eat chapati with dhal curry. I spent one week going to school with Sanjay. He is the best swimmer in his school.
1. a. ______
c. ______
b. ______
d. _______
16 years old
e. _______
f. _______
2. If you have the opportunity to go on a student exchange programme, which country would you like to visit? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Mini dictionary 1. exchange - pertukaran 2. foster family - keluarga angkat
3. currency 4. spacious
- mata wang - luas
is your window to the world
year 5 - unit 13: people of the world
10 october 2017 the Star/Step Up
Prepositions of location PREPOSITIONS of location tell us where a person, an object or a place is located. Preposition
To show that an object is close to a certain point.
1. They live near the city. 2. I left the umbrella near the door. 3. Jeremy’s house is near the post office.
To show that an object is above or higher than something else or to show that one thing covers the other.
1. She held the umbrella over my head. 2. The sign over the door says “mind your head.” 3. Jacinta wore a cardigan over her blouse.
Exercise A. Underline the correct preposition. Gariskan kata depan yang betul. 1. Linda’s school is (near, over) the stadium. 2. Do not play (near, over) the river. 3. Azlan puts a cover (near, over) the food. 4. The aeroplane flew (near, over) the ocean. 5. Sally and Poh Leng live (near, over) a disused mining pool. 6. Siva sat (near, over) the entrance as he arrived late.
B. Make a sentence with the words ‘near’ and ‘over’. Bina satu ayat dengan perkataan ‘near’ dan ‘over’. 1. near _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. over _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
✄ tuesday
year 5 - unit 13: people of the world
10 october 2017 the Star/Step Up
Friends from abroad Would you like a penfriend from abroad? Based on the notes given, tell your class which person you would like as your penfriend. You may use the questions below to guide you. Adakah kamu ingin rakan pena dari luar negara? Berdasarkan nota-nota yang diberikan, beritahu kelas kamu siapa yang kamu ingin jadikan rakan pena kamu. Kamu boleh menggunakan soalan-soalan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu.
Name Country Gender Age Hobbies E mail
Name Country Gender Age Hobbies E mail
: Zhang Li : Japan : Female : 12 years old : Travelling, basketball and drawing : zhang@skymail.com
Name Country Gender Age Hobbies
: Bidin : Indonesia : Male : 10 years old : Jungle trekking, batik printing and cycling : bidin@skymail.com
Name Country Gender Age Hobbies
E mail
E mail
: Sara : Australia : Female : 11 years old : Skiing, extreme sports and sailing : sara@skymail.com
: Peter : France : Male : 12 years old : Photography, collecting coins and playing video games : peter@skymail.com
1. Why did you choose this particular person? 2. What can you learn from him/her? 3. Are any of their hobbies similar to yours? 4. Would you like to visit your penfriend one day? Why?
Mini dictionary 1. skiing 2. sailing
- bermain ski - belayar
3. trekking 4. particular
- mengembara - tertentu
Keep calm and keep striving!
year 5 - unit 13: people of the world
10 october 2017 the Star/Step Up
the fun page WHAT’S in a name? Everything! Names have long been immortalised in prose and poetry. Names have values and it’s normally the first piece of information we learn about a person. Sometimes, we judge people by their names, too! Here are some very common names you may have heard people being referred to. They are generic names that actually hold different meanings not about real people but the types of people. A generic name describes different kinds of characteristics that are obvious in people. They are common in the English language. So be aware when a native speaker of the English language calls you by these names, some may be positive, others not so! Place a “tick” on the generic names you wouldn’t mind being referred to and place a “cross” on the negative ones you want to avoid being called. Then, volunteer to share a couple of answers explaining your reasons. Generic name
1. John Doe
This name has been used since the 1300s and is still around today. It is used when a person’s true identity is unknown. You can find these names written on death records or hospital records.
2. Jane Doe
While the name John Doe refers to the male identity, the female version is known as Jane Doe.
3. Plain Jane
A young woman who is nothing spectacular to look at.
4. The real McCoy
This term can be used to refer to people or objects. It refers to something original or its best example.
