Step Up 2017 Issue 13

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IN THIS ISSUe > Revision topics for Units 4 to 6, Years 4, 5 and 6

Building money sense Learning English is exciting with





year 4 - units 4-6: revision

22 august 2017 tHe star/step up

reading comprehension Study the double bubble map below and answer the questions that follow. Teliti peta buih berganda di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Spending wisely Savings RM15

Clothes RM10

Savings RM10

Buying gadgets RM25

Books RM10

Charity RM25


Rozita Food RM30

Entertainment RM10

Gifts RM15

1. What are the things that Aziz and Rozita spend their money equally on? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who spends more on other people instead of themselves? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Would you say Rozita is generous? Why? ________________________________________________________________________


4. Why should you learn to save money? ________________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. gadgets - alat-alat 2. entertainment - hiburan 3. charity - derma

4. equally 5. instead 6. generous

- sama-sama - sebaliknya - pemurah

Teacher’s tip

These icons on the Year 4 and Year 5 activity pages identify the KSSR Educational Emphases:

Higher order thinking skills

Mastery learning


Multiple intelligences


Creativity and innovation

Values and citizenship

NIE EDITORIAL MANAGER: Sharon Ovinis WRITERS: Shoba Dev Dr Mallika Vasugi TRANSLATOR: Shoba Dev ILLUSTRATOR: Hassan Bahri LAYOUT ARTIST: Adeline Ngui TO ORDER, CALL: Sundar (03-7967 1388) ext 1437 We welcome feedback! Write to:

✄ tuesday

year 4 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

grammar A. Match the sentences using ‘so’. Gabungkan ayat-ayat menggunakan ‘so’. 1. Derrick was not at home... it got stolen.

2. Mr. Lim left his bicycle unlocked... he does not have any savings now.

3. Karim went to bed early... I left him a note on the door.

4. Bernard did not spend wisely... he was well rested for the next day.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. Lengkapkan ayat-ayat dengan kata adjektif yang betul. 1. Sarawak is the ___________________ (large) state in Malaysia. 2. A rabbit moves ___________________ (fast) than a turtle. 3. Living in Kuala Lumpur is ___________________ (expensive) than living in Seremban. 4. In my opinion, home-cooked food is always ___________________ (healthy) than hawker stall food. 5. Pulau Tioman versus Pulau Pangkor: which island is ___________________ (clean)? C. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs of manner. Isi tempat kosong dengan kata kerja keterangan ragam yang betul.







1. The monkey appeared ______________________ and stole the young girl’s sandwich. 2. The librarian reprimanded the pupils who were talking ______________________ in the library. 3. The water in the river flows ______________________ down the hill. 4. The stadium was lit ______________________ for the football match. 5. You must speak ______________________ so that everyone in the hall can hear you. 6. Zarino did very ______________________ in her music exams.


be your doorway to success







year 4 - units 4-6: Revisions

22 August 2017 tHe stAR/step up

writinG Your cousin from Sabah would like to visit Cameron Highlands. She wants to know about the interesting places there. Write an e-mail to your cousin telling her about the attractions in Cameron Highlands. Write your answer between 80 to 100 words. Sepupu kamu dari Sabah ingin melawat Cameron Highlands. Dia ingin tahu tentang tempat-tempat menarik di situ. Tulis e-mel kepada sepupu kamu itu dan beritahu dia tentang tempat-tempat menarik di Cameron Highlands. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan.

Rose garden

To: Subject:

Strawberry farm

Tea plantation

Mossy forest

✄ year 4 - units 4-6: revisions


22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

the fun page

Safety first HERE are several images of road safety items. First, discuss what they are and how they help save lives. Then complete this sudoku-styled puzzle. Fill in the grid so that each row, column and mini grid has only one of each item.

Items shown: stop sign, bicycle helmet, traffic lights, reflective jacket, bicycle bell, seat belt.

Get your creative juices owing with





year 4 literature


22 august 2017 tHe star/step up


Sand Castle

A CASTLE is a very large and grand building. Sometimes castles can be homes for kings and queens. A sandcastle is a castle that you can build on a beach just like the person in the poem did. Even if it gets washed away by the waves of the sea, you can always start building another one.

I built a house One afternoon With bucket, cup And fork and spoon, Then scooped a shovelful of shore On top to add The second floor.

Activity A

Choose the right objects for the following tasks.



