Step Up 2017 Issue 11

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25 July 2017

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IN THIS ISSUe > Our Malaysia > A good citizen > True Malaysians

Embracing diversity Learning English is exciting with





year 4 - unit 9: our malaysia

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

reading comprehension

Jewel of Kedah Read the text below and answer the given questions. Baca teks di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang diberikan. SITUATED in northern peninsular Malaysia, Langkawi Island is a popular tourist destination in Southeast Asia. There are many attractive and interesting places one can visit in Langkawi. For those who love water creatures, the Underwater World Langkawi is a must-visit. More than 200 species of aquatic animals are housed here, including sharks, giant rays, seals and penguins. Another place of interest is the Langkawi Bird Paradise. It houses more than 2,500 species of birds in a big tropical garden-type enclosure. Here, you can find birds like owls, eagles, peacocks and hornbills. Visitors can feed the birds as well as other animals like rabbits, hedgehogs and guinea pigs. Nature lovers will be mesmerised then they visit the Telaga Tujuh waterfalls. The locals believe that the falls are home to fairies but the lush flora and fauna in the vicinity will enchant visitors all the same. This destination is perfect for a cool dip in the water. Visitors can also enjoy the breathtaking scenery from the top of the waterfall. Adventurous travellers can venture to the peak of Mount Mat Cincang via a cable car ride. Visitors can take a walk on the Sky Bridge and enjoy a panaromic view from the mountain. 1. Langkawi is an island located in the state of __________. A. Johor C. Kedah B. Perak D. Pahang 2. Those who would like to see penguins can visit the __________. A. Underwater World Langkawi C. Telaga Tujuh waterfalls B. Sky Bridge D. Langkawi Bird Paradise 3. Other than enjoying the beautiful scenery at Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls, you can also _________. A. enjoy a cool swim C. enjoy a cable car ride B. look at aquatic animals D. take a walk on the Sky Bridge 4. At the Langkawi Bird Paradise you can _____________ the animals. A. catch C. feed B. bathe D. chase

Mini dictionary 1. attractive 2. species 3. aquatic

- menarik - spesies - aquatik

4. enclosure 5. scenery 6. adventurous


- kurungan - pemandangan - suka cabaran

Teacher’s tip

These icons on the Year 4 and Year 5 activity pages identify the KSSR Educational Emphases:

Higher order thinking skills

Mastery learning


Multiple intelligences


Creativity and innovation

Values and citizenship

NIE EDITORIAL MANAGER: Sharon Ovinis WRITERS: Kathirawan J Dr Mallika Vasugi TRANSLATOR: Shoba Dev ILLUSTRATOR Hassan Bahri LAYOUT ARTIST: Adeline Ngui TO ORDER, CALL: Sundar (03-7967 1388) ext 1437 We welcome feedback! Write to:

✄ tuesday

year 4 - unit 9: our malaysia

25 July 2017 THE sTar/step up


Comparison of adjectives Comparative adjectives are used when one needs to compare one person or thing with another. This is done in order to show varying degrees in quantity or quality. When comparing two things, the suffix –er is added to adjectives with one syllable and some adjectives with two syllables. To make the comparative adjective effective, ‘than’ is added immediately after to introduce the second member or part being compared to. Examples: Rahman is fatter than his elder brother. I can run faster than my sister. My book is bigger than my bag. Tina is cleverer than Simon because she reads a lot. However, when using adjectives with more than one syllable, ‘more’ and ‘less’ are usually used before the adjective. Examples: Haran is more interested in computer games than football. In Malaysia, the game of cricket is less popular than badminton. The diamond ring that she bought is more expensive than her necklace. When comparing more than two things, we add the suffix -est to the adjective with one syllable and ‘the’ in front of it. Examples: Siu Keng’s black crayon is the shortest among all his other crayons. Ahmad is the tallest among his brothers. However, when using adjectives with more than one syllable, ‘most’ and ‘least’ are usually used before the adjective. Examples: History is my least favourite subject. I found this question the most difficult to answer. Exercise Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative adjectives. Isi tempat kosong dengan kata adjektif perbandingan yang betul. 1. Kamarul is _____________________________ (handsome) than Johnny. 2. Kuala Lumpur is _____________________________ (big) than Seremban. 3. The peacock has feathers that are _____________________________ (beautiful) than those of the peahen. 4. Hanisah is the _____________________________ (smart) among her sisters. 5. The Rajang river in Sarawak is the _____________________________ (long) river in Malaysia. 6. Cost of living in Johor Baru is _____________________________ (expensive) than in Melaka. 7. This book is _____________________________ (cheap) than that magazine. 8. Reading the newspaper is _____________________________ (interesting) than reading the texbook. 9. May is _____________________________ (young) than Nasir. 10. Mount Everest is the _____________________________ (high) mountain in the world.