5. Even Stevens
If everything is equal between two people, they are known as Even Stevens.
6. Jekyll and Hyde
This personality has two sides to him, one nice and another terribly unpleasant. There’s no predicting when he can change his temperament!
7. Average Joe
Your everyday man on the street.
8. G.I. Joe
A codename for America’s brave and highly trained armed forces. G.I. actually refers to galvanised iron.
9. Mr. and Mrs. Jones
This couple always has more of everything and is seemingly perfect. Neighbours envy the couple and the lifestyle the two have. Neighbours are always pressured to keep up with what the Jones’ have.
10. Walter Mitty
This character is not outstanding. He is someone who daydreams of personal triumphs.
Positive or negative?
✄ tuesday
year 5 literature
10 OctOber 2017 the Star/Step up
Activity A
The Dark I don’t like the dark coming down on my head It feels like a blanket thrown over the bed I don’t like the dark coming down on my head I don’t like the dark coming down over me It feels like the room’s full of things I can’t see I don’t like the dark coming down over me There isn’t enough light from under the door It only just reaches the edge of the door There isn’t enough light from under the door I wish that my dad hadn’t put out the light It feels like there’s something that’s just out of sight I wish that my dad hadn’t put out the light But under the bedclothes it’s warm and secure You can’t see the ceiling, you can’t see the floor Yes, under the bedclothes, it’s warm and secure So I think I’ll stay here till it’s daylight once more.
Activity B
Find words from the poem to fill in the blanks.
1. The opposite of ‘over’ is: ________________. 2. Another word for ‘safe’ is: ________________. 3. Your eyes are the organs of ________________. 4. Your neck supports your ________________. 5. When the sun rises, you have ________________. 6. The opposite of ‘empty’ is: ________________. 7. If it’s cold, you can cover yourself with a ________________.
Activity C • • • • •
Complete each sentence with the best phrase.
to buy both pairs of shoes for the plants to grow well to finish studying for the test tomorrow for the baby to drink to make fifty sandwiches
1. There isn’t enough bread ________________________ __________________________________________. 2. There isn’t enough money _______________________ __________________________________________. __________________________________________. 4. There isn’t enough sunlight _____________________ __________________________________________.
IT can be quite scary when you are in a dark room because you can’t see things around you very clearly. Even though you know what things there are in your room, in the dark they suddenly seem to have strange shapes. Being comfortably tucked up under your bedclothes can make you feel safe and give you a good night’s sleep.
Write down four more words that rhyme with each of the following words.
3. There isn’t enough time ________________________
- Adrian Henri
5. There isn’t enough milk ________________________ __________________________________________.
Activity D
What other place or situation makes you feel ‘warm and secure’? Write your answer here.
Impossible = I’m possible
story time
10 OctOber 2017 the Star/Step Up
HERE are fables that you might be familiar with. They advise people to be prepared for the unexpected.
The wild boar and the fox One fine day, a fox took a walk through the forest. There he saw a wild boar sharpening his tusks against the stump of a tree. Now the fox was a cheeky fellow and he loved to make fun of his neighbours. So the fox stopped for a moment and put on a fearful face. He made a great show of looking anxious and worried. He looked to his left and then to his right, as if in fear of an enemy. “Why are sharpening your tusks, Boar?” he finally asked. “I don’t see any danger in sight,” he continued with a smug grin on his face. “What you say is true, Fox,” said the wild boar, “but when danger does arise, I will not have the time to prepare like this. My tusks must be ready immediately or my loss will be great.”