It tumbled down Like dominoes And disappeared Between my toes.

- J. Patrick Lewis

1. …to eat my food with.


2. …when I drink tea.


3. …to fetch some water.


4. …to dig a hole.


5. …to make a nail go into a wall.


6. …to cut meat with.


7. …to cut a sheet of paper.


Choose the right word to complete the sentences


scooped waved


I need this…

But when the fingers Of the sea Reached up and waved A wave to me,

Activity B




fork and spoon



Activity C

Form one question for each of the answers or statements given.

1.Question: ____________________________? Answer: I built a sand castle in the afternoon.

1. Debbie __________________ at us just before the train started leaving.

2.Question: ____________________________? Answer: I built the sand castle with a bucket, cup, fork and spoon.

2. “I don’t know where the necklace is,” said Aunt Marian. “It has just __________________!”

3.Question: ____________________________? Answer: My sand castle had two floors.

3. The old woman __________________ a handful of rice from the container.

4.Question: ____________________________? Answer: I added the second floor with a shovelful of shore.

4. We lost our balance and __________________ down the grassy slope. 5. The little boy __________________ out his hand to touch the clown at the parade.

Activity D

5.Question: ____________________________? Answer: My sand castle disappeared after it was washed away by a wave.

Would you like to live in a real castle? Give a reason for your answer.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

✄ tuesday

year 5 - units 4-6: revision


22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

reading comprehension

Road safety awareness Read the speech below and answer the questions that follow. Baca ucapan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

GOOD morning to the headmaster, teachers and fellow students. In conjunction with the ‘Road Safety Awareness’ campaign in our school, I am going to share some tips with you so that you can avoid injury and prevent accidents. I am sure that everyone is aware that traffic at the main gate of our school is at its peak in the morning from 7am to 7.30am and in the afternoon when school ends at 1pm. Students must follow safety rules, especially during these times. Before crossing the road, pedestrians should look to the left and right and to the left again. Then, cross the road carefully. Use the zebra crossing and the pedestrian bridge whenever necessary. Most importantly, obey the traffic signals such as ‘Walk’ and ‘Don’t walk’. Do not run or push others while crossing. When getting off the bus, wait until the bus stops. Cross the road only when it is clear. For students who cycle to school, always use the bicycle lanes and wear safety helmets. Always cycle in a single file. When cycling in the early morning, use your front and back lights. Ring your bell whenever necessary. It is safer to ride with traffic as opposed to it. Do remember to use hand signals when you want to turn. Do not stop abruptly and avoid speeding. Thank you.

Road Safety Tips For Students For Pedestrians

For Cyclists

1. Before crossing the road _______________ __________________________________ __________________________________

6. Always use ________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

2. Use the ____________________________ __________________________ whenever necessary.

7. Wear a ___________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

3. At all times, obey ____________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ _____________________________ while crossing. 5. When getting off the bus, ______________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. avoid 2. traffic 3. peak 4. pedestrians


mengelakkan trafik puncak pejalan kaki

8. Always cycle in a ____________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 9. _________________________________ use your front and back lights. 10. ________________________________ whenever necessary and ride _________________________________

5. 6. 7. 8.

necessary obey opposed abruptly


perlu mematuhi bertentangan tiba-tiba

is your window to the world





year 5 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

grammar A. Complete the sentences with the correct answers. Lengkapkan ayat-ayat dengan jawapan yang betul. 1. There is a vase _________ the sofa and the television. A. beside

B. between

2. Sit _________ your friend. A. beside

B. between

3. There is a durian tree _________ the shed. A. beside

B. between

4. Grandfather is sitting _________ grandmother. A. beside

B. between

5. My house is _________ the temple and the shop. A. beside

B. between

B. Read the sentences. Put a tick (✔) for the imperative sentence. Baca ayat-ayat. Tandakan (✔) bagi ayat imperatif. 1. Dorothy gave me a present. 2. Go straight. Then, turn right at the junction. 3. Open the window and look outside. 4. Suzita is fifteen years old and is a student at SMK Kerian. 5. Switch off the fan immediately. 6. They are celebrating her birthday this weekend. 7. Amran lives with his grandfather. 8. Apply this ointment on your wound thrice a week. C. Rearrange the words below to form correct imperative sentences. Susun semula perkataan-perkataan di bawah untuk membina ayat imperatif yang betul. 1. lights right the Jalan at traffic Turn into Cenderawasih. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. the along you T-junction field reach a Walk until. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. mosque way Hamid to the Show the. ______________________________________________________________________________

✄ tuesday

year 5 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

grammar A. Fill in the blanks with the correct interrogative pronoun. Isi tempat kosong dengan kata ganti nama tanya yang betul. 1. ________________ did you give the letter to? 2. ________________ papaya is the ripe one? 3. ________________ is your favourite food ?