be your doorway to success







year 4 - unit 9: our malaysia

25 July 2017 THE sTar/step up


Penang heritage Read the passage below. Then, in groups of four, discuss the questions below. Baca petikan di bawah. Kemudian, dalam kumpulan berempat, bincangkan soalan-soalan di bawah.

The unique design of the Pinang Peranakan Mansion coupled with the antiques on display, showcases the lifestyle and heritage of the Peranakan community. — Wikimedia Commons

THE Peranakans, also known as the Babas and Nyonyas, was a prominent community of acculturated Chinese unique to Malaysia. This community was found mainly in the Straits Settlements (Penang, Malacca and Singapore). Hence, the Peranakans are also known by its other name, the Straits Chinese. As they adopted select ways of the local Malays and later, the colonial British, the Peranakans created a unique lifestyle. This fusion left behind a rich legacy of art, tradition and other cultural influences. Its cuisine and language are still evident in Penang today.

Questions 1. What is the name of the place shown in the picture? 2. Where is it located? 3. Why it is a popular tourist destination? 4. Which feature do you like most about the Peranakan heritage? 5. Tell your friends a bit about your own heritage. 6. What is your favourite thing about your heritage? Why?

Mini dictionary 1. prominent - terkenal 2. acculturated - berakulturasi 3. adopted - menerima

4. colonial 5. unique 6. legacy

- penjajah - khas - warisan

✄ tuesday

year 4 - unit 9: our malaysia

25 July 2017 THE sTar/step up

the fun page MALAYSIA is not just rich in its food and culture. We have some of the most diverse wildlife on this planet, as Malaysia is mainly rainforest. Here are some of these animals. Unscramble the letters to identify the name of each animal.










Get your creative juices flowing with





year 4 literature



25 July 2017 tHe Star/Step up

graphic novel

The Jungle Book Activity A Mowgli

Match the characters with their spoken lines. One name may be used more than once. Akela

Shere Khan

Spoken line



I was once a human’s prisoner myself.


I’m part of the pack! That’s all I want to be!


One day, you will be the leaders of the pack.


What’s the meaning of this? Shere Khan doesn’t belong here.


There’s a human village nearby. Go there and find the Red Flower.


Mowgli should have been mine long ago. He was my prey.

Activity B


The following is an extract from Chapter Four of The Jungle Book. Write down the words from the extract that have the same meaning with the words below.

Sad and alone, Mowgli left the jungle to find a human village. He walked for several days, until he found a new village. The village people saw Mowgli coming from a long way off. They gathered at the gate to stare at him. One of them, a woman named Messua, thought she recognized the young boy.

1. unhappy 2. gaze 3. a few 4. grouped 5. look for

Buldeo the hunter told silly stories about the wild animals of the jungle. Imagine one silly story that Buldeo may have told. What wild animal(s) would the story be about? What would the animal(s) have done in Buldeo’s story? Write down your answers in the following lines and sketch a picture about the story next to it.