Mini dictionary 1. sharpening 2. tusks 3. stump 4. cheeky 5. make fun
mengasah gading tunggul nakal mempersendakan
6. anxious 7. enemy 8. smug 9. grin 10. arise
- bimbang - musuh - bangga diri – senyuman - timbul
The ant and the grasshopper One summer’s day, a grasshopper was lazing about in the sun and humming a chirpy tune. Just then, an ant passed by, dragging an ear of corn. “Come sit beside me, Ant,” said the grasshopper, “we can sing to our heart’s content.” “I’m busy, Grasshopper,” said the ant. “I’m saving food for the winter. You should do the same!” the ant continued. “Don’t be a worrywart,” replied the grasshopper. “We have enough food for now.” The ant ignored him and went on its way. He continued to toil under the sun. When winter arrived, the grasshopper had no food and began to starve. He saw the ants distribute their grain to all the other ants in the colony. It was then that the grasshopper realised that it was best to be prepared for the days of necessity.
: Be prepared : To always brace yourself before an impending “battle” or event : Aftershocks from the recent earthquake in Wellington is expected to hit soon. People need to be prepared in the coming days.
Mini dictionary 1. humming 2. chirpy 3. worrywart 4. ignored
bersenandung riang bimbang tidak mempedulikan
5. 6. 7. 8.
toil starve colony necessity
bekerja menderita kelaparan koloni keperluan
An investment in knowledge pays
✄ tuesday
year 6 - unit 13: creative thinking
10 OctOber 2017 the Star/Step Up
reading comprehension Read the news article below and answer the questions that follow. Baca artikel berita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.
Whizkid does wonders HE was already a self-taught programmer and developer when other secondary school students were still busy preparing for their SPM. At the age of 17, Manojkumar Subramaniam, fondly known to friends as Manoj, was the talk of the town among the programmer and developer community, thanks to his self-developed Long-Range Low-Power End Node Solution (LoRa). LoRA is a wireless technology platform using digital programming to connect to the Internet of Things (loT) network, which is still not widely known in Malaysia. It all started when a robotic road show by International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) paid a visit to his school, SMK Bandar Tasik Puteri, Rawang, at the end of 2015. “The show sparked off my interest in robotics as I want to find out how these machines worked. “I started researching on the Internet because I wanted to build my own robots,” said the 18-year-old, adding that he used whatever materials he could get his hands on, even wood, as he didn’t want to burden his parents with the cost of his project. He taught himself basic programming languages through the Internet and YouTube, and was able to explore Arduino, an open source electronic prototyping platform for users to create interactive electronic objects. During a hackathon organised by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) last year, Manoj caught the attention of programmers and developers as well as MDEC when he unveiled his self-developed LoRa, which was completed in just two weeks. Manoj shared that it was electronics and programming that led him to realise his passion, which has made him even more determined to further pursue his studies in the said field, and work towards his career goals. (Adapted from The Star, May 28, 2017) 1. How did Manoj become interested in robotics? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why was Manoj different from most secondary school students? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. After the robotic road show by IIUM, why did Manoj begin research on the Internet? _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How did Manoj teach himself about basic programming languages? _______________________________________________________________________________
Mini dictionary 1. self-taught 2. fondly 3. platform
- belajar sendiri - secara manja - pelantar
4. sparked off 5. prototyping 6. unveiled
the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin
- mencetuskan - prototaip - melancarkan
year 6 - unit 13: creative thinking
10 OctOber 2017 the Star/Step up
Inventions that make life easier In groups of three, discuss the pictures below. You may use the questions to guide you. Dalam kumpulan bertiga, bincangkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan soalan-soalan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. 1
Messenger pigeon
Pestle and mortar
Mp3 player
Animal-drawn vehicle
Questions 1. How do the modern inventions above help people? 2. Which is better: the traditional way or modern way? Why? 3. Can the new method be improved? Explain how. 4. Think of a traditional method of doing something and explain how it has improved over time. 5. Talk about something which needs an invention. Explain why it needs the invention. 6. Have you come up with any idea or innovation that made life simpler? If you have, explain.
Mini dictionary 1. traditional
- tradisional
2. method
- cara
✄ tuesday
year 6 - unit 13: creative thinking
10 october 2017 the Star/Step Up
Simple future tense THE simple future tense takes the following forms:
Positive : (subject) + will + (verb) Negative : (subject) + will + not + (verb) Interrogative: will + (subject) + not + (verb)
Examples: 1. She will help him later. 2. She will not help him later. 3. Will she help him later?