4. ________________ broke my mother’s antique vase? B. Write a question for each of the answer below. Tulis soalan bagi setiap jawapan di bawah. 1. Stella bought a bottle of perfume for her sister. 2. Wei Lee donated RM100 to the old folks home. 3. I gave my jewellery to my cousin. 4. I took Butler Road to go to Pavillion. C. Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions ‘although ‘ and ‘since’ correctly. Isi tempat kosong dengan kata penghubung ‘although’ dan ‘since’. 1. We went to the park, ___________________ it looked like it was going to rain. 2. Can you return this book for me ___________________ you are going to the library? 3. ___________________ it was a complicated task, we managed to complete it. 4. ___________________ Chong was poor, he always sets aside money to give his parents. 5. The room was warm ___________________ he had turned on the air conditioner. 6. I think I will stay home and read a book ___________________ it is raining outside. 7. ___________________ their flight was delayed, Susila and Rosie went to get some coffee. 8. ___________________ he had no money, he could not buy anything to eat. 9. The team lost the competition ___________________ the players tried their best. 10. ___________________ she was tired, she took an afternoon nap.

Keep calm and keep striving!



year 5 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

the fun page

Amazing Malaysia USE the clues to work out who does which sport and where they are from. Clues:

- The person from Malacca doesn’t go scuba diving. - Chandra and Fuad both live in the Northern region of Malaysia. - The rock climber isn’t from Georgetown. - Ee Lyn’s sport is motorised. - One of the girls is from Georgetown. Ee Lyn



Ee Lyn



Rock climbing Scuba diving Go karting

Georgetown Malacca Taiping

1. Ee Lyn goes ___________________________ and is from ___________________________. 2. Fuad enjoys ___________________________ and is from ___________________________. 3. Chandra is a ___________________________ and is from ___________________________.

3. scuba diver / Georgetown



2. rock climbing / Taiping


Answers: 1. go karting / Malacca

✄ tuesday

year 5 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up IF you have ever spent a day by the sea then you would have seen some of the things that the person in the poem is talking about. Although the sand can make things messy sometimes, a day by the sea can really be lots of fun.



Find the word in the poem to match the following.

Activity A

Sand in the sandwiches, Sand in the tea, Flat, wet sand running Down to the sea. Pools full of seaweed, Shells and stones, Damp bathing-suits And ice-cream cones. Waves pouring in To a sand-castle moat Mend the defences! Now we’re afloat! Water’s for splashing, Sand is for play, A day by the sea Is the best kind of day.

- Shirley Hughes

1. Opposite of dry.


2. A plant that grows in the sea.


3. A deep ditch that surrounds a castle.


4. When you repair something.


5. A word that rhymes with ‘bones’.


6. You use bread to make this.


Activity B

Match the first part of the words with a second to form a new word.

1. sand _____________ 2. sea _____________ 3. sun _____________ 4. shell _____________ 5. after _____________ 6. rain _____________ 7. day _____________

Activity C

splashing wearing

Choose the best word to complete the following blanks.

eating drinking

building collecting

Activity D

Choose one of your answers from Activity C and complete the lines below with your own words.

_______________________ is for

1. Water’s for _______________________.


2. Milk is for _______________________.

_______________________ is for

3. Fries are for _______________________.


4. Bricks are for _______________________.

A day _______________________

5. Coins are for _______________________.

Is the best kind of day.

6. Trousers are for _______________________.

Impossible = I’m possible






story time

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

The monkey and the camel ONE fine day, the animals gathered for a great celebration to honour their king, the lion. To entertain the king, the monkey was asked to perform. Monkey was talented indeed, for he danced with grace and lightness. All but one of the animals that gathered showered praises on monkey. He stood aloof and envious. It was Camel. He wondered what the fuss was all about. After all, he thought to himself, “I am just as great a dancer if not better!” So he pushed his way through the crowd, next to Monkey. He rose on his hind legs and began to dance. But Camel looked ridiculous as his hulking body collided into the crowd and his knotty legs blew plumes of dust into everyone’s faces. The animals closest to Camel were not spared as they had their toes stepped on by Camel’s heavy hooves. It was the last straw when Camel’s long clumsy neck came within an inch of the king’s nose! The animals were appalled and disgusted. They set upon Camel in a rage and drove him out into the desert. Shortly afterwards, refreshments were served, consisting mostly of camel hump and ribs.


