Step Up 2017 Issue 6

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18 AprIl 2017

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IN THIS ISSUe > It’s story time > Mind your manners > Independent learners

Education is the key to success Learning English is exciting with




year 4 - unit 5: It’s story tIme

18 aprIl 2017 tHe star/step Up

reading comprehension

The green-eyed girl Read the story and answer the questions that follow. Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut. ARIANA and Tina are best friends. However, Ariana is always envious of Tina because Tina’s parents are rich. Ariana’s parents are both teachers and they always advise her to live within her means. One day, Tina’s parents bought her a beautiful watch as a birthday gift. The watch was adorned with shiny diamonds around its rim. Tina liked it so much that she showed it to Ariana in class. Ariana was stunned to see such a wonderful gift. In her heart, she felt jealous and wished to own the watch too. When she returned home, she asked her parents to buy a similar watch for her but they refused. Ariana got so angry that she raised her voice towards her parents. At school the next day, Ariana saw Tina’s watch in her drawer. She decided to steal the watch. When Tina found out that her watch was missing, she felt extremely sad and cried throughout the day. Seeing this, Ariana quickly went home after school. She felt guilty and she told her mother the truth. Her mother advised her to return the watch. Ariana apologised to her parents for being rude. She also returned the watch and apologised to Tina for stealing it. 1. Tick (✔) the correct answers. a. Ariana is Tina’s


b. What is the best idiom to describe the story?


Don’t judge a book by its cover


Honesty is the best policy


Actions speak louder than words

‘she raised her voice towards her parents’

What does the phrase mean? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. If you were Ariana, would you have stolen the watch? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. If you were Tina and Ariana confessed that she stole your watch, what would you do? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. envious 2. refused

- iri hati - enggan

3. guilty

- bersalah

Teacher’s tip

These icons on the Year 4 and Year 5 activity pages identify the KSSR Educational Emphases:

Higher order thinking skills

Mastery learning


Multiple intelligences


Creativity and innovation

Values and citizenship


NIE EDITORIAL MANAGER: Sharon Ovinis WRITERS: SP Yeo Dr Mallika Vasugi TRANSLATOR: Shoba Dev ILLUSTRATOR Hassan Bahri LAYOUT ARTIST: Adeline Ngui TO ORDER, CALL: Sundar (03-7967 1388) ext 1437 We welcome feedback! Write to:

✄ tuesday

year 4 - unit 5: it’s story time

18 April 2017 tHe stAr/step Up


The 5Ws and 1H WHY is used to ask for a

HOW is used to ask about the

WHAT is used to get more

Examples: 1. Why didn’t you come to my party yesterday? I was unwell. 2. Why is the boy crying? He lost his bicycle.

Examples: 1. How do you keep your room so tidy? I tidy my room every night. 2. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.

Examples: 1. What did you make the doll with? I made the doll with clay. 2. What happened to the milk? The cat drank all of it.


is used to ask about people or subjects.


is used to ask for a place or location.

WHEN is used to ask about

Examples: 1. Who took my eraser? Kim took it. 2. Who is she looking for? She is looking for her long lost brother.

Examples: 1. Where did you leave your bag? I left it in the classroom. 2. Where are you going? I am going to the washroom.

Examples: 1. When is your birthday? It falls on the 26th of April. 2. When shall we go to the library? This weekend.


way something is done.



Exercise Fill in the blanks with the correct question words. Isi tempat kosong dengan ‘question words’ yang betul. 1. _________________ is Devi’s house? It is just behind the school. 2. _________________ is in the black box on your table? It is a gift for Kamal. 3 _________________ is the badminton match? Tomorrow evening. 4. _________________ is the old lady in the kitchen? She is your grandmother’s friend. 5. _________________ did you bake such a delicious cake? I followed my mother’s recipe. 6. _________________ didn’t you bring my note book? I forgot to put it in my bag.


Mini dictionary 1. unwell 2. clay 3. match 4. recipe


tidak sihat tanah liat perlawanan resipi

be your doorway to success






18 April 2017 tHe stAr/step Up

year 4 - unit 5: it’s story time

conversation Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang diberikan, beri jawapan yang betul dalam ayat lengkap. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang diberikan.