The simple future tense can be used to express: 1. A future promise.
Examples: 1. He will drive you to school. 2. I will call him later.
Examples: 1. Next year will be a good year. 2. I think she will attend class today.
2. A prediction.
3. Unwillingness, when used in the negative form.
Examples: 1. I will not believe you until I see proof. 2. The baby will not stop crying.
4. A query. Exchange subject and ‘will’ to form a question.
Examples: 1. Will you marry me? 2. Will you come here?
Exercise Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul. will rain
will paint
will go
will borrow
will get
1. Sally _________________________ home on Monday. 2. It _________________________ heavily next week. 3. Hold on, I _________________________ a plate for you. 4. Mr. Kenny _________________________ his house before Christmas. 5. Zulaika _________________________ Teresa’s laptop to do some research.
Education is the kindling of a flame. - Socrates
year 6 - unit 13: creative thinking
10 october 2017 the Star/Step Up
writing The series of pictures below show you how to make paper cup phones. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. Gambar bersiri di bawah menunjukkan kepada anda cara membuat telefon cawan kertas. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu pada ruang yang disediakan.
— two paper cups — sharp pencil — two paper clips — string —
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
— poke — hole — cup — string — through — tie — paper clip —
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
— position — friend — string — tight — one person — talks — listens —
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Mini dictionary 1. through
- menerusi
2. tight
- ketat
✄ tuesday
year 6 - unit 13: creative thinking
10 october 2017 the Star/Step Up
the fun page
Effective branding BRAND names are important. How many times have you asked for Colgate instead of toothpaste, and Kleenex instead of tissue paper? Brand names surround us and become household names and part of our speech. We are going to work on an activity that needs you to think out of the box. We are going to name (or re-name rather) inventions. Your teacher is going to pick three types of different items to display on the board. They may be famous brands but that is irrelevant. Your task is to come up with new brand names for these items. Study the three techniques listed below that can help you think of a new name to go along with the item. You can work in groups of four for this activity. Then, present your ideas as your teacher lists the names on the board. Share how you were inspired to come up with the names as well. Finally, as a class, vote for the best, catchy name in each category! (Note to teacher: Exciting, colourful pictures will help spur pupils’ creativity. Run through the newspapers or glossy magazines for one of each item listed in the categories below.)
Fried chicken
A pair of jeans
A car
Technique to use:
Technique to use:
Technique to use:
Using the component of the ingredients to name the brand
Using sounds like repeated consonants or rhyming words
Using the product’s function
New brand name after brainstorming session:
New brand name after brainstorming session:
New brand name after brainstorming session:
English is your passport to a bright future
year 6 literature
10 october 2017 the Star/Step up
graphic novel
The Wizard of Oz IN the Emerald City, Dorothy and her companions finally meet the Wizard of Oz. Read the following extract from the story. Wizard of Oz Dorothy Scarecrow Tin Man Lion:
: What do you wish me to do? : Please send me back home to Kansas where my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry live! : I come for some brains, since my head is stuffed with straw. : I pray that you will give me a heart so that I may once again feel love! : I am a cowardly lion. I come to you for c-courage, so I may finally become K-King of Beasts! Wizard of Oz : Your wishes shall be granted…but first you must kill the Wicked Witch of the West! Dorothy : But we don’t want to kill anyone. Wizard of Oz : When the last Evil Witch is dead. I will make your wishes come true. NOW GO!
Activity A
Read the following descriptions and match them with the characters they are most similar to from the extract above.
Similar to
I am too afraid to climb this ladder. What if I fall?
I don’t care if you are sad. Just stop crying.
I really miss my family.
I can’t remember what happened yesterday.
I have the power to make your dreams come true.
Don’t go there! There may be monsters!
Activity B
Choose the right word to complete each sentence.
