LOOP Monthly Newsletter | March 2015

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Revelations 21:5



Behold, am making all things .

Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become MARCH 2015

Spiritual growth and change happen when we’re in relationship with people who know us well. Connecting with others at Second Baptist is a way to build community and be transformed in your faith. The best way to connect is to jump in. The 2BC Monthly LOOP is a broader edition of our 2BC Weekly LOOP, designed to give you a bit more detail about our ministries in the month ahead. You’ll find information about upcoming events, classes, and serving opportunities to get you connected to 2BC. Keep this as a reference all month long so you can jump in often! Additionally, be sure to get a copy of our 2BC Quarterly Loop, published in Aug|Dec|Mar|June. This edition offers a longer range planning view of our ministries and faith community in action. It provides a seasonal view of the key ministries within our church, ministry plans, and target dates for special initiatives, events and opportunities. All our LOOP publications are available in printed version in our Welcome Center or online at 2bcliberty.org/newsletters. Jason Edwards Senior Pastor



Table of Contents Page 3

Lent | Holy Week 2015 Pages 4-5

Lenten Lunch | Evensong Easter Egg Hunt Pages 6-7

Coffee Bar | Fair Trade Disciple Now Gallery Pages 8-9

Fulfill: Equipping Baptist Home Luncheon Pages 10-11

Send Initiative Opportunities Pages 12-13

New Communion Pottery Pages 14-15

Church Office News

2BC in the loop Keeping You


Second Baptist Church

March 8 | Third Sunday in Lent LENT 2015

To the Churches in Pergamum and Thyatira Revelation 2:12–29 | Psalm 19

March 15 | Fourth Sunday in Lent To the Church in Sardis

Revelation 3:1–6 | Psalm 107:1–3; 17–22


The SEVEN The letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation

March 22 | Fifth Sunday in Lent To the Church in Philadelphia

Revelation 3:7–13 | Psalm 119:9–16

March 29 | Palm/Passion Sunday To the Church in Laodicea

Revelation 3:14–22 | Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29

HOLY WEEK As we make our Lenten journey together this year, I hope you’ll make it with self-examining intention. Our Lenten series will be focused on studying the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Jesus loved every soul in these churches, but the words in these letters are a bit harsh. Sometimes love requires hard words. Words that raise awareness. Words that prompt adjustment. Words that help us know and reflect the life of Christ more fully than ever before. May all of us and each of us strive to know and reflect the life of Christ this year more fully than ever before… – Jason Edwards Senior Pastor

Wednesday, April 1 Lenten Lunch | Dr. David Sallee | 12:00 p.m. April 2 | Maundy Thursday Communion | John 13:1–17, 31b–35 April 3 | Good Friday Drama Message in collaboration with music ministry Saturday, April 4 (See pg. 5 for details) Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast

9:00 a.m. (Social Room) | Breakfast is for everyone! Hunt is for children through fifth grade.

April 5 | Easter Sunday Worthy is the Lamb!

Revelation 5:1–14 | John 20:1–18


coming up at 2bc . . .

LENTEN LUNCH Wednesday, April 1

Special Guest: Dr. David Sallee 12:00 p.m. TICKET REQUIRED ($8.00 per person) Reservations may be made at 2bcliberty.org/lentenlunch Dr. Sallee will share a personal reflection on what it means to be an Easter people. Join us for this meaningful pause during Holy Week as we share a meal and hear a message from Dr. Sallee. Dr. David Sallee

President William Jewell College

Menu: sandwich | soup | fruit dessert bites (Catered by Jason’s Deli)

Wednesdays through lent . . . 2BC SECOND SESSIONS PRESENTS . . .

Mid-Week Retreat @ 2BC

Come, Lord Jesus

(Revelation 22:20b).

Join us Wednesday evenings during Lent for Evensong

Wednesdays through March 25 | 6:30-7:15 p.m. | Assembly Rm. 302 March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 4

Serving Through Our Gifts Kim Halfhill Inspiring Worship Kristin Wooldridge Telling Others About Jesus Christy Edwards Passionate Spirituality Jeff Langford

1 Peter 4:10 Psalm 96:1–4a Philemon 6 Romans 12:11–12

coming up at 2bc . . .

Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast Saturday, April 4 | 9:00 a.m. | Free

We will meet in the Social Room for those wonderful cinnamon rolls made by Steve Carder and helpers. A short program will follow and then all will proceed to the William Jewell College campus for the egg hunt. Please bring your own baskets. No reservations necessary. Breakfast is for all ages, the egg hunt is for all children through 5th grade.