It is okay. You can return the story book to me tomorrow.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Who broke the window?

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


I am glad that you are being honest. It’s wrong to steal money, son.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

✄ tuesday

year 4 - unit 5: it’s story time

18 April 2017 tHe stAr/step Up

the fun page

Homographs Here are six homographs. In pairs, draw their meanings! Be as creative as possible. The first one has been done for you. Example 1

Example 2







Get your creative juices flowing with





year 4 literature


18 april 2017 tHe Star/Step up


At the Playground When we went to the playground I swung on the swings, I slid on the slide, I hung on the rings. I raced over to Mum for a kiss and a cuddle, but as we were leaving, I fell in a puddle!

- Brian Moss

Activity A

Going to the playground can be really fun. You can play on the swings, the slide, rings or many of the other games there. But be careful when you are running or else you may end up in a puddle just like the child in the poem!

Choose the lines in the poem to match the following sentences.

1. He ran really fast Line from poem: ____________________________________________________________________ 2. He got really wet Line from poem: ____________________________________________________________________ 3. He went up and down Line from poem: ____________________________________________________________________ 4. It was time to go home Line from poem: ____________________________________________________________________

Activity B

Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. My brother and I race / raced home after school last Monday. 2. “Please hang / hung the picture on this wall,” said Mrs. Chuah. 3. Lizzie asked Tom if he would go / went with her to the concert. 4. The little boy fall / fell down after tripping over the edge of the carpet. 5. The monkeys swing / swung on the branches of the old tree everyday. 6. “It will be so much fun to slide / slid down that slippery slope,” whispered Kathy.

Activity C

What do you think the “mum” would have said to her child when her child fell into the puddle? What would her child have replied?

The mother would have said: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Then, the child would have said: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

✄ tuesday

year 5 - unit 5: study smart


18 april 2017 tHe star/step up

reading comprehension

Studying the smart way Read the notice and answer the questions that follow. Baca notis dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

The English Society of SJK (C) Kwang Min is organising a workshop on ‘Effective Study Skills’. The details are as below: Date : 9th September, 2017 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. Venue : School hall Fee : RM 15 per person (including stationery and lunch) Participants: Open to pupils in Years Four, Five and Six (only 35 places available) For those interested, please register with Ms. Shoba before the 28th of August. Payment must be attached with the registration form.

1. Tick (✔) the correct answers. (a) Ms. Shoba is most likely the ____.

(b) What might the participants get by paying RM15?

The headmistress

Lunch, a notebook and a highlighter

The secretary of English Society

Lunch, coloured pencils and hair pins

The teacher in charge of the workshop

A food hamper

2. Vivien went to register on the 27th of August but she did not manage to get a place in the workshop. What could have happened? ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Suggest TWO effective study skills a pupil should practise. a. ___________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. stationery 2. participants

- alat tulis - peserta-peserta

3. interested 4. attached

- berminat - dilampirkan

is your window to the world






year 5 - unit 5: study smart

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up

grammar / comprehension

Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of Frequency are used to tell how often something is done. They are usually placed before the main verb. Examples: 1. Azli usually does his school work after dinner. 2. My sisters often have dinner at the seafood restaurant near my house. 3. I seldom go jogging at night because it is not safe. 4. Sherry and Sharon sometimes come to my house for lunch. 5. I often buy my groceries from the shop near my house. 6. I never ride a motorcycle without fastening my crash helmet. Exercise A.Tick the adverb of frequency that describes how often you do the activities in the table. Give two activities of your choice for the last two columns. Tandakan kata keterangan kekerapan yang menerangkan berapa kerap anda lakukan aktiviti dalam jadual tersebut. Berikan dua aktiviti pilihan anda untuk dua lajur terakhir. Activities Frequencies

Watch television


Surf the Internet

Read storybooks

Go cycling


Sometimes Seldom Never

B. Based on the information in the table above, construct a sentence for each activity. Berdasarkan maklumat dalam jadual di atas, bina satu ayat untuk setiap aktiviti. 1. I always watch television after dinner. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. groceries

- barang-barang runcit

2. crash helmet - topi keledar

✄ tuesday

year 5 - unit 5: study smart

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up


A friend in need is a friend indeed Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan. 1.