1. We could not find a paper bag, so we stuff/stuffed all of the notes into our pockets. 2. “Do you think the king will grant/granted our wish,” asked the little boy. 3. Linda thinks that it is not right to kill/killed animals for any reason. 4. When Mrs. Ling found out that she had been cheated, she become/became very angry. 5. “We feel/felt safer whenever you are around,” said the elderly man to the policeman. 6. After she had make/made the bed, the maid started to clean the room.
Activity C
Decide whether the following statements are True or False. True/False
The Winkies sewed Scarecrow back together again and gave him a walking stick.
The Wizard of Oz used to be a balloonist in Emerald City.
The Winkies gave Lion a gold collar.
While the Wizard of Oz had gone to visit his brother, Scarecrow ruled in his place.
The Good Witch of the South asked Dorothy to clap her hands three times and make a wish.
Dorothy found the magic helmet in the Wizard of Oz’s cupboard.
Activity D
If you had a chance to meet the Wizard of Oz, what would you ask for?
I would ask for _____________________________________________________________________.
✄ Tuesday
10 OctOber 2017 tHe Star/Step up
assessmeNT Read the personal details of Cheng Mae and Stephen given in the double bubble map. Use the information to write an introduction for them. Baca maklumat peribadi Cheng Mae dan Stephen yang diberikan dalam peta buih berganda. Gunakan maklumat itu untuk menulis satu pengenalan untuk mereka.
Small family
Cheng Mae
12 years old
Hello, I am Cheng Mae from
Hello, I am Stephan
Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. - Victor Hugo
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
Look at the pictures. Choose the correct prepositions and rewrite the sentences. Lihat gambar-gambar. Pilih kata depan yang betul dan tulis semula ayat-ayat berikut.
There is a river the two houses.
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Jeremy is standing of the monument.
in front of
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
There is a boat the bridge.
in front of
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
4 The child is hiding the sofa.
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
The clock is hanging the world map.
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
✄ tuesday
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
Identify the country of the flags below. Use the words given to write about each country. Kenal pasti negara bendera di bawah. Gunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk menulis tentang setiap negara.
─ national anthem ─ Kimigayo ─ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
─ national flag ─ Tiranga ─ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
─ largest country ─ South America ─ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
─ Independence Day ─ the 4th of July ─ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
─ capital ─ Berlin ─ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
says “The world is your oyster!”
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
Year 4 Page 2 1. A solar system consists of a sun and all the celestial bodies that revolve around it. 2. Mercury 3. Earth 4. A 5. Heat (Suggested answer) Page 4 1. between 2. under 3. above Page 6 A. 1. listened 2. thought 3. found 4. heard 5. took/found B.
Page 11 B. 1. under 2. secure 3. sight 4. head 5. daylight 6. full 7. blanket C. 1. There isn’t enough bread to make fifty sandwiches. 2. There isn’t enough money to buy both pairs of shoes. 3. There isn’t enough time to finish studying for the test tomorrow. 4. There isn’t enough sunlight for the plants to grow well. 5. There isn’t enough milk for the baby to drink.
Words related to: empty
vacant hollow unoccupied
huge massive enormous
near close by neighbouring
discovered revealed learnt
Year 5
Page 7 1. a. Japanese b. Yen c. student d. swimming e. jippa f. Rupees Page 8 1. near 2. near 3. over 4. over 5. near 6. near
Year 6 Page 13 1. A robotic road show by International Islamic University Malaysia. 2. He was already a selftaught programmer and developer while other secondary school students were preparing for their SPM. 3. He wanted to build his own robots. 4. He taught himself basic programming languages through the Internet and YouTube. Page 15 1. will go 2. will rain 3. will get 4. will paint 5. will borrow
Page 16 1. To make a set of paper cup phones, you will need two paper cups, a sharp pencil, two paper clips and a string. 2. Using the pencil, poke a small hole at the bottom of each paper cup. Then, thread the string through this hole and tie it to a paper clip. Do this for both ends of the string. 3. After that, move into position. You and a friend hold a cup each. Then, stand at a distance where the string is tight. One person talks while the other one listens. Page 18 A. 1. Lion 2. Tin man 3. Dorothy 4. Scarecrow 5. Wizard of Oz 6. Lion B. 1. stuffed 2. grant 3. kill 4. became 5. feel 6. made C. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False
Page 19 1. Hello, I am Cheng Mae. I am 12 years old. I am from Thailand and I am a Buddhist. My family is a small one - just my parents, my younger brother and me. I also love travelling. In Thailand, we use the Baht to buy things. Thailand is known to be a paradise for shoppers. 2. Hello, I am Stephen and I am 12 years old. I am from France and I am a Christian. I have a small
family consisting of my parents, my older brother and me. My hobby is travelling. In France, we use Euros to buy things. You will enjoy shopping in France. Page 20 1. There is a river between the two houses. 2. Jeremy is standing in front of the monument. 3. There is a boat under the bridge. 4. The child is hiding behind the sofa. 5. The clock is hanging above the world map. Page 21 1. The national anthem of Japan is called Kimigayo. 2. The national flag of India is also known as the tiranga. 3. Brazil is the largest country in South America. 4. The United States of America celebrates Independence Day on the 4th of July. 5. The capital of Germany is Berlin.