Activity C

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

✄ tuesday

year 5 - unit 9: a good citizen


25 July 2017 tHe Star/Step up

reading comprehension Number the story in the correct order. Then, answer the questions given below. Nomborkan cerita dalam urutan yang betul. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan yang diberikan di bawah. A. The glass shattered. The man quickly grabbed the jewellery from the display case and put them in a bag. As the man ran past him towards the motorcycle, Mr. Lee tripped the man with his walking stick. B. The policemen arrested the man but his partner managed to escape. Later, the passersby told the jewellery shop owner how Mr. Lee helped to catch the thief. C. Mr. Lee was delighted but refused the gift. He said, “I’m just being a good Malaysian citizen and I don’t expect anything in return.” The passersby agreed and also declined their gold rings. The jewellery shop owner insisted that he treat them to a scrumptious meal, to which all of them accepted. They enjoyed the meal together and became good friends. D. Mr. Lee is an active man despite being 65 years old. He walks using a walking stick. Every morning, he would walk to the market to buy fresh produce. On the way home, he usually rests on a bench in front of a barbershop before continuing his journey. Next to the barbershop is a jewellery shop. E. The shop owner thanked Mr. Lee and the passersby for their quick thinking and bravery. He gave each of them a gold ring and said, “This is my way of thanking all of you.” F. One day, as he was sitting on that bench, he saw two men on a motorcycle. They stopped in front of him. A man got off the motorcycle and threw an iron rod at the display windows of the jewellery shop. G. “Thief! Thief!” shouted Mr. Lee. Several passersby who saw what happened took the chance to apprehend the fallen man. Two policemen in a patrol car saw the commotion and stopped. Questions 1. In your opinion, who do you think is a good citizen? Give evidence based on the story. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. If you were in the same situation as Mr. Lee, what would have you done? Give reasons for your decision. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Mini dictionary 1. walking stick - tongkat 2. passersby - pejalan kaki 3. despite - walaupun

4. produce 5. iron rod 6. commotion

- hasil - batang besi - kekecohan

is your window to the world






year 5 - unit 9: a good citizen

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

writing Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in the space given. Berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang diberikan, berikan jawapan yang betul dalam ayat penuh. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. 1.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Yes, he is Kanang anak Langkau.


_______________________________________ _______________________________________

This park is full of rubbish! _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

3. Let me help you cross the road.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

✄ tuesday

year 5 - unit 9: a good citizen

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up


Interrogative Pronouns WHAT are interrogative pronouns? Interrogative pronouns are the pronouns that are used when you want to ask a question. The commonly used interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom and whose. 1.

What is used to ask questions about people or objects Examples: a. What is his name? b. What time will the bus arrive?


Which is used to ask questions about people or objects Examples: a. Which bag are you taking to school today? b. Which shirt do you like?


Who is used to ask questions about people Examples: a. Who is coming for dinner tonight? b. Who wants ice cream?


Whom is used as an object or when we use a preposition. Examples: a. Whom do you think we should support? b. To whom did you give the book?


Whose is used to ask questions about people or objects and is related to possession. Examples: a. Whose bag is this? b. Whose house are we going to visit next?

Exercise Fill in the blanks with the correct interrogative pronouns. Isi tempat kosong dengan kata ganti nama tanya yang betul. 1. ___________ was the man wearing the green knitted sweater? 2. ___________ was the result of the football match yesterday? 3. ___________ house is this? 4. ___________ is your pen? 5. To ___________ were you talking on the telephone just now? 6. ___________ is going to see the dentist tomorrow? 7. ___________ is your ambition? 8. ___________ train are we going to board? 9. Can I know ___________ car is parked in front of the house? 10. To ___________ should I send this complaint letter?

Mini dictionary 1. knitted 2. match

- dikait - perlawanan

3. ambition 4. board

- cita-cita - menaiki

Keep calm and keep striving!







25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

year 5 - unit 9: a good citizen

the fun page MALAYSIANS from all walks of life celebrate our country’s independence with pride. Here are two photographs of students in the midst of a Merdeka celebration. Spot 10 differences in the photograph. Tell your teacher what they are.

✄ tuesday

year 5 literature

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

short story

And Something Weird Happened IN Chapter Three, Joel’s teacher gives the class a homework assignment.

