Loop Newsletter 021515

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WEEKLY Edition

Second Baptist Church

Lenten Series: The Seven

The letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation February 22 | First Sunday in Lent To the Church in Ephesus

Revelation 2:1–7 | Psalm 25:1–10

March 1 | Second Sunday in Lent

February 18 | Ash Wednesday Service

The Seven

Revelation 1:4–20 | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary We hope you’ll join us for this worshipful beginning of Lent 2015. Our traditional Ash Wednesday service concludes in silence as worshipers may have ashes imposed if they wish on their forehead or hand. Service begins immediately following our Second Servings meal. Reservations required for meal only, at 2bcliberty.org/sanctuary

Visit our website: 2bcliberty.org Church office: 816-781-2824

To the Church in Smyrna

Revelation 2:8–11 | Psalm 22:23–31

March 8 | Third Sunday in Lent To the Churches in Pergamum and Thyatira Revelation 2:12–29 | Psalm 19

March 15 | Fourth Sunday in Lent To the Church in Sardis

Revelation 3:1–6 | Psalm 107:1–3; 17–22

March 22 | Fifth Sunday in Lent To the Church in Philadelphia

Revelation 3:7–13 | Psalm 119:9–16

March 29 | Palm/Passion Sunday To the Church in Laodicea

Revelation 3:14–22 | Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29

February 15, 2015


LENT 2015

Coming Up @ 2BC


Equipping Ministry Workshop 3.0

March 8 @ 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | March 9 @ 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

e·quip |

[e•kwip] | (v.)

a. To supply with necessities such as tools or provisions. b. To furnish with the qualities necessary for performance.

(The American Heritage Dictionary, 2006)

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” Ephesians 4:11–13 (NIV). Mark your calendars to join us for the finale of the Equipping Ministry Workshops presented by Vernon and Charlene Armitage! 2BC leaders in all areas of ministry are encouraged to participate as we celebrate our launch into the next phase of the Equipping Ministry. This workshop will prepare leaders to: • Apply the foundational systems of an equipping culture (inviting, training, affirmation, feedback, evaluation, recognition, and reflection) • Recognize the strengths needed by leaders to multiply their impact by encouraging others to reach their God-given potential • Identify the six reasons high capacity volunteers will stay in ministry • Begin the next steps of the equipping process at 2BC. For more information, please contact: Kim Halfhill 2BC Volunteer Director of Equipping khalfhill@2bcliberty.org

We look forward seeing you on March 8-9!


Mid-Week Retreat @ 2BC

Come, Lord Jesus

(Revelation 22:20b).

Join us Wednesday evenings during Lent for Evensong

February 25–March 25 | 6:30-7:15 p.m. | Assembly Rm. 302

February 25 Loving One Another

Greg Mees

John 13:34

March 4

Serving Through Our Gifts Kim Halfhill

1 Peter 4:10

March 11

Inspiring Worship

March 18

Telling Others About Jesus Christy Edwards

Philemon 6

March 25

Passionate Spirituality

Romans 12:11–12

Kristen Wooldridge Psalm 96:1–4a

Jeff Langford


LEADING TO EASTER: Searching the Soul 7-Week Lenten Series | Social Room – East Leader: Jeff Langford | February 22–April 5

The events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection were vitally important in the scope of human history, but they were also profoundly impacting for the human beings who experienced them. People like the disciples, Pontius Pilate, Mary, the soldiers guarding the tomb, and many more. Those events can still impact us today—if we let them. So join us for a time of searching the soul this Easter season.

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068



gluten free, no MSG, and kid-friendly option available

SECOND SERVINGS MENU: chicken tagine (North African Stew with vegetables & dried fruits) Moroccan sweet rice | dessert

February 18, 2015


this week

Sunday, February 15 8:30 Worship | Tutt Chapel 8:45 Student Handbells 9:00 Children’s Choirs 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship | Sanctuary 4:00 VBS Planning Meeting | Library Financial Peace University | Social Room 5:30 Student Choir Rehearsal 6:30 Church Council Meeting Student Innermission

Monday, February 16 1:00

Senior Adult Coffee & Conversation

5:45 6:30 7:15

Second Servings (meal) : Social Room ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP | Sanctuary Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal : Choir Room

Thursday, February 19 For the rest of the story, visit the 2BC Blog @ 2bcliberty.org/blog.

From our beginning, this wonderful Fellowship has been forming together! We took a couple of tries to form our name; this happened in community. We’ve taken several steps toward being on mission together. We’ve been a “new way of being Baptist” together. We’ve been formed by those around us being the presence of Christ to us. We are the Cooperative . . .

CBF Coordinator of Organizational Relationships, Bo Prosser, shares how forming together has been the history of CBF, and how it is our future.


on the blog...

Wednesday, February 18


HandsON Knitting Group (Open to All) Welcome Center

Friday, February 20 STUDENT DISCIPLE NOW 2015

Saturday, February 21 STUDENT DISCIPLE NOW 2015

Sunday, February 22 STUDENT DISCIPLE NOW 2015 4:00 Financial Peace University 5:00 Stephen Ministry Meeting

Follow us @2bcliberty

Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online:


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