✄ tuesday
nie activities
10 october 2017 tHe star/step up
year 4 – outer space Do you remember the activity we carried out in the last Step Up issue about mnemonics? To recap, people use mnemonics (the first letter ‘m’ is silent) that are like simple rhymes to remember what words stand for. In the last issue of Step Up, you learnt how to come up with a simple mnemonic to remember the colours of the rainbow. The mnemonic ROYGBIV could be: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. Here’s another popular mnemonic about the planets in our solar system: My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Noodles. They stand for: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Work in groups and have some fun with a mnemonic to remember our planets! Scan The Star for words that can create a suitable sentence for this mnemonic. Place the word below each letter to form a sentence that can sound really funny. Share your answers and remember, have fun! M
year 5 – prepositions of location In pairs, scan The Star for an interesting photograph with lots of action taking place. You can use pictures from the Sport section or even advertisements. Next, construct at least three sentences using prepositions of location (examples: in, on, near to, over, behind and many more). Share your picture with the class and tell your classmates what you have all come up with.
- Paste picture here -
Write your sentences here: 1. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
Try, try, try! Never say die!
A simple guide on how to modify this tabloid size paper to a small and fanciful note book
10 OCTOber 2017 THe STAr/Step Up
year 6 – creative thinking 1. Fold the 12-page tabloid into half.
2. Cut on the dotted line indicated on the page.
3. Once you have cut it, you can staple the pages near the folded side.
4. You now have a small and flexible note book.
Here’s an activity that tests your creative thinking in literature. Do you remember the story King of Kites by Judith Heneghan and Laure Fournier? Here’s a synopsis: Anil lives in a village with his mother. Anil is a clever kite maker while his mother, a skilled seamstress. Anil hears about a wedding that will take place in his village and he wishes to fly 12 kites in honour of the bride. Anil’s mother is tasked with sewing clothes for the event so she asks Anil for his ribbons and sequins. Anil is unable craft his kites because of this. But Anil’s friends help him by giving Anil their old kites to use at the event. The story ends happily because Anil is able to fly his 12 kites at the wedding. Here’s your task. Imagine that you were Anil. You have given your ribbons and sequins to your mother for her to sew the dresses. Your friends try to help you but they do not have their old kites to give you. Instead, they have 12 items to hand over to you. You need to craft something out of these items to give to the bride in honour of her wedding. Make something out of some or all of these items to show your creativity. Instructions: Step 1 : Get into groups of four. Step 2: This group now represents “Anil’s friends”. Scan The Star for 12 items (in the form of words and pictures). Clip them out and hand them over to the group next to you. Step 3: Remain in the same group of four. Your group will now change character as you collect the 12 items from another group. You are now “Anil”. Step 4: Construct the gift with all or some of the items given to you. You may add on only three other things NOT given to you. Step 5: Present your item to the class. Step 6: Vote for the best creative gift in honour of the bride!
- Draw your gift here -