The LOOP Weekly Newsletter | March 13, 2016

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March 13, 2016

HOLY WEEK EVENTS SUNDAY, MARCH 20 | 8:30 & 11a Palm/Passion Sunday—The Thief on the Cross

THURSDAY, MARCH 24 | 7:30a | Sanctuary Maundy Thursday — Communion Service FRIDAY, MARCH 25 | 7:30p | Sanctuary Good Friday — Service of the Cross


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 | Noon | Social Room Holy Week Lunch with speaker Dr. Doyle Sager, Pastor, FBC Jefferson City, MO Tickets are required and are on sale now at the Welcome Center desk. Cost is $10 per person.

SUNDAY, MARCH 27 | 8:30 & 11a (both in the Sanctuary) Easter Sunday — The Underestimated SUNDAY, APRIL 3 | 8:30 & 11a Second Sunday of Easter—The Discouraged and Disbelieving

Easter Egg Hunt March 19 | 9:00 a.m.

Invite your friends to join you for this fun event! We start with free homemade cinnamon rolls and a short program in the Social Room, then we walk to the WJC campus for the hunt. Please bring a basket and consider bringing a food or hygiene item for In As Much Ministry. The hunt is for children through 5th grade; the breakfast is for all ages!

belong |

believe | become Church office: 816-781-2824

Coming Up @ 2BC


Church Health Survey - Spring Edition

Available through March 18 | Visit It is time for the spring edition of our Church Health Survey! We had such a great response in October and hope to have an even greater response this time. You will find some similar questions as in the prior survey, because we are interested in tracking long-term trends. You'll also notice new questions about topics such as baptism and its role in church membership that will further help us address the needs of our church community. The survey is open until March 18. To access the survey directly, visit, or you can find a link at Thank You! — 2BC Research & Analytics Team

Order Easter Lilies for Easter Sunday Services

Place your order by March 20 Orders for Easter Lilies in memory or in honor of loved ones or friends are being accepted through Sunday, March 20, at a cost of $15 per plant. The lilies will be placed in the Sanctuary for worship on Easter Sunday, March 27. Lilies can be taken home immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service on that day. Ways to order: 1. Order online at *NEW* We now offer secure online payment when you order! 2. Order with a member of the Arts and Environment committee in the Welcome Center following the 8:30 worship service until 10:45 a.m. March 13 and 20. 3. Pick up an order form at the Welcome Center desk and return it to the office with payment marked “Easter Lilies” by March 20.

Coffee With the Pastor March 20

9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (301) Are you new to our congregation, want to get more connected, or just want to get to know Pastor Jason better? Come to Coffee With the Pastor, a casual time to chat and learn more about the heart of 2BC. RSVP by contacting the church office at 816-781-2824.

It's not too late to register to run or walk the Global 6K for Water! We're continuing our partnership with Team World Vision to bring clean water where it is needed most! Your $50 registration fee ($25 for kids) provides clean water to one child in Africa, and you will run or walk with that child's photo on your race bib! When? Saturday, March 19 at 9 a.m. Where? English Landing Park, Parkville, MO Register: (register as an individual) Questions? Contact Team Leader Michelle Prindle at She'd love to carpool with other participants.

opportunities to serve A Lenten service of worship, prayer and song.

Wednesdays during Lent | 6:30-7:15pm | Assembly Room We'll examine significant religious art that helps guide us to an understanding of various facets of our faith journey. March 16 : The Gospel of BELIEVING John 20:19-29 Focus art: The Incredulity of St. Thomas (No service March 23) Students

Spring Break Micro-Missions Opportunities

March 21 & 22 | Immacolata Manor & Harvesters Community Food Network Take some time during spring break to help others in our community. We will be partnering with Immacolata Manor here in Liberty and Harvesters Community Food Network in Kansas City. Visit students for details on the opportunities. There is no registration or cost, but let us know you're coming by e-mailing Charles Smith at csmith@ or telling us in person!

Disciple Now Coming April 8-10

April 8-10 | 2BC; host houses around Liberty Disciple Now is coming soon! This incredible weekend for students and their friends is full of fun times, group bonding, and spiritual and social growth! Our theme this year is "Come Together" (it's a Beatles kind of weekend), and our speaker is Kevin Sinclair, Kevin is Minister to Youth/Missions at South Main Baptist Church in Houston, TX! We will be focusing on a few examples, both biblical and historical, when people have broken down or through the barriers that divide us and sought unity through compassion, understanding, and love (after all, all you need is love). More info will be coming soon. We'll start registration next week so get excited!

