The LOOP Weekly Newsletter | Palm Sunday March 20, 2016

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March 20, 2016

HOLY WEEK EVENTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 | Noon | Social Room Holy Week Lunch with speaker Dr. Doyle Sager, Pastor, FBC Jefferson City, MO. Tickets are required! Buy your tickets today at the Welcome Center desk. Cost is $10 per person. Childcare is Gwen Phillips

at by March 21 to reserve a spot. (No Wednesday evening activities except Sanctuary choir.)

THURSDAY, MARCH 24 | 7:30p | Sanctuary Maundy Thursday — Communion Service


SUNDAY, MARCH 20 | 8:30 & 11a Palm/Passion Sunday—The Thief on the Cross

FRIDAY, MARCH 25 | 7:30p | Sanctuary Good Friday — Service of the Cross SUNDAY, MARCH 27 | 8:30 & 11a (both in the Sanctuary) Easter Sunday — The Underestimated SUNDAY, APRIL 3 | 8:30 & 11a Second Sunday of Easter—The Discouraged and Disbelieving Watch Pastor Jason talk about our opportunities to be ambassadors for Christ at Easter at

belong |

believe | become Church office: 816-781-2824

Coming Up @ 2BC


Order Easter Lilies for Easter Sunday Services by Today Orders for Easter Lilies in memory or in honor of loved ones or friends are being accepted through today, Sunday, March 20, at a cost of $15 per plant. The lilies will be placed in the Sanctuary for worship on Easter Sunday, March 27. Lilies can be taken home immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service on that day. Ways to order: 1. Order online at by the end of the day today. *NEW* We now offer secure online payment when you order! 2. Order with a member of the Arts and Environment committee in the Welcome Center following the 8:30 worship service until 10:45 a.m. today.

Coffee With the Pastor This Morning

9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (301) Are you new to our congregation, want to get more connected, or just want to get to know Pastor Jason better? Come to Coffee With the Pastor, a casual time to chat and learn more about the heart of 2BC!

Senior Adult Coffee & Conversation Tomorrow

Monday, MARCH 21 | 1 p.m. | Social Room Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee & Conversation in the Social Room open to all. No reservations needed!

Online Book Drive for Megan Yohe's Class in Bogota

Ship or Drop Off Books by April 6 2BC member Megan Yohe teaches 2nd grade at El Camino Academy in Bogota, Colombia. She has a desire to surprise each child in her class with a few of his/her favorite books. Here’s how to help! 1. Access the Book List Google document at 2. Pick a student you would like to support or find a book you would like to purchase. (Each link directs you to Amazon to purchase the book.) Please fill in your name next to the books you are going to order. 3. Ship the books or drop them off to Megan’s parents by April 6: Kent & Karin Yohe, 1925 Marvel Lane Liberty, MO 64068

Please note: the church office will be closed Good Friday, March 25 and Monday, March 27, in observance of Easter.


Spring Break Micro-Missions Opportunities

March 21 & 22 | Immacolata Manor & Harvesters Community Food Network Take some time during spring break to help others in our community. We will be partnering with Immacolata Manor here in Liberty and Harvesters Community Food Network in Kansas City. Visit students for details on the opportunities. There is no registration or cost, but let us know you're coming by e-mailing Charles Smith at csmith@ or telling us in person!

New Sessions begin March 31!

Be thinking about what session you'd like to attend, and if you've never tried Wednesday nights before, it's a perfect time to jump in!