— failed — feeling blue — friend — cheer — up — ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


— promised — help — notes — timetable — study — ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


— next — test — flying colours — happy — thanked — ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Keep calm and keep striving!






year 5 - unit 5: study smart

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up

the fun page VE

Adverbs of frequency SO

PLAY this game in groups of four. Take turns rolling the die. Move your token according to the number thrown. Each time you land on the board, construct a sentence using the adverb of frequency on the die. Here’s the catch though: your sentence must match something that you do during the specific time printed on the board. If your friends don’t agree with the logic of your sentence, they can vote to make you miss the next turn!


6 10 9 8

11 12 1




10 9 8 2 3 4



7 10 9 8


19 20

go back to start!

10 9 8


21 10 9 8


33 34

go back 2 spaces!

10 9 8


35 10 9 8


11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




2 3 4

4 10 9 8


2 3 4

8 10 9 8


2 3 4

18 10 9 8


2 3 4

22 10 9 8


2 3 4

32 10 9 8


2 3 4

36 10 9 8


11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1






3 4

2 3 4

move ahead 2 spaces!

9 10 9 8


2 3 4

17 10 9 8


2 3 4

2 3 4

3 4




3 4


11 12 1



10 9 8

37 10 9 8



2 3 4



2 10 9 8


10 10 9 8




11 12 1




3 4

2 3 4

11 12 1




11 12 1




2 3 4





30 10 9 8

38 10 9 8


1 10 9 8



11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1





3 4

10 9 8

miss a turn!


2 3 4




11 12 1

10 9 8


2 3 4

29 10 9 8


2 3 4

11 12 1

39 10 9 8







11 12 1




11 12 1







10 9 8




3 4

go back 2 spaces!





11 12 1





10 9 8







11 12 1





move ahead 2 spaces!



11 12 1


31 31



2 3 4

14 10 9 8


2 3 4

2 3 4

26 10 9 8

28 10 9 8


2 3 4

11 12 1




11 12 1




11 12 1


a.m 6


11 12 1




2 3 4

13 10 9 8


3 4





3 4


11 12 1


miss a turn! 2 3 4


2 3 4

✄ tuesday

year 5 literature

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up


When we want to get into a room which is closed, we can just open it. If there is someone inside, we may knock on the door. When cats want to get to the other side of a closed door, they use their claws to scratch at the door. Cats’ claws are really sharp and sometimes they use them to defend themselves. Cats, like many other animals, often like to rest in the afternoon when it is hot. At night, they may be more active.


CATS One cat, two cats, three cats, four Four cats scratching At my back door Five cats, six cats, seven cats, eight, Eight cats scratching At my grandma’s gate Eight cats, seven cats, six cats, five, Five cats scratching At the old bee-hive Four cats, three cats, two cats, one One cat napping In the noon-day sun


Activity A

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.


True / False

1. There are eight cats scratching at grandpa’s gate. 2. Five cats are scratching at the beehive.

- John Kitching

3. One cat is sleeping at night. 4. Four cats are scratching at my back door. 5. Four cats are napping in the noon day sun.

Activity B

Match the following sounds with the animals that make them.

Activity C

Why do you think the eight cats are scratching at grandma’s gate? Write your answer in not less than 10 words.