: Be yourself : Do not try to ape others who might be better than you. : When you go out for a job interview, just be yourself.

Mini dictionary 1. honour 2. perform 3. talented 4. grace 5. aloof 6. envious 7. fuss 8. hind legs 9. ridiculous 10. hulking


menghormati membuat persembahan berbakat gaya lemah lembut mengasingkan diri penuh iri hati kecoh kaki belakang ganjil bagur

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

collided plumes hooves the last straw appalled disgusted rage consisting hump ribs


berlanggar kepulan kuku habis sabar berasa gerun menyampah keberangan terdiri daripada bonggol tulang rusuk

An investment in knowledge pays

✄ tuesday

year 6 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

reading comprehension Read the newspaper article below and answer the questions that follow. Baca artikel akhbar di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Social media Samaritan helps Frenchman get his phone back PETALING JAYA: A French tourist resorted to an ingenious way to look for his handphone after accidentally leaving it in a stranger’s car. Yves Oyage forgot to pick up his phone after hitching a ride from a woman to a bank in Bagan Lalang, Sepang, last weekend. Not knowing her name or where she lived, the 30-year-old waited for her at the same spot where she picked him up the day before, in the hope that she would pass by again. “Help me! My name is Yves from France. I forgot my mobile in your car - Sunday. “Can you bring it to the police station in Sungay Pelek. Thank you,” he wrote on a banner while waiting for the woman for nearly six hours on Monday. She did not show up, but Oyage’s quest went viral after Facebook user Nur Halim Ibrahim posted a picture of him with the banner. “Please help! This man is stranded here and lost his phone in a car. Someone offered this man a lift on Sunday. “He left his phone and is now looking for the female driver of the grey Proton Wira,” Nur Halim wrote in the post that was shared more than 2,500 times. This was his post on Monday: “Update: Finally we found her! Thanks everybody for your help!” Oyage also commented on Nur Halim’s post, thanking him and other Malaysians for drawing attention to his situation. “Thank you to all the Malaysian friends. Today, a lot of people said to me: you cannot find your phone; it’s impossible to find the woman! “Never give up, nothing is impossible,” he wrote. Oyage, who is from the small town of Josse in south-western France, had been travelling around the world for the last year and was due to depart for the Philippines this Saturday. (Adapted from The Star, April 12, 2017) 1. Tick (✔) the correct answer. (a) What did Oyage leave in the stranger’s car?

(b) Who posted Oyage’s picture?

A banner.

Oyage himself.

His mobile phone.

The female driver.

A picture.

Nur Halim Ibrahim.

2. What does the word ‘ingenious’ mean? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What would you have done if you had seen Oyage with his banner? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. hitching 2. banner 3. stranded

- menumpang - sepanduk - terkandas

the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin

4. drawing 5. impossible 6. due

- menarik - mustahil - dijangka







22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

year 6 - unit 4-6: revision

grammar / Writing A. Unscramble the letters in parentheses to form reflexive pronouns. Rewrite the sentences with the correct spelling. Uraikan huruf dalam kurungan untuk membentuk kata ganti nama refleksif. Tulis semula ayat-ayat dengan ejaan yang betul. 1. Why do you blame (eyfulors)? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. The girls argued among (smeeltehvs) for two hours. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. He cut a slice of cake for (fhmlsie). ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Chee Moi and I enjoyed (sulsvreloe) at the club. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. She sewed (slrehfe) beautiful dress. ___________________________________________________________________________ B. Rewrite the sentences as exclamatory sentences with correct punctuation where needed. Tulis semula ayat-ayat berikut sebagai ayat-ayat seruan dengan tanda baca yang betul di mana perlu. 1. wow thats a beautiful diamond ring ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. you managed to solve the puzzle ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. i cant wait to unwrap my present ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. oops i accidentally spilt my drink ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. ouch dont pinch me ____________________________________________________________________________

✄ year 6 - units 4-6: revision


22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

grammar A.Read the sentences. Write (I) for an imperative sentence and (E) for an exclamatory sentence. Baca ayat-ayat. Tulis (I) untuk ayat imperatif dan (E) untuk ayat seru. 1. Clean the table now. 2. Hurry, we are going to be late! 3. Open the door and throw the rubbish. 4. Turn left and walk along Jalan Duta. 5. What an impressive performance! 6. Turn off your computer now and study. B. Match the sentence parts correctly. Then, rewrite the sentences in the space provided. Padankan ayat dengan betul. Kemudian, tulis semula ayat-ayat di ruang yang disediakan.