Learn more at 2bcliberty.org/easteregghunt




Annual Church Retreat

June 5-6, 2015

One of the most exciting programs we will be launching this year is our collective action initiative or what we are calling the dream initiative at our church retreat in June. During our church retreat we will collectively identify, prioritize, and ultimately name a key problem in our community and develop the processes, resources, and implementation plan to mitigate and/or resolve a community issue while strengthening community relationships. It’s a powerful process. We will invite key civic leaders, professionals, and residents who can speak directly to issues and inform us of different critical needs in our immediate region. We will join together in a discernment process where, as a group, we will debate, discuss, uncover, and prioritize issues in our community where defined resources and managed efforts could make a positive impact. It is an exciting process, and the prospect of us being able to make a focused, collaborative, and meaningful impact on a local issue confronting our community is very exciting. We hope you’ll plan to join us for this Friday 5 evening and Saturday morning retreat. 5

2BC in the loop Keeping You


Coffee Bar moving to ALL Fair Trade

Leading up to Christmas, the missions committee as part of their “Turning Christmas Upside Down” offered fair trade products from some of our missionary partners and introduced us to fair trade coffee. Since one of the objectives of our church is to help those

Stay Connected

2BCLIBERTY.ORG marginalized, we’ve become aware of the issues of fair wages, and safe employment practices. We began to look at how we can live this value at home year around. To that end, the Coffee Bar Team has found a local resource for certified fair trade coffee, and beginning this Sunday, March 1, we will be utilizing fair trade coffee exclusively at the 2BC Sunday morning coffee bar.

Watch for more information in the next edition of The Bridge, (April 2015) where the missions team will explain in more detail our fair trade initiative and how you will be able to participate for your own home use.

senior adults Coffee & Conversation | Social Room Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday of each month features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, homemade treats are shared.

Monday, Mar. 2 | 10:00 a.m. Monday, Mar. 16 | 1:00 p.m. 6

STUDENTS Join the Student Ministry on Facebook during Lent where everyday there is a new Lenten practice posted. In an attempt to shake us out of our normal routine and offer situations where self-examiniation may be inspired, these daily Lenten practices are simple ways the students can actively practice their faith during this Lenten season. Find us at facebook.com: @ Second Baptist Student Ministry

event gallery Student Disciple Now 2015 February 20-22 What a great Disciple Now weekend! We are so grateful for all the volunteers, leaders, and students that made this weekend a success. – Ashton Wells & Jordan Groves Interim Student Co-Pastors

Thanks, Bob Holt for the amazing Seuss-ish decor and t-shirt designs!

7 7


Equipping Ministry Workshop 3.0

March 8 @ 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | March 9 @ 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

fulfill |

[foo |-fil] |: (v.)

•to develop the full potential of (Dictionary.com) God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us (Ephesians 3:20-21a |The Message)

What an amazing promise from Scripture! Whatever hopes and visions we have in mind for our community of faith or the world around us, God is at work through us to fulfill blessings we cannot begin to imagine.

we celebrate our launch into the next phase of the Equipping Ministry.

On March 8–9 at the finale of the Equipping Ministry Workshops, we will continue to prepare our hearts and minds for the work ahead through a time of learning, sharing, and prayer. 2BC leaders in all areas of ministry are encouraged to participate as

Childcare will be available for both sessions. Please call the church office at 781-2824 or contact Gwen Phillips at gphillips@2bcliberty. org by Wednesday, March 4 to reserve childcare.

For more information, please contact:

Kim Halfhill 2BC Volunteer Director of Equipping khalfhill@2bcliberty.org

We look forward seeing you on March 8-9! 8

Please take a moment to RSVP through the HUB or to khalfhill@2bcliberty.org.



learn more about the ministry of The Baptist Home!

Baptist Home Luncheon with Steve Long Sunday, March 22 | 12:00 p.m.

Second Baptist has a long standing relationship with this ministry which provides continuum of care retirement communities in an evangelical, faith based setting. So many Second Baptist members have lived at the Chillicothe campus that we have often jokingly refer to it as Second Baptist North. The three campuses in Missouri will soon be joined by a fourth one in the middle of the state. Steve Long, Founding Director of the new Baptist Home campus in central Missouri will be at Second Baptist Church Sunday, March 22, 2015. He will share about the ministry of the Baptist Home in general and how plans are unfolding for the Central Missouri campus. The reason for Steve’s visit is twofold. He will share information that anyone can use. The Baptist Home is unlike many long term care facilities in that it operates without direct Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement. Residents living in assisted and nursing units pay for as much of their cost as they are able, but if funds are depleted, The Home’s benevolent program enables them to receive the same care and services as private pay individuals for the rest of their lives. Secondly, in Catalyst 2.0, Second Baptist

has committed a $10,000 one-time gift for this new campus. This will Steve Long help with some of the expenses associated with startup at the new campus near Ashland, MO. A soup and salad meal will be served immediately after worship and we will conclude by 1:15 p.m. The program, while especially interesting to aging adults or adults with aging parents, will be informative for anyone. Reservations are appreciated for preparation purposes, but you may attend “last minute” if necessary. Contact the church office at 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to make your reservation, or at 2bcliberty.org/luncheon.