I think the eight cats are scratching at grandma’s gate

1. purring

a. frogs

2. barking

b. horses

3. croaking

c. lions

4. neighing

d. snakes


5. trumpeting

e. hens


6. hissing

f. cats

7. clucking

g. elephants

8. roaring

h. dogs

because __________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Impossible = I’m possible




story time

18 april 2017 tHe star/step Up

The Mouse and the Weasel ONE day, a little hungry mouse found his way into a basket of corn. The aroma from the corn was so tempting that he did his best to squeeze himself through the narrow opening between the strips of the basket. Although it was a difficult task, the mouse was determined to get in. When at last he had succeeded, he gorged himself on the corn. In doing so, his midriff became about three times as big as he was when he went in. Finally, after he had felt satisfied, he dragged himself to the opening to get out again. But the best he could do was to get his head out. So there he sat groaning and moaning, both from the discomfort of his tummy and his anxiety to escape from the basket. Just then a weasel came by. He looked at the mouse and immediately recognised the situation. The mouse whimpered, “My friend, lend me a hand for I am unable to get out of this basket.” “My friend,” replied the weasel, “You’ve not behaved yourself. You’ve been overeating. That’s what happens when you get greedy. You will have to stay there till you feel just like you did when you went in. And that was all the sympathy the poor mouse got.


Mini dictionary 1. aroma 2. tempting 3. squeeze 4. determined 5. gorged 6. midriff 7. satisfied

: As you make your bed, so you must lie in it : You have to suffer the consequences of what you do : In his greed to gain money quickly, Jeff gambled away his family’s savings. It was his greed that led to his family’s misfortune. Jeff had to sell his family home to pay his debts. As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it.


bau harum menyelerakan mengasakkan berazam melahap bahagian pinggang berpuas hati

8. dragged 9. groaning 10. discomfort 11. anxiety 12. overeating 13. sympathy 14. debts


mengheret mengerang ketidakselesaan kerisauan makan terlalu banyak simpati hutang

An investment in knowledge pays

✄ tuesday

year 6 - unit 5: independent learners

18 april 2017 tHe star/step Up

reading comprehension

Learning from experience Read the conversation below. Answer the following questions. Baca perbualan di bawah. Jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

Kok Wei Kok Tian Kok Wei

: Oh, my! I haven’t started working on my English scrapbook! Can you help me? : When do you need to hand in your scrapbook? : This Friday. I have only three days left. What should I do now?

Kok Tian

: You mustn’t do your homework at the last minute. There’s no use crying over spilt milk. You must complete it yourself. : I was busy practising for my badminton match last week. I stayed back until 6 p.m. every day. And on Sunday, I was at Jason’s house completing our group project. : You really need to plan your time well. I can help you to search for some important information but you must complete the scrapbook yourself. : Thank you so much. I promise not to repeat the same mistake again. : You are welcome. Let’s get started now.

Kok Wei Kok Tian Kok Wei Kok Tian

1. Tick (✔) the correct answers. a. From the conversation, we know that Kok Wei…


b. Why did Kok Wei go to Jason’s house on Sunday?

does not manage his time well.

To share ideas with him.

likes to go to Jason’s house.

To do their scrapbooks together.

is very independent.

To finish their group work.

‘There’s no use crying over spilt milk’ Why do you think Kok Tian say that? ____________________________________________________________________________

3. In your opinion, why did Kok Tian insist that Kok Wei complete his work himself? Give a reason to support your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. hand in 2. last minute

- hantar - saat-saat terakhir

the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin

3. plan 4. mistake

- merancang - kesilapan






year 6 - unit 5: independent learners

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up


Articles – a, an, the A


➤ refers to singular


➤ is used as a quantifier

nouns which begin with consonants. ➤ is used to introduce something for the first time.

➤ is used to refer to a

to singular nouns that start with: a. vowels b. silent ‘h’

specific object.

➤ refers to the only

thing in the world

Example: the sun, the earth.

Examples: an owl, an activity, an hour

Example: a cat, a book

Exercise Circle the correct answer. Bulatkan jawapan yang betul. Chen Yang is (1) ______ honest boy. One day, he saw (2) ______ cute puppy in (3) ______ drain near his house. He noticed (4) ______ gold collar around its neck. He brought it home. After cleaning it, he fed it with (5) ______ bowl of milk. After (6) ______ hour, (7) ______ owner came looking for her puppy. Chen Yang returned it to its owner. She was very happy and she thanked him for his kindness. 1. A. a

B. an

C. the

2. A. a

B. an

C. the

3. A. a

B. an

C. the

4. A. a

B. an

C. the

5. A. a

B. an

C. the

6. A. a

B. an

C. the

7. A. A

B. An

C. The

Mini dictionary 1. quantifier

- menyatakan quantiti

2. noticed

- perasaan

✄ tuesday

year 6 - unit 5: independent learners

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up


Studying techniques You are given a chance to give a speech on effective study skills. Write a speech based on the information given. Write your answer in the space provided. Your answer should be between 50-80 words. Kamu diberi peluang memberi ucapan mengenai kemahiran belajar berkesan. Tulis ucapan berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 50-80 patah perkataan.