Neither Roslan...


The plum juice is neither...


Neither Grandpa...


Today’s weather is neither sunny...

...sweet nor sour.

...nor grandma can sing.

...nor windy.

...nor Abdul has gone hiking.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Education is the kindling of a flame. - Socrates







year 6 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

writing Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 perkataan.




gold ring





✄ tuesday

year 6 - units 4-6: revision

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up

the fun page

Tech quiz HERE’S a pop quiz on the topic of technology. Can you ace it? 1. A CPU in terms of computing stands for: ____________________________________________ 2. Safari, Chrome, Explorer and Firefox are examples of: _________________________________ 3. Our planet’s source of energy comes from: __________________________________________ 4. What does www stand for? ______________________________________________________ 5. Electronic paper is also known as: _________________________________________________ 6. Solar power is generated by: _____________________________________________________ 7. The first country in the world to make access to the Internet a legal right is: _________________ 8. This person who sent the first ever e-mail was: _____________________________________, in the year: __________. 9. A 3G cell service with Internet capabilities is available on this mountain peak: ________________________________________________ 10. All prisoners in this country have Internet services in their jail cells: ______________________ 11. The first YouTube video was uploaded by Jawed Karim at 8:27pm on April 23 in the year: __________.

Answers: 1. Central Processing Unit 2. web browsers 3. the Sun 4. World Wide Web 5. e-paper 6. the Sun 7. Finland 8. Ray Tomlinson (a US programmer) in 1971 9. Mount Everest 10. Norway 11. 2005

English is your passport to a bright future






year 6 - units 4-6: revisions

22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up


Swinging Swinging, swinging, Low and high, Down in the green grass And up in the sky. When I’m bigger I’ll stand when I swing, When I’m bigger I’ll do everything. Swinging, swinging, Low and high, Up in the tree-tops Down by and by. When I’m bigger, then I can try, When I’m bigger I’ll reach to the sky.

PLAYING on a swing can be lots of fun. One moment you are high up near the tree tops and the next moment you are down in the green grass. The person in the poem seems to be having a wonderful time playing on a swing.

Activity A

1. Adam chose the big/bigger/biggest durian in the pile for his grandmother. 2. “This branch is low/lower/lowest than the other one,” said Pak Samat to his neighbour. 3. “How much high/higher/highest do we have to climb,” asked the tired boy. 4. Mrs. Rob thinks that her son drives too fast/faster/ fastest on the highway. 5. “This is the small/smaller/smallest clock I could find in the shop,” said the new worker to his boss. 6. We were not pleased with our new teacher because she gave us very low/lower/lowest marks for our test.

Swinging, swinging, High and low, Up to the sun And down I go.

- Leila Berg

Activity C

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

Activity B

Which of the following words are related to the way the person in the poem is feeling? Mark a tick or a cross next to the words.

Tick (✔) or cross (X)

Tick (✔) or cross (X)





















Use your own words to complete the sentences.

When I am bigger, I will ____________________ When Rosa is older, she will ____________________ When Jayden is taller, he will ____________________ When the kitten is stronger, it will __________________________________________ When the bus is nearer, we will __________________________________________ When the branch is higher, Mrs. Tan will __________________________________________

What other activities do you enjoy doing apart from swinging? Write your answer here and include a reason.

Activity D

✄ Tuesday


22 august 2017 tHe star/step up

TesT Study the travel brochure on Melaka. Then, answer the questions that follow. Teliti risalah perjalanan tentang Melaka. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Melaka - the historic state MELAKA is a historical city. It was colonised by the Portuguese, Dutch and the English. It has a rich cultural heritage and many historical buildings stand even to this day. If you ever plan a trip to Melaka, a visit to its historical destinations should not be missed.