We request reservations each week by Mondays at noon. Call the church office or visit sanctuary. (You can sign up for more than one week at a time!) Meal Cost: $5: adults | Age 4-12 : $3 | Birth-3: Free | $15/family maximum

SECOND SESSIONS Spiritual Development for adults/students/kids | 6:30-7:15p

New Adult Sessions: 2 Esdras | Milton Horne | Rm. 304 This ancient book is not

Disciple Now Coming April 8-10

April 8-10 | 2BC; host houses around Liberty $45 | Register and pay at This incredible weekend for students and their friends is full of fun times, group bonding, and spiritual and social growth! Our theme this year is "Come Together" (it's a Beatles kind of weekend), and our speaker is Kevin Sinclair, Kevin is Minister to Youth/ Missions at South Main Baptist Church in Houston. We will focus on a few examples, both biblical and historical, when people have broken down or through the barriers that divide us and sought unity through compassion, understanding, and love (after all, all you need is love). Register (and pay online!) at Scholarships are available for 2BC students and friends; inquire by emailing Charles at

canonical, yet it helps Christians understand the origins of biblical books; it models the nature of protest against God; it assists our thinking about apocalypse and it gives us a glimpse of how ancients thought that biblical books should be read by God’s people.

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less |

Nick Bartlow | Rm. 306 Do you find yourself busy but not

productiove? Are you ever stretched too thin? Do you ever feel like your time is hijacked by another's agenda? Consider becoming an Essentialist.

Doctrine of Discovery | Mike Lassiter | Rm. 505 This will interest anyone who believes advocacy is part of being a disciple and for those planning to go to South Dakota on mission this year. Google Doctrine of Discovery for more specific information. Let Your Life Speak | Kristin Wooldridge | Library Rm. 312

Kristin speaks as a fellow traveler to learn to listen to your life and hear what you ar being called to be and do. It's never too late.

Rising Strong | Stephanie Swanson | Oak Room Brene Brown has ignited a global conversation. Her research has found that people who recognize the power of emotion and are not afraid to lean into discomfort are people who rise after falling.

The Advantage | Blane Baker | Rm. 303 Last fall, a panel

discussed this book and the potential implications for it to help make us better able to do all that we do. If you missed that or just want more, this discussion is for you.

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068


Sunday. March 20 | Palm Sunday

Our Catalyst receipts for the week totaled $8307.61.

Attend the Holy Week lunch March 23 at noon. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in the church office by March 21.

Second Servings Menu

No Wednesday meal or activities March 23 because of Holy Week.

To help keep our church family informed of our finances, we’ll list the total Catalyst 2.0 receipts from Catalyst giving from the past week. Questions? contact Linda Jones at 816-7812824 or

Financial Report: Mar. 13, 2016

this week 8:30a Worship | Tutt Chapel TeamSERVE Coaches Meeting | Oak Room (301) 8:45a Children's Ministry Coffee Break | Social Room Student Handbells rehearsal | Music Suite 9:00a Children's Choir rehearsal | Rm 402 9:45a Bible Study for all ages Coffee With the Pastor | Oak Room (301) What Do I Believe? study | Social Room Forgiveness study | Social Room 11:00a Worship | Sanctuary 5:00p Personnel Committee | Rm 303 Student Choir rehearsal | Rm 501 6:00p Student Innermission | Student Area (6th floor) 6:30p Church Council | Rm 505

Monday, March 21 8:45a 1:00p

Student Micro-Missions Opportunities Senior Adult Coffee & Conversation | Social Room

Tuesday, March 22 1:00p

Student Micro-Missions Opportunities

Wednesday, March 23 | No Wed. event activities 12:00p Holy Week Lunch | Social Room 7:15p Sanctuary Choir rehearsal | Music Suite

Thursday, March 24 | Maundy Thursday 7:30p

Maundy Thursday service | Sanctuary

Friday, March 25 | Good Friday

Job Opportunity with Hillcrest Hope Our ministry partner Hillcrest Hope is hiring for the role of Case Manager. This person implements the vision and mission of Hillcrest Hope, administering the transformational housing program. This role addresses the needs of resident families to ensure they have the ability and resources to develop independence and establish long-term stability as Hillcrest Hope graduates. For more information, visit http://

Church office closed 7:30p Good Friday service | Sanctuary

Sunday, March 27 | Easter 8:30 and 11:00a Worship are both in the Sanctuary

(These events are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)

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Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online:


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