Join a study group

Study independently

Surf the Internet for extra information.

Jot down notes from reference books.

Organise a discussion on difficult subjects

Work on extra exercises together

Make a revision timetable

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Education is the kindling of a ame. - Socrates






year 6 - unit 5: independent learners

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up


Learning styles Read about the different learning styles. Then, in groups of four, discuss the following questions. Baca tentang gaya pembelajaran yang berbeza. Kemudian, dalam kumpulan berempat, bincangkan soalan-soalan berikutnya. The auditory learner

The visual learner

The kinaesthetic learner

Credit: Washington Post photo by Melina Mara

❏ learns well by listening ❏ prefers listening to explanations ❏ learns better by reading aloud to themselves

❏ learns well based on what they see ❏ likes to use maps and charts when studying ❏ prefers writing down notes and making lists

❏ learns well through experiencing an activity ❏ prefers hands-on learning ❏ enjoys doing experiments

Questions 1. Are you aware of your own learning styles? Are you a visual learner, auditory learner or kinaesthetic learner? What makes you think so? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which learning style do you think would benefit most from doing groupwork. Why? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Suggest one method of studying that would suit each learning style. Visual: __________________________________________________________________________ Auditory: ________________________________________________________________________ Kinaesthetic: _____________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. explanations 2. aloud 3. based

- penerangan - kuat-kuat - berdasarkan

4. experiencing 5. hands-on 6. experiments

- mengalami - amali - ujikaji

✄ year 6 - unit 5: independent learners




18 april 2017 tHe star/step up

the fun page

Never argue with children HERE’S a funny story. As you read the story, pen in the correct articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. ________ little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. ________ teacher said it was physically impossible for ________ whale to swallow ________ human because even though it was ________ very large mammal, its throat was very small. ________ little


girl stated that *Jonah was swallowed by ________ whale. Irritated, ________ teacher reiterated that ________ whale could not swallow ________ human; it was physically impossible. ________ little girl said, “When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah.” ________ teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?” ________ little girl replied, “Then you ask him.”

The story of Jonah is a popular one. Who was Jonah? It is believed that Jonah was a fisherman who lived a long, long time ago. He was thrown overboard by sailors on the ship he was sailing on because he was disobedient. But God felt sorry for Jonah and saved him. He sent a big whale to the bottom of the ocean where Jonah lay. The whale swallowed Jonah whole and there he stayed for three days until the fish spat him out onto the shore.

Answer: A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal, its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, “When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah.” The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?” The little girl replied, “Then you ask him.”

English is your passport to a bright future





year 6 literature

18 april 2017 tHe star/step up


Here is the Nose Here is the Nose that smelled something sweet And led the search for a bite to eat. Here are the Feet that followed the Nose Around the kitchen on ten Tiptoes. Here are the Eyes that looked high and low Till they spotted six pans sitting all in a row. Here are the Arms that reached up high To bring down a freshbaked blueberry pie. Here is the Mouth that opened up wide. Here are the Hands that put pie inside. Here is the Tongue that licked the tin And lapped up the juice running down the Chin. Here is the Stomach that growled for more. Here are the Legs that ran for the door. Here are the Ears that heard a whack. Here is the Bottom that felt a smack!

- Clyde Watson

This is a funny poem about how the delicious smell of a freshly baked blueberry pie led someone right to the kitchen where the pies had been kept. He eats up one of the pies and enjoys it very much. Unfortunately, he was discovered and punished with a smack on the bottom.