This street is rich with antiques, souvenirs, food, clothings and decoratives. Do try the famous laksa and cendol dishes that are sold here The Stadthuys Jonker Street This building, known for its red exterior, was built by the Dutch in the 1650’s. It was first used as the Municipal Town Hall. Later, it became the Governor’s residence. A short distance from this building is St. Paul’s Hill. A Famosa The ‘A Famosa’ is an old Portugese fort. It is one of the oldest surviving European architecture in Malaysia.

In this cruise, enjoy your ride as you meander down the river in a round trip. You can take in the sights of heritage buildings along the route. Melaka river cruise 1. How many times was Melaka colonised? ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does the word ‘historical‘ mean? ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did the Portuguese need a fort? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Would you want to visit Melaka? Give two reasons to support your answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. - Victor Hugo







22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up A. Underline the correct word. Gariskan perkataan yang betul. 1. The paralympian trained very hard (so, although) he won the race.

2. (Although, Since) you are a Malaysian, you must be very proud of your country’s multicultural heritage. 3. (So, Although) John’s friends tried to influence him, he did not start smoking cigarettes. 4. (So, Since) the watch does not belong to you, you must return it to its rightful owner. 5. Rama went to school (although, so) he had a fever. B. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Lihat gambar dan jawab soalan-soalan.


Is Daniel a spendthrift? _________________________________________

2. Does Sheela budget her spending? _____________________________________________


Is the child practising a good habit? _________________________________________

4. Does Robert waste his money on toys? _____________________________________________

✄ tuesday


22 August 2017 tHe stAR/step up


Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 perkataan. 1.

— Azman — friends — Port Dickson — camped — beach — tent —

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________


— talked — played games — night — campfire — barbeque —

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________


— morning — rubbish — leave — proud — beautiful — Malaysia —

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. camped

- berkhemah


2. proud - bangga

says “The world is your oyster!”





22 August 2017 tHe stAr/step up Year 4 Page 2 1. They spend equally on food, books and clothes. 2. Rozita. 3. Yes, because Rozita donates to charity and buys gifts for others. 4. I should learn to save money so that I have enough money in times of need. Page 3 A. 1. Derrick was not at home so I left him a note on the door. 2. Mr. Lim left his bicycle unlocked so it got stolen. 3. Karim went to bed early so he was well rested for the next day. 4. Bernard did not spend wisely so he does not have any savings now. B. 1. largest 2. faster 3. more expensive 4. healthier 5. cleaner C. 1. suddenly 2. noisily 3. swiftly 4. brightly 5. loudly 6. well Page 4 (Suggested answer) Dear cousin, During your visit to Cameron Highlands, I suggest that you visit one of the rose gardens there. Roses of assorted colours in bloom are a sight that your should not miss! I also recommend going to a strawberry farm. You can pluck your own strawberries here and purchase delicious strawberry products. Next, the tea plantations in Cameron Highlands are a mustvisit. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery as well as learn more about how tea leaves are processed. The mossy forest is also a unique site that you should experience for yourself. Finally, do enjoy your stay there! Sincerely, (Your name) Page 6 A. 1. fork and spoon 2. cup 3. bucket 4. shovel 5. hammer 6. knife 7. scissors B. 1. waved

2. disappeared 3. scooped 4. tumbled 5. reached C. (Suggested answers) 1. What did you build in the afternoon? 2. What did you build the sand castle with? 3. How many floors did your sand castle have? 4. How did you add the second floor? 5. Why did your sand castle disappear?

Year 5 Page 7 1. ...look to the left and right, and to the left again. 2. ...zebra crossing and pedestrian bridge... 3. ...traffic signals such as ‘Walk’ and ‘Don’t Walk’. 4. Do not run or push others... 5. ...wait until the bus stops. 6. ...the bicycle lanes. 7. helmet. 8. ...single file. 9. When cycling in the early morning... 10. Ring your bell...; ...with traffic as opposed to it. Page 8 A 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B B. 1. X 2. ✔ 3. ✔ 4. X 5. ✔ 6. X 7. X 8. ✔ C. 1. Turn right at the traffic lights into Jalan Cenderawasih. 2. Walk along the field until you reach a T-junction. 3. Show Hamid the way to the mosque. Page 9 A. 1. Whom 2. Which 3. What 4. Who B. (Suggested answers) 1. What did Stella buy for her sister? 2. Who donated RM100 to the old folks home? 3. Whom did you give your jewellery to? 4. Which road did you take to go to Pavillion? C. 1. although 2. since 3. Although 4. Although 6. since 5. although 7. Since 8. Since