Meals on Wheels Drivers Coordinator Liberty Meals on Wheels began in the Second Baptist kitchen over 30 years ago and has been a part of our local mission partnerships since. Bobbie Chasteen has been a wonderful coordinator in times when Second Baptist is called on to supplement the regular drivers. After 20 years, Bobbie is “retiring,� and we would love to invite another person to coordinate drivers when it is our assigned month. We have a list of 20-25 people who have driven before. The meals are picked up at the Election Board (Beside the Fire Department on Mississippi) to be delivered by volunteer drivers on assigned routes of up to 6 stops. Most routes take between one half and one hour to complete. For some clients, the driver may be the only eye to eye contact for the day! If you would be interested in driving or coordinating drivers, contact Mike Lassiter at or 781-2824.

Do you love taking photographs? As part of our effort to capture stories of God's work in our congregation, we would like to form a team of photographers who are willing to be ready to snap a photo at times like Sunday services, when new members join, special church-wide events and service ministries (mission trips, etc.). If you'd like to participate, please contact Kim Halfhill at or Connie McNeill at If this brings someone to mind, you could even recommend someone to us!

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068


Sunday. March 13 | Fifth Sunday of Lent

Our Catalyst receipts for the week totaled $21,056.00.

We request reservations by Monday at noon before the meal. Contact Maggie at 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty. org, or visit

Gluten and MSG free options available.

Second Servings Menu: Mar. 16

Baked Potato Bar Cookies

To help keep our church family informed of our finances, we’ll list the total Catalyst 2.0 receipts from Catalyst giving from the past week. Questions? contact Linda Jones at 816781-2824 or

Financial Report: March 6, 2016

this week

Online Book Drive for Megan Yohe's Class in Bogota

Ship or Drop Off Books by April 6 2BC member Megan Yohe teaches 2nd grade at El Camino Academy in Bogota, Colombia. She has a desire to surprise each child in her class with a few of his/her favorite books. Here’s how to help! 1. Access the Book List Google document at 2. Pick a student you would like to support or find a book you would like to purchase. (Each link directs you to Amazon to purchase the book.) Please fill in your name next to the books you are going to order. 3. Ship the books or drop them off to Megan’s parents by April 6: Kent & Karin Yohe, 1925 Marvel Lane Liberty, MO 64068

8:30a Worship | Tutt Chapel 8:45a Student Handbells rehearsal | Music Suite 9:00a Children's Choir rehearsal | Rm 402 9:45a Bible Study for all ages What Do I Believe? study | Social Room Forgiveness study | Social Room 11:00a Worship | Sanctuary 3:00p School Connections Team meeting | Welcome Center 5:00p Student Choir rehearsal | Rm 501 Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision | Library (312) VBS Leadership meeting | Assembly Room (302) 6:00p Student Innermission | Student Area (6th floor) 6:30p Deacons meeting | Assembly Room (302)

Tuesday, March 15 7:30p

Special Needs Moms meeting | Assembly Room (302)

Wednesday, March 16 | 5:00p 5:45p 6:00p 6:15p 6:30p 7:15p


SERVE Coaches meeting | Second Servings meal | Social Room Beginning Handbells (gr. 4-5) | Rm 502 Sanctuary Handbells | Rm 501 Formation (grades 6-8) | Student Ministry Room Evensong Service | Assembly Room Children's Mission groups Watershed (grades 9-12) | Missionary House Sanctuary Choir rehearsal | Music Suite

Thursday, March 17 6:45p

HandsOn! 2.0 knitting group | Welcome Center

Friday, March 18 9:30a

MOPS Steering Committee

Saturday, March 19 9:30a

Easter Egg Hunt | Social Room/WJC

Sunday, March 20 | Palm Sunday 9:45a 5:00p 6:30p

Coffee With the Pastor | Oak Room (301) What Do I Believe? study | Social Room Forgiveness study | Social Room Personnel Committee | Rm 303 Church Council | Rm 505

(These events are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)

Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online:


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