Activity A

Name parts of the body that are mentioned in the poem.

1. ____________________

6. ___________________

2. ____________________

7. ___________________

3. ____________________

8. ___________________

4. ____________________

9. ___________________

5. ____________________

10. ___________________

Activity B

Use the phrases to complete the paragraph.

a. opened up wide b. high and low c. reached up high

d. all in a row e. ran for the door

We had hunted (1) _________________________ before we saw the aliens standing (2) _________________________ inside the pink room. Their mouths (3) __________________________ when they saw the fruits we had brought for them. The tallest one (4) ___________________ for the papaya on the top of the pile but the others (5) ______________________ because they were frightened.

Activity C

Which part of the body do you think was most responsible for the finding and eating of the pie? Give 2 reasons for your decision.

I think the part of the body that was the most responsible for the finding and eating of the pie is the _________ because __________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

✄ Tuesday


18 april 2017 tHe Star/Step up

TesT Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan. 1.

— ant — gathering — grasshopper — asked — sing along— ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


— ant — continued — toil — kept — food — nest — ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


— winter — grasshopper — hunger — ant — provisions — ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. toil - bekerja keras

2. provisions

- bekalan makanan

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. - Victor Hugo






18 April 2017 tHe stAr/step Up


Read the story. Fill in the blanks with ‘always’ or ‘sometimes’. Then, write your very own ending in 25 words. Baca cerita. Isi tempat kosong dengan ‘always’ atau ‘sometimes’. Kemudian, tulis penghabisan kamu sendiri dalam 25 perkataan.

Sara was the top student in class. She ______________ did her revision during her free time. Having friends was not important to her. As a result, she does not have any friends and was ______________ alone. During recess, she would ______________ do her homework or read her notes.

An important examination was coming up. While her neighbours went cycling and jogging in the evenings, she ______________ stayed at home studying. She also ______________ reads the encyclopaedia in her room. The night before the important examination, she stayed up late

On examination day, her mind went blank. She was feeling stressed. Suddenly, she fainted and was sent to the hospital.

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________


✄ tuesday


18 April 2017 tHe stAr/step Up



A. Rearrange the steps of completing an individual project. Susun semula langkah-langkah menyiapkan projek individu. Search for more information online

⇓ Write down information in i-Think maps

⇓ Understand the question and brainstorm ideas

⇓ ⇓

Show draft to subject teacher

Make changes and submit final draft

B. Your cousin is assigned with a Science project. He asks for your advice on how to complete the project. With the information from the flow map above, write a letter to help him. Saudara anda diberi projek Sains. Dia meminta nasihat anda untuk menyempurnakan projek itu. Dengan maklumat daripada carta alir di atas, tulis sepucuk surat untuk membantunya.

says “The world is your oyster!”





18 April 2017 tHe stAr/step Up

Year 4 Page 2 1. a. classmate b. Honesty is the best policy 2. She shouted and was rude to her parents. (Suggested answer) 3. (Accept all relevant answers) 4. (Accept all relevant answers) Page 3 1. Where 2. What 3. When 4. Who 5. How 6. Why Page 4 (Suggested answers) 1. I am sorry, I forgot to bring your book. 2. I’m sorry, dad. I broke the window. 3. I am sorry, dad. I took your money without telling you. Page 6 A. 1. I raced over to Mum. 2. I fell in a puddle! 3. I swung on the swings. 4. But as we were leaving. B. 1. raced 2. hang 3. go 4. fell 5. swing 6. slide Year 5 Page 7 1. a. The teacher in charge of the workshop b. lunch, a notebook and a highlighter 2. The 35 available places have been taken up/Vivien was in Year One or Two. (Suggested answers) 3. (Accept all relevant answers)

Page 9 (Suggested answers) 1. I failed an English test. I was feeling blue so my friend tried to cheer me up. 2. My friend promised to help me with my notes. He even drew up a timetable to help me study. 3. I passed my next English test with flying colours. I was very happy and thanked my friend profusely. Page 11 A. 1. False 3. False 5. False B. 1. f 4. b 7. e