“Now for homework over the weekend,” our new teacher said, “I want everyone to write about your pet. But not the pet you’ve really got.” She smiled. “I want you to write about the pet you would like to have, if you could have any pet you wanted. Use your imaginations!”

Activity A

Match the people with the pets that you think are most suitable for them.


a. I would like a pet that is not very big, is quiet and doesn’t move very fast.

2 b. I would like a pet that has soft fur and can help catch rats around the house.

3 c. I want a pet that does not eat meat and can hop around in the garden.

4 d. I would love a pet that can run fast and that I can ride on.


e. I want a pet that I can keep in a bowl in my living room and look at every day.

Choose the right word from above to complete the following sentences correctly. 1. We are planning to go to Ipoh this ______________. 2. My sister ______________ when she saw the flowers on her desk. 3. Jo’s ______________ kitten has a long bushy tail. 4. “Don’t forget to do your ______________,” said Mrs. Ng before the school bell rang. 5. We had to think hard and use our ______________ to create the new design for our classroom display board.

Activity B

If you could have any pet at all, what would you like to have? Give reasons for your answer.

Activity C

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Impossible = I’m possible






Story time

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

An American Indian legend about respect THERE once lived a man who raised his son on his own after the child’s mother had passed away. He taught his son all that he knew. He taught him how to respect the forest, animals and all life. The son grew up and in time, wanted a wife for himself. So left his father and went to a nearby village to look for a wife. Many months later, the man returned to his father. He had a woman with him, his wife. Not long after, they had a son. The man’s father, now a grandfather, began teaching his grandson everything that he knew. He taught his grandson how to respect the forest, animals and all life. The old man’s daughter-in-law soon grew tired of sharing her home with the old man. She told her husband that she wanted the old man out of her home. Her husband said, “I cannot do this. This is the home he built for all of us.” This angered the wife and she said, “If you do not send him away, I shall take your son and leave you.” The man agreed to his wife’s bidding. He called his young son aside and spoke to him. “Son, tomorrow, you shall take your grandfather out into the forest. Leave him there and return alone. Give him this blanket before you head back.” The young boy cried, “Why do you do this? Grandfather taught me everything that I know.” The young boy’s father replied, “This is my wish. You will follow my rules.” The next morning, the young boy’s father left before the sun rose. He headed North. At sunrise, the young boy took his grandfather by the hand and led him South. In the evening, the young boy’s father returned home. He saw his son crying. Next to him lay the blanket. “I thought I told you to leave that blanket with your grandfather, son,” said the father sternly. “I gave him half the blanket, Father. The other half, I will give to you someday,” replied the young boy. The mother and the father understood the message. They went out and brought the grandfather back.


Mini dictionary 1. raised 2. passed away 3. respect 4. bidding

: Familiarity breeds contempt : Knowing someone too well can lead to a lack of respect for him. : “Sandra and her husband finally divorced after 20 years of marriage. Having to manage the family business and home affairs with him, day-in and day-out must have driven a wedge between them,” said Mrs. Lau. “Familiarity breeds contempt, I suppose. He wasn’t a very pleasant person,” replied Mr. Lau.


membesarkan meninggal rasa hormat perintah

5. 6. 7. 8.

