NYDKC Division 23 July Newsletter

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NYDKC Division 23 Newsletter

Table of Contents: LTG Greeting - Page 2 Governor's Bulletin- Page 3 New York Minute - Page 4 ICON Recap - Pages 5-6 Service Spotlight - Page 7 Governor's and District Projects - Page 8 District Endorsed Projects and Int'l Partners - Page 9 Paperwork Chart and Upcoming Events - Page 10 Contact Info and Social Media - Page 11

JULY 2019 Written by Tatiana Solodova, Division 23 Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Division 23! I hope the first few weeks of summer has been great for everybody! I just came back from ICON and I’m still catching up on sleep. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience and I’m so excited to share it with every one of you. Other than that, I’ve just been going to swim practice and studying for the SAT. Let me know what you’ve been up to! Even though it’s summer, however, we can’t forget our Key Club responsibilities. Secretaries should still continue to fill out an MRF monthly even if your club isn’t doing anything over the summer. Some things your clubs can do over the summer is hold a fundraiser! Some cool summer fundraisers can include: carnivals, lemonade stands, school supply drives, outdoors sales, and many more. Keep your club alive over the summer! Fundraisers and other summer activities are a good way for you and your club to bond outside of the school setting. That’s all for now! Feel free to contact me at any time.

Yours in Service, Tatiana Solodova Lt. Governor

Governor's Bulletin

New York Minute Every month, Governor Camille posts the New York Minute on the NYDKC youtube channel. Check it out to see what NYDKC was up to in the month of June. The July New York Minute will be out soon! June NYM: https://www.youtube.com/watch? time_continue=23&v=witJMfan51E

International Convention Recap International Convention was one of the most amazing experiences and I am so thankful that I was able to attend the convention with the best district out there. The mighty New York District began their Convention a few days early in Washington D.C. While in the capital, we took a dinner cruise with our own personal DJ, went to the Holocaust and Spy Museums, got a nighttime monument tour, and got tours at the Capitol. One of the most memorable moments was when there was big storm in the middle of the monument tour and we were stuck together in the Lincoln Memorial for about an hour!

After our tour in D.C. we traveled to Baltimore for the start of ICON. Pin trading was by far my favorite part. Each district has their own pins and at the meet and greet, we got to trade away the New York pins for cool pins from all over the country and world. By the end of the first day alone, I had almost twice the number of pins I had at the start of the meet and greet! The rest of the days were filled with a variety of activities. I attended six different workshops where I got to learn so many new things from past and present governors and board members. It was so cool to meet Key Clubbers from all over the world, many of which are Lieutenant Governors like myself.

ICON Recap … cont. In addition, the new International Board was elected! We sat through hours of Caucus sessions where each candidate got to say their own speech and was then asked questions by members from each district. We then voted on our favorite candidates at the House of Delegates. There were 29 total amendments that were decided on at the House! One controversial amendment was whether or not to change the Key Club Pledge. In the end, the pledge remained mostly the same, except “God” was changed to “world”. Other than all the Key Club activities, we also got to do some things on our own! Almost every day, we were allowed to leave the hotel for lunch and dinner which is when we got to experience the beautiful city of Baltimore. Also, on the 4th of July, we were able to watch the fireworks which took place just outside of the hotel! Some people watched them from the terrace outside of the pool, and others through the window in our suite.

Additionally, we had several chances to swim in the pool where I bonded with my own district and along with members from other districts. Lastly, I got to take a picture with Laura Marano! She was a Key Note speaker at the convention and I was able to brave the line and meet one of my favorite actors from my childhood. I’m very happy to have had the opportunity to attend ICON this year and I am hopeful that in the future, Division 23 can bring more people to the convention. -Tatiana Solodova D23 LTG

Service Spotlight Riverhead High School Key Club - Division 1 On June 8th, Riverhead Key Club decided to throw our own senior prom, but for a whole different type of senior. We went to the Acadia Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation and threw a prom for the patients there. We came up with a theme (Old Hollywood) and put up decorations around their dining hall. The hall was transformed and we then invited the patients to come down the red carpet to be photographed. As each patient came in we gave them a rose (donated by a local farm) and we got them ready to dance. The live musician played music— my favorite song that he played was Yellow Submarine by the Beatles. A Prom King and Prom Queen were crowned by the workers at the Center and we danced all night with the patients. It was so much fun and a great last service project for my career as a Key Clubber! -Dominic Bossey - Immediate Past LTG of Division 1, Riverhead High School

