> NEW Kid’s Ministry Check-In
> Heart Throbs Children’s Party
> Senior Adult Events
Welcome Center and Coffee Bar
Kansas Street Entrance (South)
8:30 a.m. Worship Tutt Chapel
Leonard Street Entrance (West)
9:45–10:45 a.m. Bible Study for All Ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Sanctuary
Franklin Street Entrance (North)
new CHECK-IN system launches Many of you may have notices the new check-in desk in our preschool area. Looks a little better than a card table with a hole in it, right? Well, we’ve added the technology to the desk and now we are ready to begin using our new check-in center for our preschool kiddos.
Faith Community Newsletter
february 2, 2014
Second Baptist Church ..................................................................................
this week:
Sunday Mornings with Us . . .
First, we want to express our sincere thanks to Harvey and Susi Seely for their generous funding of our new check-in system in the preschool. Their donation for the children is in memory of Harvey’s parents, Harvey F. and Henrietta Seely. This week we will begin checking our preschool kiddos in and out with our new HUB3 database system. Sunday mornings will look a little different as we transition to our new, safer process. Maria RUcker, our Sunday Morning Preschool Coordinator, will greet you, as always, at the desk just inside the Preschool entrance on the west side of the church building. For those of you who have not seen the new desk yet, it is located right as you come in the door to the Preschool wing. It is easy to access whether you enter from the Welcome Center or the Preschool entrance. Here’s how it will work . . .
For the purposes of Sunday morning check-in, parents, guardians or grandparents will be responsible for checking in and checking out children each Sunday. Our primary goal is the safety and security of our children while in our facility. To this end, we will not allow minor siblings or family friends to checkin or check-out children. If another adult will be bringing your child on Sunday mornings, please contact Gwen Phillips and make arrangements for that adult to be an authorized adult in your child’s records. [continued on pg. 2]
2bc Kids ministry INFORMATION WE’LL NEED TO KNOW Most 2BC families and preschoolers are in the system already so this should be a quick, efficient process. However, there will be basic information on each child that we will be asking for includes: allergies, special needs, special instructions, cell phone/ text numbers where parents can be reached during Bible study and church times, any emergency contact information.
LOGISTICS | HOW IT WILL WORK ON SUNDAY MORNINGS CHECK-IN: At the check-in desk on Sundays, Maria will log your preschool child(ren) in on the computer, and the system will print each child a nametag for the day that will also designate special diet or needs. The system will also print an extra tag for infant diaper bags and any peripheral items a parent might want left with the child. Once tags are applied, parent and child can proceed to their classrooms to be greeted by their teachers.
CHECK-OUT: At pick-up time, the parents will simply collect the child from their class room and proceed to the check-out desk. Parents will sign each child out, and Maria will verify your identity (if she doesn’t know you, be prepared to show a photo ID the first few times) and log the child out on the computer system. Hopefully, the whole process will be simple, quick, and friendly, even for first-time guests. As with any new program, there will be kinks along the way we will want to fix. We would appreciate any constructive suggestions you might have along the way as we improve our Sunday morning routine. We would also appreciate your patience with us as we work through this new process. Our hope is it will ensure the safety and security of all our precious kiddos. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions, concerns, or help make the new process easier for you and your family. – Gwen
Heart Throbs: Children’s Valentine Party Sunday, February 9 3:00–4:00 p.m.
For the past several years, our children have made valentines for the patients at Children’s Mercy Hospital. It’s been a great success, and we have contributed some awesome valentines for those kiddos who won’t be participating in a valentine party at their school. We will continue the tradition again this year! Children from K – fifth grade will meet in the Assembly Room on Sunday afternoon to create all sorts of wonderful cards and messages. Come join us! 2
THIS SUNDAY! February 2
12:00 p.m. (Following the 11:00 service) 2BC Student Choir - “Youth Cue Fundraiser”
Tickets are $5.00 per person. Make reservations by contacting the church office and pay at the door. The Student Choir goes to the YouthCue Festival at Baylor University in Waco, Texas in February. They need your help! The costs of travel, lodging, and the Festival can stretch the budgets of some of our families. So we are holding another fundraiser to help our students and their families. We’re bringing back the Baked Potato and Salad Lunch and Pie Auction. In previous years, we have had a great time together and raised a lot of money. Let’s do it again!