aside blanket rules sternly


ke sebelah selimut peraturan dengan tegas

An investment in knowledge pays

✄ tueSday

year 6 - unit 9: true malaysians

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up


Correlative Conjunctions AS the name implies, correlative conjunctions work to correlate or join phrases or words that have equal importance in a sentence. Correlative conjunctions work in pairs. Examples include either…or and neither… nor. There are rules that must be followed when using correlative conjunctions. The rules are: - The verb must agree with the second subject. Example: Neither Ravin nor the Tan brothers are going to attend the meeting tonight. Either the Tan brothers or Ravin is representing the English club in the meeting. - A pronoun must agree with the second subject. Example: Neither the public speaker nor the debators were in the school hall. Either the debators or the public speaker is practising in the school hall today. Exercise Fill in the blanks with ‘either...or’ or ‘neither...nor’ correctly. Isi tempat kosong dengan ‘ either...or ‘ atau ‘ neither...nor ‘ dengan betul. 1. In a game of chess, you can ____________ choose to play the white pieces ____________ the black pieces. 2. ____________ Johnny ____________ Kelvin completed their assignment on time. 3. Every time we go to the restaurant, Kishen ____________ orders the steamed fish ____________ the grilled chicken. 4. ____________ Mei Ling ____________ Susila could believe his excuse. 5. ____________ Jason ____________ Jenny will write the report about today’s programme. 6. Mr. Lim told his employee to ____________ return the stolen money ____________ face the law. 7. ____________ mother ____________ father knows how to use the Internet. 8. ____________ the computer ____________ the laptop can be used because they need to be repaired. 9. We can ____________ go to Pulau Redang ____________ Pulau Tioman for our holiday. 10. You can ____________ take it ____________ leave it.

Mini dictionary 1. completed 2. steamed

- siapkan - stim

3. believe 4. employee

the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin

- percaya - pekerja







year 6 - unit 9: true malaysians

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

conversation Fill the circle map below with qualities that a good citizen of Malaysia should have. Then, discuss the given questions. Penuhkan peta bulatan di bawah dengan sifat-sifat yang patut ada pada seorang warga Malaysia yang bagus. Kemudian, bincangkan soalan-soalan yang diberikan.







Questions 1. Among all the qualities above, which quality do you think is the most important one? Why? 2. What is your favourite thing about being Malaysian? 3. Give an example of a Malaysian showing respect to others. 4. How can we foster harmony in our multiracial community? 5. What can you do to serve your country? 6. What can you do to promote these values?

Mini dictionary 1. foster 2. harmony

- menggalakkan - harmoni

3. multiracial 4. serve

- pelbagai bangsa - berkhidmat

✄ tuesday

year 6 - unit 9: true malaysians

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

Look at the pictures given and write a sentence about the picture using the two words given. Lihat pada gambar yang diberikan dan tulis satu ayat tentang gambar tersebut menggunakan dua perkataan yang diberikan. 1.


— monument — Kuala Lumpur —


— built — Portuguese —


— tallest — Malaysia —

— Jalur Gemilang — stripes —

Education is the kindling of a flame. - Socrates







25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

year 6 - unit 9: true malaysians

writing Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan.

train found seat next station many people crowded pregnant lady standing offered seat thanked praised

✄ tuesday

year 6 - unit 9: true malaysians

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

the fun page

Keeping the peace RESPECT is something you earn. You can’t buy it or demand for it. How do you earn people’s respect? Just think of incidents that happen everyday in your classroom. Are there certain types of behaviours that disrupt lessons or other day-to-day activities? Well then, let’s label such activities “PeaceBREAKERS”. On the other hand, you will also come across actions and speech that are pleasing. Let’s label such actions as “PeaceMAKERS”. Identify these good and bad behaviours. Work in groups of four. Think of disruptive behaviour in the classroom and behaviour that makes the classroom peaceful. Complete the poster below with phrases that describe such actions. (Some examples have already been added for you) Next, pin them up on the board. Do a gallery walk to see what types of behaviours annoy your classmates and which ones don’t. Being aware of good behaviour helps you win respect.

Peacebreakers in the class

Peacemakers in the class

telling the truth

cutting in line picking noses

waiting your turn

yelling and screaming

English is your passport to a bright future






year 6 literature

25 July 2017 tHe Star/Step up


Match both words to form a new word.

Activity A

A Garden If I should have a garden I know how it would be, There’d be daisies and buttercups And an apple tree. A dog would chase a ball there, A bird would sit and sing, And a little cat would play with A little piece of string. And in the very middle I’d only have to stand For ladybirds and butterflies To settle on my hand.






















Underline the correct word to complete the following sentences.