Governor's Project This year's governor's project is the New York Chapter of the Special Olympics. Special Olympics New York is an all inclusive athletic opportunity. Athletes with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to challenge themselves in fair and even competition. Win or lose, they develop their own character, make friends and find unknown wells of determination within themselves. Special Olympics pushes the message of inclusion, which is something that everyone can get behind. Website: https://www.specialolympics-ny.org/

District Project Thank you to everyone who voted on the New York District project for the 2019-2020 service year. I am happy to announce that this year's District Project is Project Semicolon! This is a charity for mental health and suicide prevention. It's mission is to provide more resources to help prevent suicide. Website: https://projectsemicolon.com/

Fundraising Goal: $200,000 % to Goal: 20.08%

Service Goal: 120,000 hours % to Goal: 14.37%

$15,000 from the Governor's and District Projects nad $3,5000 from each District Endorsed Project

District Endorsed Projects Pediatric Trauma Center: The Pediatric Trauma Center is one of New York District’s Endorsed Projects. It provides funds and staff needed to care for children suffering from trauma. Trauma takes the lives of thousands of kids this year and about 25% of these deaths could be prevented. Website: http://nydkc.org/pediatric.html Lyme Disease Foundation: The Lyme Disease Foundation is one of New York District's Endorsed Projects. Lyme disease is a terrible disease which can affect someone's brain in many ways. This foundation helps raise money to pay for medical treatment for children. Website: http://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/

Kamp Kiwanis: Kamp Kiwanis is one of New York District's Endorsed Projects. It's a summer camp for special needs children between 8-14 years old. Each child is payed for with money that is raised, so children are able to enjoy a fun and affordable experience. Webstie: http://nydkc.org/kamp.html

International Partners The Thirst Project: The Thirst Project is an official partner of Key Club International. It focuses on raising money to provide clean water to children all over the world. In many underdeveloped countries, women and children have to take hours out of their day in order to get water which, in the end, isn’t even clean. As a result of this organization, more children will be able to go to school and get an education. Website: https://www.thirstproject.org/

Landscape Structures: Landscape Structures is a partner of Key Club International. It’s focused on building play and playground areas for children all around the world. They organize the Legacy of Play Contest every year where winners receive $25,000 to help fund the building of a playground. Each playground is special and unique. Website: https://www.playlsi.com/en/our-story/company/partnershipsmemberships/kiwanis-international/

Paperwork Chart

Please remind club secretaries to fill out a monthly report form (MRF) for every month. MRFs help the district run smoothly, and if your club fills our each MRF properly throughout the service year, you could win a Perfect Paperwork Award! Remember, MRFs are due on the 10th of each month. In addition to MRFs, please fill out the FRF after each fundraiser your club holds, and fill out the ERF after your club holds elections. The ERF is officially due September 1, 2019.

Upcoming Events Divisional on 10/26 - place and time TBD Fall Rally at Salamanca High School - date and time TBD

District and Division Contact Info and Social Media Division 23 LTG: Tatiana Solodova - division23@nydkc.org Governor: Camille Brock - governor@nydkc.org Secretary: Linna Cheung - secretary@nydkc.org Treasurer: Anthony Lim - treasurer@nydkc.org External Executive Assistant: Jaron Belmore belmorejaron2020@gmail.com Internal Executive Assistant: TIffany Chen qiantingc1030@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Angelo Lontok - editor@nydkc.org Webmaster: Ramisa Azad - webmaster@nydkc.org Circle K LTG: Coehl Gleckner - coehl.gleckner@nycirclek.org Fingerlakes Kiwanis LTG: Roger Awe roger.awe@rochesteroptical.com Genesee Kiwanis LTG: Ron Palmer - rdp0614@yahoo.com KCRs: Andrea Doyle - andrea.doyle4@gmail.com and Betsy Vinton - bvinton@harleyschool.org NYDKC District Administrator: John Goldstein nydkca@fronteir.net NYDKC Assistant Administrators: Jason Steiner ianjs@aol.com and Michael Berthel - mjberthel@gmail.com

@nydkc @nydkc23


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