This year’s lunch will take place on Sunday, February 2, at noon, right after 11:00 a.m. worship. It’s also Super Bowl Sunday, so you will still have plenty of time to get to those parties. After the lunch, you will hear from the Student Choir and then the big pie auction will take place. Cost of the meal is $5.00 and reservations are requested. Tickets will be available in January from any Student Choir member or the church office. For more information, please contact Allan Aunspaugh at 781-2824 or aaunspaugh@2bcliberty.org.
senior adults Kansas City Wind Symphony (Phil Posey performing) February 9 Concert: 7:00 | Leave 2BC at 6:00 p.m. Cost: FREE The senior adults will once again enjoy the music of the Kansas City Wind Symphony, Sunday, February 9, at Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village for Music of the European Continent. This concert will feature Nicole Murray, Soprano, duo clarinetists Dover & Cunningham, and Kyle Brown on the xylophone. If you have a Passport be sure to bring it for free CD. If you have lost your Passport the KC Wind Symphony will replace it at the concert. Call the church office to make a reservation on the bus: 816-781-2824 Questions: Call Phil Posey at 816-781-1132 or 816-507-2575 email: poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net Driver: Ed Gilliland | Hostess: Mary Gilliland
Coffee and Conversation No gatherings were held in January due to weather; however, we will resume in February! February 3 | 10:00 a.m. 3
February 17 | 1:00 p.m.
february 5 Asian-style pork roast Asian noodle salad gingered sweet potatoes dessert Reservations are appreciated by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week. Contact the church office at 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to make a reservation.
................................................... Women on Mission
February 4, 2014
9:30 Study Group – Life of William Carey 10:30 Refreshments 11:00 Program: Bill & Carol Bowers Durban, South Africa Mission Project: Cards and Candy for Baptist Home shut ins, WJC foreign students
this week Sunday, february 2 Food Share Sunday 8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel) 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 12:00 Potato Bar and Pie Auction 4:00 Yum|Yuks Small Group 5:30 Student Choirs Rehearsal 6:30 Student InnerMission
MONDAY, february 3 10:00 Senior Adults: Coffee and Conversation
TUESDAY, february 4
9:30 Women on Mission Meeting
wednesday, february 5 5:45 Wednesday Cafe
6:00 Beginning Handbells (Room 502) 6:15 Sanctuary Handbells 6:30 Adult Bible Study 6:30 Mission Friends (Pre K and K) 6:30 Boys in Action (1st–5th grades) 6:30 Girls in Action (1st–5th grades) 6:30 Formation (6th–8th grades) 6:30 Watershed (9th–12th grades) 7:20 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Jon and Heather Ramey and family in the death of Jon’s mother, Irene Ramey, on January 16 in New Mexico. Christian sympathy is expressed to David, Carolyn and Davis Fulk in the death of David’s sister-inlaw, Bunny Fulk, who passed away January 19. A memorial service will be held Saturday, February 15, in Platte City. HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Chris Sizemore Mark Hilton OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Todd House, Gwen’s nephew, hospitalized for car wreck injuries Nettie Ma, broken hip Ron, Linda Davis’ daughter in law’s father; health (M.D. Anderson)
thursday, february 6 7:00 MOPS@Night Meeting HandsON 2.0 Group
Friday, FEBRUARY 7
9:30 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Meeting 6:00 Deacons’ Retreat Dinner 8:30 Deacons’ Breakfast and Retreat
Sunday, february 9
facebook.com/2bcliberty twitter.com/2bcliberty
saturday, february 8
3:00 Heart Throbs 5:00 Communication Leaders Meeting
816-781-2824 300 E. Kansas Liberty, MO 64068
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Second Baptist Church is committed to fostering: > Meaningful, Christ-centered community
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