2. True 4. True 2. h 5. g 8. c

3. a 6. d

Year 6 Page 13 1. a. does not manage his time well. b. To finish their group work. 2. Kok Tian said that because it is better to start working on a solution instead of regretting on the mistake. (Accept all relevant answers) 4. (Accept all relevant answers) Page 14 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C Page 15 (Suggested answers) Good morning everyone. My speech today is about effective study skills. There are many

ways to studying. First of all, we should learn to be independent learners. Search for more information online to gain extra knowledge. We should also study consistently by making a timetable for revision. To remember important information, we can take down notes from reference books. Then, we can also study in a group. We can tackle difficult subjects by having a discussion on it. Furthermore, working on extra exercises together helps us learn better. I hope these tips will be useful to everyone. Thank you. Page 18 A. 1. nose 3. eyes 5. mouth 7. tongue 9. stomach 11. ears B. 1. b 4. c

2. feet 4. arms 6. hands 8. chin 10. legs 12. bottom

2. d 5. e

3. a

Page 19 (Suggested answers) 1. When an ant was gathering food for the winter, a grasshopper asked it to enjoy and sing along with the grasshopper. 2. The ant ignored the grasshopper and continued its toil. It kept all of its food stored in its nest. 3. When winter came, the grasshopper was always in hunger while the ant had plenty of provisions to keep it full. Page 20 (Accept all relevant answers)

Page 21 (Suggested answers) Understand the question and brainstorm ideas

⇓ Search for more information online

⇓ Write down information in i-Think maps

⇓ Show draft to subject teacher

⇓ Make changes and submit final draft

18, Jalan Setia 2, Taman Setia Jaya, 45700 Selangor. 18 May 2017 Dear Jayden, Here’s my advise on how to go about completing your project. First, read and understand the question. Then, brainstorm for ideas and search for more information online. After that, write down the information in i-Think maps. Next, show the draft to your teacher for feedback. Lastly, make changes according to your teacher’s feedback. I hope that you’ll do well in your project. Your friend, Qistina

✄ nie actIvItIes


18 aprIl 2017 tHe star/step Up

year 4 – it’s story time The Star newspapers is much like a story book. It tells you many stories, which unlike fairy tales, are all true. You can read lots of true stories that take place not just in Malaysia but in other countries as well. In groups of four, turn to the World section of The Star. Pick a story you find interesting. Read the story as a group. Look up words that you don’t understand from a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you. Next, write a brief summary of your story using the following Wh-questions: what, where, when, why and who.

year 5 – study smart Some foods are great for the brain, others aren’t. What do you think they are? In pairs, scan The Star and look for: 1. Three foods that are not brain food. 2. Three foods that boost energy and memory for your brain. Paste the pictures on the correct side. Finally, share your answers with your classmates before pinning up your artwork on the notice board.

Brain Threats


Try, try, try! Never say die!



A simple guide on how to modify this tabloid size paper to a small and fanciful note book 1. Fold the 12-page tabloid into half.





18 AprIl 2017 THE STAr/Step Up

year 6 – independent learners Imagine that you and your friends are aliens visiting planet Earth. In groups of four, scan The Star for a mysterious location (place) your group would like to visit. Cut out the picture and/or name of this place and paste in the space below. Location:

2. Cut on the dotted line indicated on the page.

Upon your visit to this place, you take three precious items back to store away in a museum on your home planet. What could these items be? Cut out the three items from The Star and paste them below (you can use words or pictures). Then, introduce each item by completing the sentence below it. Remember, use the correct articles for singular nouns. Example: This is a packet of tissue paper. Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

This is _____________

This is _____________

This is _____________




Why this is a legendary item and must be stored safely: _____________ __________________ __________________

Why this is a legendary item and must be stored safely: _____________ __________________ __________________

Why this is a legendary item and must be stored safely: _____________ __________________ __________________

3. Once you have cut it, you can staple the pages near the folded side.

4. You now have a small and flexible note book.

Back on your planet, show your “alien friends” what your group has “returned” with. Share why these items are possibly legendary from that part of the world.

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