9. although

10. Since

Page 11 A. 1. damp/wet B. (Suggested answers) 2. seaweed 1. sandfly 3. moat 2. seagull 4. mend 3. sunshine 5. cones 4. shellfish 6. sandwiches 5. afternoon C. 1. splashing/ 6. rainbow drinking 7. daybreak 2. drinking 3. eating 4. building 5. collecting 6. wearing

Year 6 Page 13 1. a. His mobile phone. b. Nur Halim Ibrahim 3. A clever and new idea. 4. (Suggested answer) I would have tried looking for a grey Proton Wira in that area. Page 14 A. 1. yourself 2. themselves 3. himself 4. ourselves 5. herself B. 1. Wow, that’s a beautiful diamond ring! 2. You managed to solve the puzzle! 3. I can’t wait to unwrap my present! 4. Oops, I accidentally spilt my drink! 5. Ouch, don’t pinch me! Page 15 A. 1. I 2. E 3. I 4. I 5. E 6. I B. 1. Neither Roslan nor Abdul has gone hiking. 2.The plum juice is neither sweet nor sour. 3. Neither grandpa nor grandma can sing. 4. Today’s weather is neither sunny nor windy. Page 16 Last Saturday, Sara sent her car to the workshop. While Amran, the mechanic, attended to her car, he found a gold ring under one of the seats. When Sara returned to collect her car, the mechanic

told her about the gold ring and promptly returned the ring to her. She was overjoyed as it was her wedding ring which had been missing for two months. She was extremely grateful to the mechanic. She thanked Amran and rewarded him handsomely for his honesty. Page 18 A. 1. biggest 3. higher 5. smallest B. 1 excited 2 angry 3 content 4 frustration 5 glad 6 sad 7 depressed 8 happy 9 gloomy 10 thrilled

2. lower 4. fast 6. low ✔ X ✔ X ✔ X X ✔ X ✔

Test Page 19 1. Melaka was colonised three times. 2. “Historical’ means connected with the past. 3. The Portuguese needed a fort to defend themselves from their enemies. 4. (Accept any relevant answer) Page 20 A. 1. so 2. Since 3. Although 4. Since 5. although B. 1. No, he isn’t. 2. Yes, she does. 3. Yes, the child is. 4. Yes, he does. Page 21 1. Last weekend, Azman and his friends went to Port Dickson and camped by the beach. They brought along various camping gear and set up a tent on the sand. 2. Azman and his friends talked and played games. At night, they started a campfire to barbeque chicken and fish for their dinner. 3. In the morning, they went around picking up rubbish that they could see at the beach. They wanted to leave the beach clean as they are proud of the beautiful beaches in Malaysia.

✄ nie activities


22 august 2017 tHe star/step up

year 4 – be safe Imagine that you are trapped on the fourth floor of an old abandoned factory. You can’t call out because the windows are tightly shut. There’s no phone signal in the area too. All you can find is a copy of the newspaper. You have to attract help from the people walking below. Using a sheet of A3 or A4 paper, cut out selected words (preferably from the headlines) to arrange into a message for help that you would glue on to the sealed window. You can do this activity in pairs. Example:

year 5 – closed questions We are going to practise asking (and answering) to ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ questions. First, scan The Star newspaper for a picture of a popular person that most of your classmates would know. Cut out the picture and hand it to your teacher. She will then redistribute the pictures randomly by taping one picture on each pupil’s back. Everyone then walks around the classroom asking another classmate questions about who that person (glued to his/her back) is. You cannot ask the same friend more than two questions. Keep walking around. Ask questions until you have guessed who it is that is “glued’ on to your back. But remember, you can only ask questions to which your friends can answer a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ to.

Try, try, try! Never say die!




A simple guide on how to modify this tabloid size paper to a small and fanciful note book 1. Fold the 12-page tabloid into half.




22 AUgUsT 2017 THE sTAR/step Up


year 6 – Technology In groups of four, scan The Star for as many words, phrases or pictures that are related to the theme of technology. Cut them out and paste them below. Your teacher will set a time limit for this activity. At the end of the challenge, the group that has the highest number of items (that makes sense) wins!

- Paste your words, phrases and pictures here -

2. Cut on the dotted line indicated on the page.

3. Once you have cut it, you can staple the pages near the folded side.

4. You now have a small and flexible note book.

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