Activity B

- Leila Berg


1. We could not play/played in the garden yesterday because it was raining. 2. Aunt Jemima likes to sit/sat on the bench near the rose bushes in the garden. 3. The girls sing/sang a beautiful song about a garden for the competition. 4. The cat ran into our garden when it was chase/chased by our neighbour’s dog. 5. “Don’t stand/stood there. Come and join us in the garden,” said Mrs. Lim to Rita. 6. We waited until the little bird settle/settled down in its nest in the garden.

Activity C 1


Unscramble the letters to find the things that you may see in a garden.


Activity D
















Use your own words to complete this poem.

If I should have a garden

A __________ would ________ a _____ there,

I know how it would be

A __________ would _______ and __________

There’d be __________ and _________

And a little _________ would play with

And a/an _________ tree

A little piece of ___________.


✄ Tuesday


25 July 2017 tHe Star/Step up

assessMenT Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya. ONE morning, a young monkey from a jungle met a squirrel in the outskirts of town. Soon, they became friends and started talking. Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey Squirrel Monkey Squirrel

: Where are you from? : I am from the jungle not far from here. How about you? : I live in the trees at a park in town. The humans chopped down the trees there, so I’m looking for a new home. How did you end up here? : My friends and I were looking for fresh fruits and we wandered here. : I saw some delicious-looking melons at the orchard around the bend. But beware of the guard dogs! : Thanks! I’m curious. How is it like living in the town? : The town is noisy and full of people. Some humans care for animals; they would even feed us. But others dislike animals. They would chase us away, or worse, trap us in cages. : Oh, goodness. How terrible! Do they hurt you? : Yes. Some of my friend have been injured and many have disappeared. I don’t know what happened to them. I’m so afraid of humans! : That’s horrible. : Do the humans hurt the animals in the forest? : Sometimes. They come into the jungle to hunt us, but we are smart. We escape deep into jungle when we see them coming. : How brilliant! : Why don’t you follow us back? I think you will love it there. : ____________________________________________.

1. Tick (✔) the correct answer a. Why is the squirrel looking for a new home?

b. The monkey wandered near the town looking _____________.

Humans destroyed its home.

for its friends.

The town is noisy.

for fresh fruits.

The town is full of people.

for the squirrel.

2. Why is the squirrel afraid of humans? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How do the monkeys escape the hunters? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you were the squirrel, what would you say to the monkey when it asks you to follow it back to the jungle? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. - Victor Hugo








25 July 2017 THE sTar/step up

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in the space given. Berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang diberikan, berikan jawapan dalam ayat penuh. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.


Shall we take part in the National Day parade?

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

2. Thank you for saving Mr. Fluffy!

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Let’s wave the Jalur Gemilang together.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

✄ tuesday


25 July 2017 THE sTar/step up


Write an e-mail to your friend about the National Day celebration in Kuala Lumpur. Write your story between 50 to 80 words. Tulis e-mel kepada sahabat kamu mengenai perayaan Hari Kebangsaan di Kuala Lumpur. Panjangnya cerita kamu hendaklah antara 50 hingga 80 patah perkataan.

— marching band — smart — uniforms —

— Dataran Merdeka — colourful — parades —

— participants — traditional costumes —


— fireworks — sky — night —

From: To: Subject: National Day celebration in Kuala Lumpur

says “The world is your oyster!”






25 July 2017 THE sTar/step up Page 10

Year 4 Page 2 1. C 2. A

Page 21 Dear Kamal,

3. A

4. C

Page 3 1. more handsome 2. bigger 3. more beautiful 4. smartest 4. longest 5. more expensive 6. cheaper 7. more interesting 8. younger 9. highest Page 6 A. 1. Bagheera 2. Mowgli 3. Shere Khan 4. Akela 5. Bagheera 6. Shere Khan B. 1. sad 2. stare 3. several 4. gathered 5. find

Page 11 A. 1. Horse - d 2. Rabbit - c 3. Cat - b 4. Goldfish - e 5. Tortoise - a B. 1. weekend 2. smiled 3. pet 4. homework 5. imaginations