New Ashland, Missouri site.





Making space for God’s transforming presence.

2015 SEND OPPORTUNITIES For 2015, 2BC has once again identified the following opportunities for our SEND Initiative. We hope you’ll review the opportunities and contact the people listed for more information and to explore how you might serve. Remember, if you engage in any of these opportunities for the first time, SEND will provide you with a supplemental amount of funding. More information is available by contacting Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor mlassiter@2bcliberty.org | 816-781-2824 ext. 307

Mike Lassiter


Conference Center June 22–26, 2015 Second Baptist continues to enjoy a good relationship with Windermere Conference Center, located at Lake of the Ozarks. On June 22–26, we will travel to Windermere to help in various areas as the conference center serves a variety of ministries from around the state and country. College students, recently retired, those with the summer “off”, senior adults or families are all invited to consider joining us in this service opportunity. Lodging and meals are provided by Windermere, and those who attend will be asked to work in various areas about six hours each day while also enjoying free time. 10

In addition to the free time, in the evening we will have the opportunity to join in worship with any of the groups Windermere is hosting for the week. We will also have our own short group time to close each day. See our website 2bcliberty.org/send for a list of tasks you can get involved with. The pace is easy, and there is time for fellowship with others. You can drive separately or ride in a 2BC vehicle. Please indicate the desire to ride when you sign up. Visit the 2BC website, and under missions, look for the Windermere sign up. (There is also a RV park if you prefer to stay in your own RV or camping trailer.) Contact Mike Lassiter if you need more information or want to be a part of this SEND opportunity.

Heifer International Ranch April 18–19, 2015

Heifer International is a mission organization making a difference by teaching and encouraging sustainable practices for families to move beyond the immediate needs of poverty. Every area of our world provides some type of garden and animal husbandry opportunities, and Heifer helps families tap into the possibilities. The weekend of April 18–19, 2015 we will travel to this educational farm in Perryville, Arkansas. This is especially good for families with young children, but all ages enjoyed the trip in 2014. The 1,200-acre Heifer Ranch is filled with gardens and livestock, including water buffalo, camels, goats, pigs, llamas and more. Come meet the animals and take part in our hands-on interactive programs and activities promoting sustainable solutions to global hunger, poverty and


environmental degradation. We will learn good practices from Heifer International regarding community development and sharing the Good News. Last year we milked goats and fed chickens. We heard from international staff and we even saw the weight of the food we didn’t eat that was thrown away after each meal—it was eye opening for everyone. The deadline to sign up is Monday, April 6, and we have a limited number of places. If interested, contact Mike Lassiter, mlassiter@2bcliberty.org for more information or to sign up. Learn more about Heifer International at www.heifer.org.


New Communion Pottery

e.Long B. Art for Soulful


The 2BC Ordinance Team has purchased new communion pottery. We’re excited to begin using these beautiful pieces handcrafted by Brent Long of B.e.Long: Art and Soulful Reconnections. We were fortunate to find him on the internet and fell in love with the art he creates. Mr. Long was pleased to make this pottery for us. He said that it was “very enriching for him to know that he’ll be participating a little bit in our communion services.” The Ordinance Team (Drew Kingery, Marilyn Buhlig, David Fuller, and Debbie Lane) hopes that you find them enriching to our communion experience as well. Of interest, the pieces are each signed BELong; sounds like he’s part of our 2BC motto. Following is the bio from his website.


Beginning a New Life. Again. Art and theology have always been integral parts of who I am. My undergraduate degree is from the University of Oklahoma in Graphic Design and I worked for a few years after college as a graphic designer in Tulsa, OK, where I grew up. Being involved in the Christian church, specifically Presbyterian Church (USA), has also been the guiding force of how I have used my art over the years. I started my training for “the ministry” at the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, VA, attaining a Master of Arts degree in 1992, with the intention of being a youth minister or director of Christian education. I then decided to pursue further theological education at San Francisco Theological Seminary and graduated in 1994 with a Master of Divinity. My first pastorate was forged in Gillette, WY as an Associate Pastor. I then moved to Black Mountain, NC to begin an “arts ministry” in the nurturing shadow of Montreat Conference