Year 5 Year 6 Page 7 A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 1 E. 6 F. 2 G. 4 1. I think Mr. Lee is a good citizen because he believed that he was doing his duty as a responsible citizen by helping others. (Accept all relevant answers) 2. Yes, I would do the same because it is the right thing to do. (Accept all relevant answers) Page 9 1. Who 2. What 3. Whose 4. Which 5. whom

6. Who 7. What 8. Which 9. whose 10. Whom

Page 13 1. either...or 2. Neither...nor 3. either...or 4. Neither...nor 5. Either...or 6. either...or 7. Neither...nor 8. Neither...nor 9. either...or 10. either...or Page 15 (Suggested answers) 1. The National Monument is located in Taman Tasik Perdana. 2. The A’ Famosa fort was built by the Portuguese. 3. The Petronas Twin Towers are the tallest buildings in Malaysia. 4. The Jalur Gemilang has white and red stripes.

Page 18 A. 2. buttercup 3. skateboard 4. tablespoon 5. football 6. armchair 7. sunflower B. 1. play 2. sit 3. sang 4. chased 5. stand 6. settled C. 1. swing 2. fountain 3. daisy 4. robin Review Page 19 1. a. Humans destroyed its home. b. for fresh fruits. 2. The squirrel is afraid because its friends have been injured by humans. (Suggested answer) 3. The monkeys escape deep into the forest. 4. Yes, I will follow you back to the jungle because it is safer than living in the town. (Accept all relevant answers)

Last year, I went to the National Day celebration at Dataran Merdeka. It was a colourful event with various parades. The marching band looked smart in uniforms while they played festive music. Many other participants were in their traditional costumes. My favourite part was the ending where the fireworks lit up the sky at night. It was a new and wonderful experience for me. We should go together this year. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend, Nathan

✄ tuesday

nie activities

25 July 2017 tHe star/step up

year 4 – superlatives Here’s an activity you can try using the superlatives. Match the suitable superlatives with pictures or words from your copy of The Star newspaper. Then, compare answers with your partner. How different were your answers from theirs? The superlative

A possible answer found in today’s copy of The Star

1. The coldest place

2. The hottest place

3. The most frightening moment

4. The most popular celebrity

5. The most handsome personality

6. The most dangerous place

7. The cheapest restaurant

year 5 – interrogative pronouns These interrogative pronouns – what, who, whom, which – are like detectives. They help you ask questions. Let’s practise. Cut out a photograph from The Star and paste it in the space provided (see next page). Pass the worksheet to your partner and ask him to write three questions using interrogative pronouns. When he is done, he will return the worksheet to you. Go through the questions and answer them based on the article the photograph was taken from. Discuss your answers once you are both done with the activity. Were you able to understand the questions? If you weren’t able to, what went wrong? Ask your teacher for help. But remember, the more exciting your photograph, the easier it will be to write questions.

Try, try, try! Never say die!



A simple guide on how to modify this tabloid size paper to a small and fanciful note book 1. Fold the 12-page tabloid into half.




25 July 2017 THE STAR/Step up


Paste photograph here

Write your questions here


1. What is known about this explosion? 2. Who is involved in the incident? 3. Which part of the building was affected?

MELBOURNE: A light aircraft smashed into shops and exploded into a “massive fireball” killing all five on board, including four American passengers reportedly golfers on the trip of a lifetime.

2. Cut on the dotted line indicated on the page.

year 6 – malaysians speak

3. Once you have cut it, you can staple the pages near the folded side.

Using polite words, such as “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, and “I’m sorry” show respect and consideration for the people around us. Using such words make other people feel appreciated and respected. You can show kindness and respect for other people’s feelings by speaking politely to them. Here are some comic strips taken from The Star. Can you fill in the empty speech bubbles with polite words that show respect? Next, cut your favourite strip out and hand it in to your teacher. Your teacher can compile and pin everyone’s strip up on the notice board. Do a gallery walk to see what everyone has filled in. ZiTs by Jerry Scott and Jim Bor ZiTs by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

4. You now have a small and flexible note book.

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