Center. This is where I learned pottery from the woman I was dating; I remember her first words to me about taking on pottery as a hobby or a career: “Pottery will break your heart.” She was right, but it also gets in your blood, and I think she knew that too. I am quite confident in my introvertedness and never before in my life did I dream that I would be preaching every Sunday, but needing to put food on my table and pay the creditors, and wanting to explore the possibility of being a solo pastor, I accepted a part-time pastorate for the yoked parish of Brittain and Union Mills Presbyterian Churches near Rutherfordton, NC. Living in the church manse with a spacious basement afforded me the opportunity to continue my pottery, but after three years it was clear that both pottery and pastoring each demanded my full time attention, and more. I chose pastoring. St. Andrew Presbyterian in Billings, MT called me to be their full-time solo pastor in January of 2003, and it was there that I finally found my preaching voice, and I began to live into my own skin as to who I am as a pastor and

Brent Long

a person. I spent nearly nine years with those wonderful folks but always had a nagging question that haunted me about how long I could continue with the demands and frustrations of the enigma called the Christian church. In the summer of 2011 it became clear that it was time to move on for the sake of the congregation and myself. It was time to return to my art, again. Several friends asked me if I was leaving “the ministry”, to which I confidently replied I will always be involved in ministry in some form or another, but did not know when or where or if I would be a pastor again. Now I am exploring new forms. My theology has evolved into a very open, “historical-critical” interpretive theology that longs for more interfaith dialogue. Essentially, it asks how we can be more fully human, which means more loving and more peaceful. I invite you to explore with me what ministry and art mean. Or if I can just make a piece of art for you, please feel free to contact me. Grace and peace, Brent Long

Learn more at belongarts.com



Kelsey Adams

FAREWELL KELSEY Kelsey Adams, part-time ministry publications and social media assistant, has decided to pursue free-lance opportunities that will offer her and her young family more flexible scheduling as well as allow her to invest more time and energy toward growing her graphic design business. We will miss Kelsey but wish her all success with this change.

Nicole & Craig Swanson with Brett and Brenna

has a degree in communications and has 15 years work experience. She worked at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church until 2007 when she left to start her own free-lance graphic business. During Kelsey’s maternity leave and our Catalyst preparation last fall, Nicole worked with us, so this makes her return to 2BC an easy transition! Nicole is a member of our MOPS ministry here at 2BC. Her son, Brett (age 7), attends Franklin Elementary and daughter, Brenna (age 3). attends Second Friends Preschool. Nicole and her husband Craig are active members of the Pleasant Valley Baptist faith family.


Nicole and Craig Swanson

WELCOME (Back!) NICOLE SWANSON Nicole Swanson will be working in the church office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and from her home office in support of the publication, website and social media work previously handled by Kelsey Adams. Nicole 14

Some of you may not have heard that Maggie Henderson, 2BC’s Ministry Assistant for Membership, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery this past week. She will be away from the Welcome Center desk for a recuperation period of three to four weeks. We hope you’ll join us in prayer for her successful recovery. Plans have been implemented to help keep things running as smoothly as possible

NEWS FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE (cont.) during Maggie’s absence, which as many of you know, is a high bar. Ellen Gregory has offered to fill in on Mondays and Thursdays while Maggie is out and help us complete the more technical parts of Maggie’s job. Carol Weirich will fill the post on Wednesdays. We have asked our regular office volunteers to fill in on Fridays (versus the Thursdays they usually fill) And so many have graciously offered to adjust their schedules to meet our need. Every one of our volunteers are vital to helping the Second Baptist ministry deliver support and programming for our faith family and community. The staff is very appreciative for the volunteers that will be serving in Maggie’s absence. We couldn’t do it without you!

We still have a need for a Wednesday evening (Second Servings) reservation/ money table attendant and a few misc. Monday and Tuesday phone coverage slots. If you would be interested in greeting guests, answering the phone, and helping with light office work, we would love to chat with you about your availability and getting you plugged in. Please contact Linda Jones, Church Administrator at ljones@2bcliberty.org or 816-781-2824 ext. 303 Want to send a card or note to Maggie? Maggie Henderson 1111 NE 82nd Terrace Kansas City, MO 64118

Linda Jones prepares for Sabbatical Preparation Linda Jones celebrates 10 years of ministry service at 2BC this year. As part of this milestone, Linda will be taking a ministry sabbatical from April 6 through May 27. 2BC members, Linda Cain and Doloris Forman are preparing to fill Linda’s role as finance administrator during this time. Additionally, Larry Gregory will cover Linda’s facility and property responsibilities and the remainder of Linda’s tasks will be handled through the office support and ministry team. Linda will be working on her Church Administration Certification through the The Church Network (formerly the National Association of Church Business

Linda Jones

Administrators). Additionally, she and newly retired husband, Larry, will be spending time resting and renewing with family and friends. Join us in praying for a restorative sabbatical time for Linda. 15

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2BC ONLINE COMMUNITY Learn more at 2bcliberty.org/onlinecommunity

Second Baptist Church info@2bcliberty.org

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068


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